Lisson- Cuento- B- Hocus Guy


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  • 7/24/2019 Lisson- Cuento- B- Hocus Guy


    My accident Hocus Guy

    The last year, in the Olympics at the school, all the students went to the Videna

    from San Luis for the athletics contest.

    I was waiting for my turn, but I was a little bit nervous because I was going to

    compete with two of the fastest students in my classroom; when it was my turn I

    went to the running trac. before the race !y friend started annoying me saying"

    #$ou%re going to lose this race I%m the fastest you can%t&, and I answered" #I don%t

    thin so&.

    The race started and I was third, then I became second, at the finish I felt down

    and sprained my clavicle.

    I couldn%t move my right arm, but the nurse from my school told me that it was only

    a hit, she called my parents to tae me to a clinic.

    In the clinic I too an '(ray, the doctor checed my '(ray and told me that my

    clavicle was deployed and warranted an operation consisting in putting me a

    titanium plate with si' screws for eight months, I was impressed about that.

    I needed to be transferred to San Isidro to do the operation, it was ama)ing and

    painful because I was in an ambulance.

    *hen I arrived there I needed to wait until eight o%cloc for my operation without

    eating or drining anything, a nurse in+ected something into the vein serum to enter

    my body. The good thing about it is that there was a TV with a lot of channels and I

    got my cellphone with *i(i free.

    -efore the operation the anesthesiologist entered in my room and my parents didsign some papers for me to be operated.

    Later, two nurses pushed me to the operations room. There was a doctor who put

    me the anesthesia and I fell asleep. *hen I woe up I was in another room and it

    was midnight, the nurse too me to my room and my family was there.

  • 7/24/2019 Lisson- Cuento- B- Hocus Guy


    The ne't day, I woe up and my mother was there, a few minutes later my friends

    called me telling me to recover soon. Then a nurse brought my breafast to my

    room, and it was delicious.

    In the afternoon, I got a visit. It was my aunt who brought me alfa+ores. The dayfinish and I was going to stay in the clinic one more day.

    The ne't day, I was visited by my cousin who brought me a pie, chocolates and a


    I had to return to my home but I waited till the insurance agency agreed to pay my


    t home I needed to tae many pills and rest for two or three days more, I spent

    the weeend resting, but on Sunday my cousins went home to have lunch, and

    played /-O/ 012.

    I had to return school on Tuesday, I couldn%t move my arm much and I couldn%t

    mae any effort so I couldn%t do any physical activities for two months.

    Sometimes I felt bad because I couldn%t mae the things I lied.

    In the summer it was so difficult to go to a swimming pool or to the beach because

    I had a huge scar that couldn%t be e'posed in sun light, but I did it and nothing


    I waited for the last four months to have another operation to tae my plate off.

    I had to tae blood samples, had an appointment with a cardiologist and with an

    anesthesiologist to assure that everything would be all right.

    !y operation was at 3uly 02 th, 4256. I was at the clinic at 1 o%cloc in the morning

    and lasted till 7 o%cloc.

    I was calm, I entered in the operations room and taled to the doctor and when I

    woe up, later on feeling bored.

  • 7/24/2019 Lisson- Cuento- B- Hocus Guy


    I left the clinic at midday and went to eat to a restaurant, then I arrived home and

    rested, I%ve got much bigger. To mae it worse I wasn8t allowed to mae any sports

    two wees until the doctor removes my points.

    fter sometime that now, I%m bad and I don%t have anything.

    9ow I can do everything I want, I am happy because I don%t need something for a


    !onths ago I sprained my finger playing soccer because I was iced in my hand.

    I went to the clinic and the doctor put me a very nice cast because it had military

    design. I used it for three wees and after the doctor removed the cast, I had to

    have a rehabilitation therapy.

    9ow my friends annoy me because I sprained two bones in less than one year.

    This is a true story about my #bad luc&, but I am happy to believe in those

    coincidences because I have something to tell to my grandsons and I lie my scar.

    Total words" 752