Logo usage guidelines use – marketing A .com version of the logo has been produced for use on...


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Logo usage guidelines



Introduction ............................................................................... 3

Logo use – corporate ........................................................... 4

Logo use – marketing ......................................................... 5

Supporting straplines .......................................................... 6

Clear space and minimum space ................................. 7

Incorrect usage ........................................................................ 8

Colours .......................................................................................... 9

Corporate typefaces ........................................................... 10

Printed support material .................................................. 11

Online support material ..................................................... 12

Stationery ................................................................................... 13

Word conventions ................................................................. 14

Contact details ........................................................................ 15

Ebuyers know value when they see it. And the Ebuyer identity plays a huge role in promoting this image in the marketplace.

A friendly and customer-focused brand, Ebuyer is synonymous with these qualities, and this must be reflected wherever the name appears.

These guidelines have been produced to ensure the Ebuyer message is delivered to customers, and potential customers, in a correct and consistent manner every time.


Logo use – corporate

The Ebuyer logo is the primary means of identifying

the company. The Ebuyer logo variants shown on this

and the following pages are the only acceptable logos

to be used.

Do not try to recreate the logos. Always request the

correct digital files for any application and these must

not be altered in any way.

The logos must always be prominent and have

maximum impact. The area around the Ebuyer logo

must have the clear space indicated.

Wherever possible, and conditions permitting,

the preferred Ebuyer logo style is that of version 1

as shown.

The hallmarks of our house style are white backgrounds

and open spaces combined with blocks of approved

colours, providing a contemporary, clean look for

our brand and ensuring maximum visibility for our

corporate signature.

If the logo needs to appear on a black background, it

should be reversed out as shown in version 2.

When required, the Ebuyer logo may need to be

produced in black and white, e.g. press advertising,

mono advert etc. The mono versions are to be applied

when using this application.

A variant of this logo with the strapline is also

available which would enhance the brand when copy

is limited. Please see Supporting Strapline on page 6

for examples.






Logo use – marketing

A .com version of the logo has been produced for

use on sales and marketing material, such as IT press

advertising, flyers, direct marketing and other printed

promotional devices.

This allows the brand to become instantly recognisable

as an Internet based company whilst acting as a call

to action, encouraging the target audiences to visit

the website.

A variant of this logo with the strapline is also

available which would enhance the brand when copy

is limited. Please see Supporting Strapline on page 6

for examples.






Supporting Strapline

The official supporting strapline has been developed

to complement and support the Ebuyer logo. As with

the .com version, the Ebuyer strapline locates the

logotype within the Internet business.

The strapline may, on occasion be used on its own.

When used alongside the Ebuyer logo, it should be

justified as shown here, or right aligned with the .com

logo and produced from the correct digital files.

Do not recreate the logo/strapline combination in

any way.

Clear space and minimum space


Clear space

In order to prevent the logo from being overcrowded

or obscured by other elements, an exclusion zone

has been established. Ideally, the signature should be

staged with as much space as possible to ensure proper

framing of the signature and to protect its integrity.

The exclusion zone is an area into which no text or

graphic element may intrude. Please refer to example

shown for a graphical representation.

When positioning the logotype on a printed page,

website etc. it is important to give it some breathing

space and allow for a certain clear space around it.

This area should be kept clear whenever possible

(there may be situations on web pages where the

amount of space is limited and therefore does not

allow for clear space).

Minimum size

To ensure logo legibility, it is recommended that the

minimum reproduction size of the Ebuyer logo is no

smaller than 28mm wide.

Place the logo consistently

The preferred placement of the Ebuyer logo is in

the top left corner for web/multimedia designs.

For printed communications, the top right or left

is preferred. Although some flexibility is allowed,

i.e. bottom right on magazine adverts, as long as it

appears in a prominent position, depending on the

layout and communication needs.


0.5 x


0.5 x


Printed media

Web based media

With strapline

Minimum size

This section demonstrates the unacceptable usage of

the corporate logo. A simple rule to remember is not to

distort the logo under any circumstances and always

request the correct digital files for any application.

The logo must always appear proportionate to a 100%

vertical and 100% horizontal configuration, and be

positioned horizontally.

By using supplied logo files and adhering to the

guidelines, the company image will be consistently


How not to use the Ebuyer logo:

1 Do not reproduce the logo in an

unauthorised colour

2 Do not distort the logo

3 Do not use the logo as a repeat pattern

4 Do not outline the logo

5 Do not tint the logo

6 Do not attempt to reproduce the logo using

computer systems

7 Do not stack the logo vertically or turn it on its side

Incorrect usage

Unacceptable logo: Modi�ed proportions

Unacceptable logo:No rotating logo

Unacceptable logo:Fixed vertical positioning

Unacceptable logo: Clear space violation

Unacceptable logo: Logo on top of image

Unacceptable logo: Logo too small

Unacceptable logo: Poor logo contrast

Unacceptable logo: Poor logo contrast

Unacceptable logo: Modi�ed proportions

Unacceptable logo: Improper size relationship

Do not use former logo designs


Unacceptable logo: Wrong colour


The Ebuyer corporate colours should be reproduced

using these values, selecting the appropriate palette

when either using on-screen and web or printed

materials. These are not to be altered in any way.

For on-screen or web use, RGB or HEX values should

be applied.

When producing printed communications, the

4-colour process (CYMK) colours are the favoured

option if budgets and production techniques permit.

Whatever the chosen palette, careful consideration

should be given to every project, as colours will vary

according to papers or materials used. Be prepared to

compensate where necessary for any variation.

PMS 1655

C: 0 M: 63 Y: 91 K: 0

R: 208 G: 109 B: 29

HEX: #D06D1D

PMS Process Black

C: 0 M: 0 Y: 0 K: 100

R: 31 G: 29 B: 33

HEX: #1F1D21

PMS Cool Gray 9

C: 0 M: 0 Y: 0 K: 60

R: 133 G: 134 B: 136

HEX: #858688

C: 0 M: 30 Y: 87 K: 0R: 234 G: 186 B: 62HEX: #EABA3E

C: 0 M: 72 Y: 100 K: 0

R: 206 G: 99 B: 30

HEX: #CE631E

C: 0 M: 85 Y: 100 K: 0

R: 199 G: 69 B: 31

HEX: #C7451F

Corporate typefaces

Myriad family



Sari Bold




The Ebuyer corporate typeface is Myriad which is usually

automatically installed on most PC and Apple Mac

computers, and therefore should be readily available.

They are preferred for use on print collateral, advertising,

direct mail, presentations and other applications.

The various weights should be applied to give the

greatest visual representation on your document.

Generally, Bold for headings and sub-headings, with

Light or Roman for body text and pictorial captions.

The secondary font, Sari, may also be used as a display

font to add contrast to a document.

All typographical applications should be printed using

upper and lower case characters. Body text should be

ranged left with size dependent upon application. The

use of italic text should be applied sparingly, and try to

avoid creating headings using all upper case characters.

Due to the limited availability of fonts on the Internet,

and the vast array available in print based media,

different fonts are to be used depending on which

media you’re working in.

When working with various multimedia applications,

Myriad and Sari may not always be available.

Arial is the prefered corporate typeface for body copy

and extra information on the Internet, using Bold for

subheads. Titles and headlines can be set in Sari Bold

and imported as graphics.

Printed support material

Shown here are some examples of Ebuyer usage

within the context of printed material.

Note that the clear space and usage rules have

been observed.

Online support material

Creative freedom is encouraged when producing

web based advertising material, as long as the basic

principles of logo use are applied correctly.

Use of the Ebuyer ‘e’ as a character in animation

is allowed to put across the message in a fun and

appealing way. But please ensure that the ‘e’ always

returns to form the logo as a whole element at

the end.


Deal of the day


Stationery should always project a business-like image.

As the communication potential of a letter goes beyond

its word content, the letterhead design, paper stock and

typing format all contribute to the overall impression

made to the reader.

The Ebuyer stationery system avoids the use of

promotional features to project a consistent, serious

and legible correspondence to all audiences, readers

and receivers.

This page gives you the basic layout principals for an

A4 letterhead, compliments slip and business card.

PMS 1655 should form the colour on the reverse of

the compliments slip and business card, while the

business card also features the strapline, centrally

placed, as shown.

T +44 (0)870 467 0753

F +44 (0)870 467 5001

M +44 (0)7814 235 634

E ananother@ebuyer.com

MSN ananother@hotmail.com

Ebuyer (UK) Limited

201 Woodbourn Road


S9 3LR


A N AnotherJob Title

are you an ebuyer?Ebuyer (UK) Limited

201 Woodbourn Road


S9 3LR

T +44 (0)870 467 0753

F +44 (0)870 467 5001

W www.ebuyer.com

Registered No 3941136 England

Ebuyer (UK) Limited

201 Woodbourn Road


S9 3LR

T +44 (0)870 467 0753

F +44 (0)870 467 5001

W www.ebuyer.com

Registered No 3941136 England

with compliments

Here is the preferred spelling for some common terms when used in copy...




Gigahertz (GHz)


Kilobytes (Kb)

Megabytes (MB)

Megahertz (MHz)




web address

Word conventions

We hope that these guidelines have given you the details you require. Should you require any further information, please contact the Ebuyer Marketing department on the details shown below:

Richard WalkerHead of Marketing

Ebuyer (UK) Limited


East Yorkshire

DN14 7UW

T +44 (0)871 528 5027



Contact details
