Love Music Magazine - Issue 16



Love Music Magazine is a magazine for new music artists from ANY genre

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Issue 16 [Online] –December 2014


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HELLO and welcome to Love Music Magazine’s sixteenth online edition.

As you many have noticed, we skipped an issue last month as we were

assisting in the preparations for a very special UK and infact, Leeds,

visitor. I will be exploring this in the magazine special available soon.

Thanks to this months cover stars “Tha Office”. I think they are making

a big mark on the music scene at the moment and they will be

performing with Red Man and Method Man, with Defenders of Style, in

Leeds on December 21st. I am sure this is going to be a sell out gig,

As always, I love listening to your new music. Remember, we are for

ANY music genre, so, please let me know if you would like a feature.

Email your YouTube or Soundclound to

Hope you all have a very special Christmas and a wonderful and

prosperous 2015!

Emma x

@cherryb1983 | 3


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Thanks for being in this issue of Love Music Magazine, could you tell the readers about you? “We are Che-Val: a husband-and-wife music team that plays with orchestration, synths, and melodies to deliver what we hope is our own unique alternative pop. Kenny is a Berklee college graduate, and the composer/multi-instrumentalist , and I lend the vocals. Even though my background comes from mainly Pop and Country music, Kenny comes from more of a Hip Hip/Funk and Soul background which leaves a lot of room for us both to creatively contribute to the songwriting. So basically our music really stems from cross-genre influences and meshes the best of these worlds together. “ – Laura Cash I know you are a husband and wife duo. It’s nice you can work together in your art. What came first, the music or the marriage? “The music! I met Kenny while accompanying a friend to record a hip hop hook in Kenny’s studio. Though I was recording a country album in Nashville at the time, Kenny was so impressed by my writing skills that we decided to work on varying genres of music together, strengthening their musical skills individually and collectively. Now we are a package and really bring out the best in each other, musically and in all other facets, so it’s almost impossible to separate the two!” – Laura Cash What has been the highlight of your career so far? “I think that finding a successful way to blend our love for music and for each other has been the highlight. We spent our anniversary this | 7

year working on and recording our music video – this was our present to each other. But we couldn’t think of a better way to spend it (unless maybe Prince was performing in town). “ – Laura Cash If you could offer any words of advice to new musicians, what would it be? “Try to enjoy as much of the process as you can, because this is your passion. Unfortunately, music is a business, so there’s going to be work that can pull you away from the creative side. But you have to find the joy in the little things. Also, if you concentrate too much on the money or the fame, it’s easy to go mad!” – Kenny Cash What is coming up for you? “We are releasing another single in November 2014, titled “Don’t Give Up Me”. It’s an acoustic ballad that we are using to raise awareness for Parkinson’s Disease and we’d like to donate all of our profits toward this cause. This is definitely a cause that’s close to our heart because Kenny’s mother was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease 10 years. Our EP, titled Gone Mad, is set for release in January 2015! A great way to ring in the new year (And Kenny is hoping that this will count as a Christmas gift for me!)” – Laura Cash Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Soundcloud:

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Thank you for being in this issue of Love Music Magazine. Can you tell the readers a bit

more about you?

We're a rock/pop band from Ipswich who until very recently performed as an acoustic

duo, but we've now got Drew on drums and have made the switch a loud three-piece!

We play original songs and sometimes slip in the odd cover, but it has to be something


What is the best part of producing a track for you?

The experimentation with different sounds and the way it makes a track come to life.

Sometimes the recorded cut sounds very different to the live version and this can

completely change the way we play a song from that point on. I don't feel like we've

finished writing a song until we've gone through this production stage and had a chance

to make the subtle little tweaks.

What advice would you offer to other musicians starting out in their career?

Practice live, as a band, as much as you can. Whether it's acoustically at each others

houses or in a rehearsal studio; the more experience you have playing together, the

slicker your gigs will be. It doesn't even matter what you play, it's about learning how

you work together as a band rather than individually learning the songs. That way, if

something does wrong on stage, you can easily work around it and no one will notice.

What has been the highlight of your career so far?

We love the outdoor summer gigs so I'd have to say The Willow Festival in

Peterborough ( We played the acoustic tent in 2014 and

we're hoping to play again in 2015 as a full band.

What is coming up for the band?

More song writing, more recording, more gigging! We've got lots of song ideas to

finalise and we're hoping to release more tracks early 2015.



Twitter: @dukesofnewyork


We have lots of tracks available for free download from our website | 11

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Can you tell the readers about you? Hi everyone! I’m Lauren Marsh, a 23-year-old singer songwriter from New Jersey, USA. I am an independent-artist completely dedicated to my music, fans, and performances. I live, breath, and even dream music (literally I write some songs in my sleep haha). I hold nothing back and pour my heart into my songs, which are all inspired by real life experiences. My music has been described as a unique mix of pop, rock, and jazz along with a few soul-searching ballads. I really appreciate you taking the time to hear my music and know my story. Music has always been playing in my head, and at times it is impossible to turn it off. At age 14, I started writing my own original songs based upon the blended influences of Ella Fitzgerald jazz; Springsteen, Bon Jovi, and Zeppelin rock; as well as Jewel and Adele pop vocals. Shortly thereafter with my trusted ukulele, Peanut, and keyboard, The Sauce, I was playing solo everywhere from boardwalks by the sea to coffee shop open mic nights. Performing in a band at local bars came early in high school as a member of The Princeton NJ School of Rock, and upon entering college I became a solo artist again as a jazz vocal major. Only thing is, every time I would show up for my individual jazz vocal lesson, I had barely prepared or studied the assignment. Instead, I had spent the time writing songs. After several of these lesson failures, I made the switch to a composition major and I’ve never looked back. Expressing myself through music is my passion and source of life energy. All of my songs represent a specific experience or message. I don’t write songs for a marketing purpose or to conform to some supposed hit-formula. I love what I do and I hope you love it too! What has been the highlight of your career so far? One of the moments in my career that I felt so incredibly honored by was when my debut EP “Ready For Takeoff” was awarded “Top Indie EP of the Year” by the JAM Awards. Having, not just my work, but the work of my entire team recognized for their whole-hearted dedication to my project was overwhelming, especially for my first professional music release. When you start off having your music recognized in such a prestigious way, you really feel like anything is possible. Everyone has some challenges in their life. Being an independent music artist sure has a bunch of them. However, I continue to “dare to dream big” and I hope that everyone can dream big to support their own hopes and life goals. What inspires you as a musician? All life events and experiences are where my inspiration comes from. I find it so interesting that we can feel so alone and yet our experiences are completely universal and felt by so many others, if not everyone else. For me, music is a way of reaching out and creating connectivity. Hearing that my music has really connected with someone in a meaningful way is the most rewarding feeling as a performer and songwriter. It’s thrilling to find out that a lyric or emotion in one of my songs has reached someone and moved them in a positive way. It’s an incredible feeling. What advice would you offer to musicians coming up in the music industry now? My advice would be to never underestimate the importance of every performance. I find that each performance is an opportunity to connect with my audience and discover more about myself as a performer/artist/songwriter. Whether I’m in front of thousands or a room with a handful of people, each person’s experience is so important to me.

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If you had a superpower for the day, what would it be and why? I really love animals, just all animals in general, so to be an animal whisperer would be pretty awesome. Then again, being able to make Mac & Cheese and iced tea appear out of thin air would be clutch as well. I feel like either of those would make my life complete. And being an elf for a day sounds great too. What is coming up for you? I have lots of fun things on the horizon. Recently my song “A Little Love” off my new record “The Incurable Heart” released on September 23rd was selected by Screenvision to be part of their eight-song per-show entertainment playlist to be aired in 8,000 movie theaters nationwide in the US for the month of January 2015. I also have performances coming up in NYC. I’ll be performing at the Beluga Bar on 12/19, 1/30, and 2/13 as well as the famed & historic Rockwood Music Hall on 12/29. Then once we get started in the New Year, I’ll be embarking on “The Incurable Heart” 2015 Tour at colleges across the Mid Atlantic and Northeast regions of the US.

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Thank you for being in this issue of Love Music Magazine. Can you tell the readers about you? Our pleasure. We're a fairly new trio from the greater NYC area. We're a self-produced band that enjoys making heavily rhythmic music. What has been the highlight of your career so far? Since we're so new, everything has been a highlight! From writing and recording our music to being featured on LoveMusicMag. If you had one superpower for the day, what would it be and why? Infinite coffee for obvious reasons. What advice can you offer to any other musicians coming up in the industry? This sage piece of wisdom, like most, comes from tumblr: "Stay humble and work hard." What is coming up for you? We're premiering our very first song this week via our Soundcloud entitled "COOL." It'll be exciting watching how things unfold from here. You can find us at:

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Thank you for being in the December issue of Love Music Magazine. Can you tell the

readers a bit more about you?

Hi, thanks for the kind words. We’re an Alt-Rock band based in Leeds, we formed earlier

this year and have spent most of the time writing and gigging in various towns/cities of

Northern England.

What would you say inspires you musically?

The good/frustrating thing about our band is we’re all inspired by different music. We

find common-ground in Rock music but there’s elements of country, americana and darker,

post-punk genres etc. It can make for challenging times in the practice room but ultimately

affords us a distinctive sound.

If you could have one superpower for a day, what would it be and why?

To be honest, I can’t say we’d be responsible enough to harness any superpower, but, the

ability to stop, or at least slow-down, time would prove very useful.

What has been the highlight of your music career so far?

Being asked to appear in Love Music Mag. Obviously.

If you could offer any words of advice to other new musicians, what would it be?

We’re far from qualified to be offering advice to anyone but if you focus on writing

and performing music that is a true representation of yourself, rather than an imitation of an

already established act, then you can’t lose. You should probably stop reading this and

practice your instrument too.

What is coming up for you?

We’ll be spending the Xmas period and early 2015 writing new material which will hopefully

contribute to our EP recording in the spring. They’ll also be a UK tour around about the

same time.

What five words would you use to describe your music?

"A tacky disco meets a last mile wake" - sorry if that’s too many words but we’re musicians

not mathematicians.

And finally..... what would you like for Christmas?

World Peace.





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Thank you for being in this issue of Love Music Magazine. Can you tell the readers a bit more about you? I love your track 'Mostar', can you tell us a bit about this? The track is influenced by traditional Balkan music and the idea of Mostar being a meeting point of diverse cultural ideas. As a band we all have different cultural and musical backgrounds and our music becomes a melting pot of ideas. We shot the video in Deal, Kent and it features the wild, natural beauty of the coastline, as well as my first ever school violin painted white, (and my daughter Amelia with her kite!) You have been all over the world, where is your favorite place to perform and why? I have so many incredible memories from touring – from places in the USA like Arizona and Colorado to all over the Middle East. One of my favorite places was an event at the foot of the pyramids in Egypt - a magical place to perform. There’s a pic on my gallery ( ) What do you have coming up? My album Between The Shadow and The Soul comes out on Monday 20th October – I’m so excited for it to be finally released! We have a special intimate concert on the 11th November at The October Gallery in London ( ) Beyond that we’re planning some live perofrmances, and I’m looking to work with art curators and film makers to collaborate with on future projects. Are there any words of advice that you could offer to new musicians? Practice ! And be willing to work out your own path in the industry. This takes dedication , patience and above all, optimism!! The most fulfilling routes are usually the ones which require the hardest work. And surround yourself by people are more talented than you – it’s a great way to learn and be inspired to become better.

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Thank you for being in this issue of Love Music Magazine. Can you tell the readers about you? Hey Love Music Magazine, thanks for having me, I'm Sherwinn "Dupes" Brice, singer, songwriter from the Island of St.Lucia. Over the past 2 years I have been delivering an eclectic mix of Urban/Pop music infused with a Caribbean flavor. My influences range from the styling of Bob Marley and Stevie Wonder all the way through to Bobby Brown and Caribbean super stars like WCK, Machel Montano and Rupee. I am also a producer and along with my co-writers at #teamDupes we always eager to work with artists the world over. Can you tell us about your latest track "Guilty"? Guilty is a pretty complex track, kinda like me. On the surface it may come off as just another love song but it most definitely has layers to it. The production is a mix of singer/songwriter meets reggae think Jason Mraz meets Bruno Mars and it is some of the best vocals I've put on record to date. Guilty embodies the emotions of falling in love, staying in love and not having a doubt about it. The lyric video can be found on our youtube channel Dupes Did It Music - What has been the highlight of your career so far? There have actually been a few of them and I am so grateful for everything that has happened for me. We have had two music videos place in the top 10 of one of our Caribbean Video Countdowns with the music video for "Your Body" going to number 1. Being nominated for a National Youth Award was amazing and of course performing at one of the biggest music festivals in the Caribbean "The St.Lucia Jazz and Arts Festival". What advice would you offer to musicians coming up in the music industry now? The best advice I can give is to stay true to you and make the kind of music that you would want to hear on the radio. Start with that and always remember that someone inspired you to be who you are and now you have the opportunity to inspire someone else. The road is long and hard so do whatever it takes to remain positive. The statement that team work makes the dream work cannot be taken lightly and it is very important to build a solid team. Most importantly enjoy the journey, follow your dreams and love your life. Share that with the world and the rest is easy. If you had a superpower for the day, what would it be and why? Wooooo that is a tough one. I would have to say teleportation. I want to see the world and I have always been a fan of the movie Jumper. If I could just blink and be anywhere in the world I bet there is a lot I could see. That would be so inspirational. What is coming up for you? Well we at #teamDupes have got a lot of things lined up. First and foremost we have the release of "Guilty" the music video on December 13th 2014 so keep locked in to our social media. The video has a really relatable story and like with most of our visuals features our beautiful island - St. Lucia. We are really proud of that and we look forward to sharing it with the world. 2015 will see the release of a lot of great new music as we will continue to do our best to inspire the dreamers out there. Join the team. Get on the bus. #teamDupes Dupes Did It Music Management Jonelle James (758) 485 4013 | 31

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Thank you for being in this issue of Love Music Magazine. Could you tell the readers a bit more about you? We’re Crash Island; four dudes living in London, chasing a dream, overdosing on falafels, flat whites and pizza. What has been the highlight of your career so far? Probably playing in Switzerland. We took a paddle boat out on Lake Geneva. It was such a beautiful day, and I remember thinking, “our music brought us here.” Loving the Stormy Nights EP. Can you tell us a bit more about its production and the best part of the recording process for you? Thanks. Recording it was a bit like patch work, using a few different studios in and around London. Then it was mixed by Daniel Rejmer (Foals, Friends, The Kills) in Stockholm, Sweden and mastered by Rogan Kelsey in Johannesburg, South Africa. We really liked working with Daniel. His mixes put hairs on our chests. What is the best piece of advice you have been given about the music industry so far? “Love the music you play, play the music you love.” What is coming up for Crash Island? We’re launching Stormy Nights on November 7 then we’re straight back in the studio, recording the next EP. We can’t sit still for a minute. We also have a U.S. publishing deal in place for Stormy Nights, which we’re really excited about. So look out for us on an episode of The Walking Dead or Keeping up with the Kardashians...

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Thank you for being in this issue of Love Music Magazine.

Can you tell the readers a bit more about you?

my name is Nabiha, I'm am artist and songwriter with roots in

Gambia, Mali, Marocco, and Denmark. And I've just released my

new single "Animals"

What is the best part of producing a track for you?

Having it all come together! Seeing that first inspiring idea, beat,

chord, or melody evolve into a finished song. Working with both

your head and your heart, and creating something meaningful

out of nothing with the talented people that I am blessed to be

working with everyday.

What advice would you offer to other musicians starting out

in their career?

Don't be afraid to try new things, push your limits, but remember

to stay true to yourself. Take good care of yourself, and keep

doing your thing.

What has been the highlight of your career so far?

Music has helped me in so many ways throughout my whole life.

Taught me things, made me feel happy, excited, helped me cry,

and understand that I wasn't alone when I felt like it. Now

knowing that my music has done the same. touched or helped

others in different ways, that is the most amazing and powerful


What is coming up for you?

I have a lot of traveling to do :) I'm playing the in New York next

week, after that I'm back in the studio in London, and gigging in

Denmark, Italy and Japan.

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.Thanks for being in this issue of Love Music Magazine. Can you tell the readers about you?

I'm a singer songwriter from the city of Nottingham, UK. You might know it from the story of Robin Hood - you know, the guy who lived in the woods and stole from the rich and gave to the poor. I love this city but one day I would like to live in Amsterdam. Musically, my favourites are always changing, but Bob Dylan, Neil Young and Paul Simon are my biggest influences. I play a Taylor acoustic and only use my thumb and index finger when playing. I sang in a church choir as a child and stayed on in the choir at school, so I've still got quite a high voice. In the past, I produced my stuff with electronic elements alongside the acoustics and vocals, but recently I've decided to focus more on my songwriting, keeping things as simple and pure as possible. Lyrics are very important. I might be a little more measured and balanced in person than I am in my music. On some songs, I might seem really sad, really angry or really crazy, but I think we're all a little like that sometimes. Sorry if I'm talking too much.

) What has been the highlight of your career so far?

It was going on tour with Paul Weller in Germany this year. It's still early days, but it felt like a validation to be at least accepted by such a discerning and brilliant songwriter. One day I would love to make enough money for a comfortable living - a house and a family and kids and all that - but until that day, the thing that gets me through is the appreciation of the people who buy the records and the other musicians I get to play with.

) What would be the best piece of advice that you have been given about the music industry?

Ah, that's a dangerous question to ask me right now as I'm in a bit of a cynical mood. I get advice all the time

about working with particular producers or focussing on particular songs, both live and in the studio, but I'm

stubborn. I think you have to stand your ground creatively or else admit you're gambling. I love gambling but

there's nothing worse than placing a bet - say, your whole career - and losing. With this in mind, I'd say that

the best piece of advice I've ever been given was from a DJ called Dean Jackson at BBC Radio Nottingham. I

told him I'd been feeling down and he smiled and said, "Don't get down! Don't get down because there's

always something right around the corner!".

What is coming up for you?

I've just released my second album, "All Will Be Well", which I produced on my own in a few apartments with

high ceilings. I've written lots of songs this last year so maybe it's time now to start considering studio time

with other producers. It's been a while since I played a great number of shows so I'd like to spend the rest of

this year playing live to promote the album, either by myself or supporting others on tour. It's an unpredictable

industry but I guess for now I'm not worrying too much, just writing more and more songs and trying to figure

out who would be best to record with for my next album. It might be a little difficult to get Nigel Godrich at this

stage, but you can always hope!

What is the best part of the recording process for you?

It's different on every album, normally depending on where my head is at the time. Sometimes I like getting

lost in the music, locking myself away with a plentiful supply of intoxicants, pressing "record" to a quiet click

track in one ear and just experimenting with different finger picking patterns. The best part for me is the

creative stage before the pressure sets in - "Yes it's all very good that you've got 17 minutes of half-decent-

sounding-albeit-stonerish guitar loops going on here, but where's the hit?" - that's when it gets difficult, just

because it's a perpetual stage of critical refinement from that point on. Still, recently I've been writing live with

my guitar and I'm hoping I can just circumvent the difficult sides of the process by working with a good

producer who understands my music and can tell me when I'm doing well and when I'm being like something

out of Spinal Tap. | 41

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Thank you for being in this issue of Love Music Magazine. Can you tell the readers a bit more about you? Dinosaur Crush is the combined sound of a scientist, ice cream maker, computer programmer,’80s cover band drummer-come-bookseller and a future United Nations Ambassador. We like to think our music is energetic, catchy and most importantly, as lead singer Kat Hooper puts it, “will make you want to rush like a toothbrush, whatever that means”. What is the best part of producing a track for you? Either the feeling when you finally get a perfect take or listening back to the whole track after hours of agonising over tiny changes. Probably the first one. You go crazy after editing for too long. What advice would you offer to other musicians starting out in their career? Be who you want to be, not what your favourite band sounds like. What has been the highlight of your career so far? Hearing our track “Noise” being played on BBC Radio Berkshire Introducing was pretty amazing. It even had our singer in tears. Happy tears. What is coming up for the band? We’ve got our 5-date Reading tour where we’re looking forward to performing some new songs live and we’re going to record our Christmas single in the next few weeks so keep your eyes peeled! | 45

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The best part of producing a track is watching it develop over time. Seeing how much the original idea can change through playing it a rehearsals, taking it out on the road and then recording it is a lot of fun. Don't do anything else. Sit in your bedroom, listen to records and play for hours on end. Then go and play loads of different people and learn everything they know. Then go back to your bedroom and play some more. We supported the Libertines in Berlin on my birthday. One of my favourite bands in one of my favourite cities. Best Birthday Ever! It's going to pretty difficult to top that next year. We're off to America then we have our first proper headline tour coming up in November. It's been a while since we've played headline shows so we're really excited. | 49 | 50 | 51

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By Damian Brown Hi Deuce & Charger so what is your story / How did it start? Until a year ago we were spending our time writing and producing for other people. We do enjoy that, but there are a lot of hoops you have to jump through, and what you are doing can get watered down… We decided we wanted to put some music together without having any outside interference – that’s when Deuce & Charger began. Why the name Deuce & Charger?? Deuce & Charger are two supervillains from the Superman comic! There are actually three of us and it does confuse people. But we like the idea of being pop music supervillains – if we get a big enough advance we’re going to spend it on an HQ inside a volcano. Your single with Bianca G and Weezy Jefferson is great!!.. Tell us how that came about…. Glad you like it! We know Bianca from around the Leeds scene and we really wanted to do a track with her for a while. It finally happened and we new we needed a rap for the middle section but we couldn’t find anyone who was quite write. Bianca showed us some of Weezy’s stuff and we new right away he was the guy for the job! You seem to have a lovely set up going on….When starting out how did you get your hands on equipment? In our old band (Heads We Dance) we were actually on Warner for a little while and we got an advance when we signed with them. There was lots of talk of using that money for flying us out to Paris to work with whatever producer was cool at the time, but we said no – we want to use it to start putting together our own studio. All pretty sensible and not very rock’n’roll, but it was one of the best decisions we ever made. What do you think about the music scene in general and what are your thoughts about being based up North as opposed to being down in London? Being in Leeds is great – the scene is so vibrant, but it’s not huge. It means you can get to know a lot of the people involved very quickly. It’s a really supportive scene as well, which is healthy. We’re very happy to be a part of it! Of course the industry is based in London and you need to go down there for meetings and stuff, but there’s nothing wrong with being based up here. In terms of the content that artists put out, what effect do you think it has on young people listening to their music and do you feel that you have a responsibility to the listeners? I don’t know… People aren’t stupid you know? I don’t think they are that easily led. So if I listen to NWA I’m not going to suddenly start shooting people! To an extent I think artists should write about what ever they feel they need to. Having said all that, we do really want to promote a positive message in our music – we want it to make people feel better about there day-to-days! What is the vision going forward? Well our first release, EP1 is out now, and the video for the lead track ‘Wild & Free’ is coming out in a couple of weeks. In the new year it will be more new music and then some live shows in the Summer – we’re starting to think about getting the live thing together now and we’re pretty excited about it – it’s going to be an onstage party! | 53

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Thank you for being in this issue of Love Music Magazine. Can you tell the readers about you? My name is John Wright and I'm a writer/producer based in Shoreditch in London. I make music under the artist name Teenage Wildlife. I also make films and take photographs. I believe in angels but I don't believe in fairytales, sermons or stories about money. I know you have another guise when you are not creating music. Can you tell us a bit more about that? When I'm not making music I basically make films and take photos for companies including Luis Vuitton, Dior, Fendi and magazines like Vanity Fair. It's the best day job in the world. What has been the highlight of your career so far? Highlights, there have been so many and they're difficult to mention without sounding boastful or shallow. Collaborating on the music for a film for GQ with Paul Weller, Johnny Marr and John Taylor was great. Recording Weller playing my Rickenbacker 360 was a moment. If you had one superpower for the day, what would it be and why? The ability to sing. Because I can't actually sing as well as I'd like to What advice can you offer to any other musicians coming up in the industry? Just keep going. Make music you love with integrity and passion. Be thankful, patient and kind. And remember: Persistence beats talent all week long. What is coming up for you? If I knew the answer to that I'd stop what I'm doing and do something less predictable

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Thank you for being in the December issue of Love Music Magazine. Can you tell the readers a bit

more about you? thank you, too. let our music speak. What would you say inspires you musically? everything. If you could have one superpower for a day, what would it be and why? it would be something like an non-destructive-emp(=electro magnetic pulse) that goes around

the world which makes people listening to their inner voice more. What has been the highlight of your music career so far? it´s always the newest song. If you could offer any words of advice to other new musicians, what would it be? follow your instincts/less is more/don´t worry about right or wrong/do it everyday What is coming up for you? whatever happens, happens. (in past, present and future) in my opinion, thinking about the future delays you to Now. and scientists and their computers can´t be a 100% sure what´s going to happen to a still

standing coffee mug for the next 5minutes. i don´t think we can predict things we don´t fully understand. on the other hand: 3EPs and 1Album for 2015. looking forward to play some shows, too What five words would you use to describe your music? listen and let us know And finally.... what do you want for Christmas? Peace


What would you say inspires you musically?


If you could have one superpower for a day, what would it be and why?

Already have it: ''ONENESS'''

What has been the highlight of your music career so far?

Growth of Hyena Clan

If you could offer any words of advice to other new musicians, what would it be?

Let go!!!

What is coming up for you?

Complete awareness of Now

What five words would you use to describe your music?

Let Elements sing their song

And finally.... what do you want for Christmas?

Peace Twitter: Facebook:

vemaze Youtube:

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What would you say inspires you musically? Listening to my parents old vinyl collection... Everything from Frank Sinatra to Funkadelic If you could have one superpower for a day, what would it be and why? Ummm the ability to selectively read people's thoughts. Why... Because it would be interesting to know what people are really thinking. What has been the highlight of your music career so far? Hahah the first time I heard my song driving in my car and then again on commercial tv If you could offer any words of advice to other new musicians, what would it be? Don't listen to people who say music should be your hobby. They're a joke. What is coming up for you? A few summer festivals and international support slots! What five words would you use to describe your music? Ethereal Dark Haunting A paradox Moody And finally..... what would you like for Christmas? Kimbra's new album on vinyl Hahaha so good!

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Thank you for being in the December issue of Love Music Magazine. Can you tell the readers a bit more about you? We are a four piece Electro/Synthpop outfit from the UK What would you say inspires you musically? Ian - Being part of a group of individuals - each with our own unique tastes and talents - working together and creating music we love to play is truly inspirational. Phil G - Emotions and experiences. Wes - Inspiration can come from a wide range of things really, from every day experiences, random introductions to new genres, The Beatles and a simple captivating melody. Phil M - I am inspired daily by music i have on heavy rotation on my iPod - generally bands with great drummers new and old too numerous to list here. The last show I attended was Peter Gabriel with the incredible Manu Katche drumming. I am also constantly inspired by my band mates and we work as one to make whatever we are currently working on the best it can possibly be. If you could have one superpower for a day, what would it be and why? Ian - The power to bend space and time. I would love to travel back into the past and play guitar with my Granddad again. Phil G - Time travel. I’d go to back to Hamburg and watch the Beatles in the Kaiserkeller. Wes - The ability to move things with my mind. When I was younger I would intensely concentrate trying to move an object with my mind. I’d totally freak out now if I was granted that power! Phil M - I would fly - ever since I first watched t he snowman and then ET flying has easily been the most magical boyhood dream. What has been the highlight of your music career so far? Ian - Self producing and releasing our debut LP on vinyl - the physical, tangible product of our work has to be our biggest accolade to date. Phil G - Joining Filter Distortion. Wes - Holding our debut LP, on vinyl, in my hand.

Phil M - Releasing our debut album 'Transition' If you could offer any words of advice to other new musicians, what would it be? Ian - Let your passion for what you do be your motivation. Phil G - Don’t get caught up in trends, don’t mimic the past, don’t create to impress and take risks. Wes - Don’t waste time pretending to be a rock starin the pub and actually devote time and energy into your projects. Phil M - Be nice to people on the way up, enjoy everything about being a band, every part of it is fun if you all have a positive attitude ...and look after your equipment What is coming up for you? Headline slot for Xmas Evol and gigs in and around the country. The new year will see us getting into the studio and laying downthe foundations for album number two. What five words would you use to describe your music? Ian - Something quite unique yet familiar Phil G - Melodic, Pulsating, Lean, Shimmering, Slick Wes - Electric, Synths, Guitars, Power, Melodic Phil M - Honest, Warm, Modern, Powerful, Electric And finally... what do you want for Christmas? Ian H - For everyone to just be excellent to each other. Phil G - Contentment. Wes - A Telefunken U48 Microphone as used in Abbey Road. But that’s not going to happen so I’ll have to settle for some socks and undies... Phil M - We would like in-ear monitoring system for the whole band so if there's any companies out there willing to donate.. But seriously socks and underwear is just fine!

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Thank you for being in the December issue of Love Music Magazine. Can you tell the readers a bit more about you? I am a 21 year old rapper rom Manchester who is currently part of up-and-coming local label Room2 Records. My 1st release on the label, "Introspection" is out NOW and can be streamed/downloaded from WWW.SANGYMCR.BANDCAMP.COM What would you say inspires you musically? Musically I am inspired by anyone who I consider to be unique in what they do, whether it be singing or rapping. While I wouldn't say I had any direct influences in terms of people I try to sound like, I'd say two of my favourite artists would be Trim and Amy Winehouse. If you could have one superpower for a day, what would it be and why? I dunno about a superpower, I wish I could sing though! What has been the highlight of your music career so far? The highlight of my music career so far would be the support I've received from BBC Asian Network this past coming year - big up to the DJ's who've been spinning my tunes on there! If you could offer any words of advice to other new musicians, what would it be? Being an up-and-coming musician myself I would say (in terms of advice to others) that the best thing you can is deliver a consistent, quality product. If you put out good material on a regular basis people can only ignore you for so long! What is coming up for you? In 2015 I hope to carry on regularly releasing music (as long as the quality is there!), as well as trying to firmly establish myself within the Manchester scene. I do have some gigs lined up too but the more the better I suppose. What five words would you use to describe your music? Five words I'd use to describe my sound would be: Honest, Raw, Introspective, Cathartic and Dark And finally..... what would you like for Christmas? For Christmas I'd like a grill. A massive gold one with loads of diamonds in it. Then I can change my name to Yung $angz. Twitter, Instagram, Soundcloud: @SangyMCR Facebook "Like" Page: WWW.SANGYMCR.BANDCAMP.COM WWW.ROOM2RECORDS.COM

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Thank you for being in the December issue of Love Music Magazine. Can you tell the readers a bit more

about you?

W: Thank you for having us! Ka$h tells our story so well...

LK: Heres the short form, It was Xmas eve and I was driving around looking to buy a Samsung Galaxy

and I seen a dancing Xmas tree spinning a sign that said free cell phones. This tree was amazing with the

sign , it was doing back flips and singing at the same time. I was like wow. I said forget cell phones have

you thought about pursuing music? The Tree said yes. I said whats you name and the tree repsponded

with "Winter Rae". The rest is history. Oh yeah, rumor has it that the Panda was the manager of the cell

phone store. That cell phone store is now out of business.

What would you say inspires you musically?

W: Life. All of the good, bad, good that comes from the bad and the completely insane!

LK: Technology. The more technology evolves the more we try to tap into the frequency of what the next

sound is going to be. It challenges us to outdo ourselves and our opposition. I mean, this is a competition


If you could have one superpower for a day, what would it be and why?

W: I would like to be able to teleport and/or be in more than one place at the same time. My boyfriends

would Love that!

LK: I would have a superpower where I could make everyones hair vanish from there body. So when you

say something slick "POOF" HAIRLESS. I'd test it on Winter all the time.

What has been the highlight of Fly Panda so far?

W: The highlight for me has been allowing myself to grow as a musician and a human being. That and

rapping is a part of my resume, my Dad LOVES it! Oh! And working with Ka$h, it's nice working with


LK: I would say The Promo Only convention we performed at. It let us know that we have what it takes

visually, and more important musically to be a contender in this music business. The love we received

from Cary Vance and staff, Renee "Moxy" Castee, and all the Djs in attendance was amazing. Once our

single "OK" drops, its going to make a huge impact on Top 40 and Rhythmic radio.

If you could offer any words of advice to other new musicians, what would it be?

W: You're the only person who can tell you no. So SAY YES.

LK: You're going to go through rejection, snakes, bad deals, egotiscal people, and tons of unnecessary

stress; however, if you can survive it all, you will be a megastar! Never give up!

What is coming up for Fly Panda?

W: The release of our first single 'OK' and lots of touring (my boyfriends are not so excited about that last


LK: We are doing a nationwide tour with the W hotel. We have huge support from Keenan Towns and

Diageo brand spirits. We are slated to tour for 3 weeks in Asia starting in February. Our single drops to of

the year to radio. And world domination!!!!!!!

What five words would you use to describe your music?

W: Hip Hop Ratchet Pop Wow

K: Bixch Betta Have My Money!!! | 75

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Can you tell the readers of Love Music Magazine about you and how you all got together to form Tha Office? JB: The office started off as studio sessions that were based Alamac’s house. We were there cyphering and just working on songs and it just developed in to something where we was there all the time and it grew up and there was so many of us so we decided we had to make the most of that time so we had to put the work in. PS: If you ask me, I think The Office kinda happened unintentionally because everybody was doing their own thing in their own like collective should I say and it got to a point where everyone was at the office or they was with their own collectives. So the ball just started rolling from there. We just headhunted who we wanted and just went on. JB: We all knew eachother from different events, different crews, different projects. Any time we got there, there was a vibe about it where we just had to lay your bars down and bring your A-game because of the calibre of EMCees. PS: If there is a good song that is going on in the office, if you don’t sit and write that day, nine times out of ten, you aren’t on that track. P: And you get real pissed off. What has been the highlight of Tha Office so far? JB & PS: DS Office Cypher Z: The first event here at the Belgrave P: That was some rockstar sh**. JB: it was packed out here, we was promoting the Defenders of Style vs Tha Office Mixtape, which is out now, you can still get that, we just got such a good buzz from that Cypher video and then by the time The Guilty Party put their first event on, it was rammed out in here with a good 300 people. We had the right songs, at the right time, right vibe. Everything was kicking, everything was hitting. What is coming up for Tha Office? JB: Potter’s mixtape is out now, ‘The Yorkshire Rapper’ P: I am working on another EP also, and another one with an acoustic singer, Andy Twig. Weezy Jefferson has done a couple of tunes with me also. ALL: Big up Weezy JB: Front cover! PS: At the minute we have got a big line-up of things dropping and coming from Tha Office. Me personally, I’ve got ‘The Heist II’ coming soon. I don’t want to put a date on that because I am shit with dates but you will get Lightwork EP, that’s me and D Bizzy another ‘Office’ member. That will be dropping within the next week to two weeks easily. We have got a video out for that at the minute, check that out, ‘Line Em Up’ . Plus I’ve got the ‘Kick Back Chillin’ video that’s on Guilty Party at the minute. Zen’s working on stuff, Bravo’s got the Lion tape coming up, very soon. JB: Working on the video right now PS: We might just put the game on its head and drop the Lightwork and Lion on the same day. JB: We are gonna talk about that and do something ill. P: We’ve got two mixtapes worth of unreleased tracks JB: Battles coming up, which one is next? PS: I’m battling in Norway in November against a guy called BDK, so that’s just easy money really and Zen has got the biggest battle coming up. Zen: me and Dialect are gonna battle for the 2 on 2 Championship in Don’t Flop PS: Tha Office will be getting titles What advice would you give to other music artists coming in to the music industry?

PS: Don’t do it! I’m only joking P: Roll with us or against us Zen: you only get one chance at making a first impression so make sure you ready when you do it P: Make sure your flow is on time with the beat PS: Major problem with that in Leeds at the moment. Zen: Make sure you’ve got all the basics first! JB: Learn the history of Hip Hop music. Learn as much as you can about the genre and the culture and you will become a stronger EMCee with it. Don’t be racist, don’t do drugs and build your own fan base as much as you can. You have all the tools, Facebook, YouTube, build your fan base. What five words would best describe Tha Office? JB: We’re the best from now! What’s the best part of making a track as Tha Office? PS: I think personally it’s all sitting down and writing together, bouncing off each other, feeding off each other. To me, you can’t replace that. Some of the best bars, I’ve written in the office , have been ten, fifteen minutes work where, I have gone home and written tracks on my own that aren’t half as good as when I’m sat down with everyone in Tha Office, bouncing off of them and vibes-ing, that’s my personal view anyway. Zen: I think the best thing about making tracks in The Office is that everyone around you, because it is such a big talent pool, inspires you to write better in your verses. Say a track comes on and you are writing a little verse and you’re struggling a little bit, someone comes in like Bravo who is always finished before everyone else. He will come in spit his 16 and then you are like, “I’ve got to come hard, to really put my work in”. Everyone inspires each other to work harder. JB: We all bring our A-game. We have all got different styles and perspectives. The one beat can inspire people to have different thoughts. PS: Being the sh*ttest MC in the best clique in England isn’t really that bad is it? Can you tell me your names and what inspired you to become an EMCee? P: Potter – I got in to it in prison. I thought I’d use it as a way to vent my emotions instead of using violence. Just get crazy shit out of my head and write it down instead. JB: J Bravo- I was singing up until I was thirteen years old and I wanted to be a singer, the next Michael Jackson. When my voice broke, I cried. I couldn’t sing no more. Then messed up an audition. The same audition, one of my friends came in and he was showing me Wu Tang Clan and ODB. From that, I came off singing for a bit and started to listen to as much Hip Hop as I could. I was interested in the style and that’s what got me writing. I wrote because I couldn’t pick up what they were saying and then I picked up the lyrics structure. Zen: I wanted to be an EMcee from primary school time. Other kids wanted to be policemen firemen, whatever else, I always wanted to be an EMcee, memorising DMX songs and trying to get inspired. I watch a lot of battle rap stuff when I was younger. I only started spitting properly when I was fifteen on grime and that. PS: P Solja – I’ll be honest, this is how I got in to music. I used to buy al them Sidewinder CD and Tape packs back in the day. I heard this EMcee and thought “He’s kinda sh*t, I could do better than him”. I just started writing bars and then it just ended up I did music for a long time. I didn’t take it too seriously and in the last three years it’s gone a bit mad so I’ve just started taking it a lot more seriously. That’s my story. Sh*t EMcees, got me EMcing! | 77

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Hi, I'm Kevin and this is my column for Love Music Magazine "The Spread".

In this column I will be offering my pick of music artists. I am also on

the radio. You can find me on:

Sunday - 12 noon - 3pm - Krystal Radio -

Monday - 4pm - 7pm - Total Radio UK -

Monday - 7pm - 10pm - WRFN1025 -

Wednesday- 2am - 5am (Tuesday 8pm Columbia Time) - Bunka Radio -

Saturday - 11pm - 2am - QMR Two -

Sunday - Vaping Cloud Radio - 8pm - 11pm -

Keep an eye out for your monthly music feast! | 79

Indigo Parade

Admittedly I only have a small selection of the latest material

for the band to review having their first album being released

in Australia all the way back in 2010 called connectivity and

seem to have swapped focus in recent times from being a

recording band to a live band with some lineup changes, and

they also have an underground studio (I wish I had an

underground studio) I do also know that they have been rather

successful with Australian radio air-play and quite frankly it

is quite easy to see why.

I must admit on first impression this is a very decent cut of

indie and the first thing to note is the unique vocal talent of

the lead vocal which is rather quite impressive and very

youthful and rather unusual but it really is a unique selling

point of the band from the off. But the voice in itself is just

the icing on what is a fantastic musical cake. I must admit

although it is a rather fantastic melodic voice there is almost

fragile and delicate if I must say so myself.

Some of the guitar solo's do on occasion remind me of the

delicate twanging of the guitar solo efforts of the Red Hot

Chilli Peppers in places but the strength of the guitars is

mostly in the rhythm and riffs sector of music there are some

brilliant light riffs in the music that really does make the

tracks stand out!

Some people on the internet call it toe-tapping but there is

much more to it then just that out there. These are great

tracks that anyone can listen to out there. Apparently they

might have some new material out there in 2015 and if the 2010

vintage is anything to go by you are in for a rather fantastic

treat out there and considering this is only a small snapshot

of there material it maybe worth taking the plunge.


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Luca Berardi

Believe it or not I found out about this amazing young artists through

one of my most trusted friends via Twitter. But lets have a bit of

background about this very special artist. In fact the artist is only

11 years of age and is from Nairobi. Another amazing fact is that he

has lived in 4 separate must admit that there is on first glance a

kind of cheeky outlook to the artist however he does have a fantastic

sound with one amazing voice. Sadly I only have a small window of

music to look through here.

There are also some fantastic music videos for this fantastic young

talent the one that shouts out the most id the music video to Money

Can which see's him in shades and jacked, looking rather cool

surrounded by pound signs, dollar signs and Yen signs. I must admit

though talking about the song in itself is rather catchy and after one

listen of “Money Can” can literally stay in your head for days on end.

Not in an annoying way like some songs can but in a rather upbeat and

enjoyable way that really can put a smile on your face. There is also

a really soulful feel to the record that can indicate what the future

may hold for this artists future. There is also a bit of a moral

underlining to the record as well that permeates the whole record and

despite being only 11 there is a maturity to this very special record.

A Better Place is a particularly different kettle of fish altogether,

this really is a fantastic pop record with a fantastic modern twist

and a fantastic calypso beat. However there is a bit of an

international flavour to this whole record and there is lyrically a

call for unity throughout the record. Once again there is a rather

brilliant catchy to the end and a fantastic danceability to the record

that you really can hum to. There is a rather epic beginning to the

record. There are some fantastic vocal effects that complement his

already natural talent. There are also points in the record that also

show off Luca's natural piano playing skills into the record as well

which are remarkable to say the least.

Although there is only a small window of music here you can see that

Luca really has the potential to do well musically and internationally

as well. There is a small element from within this artist that does

remind me of Michael Jackson and The Jackson 5 however in fairness

this young talent already does have their own unique sound that can

only get better and better. Of course you have to factor in any future

voice breaking but this guy has one fantastic musical future ahead of

them whatever musical direction he takes. | 81

Betty Hates Everything

This was a band in particular that I really don't know much about, a

rather curious enigma if I say so myself of which I received an e-mail

with only records with no accompanying information just the music,

however in their defence what I did receive in music was quite enjoyable

and surprising on first listen. I will admit that the label on their

latest EP “Believe It” does say explicit so parental guidance is advised

when listening to their record. After a bit of digging around it seems

they started off life as a covers band much like how many bands do and

over time slowly evolved from Utah America, includes an Iraq army veteran

and another musician with quite an air of mystery which can only be a

good thing.

I must admit the first track in the EP does hit you in the face with some

classic motorcycle rock that is quite a miracle to behold and really does

punch you in the face with it's brilliance. I must admit the one thing

that does stand out is the frantic and unbelievably good guitar solos.

Despite their out and out aural assault on the first track this is

closely followed up by quite a pop rock number which demonstrates some

amazing vocal melodies and shows that they can do mainstream when the

mood takes them. In fact the vocals are very good and just perfect for

their brand of rock.

They even have a soft power ballad in the form of D.O.D which was so

impressive that I just had to give it some radio air-play and apart from

the first track really is the standout track from the EP of which I truly

admire as it really is amazingly romantic and the perfect love song for

anyone who doesn't naturally like love songs. The guitar and technical

ability with the melodies is absolutely fantastic and is my personal

version of rock heaven. OK so it isn't as immense as T'Pau “China In Your

Hand” or Bonnie Tyler's “Total Eclipse Of The Heart” which I believe to

be the benchmark of power ballads however it is right up there and

reminds me a little bit of the softer tracks done by Avenged Sevenfold in

many respects.

The other tracks like Rip It Away are absolutely fantastic and are jolly

good rock romps with some excellent guitar riffs. There is also some

fantastic drumming in this track which makes it the perfect pop rock

track and again the vocals really do come to the fore in amazing style.

Overall this EP is a top quality record of which rock disciples of total

out and out rock would be in their absolute element here. Some amazing

elements that have come together dramatically to deliver an absolute

tour-de-force of total powerful rock which won't leave you disappointed

in the slightest.

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Ashbury Keys

It is not every day that you receive a random link via e-mail to a really

fantastic band, the second is the fact that it is not every day you get brothers

and family in a band. But when it does happen it is exceptionally special after

all there have been some fantastic bands over the decades. However if I was to go

into that line of conversation I would be here all day talking about the likes of

Oasis, The Nolans, The Jacksons (and possibly to a lesser extent The Osmonds)

because who knows your music and style better than siblings or family.

Believe it or not this band already has quite an established discography dating

back over a decade to around 1999 in the previous millennium and you can tell

that the sound of the band has quite literally evolved over the decade to a

slick, well preserved smooth and professional sound. This is paricularly seen in

their latest EP “Do You Know Who You Are?”

In fact you can see this band really does wear it's influences on it's sleeve. In

the track Wake Up you can clearly hear the lyrical structure and vocal sound of

Oasis and particularly major echoes of Noel Gallagher in particular in the track.

Even the guitars are distinctly Oasis-like in that particular track; but it

doesn't quite end there either because some of the other influences from American

punk and Geek rock are clearly visible however with the more serious edge of The

Foo Fighters can clearly be heard at different points there might even be a small

dash of Blur in there as well.

Which brings me to the family base of brothers that form the Ashbury Keys and

from first impressions these guys deliver top grade pop punk of the american

persuasion. In fact the first track Oh My God has some catchy lyrics in there as

well. Of course the main focus of the lyrics seems to be centred around love and

relationships which can really speak out to people, Coupled with some fantastic

harmonies from both the main and backing vocal.

In fairness their discography is well rounded with quite a lot of variety in

there, I must admit although you can clearly hear other bands in their music

those influences has fused together to form quite a great unique sound of which

wouldn't sound out of place on mainstream alternative radio and one of the major

strong points is that there is a whole host of different moods from within their

music and something for the listener to associate with no matter what is

happening in their lives and I think regular music listeners would take to this

band like a duck to water.

There are some fantastic elements here and there is some fantastic technical

ability from all the musicians, some of the tracks are pretty bread and butter

punk and rock however it is so well executed that I really do recommend their

material, however one or two of the tracks do contain swearing so parental

guidance maybe advised on the rare track out there but an enjoyable collection of

tracks here that are great to listen to and are available though all good on-line

music retailers. | 83

Chris Ilet

Well this independent artist has had quite a bit of air-play in the past all the

way back in 2012 and his music was once considered for a series of the walking

dead although please don't get me started on zombies or the zombie apocalypse as

I know I would be done for! However I digress as it still is very much a

remarkable achievement nevertheless. But we are here as always to talk about the

music and why not. Interestingly enough however the artist has decided to revamp

and update material which leads us to his latest EP offering “Something Soon”

Talking of The Walking Dead the EP starts with the very track that got him

considered for the soundtrack, and you can see why it is extremely dark from the

outset with a spooky guitar based presence if ever I heard one. Coupled with his

gravelly voice this is one epic track especially with the symbols of the drums

behind it, there is a feeling of tense drama behind it that really does suit the

record for both movies and TV.

But what about the rest of the EP in question?

I must say there are some fantastic records here and you can see why they have

received so much radio air-play, I got to admit his stripped back guitar tracks

are the best as they are soft and acoustic rock at their very best and so

accessible for the listener however from within the tracks there is quite a bit

of diversity there as well. In fact there is almost a relaxing feel to the

records and there are some nice touches with the drumming in particularly with

“Legacy Of Love” from within the mix.

I have to admit there is a darkness to the record in places and there is a

minimalistic understatement to the records with only guitar and voice or piano

and voice that gives the EP a special aura you might say. There is also some

incredible storytelling lyrically that gives the records a third dimension and

there seems to be a slight melancholy feel to the whole entire record in general

that tugs at you rather emotionally.

Even the titles of the tracks even in their simplest form really does give an

insight to the fantastic simplistic nature of the records contained within. The

most impressive thing is that the EP finishes as epically as it started with a

massive 5 minute number which also includes strings into the accompaniment as


Overall this is a fantastic well rounded record with a very nice flow in the way

all of the tracks of the EP seem to compliment each other well and would be a

great record for anyone to play. It ultimately is a great gentle soft rock with

fantastic singer / songwriter credentials

Definately one to seek out. | 84