Live Performance




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Live Performance:When you are putting on a live performance there re many thing you need to consider before you start to book you live acts. First of all you need to consider the gear you will need to put on the show this being a pa system a stage the musicians gear whether it bringing them transporting it them selfs or you will need to transport it from venue to venue. Before you select what venues you will put on the show to you need to consider the target audience. By this I mean how big are then bands in the area which you are looking to hire because if you are looking for a big venue but the band has a small following there you be no point in hiring a big venue. Also just because a band is big in London doesnt mean they will be big in Blackpool so you need to consider how big the audience is for different places. Also you need to consider how much you will charge each person. So if the band has a big following you can take that into account and charge a little bit more than a small band just starting out. Also you will need to see how much the venue is to hire out and base the price on that and all the other expenses to work out how much you will need to make to get a healthy profit. Another think to note is when you are putting on a show make sure you inform the authorities so that they know that there will be a large gathing of people by ringing 112. However is you do have a license you will not need to do this because part of license will encorpriated this.Record Companies:When signed to a company you will be assigned a manger and they will usually make you sign a contract which will include Activities Covered, Term and Territory, Commission, Earnings and Cash flowWhen being signed to a record label you are paying them you represent you and to push your name out thereThe contract will typically include how long the agreement is for and then after that the lable will choose to extend you contract or drop you from the label. commission for a manger is generally 20% of gross earnings which are before tax, Ideally all income should go to the artists accountant and the manager should invoice him or her their share through the accountant is the artist has there own accountant. But sometimes the money goes to the manger and then he later apportions them. This should be stated in the contract at the beginning and this should be an agreement between the artist and the manger.

What is a Music PublisherA music publisher works with songwriters to market and promote their songs, resulting in exposure of songs to the public and generating income. Music publishers "pitch" songs to record labels, movie and television producers and others who use music, then license the right to use the song and collect fees for the usage. Those fees are then split with the songwriter.

Music Publishers and Record LabelsSongwriters enter into publishing, co-publishing, or administration agreements with music publishers. In exchange for acquiring the copyright, a portion of the copyright, or a percentage of the revenue earned from the exploitation of the musical composition, the music publisher seeks opportunities to exploit the musical composition, collects revenue from the exploitation, and pays and accounts to the songwriter. The music publisher share is usually 50%.Recording artists assign their copyrights to a record label in exchange for a negotiated royalty.

Artist Management

there are several corporations which protect the use of music and the artists these are PRS and PPL PRS, this company licenses and collects royalties for songwriters composers and music publishers whenever their work is broadcast, performed in public, or used online. Originally set up for collecting fees from used sheet music. Royalty rates vary dependant on where the music is played (for example, a national radio station will have a higher rate than a local radio station). Members are whole or part copyright holders of the music (usually the songwriters or music publishers) and are paid in a check every quarter.