Loretto Magazine - Fall-Winter 2012



Loretto Magazine is published three times a year. The publication highlights how the Loretto Community works for justice and acts for peace, sustained by the prayerful and financial support of its benefactors. In this issue, new elected leadership, the annual Loretto Golf Tournament, and a Loretto history exhibit at the Denver Public Library.

Citation preview

Newly elected Loretto leaders usher in 2013

Our remarkable

200th Jubilee YearFall-Winter 2012 Volume 54, No. 3

About this issue . . .


200th Jubilee Fall Events .................................................41HZO\�(OHFWHG�/RUHWWR�2I¿FHUV ........................................62012 Mary Rhodes Award Winners .................................7Golf Tournament Helps Fund Retired Sisters ..................8New Historical Exhibit Showcases Loretto ....................10Remembrances ..............................................................12Memorials & Tributes of Honor ......................................14


We work for justice and act for peace because the Gospel urges us.

Loretto Community members teach, nurse, care for the elderly, lobby, minister in hospitals, provide spiritual direction and counseling, resettle refugees, staff parishes, try to stop this country’s nuclear weapons build-up, work with the rural poor, and minister to handicapped, alcoholic, and mentally ill adults. Our ministries are diverse.

Founded in 1812, Loretto includes 215 sisters and 214 co-members. Co-members are those who, by mutual commitment, belong to the Loretto Community through a sharing of spirit and values and participating in activities that further our mission.

For more information contact: Loretto Community Membership Staff

4000 So. Wadsworth Blvd.Littleton, CO 80123-1308Phone: 303-783-0450Fax: 303-783-0611 Web: www.lorettocommunity.org

Loretto Magazine is published three times a year by the Loretto 'HYHORSPHQW�2I¿FH�Development Director:

Denise Ann Clifford SLAssociate Development Director:

Donna Mattingly SLSpecial Development Projects:

Lydia Peña SL Communications Director:

Jean M. SchildzEditing, Layout, and Production:

Carolyn DunbarFinancial Assistant:

Chris Molina

Advisory Panel:

Martha Alderson CoLDenise Ann Clifford SLRegina Drey SLPJ Manion SLJean M. Schildz

(GLWRULDO�2I¿FH�����/RUHWWR�&HQWUDO�2I¿FH 4000 So. Wadsworth Blvd. Littleton, CO 80123-1308

&LUFXODWLRQ�2I¿FH������/RUHWWR�6WDII�2I¿FH 590 E. Lockwood Ave. Webster Groves, MO 63119


On the Cover: Photo by Donna Mattingly SL. High bas relief panel on the huge bronze doors of St. Francis Cathedral Basilica, Santa Fe, N.M. The panel — one among 20 — depicts WKH�¿UVW�VLVWHUV�WR�DUULYH�LQ�6DQWD�)H�in 1852. Drawn from that tiny Loretto teaching community, a handful of nuns WUDYHOHG�WR�&RORUDGR����\HDUV�ODWHU�at the request of Bishop Machebeuf to help teach the children in the new territory. In three months’ time St. 0DU\¶V�$FDGHP\�LQ�'HQYHU�EHJDQ�DFFHSWLQJ�VWXGHQWV��,W�VWLOO�WKULYHV�DV�D�WRS�UDWHG�VFKRRO�����\HDUV�ODWHU�

has been a remarkable year for the Loretto Community. Two-hundred years have passed since three young $PHULFDQ�ZRPHQ�VDZ�DQG�¿OOHG�WKH�QHHG�WR�HGXFDWH�SRRU�

children on the Kentucky frontier. They had been raised in Maryland as devout Catholics and sought to formalize their tiny trio as a new order of women religious. With the help of the territorial priest, Father Charles Nerinckx, they became the Friends of Mary at the Foot of the Cross in 1812, later taking the name Sisters of Loretto at the Foot of the Cross. After two centuries we are known as the Loretto Community. Those three women EHJDQ�D�PRYHPHQW�WKDW�KDV�HGXFDWHG�DQG�LQÀXHQFHG�WKH�OLYHV�RI�WKRXVDQGV�of families in the American West. At the peak of U.S. Catholic education in the 1950s, Loretto was 1,200 sisters strong teaching in hundreds of parochial schools and several excellent academies.

We have had much to celebrate in our bicentennial Jubilee year. On page 4 a full listing of all Jubilee events through December is shown. On page 10 \RX�ZLOO�OHDUQ�DERXW�D�¿UVW�RI�LWV�NLQG�KLVWRULF�H[KLELW�VKRZFDVLQJ�/RUHWWR¶V�history, our endeavors in Colorado, and the vital work we undertake now. We hope your interest in Loretto will continue as we — an empowered and loving religious community — move into our third century.


2012 — IT’S BEEN A VERY GOOD YEAR . . . .

As we approach the closing months of this calendar year, we also bring to a close this special Loretto Jubilee Year. And what a year it has been!

Through the pages of Loretto Magazine, we have shared Loretto events, activities, memories, and celebrations that mark this bicentennial year of our founding. The current issue captures the events that have taken place since our Loretto +RPHFRPLQJ�LQ�$SULO��7KHUH�DUH�DGGLWLRQDO�VSHFLDO�HYHQWV�WKDW�ZLOO�PDUN�WKH�¿QDO�months.

Although these have been busy months for our Jubilee planners and committee members as well as the entire Loretto Community, we are most grateful for the opportunities we have had to gather with wonderful Loretto friends, to create fond memories, and to celebrate what has been, what is, and what is yet to be! We do not NQRZ�ZKDW�WKH�IXWXUH�KROGV��EXW�ZH�PRYH�IRUZDUG��FRQ¿GHQW�WKDW�RXU�*RG�ZLOO�EH�with us and guide us as we face the challenges that lie ahead.

Loretto’s new century will mark a transition to new leadership. Sister Pearl 0F*LYQH\��RXU�QHZ�3UHVLGHQW��ZLOO�EHJLQ�KHU�WHUP�RI�RI¿FH�RQ�-DQ�����������DORQJ�with our Executive Committee: Sisters Vicki Schwartz, Vice-President, Mary Beth Boesen, Maureen Fiedler, Maureen O’Connell, Marlene Spero; and our Forum Members: Karen Cassidy, Susan Classen, Brian Hammond, Lillian Moskeland, and Mary Helen Sandoval, who are all Loretto co-members. We congratulate and bless our new leadership, pledging our support and prayers for the days and years ahead.

For the time being, we will enjoy the remainder of our Jubilee Year and celebrate ³ZLWK�JXVWR´�WKH�PDQ\�EOHVVLQJV�WKDW�*RG�KDV�EHVWRZHG�RQ�XV�WKHVH�SDVW�����\HDUV��We are especially grateful for the wonderful friendships we enjoy with you, our family members, friends, associates, and benefactors. You give us hope and courage WR�³FDUU\�RQ´�DV�ZH�UHVSRQG�WR�*RG¶V�FDOO�WR�VHUYH�RWKHUV���

0D\�WKH�DSSURDFKLQJ�KROLGD\�VHDVRQ�EH�¿OOHG�ZLWK�RSSRUWXQLWLHV�IRU�FUHDWLQJ�special moments and memories with those you love and cherish. As we celebrate, the Loretto Community will remember you, our special friends who have shared yourselves and your gifts with us. You are a cherished treasure. Happy Thanksgiving, D�%OHVVHG�&KULVWPDV�DQG�D�MR\�¿OOHG�1HZ�<HDU�

Denise Ann Clifford SLDevelopment Director




notes and news


St. Francis Cathedral Basilica, Santa Fe, N.M.


Pope Saint Pius V Church, St. Louis.

St. Francis of Assisi Church in Kentucky‘s Marion County.

St. Augustine Church, Lebanon Ky.

A packed slate of activities unfolds across the country


Aug. 26: Loretto Jubilee Mass, St. Augustine Church, Lebanon, Ky., The event highlighted the history of the Sisters of Loretto in Marion County since 1812.

Sept. 4-7: “Nuns on the Bus,” visited Loretto historic sites throughout Missouri.

Sept. 14: Loretto Jubilee Homecoming Weekend opening reception, El Convento, El Paso, Texas.

Sept. 15: Loretto Jubilee Liturgy, St. Pius V Church, St. Louis, honored Loretto’s 200th anniversary and legacy of service in Missouri.

Sept. 15: Loretto Jubilee Mass, St. Anselm Church, San Anselmo, Calif., commemorated Loretto’s history there in the 1920s.

Sept. 15: Loretto Community in Washington, D.C., celebrated the Jubilee and the “Seven Sorrows of

Mary” with prayerful witness at “sorrowful” sites of injustice in the capital city.

Sept. 16: Opening reception, Loretto 200th Jubilee Exhibit, Western History Art Gallery, Denver Central Library. Exhibit runs through Dec. 31. See related

story, page 10.

Sept. 16: Jubilee on the Border Mass and Luncheon, ¿QDO�HYHQW�RI�/RUHWWR�Academy’s Homecoming Weekend, El Paso Country Club, El Paso, Texas.

Sept. 22: Loretto Gathering, Louisville, Ky., began with a program at the former site of Loretto High School, followed by a Eucharistic Liturgy at Christ the King Church.

Sept. 23: Loretto Jubilee Mass, St. Francis of Assisi Church, St. Francis, Ky., Marion County.

Sept. 26: Loretto Community marked the 200th anniversary of its founding and the 160th anniversary of the congregation’s arrival in Santa Fe, N.M., with a Special Liturgy of Thanksgiving at St. Francis Cathedral Basilica, Santa Fe, following by a book signing of “A Century of Change 1912-2012,” authored by Patricia Jean Manion SL and 18 other Loretto Community members. A prayer service and talk were given that evening for Santa Fe Loretto Academy former students by Elaine Prevallet SL, Loretto Chapel, Santa Fe.

Sept. 29: Loretto Jubilee Mass, St. Patrick Church, Kankakee, Ill. Kankakee native Janet Rabideau SL, presented the history of Loretto in Northern Illinois.

Oct. 13: Jubilee Gala, Hyatt Regency, 'HQYHU��VLWH�RI�WKH�¿UVW�6W��0DU\¶V�$FDGHP\�WKDW�JUDQWHG�WKH�¿UVW�KLJK�VFKRRO�diploma in the territory to Jessie Forshee, who later became a Sister of Loretto.

Oct. 14-25: Loretto 200th Jubilee Celebration Trip to Italy. Helen Santamaria SL of El Paso and a group of Loretto women journeyed together on a fun and insightful trip to Italy.

Oct 19-20: Joint 200th Anniversary Celebration of Loretto and the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, Loretto Motherhouse, Nerinx, Ky. The Sisters of Charity of Nazareth were also founded in 1812 in nearby Nazareth, Ky. Two concerts by “Earth Mama” were staged as a part of the celebration, one in St. Catharine and the other in Louisville.

Oct. 21: “Denver in 1864” presentation by award-winning novelist Margaret Coel, Western History Museum, Denver Central Library.

Oct. 27: “Healing of Memories: The Journey of Individuals, Families, Communities and Nations,” a conversation with Anglican

priest Rev. Michael Lapsley, Western History Art Gallery, Denver Central Library.

Nov. 4: “Sisters of Loretto in Kentucky, Santa Fe, Colorado and Wyoming,” a discussion with Colorado Historian Tom Noel and Denver City Auditor Dennis Gallagher, Western History Art Gallery, Denver Central Library.

Nov. 9: Second presentation of St. Louis Jubilee Awards, Webster University, St. Louis.

Nov. 18: “Global Loretto,” a discussion with Cathy Mueller SL, president of the Loretto Community, Western History Art Gallery, Denver Central Library.

Nov. 22: Loretto Academy to march in Sun Bowl Parade, El Paso, Texas.

Dec. 8: Third presentation of St. Louis Jubilee Awards, Webster University, St. Louis.


notes and news

St. Patrick Church, Kankakee, Ill.


Sun Bowl Stadium, El Paso, Texas. :HEVWHU�8QLYHUVLW\�&DPSXV��:HEVWHU�*URYHV��0R�




0HPEHUV�RI�/RUHWWR¶V�([HFXWLYH�&RPPLWWHH�DQG�&RPPXQLW\�)RUXP�ZHUH�HOHFWHG�DW�WKH�-XO\�*HQHUDO�$VVHPEO\�LQ�6W��/RXLV�IRU�WHUPV�VWDUWLQJ�LQ�������Seated left to right: Karen Cassidy CoL (Forum), Susan Classen CoL �)RUXP���3HDUO�0F*LYQH\�6/��3UHVLGHQW���0DUOHQH�6SHUR�6/��([HF��&PWH����Buffy Boesen SL (Exec. Cmte.). Standing left to right: Maureen O’Connell SL (Exec. Cmte.), Lillian Moskeland CoL (Forum), Vicki Schwartz SL (Vice 3UHVLGHQW���%ULDQ�+DPPRQG�&R/��)RUXP���0DU\�+HOHQ�6DQGRYDO�&R/�(Forum), Maureen Fiedler SL (Exec. Cmte.).

notes and news

6L[�([HFXWLYH�7HDP�PHPEHUV��¿YH�)RUXP�OHDGHUV�begin their service on Jan. 1, 2013

7KH������/RUHWWR�([HFXWLYH�&RPPLWWHH��7KH�president is elected for a six-year term; all other RI¿FHUV�VHUYH�IRU�WKUHH�\HDUV��Standing left to right: O’Connell, Boesen, Fiedler. Seated left to right:�6FKZDUW]��0F*LYQH\��6SHUR�

)LYH�RI�WKH�VL[�OLYLQJ�/RUHWWR�SUHVLGHQWV�HQMR\�D�PRPHQW�RI�WRJHWKHUQHVV�in the shade on a sweltering July day on the Loretto Center grounds, St. Louis. From left: Presidents Cathy Mueller (2007-2012), Marian 0F$YR\��������������3HDUO�0F*LYQH\��EHJLQV�-DQ������������0DXUHHQ�0F&RUPDFN��������������DQG�0DU\�&DWKHULQH�5DEELWW��������������Not attending: 0DU\�$QQ�&R\OH�������������

Incoming and outgoing Loretto presidents. President-Elect Pearl 0F*LYQH\�6/��OHIW��with President Cathy Mueller SL.

Photos by Donna Mattingly SL


TKH�/RUHWWR�:RPHQ¶V�1HWZRUN�granted three outstanding women

the distinguished Mary Rhodes Award for their successful work for justice and SHDFH��7KH�HYHQW�ZDV�KHOG�-XO\����DW�1HULQ[�+DOO¶V�+HDJQH\�7KHDWHU�DV�SDUW�RI�the Loretto Jubilee Year Assembly in St. Louis. Those accepting awards were:

Elizabeth Johnson CSJ, Distinguished Professor of Theology at Fordham 8QLYHUVLW\��1HZ�<RUN��(OL]DEHWK�LV�a former president of the Catholic Theological Society of America and former president of the American Theological Society. She is the author of several books in which she explores the living faith of the church in communities within various cultures and context.

Maureen Hermann, President of Marian Middle School, St. Louis, a middle school serving economically disadvantaged girls. 0DXUHHQ�KDV�ZRUNHG�IRU�PRUH�WKDQ����\HDUV�LQ�VHYHUDO�QRQ�SUR¿W�RUJDQL]DWLRQV��including Missouri Special Olympics, 1DWLRQDO�.LGQH\�)RXQGDWLRQ��DQG�WKH�1DWLRQDO�06�6RFLHW\�

Abbe Sudvarg, M.D., Board Chair of the Peace Economy Project and a family practice physician in St. Louis who provides healthcare to the underinsured. A strong proponent of universal healthcare and reproductive rights for women, Dr. Sudvarg visits patients at home and pays for medication personally, if necessary.

/RUHWWR�:RPHQ¶V�1HWZRUN�UHFRJQL]HV�achievements in justice and peace

Mary Rhodes Awards recipients July 20 at Nerinx Hall High School, St. Louis. From left: Colleen Mary Mallon OP accepting on behalf of theologian Elizabeth Johnson CSJ; Maureen Hermann; and Abbe 6XGYDUJ��0�'�

The award: Initiated through the Loretto :RPHQ¶V�1HWZRUN�LQ�������WKH�0DU\�Rhodes Award recognizes women outside the Loretto Community who have made VLJQL¿FDQW�FRQWULEXWLRQV�WR�WKH�FDXVH�of justice and equality, particularly for women. According to the “History of the Mary Rhodes Award,” these women are an eminent group, diverse in their racial/ethnic backgrounds, age, religious traditions, and occupations.

Among those honored have been legislators, educators, community organizers, authors, social workers, artists, musicians, healthcare providers, ordained ministers, and poets.

The legacy: The award is named in honor of the pioneer founder of the Sisters of Loretto, Mary Rhodes, who was a strong woman, active woman, and unafraid to take risks. She was also a woman who could size up a situation, identify a problem, and do something to solve it. It is for that spirit that the Loretto Women’s 1HWZRUN�QDPHG�WKLV�DZDUG�DIWHU�0DU\�Rhodes.

notes & news

Meet the Challenge!

YOU can help us

D O U B L Ethe muscle power

of a generous

Challenge Grant


Loretto has received a Jubilee Challenge Grant of $100,000 to FIRI½X�XLI�7MWXIVW�SJ�0SVIXXS�Retirement Fund.

This matching grant can grow to $200,000 if we raise $100,000 in matching funds by Dec. 15, 2012.

A gift of any amount is greatly appreciated — and EVERY GIFT will put us closer to meeting the challenge! Won’t you please use the donation envelope provided in this issue to help us meet our goal by mid-December?





2012 Loretto Golf Tournament Fundraiser welcomed golfers . . . and wildlife

One of the main prize drawing winners was Catherine Villa, a new golfer to Loretto’s tournament, pictured with her uncle Mike Powell. Catherine was both VXUSULVHG�DQG�GHOLJKWHG�WR�ZLQ�KHU�RZQ�ÀDW�VFUHHQ��KLJK�GH¿QLWLRQ�79

From left: Alicia Ramirez SL, C. C. Pizzoferrato, and Mary Ellen McElroy 6/�HQMR\�WKHLU�WKUHHVRPH�RQ�D�JRUJHRXV�ODWH�$XJXVW�GD\�DW�$UURZKHDG�*ROI�&OXE��Littleton, Colo.


One of the main prize drawing winners was Catherine Villa, a new golfer to Loretto’s tournament, pictured with her uncle Mike Powell. Catherine was both VXUSULVHG�DQG�GHOLJKWHG�WR�ZLQ�KHU�RZQ�ÀDW�VFUHHQ��KLJK�GH¿QLWLRQ�79�


Background and wildlife photos by Donna Mattingly SL. *ROIHU�SKRWRV�E\�&DURO\Q�'XQEDU�


tournament, which continues to enjoy a loyal following every summer.



and staff Loretto schools in the area, Loretto sisters and co-members, other area women religious, priests and men religious, and friends of Loretto. The crowd arrived early that Sunday DIWHUQRRQ�DQG�VWD\HG�ORQJ�DIWHU�WKH�RI¿FLDO�FORVLQJ�WLPH�SRXULQJ�over the displays and chatting together as though it were “Old Home Week.”

“The reception and exhibit are a gift to the people of Colorado GXULQJ�WKLV�VLJQ¿FDQW�\HDU�LQ�/RUHWWR¶V�KLVWRU\�´�VDLG�Lydia Peña SL��FXUDWRU�RI�WKH�H[KLELW�WLWOHG�³/RUHWWR����WK�-XELOHH�([KLELW������������6HUYLQJ�'HQYHU�VLQFH������´�7KH�SODQQLQJ�began two years ago when Peña and Denise Ann Clifford SL, chair of the Colorado Jubilee Committee, met with Jim Kroll, manager of the Denver Public Library’s Western History Art *DOOHU\��7KH\�VHFXUHG�WKH�¿UVW�RI�LWV�NLQG�LQYLWDWLRQ�WR�GLVSOD\�a photographic history of Loretto in Colorado. Thus began the long work of gathering information and wonderful photographs, pulled together by Peña, the Jubilee Committee, many Loretto Community members, and talented designer Violet Carlon.

At the opening reception Loretto President Cathy Mueller and Peña acknowledged the dozens of contributors, writers, researchers, editors — from both outside and within the Loretto Community — who were vital to developing and bringing the exhibit to fruition. Five separate areas are highlighted, including Kentucky and Santa Fe, The Schools, Peace and Justice, Global

Loretto, and Ordinary Women with Extraordinary Lives.

7KH����WK�-XELOHH�([KLELW�UXQV�WKURXJK�'HF������DQG�ZLOO�EH�WKH�setting for three public presentations — 2FW������1RY����DQG��� — RQ�KLVWRULF�'HQYHU��/RUHWWR�LQ�WKH�:HVW��DQG�*OREDO�/RUHWWR�WRGD\�

/RUHWWR¶V����WK�-XELOHH�([KLELW����������draws eager crowd at Denver Central Library

‘Making a Difference in Colorado since 1864’

By Carolyn Dunbar

'HQYHU�&HQWUDO�/LEUDU\�H[WHULRU��Loretto’s Jubilee Exhibit is on display at WKH�OLEUDU\¶V�:HVWHUQ�+LVWRU\�$UW�*DOOHU\��

Photo by Donna Mattingly SL.

Exhibit Curator Lydia Peña SL (right) introduces Exhibit Designer Violet Carlon at a presentation of acknowledgements during the /RUHWWR�H[KLELW�RSHQLQJ�6HSW������3KRWR�E\�'RQQD�0DWWLQJO\�6/��

Photos by Donna Mattingly SL and Carolyn Dunbar

Mary Catherine Rabbitt SL

poses proudly by the

Women’s Bean Project display. Loretto Milestones

Loretto Co-member Jossy Eyre, who started

the Women’s Bean Project to help impoverished

women, carefully inspects one of the displays.

Marie Joann Rekart SL (right)

taught Cathy Hupp CoL at St.

Mary’s Academy, Littleton, Colo.

Visitors enjoy the exhibit. Alicia Ramirez SL (left) and Mary Nelle Gage SL near display of Rosemary Wilcox SL,

principal of Machebeuf High School. Sister Rosemary died Sept. 18.


loretto community members to remember


0DGHOLQH�&ROOLQV�6/��IRUPHUO\�6U��-RKQ�$JQHV���6HSWHPEHU����������²�-XQH��������� Sister Madeline was born Margaret Madeleine Collins in Edina, Mo., to John and Agnes Collins. She was taught E\�WKH�6LVWHUV�RI�/RUHWWR�DW�6W��-RVHSK¶V�(OHPHQWDU\�6FKRRO�DQG�6W��-RVHSK¶V�+LJK�6FKRRO��,Q�������DW�DJH�����Margaret Madeleine entered the Loretto novitiate. The following April, she received the religious habit and white YHLO�RI�D�/RUHWWR�QRYLFH��7ZR�\HDUV�ODWHU��$SULO�����������VKH�SURQRXQFHG�KHU�¿UVW�YRZV�DQG�PDGH�¿QDO�YRZV�LQ�������0DGHOLQH�HDUQHG�KHU�EDFKHORU¶V�GHJUHH�IURP�:HEVWHU�&ROOHJH��:HEVWHU�*URYHV��0R���DQG�KHU�FHUWL¿FDWH�LQ�WKHRORJ\�IURP�/RUHWWR�+HLJKWV�&ROOHJH��'HQYHU��LQ�������6KH�KDG�DOUHDG\�EHJXQ�WHDFKLQJ�LQ������LQ�VHYHUDO�Catholic schools in St. Louis. She went on to teach in public and parish elementary schools in California, &RORUDGR��,OOLQRLV��1HZ�0H[LFR�DQG�7H[DV��6KH�UHWLUHG�LQ������DIWHU�WHDFKLQJ�IRU����\HDUV�LQ�1RUFR�DQG�0RQURYLD��&DOLI��,Q������VKH�PRYHG�WR�/RUHWWR�&HQWHU��/LWWOHWRQ��&ROR���DQG�WR�WKH�/RUHWWR�0RWKHUKRXVH�,Q¿UPDU\��1HULQ[��.\�� LQ�������0DGHOLQH�&ROOLQV�GLHG�DW�WKH�0RWKHUKRXVH�DW�DJH����DQG�LQ�KHU���WK�\HDU�DV�D�6LVWHU�RI�/RUHWWR�

5RVH�+HQU\�+LGJRQ�6/��-DQXDU\����������²�-XQH���������Henrietta Higdon was born the third of seven children to Estil and Henrietta Higdon in St. Lawrence, Ky. She was educated in Kentucky at St. Lawrence School, St. Rose School, St. Joseph Academy where she earned her high VFKRRO�GLSORPD��+HQULHWWD�HQWHUHG�/RUHWWR�LQ�������UHFHLYLQJ�WKH�KDELW�DQG�WKH�UHOLJLRXV�QDPH�6LVWHU�5RVH�+HQU\�LQ�������6KH�PDGH�¿UVW�YRZV�LQ������DQG�¿QDO�YRZV�WKUHH�\HDUV�ODWHU��5RVH�+HQU\¶V�¿UVW�\HDUV�RI�WHDFKLQJ�ZHUH�LQ�.HQWXFN\��VWDUWLQJ�DW�6W��%HQHGLFW¶V�LQ�/RXLVYLOOH�LQ�������6W��$XJXVWLQH¶V�LQ�/HEDQRQ��EDFN�WR�6W��%HQHGLFW¶V�and then to Loretto Public School in Loretto, Ky. In the meantime she pursued her college education at Webster &ROOHJH��HDUQLQJ�KHU�%�$��LQ�HGXFDWLRQ�LQ�������%\�WKDW�WLPH��5RVH�+HQU\�KDG�EHHQ�WUDQVIHUUHG�WR�+RO\�)DPLO\�6FKRRO�LQ�'HQYHU��DQG�RQ�WR�6W��-RVHSK�6FKRRO�LQ�5DZOLQV��:\R��$IWHU����\HDUV�LQ�WKH�:HVW��5RVH�+HQU\�UHWXUQHG�to Kentucky, teaching at St. Augustine’s and St. Stephen Cathedral School, Owensboro, and at St. Ferdinand 6FKRRO�LQ�)ORULVVDQW��0R��6KH�UHWLUHG�WR�WKH�0RWKHUKRXVH�LQ������DQG�ZDV�DQ�DFWLYH�SDUW�RI�WKH�FRPPXQLW\�XQWLO�KHU�GHDWK�DW�DJH�����DQG�LQ�KHU���WK�\HDU�DV�D�6LVWHU�RI�/RUHWWR�






'RURWK\�9LGXOLFK��&6-3��&R/��-DQXDU\����������²�-XO\����������'RURWK\�9LGXOLFK�ZDV�RQH�RI�WKUHH�FKLOGUHQ�ERUQ�LQ�-HUVH\�&LW\��1�-���WR�0DWWKHZ�DQG�6RSKLH�9LGXOLFK��6KH�HQWHUHG�WKH�&RQJUHJDWLRQ�RI�WKH�6LVWHUV�RI�6W��-RVHSK�RI�3HDFH�DW�6W��0LFKDHO�9LOOD�1RYLWLDWH�LQ�1HZ�-HUVH\�DQG�PDGH�¿QDO�YRZV�LQ�������'RURWK\�KDG�HDUQHG�D�EDFKHORU¶V�GHJUHH�LQ�(QJOLVK�IURP�6HWRQ�+DOO�8QLYHUVLW\�LQ�1HZ�-HUVH\�DQG�D�PDVWHU¶V�GHJUHH�IURP�9LOODQRYD�8QLYHUVLW\�LQ�3KLODGHOSKLD��SUHSDULQJ�KHU�IRU�ZRUN�DV�communications director and as a Washington correspondent for the National Catholic Reporter��,Q�������DIWHU�EHIULHQGLQJ�PHPEHUV�RI�WKH�/RUHWWR�&RPPXQLW\��'RURWK\�ZDV�WKH�¿UVW�VLVWHU�IURP�DQRWKHU�UHOLJLRXV�RUGHU�to become a Loretto co-member. At the time she wrote, “Close contacts with Mary Luke Tobin, Jane Marie Richardson, Mary Fran Lottes, Mary Peter Bruce, Diane Fassel, and many others have enriched not only me but our 6LVWHUV�RI�3HDFH�&RPPXQLW\�´�'RURWK\�ZDV����\HDUV�ROG�ZKHQ�VKH�GLHG�DQG�LQ�KHU���QG�\HDU�DV�D�/RUHWWR�FR�PHPEHU�

5RVHPDU\�:LOFR[�6/��IRUPHUO\�6U��0DU\�7KRPDVLQH���'HFHPEHU����������²�6HSWHPEHU����������Rosemary Wilcox was born, raised, and educated in St. Louis, the second oldest of four children of Charles and 1HOOLH�:LOFR[��5RVHPDU\¶V�VLVWHU�-DQH�ODWHU�EHFDPH�D�6LVWHU�RI�/RUHWWR��KHU�EURWKHU�7RP�EHFDPH�D�0DU\NQROO�priest; and brother Bill, married and fathered a large family. Rosemary attended Loretto Academy and St. Alphonsus High School. After graduation she worked as a stenographer and secretary in St. Louis, entering /RUHWWR�LQ������DQG�WDNLQJ�WKH�QDPH�6LVWHU�0DU\�7KRPDVLQH�LQ�KRQRU�RI�KHU�EURWKHU�7RP��$IWHU�KHU�SURIHVVLRQ�LQ�������5RVHPDU\�ZDV�VHQW�WR�6W��0DU\¶V�$FDGHP\�LQ�'HQYHU��6KH�DOVR�WDXJKW�DW�6W��3KLORPHQD¶V�LQ�'HQYHU��6W��James in Highwood Ill., and Blessed Sacrament in Denver. She then served as principal of Bishop Machebeuf &DWKROLF�+LJK�6FKRRO�IRU�PRUH�WKDQ����\HDUV��,Q������VKH�ZDV�DSSRLQWHG�WR�KHDG�WKH�RI¿FH�RI�'HQYHU�0HWUR�$UHD�&DWKROLF�(GXFDWLRQ��,Q������$UFKELVKRS�&DVH\�DSSRLQWHG�KHU�YLFH�FKDQFHOORU�RI�WKH�'HQYHU�$UFKGLRFHVH��DQG�LQ������$UFKELVKRS�6WDIIRUG�DSSRLQWHG�KHU�FKDQFHOORU��D�SRVLWLRQ�VKH�KHOG�IRU����\HDUV��6KH�UHWLUHG�LQ������DQG�PRYHG�WR�WKH�'HQYHU�&HQWHU�LQ�������5HÀHFWLQJ�RQ�KHU�RZQ�OLIH�LQ�������5RVHPDU\�VDLG�VKH�ORYHG�KHU�OLIH��ZKLFK�KDG�EHHQ�D�KDSS\�RQH��5RVHPDU\�ZDV����\HDUV�ROG�ZKHQ�VKH�GLHG�DW�WKH�6W��-RKQ¶V�+RVSLFH�LQ�'HQYHU�DQG�LQ�KHU���WK�\HDU�DV�D�6LVWHU�RI�/RUHWWR���

loretto community members to remember

Readers are encouraged to see detailed remembrances at www.lorettocommunity.org. :H�DSSUHFLDWH�DQG�WKDQN�/RUHWWR�$UFKLYLVW�.DWH�0LVEDXHU�6/�DQG�WKH�$UFKLYHV�VWDII�IRU�SUHSDULQJ�WKHVH�UHPHPEUDQFHV��




Memorials and Tributes of Honor


In Memory of: Requested by:

Throughout this list of Memorials and Tributes, an asterisk ( *��IROORZLQJ�D�QDPH�LGHQWL¿HV����

that person as a Loretto co-member.

Throughout these lists of donors: † indicates deceased; * indicates Loretto Co-member

Rosemary Grawer SL The Loretto Community Karen Jarboe & Nanci Moore Mary Louise Murphy* Mary Palumbo Shannon, Sara & Paige Tyree Mr. & Mrs. Darnell WatersAncilla Marie Burke SL David SchererAlice Lida Cochran* Thomas R. CromwellJean Carmel Cavanaugh SL Mary & Terrence MurphyJoe Cole* Martha Alderson*Madeline Collins SL The Loretto CommunityMichaela Collins SL Therese Stawowy*Andrew Denning The Loretto CommunityRuth & Ralph Dermody The Loretto Community Marian Disch SL Barbara & Richard CrossLeona Rapier Edelen, Aunt Tate Rapier Spalding, Aunt Nancy (Nanny) Rapier Stiles, & Robert Leona Edelen SL Virginia E. Bennett Anabel Madsen Fraass Frank FraassJody Ritter Gates George GatesEsther Marie Goodrow SL Mary & Terrence MurphyMargaret Grant* Greg & Rebecca Hastings Brian Hastings Mark HastingsAlvera (Catherine Albert) Grawer SL

Rosemary Grawer SLMarie Noël Hebert SL James C. Hebert Therese Stawowy*Catherine Hencmann Adele & Bill DeLine David MurrayRose Henry Higdon SL Thomas Freeman Mary R. & Charles George Marietha & Victor Higdon Maureen & Gary Kingry The Loretto Community Catherine M. WhitehouseClare & Earl Highland Mary & Joseph HighlandInga Marie Block Hoenny Mary BickelAnn Johnson SL, who taught our two oldest sons in grade school Bernice & John WittenAnn Johnson SL Elizabeth & John Neville The Loretto CommunityJohn L. “Jack” Jones Helen A. JonesKim Jacobs Kelly Mary Louise Murphy* The Loretto CommunityJohn “Jack” F. Knapp, Jr. Betty L. KnappCora L. Kreachbaum Mary Sue AndersonAbby Marie Lanners Patricia & Larry LannersMr. & Mrs. Maurice LaPierre Maurice LaPierreJoan Van Leeuwen SL Chris Beal Judy Berry Laura Fischer Sheila HasenkampMary Leibman* Patty Brush*

Marilyn KoncenM. Paschalita Linehan SL Alice LinehanAlbina Martowlos SL Nancy LugerEdwin Mary McBride SL Mary & Terrence MurphyHelen & Scotty McDonald Margie & Judy McDonaldMr. & Mrs. G. C. McEvoy Patricia McEvoy KablerMary McNellis SL Patty Brush* The Loretto Community Mr. & Mrs. William SaxburyEllen Melgum Kathleen Tighe SLPrudence (Prudy) Moffett* The Loretto CommunityCoaina Mudd SL Katherine CarleyVron Murphy* Dee FerrellFr. Charles Nerinckx St. Paul Catholic Church,� �����/HLWFK¿HOG��.\�Lois Elliott O’Connor James O’ConnorKathleen O’Malley SL Betty StandifordRoberta Obal The Loretto CommunityElizabeth Smreker Owens Marilyn Koncen James OwensMartha Parsons Mary Louise Murphy*Fermin Peña Fannie Fiddmont Dolores & James Hoffman The Loretto CommunityVicki Quatmann SL Toni WaltersPhilomena Quiah CSC The Loretto Community

Lillian Alderson Martha Alderson* Carol Corrigan* Elizabeth Ann Compton SL Elizabeth Connor* Jeanne & Robert Franklin Jeannine Gramick SL Gabriel Mary Hoare SL Gay* & Jim* Lenox Barbara Light* The Loretto Community Marian McAvoy SL Maureen McCormack SL Barbara Mecker* & Brian Hammond* Lillian* & John* Moskeland Helen K. Reid* Anne C. Spillane* Annelles Wagenhenecht Nancy Wittwer SLKay & Bernie Ambre Mary & Joseph HighlandImogene Anspach* Margaret G. Chambers Patricia C. Calixto*Emilita (Bunny) Barker Alma Schuler*Martha Elizabeth Block Bickel Mary BickelMary Louise Kaltenbach Block Mary BickelMary Boland* Rev. Sally BrownInga Paulina Torgersen Borgstrom Mary BickelFlorence Bowdoin Barbara RancourMary Rhodes Buckler SL Martha Alderson* Virginia E. Bennett Ruth & Philip Buckler Margaret & Donald Danborn



Alice Buckley Reichwein Lois BuckleyEd Remedios Carolyn Jamarillo The Loretto CommunityJack Richardson The Loretto CommunityJohn Michael Ritchie SL Therese Stawowy*Ann Lucille Ryan SL Joan & Paul ShefferRichard E. Salsbury Estela SalsburyDick Standiford Betty Standiford0D\�%RQ¿OV�6WDQWRQ Franciscan Friars Holy Name ProvinceCharles K. Stough Nancy Hillhouse & Carol Stough

Susan Swain SL Martha Alderson* Anonymous Patty Brush* Mr. & Mrs. William Carr Sisters of Charity of Nazareth Rebecca A. Coakley* Anne & Thomas Coerver Sallie Dalton & Barbara Schroeder Adele & Bill DeLine Raymond Ensman* Mary Hargadon Carolyn & David Holder Kathleen & Pat Jordan Joellen & Anthony McDonald Elizabeth Pope Mary Helen Sandoval* Celia Schefe

2012 Golden Jubilarians

Sandra Ardoyno SL Martha Alderson* Mary Kay Brannan SL Theresa L. Coyle SL Eileen Kersgieter SL Leticia Lopez*Donna Day SL Martha Alderson* Cabrini Bartolo SL Mary Kay Brannan SL Theresa L. Coyle SL Eileen Kersgieter SL Leticia Lopez*Sharon Kassing SL Martha Alderson* Cabrini Bartolo SL Mary Kay Brannan SL Nina Bryans Theresa L. Coyle SL Eileen Kersgieter SL Leticia Lopez* Doris Pittman Kathleen SchottCarol Ann Ptacek SL Mary Kay Brannan SL Theresa L. Coyle SL Eileen Kersgieter SL Leticia Lopez* Doris PittmanHelen Santamaria SL Mary Kay Brannan SL Theresa L. Coyle SL Eileen Kersgieter SL Leticia Lopez*Mary Louise Vandover SL Mary Kay Brannan SL Theresa L. Coyle SL Eileen Kersgieter SL Leticia Lopez* Ann & Andrew Ruhlin

St. Mary’s Academy Therese Stawowy*Marjorie Hanson Sweeney Patricia & John BrockAnn Virginia Tighe SL, Carolyn Mary Tighe SL, & Lucina Tighe SL Phyllis & Charles TigheBeverly A. Troudt Michele & Dan ClemDorothy Vidulich CSJP* The Loretto CommunityBernice Voss Marianne BurnesJoseph C. Wagner Marcia & Joop KaldenhovenLeo & Marcella Walter Loretta Walter SeltzerJacqueline Grennan Wexler* Jan Turala

In Honor of: Requested by:

Jim & Bev Carrigan Pat McCormick SLDenise Ann Clifford SL Priscilla & Michael O’LearyLee Connolly SL Susan Murray & Michael TevlinPat Dressler*, for healing The Loretto CommunityBenedicta Feeney SL Mary Jane & Tom ClabotsJoAnn Gates* Marcella & Tom Allison Sandy Baker Linda Pickerill Nancy Purdy Jean Schweickardt Glenna Smith Carla WarrenAnn Francis Gleason SL Martha Joan Bennett Eleanor WarzohaDr. Clark Havens, for his 80th birthday Mary Louise Murphy*Joseph Highland Mary HighlandLeadership Conference of Women Religious Lois Buckley

Sisters of Loretto, for their 200th Jubilee Denver Ignatian Spirituality Project Team Jan TuralaSisters of Loretto Lois BuckleySisters of Loretto, all who taught me Verlene RogalinThe Loretto Community Dee FerrellMary Frances Lottes SL, for her 90th birthday Art & Mary Lottes Katherine D. Lottes Margie & Judy McDonaldMy sisters & nieces who had the opportunity to receive a higher degree McAvoy FamilyRev. Bernard Meyer Priscilla & Michael O’LearyMary Louise Murphy*, for her birthday Mary Louise TidwellDorothy Ortner*, for her Co-member commitment Mary Kay Brannan SLLydia Peña SL Pearle Rae & Mark Levey Lisa & Bill Snider

Elizabeth Perez*, 2012 Silver Jubilarian Eileen Kersgieter SLElaine Prevallet SL Eleanor WarzohaLarry Purcell*, for his Co-member commitment Mary Kay Brannan SL Theresa Kinealy*Mary Catherine Rabbitt SL Peggy & Dennis RabbittAlma Schuler*, 2012 Silver Jubilarian Martha Alderson*Mary Swain SL Marcella & Tom AllisonAlice Eugene Tighe SL & Kathleen Tighe SL Phyllis & Charles Tighe1DWDOLH�:LQJ�6/��¿QDO�YRZV Mary Kay Brannan SLRick Witzel, Sr. Colette & Terry Purcell

Corrections from Loretto Magazine Summer 2012:

� Dr. Thomas Passo’s 2011 gift to the Loretto Motherhouse was givenin honor of Margaret

Fitzgerald SL, and not in her memory. She is 98 years old and enjoying life at the Motherhouse.

� A gift to the Hunger Fund was given in honor of the Loretto members who participated in St. Mary’s Academy classes and events during the 2011-2012 academic year. By St. Mary’s Academy, Englewood, Colo.

Loretto Magazine 590 E. Lockwood St. Louis, MO 63119-3279

Address Service Requested




WaitingWaiting for the snow.The clouds hang lowFilled to the bursting point.Earth sighs with anxiety;We join our longing with it.They tell us it might be a big oneBut no one knows for sure,Tiny snowdrops fall aimlesslyAnd we still wait.

— Anita Marie Robertson SL