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,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~?I~-_~·: ~.~J ~ge ~uhhntlt lltrnrb,rr. partakmg of It wIth does not indicate like to dwell on some others, such, for mstance, est!bl!~ed :~~~S:h:'~~ equality whIch Chflst At this stage~f theJb1ll!ine~stY!l11 may g~t;HB

~ I any approval of their VIews or practices 3d as Romans 16, 17, 1st Tun. 6: 3-5, 2 Thes p The followmo~ II'nes, by H b rt d d a }Japer. reques g your IDlUlB ))r10 ask a. , :::::::=:====1IF======~=~===;: Th d TactICal ObservatIOns -1. DlOtrephes IS er e ,a \VIne an . if t . , ' ;:;.:: I at It IS enYUlg the right of others to what 3.; 6, 14, and others; but it would make OUl' poet of the sevent.eenth n,nturlf"mayb . d nnSSlOn, I, e, t !Iou ca~ .ge 8Ign&,1j"tIO!!t!A; 01:

RESTRICTED COl'llMl1NION" most of the tlllle m trouble, always lookmgfor ~,emoreqUlUntan you m~y send a commIttee to him wlt"tthe belongs to them 4t~That by It, we unchari- essay too long BeSides, we do really thmk, d C h' I Iru!;geu I . t d'" ,,. I e,erence, eISa ways liable to think It wanting, I' pea~lOg omo ern same request More likely than not yolt will!

A, E'''" on R.~trtcted COp1mBlaOn prepRred by LUCIUS Cran tably censure others, d declare that we are that the argument from 1st Cor 5 IS unswera· 2 The church can take no surer road to full of meaning, every I'n thIS' way frl'ghten "he "ood man hhd ;nduce cl!l11 nnd read before the ::::ev£nth d::ly Baptll!t F.RStern AS90cta 41 f;' «r....,. uno nl1t8 meetmg m :Shiloh N J May25 1856 bette); than they. I hink that the'Se objectIOns able, aud that It may be employed as complete tronble than to gIve way to DlOtrephes. would suffice a mOlaer~lr him to resign at once, or if he ~hould DQt, Wen The fOU~Wlllg syllogism contams the do~trine contain the substance of ull that is urged agamst and suffiCient, of Itself, tIll It shall be invahdat· 3 DlOtrephes Will searce be the friend of the you can lIIII!:e a great handle of that, .iuBiBting

\Ie mtend to adyocate and expee:t to prove' the doctrine now before us We' expect to ed, whICh we expect never can be done minIster The natural mfluence of the relIgIOUS that allY~'iiH who had one particle of seU:rlt teacher disturbs him spect, would not 1!6nsent to preach to a 'P/l6~1,e .Am number of persons, professrnll: to be a show, that these objectIOns fail to mvaIidate Before I lean thiS pOu;tt, however, I will 4 It b t Ii h t I k ~ D tr :.;:

~ IS es or eae one 0 00 ,or 10 e· when the more lntelllgellt and re/ipedalJle 1Jl,1l1t ' ChlllCh of Christ, dcdale by that profession, the propOSItion in question, on two accOlIDts: notIce, that It IS urged m support of the pOSItion phes m hiS olin pew. Perhaps he may find of them had requested him to with.t .. "" r '.A~ that they WIll govern themselves by the reqnire- 1st, That some of them are true, but- have no that the commuruon does not Import fellowshIp, him in hIS own seat, any rate you must contin>;" N watck 41fdH,. r menf of the Gospel of Christ, ; weight m them. 2d Others of them would that Christ communed WIth Judas, "hen he 5 DlOtrephes is sometunes mamed and his Talk somethv",' ." UlS IdlS~dVJ1ntage, I t~ or I

partner IS a true yoke-fellow The ~aiitIe of fo 101 .... uU ma"" ~" much nOllle as you can-the - But to allow persons "ho habItually Violate have some weIght If true, hut are false We knew hun to be so corrupt that he could not the anCIent troubler of Israel sometImes falls more nOise the better i taking cam meaiiwhile;

, the leq11lrem~nts of the Gospel to partake of will speak of them m theIr order have any fellowship WIth him 1'hIS argumont uponaslsterm the church [OhIO Observer to layoff -all the blame upon the minMter; iti. S . h h h h' d fails to estabhsh the doetrme for "hieh It is In their il~icent.'Y:~':!,t~:'~ ist" th t II uld b pe 'h d . t if the LOld's upper WIt t e c urc , IS to ren er \ FIrst, then, that the communion IS not a test -, s mg a a wo e ace .. n qme ness

'J I brQ)l_"'ht. ~or two I+>O~DJ,ll>. Prrot, It " 11UL eertam he w"uld ~nlv r'Aslgnt;nd with,dra.w go.ernment according to the Gospell1llpossl) e, of fcllo., ship ThiS is not tro" .Ii "mBi =th~r " MERCA WlI'IT,'" \I ~"" ..,

- that Christ communed mth Judas, for though ....,.\'"~- SUCCESS You may wish to now whether it is better 'fherefOl'c the church must lcatnct lIer com· mean, that when p~rsons partake of the Lord's l:T~re CO~b6 -<>u~ of ~ !'oil' eastern woods, a Waters for any of your nUlllber to leave the cburch and l

, S he was at the table" hen they ate the Passover, D~ v~ l' 1 munion to those whose conduct is In conformIty upper together, their act does not signify any young ploughboy-with open brow, and dark Below, our society As a general thing, I shanld IBlLy it

d r " 11 h .. ~ I h he may have left (as we know he did soon) i B • ,1 ,; tD GD<pelleOUllwnellt. egree 0 ,e ows If} WIth eaCIl ot ler, or t at It " searching eye ang hardy SIDews HIS fee are oth are oU!kcleanliness was not; because you can operaw to mucn

before the LOlihnstltmed hIS Supper; second, b h H 11' 'Th h h of· n. the" ord Gospel, as used III this syllogism, does not sIgmfy ft!U fellowship between them are upon t e pavement IS wa et IS empty en ow are better advantage m the society t an out It; W . . t t1,nt t' t t t'" Is b th the omniscience of Chnst, which enabled hIm -a lIttle bundle tIed np in a checkered hand- More servants on man still, if there is a )lrOspect of your makinl1' a. I WIsh to mclude the authOrity of Scripture e mRlS '<l! ,ne s a emen IS 10, e m 0 , '" -

• to know what Judas hOld done, and would do, kerchIef contallls his snm tot[L1 of worldly pos- Than he 11 take notice o[ path great Impression by leaving and frIght~¢pg uellCI ally, and III nndertakmg to llrove the these senses We tlnnk It implIes full fellow- sessions As he stauds, all about him that IS He treads down doth befriend hlnl those who are left into subm~sion, it mil.v tie W h was not a reason" hy he should ~efuse to com· Wh 1m I d :J,

Id'ctllllC set forth, shall reI, upon and employ SIp; and If we provelthls, the entIre falSity of not hIlnsclf mIght hnng less tiian a dollar at 0 mIghty love en! SICManesslS Palaldcha~thwan. "ell to leave. You 'will keep in mind, hoWe'l'el-',. "J mune WIth hun Christ had establIshed the ~ , that lllthority If I succeed to show that my the objection is made out The 5th chapter of tbe auctIOn block. He patiently goes m and Another to that you are not to stop talking when yon have

law for the church already, by which a mem- t k' h t I b Th h b k I ft th . t -u-~ th d' d tl. prcllll>c, me scriptural and ratIOn !II, I shall Paul's 1st Epistle to the Corinthians contams ou see mg ones a or e S op oys ma e Smce, then, my I Go,d, e e SOCle y ~ep up e m an I.e th f th t t tl L d' S tl ber's right to the prIVIleges of a member must no effort to conceal theu' mlrthly appreCiatIOn So brave a palace lfullt 0, In It, nOISe whether you a~e out of the society or m eXIled my conclusiOn" III DC admitted as bellIg e proo a ea mg Ie or s uppel" I 1 I I I f h b nnlr I

be determmcd, and he was actmg uuder that of t Ie rura qua It) 0 IS aspect; sometl/nes That It may dwell tbee, at last' It, and your mmlster must e a very rem"Ea~ uuulOidable The firstproposItJon to be attend- a man IS to fe,llowshlp him fully In that chap I utter somethmg m hiS ear that shows theu' for. Tin then afford us much Wit, ble man if he can stand your artillery long " ten \ aw at that tIme By that law, a member \\ as T ed to Is thiS "A.ny nnmber of persons profess- teI; the apostle taught as follows' That the getfulness of the golden I ule Pabent, he per· hat, as the world serves us, may serve thee. to one he will fall before it; but if he should

h ' to be secUl e III the enjoyment of all the prlVl· And both thy be 1- I Ill!!: to be a chUlch of Christ, declare by that c TIrcll must exclude the smumg member-that severes, tIll m some great hn'e of mercantile . not yon shall hear from me agam As write

tl leges of a member, tIll he shonld be put on tnal d tIt h t b ki ..;/: It II t th t IlfobslOn that thcy"mll govern tliemsel.cs by ~JeY mnst exclude all smnIng members of the m us ry, Ie ge sac ance 0 ecome a WOf ng A MINISTER p1'0CS8l0na y you Wl remi eil CUB omary

, d h before the body ullon a charge laid befole the bee HIS master discovers that he IS' IlldefatI· , 'ee I nill not burtllen vou Wl't tOD tnllC}, tbe reqUirements of the Gospel of Christ" me,s name Ill: ten th verse These" ords 1'" ..J ,.. /'

h h' church against Illm, bcing restrallled by at gable, and honest and shrewd, and never spends With some· people, is a very ImpQrtaut good counsel and adVIce at once, ThClC are t"o condItions necessar.' to any pro· " ow t elr duty to exclude snch persons, IJ Not I any tlllll!! He trusts hun, aud does It sa~ely I Yours m' sympathy and love. / • I. east two "Itnesses You 'lIll find this law m ~ qucstlOn, and on dollbt sue I "ill thank us .L ,

POolllon, m order to allow of Its bem",'" proved to eep company, no, not to eat, thetefore put Yeal b, v. ear his salary mCleases and hIS value • JACOB GRABWELL, Counsellor at Law, the 18, th chapter of Matthew, but as no such J for prllltmg the folloWlll,,'" on the subject, to hr. trne The first is, it must be tme, second, a" ay from among yourselves that WIcked p,cr. w the cstabhslllllent; Jumor partncr-chwf and Justice of the Peace

], measnres had been takeu WIth Judas, no one I h I 1 which a correspondent the Independent says IT S t 4 1833 I 1 It lllust not be seh-e'ldent Thcrc arc also t" 0 son" Thai; the order not to cat was spoken, I man-so e manager e SnCC~Slve y leeomes, as ORlIUY, ep. . • f t h L rd' S k f h liad any rIght to object to Ins p[Lrtakmg WIth the )eaL'S roll on-and ,Qtj1llrt!Mlil1 he found llliookmg o.er old pamphlets' GOD'S L()NG:8UFFERING, \

cOllehtlOu<, clthcr of" 111Ch attuchlllg to a pro- 0 ea mg t e ,0 S lipper, we now rom t e th~ bod) The SavIOur Inm<clf could not trau bo) s "ho laughe\l a~i~~f1~~~5~~~~~ DEAR FRIEXDs,-I your letter by the , • pO-lhol! renders It incapable of bemg plO'ied subject m hand, viz, Exclndmgthe despIser of scend Ins 011 n lu"s b} Iefusmg to partiCipate graves of IIbertmes post, and sympathize you m your tnals, WelC there but eight, orily eight saved Y

The JlI,t I~, If the PlOPOSlholl be untr ue, second, Christ's anthority-from the I eference to Christ • last stages of cOlnmerc:ii\! haling passed through Yon don't hke There _were thousands, millions sought Nor is Ilf It IS self emlent 'ro which kmd of proposl- OUI PaSl;over~from the direction as to keepmg in ordinances of the Church "lth a member not ashamed to beg a ~!I&i~:[rPe.!l,I~-s~t'Jli your nllnIster, and wish ' be rid of him; aud it JnstIce to God to forget how long a period 'of t!OldOC, the one \I e have m hand belong? Is the feast-and from the fact that the Lord's whose claIms to a place in the body had never eountmg room door as I have Just in drrvmg one patience, and preachmg, ap.d warmng, and com-

S 1 l .c h h h been constItutiono;lly mvahdated Suppose, HIS yearly busmess .~~~,ui~t~~~1\t~~~~I~ Hornby you naturally t~ me for ilU"~~. paSSlQu, preceded that dreadful qeluge. Lotg It; ~e? 01, does It look as if perhaps it may upper was t Ie on y least tee TIrC "as eVe! 1 thollsallds of (lollars I ~ beth Ii ht' fl h df h then, tha Judas" as presl:nt, and that he pur- am sorry lor you, my u,~~~, elore e g umg as e rom angry eave s5 lJC true, hut requires proof? What IS thIS pro- authOrIzed to keep-that tbere IS no other eat- to ole "Ith the rest, \lhat of It? Would that safe mvestments of hisl,.,nroElts;, hanl tIme of It; bnt If npr'""~'m'" fnlllm""llong hefore thunders rolled a10ng d;.issolving PO<ltIOll ? Look at It A church of Chnst lllg in "hICh the church, as such, has any mterest swift ships-some ~;l1)!lI~1 [~~~;:u.~:;~1~~~it~~ my directions you can Il~I.'Uly skies, long before the clouds rained ~own death; oblIgate, Itself to be [!'overned b) the reqUlre- or oblIgation Thus the apostle, after having, slgmfy th~t the recenlllg together at that time that ferry the OCI~allc'lll.itlikill the end To be sure, long before the floor and solid paveml;\nt Of this

1 '" th d h Ch' the cmble s of the blOken bod} and shed blood Some m gtarlijel~~YlM~.II):)~~\.~~~U:lly aro only two or three earth, under the prodigious agencies at worlli, men s of Chris~to receive indlvIduals to m e name an by the aut onty of nst, , d d N h I 1 h Id I 1 I of Chllst ;lid not Import fellm' slnp among thosc are enuugh (\\ hen broke up, hke the deck of a leakmg ship, ay.Q. ' membership on the condition that thev conform em an e'l t at tie c unch S ou exc Ul e tie

J "ho reeen ed them? No, certamh Noone to make a great rUInRlls the waters rushed from below, to meet the waters to those reqmrements, and that membershllJ offender WllOse case was the Illlmcihate occaSIOll ~~:m==~~~~~~~i~~;~~~~j':~ t d d ff th fj b d' k ilt Id I b l I 1 could have lool,ed III Rnd seen that transaction y, an rn eo e rom a Dve, an SIn a gn y wor ; ong .e-<hall be taken from them If they refuse to yield of tbe UlstruPilOn gIven, proceee s' to a more ~ But ask the time when the ark floated away' by

I Without Illfernng that those men must be cer· ' obedience- to CIllist's authol'lty TIns proposi· genera applicatIOn of the prmclple set fOIth, l~~~:~~~11~ I auswer III I'.,,~c'" and town, and tho<c crowded lnll·tops, tlOn I~ SClf-e\'lllcnt It affirm~ this unn crsal and )lames certmn SillS III the 11th verse, "Inch, tainly closely m fellow ship with eatItQth~, lind lSlir ... 1'p. Yes, -WATCH where frl}ntic grollps had dmitered) and smm I

f b h 11 't th h h h Id that they \\ ere not only pledged to Ghrist" but ~~:I~ a gool1 prayers and curnes, ~t~dii:l~:~~}~~ ~' baslS' of l1ll gorclllments or aSSOCiatIOns of men, I any mem crs S ou e commI, e c urc s ou

also to each other, for hIS sake r Alnd Gin lear]lo.l~~~~~~ii~~~li~~~~ ThelC me hung out their Signals lOn[!"lJC· , ,IZ, tllDt cItIzenship, membership, anp the not company "Ith, but put such away from H Dore thl'S, God Ilad .~~h;~~~~~.~[~!t~~' '" l ing that any olle of them was oot at' that time us e has PlmlCl!cli belongmo'" thereto, can be en'oyed amoug t !em But m the mIdst of thiS solemn ">.T t I' 'vorld to repeutance W" in full and hearty fellowslnp with the rest, but -"ow you mns wa en , olllJ \on' comht1On of obedience to tl]() laws of stram of lllstructlOn, III order to be perfectly see one, catch It up, Noah's preaclimg ?

d fi d h h "as Call) mg on a deslgu of eVIl against them, t t th th - ht f th k ~bcl~rin\C the olganIz~tlOn I admit that I cannot ploye e rute, 'lin t at t ey mIght I,now Just how tt ~ I , nevel S oj), so em m e Tery Slg 0 e ar , a~ '" h b· fi I any man would mentably regard liun [LS acting listcniIlg car or If you IUpon aud nothing in "'Vl.scH1Ue!:.oH;t!WII!l IllIs j110posItmn • B'ut "hy? Onlybecausethe ex I It III practICe theu' Ie usa to compan ;"'

• th h the most contrary part Imagmable, and of the about,: ~!~!}~H~a;;~P;f~:s;tr~.a;~¥~~ut~?~~;~;(}~;!~?!~~n~~ ~ndence of ItS. truth is so great that It cannot WI suc persons, and their infleXible puttm ;,,' ;;; arm l'Illlgmg h same pIece WIth hiS kissmg the SaViOur, and torturmg

he JIlcleased I am not 19norant, however, of them a,\ay, he speCifies thc act wInch sha'll tho,c lIDmedmte relatlyes whom he once loved, look ,er'y much; the warning that to - t II b h "T saying, "Had, mast_11 "hen leading on the 1 tl d f th d h Ii t t G d " d t h tlie fact, that thiS doctrIne has been"" disputcd express I a, y t e "ords, "-,,0, not to eat" '!I\I' ar<J<unc cr Ie so 0 e grave) ar " cre e answer your pilrpose ex, 0 poure ou IS on

murderous hand to take hiS Lord. We see, d t tilth d h I 0 h b I I t th t f "h 0-.'" 1 . d t :So 1m eallother truths been disputed 'l'he Thlslsthesame·asif he had smd, Though it nse 0 sro "I CUflousmm m IS 1 )IS eove' scrupuous appea 0 e Bory 0 "lIS aWlu JU gmen. I 11 bl then, that the fellowship which the commul\lon da) s-as he ate hiS Sunday <lmnel botween Lajlwe,vs, 0. lie 1" often 'I'rhe, for forty days It r~d inccssantlv-, [IIn-d

,Cf\ eXistence of the wOlld "e lllhabit has been ,may }e a owa e and unaVOIdable that you . h ld h h "" '1 ~ implies intensIfies thc perfidy of Jndas, lllstead services ill t e grey 0 C urc as It lasts, andbefo~e COl'!W:ld1lct"d,-d anA hundredandfiftyd smore "thewat~rs

denll!tl, nO! has the reaht, of our belllg escaped aSSOCIate With snch characters III 'V !lnous rela· He sIts do" n to plan a le!!almstrumcnt that in many mstances, preVaIled 0/1 the eal'm, . lJu~ .... hila tlu.l nar1nd df J. , of Ius Wickedness proYmg that commullion does ~ .~ ~ ..

tlte.unllliulatlug purposes 'of the SCel)tIC! and tlOns in common life, when J ou come to the shall deVIse hIS estates to uses of public benefit But you ask, "Wnat we say about our God's Justice is reckoned by days, the period of not e""press fellowship The obJectIOn, then, to H II k' thO d 7 S I I '11 b h' I "'. d t· t h ~ let the lenhtlCS me so e\ident that argument commullIon table you must decline theh com. e WI ma e mqUlfles concermng IS an II1l'l11sfer ay "lULU"' t ling tIat m e IS ong sUllermg was rawn ou m 0 y"ar8j a

cannot make 11S either more or less CCl'tam of pany, lIm e, at this precise pomt, you must make restrIcted communIOn, on the glound that com- that He lays by the half ~heet, half covered, hkely to turn to IllS You can there was a truce of one huudred and twen ~,~ munion does not slgrufy fellowship, we thmk IS and takiug another, proceeds to calculate how sa) that} our minister not enough, or years between the first stroke of the bell aild •

them So It IS WIth our prollOSltIOn Notmth- them understand, that you and they must part, f ~ II tl ttl' h h t be thus th tIt t h t h thO the first crash of the thunder, '';..Tnfl·h·O"l"A~ .... ay , o no ,orce, bee"""" 1t IS false many mi IOUS Ie 0 a IS, w IC IS 0 a IC nSI So 00 muc; e IS some mg """'" ", VI" .. , stantlmg It hus been demed, I know of no pre- by refusmg to partake '\Ith them If III the Remrunderne.tw"",, dmded-and with pardonable self-esteem, says of a preacher, but no'",,,,,,,,,,' , or that th.ough a preaching repentance. The ark stood useless text ou which a delilal of Its trnth has been common alfalrs of hfe ih," point h,," been ob- to hlll~self, "It IS pretty wen for a bare-footed tolerable pastor, IS flat and unm- for years, a huge ltmghmg stock forthe scoJrefs plICelicatcd, tllat really deserves to be noticed, scured, or could not be made consplcnous, here A SHORT SERMON UPON DIOTREPHES lJo) " terestillg You can \lith hIS services WIt; It stood tilllt was covered with the mb.tksi_ and I only ment10n one, that It may be seen It must lle That this refusal to partake of the "I wrote unto the Church, bntDlOtrephes, wholoveth Thc next da) tk coffee IS growmg cold on as bemg too long, or short~ too profonnd, of age, and its builders with the conteiiipt of tlJat I baye not overlooked It :P refer to ~he commUnIon WIth snch was the pflncipal, though to I:\ave 1he pre·enunence among them, reeeiveth us hIS breakfast table, and lll~ I>onsekeeper, nerv- or too plain, too 01 too Simple He the world; and ma;ny a sneer had those men. to

not" a John, 9 ous at lus strange waut of punctualIty, 5"P& up IS too stnct m hIS or not stn~t bear, as pOlntmg to the serene heavens ab9ve pal able of the tare~, Matthew, 13th chavter not the only.thmg, of course, by whIChdisfellow- Mackmght's translatIOn leads, "I should to knock uuanswered at hIS door-goes m to ~no"gh; too much or of a gentleman. and all empty ark below, the questIOn 1ms PJl~J On tIll, Item of our Lorcl's tea.chmg, some nave ship was th be ~own, IS indisputable, from the have," etc Either translation sufficiently shows find hun slecpmg tho long slcep upon hiS cus- The pilday I'M" how was done,'" ho swore "'Vhere IS the promise of hiS coming?" MO!lt predIcated the doctrme, that no member should. fact, that the apostle specified it ; I al\d it is ren- us the mischIeVOUS influence of thiS ambitious tomm'y couch A coroner's Jury would say, "It lie" ould quarrel "Illl whether she had patIent God! Then, as now, thon wert s16W'to b d d till I 't t f 't b th SpITIt m that church IS a VISItatIOn of God," as If It had not been the fed the mare or not had 110t ~ed tile punish-" waitin,,'" to be gracious" -[Guthrie e excluded from the church for anv cause; but ere S ,more Impor an rom I s emg e "

J I h . I I 'fi df; th t In the one case, he prevented an mspIred "VISItatIon, of God" that had kept qff death mare, he "ould beat she h~d not; ALMOST SUNDOWN a lIttle attention to the subject wil\, be sufficient on Y t mg partIcu ar y speC! e orl a purpose apostle from sendmg the church a letter; m for threescore years and ten or If she had fe~ her, he beat her because


to show that the Saviour, msteacl of teachmg Now, Just as sure as' refus~g to eat with such another he nullified the letter actually sent, They bury hIm WIth great honor, and the she had not let the alone If Jour mims-hy tIllS parable that .mnmg members should signified disfellowship, just so certhm it IS that Doctrme: Many a mmlSter1s lahors are n,u!li· undertaker disregards expense HlS next friends ter starts a new Idea, sure to cha.ge him !lot be excluded from the church, taught that eating with them would Signify fellowship; and fiea by a DlOtrephes in his church open his desk to see who are to put mto theIr WIth dangerous or if he pleaches the ChUiCh should not attempt by force to ex,. as that refusal to eat signIfied entire disfellow- I I shall first show who is not Diottephes garners that whICh he has raked together an old sermon once III a (as all nunisters

h' d 'J! h 1 He IS not he whose godly walk and They find the half sheet with the unfimshed do,). lay hold of that trumpet It, and make tClnllnate the wicked flOm the earth, "hich, SIp, an It was reqmred lor t a1 purpose, as conversatlOnsecmesfor hIm the entire confidence programme of pOSSible chantIeS, and smile on. the most of It hUd the chmch heeded,'the race ofm/m would the context shows, (thongh other 1 things might of the brethren, and thns gives lumgreat mflu· But they find no Will, and look blank and But you must not Jour talk hare lieen R1JaI,ccl an immeasurable amount of be necessary to a conSIstent course,) so to par- enee, troubled The la\"1 empties all his plgeon·holes, ta the mere character Jour I\oe, aTIlt the llame of Christ an equal amonnt take would siguify entire fellowship ThiS can- 2 Nor he whose talents and edncation ne- and, seIZing bonds and title deeds and notes mmISter This will not ;"i,'n',m" scope enough. 0, dls\' ' t b d' t d J! II t k o· th t the cessarily make hIm a man of influeuce and mortgages in Its iron hand, It llinces them Make the peo[)le if vou can, that his l lonor indletme ask "hat:wouldha'Ve no e ISpU c., lor a mus n w, a J

1 t" ]-1 -, dell h db f' t t d 3. Nor he whose well-known and oft-proved m the greedy, though aswnIshed elutch of dIS· preachmg IS unprofi ; that they are not leBn UC 10I!01 done to Him and the blessm' gs ISle ows Ip expresse y re usm!!: 0 ea ,an . d d d k h' h h d I I h 1 h h d fi d d th 11 d'ffi It tt ~ WIS om an prn ence rna e 1m p:1,uc soug t tant an ow- Ived ell'S at aw, w om It as e Ie, an IS WI no I cu ma er. con[mell on men, if the energy spent III viola· the fellowship sigmfied by eating,' are preCIsely unto m counsel hunted up m the backwoods, and who disllerse The probability IS, many are not edified; lion of,l1hat Chnst here taught had been em- equal Thus the objection to clo~e communion, These men generally do not seek mfluence the same among grogshops, aud gamblers, and nor wonld they the preachmg of an pJOlcd, ,IS he required, in works of love and on the ground that uniting in that service is It IS unavoidable It follo\\s them as thcir brothels, until, having contriv~d to come out angel Some do not know what the word

t t t f fi 11 hi dl t b f: I shadow even With their nnantIClpated prollerty, they ea;!"" means, aud of cannot tell \\ heth-JUele)? That the church is to be governed by no a es 0 e OWS p, 18 prove 0 ease. ;t, , II I proceed ill the second place to show smk mto graves whICh are paid for by theil: last er they are edified or This Will be a cap·

the rCl\Ulfemen\S of the Gospel-that persons We know that IVis said, in op~osition to our who DlOtrephes IS mhel'lted cent Ita! shing to pull; and must keep pulling me only to obtain and retam membershIp and view of the 5th chapter of 1st Coriuthians, that 1 Sometunes he is a !lan who never had hIS That transaction IS no" square WIth the it till It IS fmly worn the Im'lle~es of Imembers by summission and the feast"there mentIOned, and tlie eating for- will broken As a chlldJhe expected the whole world 1'he barefooted boy gota heap of gald, You can SILY to however good the confortluty to the reqUIrements of Christ-I bIdden, were somethmg else tli~n the LOld's household to gIve way to him As a church· and hiS twentieth cousius spent it-and all is minister may be, hIS 'Illi1?T1b,melrS IS at an end r 1 I member, he expects the household of Christ to as It was before; is as zt was before-save that The churcn and Bo,:iel;j running dOWIl, and eg~n as Il self·eVIdent ]JlOpositIon. Still, if Supper-that they referred to cpmmon meats give way to hun He IS wilful and headstrong; 1m sonl WIll be hkely to have some. eternal will soon come to nnlfllin ; and though you

tIllS sbould be ~emed, and the clalDl set up that only, or a love feast, or tha\ they did not mdI· often as unreasonable as a mere anImal modification III consequence of the gettmg, and may know that this and they might It lequIles proof, I remark, that the law laid cate hteral eatmg of any I,ind, ~ut are '1;0 be 2 SometImes he IS a man of wealth BIS tlwlrs In consequence of the spendmg know It if they had yet thc story WIll Iiollu by Christ in the 18th chapter of :Matthew, t~ken only in a spiritual sense ~nt such in- rIChes give him authority III the world; and he But his name is down on the list of honorable make an impreSSIOn people will believe l~ to 17, and the instructions of Paul to the terpretations ~ll not bear exa ination; the takes it for granted they ought to do so m the merchants, and fathers pomt their sous to his It, whether you do or ( church He can't at all comprehend the Idea, example l1S a proof of what can be done by You WIll know ,~hat has been said, Otllltlllaus, (see 1st EpIstle, 1st chap,,) p\'csent subject, the text of the 11th verse especially, that the vote and the opinion of Ius poor bro- trymg-as a splendid mercantile success what I mean by the two lm",rno u,tdalt and talk

the most unllllstakable deCISIOn of the mfalhble and the context of the chapter and the connected ther are worth as mu\:h as hiS own. He is Look once agam at your merchant prince as I \fay great slI ess But i;t may not Jlldge and h,\·gi-ver over the church, and the chapters of the Epistle, show sucf explanations verily persuaded that oecanse hc has been a he stands at the bar of God and 18 asked for be prndent to go llltO particnlars now, msplred apostle In,favor of'our },l'oposition and to be untrue, and worthy to be regarded only great "orldlmg, and scraped together much hlSreckonmg of the ten pounds-the ten mil· less pOSSibly what I written may at some the View of el\unob government it embraces as" restmgs of Scripture But I suppose they wealth, the household of Chmt ought to defer lions-w hich God lent hIm whIle on earth, He time get wind, and light. C h tl to him denies the loan-says he was a barefooted boy, You will not my c'hrections • a an) ling 1)0 I1IUlner, than that the chUlcb were true, "hat then? Would they justify

d i 3 Sometimes, he is a man pf Some learning and earned his money, and no thanks to any· fore you will find beginning to sympa-all Its membels must suhmlt to tlte autbollty connection with such~offendcrs in tllr close reli and much volubIlity; who fanCies that hIS ca- body! Alas! who gave him those calm, dark thl~ They Will and talk as much as of Christ, or lose their standing? giol1s relations of the commu IOn? By no pacity onght to gIve hIS oplU1on authoflt). eyes, and that clear, long head, and that ~ool yon do, and now you flatter such persons;

I now t k th ' means For, if eating a ,commoh, meal, or a III In the thIrd place, I proceed to set patien~? Who ,,"ave hun the mother's guid- and make the most , You must.assure a e up ~ second proposition of onr . s)llo :r I ~ t 'd I' . ny sp~' 'tnal commun forth Diotrephes in action. If the mlllister do ance, le memory of which kept lllm from the them that they are great aMcer:nm.I~1tt. glsm. t IS: /I But to allow persons who ove leas, or III n gmg m a • P • k d f h ? W 'd h' f it d I bit b 11 bl not take hifn lor counsellor, he is hIS enemy qUlc san sot e CIty ho sustaine 1m 0 eXt:e ent , au that if all lu ItuaIl.v violate fhe requlremento of the Gospel' ion with persons is 'HOnlt, cQn I e a owa e H h' . h H' h t d h Ith d d II h' h tl I " r I IS preac mg IS not rig t IS measures are ones an ea y, an opene a avenues to t e parIS "ere as ley, t Ie object to partul.e of It he Lord's Supper with the c~urch to nnite with them in the most intIlnute and not T\ght. "HIS usefulness is at an end!' In wealth before him, and blew his ships into safe view would be soon IS to render ~overnment accordfug to the Gos~ sacred rellttions and ordinances?1 Every Judg- qUp.st1Ons of pohcy in the church, he never sus- and profitable harbors, and kept him sane and As soon as ·you get a half a dozen to pelImposslble" 'fhoughihispropositionappears ment and conscience must answe~, No. Thus pects there are others whose opinions should cautIOUS, and brought hlDl on without a single join you, then and begin to have to me self.cHdent, like the first, I shall treat it the errorist IS caught in the mesHes of his ow n carry as much weight as his own. The will of reyerse" hile others went int!) the madhouse, meetings; invite to come in; ollly he

Ii d J! t h' If the majority IS no rule for him WIth every the poorhouse, and the tomb? He demes the very careful wlw ~ou uud if ai\y thing as one susccptrhle of argument and prohf I net; t ns he outwits and ele!J, s Imse ; so t d h fi d" It 1 hI' H h h Ii f" h t Ii h . 'd if r movemen oes e n 'Ilu ,un eBS e oflginat- oan. e as never t oug to It III tag t. IS sal about your sure to magn y \\111, however, first consider some of the princi. tliat, while laboring to IOQsen the apostle's re- cd it He will have leisure to understand it all! its numbers and If there were pul objections to it; and, second, present proofs striction on commnnion, makJs that restric· IV. In the next place, I remark upon DlO- We hear a voice that spakc once on earth- ten present, say there twenty; and if of I.tS truth We meet with the foIlowlug ob. tion still more restricted trephes' character. saying, "Cast ye the unprofitable servant into of them' favored your say that they all jecbons to this proposition: 1st That the com. Lest It should be ""~'f'~lll' 1 He is very un1ike Christ, wllo Was meek ouler darkness, there shall be weeping and did. As I said before, wlll do exce~ent m • 1 .. and lowly. gnashing of teetb." service. It will hive its effect before It

u:uon is not a test 10~ ~~~owship. I ~d. That It only this passage in sUPIPo~t 2. He is very disobedient to the word, "Let Call you that a success or a fallure-in the found out-alU effect will not be lost 18 SImply a commeinor~'~e institution, and that the communion sigI!ifies fp.llow"hin each .esteem.pther~ bg\~er th~n_ himself." sunshine of eternity? (ColIgtegationalist. 0 afterWard!;, .t1\.

Iii: I' -..

When in college, a professing Christian woo subsequeutly became a mISSIOnary, deemed him· self ill-treated by a fellow·student, and il/. eon· seqnence, got very angry To the surprise and grief Of hIS brethren, he gave somewhat free expressIOn to hIS feellllgs Noone venture\l to rebuke 111m, or to remonstrate with him, w,$e, he 11 as uttering thlOgs very little adapted lQ promote the edificatIOn of the hearer.-

'lloward the close of ' the day, a judicioUs friend was passing his room. PaliBing be •.

open door, he said in a sigruficant tone, 9:. is almost sundown" 'l'he reproof 80 kindly

delicately admmistered, was felt by his erring brother The divine commandmeht, " Let not the sun go down upon your wrath," was called to remembrance The perturbation of passion was exchanged rot t.hat of cOllBCiOQ8 gUIlt The latter was dllmed by prayer, and was followed by confession before those who had been witnesses Df'his.sin '_ :

It Is uur duty to rebnke sm, to endeavor to arouse the conscience to a perception of WI:qng doings, and W a sense of guilt." To do thIS successfully, and so as to- 5~ure beneficial re­snlts, rcquires wisdom. Wisdom seldom prompts the direct und stern rebuke. !t never assumes the attItude of a prosecutiug attorney. It never allows the rebuker to assume a.n ail' of superIOrIty, • ~

In the example given indirect, and b'y means of an sage of Scripture, There is ·~fuii~ C(!mP!~t~· J~te to Scripture in PQwer to nlnd yet much depends on it is applied When blUintly presented, it is molC hkel)' tQ than to convince Vilhen the C~I18()ieDcciJ! directly addressed, it puts and endeavors to steel sions An indirect mode couscience off its guaru, anci. a!~~'Ii~8 truth to enter and reveal the

.A. ship on the broad, boisterous an,d' Op,~ ocean, needeth no pilot. But It dare Jiot veli.­ture alone on the' placiQ bosom ot a littl\l;i!iY'itl ,­

lest it be wrecked by '!lOUIe hlddllQ l'OC~ ~lllb\lJl i

iti~ with life. 'Tis not in.o~ Q~n ,e~ deeds that we neeq the still.roice of' tlie~e~ \ monitor, but in ilie smal1, eecl,'et ~.,ery;aa1-

life, that conscieMe 1\'am! ns to '~'i\\'e?1\1r f hidden shoals orl~wbat we Ql!jml too lioGlIlUih )

to be dlUJ~.eroQ8j II I ~ ~ ,'I < ,h '{~M

. •

f I

6 THE SABBATH RECORDER, JUNE 19,1856. -We can not close this duty to God and our fellow-men, until "the other members of the family, according to his stood. Though has long frowned uP9n wa!! obliged to keep Sabbath, though very con.

ing of the Association without little one shall become a thousand, and the wealth. This was also an ancient custom Abra- them, yet they stand. so they will stand, trary to the wishes of the captain Bro 0

New York, .June 19'. 1800. pleasure in view of its character and spll'it ~~i~lh~~i~:trong nation." 'l:he Lord hasten ham's "servantbroughtforthjewelsofsilverand until Jesus shall again upon the Mounj;of came off in the morning, and we had a pra' f-

The number of delegates present was compara- All of which is respectfully submitted jewels of gold, and raiment, and gave them to Re- Olives, wHich is before Jerusalem on the east; meeting m l\{rs. 'W'/s state-room Early tc Edllora-GEO B. U!fTER '" THOMAS a. BROWN (T. D D)

small, several of the older mmlStermg • T FrsHER, Chairman of Com. beccR; he gave also to her brother, and to her then "the Mount of shall cleave III the next morning, our servants andlto.i/.or came off brethren who are accustomed to attend on mother, precious things" When the marrIage midst thereof, toward east, and toward the to give another partmg salute. I ,I such occ~sions, having been detained at home REPORT ON EDUCATION. is consummated, the feast continues seven days, west, and there shall a very great valley" On the 19th, committed my earthly treasure, by illness, among whom were Elders Maxson Your Committee on EducatIOn would submit and it is celebrated with great splendor by those Then" the Lord also roar out of ZIOn, to thll" care of HuJ who controls the llilgbty'

Oc ... lon&l Editorial Contrlbulora. JAMES SAl! n (J D.) I WM B MAXSON (W, B." 'J I: l\AHUO,;K (T. E. D.) N v HULl (N. v .... )

d I . h Those who were present however the followmg Report. who have the means. Samson gave the Philis- and utter hIS vOice Jerusalem;" "but the deep, and sljapes the destinies of maD aCCOrdIng an rIS ", The subiect of EducatIOn IS a subiect in which

t1 li t d · th d' • tines the sellen days of his marriage feast to Lord Will be the his people and the to the couGsels of HIS own WI' ~dom " Th

J Ai AI,LI N (.) A B. BURlIICK (A B "

BrlU.b Corre.pondenl-JAMES A BEGG.

appeared to be earnes y en s e m e goo our denommatlOn should be deeply mterested 'D e 'lHE IlDTRAL ASSOCIA-TION. cause, conSiderate of the oplllions of each other, 'l'he learmng of the world, hitherto, has been find out his riddle strength of the Israel. So shall ye Lord gave, and tbe Lord Hatli taken away

The twenty-first annual meeting of the Sev- and dl~posed to co-operate in eTery good work. mostly against ns Power and station and in- A few weeks since, at nine o'clock in the know that I am the your God, dwelling blessed be the name of the Lord" ' enth-day Baptist CentraI ASBociation was held The people at Adams generally attended the fluence are agamst us Pubhc opmlOn and evemng, we heard the sound of mnsic and mirth in Zion, my holy . then shall J erusa- The ship N. B. Palmer whichl is tol sail for with the church in Adams Jefi'er~on County, meetmgs for busmess as well as those for sympathy are agamstTuhs hWelladre weak, oP-l in the street GOillg to the wmdow we ob- lem be holy MARTHA SAUNDERS. New York in a few days Will take Dr Kellr

, I h posed and oppressed IS t ra om can on y d h 1 f t h W t ld th t d r il i f th M h d Miss' ' N Y commencing on Fifth-day June 12t preaching and seemed to C1!'oy them On b btl wer by mtellectual .serve t e g are 0 orc es e were 0 a an lam Yn 0 e" et 0 1st Ion j Mr In the abBence of James R IrISh, who was Sabbath and First-day the meeting-house was as well as relIgious strength As a denomina- It was the brlUegroom on hIS way to the house an m an lamHy, of the Pr sbytmmn 1Ds-.. , '. ~ , ,,' eovercome ysplrl ua po - . 1, • R k d r 1:

appointed to preach the Introductory Disco1J.rse, crowded throughout the exercises although tlOn we have made rapid advancement for the of hIS bride There was much joy expressed Ed~;"~~:;;'':'~~I;:I~~~~ tbe :h.~:h~!:~h;.,e;f:r~hh sIOn, Nillgp~; Mr. Points apd s Jones, of , t1ft doty devolved upou the alternate, Amos they were lengthy. The discourse ~n Sabbath last' twenty years Academic institutIOhs of by the torch bearers, who stood, or walked by 4 1856 the Eplscop$,l MissIOn, and som others Dr

W ebon who took for his text Ac~l: 23- mormng was preached bv Joshua Olarke, fol- learnmg have sPArunlgt np mtvartlOuSdPartths of the the bridegroom I thought of the words of On the 31st of N I rented a natIVe Medhrtrst and family are so n to sail for , d th "I· denommatlOu I erary as e an en uSlllsm "Th f' . . h b 'ld' "d th '" th t r. E I d ~ r

,j Who when he came and ha seen e grace lctwed by a collection for misSIOns, after which has been created We have acquired a good John: e rlend of the bridegroom, WhlC UI mg mSI e e cron ga e, 01' II ng an I l' " of God, was glad, and ex~orted them all, that the Lord's Supper was administered In the degree of mtellectual strength and mfluence. standeth and heareth hIm, reJOlceth greatly preachmg place, for thousand and five A.. SINGULAR RELIGIOUS GAT ERmG IN EKo, with pu, p--n of heart the:l1 would cleave unto afternoon a sermon was preached by A R The pecumary sacrifices which we ha.ve made are becausp of the bridegroom's vOice" Soon we hundred cash a be paId quarterly in Th f h 0\ th Lor>!" - 'I FIr ht 'son with the good that has been f il d ~ 1 b . ad ance wh I to about sIXty-two LAND - e centenary 0 t e ctagon Chapel e It .,. Cornwall, and in the evenmg by Thomas IS ler Ig ill compan . saw !Ii company 0 ve e lema es, earmg v , Ie 1 at Norwich, which has just been celeblated,l

The ~ssOCilltion orgamzed DJ '1.~ -nDDoint- f D R t 0 F' t-day there was preach- accomphshlld The money that we have thus m- torches in their hands We were told that they MeXICan dollars a besides the expense of ,;;.'" M M d d, H .L 0 e uy er n lIS vested has been one of the best mvestments . presented features of a peculiar charactel Thc

meilt OI[...J>PHRAlM AXSON, 0 ~ra 0, • . lll"u "" r.l"o B Utter and Jared Kenyon the h h h d Were the bridesmaids commg out to meet the fitting it up and It, which Isftriflmg d' S d I IJ 0 - - , W IC we ave ever ma e,,' chief pomt of interest was the assemblage froIl! .TONES, Recqr mg ecretary; an RA I' RD- delegates from tu" TI~ot~rn and Western As But the time has arrived when the denomina- bridegroom. Here we saW the traces of the It proves to be a locatIOn for evenmg r A' t t R d' S t " I all parts of the Empire and from France, of the ,WAY, SSIS an ecor Ing ecre ~- I soclRtion In the afternoon F" tlOn needs a still higher mstJtutlOn of learmng scene de~cribed by our blessed Lord m the par- meetmgs, and when weather and other Cll'-

Y,etter5 were read from the fuUowmg church- Conven~ion was ~eld, at which addresse~ 'l'1Qrp. It is needed as one of the most unportant means able of the ten VIrgins, ".".h,oh took thoU' c-umstnnces allow, I there and at the hving representatIves of the families of the Tay, es: DeRuyter, Lincklaen, Scott, 1st Broo~field, delivered by several pe~sons, among whom were or Lh~ nhurch for promotmg her ?wn prosperity lamps and went forth to meet the bridegroom" chapel six tHlles a I have madeaITange- lors and :Martineaus Of these two familIes 2d Brookfield West Edmeston, (formerly 3d J :M All A W C A~ R C 11 H for blessmg me wurhl It to demRnrled of ments agam to ocasIOnally at Sahwbe- alone, no less than fifty SIX membels were pres-

, . en, . oon, . ornwa, . us by all of tl;!e benevolent and progressive JERUSALEM, Feb 18 1856 ent The hiator.): of the foundmg of the 0ttn. Brookfield,) 1st Verona, A.d;tms, Hounsfield, L. Jones, Joshua Clarke, and Geo B Utter. enterprises 6f the acre as a Illeans for furmsh- /. . Jll Add to these dady routine of 1>tudy, gon Chapel~ the home of th~ Presbytermn COl/. wlon, Truxton, Preston, and Otsehc. No The followmg resolutIOn w~s unammously meu for carrymg forward these enterprises. We left our home yesterday at noon, in com- work, schools, family and other duties, gregatlOn IIi Norwich, hds been Written by tne rep ts were received from the 2d Vero~a, adopted by the Cbnveution :_1 needed as a means for educating our religi- pany with the American party who arrived at and they wil,! use np most of my time late l\fr John Taylor, and ~ontInued by I the Ne ort Richland, Pmckney, andl DIana Rid Th t t th d th h' h ons teachers and gUIdes. It IS needed to save Jaffa on the 16th :Mr Prime aud lady, from and energies. • Gresham professor of mUSIC, his son The Nor-

, eso ve, a we regre e rea mess WI W Ie h f h N Y k M D I C 1 1 t wlch congregatton may be said io ha b ~ churches' the last t~ree we believe bemg Borne of our young meu prepalln~ for the ,/nmstry Yield our yout rom provmg recreant to t ose prm- ew or -; r e son, our onsu genera a On the 29th of Sabbath, as Mrs. ve ecome , nearly ex~inct 'l'he chur'ches which ;eported to temptatIOn or dlscouragement~ and suffer them,elves Clples which they profess tu hold Bacred It is Alexandria; Mr Spence, brother of our Minis- W "as ull\\eJl, I her school ot Ng- of mor~ Importance after the electIOn of Dq

- , . I.. to be urged forwald to assume th~ respon .. hlhtles 01 needed to grve greater effiCiency and power to t t C t t' I M Wh't d M .. ,. John Taylor, whose ministry at NorWich com appear to be mos~ly enJoJIng the regular mlllis- pastors ana rebglOus leacbers Without proper prepara. our present academiC lllstitutions We may, er a ons an mop ej r Img an r. Mng.Ja III her stead, the schol- menced m 1133 Thc Octagon Chapel lias trations of the Gospel and to sus- tlon, and that we recommend them! to take as full and therefore expect inefficiency to characterize all RIghter After pursuing our way for two ars They repeated little book of about 2,- commenced in 1754, the first stone bemg laid

'v.' thorough a COUrse of study as posslole, as a preparation ' h th b t f 1 I t b D T 1 nd was ope d M 12 175 tain such religions mstJtutions as bbath- highly essential for properly mcetmg Rnd fulfilhllg the of our operatlofts, and a feeble and slck.ly ours across e eau I u p allls, we were me 000 characters, and contaming the ten y r. ayor, a ne ay , 6 th th d btf 1 t tt d b C 1 ' t H 11< d h' by that mlmster Various noted men har: schools aud 'Bible-classes Missionary responSIble dunes of theu hlJh calhng, and that, as grow ,w I a ou u prosperi y a en mg y our onsu ar agen ,", .. r marcus, an IS commandments, the prayer, a creed, and from time to time, fi~ed tlie posl'lOn of D'r'

. I.' . ' ClulSllans II e WIll encourage them, not olily by our until thlji great want IS supphed janissary, who was bearing hiS large silver- f f SOCieties, Prayer-Ifeetmgs, Monthly counsels, but also by our money j and we wll18tme to us, then, hall wIth pleasure the measures a short catechism, the main points 0 Taylor, among them fro Robert Alderson, Who &c. Tlvo !churches 'reported fmmsh them nn lUstltutlon where they may go and which have been taken to secure the fonnding headed mace m hIS hand, to escort us to hiS the gospel scheme; a part of them repeated qmtted it for the law, and became Recorder of vivals-that a~Adams resulting in .tudy. and endowment of such an educatIOnal mstllu- house at Ramleh, where he had prepared an nine chapters and a ]lalf of Matthew's Gospel NorWich, of whom the present Sir Edward and that at West Edmeston in 15 tion. Let us, also, pledge our hearty co-opera- excellent dinner for us, and ~ here we passed in the Shanghae dianect There were other Alderson, one of the Barons of the Exchequer'

RESOLUTIONS ADOI'TED h h h I h was the eldeBt and mOst distinguisljed son D; 'The aggr~gate membership of the I twn, both by mfluence and money, m brmging t e mg t At an early our was upon t e books that they had c6mmitted, which were not r" • •• • b bl 1 ResolverI, That we .ympathlze IWlth those cllUrches about a result so essential to the life and pros- terrace, to greet the first dawn of thIS lovely Enfield was another of the llllllisters-among

compOSlllg" the; ASSOCiatIOn IS pro a y not whICh are not filvored wl~h the legular p'eachmg of the f th d t It k recited for waut of tlllle. They seemed to have whose pupils were Chief Justice Denman, and I d '" t f h t 't I and whIle we rei ommend I for them to obtam 0 e enommfl>o Ion. IS a wor day, and to enjoy a view of the surroundmg d J d f 11 th . th t B h f D h

muc I lueren rom w a I was a year ago set~le pa.tors who shall watch over them we pledge of our hllarty and efficient support acqUIre a very correct I ea 0 a e mam e presen IS op 0 ur am. By refelence to the Report on the State of our.elves to ala m malDtalllmg tbe Gospel amongst them, inaugutatedI!,l the present, It IS to grow scenery, which IS full of interest At seven pomts of what they had gone over The-oldest ' .-ReltglOn the reader Will learn what view of as far as IS III our power. I forth ftuitiin the future. It IS no o'clock we were agam proceedmg on our way girl, about thu'teen years of age, was much af- THE SANnwICh: ISLANDs.-News from tho r the res~nt condltlonl of the chur(Jhes was 2 Resolved, That in vIew of the.great oblIgation . enterprise, or one that can be ta~en toward "the City of the Great Kmg" At fected by wltnessmg the baptism last summer, Sandwich Islands to April 19th, states thnt the

p ,IbM rests upon us to gather m th+ wllllemng barveat, up or laid {{own at pleasure· but one whICh twelve o'clock we dismounted, under the shade d d d 1 f Legislature had met, promising to pass laws by the Committee on that subJect, we make an earnest effort to sustalD ~ mlsslOllarylO thlS if undertu'ken;-in the right sp'Irit, and in WI;- r d and ever after has manifeste a goo eEl 0

The ExecutIve Committee made' [a very ASSOCIatIOn, who sl,aH labor througbout the ) ear m d d dId t . of a fine ~readmg ohve tree, lor our noon-tl e tenderness on the subject of the Chnstlan re- against the use of intoficating liquors nnd nur \, after the scattered members of the flock and om, an n y persel ere Ill, mus grow m r~st and lunch We reached Jerusalem Just as h t t' Its' It t b

complete and satJsfactol'y report of th~Ir efforts the Go'pelm fields now uuoccupled. \ ,1 power and nobleness With the wane of ages A I liglOn; and has made such professions as ave co IC s Imn an i agrJCu ure was 0 e pro-duriIw the past year to ard the feeble Ichurches 3 Resol.,d, That we fully behJve m the prmClples dollar properly invested here, is a dollar iU- the settmg sun was castmg Its last rich beams. inspired considerable: hope of her :Mrs W, moted and sanitary rules extend~d! tbe Chine's in tit: AssociatIOn That report will rbe print- of the Prohibitory Liquor Law, t!Jat the protectlOD of vested in a tangible form,. a.nd for a great \\ ork iU glowmg magnificence on the mourtfains of WlShmg to follow up the the ImpreSSIOn, sought coohes were to be prevented from wandermg

. I . the rlBlDg generatloll from the unnilmbe.ed evils of Ill' for all time Has tl. .DIVlIJe and benefiClent Moab, OlIvet, and ZIOn. As the last soft tIuts b ed 1D connection With the mmutes. Durmg the temp ranee deruands Buch "law, \hat as !overs of PrOVidence honored us of the present with the faded from the white domes and minarets, the OppOI tunitles to converse and pray With her in al dout arndHcorrulPtlmghthe nati\<;es 'l'he matlled

. 't . d t k mission 'ress as elUzens, and as Chrlsu~n., lie wIll use our III "" I'" private Very soon after thIS, however, her ales 0 ono u u ad presented a petItIOn ensUIng year, I IS propose 0 eep al - il!lell~e moral and pohtlcal for lhl enactmpnt and en- prtvilege of laymg the toundattons of so nob e a holy city seemed to sll)ile sorrowfully amidst praying for; the suppression ~f theatres amI Clr ary in tbe field. all of the tllllc-a pnoposit\on ' of such a low. ' str ucture ~I If we (l0:.'1lIl,t greatly mlsmterpret, father took her out of school Whether it was 11

k elh I' her desolatIOn and her mournful grandeur. cuses, on t e ground that they kept then hus whICh we hOJ¥l the Executive Committee Will 4 Renolved, That we depreeat the use of tobacco, 5uch is our noble WOT, 1;) a c we prove re- becanse of the mfiuence that he sa\\ \las at bands out alllllght{ Mr. Gregg, Umted 8tatl'S b blL tit I In Its va!led forms of snuffing, eh Wlllg, and smoklDg creant to the trust.thus committed to us? Shall Feb. 19th.-:Mr. Saunders has been th1s work upon her ml'nd 0 th I' C h d k "" t h d r e a ~ 0 carry ou <0 d d ' r SOll)e mg e se/ IS un- ommlSsJOner, a a en ouense ate e ItOq , behevlllg It to be an evd of great m~gllltude, ""us. ~re aues ba'Ve it to' .silllr- ~lIt we :saw, our . t th h 0 atJOn th IT" r" ~

'l'he delegate to the Western and North- either wllh refeflnce to Its effects upon the pocket, the C and higlldut b~'heB'tated "lIltered mornmg osee e p YSICIans. nexamm certam But we cannot help hoping that the e ajVauan ncw~p~per-'-()r~anofthe E?YerP, W :A l_· t t d 'tt healtb or the murals of the user, and that "e y, I, ~i , they have determined t~at the lIttle cystis seed has found a genial soilm her heart, whICh, me nt-for republIslimg an artIcie hostile ~

estern ssocla IOns presen e a Wl'l en re- Invlte'all who usc tbe \lIe weed to abandon It, and from its ·JIlailful J14;Itfofll)o;J;I,ce1 -;No . ~ the Umted States, taken from the iLondoll port, embodymg the prmcipalItemB o~ .buslDess who do not, t~ .. touch not, taglAll not, handle not the I I We feel.the assnr.anl)e'tJjat )v~,lilf!i whioh were growlIlg upon the opper lid of his may m time produce Irmt. 'limes GOvt)rnment explained the affair, alter transacted at those meetings-a cust¢m which unclean thing. our duty. It IB a. work to wllich many:.g~n- left eye, (and were fast destroying the sight,) One of the younger gIrls Sickened and thed having had~la statemeut from ~he 'editor. Ris t d 'tl t > k d k 11·' 5. Resolved That we have great reason to rejOice lD erous hearts and wiJliii.g' hands Will re/1Polid. are now wholly subdued, and the eye only last fall', and her parents stated that the last Malesty ap ea)ed to the American rule of" frce en B grea "J: 0 awa en an eep a ~e an the renewed eVIdence we have m the case of the release • -' . , terest m w!fat is transpll'ing m different parts of nro Pardon n."s from prISon, that tbere 18 stdl n The aged who have I~bored m thT ~repal'a- needs strengthening, for which they are now thing she did, sbe repeated all she had learned speech and f~ee press" A meI\lber of the LegI"

. M f h ~ t God who heareth and answereth and that we tory measures-by their efforts enablliig the applying remedies. at school and then GaIJin'" over the na!lle~ of lature, conVICted of polgamy,1iud been unseat of t?e ?enmr:matJOu ost 0 t e fv s em- feel encol1f"ged thereby still to hberty shall present to advance still farther-to entel' upon f her sCho'ol mates,' :liell bOack and ceased to ed on that aocount bodied m their report have already been placed be proclaimed to aUm bonda still greater work-Will certanily rejoice in Feb 22d.-We have been this a ter- ~ ___ ......... -=="",,"'-t.ar".a ~n~ ~o"dG~, "".1 do nnt np~i1 ti>, hA ~"4 ~ R .. nl.ed Th~t we hall with deepest pleasure such frm'ts of their labors-will hp,il the oppor- noon to the wailing place of the Jews, which is breathe. Although this circumstance affords no A C \, ~ tb t d t -\ II i DDITIONS TO THE gURCH~ . .KOCHESTER," peated here. 'l'hree delegates w~re appointed no:'~::;~~~al e c~~e~~nr.nd ~:~I~:;,a ':.i tUlllty o.f once agam contrlbntlng their mBuence near the site of theIr ancient temple, on the particular evidence tnat she Ilad met with a N. Y _" The religIOUS interest In o'ur Clty/' tip the next meetlll"D' of the W estelin A8~ociatiou, that we will su<tam With material and our prayers and thell' means.. The posses.ser of accumulated west Side of :Mount ~ah A narrow lane change of heart, yet it is ellconraginrr to know

1 h '" d I (. Ith h h he may have donbts - P says the Genesee E1!angeitst, "stIll contInues, . J h CI k H . L Jones and Ate ellorts rna e re anve to It. wea ,concernmg w JC leads to this place, which there terminates at that what she had learned wus the last and 1 VIZ, os ua al e, emy , 'I 'I Resolved, That we look the recent outrages and Iilsgivings how to ~o leave hIS property, 0'11 and souls are hopefully converted oevery,r weeK R Cornwall. No other delegates fere ap- committed upo~ Clv,1 and both III Kan- partmg With earthly things, as not to be a the wall, and quite secluded from observation stronzest impres.sion lert on her mind Last Sabbath was a season of sacmmcntal Pointed. I <ao nnd at Washmglon, as of slavery, curse but a blessing to the rutur-e has here an On tM afternoon of every Sixth-day, the Jews On the 2d of January I received a call from

d . Ii' 'th and that we have no nor fellowship for, . ~ . - , _.:I il h h communIOn m some of our clturches, and: large TWO essays, prepare III comp ancelWi ap- lhe perpetrators of the government, oPPohrjt.n?lty lor safe mvbestmhent;-suillrebas any assemble here to pray lluu to wa over t e t e rice'merchant \\ho usep. to attenp.onrfamily a~cessIOns were gathered from the world At

poilltnicuts made last year, were presented at Or part~, or indlVlduals who tbem ear~ Y )Dvestmel).t can e, t at It w e a per- ruins of their beantiful temple and the downfall devotions last summer He now hve~ outside. the Br)ck church, Rev Dr Shaw's, seveut)" tIns meeting. One was by Dea John iMaxson, ' r - ennlJll blesslpg to the chure)! and the world. of their nILtion The rabbIS, ill thell' long black the W est g~tc, :a:e had lost his wife only two four were received':"'sixty-fpur on prefe6SlOn-

J f I REPORT ON THE STATE The '!I0ung Will fiud here a work well SUited of I DeRuyter, on Church Dlsclplipe, IWIth The CommIttee to whom to them-a work cO)llDlensurate with their gowns and fur caps, were standing by the wall, wecks before, and his oldest son two ll)ontbs thll'ty-one heads of families At the Plr,mouth special relerence to private {lffenses, and how duty of investi(!atIon ill I to the state youthful enthusiasm and theirsreiTlt of progress re",dill~ aloud in their Ihbre'W SCrIptureB the previous He appeared qOlte tender, and I church, Rev, Mr. Edwands reCClved twenty

, 11 d t '. t th .. h . 102d+;; 1m • b r fJ I d h h three-ten on profession-a large proportion of far they should be a owe 0 come 1m 0 e religion m the churches of ~,<soclation, re Theil' fathers can do but Utt e more t an m- ~ nfl .... num e 0 ewesses, enve ope ope t e mterview may pi ov~ ll. proitable one, whom were adults A.t the First Baptl,j church'l The' other was by Eld. James Sum- spectfully report: That after I careful exami- augurate the enterprise, and then beqneath it Irom head to foot in their long white sheets, as he seemed to realiz(1 that eternity was brougHt church mneteen persons were llllmersed-u merbell on Sabbath-schools Both lof tliese natIOn of the epistolary of the to the young to carry forward 16,'11 [\ trust walkelh)ong, klssljlg the anc\ent masonrJ' andre- to his very threshold In the evenmg, I preach- number also at the Second ~hurCh Eleven

, " h ~ • churches, they find mudi tude which the young must ,.,,=1>'e at their father's t' t' f th T. t t f Y h h h b dd d F P 1_11 es.says were read on ..,Ixt -uilY morning, and God for Ius mercies, and I hands Tl1p,r mnst perfect the work thus be- cIIDgpor JOns () "e+-!l1mlln a !pns 0 '1eremIa ed at the Southg!j,te; an,dcontinmngmyspeec persons ave een a e tp t e Irst res", ordered prmted in the Sabba,th RecoT~er Sev- a 'althful and entire gun No Seventh-day Baptist youug man in a low plaiutivevoice. Othe,s were praying too loug, (though not "until nndmght,") th'e terian church, Dr :McIlvainelsl and one hU~

I " .. h 'th h' li h' h h drea and two on proba'tlOn at It ,he vanous Metrr· eraT appointments were made for essays and AmI although there IS great ought to IJe satisfied without sharing in t e WI t ell' ps at t e pOInts were, t e stones city gate waS closed Ilgainst me, and I had to ser~ons to be read and preached at lthe next mp-nt and contrition, in the work. In short, It IS a work for all-a work come in contact, with every appearance of deep ll)!\ke 1l)1 eXit over tlie wall at tbe o!J.d of a odist churc~ i I

" m~eting of the ASSOCIatIOn J. R. Irish was ~tate of religion among demanding opr nmted and earnest efforts. <levotion They seem to think that their pray- rope. ORGANS I~ SCOT~.-The, orgaq qilestlOq apAomted"to wrIte an essay on "EaIlly piety, Goil s luve to us, in • ers will f4l.d tHlIlCp.tllnce when breathed through On the evenmg of the 5th, as Bro. C. was came before A e Syno.:l of the Umted Presby,

1J I to the churches FROM THE LAND OF CQW ~O.8 un ~ aMI the practical efi'ect,'l of an early' mquiry swers to prayer in - the wall which once enclosed tho Temple where preaching, a rogUISh hoy attempted to make terIan C~urch in the form of a memorIal from and decision in relatIOn to the field of labor to for the refreshment and JAFFA., Fel) 1'1, J856 1 Jehovah said, "Mine eyes and miue lIeart shall dlstnrbance by klck~g" the doors next the street. the Ctaremont street 'Congregation, Glasgo", which a consecration should be made'," Wm dIvine gruce among hIS :My DEAR SrsTERs"With pleasure I again be there peFPlltuaj1v" Sev.eral venerable men He was caught, however, unCI delivered np to praymg that they might be allowed to mtr(). B Maxsou on "the spll'itul1l improvement of the slOn and salvation of 81 embrace the opportunity of writing to yol).; and were seated 1lJ)on the gr,Ol!n4, Toeli!lg to and hiS guardian • " duce an organ into the church WhICb: tliey arc iLord's Supper, and whether any change IS ed our anticlpatlOus, WIth a heart glowmg WIth gratitude, I would fro, fea~iJ}g together in their books of Hebrew On the 3Dth, I closed :Mrs W's school, as about to etect An animated dISCUSSIOn Ida/;

'Ireqni'r d m the manner and frequencY] of ob- h I Wh state, t at we are all in good health at present. prayers. e slg tt.o me was eep y III eres - she was not well enough to attend tp it One " '1 petitIOns, and eclipsed With h Th . hal t t place, which resultM in the adopMoll, b"s t\ COll "" lll'lg test lopes." ere JllU',a0 10uDI,(;le'll, • siderable majority, of a' motion bJ, Dr 1uom

ser'{fno that ordinance;" James Summrrbell on did much more abound." It became necessary for Mr Saunders to have ing and aft'eeting, to see these aged me!) bowed girl repeated fonrteen ~hapters IQ Matthew's SOIl, to the elfellt that "liS the q~e of lIlstrn "the Importance and best manner of con.ductmg Your Committee w.onld slIrgical treatment for his left eye. He went t~ in the dust, with their facea bedewed With their Gospel, Without ~topping, and almost without mental music in PlJblic worship isTcontr~ry t~

I Sabbdth-schools, and the early trallllllgi of chil- lUdICatlve of tbe continued Jerusalem on the 23d of J)ecember, and re- tears, who will soon be gathered to their fatbers heSItatIOn AlJothe,' repeated thirteell, and, the uniform practice of this ChlJ.r!!h; lind of tbe ~en in tlie prlUclples of religion;" J. P. Hunt- and as renewed mained there five weeks, under the ~lJI1t)11ellt in the mournful valley of J ehoshaphat--nosacn- another ten, each beginning at the 18th verse other Presbyteriall Churches in thIS count~i mg, on "the nse of Tobac<;o." EliaS Burdick year an that ther:ta~:sofbeen I I)f J)rs McGowan and Simpson W.e hope the fice, flP ,sariollr I About one huudred yards of the first chapter. i ~~~r:h~~ ~~:~u:J!e t~~!~IO~e oF~h~e ~:n~d: was appomted to preach on 1\ Origmal Sin," and mamfest as eVInced by insatiable cause of his sufferiug IS now removed; still, it south of thIS wailing place, we slJ,W the remains On the 2d of February, Sabbath, we dedi- the Synod refuse the petition of the memonall A. W. Ooon on the" Immortality of the Soul" tOr a more and spIrItual was thought to be aU for the best, when he of an ancient bridge, which once formed the cated our two chUdren to the GJd of miSSIOns, IstS.'" - ;

• • v Henry L, Jones was .apPolllted to ver fellowshIp With God, and the interest ex- left Jerusalem, that he IlhouJd see the ph},:6iciaJls communication from the te)Ilple court on mount by fastmg, prayer, apd laying on of hands. address on "the Claims of thlj. Inbited m the rehgIOus 0 of the Sab- again in a few weeks ¥,orfaI!. to MP)lnt ~o,n. The stones which form May He accept the offermg, and answer our ...,. f d . t " bath, in the liberal support gospel ID a th II h g 't d

\ '~OUlIg 0 'Onr enomma Ion. I d I f 11 h 'SIX AmericallB amved here yesterday morn- e wa s ere are p~ IpImenlle magnt u e. prayers as shall best promote His own glory

~ I Igent use 0 a, t e means grace, ID a de-

The subject of EducatIOn occupied to observe and mamtam ordmances ing. Mrs. P., one of the pa ty, Martha, alld Those of the arch see~o be of the same style and tbeir gro~. ' ",. Ie time, and elICIted much interest, during the hOuse of God as been delivered myself, was inVited by a Greek gentle)Ilan, to and dl}te pf ma~pprll They are of white lime- • On the 6th, had an iuteresting con:l:ersatlOn

-the meetings of the .A,,~ociation Several ad- us by the i:reat Church-all witness the espousal of his daughter, which was stone, F.ese!llbling lila Ie 'J.'/ley pave been with a pious young man on the Sabbath ques-dresses were made in cOnnection with the Re- WhICh are qUicken and to take place at his own house iu Jaffa at two wronght w!th great care, and are leveled ~If at tion who, wit4 aqotber OjIristian young man port of the Oommlttee on Edncationj w4ich t' t 1 Ii TI beart,.a~n\l to o'clock P. M Mr S. and the gen.tl~men of their edges WIth gpeat 1lJ!:J1/ltn.eSS, l think we was'Fmendmg the eve"'ng WIth ns. LTe IS a' . , promo e pie y III I e. lere oceaSIO T !" .,.. +!-report will be prmted Iierewltli. "The afternoon mcreased confidence III God m the bl ssed the pa.ty were invited to go in the evening; are justified in svpp,oslng that this part af the clerk m a mercantile honse here and is looking

, of :E:irst-day was also set apart for a 'sort of frUits gatherid into soml! of' churches dur- they could not witness t@ eSDousal, f\lT they wall, and the remains of this btidge, are of very forward to the ministr:v. He's;emed didl ~ h' h .. . 1 h ' can y Educational ConventIOn, With a view of mg the past ~ear, the results I are not allowed to see the ladies. We dld llPf 19 antiqUity; certam y t ~y are :ery un~ke disposed, and acknowledged that the weight of

allowiilg an opportnmty for p, free and general of the SpIrIt ID aUS\j er to. prayer go, however, until eveuing. When we entered, the ~tolle aItd tbelforkmanshlp of which the city evidenc~ appeared to be on our Side of the discussion of the subject. perseverl~g effort, m.amfest t[J t C~OPiful con the gentlemen were conducted to a large re- a~d Its present walls are constructed Leaving questip!}. t furnished them each With a copy IOf the otber subjects which received I the' a~ verI·loll.O mfanth

y precltous sou s 10

PIS d t peption room;., the ladies to a private parlor. thIS plllce, we. bent OUf .stepB upward to the of Mr Mortoll's tract and t1,c Histo~y of the • - ' II ViCW 0 e pas, we are encourage 0 • • t r Z P II ,.

tentton of the ASSOCiatIOn, some Idea ray be labor in hope of coutlnued prosperity to Zion These rooms, li)re )11ost of the oriental houses, s~ml 0 Ion ausmg u~on one of the Sabbath, and sent some to a friend of his in gathered from tbe resolutIOns adbpted, which m the eulargement of her borders, and the op- have a cushioned divan, or platfOfl1l seat, on highest pomts, and contemplatmg the City and the same house, who o:lso has the ministry in wIll be found below. The discussion of these bUlldmg of her imperillhab)e interests Weare the side fronting the door These are th.e qer past hIStory in detail, the image of her for- View; These young men arc doiug a good work re80lntiqns occupl~d most of the after~oon of g~eatly rejOIced to wi,tness a~ e;s:pau~!On "nppermost seats," or the seatB of honor. As mer glory aeemed to rise up ljefqra lls--her rich among the seafarin class. of tbls lace There Blxth'<illf and WIIS participated in by la large mClDd ~nd heart °ln th~ Jlr:PTo~~~ntfi ISdubJectth we were conducted to this seat, I thought of palaces; her streets crowded with the wealthy have been tmq orthg

I, f I p d I ' iIrlstJan benevo ence 4e e IS 4 e d' bl f h' d h bl h ' I " /' ree !'ope U cpnverSlOns ur-

nnmiJer of delegates. . . world." And the cbUlch evinc~s a ?ommenda- ?,ur Lor s pitra .e 0 t e wed~ng feast, an t e no e;. e,r kmgs deck~d In the~ royal ing tbe past nme months through theIr matru-The officers of th~ ASSOCIatIOn fpr the eu- ble spirit to furnish meaos accordmg to her When thou art bidden, go alJ,d SIt down \n rob.es, WIth thell' att:ndant trams elltermg the mentahty. <

suing year Bre as follqws: Treasurer, Charles ability to send forth labore~s moo th~ harvest. the lowest room, that wheJ;l he that bade thee lNaJestlC temple; while the songs of the priest/i Ou the 15th, took Mrs. W. and children on Potter, Adams Centei; N. Y.; COrre'lHJ1ui1J,g We beheve the ~abbha~b s~~Qol adnd Bd Ib)e- cometh, he may say nnto thee, Friend, go up and the LeYlte~ !lrQsc sQft aud sweet upon the board ship as the cap'ain had determined to 8 'd PC· V M-"Il\ N class enterpriae 1j3 ,raug t Wit') goo an use- h'gh !I A 0 din t th . t b f h ' , r

el)retar1j, Davl ,urtls,' e!ona I S, fulnes~ to the chu.rcb, as an 8-\lltlhary to her . I cr. CC l' g 0 e anCien custom, there reezes 0 eaven. Pijt to seg, the next mCfning on .the evening Y.; E'l.~cutwe Commlttee-"Joshua Clarke, Ll strength and prosperity; aurl .Q.J'e rejoiced tq IS now a prevIous espousllior betrothing, which What a sad contrast her present condition previous one of Oijr neighbOrs caPle, about nine II Oottrell, D. P. Curtis, J. [), West, J. no.tlCa the general favor with ~I hlch it !6 re- is a solemn fro~ise of marriage, ~ade by the presents. Yet when we turn to the surrounding o'clock, With a fowl and a quautity of eggs, to Wella, Francis Tallett.· celve~ ~ythe ~nrc.he8, and the salutn,rYlllBn· pltrentsofthebrulegroom,andtheparentsoftbe scene~y, ip jsa pleasing thought that as the present to .Mrs Wardner, as a par~ng gift.

Th .... t' f th A . t' . t b ence It IS exertmg npolj. OU).' conareglitlOns. brid I the f d' t' . h' ' • . ,J'""! e ne .... mee 109 0 e 880ma Ion IS 0 e 'f. e, n preBence 0 some IS mgUls ed per ,n;tountams ever stoqd IIrQulld Jerusalem so and the next day 1USISood on accompil.Uying her !hllld wnh)tlle 'lst ChnrcjJ in Verona, N, Y, We find DO reast onsffifor tdISt~llldrllgemenft, m .Bona of thCU' denomination or sect The brIde- theynowatllnd When :Moses'vieWe>l them from to the ~hip two miles dIStant thronghrain and • .tii fifth d f th k lb~~ the past or presen ,SIl Clen 0 eter ns rom . th II d' h' 'of I , ' ,

DEATH OF REV. A.SA· CUMMINGS, D D -,Tbe above named divine died on: board of the steam ship George Law, when on her last phssage from Panama to Njlw York Doctor Cum mings was oq his tetqrn home frolll a visit to one of his daughters when his useful careJ)r op earth was cut short, Mr,' Cummmgs las a very. devoted and zealous clergymau, ood po~ sessed a very extensive and varied hteror,r talent He was for thirty years the successful edItor of the C/trlstzan AdvocaU:, publIshed I~ Portland, Maine, aud was honorably connecte with several of the leading literary and tbeil­loglcl\l institutipns pf New :jjlngJand HIS dcn~ is mOjIl'ned by an extended crrcle of attach n~ends I

LETTER FROM BURMAH -The Rev L' In' galls writes to the ExamIner, under date of Rangoon, December, 4, 1855;

"Whatever may be the CO\ll'se of, m~n In the field, or meh at home, 'tlie dnty of the Ch\1l'ch to keep at the work of the world's evangc~zld tion can not be questioned And what II e you now have in Burmah, the field of your choice :MillionB of Burmans are now ready to listen to t~e GqspeJ I ! hay? rece~t1y bee~ a tour. Not It mp,n opposed, In wantc hear good news Surely this is not a tim) , misSIOnaries and churches to consume theIr. ~ energies m unho!y contentIOn"

.«lOmmencmg on e ay 0 e wee lore a Vigilant and vigorous prosecution of the work goom IS ell a, 9we , to see, l\l brld,e fqr the /irs.t Monnt Pisqnh when the prophets saw them mud, Wltli a load of her things on his bacJt· !tbe 8e@Od.8I\bb.e.t.binJUne,18D7.JOshuaOffalthandlaboroflovet01IhiCh we have time, and only for a few moments, whe,Q. h~ ~o t/1e)' stood-' when the apostles andJesushim~ and afterwards we~t on b~ar~ to s'ay good-by~ are ready lor distl'lpution at the Be ,Clark~ was appolJ1ted tJJ preach the intr6du(\o set our hearts and hands. On th~ con~rary, presents the bridal ring, dress, aud other orna- self, gazed u~on them; when th~y were bathed a 'second time. I office, lind will he sent to the various churches ~ dISCOurse; Jamos 8u~e.rl>en, alternate. we are ~rgedforward b)' everl considcr~t\on P,lents. Be presents jewels to the mother and in the glQIiQus light ,?f ~od's favor, 59 !hey 16th, The wind being dead ahead, the s¥p of that bod! the fu'st opportunity.

• •

- ..... - ...... --~- .


It was saId that an alliance There was a fearful steamboat accIdent on We have the most cheermg accouuts of the Col John Sloan, ·TrElaStu1er of the Umted ranged to take place between his the St Lawrence, oppoSIte Montreal, caused growrng crops of gram In ~he north west and States under Mt admlUlStratlOn,

Rogers' HOlel aDd DlD1D~ Baloool, KEPT oN THE EUROPEA N PLAN,

~:a:eedings m Congress last Week ness and the PrIncess Roy~l of by the explOSIOn of a boiler, by which a large of both gram and cotton m the sQuth and south· died m Wayne county, on the 18th ult.

There was a good deal of popnlar number of lives were lost The latest accounts west The ChIcago papers report the prospect The Ancent and A No <l Fultou""t , New York,

Ne.~ Fulton FelTJ'

,1 COND DAY JUNE 9 eXlstrng m London OWlDg to the from the scene of the dISaster state that twenty In the former such as to mfluence materIally .he Boston celebrated theIr aUDI~:~Y ~~ putting a stop to the Sunday seven dead bodies had been discovered, and the rmces for old corn and wheat, partICularly the that CIty recentlv

W Rooms to let by th8V~.Y Or we~k CLARKE RoGERS l I In the SE~ ITE Mr Trumbull of lllmOls, m

d nc Iino bIll for the !pacificatIOn of Kansas 110 c

ances m the Park Some tumultnons search contmned, WIth the expectatIOn of find first, In that market, and the New Orleans had been held mg more Those InJured, not killed outrIght Pwayune of the 8th mst, says the crops of White, Ayer and King, express robbers,

court now bemg

HE.,lY ZOLLVIR S Late of Fulton Hohll.

Palmer the pOIsoner had been to have smce died One of the engmeers has not cottonffiand corn/are abundant the first • bemg ~rrdto tbDe ttrledt at a term death and removed from London yet been found It IS reported that the engl m a sn Clent state of forwardness to warrant e aerO!

It mph plOposes- tCl abolIsh the terrItorial ~o\c III (l t of Kansas anf the laws passed by

Saver}'s 1clllperanee Hotel \ AND

shrre for execntlOn, but his frIends neer let the water get too low lD the boiler of the belIef that re,celpts Will pour In qUIte as Sarah H Young, of Ma,s~alchusett;s, Jnst re-"h t til the boat The names of tlle killed were not freely and nearly as early as last season" ceJved the degree of Penn Ln lutnr!) and extend over the dIstracted

~ ~ ~

TELEGRAPH DINING SALOON, No 14. Beekmnn Srreet, N. Y.

Tel 1\0 the government and laws m force m \£1 k After a ~arp Q.lScusslOn between U; I Tlumbull and Douglas concernmg the

it Cit of tbe =Nebl'aska act on motion of the

mg exertIOns lor IS respl e un ry whICh they assert (and lD thIS given A Vrrgm13 postmaster has been mqurrmg of UmverSlty, 1U Philadelphia are bac~ed by almost every A den of a gang of bnrglars atN ewton Falls, the department of the meaDIng of the little Delegates from all the l"n.WW •. V compames m


U mted Kmgdom) IS llDperatlvely Mass, was dIscovered recently and the Inmates pICtures stuck on the letters,' and another Germany will assemble 1U at Frank It 18 mentIOned as a curlOns fact, arrested The leader of the gang, or keeper of offic131 m Iowa desrred the department to sus fort on the 21st of Jnly

LODCiIj'iG I RO(}DI8 From ,2 to f3 pe" We.1I. or 50 m: per NI/hl

tt r the blU "as referred to-the Committee o T Illloncs Mt Adams' bIll amending the n III al za tlOn laws was made the speCial order fu "ltUldnv next Mr Foot made a speech cr \ Clo Ilg the actIOn of the late Naval Retmng Bo r J at the conclUSIOn of which the Senate

a I 0 ll1ed

growmg strength of the vOIce of the place, was an EnglIshman .named Shaw tam hllD m a declSlon he had recently made Th S C fD I that despite the conVIctIOn of the Ou hiS premises were found goods of all desCrIp agamst a fellow" who lDSlsted that" them e uperlOr ourt 0 e aware has deCIded

BnA SAWYER, Sup t JOHN S S .. .,. ... Propr'etor

FIDELtO B GILLETTE, M D, government Will .fino. themselves tIons the frUIt of many recent robberIes m pictures of W h gt th I tt d th that the restrammg Liquor Law of that State as m on on e e ers pal e IS constitutIOnal give the prisoner the benefit of the Needham, Newton, Watertown, &c The postage"

Office laIAl1/. occupwd by ])octor Gibaon, BELLEVILLE, NEW .;JERSEY

Some of the European Powers were mght prevIOUS, these rascals had broken Into Th H (Md) T. hl h blish The ChIldren's Aid SOCIety sent out to WIS to walt m order to see how our a slanghter honse and carrIed off nearly 8. e agerstown ore tg t pu consm, by the Hndson River Railroad, June we lid act With respect to the whole ox I ed, a few weeks ago, an acconnt of the loss and 11 fifty children all conSIgned to good homes

Western AnOCIaliuD.

star:vatlOn of two children m Umon township,' , ment before they agree to The Protestant Episcopal ConventIOn of Bedford county, Pa Smce then the mother Rev Crosby H Wheeler has asked a dis

. I Kentucky closed ItS session at LOUIsville on th~ of these children has followed them to the mISshirnlOn frlfom WarrAmen, Me ~h a VIew of offer

THE Seventh 11.» Baptist Westerll A180Clation will bold Il8 Twtlnty first AnD,lversary w.lh the 2d

Church In Alfred commenclDg on ~Ijlb;.aay, June 26, 1856 at lU~ o'clock A M Introductory D18coune liy T B Brown, L Andrus alternate

KANSAS AFFAIRS -There are all of 30th of May It was well attended Amongs spmt land havmg died from excessive grIef, mg se to the erICan voard the resolutIOns adopted was one m regard to and the father IS lymg m a very cntlcal condi There are 800 Idiots m Connecticut, one-

TI e ROeSE berng Without a quorum E A GRE.' ",~c Sec

~----~------~ THIRD DAY JUNE lO

III the ~p ITE MI Crittenden pr esented a rt'OlntlOll I equestmg the Presldent to give to l ell ::icott the command of the Umted States troop, III Kansas Aiter some debate further Jon IderatlOn of the resolutIOn was postponed A. IcsolntlOn "as offered relative to the finn I t! spOSltlon of the Brltlsh b Ilk Resolute whICh '\'in, fO\lUd derelict III the ArctIC Ocean but It W<LQ .h lmWll on n p,-oposltlOn bemg made by

r1llllors from Kansas rendermg It to the' feaSibility of adoptmg some measures by tlOn fourth of whi'" are under 14 years of age anything rehable from that qnarter Be which the church may be enabled to reach T

Il,ani meellDgs, ~1Ir; llext Quarter:t Me~tlDgs of the Executive J.,Board. 01 the lSeventh dlly BaptIst MI8IIIOnallY,

1 ract and .Pubbbhmg SUCletles, WIll be beld at the lII."eung,-house In Plamfield N J on FIrst-day, July I~tb, c4mmenCIng at 9 0 clock A M

Will be found the latest dispatch lecelved more effectually the masses of onr populatIOn dated St LoUIS June 14 _ I that are as sheep havmg no shepherd' and to

a ttract them to her worship" letter from Lawrence 8th mst says-

iUasoll for the Government to purchase the , el rcli t her and send her back as.a present I the TIl [hsh JGoverument Ii othmg waS doqe III the HOUSE


In the SENATE the Massachusetts lesolutlOns nJICfcrcnce to the assault on Mr Snmner were

blftlttec1 and on motIOn of Mr Butler laid on tbe table and ordered to be prmted Mr C tteadcit moved to take up hIS resolutIOn re que,t I II: the PreSident to give to Gen .Scott tl command of the U S troops m Ka,nsas, wh ch led to a long debate and WIthout any defi ute actIOn the Senate adjourned

III the ROUSE a message was received from Ihe I'lcsldent statmg that no mformatlOn had I eel otlicIally commumcated to Government regar dlllg the actIOn of European powers m letelence to pnvateermg and the 'proceedmgs uf the late Pans Conference thereon


III the SENATE Mr Hamlm, of Mame ask ed to be excu,ed from serymg as Chalfin an of the Committee on Commerce, declarmg that he could uo longer act WIth the DemocratIC Party .lIe ;was excused Mr Butler then proceeded to I eph to MI Sumner's speech, and had not concluded Tlhen the Senate adJourned

Tbelc \1M no quorum lD the HOUSE SIXTH DAY JUNE 13

In the SENATE Mr Butler concluded his pecci m vmdICatlOn of the SUl1mer assault

:\lr \j Ilspn of :Massachusetts r.eplied Ad ]Olllled 0\ or to Second-day

Nothmrn done In the HOUSE


The Hou E 'met and after tecelvmg re solutIOns flam the LegIslatures of Massachu

~nmr;nor Robw'Ull unO. ~Ies,rs Brown I SIlllth DIetzler and Jeukms are still confined at Le­compton, guarded by Umted States dragoons SeHralladles at Lawrence have been permit ted to VISit them but gentlemen are not ilJlowed to see them

It IS reported that two pro slavery men were killed m the skrrmlsh Itt Franklin and several wounded None of the free sailers were killed or wonnded At Palmyra no free State men were killed aud but three wounded-the loss of the pro-slavery party was five killed and several wounded A nnmber of wagonsl on the way to WestpOlt were stopped and robbed of therr contents by persons not CItizens I It IS reported that the malls have been (orclbly searched at Franklm J M Barnard reported killed IS ahve About SIX thousand dollars' Worth of property conslstmg of merohandlse horses and oxen had been taken from rim by the free State men I

sett" Rbade Island and ConnectICut,., relative to the Sumner assai:tlt and the recent occurr!p es III Kansas, !ldJoumed till :!!,ourtb-day next Loss OF LIFE AND PROPERTY -Capt

u of the brIll' Hobart aITIved at New Ltaliforma News' Saturday from Jacmel reports that

I L - rught of the 21st ult m consequence 'rite steamer George Law arrlved: at New rams havmg fallen almost wlthont

101 k June IS, brmgmg CrliforIlia Qates tp thll dnrmg the pI ecedmg three the :strElam ~lst \1It cl111ed the Orange overflowed

Lpo,rti()D of the town of J acmel and ;Hr James Kmg of William extensively twenty and twenty fiv" h(\11odo

kno~n as a banker but more rece!l,tly as editor large quantity of coffee was alsp away of tl e San FranCISCO Bulletzn was stiot on the Several persons were drowned sur Wit lilt b) a man named Casey and dIed;, two Vlvors With great difficulty escaped b~ts uOl, afterwmds Several events equally as that went to theIT assIStance OWmg I to thiS Qutl ageolls had exasperated the citizens to the calajIllty mauy of the mbablbmts In a l\nllulltmg pomt , the temble Vigilance Oom' atate of complete destitutlOu The uall1lage

mittce convened to the number of three thou the flood, not only In the mty but m and ll1 ![ hell to the prIson and from thence or was ver~ great All the banana took Ca'~y and a gambler named Cora, the uprooted and together Yllth aililllalls,

~ murderer of Gen Richardson and conveyed washed llltO the Rivet The thPID to the commIttee rooms, where, on the been almost obliterated and ~1;~~'~b~~,I~~~: allmg ot the steamer, the Committee were de pended As the storm m all

1 berat ng The general belief was that the tended throughont the Island murderers would be executed according to the coqnts from the mtenor are aPTirel~~udEi,(l.

I 0 le of J uuge Lynch the VlgUajJ.ce {Jommltr. ee I ad organIZed throughout the State, and

[he exllrpatlOn Or all blacklegs bullies and ra'cab had beeu ~esolved upon

For some strictures which the San Franc18co Herald published on the actIOn of Vigilance C:otnll1lttee a 13l!ge number of mercb.ant& With 1:" therr patronagel and the paper was oldm~\reduced m SIZe about orle-half, With

u 1 s to theIT Cll'culaticin of two thousand sub rr bel,

f The Oregon. and W !tshingt~n ne1"8 is 11= portant the [ndians lD thpse sectIOns had been reduced to compar!l;tlve qmet ajJ.d lImted ~tates troops were ret1l+1llllj; to qual ters

European News.



The reVIsed code of North Carolina declares that If a person fight a duel and either of the partIes shall be killed, the surVivor on convlc tlOn shall suffer death, and the alders and abettors shall be conSidered accessorIes before the fact If uo death shall ensue all the par ties shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor and on conVIction be pUDlShed aCCordingly and mOleover be meliglble to any office III tbe State

On Monday afternoon a woman was walkmg 'the track of the Boston and Worcester

~allrOI\Q, near Natick, With an umbrella m her hand was seen commg towards the Ex press tram wInch was on the south track when the whIstle was blown and she stepped on the north track .As the locomotive came Wlthm a few rods of her she stepped back again was run over and mstantly killed

New Granada files to June Sd state that the Governor had addressed a crrcular to the foreign consuls on the subJect of a reported m:vaSlOn of the Isthmus by filhbusters The hospitals of the Panama Railroad Company were nearly cleared of the sufferers by the riot of April 15 and the aCCident of May 6 The head agency qnarters of the railroad com;pany were to be removed from Panama to Callao

We see by Qnebec papers that the BritISh transport steamship Resolute lias arrived at that port With the first mstallment of the Crimean army On the 9th Illstant portIOns of two regiments (over 800 men) were dIsembarked at Quebec The Resolute made the passage from Balaklava In les~ than SO dars-a qUIck trip conslderlU!l" that the distance IS upwards of SIX thousand miles

The weekly mortalIty of the CIty of New York from the 7th to the 14th of June, 1856, was as follows Men, 57, women, 50, boys, 117, girls, 85 Tota1i)309 Decrease on last week 28 Adults, 101, Children, 202, mal~. 174, females 135 colored per'uu~, liS

In 1851, the number of women III England and Wales was 9,160,180 aud the number of men, 8 762 588 In 1841, the numbers were of women 8138,314 and of men 7,773,411 Ten vears earlter the nnmber of males III Eng land was 6 3'15,&04, and offemales, 6 718,944

Wtlham Richardson Esq, a dIStingUIshed member of the Suffolk bar, and reslilent of Dorchester Lower Mills Village, committed slllcide a feW' days ago The only possible. cause that can be aSSigned for the act IS a vex atlOus laWSUIt

The grasshoppers near Austm Texas, the State Gazette says, are destroymg all vegeta tlOn wlthm reach .At last accounts much de strnctlOn had been done by them m Terrant county, m the northern part of the State Farther down the Colorado, the ravages are not so bad as at Austill

The Cleveland Ledger says :Accordrng to the best mformatlOn which we have bee~ able to obtam more than two hundred and ,fifty slaves have escaped from VrrglD13 and Ken tucky durmg the month of February, 1~56

Dr Root and Mr Mitchell of ConnOOllollt, who were supposed to have been murdered by the pro slavery party 11\ Kansas, have wrItten home that they are alive They were fired upon and arrested but have been liberated

We learn by telegraph from Halifax, that a dreadful shipwreck has occurred at St Paul's OWlllg t(} some disarrangement of her cOl;l\Jlasses the ship Pallas, from Cork for qnebec, went on the rocks, and seventy two persong were drown ed !

Tue bOA f~om whicH Jurymen are drawn, 1D

Lynn, Mass, was mad~ fo~ the town In the year 1~S2-the year III whIch Washlngton was born, it IS therefore one hundred and trenty four years old

A fraeaa occurred on board the steamer MBoO'lloha, a few miles below Lomsville recent­I v, 1D which a man named Anthony or .Andrew De:velm was stabbed to the heart

It IS a good sl~n of the tlIDes that two com mISSioners from South Carojm8. are lD New York, to examme the schod Rystem WIth a VHm of estl1blishing a similar one m therr own State


New York Markels~nne 16.1BilG. A.he.-Pots 6 06 Q (J I!! I re!ll!ls 7 01l Flour and IIIeal-Flour, 4 94 a 5 45 for common to

g~ ;5tate :; 90 a 6 90 fOF the varIous grades of Oh,o 7 00 a 7 90 for extra Genesee 5 90 a H 60 for South ern mIxed to extra Coru Meal 3 00 for Jersey

Grain-Wheat 1 30 B 1 33 for Western white 173 a I 78 for chOIce Canadian Corn 40 a 46c for West ern 49 a 57c for sound Western and yellow Rye 80 a 8~c Oat. 33 a 36e for State and Western

Pro"",on.-Pork 19 00 a 19 25 for mess, 16 23 for prime Beer a so a II 30 for country mess 7 00 a B 00 for counlry prune Lard 110 Butter III a 220 for State 22 a 24c fur prtme

Ha,v-60 a 700 per 100 Lbs

LETTERS. J E;Crnntfall, L D Ayr"s Hannah Chapen John B

DaVIS E R Clarke D E ~axsoD S S Griswold Dame 1 Burdick C KIDg B F HUJu es E L BurdIck J FRan dolpb B R SmIth Lew,. Pleroe D B Maxson, D Saunders, BenJ S BurdlcL

GEU B UTTER Secretary

1Il0unt!ltn Glen \Vater GUre.

THE MOUNTAIN GLEN WAfER-CURE PlaJD fieli;l, £II J , A UTTER, l'hys cIao aud !'roprletor,

1~ now open for U e rect::plloll 'patients 1'ersons w18hulg clLcuJars caa be SUI plied at the Re.

corder ollice or "y adure.slUg DR UTIEI( llalutidd, N Jl

l\I:w Jmcy RaIlroad FOR PHlLAdELi HlA al d the South Dnd Wesl

'CI,a Jersey UlL)'-Mdll aud lJ.1preSB Lme L.,a\'~ New York at 8 aud 11 A Mad 4 and ij l' M I :fa, I~ M $. sto 1'1 ng at ail way staliVUS 111ruugh ltckelg sold 10' t;1"~luuaU l~17 aull $IB 50) allO Iile lV.st " u for H.ltlruo,,, IhBh I gtuu l'<"llulk ~c aud tllruuJh bac"a!;" coeCkuj to II aoll !l ou IU 8 A Nt .ml ti.l:' M J W WUUlJltU~ r A ... I;Ul't

AHetll Ih~lilillHl \V dlce·CUrt RECEI),TS,

W All payments far p~bltcal!ans afthe 8<>oloty are acknowl 'T HIS edtaL IBumeut Iur tue CU1~ 01 Chromc DIS­edged trom week to week ui the Recorder Pers ne send ~g el1st:s 1~ Cuuulilj ~U llj H 1 liUI1DICK M U Tim money the receipt 01 which is Dot dub acknowledged should JdcllILl~d 111 lll~ UUle lUI t Je bUt:l,tltltllu 1I ~tUOJ~lJt g Te us earl'll notice 01 the oinission L ~ ur Ultot:<iStH; u1 tl e;, htlr i::i!'lUIj \t:rvt:15 rewlll" UJEI-

",uR Ul£ tiA.BH4.TH atcoRDIR ed.~et! UruucL1ILJ~ ltiCJ!Jlt:llL lJUUtJUU'pt l H &c, life lot

L D Ayrea CanloD III I $10 00 tq vol 13 '~n.'2~1 e"cel eu III al y e" ul.J .LLu euL 1. It$. t, WHL I aVe tbe rt h't S Meekm., New York 2 00 12 lIeU"itt 01 okl111UI Huu eUI .IL c ~,",crlllluU,-ulJ ud. Mrs G W Holma.n Sa stan 66 13 17 \'liut<..lO" tuuwJ. Iu l;Ul lew \\ ULtH lJu etl Etlptcu1a, Hanll.n Chapeu, 1'1)moulh WIS 2 00 12 5~ ultellt on Will I>e glVeu 10 d oea.e" CUIllI1l~UJ,)' called J ho Il Dav s Lawn Ridge llL 4 00 ""gmiL Ctl.e., .uc ." HII' lJ "euoe, I~ UI "i:lwt!11I go E W Johnsou, NIle 6 00 12 5) vii L:/;:He lllJ. Leu ~lilly tiLugt!.tI ) uuli Ua.flt:,... u.uu Nt::clu_

Asa F sb, My stlC BJldge Conn 2 00 12 52 010 01 bUll"

CI a3 Mallory 2 00 12:U t.JuuuJct~d wl~h Ih" es IlLh,hmeut I. a Dental Sirop Dtinlel Burdick Wakefield, R [ 2 00 13 5 wltere all CIlII. lit Ihat I'rul ... Iu will L" b'lleLdell to: Jacob Long Pallons.11e Pa 2 00 13 5t Alldr~sd H I IIU IWIt;K DaVId C L<JDg 2 00 13 52 Allr.d AiI.gullY t;o N y, o KIDg '( 2 00 13 26 B F Holmes Palmyra, WlII I 00 d 26 L M Fuh I 00 13 26 E L Burdick '1:eol8a W,S 2 00 13 5_ BeoJ S BurdIck, DeRuyter 2 00 13


Great Cellll'lli RoUlr.

THE Thfough TIcket and Frelgbt Office of the GREAT W !;STER~ RAILWAY

MICHIGAN CENT RAil RAILROAD and their Railroad and titeambaat connecllau. to ChI cago, MILwdnkle, Galena Burlmgton, St LOUIS, Cairo .nd all POIDt8 West and South west VIa ISuopenslOu BrIdge, Buff.ID Dr Oswego la at No 173 Broadway, New York, Corner of Cortlandt st


llenlrul IIIUlroaU 01 ~CW JcrsC}, {"'tONNECTING at New Hampton WIth the Dela W ware L.ckawanna and "" esLern Railroad, (0 !Scranton Great Bend the North and 'Vest, aud at Easton Wllh the Lehigh Valley Railroad to Mauch Chunk-BUMMER ARRANGEMENT commencmg JUDe 9, 1856 Leave New Yori lor Easton and IOter medIate placee, from PIer No 2 No th River at 7 30 A M and 3 30 P M for at 7 30 and 10 45 A. M, aud 3 30 1llld 5 Tbe above tralD8 r Illlect at Elizabeth tin the New Jer..,y RaIlrosd, leavrng New from foot 01 Conrt landt aJ:reet at 7 30 anu 11 3 and 5 l' M

Buok A'gcnu \\ anled,

By STEARN,; & ISllUER, I'UULltiHERS AN\) WllOLJ:;::;AL", IlUUI,~"'LLEl:(ti 1 ,,}.,a apo/ ..

1 J.ana I IV ear" In the very he""t 01 the b .. t .. cllon 01 the

Ou a lur II e I'!UCG~o::dul lJ10tlt:cutluu o(JJ t ~ DUUbcr p tlun Ilouk Tmd,,\ ,. t"dl III uy ot wi clz w" ueed uuly [due tu thlj U JpClfa li:ddtJ I:IUt,;Ct::8S 01 uur H~t::ll1l; uurtpg tlid l'atlt yt::ar, UJij Y ut WUUlfi ale st 1 IU OUI ~l1JVJoy. Uur uQuktl afd ol a C I::I.luCLt::f ca Uli:lt d tu beCUIt~ lUI"

us uud our aee. ts tl" h'lfhtBt CU fidel ce LI II" re"d~ og cOUJmUlJ y Dud Wt': wlS tu tH ga6eo tlie serVice.

\JJ thutie: (nly wUu Win tulip us lu ,u,tal'" It Our prOXlllllty tu tU6 h~lU u1 lauue cuabt~8 us to uttevd pe SdlIalJ.Y to the luL~t ests ",J uur a~~t., Bnd fill tbelr olde~B at suu t lollce ,Slj\7lJg U eli tJ. e delti'yB and

eXPduse ot ltdl ~porta[lou Jrom the t)'8l:f.tern Meu ut energy Bud bU~lUe88 lU.I.Hl& WIll find

tlue a wurk. wUrLhy l£J.elr uUt:utlou All comnn.vne&.­lIOns prumptly answeretl IS 1 EAaN~ & 1;1'IOE&

For PhJ1nllcljllllU,

By THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY RAlFROAD rom 1 er Nu I N 01 til ttl> er \001 01 Jlaltt!l;,l' place~

1 he Camtlen aud Aruuo] Rlllltoatlltne lor l'b,l.deJ. phi" WilL leave a8 Iollow8

Mornmg hue-at 6 0 dock A M JaIly, (SDllday'­excepted) Dy the steambuat JUHN 1'011 ER Capt JUlm "'-.- n IUT. lSouth AWDoy tbence by Ibe cs,ra an Isteamboatlo I'blfallelP:lIl!t ." - L,. b A A J.2:.gs.

In Bedford (Va) ClrcUlt Court Ul its last term, Wm Steen, a gentleUlan eighty four years of age, was sued \:ly a young lady for damages for bIe\lch of prQmlSe, and mnlcted the sum of $150

Leave Plamfield fQr New at 6 30 and 9 05 A M and I 40 and 6 13 P M

~ JOHN 0 ISTE Snpermtendent


Af&ernoon E"'press hUt~-at 2 0 cluck P M dally, (Sunda). excepted) by steamboat JOHN POTTER, stuppwg at Jawesburg, Hlghlstown, Bordentown,alld Burhngton arriVIng at 1 ulladelphla about 6, a clock. l' M k are by Expre •• IIue *3

RetutlllDg, passEubers WIll leave PhIladelpbla .t06 AMand_l'M ..

RECT from P,er 15 LIberty st, first PIer below Oortlaqd st Fare $3 le.sthan by any otber route and int.mtiiediiate places lu pro portion Second cla88 Montrea! $4 25 The new first cla.s AN WINKLE C W Farnham C • Wednesday. and FrIday. and L Suuth, Com ",.wler Tuesday Sunday, at 6 0 clock p M l"a~&ODgerB will arnV6 In Al bany and Troy In to take the mormng tralDs of cars for the East and West For freight or second clall8 apply at the office on tbe whar(

ON and after M~,~~::~g,~ thel notIce, J

foot or Duane 5t , New Dunk.rk E:t:'Prell nt G A Buj'alo EXllre .. at 6 A Ma.l at 8! A M for n""H"lr

termed late atatlons connect WIth Express CanandaIgua N agara Falls, the LlghtDl g Express tram road for Cmcmnatl

Rockland Pal.enger Cliambers st ) vIa Piermont meQltlte slatJons

l' M (from foot of Sufferns and IDter

Way Pa .. enger al 4 P dletown and int.orllllediate:I~~~[~:,n~;.' 0.:"

N.gh! Ezpru, at a P Em.grant at 6 P M 10

IntermedIate statlon8" The aho.e t\'llina ron Theae lUpre •• TralDS c~~te_~.t~.

EJ~Ira Qnd Niagara Falls at Blnghamlon wllh tbe "'v •• m"'~ Rallrnad for Syncn,e at mg and New York R~'~:l~~.~~'~~~' Ilend wllh Delaware road for Scraotou at .-;a1~~;i,~-n.d. Lak" Shore RaIlroad". Ie do DetroIt, Onicag<',

Accommodation and EmIgrant hnes at 1 am} 4 l' M 1 0 clock Ime-first class J'ti.sengers $2 second olalia

pas.euger. $1 ~@ 4 ,clock hue-first class passengers $2 second e1asa

passengers $1 7p UtA BLISS, AgeDt

T HE subscTlber havmg sold hlsmterest ID the firm of A D llt.worth & 00 of llalOfield and locat­

ed Llm,eli at the corner 01 F uhon and..PearJ otleell, New York, a8 Merchant TaIlor and ManufactureI- of all klDds of Clothtng would re.pectlully mv,te bll rr cnds, and as many olhers as feel I:hBpused to Btnd,

~econouiy, to s,ve blm a cal fee lID.:! as.nred tbal bll experience In the bus Ue •• WIll euable him to dn bet-ler tor hIS customers than they call do tor tb~mselveB He will employ the best of workmen and glV" to tbe bU8mess hlB whole allent on

Cloth. Ca ... me,.., anll Veatong. of the latest pat­terns constantly ou h.i!ff alld made to order In tbe most approved manner at suo t notIce t>

Also auy persolls W oblDg cUUlDg done f~r thelt friends at bome by observlDg Ihe lolluwlng dueot 001, call b. accommodute/! wllb auy style they ,wlSb -liaGoa' Mea,ure-Ist PI.clOg the meDsure at sockel b ne of nevk down to center 01 arm or ~boulder, thun to walBt~bove tbe hip, and lenglh of COBt 2d. From seam oi' back glvlDg Width 01 back then to"ii

lellJow and length 01 .Ieeve bendlDg tbe arm ID right Bugle 3d Breast and wa1st, Dot ug the' posltlon, whether stoop'"g lorward or extra slr.lght

Vest-lst From socket bone down Iront" gnmg leng h of vest 2d Breast alni walK meaoures Pa~'.-Ist From hlp bone .0 thigh JOIIIIIID I knee"

and length 2d Waist hlp '1h gh and Knee mealUrel. Also any perBoDs WlsuIDg to aU11 Ihomselvelof

my assIstance III select) g fl t!>t ck of clotllug or ullier merchalldl'~ • iU iii d me .t nly ollic6- every day n­cept tiabb. b daf. All orderS lilanklully receIved altd alten ed to wllh d sia ch

lerms cash on dtdlvery E Il 11 rti 1\ ORHI

Tyfe IS made wJiI be the .evere u""gl' of Ma

for past f.I[ol'l and to well known !tbera! maG

the pMt tblrty yearl IS B

patron. of tbelf dl"POSltlon and .th.,m.elv.,iI.to be lorptlned far fair

letter or other .. ~.,. __ .:..-~, .. - & SONj!

printed Foun.~ery •


• (

8 THE S.LoSj-LJ' dent of the Seuate nor to by any IS rtjac sJmlle of the bunal place of N apoleoll there given th~m which felts the" oolm a few so takmg Senato!" as vIOlative oftbe established for at St Helena The tombstone fa<'es the bust mmutes leavi g when coats are to be over his corn-neIO, the governll¥ent and order of body of DesalX The rez de chaune or ground the ends of t e sleeves and the arm holes stick about the

The Assault on Senator Sumner The act cannot therefore regarded by Hoor of the palace preserves the three chambers the coat soft they are then JO ned and firmly severnl ilmQoth We nnted last week the resolutlOus an the Committee otherWise than an aggravated of the auberge exactly jlS It was III 1800 felted together produclDg a coat perfect m the.s \Vele Qr[Lwliinl!:,frolln

p If assault upon the n~stlmable of freedom 'Ihere are stilI the bltckened beams the bnck shape and even m textnre They ale then other dur ng the m1l1'nL

pended to the Report of th~ SpeCial Committee of speech guarantecd by tl e It Hoor the large chImney place the) ellow walls foIled untIl they ~ecome firm and sohd Mose would fallmtQ of the Honse of Representatives to mve~tlgate asselts for phYSICal force a over bordered With plaster fflSe Thele stands the of these garments are dyed In the wool before their clumsy n the assault on Senator Snmner As that Re Government- const tntlOns la" saud If IdentIcal table the same wllldow the same Iron cardlllg those that are not are at th s stage ~emselves from port gives the only strICtly rehable h story of caIrlcd to Its ult mate must result bars the same squares of glass whICh witnessed ready for the dyer Next they are drIed on s mple remedy my

III anarchy and brmg mto Its all the eVils the thonghts of the great raptam on the eye copper forms m the shape of men heated by crop tl e affaIr we conclude to prmt It entire th s of a Reign of Terror of tl s famous battle when he addressed the steam WI IIe upon these forms they go through week - '1he ComIDIttee tl erefore confonmty to chief of the house of Hapllbmg whom after a fimshmg process whICh g ves them the ap

The- Select Committee appomte I \II der tl e the splr t of tl ~ resolutIOn of House and ward III an evIl hour for himself he made hiS peara\lce of the goods known as Beaver Cloth resolutIOn of the House passed on tIle 23d of then sense of public duty are constrallled to father III law '1hey ure now ready for 1m ng and tr Ulmmg folIowlDg receipt maklllg c der wIDe May 1856 to Illvest gate the subject of the recommend to the House the such a -- - wJnch IS done accordmg to the taste or deSign TUKe pure made from souud r pe ap assault aUedged to have been made In tl e Sen I esolut on as wIll vllld cate character Loss of Memory furmshed Coats of all klllds (designed mam pies as It runs the press Put 60 pounds ate Chamber by Hon Preston S Brooks and and rebuke the member Who so unhappIly Perhaps no mental d sorder IS so conclUSive Iy for busmess or overcoats) me made at of common brown IptO 15 gallons of the other Members of tile House upon Ho Chas for hImself and the country thIS of bodily derangement as loss of memory Let esta Ishment from a plam sack or pea Jacket Cider and letJt diSlwlve. then ):lut the mixture Sumner a Senator from the State of Massa great wrong the reader take tl e followmg llustmtlOns from to an ornamental surtout leady for trlmmmg mto a clean and fill (he barrel up to chusetts and to who u the House refer ed tl e The Comn Ittee do 10 the powers of SIr H Holland The excellence of these garments IS m theIr wlthlll til 0 gallons full With clean Cider proceedlllgs of the Senate annouuclllg tl at the Honse to pun sh Its members A case of sl ght paralytiC affectIOn IS at tlls gleat cheapness durabll ty and warmth We put the cask m a leavmg the bnng that co ord nate branch of Congress makes nor do they 1lI dertake to genCial time before me where the percept on from the have seen very stlOng men try III va n to teal a ont for 48 hoUls I put IU the bung mth a eompla nt to the Honse of Representatives of quest on as to what con a breach of senses IS I mmpalred the memory of pe sons coat '1be mannfacture must greatly mcrease small vent wholly ceases the assault committed by one of I 8 members- prIVilege The passage of tl e rals and events seemmglv concct the mtell gence the aggregate of human comfort a d bung up and m one year the "me Honl Preston S Brooks-uPOll Hon Charles mg the Committee IS regarded a declarat on only slJrrhtly affected the bod Iy functIOns ~- ull be fit lor ThIS mne reqUires no Sumut Q Renator from the i5tatc of Massa on tl e pa t of tl e Honse of ItS power to call tHough feeble n power not otherWise d sor Onr Hon,es rack ng the It stands upon the lees tl e chusetts ICPO, I t~ members to accouut for such acts as VIOlate dered b t where the memory of 1V0rds fOI better

That UpOI a fullmvest gaLIOn of the subject the p V1legcs of the Senate Th sa-sault hav speecl IS so nea Iy gone that only the s Do-Ie The cd tors of they eoncm III tl e follow ng conclus ons Will I ne; heen comm tted by a I ~mbel upon a m<¥Josyllable yes rem aIDs as tbe sole utt~r rece ved a sample the Senate seem unltUlmonsly to ha~c declured Senator wI Ie en a IllDg III liS seat I t1 e ance of all tl at the pat ent deSires to eXpre's r~celpt I regald

I TI at tl e Hon Pnlston S Bn!lOks: a Senate ChalUbc 1 \ II C I eI£ rn auce of the Even when a s ngle negative IS obVIOusly m It IS !l good member Ot the House of Representatives from dut esr~elta n ug to Ius olficlul It Iu \lnd for tended no otl er word IS used III mother tasted If It had the State of South Cmoh H\ d d on the 22d \\('JrM there spol en III debate itl e COIDI1l tlpe case of leceot occurrence II here In sequel to a a very little tOI1 day of the present month after adjournment of have do doubt of the fights or power of tl e paraly' C o.tbek t n years before the memory bv USIng less the Senate antI "hile lIil Sim er was s ttmg House to adopt the lesolutwns whICh they of words I ad been gleatly co fused and In amomt A at liS desk I tl e Senate Cbambel assault lecomllljlnd po red 1 found them all re"'amed and brought Wille from w th cons derable v olence ser k 1 g hun numel No test mony I as been take or ale the uto lIght except tllC pro~ouns which were manner exacCtl'Hv'rall~" ous blows on and abont the I ead "11th a walk Comm ttee aware of any wI I sholls tl at almost Illvallably d splaced and subst tuted one ___ +_~+_. og st ck \1 h eh cut lIS head and d sabled h m any other member of the House was elthel tiC for a\ othel In a tl rd case whele tl e patient ENGr;~ND -The fol

for tI e tIme being f om attench g to I s d ltle, t vely el gaged II the assault 1 deSigned to affected Vith hem plegm at a very advnnccd III wh ch the en or lU tl e Senate comm t any v olence upo l\>fr Sumuer nor age passed uto a state oflo mbhnO' del r urn

II That th s assault ,~os a bJlmtcJ of tI c tl at any other Ie:; tl e prec se t me "hen a fo v dUJs betole h s death all tl at "'he nttered FlVIleges of tne Senate 05 the place" he'e Mr Broo S II vuld assml whether n answel 01 otheI\llSe II as 11 Frencl a

III 'Ihat It IS not WIth n the J msdICtlOn 11m It does appeal however It! at the Han 1m guuge I e I ad not heel knoWll to ~peak [Lta Iy of the Senate and can only be p IDished by the HellY 1 Edmundson of V r~IllIa a d tl e t me for tl Ity Je3ls before Th s co tlnued House of Representatives of wI ch l\lr Brool s Hon Lawrence:M Keitt of Sputh Carol na nnhl I s speech ceased to J e tell g Ille al IS a member Members 1l£ tl e House I ad bbel plev ously together

IV That the SCI atc for a b eacl of tg fa med of tl e pu pose of IUr ~rool s to com Tl s latter pI 01 0 nel on IS a 0 g the most pi Vlleges cannot !lncstu membel of the House n t a assa It pOl Mr Sumner a d tI nttl ey common yet tl e most Inexpl cable of all tl e of Rep~eselltat ves ah I a fo rtlOr cannot hnt elated tl ut the assa lit wo Id tal e llacc n phenomel a of memory Tl e tCna'e ty of n em try and pun sl~h m and that II at ce ta IJ or near tl e Senate CLamber a~ollt the tllne O\y In the aged fOi ~lctS and c Icnmstances of devolves hi on tl e Ho lse of \l hICI he s a u em the occnn el ce d d take place M~ Keitt was In early life lild the total nab I ty to remember ber tl e ile ute Chamber a d lUI Etlmllndso 1 I a plesent cllcumstJlnces from day to da are

The Con mlLlee therefo e report back the room adJo I g It at the t me the attaCK was matters of com mOll obsel vat on So also n complamt of the Senate 1 It I the J01Jrnal of mado UI d It S proved tl at Mr Keitt rusl ed the dymg IS seen tl s lecollect on of. the days thClr proce~dmgs and tl e testImony taken n uP" th a C(lne u a tIleaten ng mannm wheu a d scenes aud even Ideas of ch 11I1 ood and

[llu;k I --The Uruted States Armmg England. the plemlses p lrSU!l t to the esolutJO of tl e the bystan lers attempted to profcct Ml Sum youth

f I ~I BEd It IS a c rlO lS fact that Amollcan mechamcs House ner 10m tIC blows of "' riO I s an that Sir H Holland pusses III rapid rev ow tl e The testimony d scloses thn folio, no facts Mr E Imn clson e CI ed tl e Senute CI a nber varIOus st~tes corporcal and mental III wI eh ex 01 all others In tl e nanufl1cture of fire arms

On Monday and Tuesday the 19th a d 20th soon aftel l\I ::lUll ner fell ~ the memory fa Is Among thp. nost pract cally at d me at tl 0 1 re<ent t me filhng large con I f lI1 1 5 III S Tl C tt d t ' I tl I t tracts for In t es III England leplese ltmg the {ays 0 ay 8 6 I m Ie! del \ ere I a eon I ee 0 no leo Ie se ves JUs I porta t of these IS tl e fa Ille of m n 01; F sl eec! tl e ::lenate III I eply to the Senatol fied III e:q ress ng the op ijlOn uI10n tl e test flom undue excrc se of tl e I I d The ~ystem ngl sh GOI el nme It 8harp s arms par tlCU flOm South CalOlma (Mr B tic!) fiT I othel mony tI at ethel of tl ese members was a prn whICh pmmatu el} fOices t1 e youthful Intellect larly are III I gil falol both the carbl\lc al d S h f I h 1 b d r tie b!¥ g In large demand TI cJ are claImed cnators aD aut or zed copy 0 "h cl s a~ cpa or accessory t e !lSSUU t llt legar IS stlongly and J stly replel ended by 0 r at to cornbu c s mphe 1m of constructlO raJl d ty pended to the test mony and forms a part of tlls the r cond ct n the tl a saet on-a d purtlcu thor 'J

leP9lt 1:1lly n lOt taklDg sici s to prevept the perpe It sa fuct well attested by exper el ce that of fir ng and extraordll ary rm ge \lIth "r~l1illiions t t f tl t ~ tl S accuracy and mequaled ~afety An 01 for L."vv, It appeaIs tliat as early a~ Tuesday before la IOn 0 e nong or 01 orm e el ator tl e memory may he serlOnsly som¢t mes last 2;) 000 AmellCan l':itles With tl e lIill e s ght

the sp~ech was concluded Mr tlooks took iJf I s danger-as reprel enslbl~ mgly Jured by pre-sure upon It too hardly and knob fOI the loci bayonet IS III COurso exceptIOns tu the lemarks of the Senator and - and contlDuously In early hfe Whate,er the of exec It OJ at tI e extel s ve , orl s at '\\ lllll

th rty s x mIll OilS III tlle flOm 1774 to the peace of

One hundred and four

und,red,H~,d sixty fOUl mllhons II tl e ltel'olutlqrlUl'Y War from February

III Am c s 180'1 T 0

that on WedneSday morlllng ~nftel tl e dehverv Prumng Trees ory 1,\e I old as to th s great fu~tlOn of 0 lr sor '\ t and IS lOW probably I If con pie ted of the speech he declUl ed to 1h E 1m ndsOi ... nature It B certum that Its powers are Oily Anothel or ler for 10 000 Sharp s r fie also 01 rcar ng ~ow~s for of the House whom he casnally met III the We (xtruct tJ e follow paper I cad gradually develoj ed and If forced mto promn account of larltes m En lUI d IS III co Ir-c t(eatmcnt of c 1 c ens IS Capitol gro lllds It sholt time herOle tl e meet beforo the CIllC I nat H Soc ety by tUle exelClse tI ey arc Imp \Ired by the efl'OIt filfillmcnt ni Colt s flJ.c~ry III Hartford In of the hIghest , they should be mg of the: two houses that he mtended 10 mH ct E J Hoopm - TillS IS a maxim mdeed of genelll mport apply order to avo d any colln~1O or mistake ao to ~~~r:~t"~I:e;;~~~d v r;lOE~~r~ I:~~v~~reoI~e~ v olenee t po~ the per on of Mr Snmnc us a 'I he pll c pul obJc ts of P u ure to pro- mg to the cond tton and culture of every faculty the construct on of the arms English gooners chick I ecelves a u Its growth at an early pUDIshme It for language uiered h s speee! c IC a good bole or trunk fo to form of bodv and m nil but s gularly to tl e 01 e lie personally Inspect and stamp tl em as com attn I s a large s ze as He therefore requested Mr Edmu ldson to ulk a lead n olerutel] open lind (1f a- are now cons derlDg whICh forms n 0 e se se pIe ted Shul p s arllls are pecul arlv well adapt the boney frame llcc:omes set UJld a stunted With h m and alter taklllg seutnear tl e alk stm dUll orclOld) for the a d tl e fo III lal on of ntellectuull fe A regnlated ed for cavalry sm cc g I tl tl result ... leadmg from Pennsylvama:h en 10 to tl e Capl healthy and I elfect del elopment frUIt and exercIse sholt of actual fatIgue enlnlges Its The remmkahle success wI ICh I us been 1~lt~ ~oo~ and feed ng and the tol he expressed a deslle that 11-1 Edmundson to St bserve III some measure I urpose of capacIty both liS to loceptIon and letentlOn gamed III th s country n the manufacture adval tage of a run III favorable weatl er should be prl(!3ent as a w Itu~sS to tl e transac ornament aud gives promptItudc as well as clearness to lire ar ns IS further Ilustrated by tl e fact that Dorkm s, II fi ~ I tlOU hat tl ey rema ned_s? ne fifteen mIDutes To effect these ol~ects with least trouble ItS act on But we nre I ound to refl8l1l from macl nery to the value of $2()O 000 such as f tt g t th of t~re~~o t ;~ur:~~:I~s ~~ awlllt ng the approach of Mil Sumner and ther and greatest adl ant age upon non resmous goadmg It by co stant and labor ous efforts II IS u,ed III sOlie of the laJ{)'e AmerIcan estab a emuo a d ~ e Iii e or SIX III "Inter III proceeded to the Cap tol !ices tI c lollO\\log d rcctlOos recommend e~rlr l~re a~dt bcf~re th~ mstr~mJnt has b~en I shments m tillS departme~t of meClUlllCS has ~~~~~: I~: 10 ~~: fowls must

On Thmsday mormng lie agaIn casually met ed - s re~g ~enc a I S WOI 0 ecays u tl been made tit WII dsor "\ t and SCI t to Eng he killed before have armed at the r full ~Ir Edmundson at the western enhance to tl e 1 Beg n to pr no the lIee It IS young OU L a ~ r th I t land and s now probably very I early readl de\elopment tl e b rds must be taken Capitol gro I ds on PennoyluAb Q "enoc a 2 Cut close and smooth to bole or hmb t os~ 0 mem~r~ s one ~ It ~ ear es s};mp- ness for operatlO,ll To Insure ItS excellence It II hen tl e s ckle of the tall beglll to }=nb ~L Ii wmmanded a vew of all tlie al 3 Cut, heu sn all the wh eh ure oms 0 nc p en sease 0 t e fa n pel aps \las part cularly dnected tl at It must not ouly sho v 01 as the wome I say when proaches to tlie Cap tol from that port on of II &Iy to cross one another or are I kely It ~8 the first trustworthy symptom :N 0 man be made by Amencal s but must be taken out tl elr tUils beg n turn and the females the city III wlrich Mr Sumner lesldes Here to ntmfere or become useless dead and w 0 has much Intellectnal labor much mental and set np by Amer cans and finally AmerICans still pullets c belore they hare laId he agalll Informed lIfr Edmundson that lIe was wI cl If suffered to I emam WIll to be ~nxlethY or has In any way cause to thmk the must be employed to control and superllltend It~ OIl th9100k out for lIfl Sumnel for the purpose lemoled at a more advanced of growth ra n as been overtasked or IllJnred should operatJO Accordm".ly some of our most climate of of makmg tI e attack and after remuJUIDg When verv IUlge they too great a neglect thIS II urlllng It IS a wnrl mg the more accompl shed nrt o.us a'i-e uow employed III the whIch he north east from for a short pellod tl e til 0 ploceeded to the shock upon the v tal ener"'l€S of plant valuable becauae It IS gIven at a t me lthen lest EngblJ workshops ,{hiS arrangementrs n by tho valley of Capitol 4 AVOId prulllng to e"xcess our hot and medICal treatment can do much to arreoL part the result of an InvestIgatiOn made In the from the Hlmala) a

Aftel tI e wuling of the Journal of the House sun Let the branches occupy least a third IDclplent dIsease Un ted States by d rect on of the EnglIsh for the n ordmate fall of on Thursday the death of Hon Mr MIII~r of of the ent re hClgI t of the tree • Government With leference to the manner Is" sa d whICh has ever M ssour was annouuced addresses del vc ed 5 Do not tr m II hen thc tree A ltou~etector cost of makmg fire arms It "as ploved tl at Yule .an Engl,h gentle-the customary resolut ons adopted and tI ele When tI e plecedmg It""as lately remarked that all exceedmgly the same arm made III England at a cost fact that III the s ngle upon the House adjourned I mav add brllllll:nt'lludltory amongst wluch wele many about $9 was made at the Sprlllgficld armory month of August there fell 264 mches W~en the i\Iessage wa· lecelved bv the Sen 6 Prumng may be done at very elegantly dressed lad es atteuiled at Bel for OIly a tr fie over $3 The Sllccess of the of"mm or 22 ft 12 12ft fell In the ate from tI e Honse announc ng the death of the tree IS u a dormant state, 1m a lecture OJ clwmlstry clehvered by one of AmerICan mechan cs here noticed I~ a matter .pace of five consec:u\1lie daJs 'IllIS astomsh lUr lIlIller a tribute of respect lIas pa d to the ,afest t Ule IS when v~etahonls rest Just at tl e most celebrate<l'cbem sts of the age After for congratulatIOn The Enghsh Government 109 fact IS by two other Engl ~h decea-cd by Senator Geyel III an addre~ and the t me of the r s ng of the sap Wltnessmg a number of beaut f I expellments ha\e g ven the Amell(!an rIlle a very thorough tlavelers who 30 feet ~hH ten fic that body thereupon also a I ourned Mo~t of 7 SI orten ng II or the of and hearmg of the maI vels of sCIence a lady test and always WIth the most faverable resolt~ ram fall IS the. abruptness of the

Loeal A~fU\l fOr \be Rmrder

NEW YOJUI the Senat~rs left the Senate a few only, re water sprouts may be done at III grew fatigued and requested I el hu bund to mountaInS which the Bay of Bengal and mammg lIr Sumner contmucd III hIS seat Bummer lead I e1 flOm the hall Impulaive Insanity the mterven hg flat som~ til 0 hundred engaged IIi wrlhng MI Brooks approache 8 For dwarfing and early shorteR ng My love sUid the gentleman on reachlllg miles In extent d strICt of the excessIve

Adam. Charl.a rOI Or Altr.d Chao 0 I aDg~ 0 Lhy

, H ram P ilurd ••

~nd addressmg a few wo ds to him Immedlatel I summer prlln ng lS esseutlal to be done tl e landmg place outs de Wipe your cheel The contrast often presented n I atlents af. ram IS extremely and but a few degrees commenced the attack by Infl ctlllg blows upon Itll great del caey at th s there s II. large blue spot upon It fecte I w th ImpulSIVe nsamty between the west ram IS to be almo.t unknown hiS bare head whIle')n h s seat "Ith a cane trhe lady much surprised turned to look at state of tl e Illtellectual fucult es -and tl at of the and the Winter falls -now seldom exceed two said to be of gutta pelcha Mr Snmner made Battle Field of hel reflect IOU III the mmored w ndow of the feel ngs IS deScrIbed m the followlDg manner IDches If',

an effort: to rise and ward off the blows of hiS shop they were pass ng and lV~s almost petll by Dr Ray of the Hospltalfor the Insane Prov • aSSailant but they were repeated WIth great We ment oned the other day the battIe fied to observe the rouge on her cheeks I ad Idenee R I lD hLS'valuable work TI e I1Iedl rapid ty and and v olence until he. fell to the field of Mal engo was up for sale would lD become blue In consequence of the chemICal cal J unsprudence of Insamty , lloQr under the attack bleedmg and powerless a few days be disposed of to the bidder decompos hon occas oned by the gas the plofes '1 hese patients can reason logICally and A

The wounds were severe and calculated to -monuments glory and all sor J ad used In maklUg hiS expel ment She acutely on allY subject IV tbm their knowledge endanger the life of the Senator who remallled We perceive by the last II. pro qu ckly Wiped herface and st fled her vexatIOn a d extol the beaut es of virtue wI ile their deaths from for several days Je 11 CrItICal cond t on It ap Ject IS on foot n Par s to It by a III the thought that she would find her.elf am condnct IS filled w th acto of folly and at war venture to affirm pears that the blows were Inflicted With a Gllne five sous SUbSCI phon amo g peo ply levenged upon the other lad es III tbe hall w th every pr nClple of moral proPrIety The r m tIns that the material of which was about the speCific pIe for the purpose of hestowmg same on 1n reality the lecture closll g at tl e moment moral I atore seems to have undergone an entire ble certam i~~:'~~~~;~~~ gravity of I~ckory or wlialelione one Ill~h m the Empress Eugeme the uudlence began to disperse and the gentle revolutIOn The senti me ts of truth honor nothmg mOle than diameter at the larger end aRd tapermg to tl e The plllm of Marengo IS abont mall and hiS Wife almost bu st With laughter at honesty benevolence and pur ty have g ven mIxed m II. tumbler dIameter of about five Clghths of an IDch at the ID exte t Before the 14th of the sights of eheeks of yellolV blue black place to mendac ty d shonesty obseen ty and Immed ately It smallel end It IS not tOQ mnch to say !fhat battle took place thCl'e were a~ v olet and other colors wh ch now made their selfishness and all sense of shame and self.con ready aud ma~ the weapon used was of a deadly character the two extremItIes of the One re appearance n the street Some of tho lad cs tlOl have d sappeared wh Ie the IDtellect has where one IS reauir,edJ and that the blows were mdlscrlmlnately dealt maIns I twas formerlv m WhIch whu "lid mannfactured for themselves IVory lost none 01' Its usnal power to argue co vmce The editor of the at the hazard of the life of the assailed the great Emperor then retired complex ons rosy cheeks c raIl ps and ebony please alld el aIm wntlDO'a letter home

The Comm ttee have extended to all partJe~ on the eve of the battle that cele- ,yebrOIlS~re so transfonned that they would I sane mpulses are not al vays Irres st blel as of Ap~ I 22d has the followimr:

Impl cated the follest faCilitIeS for takmg ex brated letter to the Austrian .n-whlcb have ex t the envy of tlie peacock It IS IS Illust attd by Dl RILy m the followlDg fiC IIrfaiIinO' fast culpatory testU1jony Therf IS '110 prorff to he offered h m the peace he so whlspere at a lecture from the professor count of a patient nlous glVIllO' away ,how 1Ior has ~t been 111 a1lY way mtlmated In 0 der to preserve thIS and the wonld prodoce s milar effects II other c ties We once asked a pat ent who was constant- selves He told us that Mr Broo"-s at any t,me !11 any manner recess of tl e w I dow ID whICh document be-Ides Berlill That chemist w II be warmly Iy saymg or domg someth ng to annoy or d s da that h s JZJly's,eV~i~Ut directly or 11Id,reJly 1Iotified Mr Sum1ler ij' was Wlltten a palace I as been out of welcomed shonld he VISit Pans turb others wI IIe hiS mtelIect was app'aJentiy ml;lstry 1m tntentlOn to make the assault There IS t by the late M Delaro n of rra d Letter free from delus on or any othel ImpaIrment as uary For no eVidence that Mr Snmner ever camed whose demise It IS offered for sale the ap SeaJitless Garment.'J ever "hether m commltt ng these aggressive op and m weapons either for the purpose of attack or pnrtences ale preserved ntact stable acts he felt constrained by an mes slible 1m confere~ces d~fense On tli'!! contrary It appeal s that Mr lor illS ance 1Il which the thrown An IllventlOn has been patented and IS now pnlse contrary to h s convICtIOns of r ght or rIved too JUL."W optmpt. Somner did not antic pate personal v olence III the hurry aud confUSIOn of a strife re ID operatIOn for the manufacture of seamless was not aware that he was dOlllg wrong? I P h

H I h I k n aIlS t e tel'~grliph WIres are laid under until at the lDstaut he reCeived the first mow rna ns m statu quo-the very on Which clothmg by the Seamless Garment Manufac IS rep y s ou d sm deep mto the hearts of and that he wal 1Iot armed or otherwIse pre the Consul wrote the very where he tnrmg Company at Wmchendon Mass Th s those who legISlate for or S!~ m Judgment on grouna no pole bemg III the streets A pared 111 any respect for aelfdifensc let red the cha r on IIh ch he Company IS composed of gentlemen resldlDg n the msane I neIther acted flOm an Irreslst trench IS d~g ~bo~t a s d:I~~t ~~t ~~c~st~:

T~ere IS no eVidence be) ond the character Before the palace II to :N ew York and Boston and IS now under the ble Impulse nor upon the belief that I was do WIres are a 51 e bltllll!-en IS then of the attack, tendmg to Show n intention on auberge has grown there IS espeCial maIfugement of Mr L W Badger mg right I knew perfectly well I was domg touch each other the WIr¢S and com the part of Mr Brooks to kill the Senator head ot IVhlCh IS a splend d formerly III th~ office of John Thompson bank wroHg and I m ght have reframed If I had ponred on whICh sur.r!lUIutl:lssecures Ithem from hiS expressIOns bemg that he did not mtend to statue of the first Consul by BenOit er of thIS city The proce s IS as follows _ pleased I d d thus and so because I loved to pletely Isolates them deSign and from bemg k#J him bot to pumsh him bot tLe Comm 1:- CacclatQrl The I entrance IS 'the wool as It passes throngh the Cardlllg do It It I!:ave me mdescrlbable pleasure to do damage by a~cldent m!loellce tee cannot but regard the assault as a most formed of pikes and cour d en machme IS woven upon cyl Dders of peculiar wrong Yet thiS man when well IS kmd damaged by

I Th I th of different street m Illlgrllnt VIOlatIOn not only of the prlVlleges of t1'ee IS still exh blted the where the Shape the layers of wool crossmg each other benevo ent and m hiS who e walk and conversa e eng the Senate and of the House as co-ordmate FIrst Consul slaked hiS bank Qn at different angles the fibres belllg stretched to tlOn IS a model of proPrIety , London IS 1 750 paving of them branches of the LegIslatIve Department of the whICh he sat and further off the of the their ntmost making a close well woven bait cost .£44 000 000 the ~e~~y 8~~~g~ keep Government I,l.nd the personal fl",hts and prlV' RIver Fontanone Rere It where thiS whIch can be formed mto coat bod es, others How TO HEAD OR BURY THE COT-W 109 the pavement m iJeges of the-Senator but of the °rIghts of hIS sl}me fiver forms two branches the great Into sleeve~ pantaloons mittens shoes legg ns As there was so mnch damage to the RUSSIa IS forty one the size of France coustltullnts and of OUf character as a natIon struggle took place A chapel erect and the hke Over these cylinders are drawn last year from the cut worm and and one hundred and times that of It was premeditated dUring a period of at least ed to the memory of the brave fell Just closely fittmg bags or covermgs of cloth the same thiS year I submlt for your two days Without any other provo clition than where the fiver separate!; the from the whole IS then Immersed III water whence they foIlowlDg fact wordlllllwflW,y sjlOken III debate III the Senate ga.rden In thIS has been plllc~d lire 'taken and dropped moo ll1etalie tubes heat- AbQut twellty yellr~ slllce my m~,n_el'rl~'>~,~'P Jne,lmmlU, Chamber not ruled 0\11; of order by the PreS! white nlarble of DesalX A.t ed by steam A. slight Vibratory motion IS the cut WOrm liItely: to destroy hIS corn RPrp,nit.v

the London

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