Linux is Everywhere


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  • 8/13/2019 Linux is Everywhere


    Linuxis Everywhere. From Space Stations to Microwave Ovens, Linux powerseverything. You might have heard that a lot and have always wondered s that!ust a phrase or is it actually true " # $e assured, it is true. %orld&s 'iggestcompanies use Linux in one way or another 'ut you are not going to 'elieveunless ta(e names. %ell, get ready )or a roller coaster ride across the glo'ewhere show you where and how Linux is used

    *overnmentMost o) the *overnments use Linux, which is pretty o'vious )or two ma!orreasons. t saves money and provides the +exi'ility no other OS can . $elow is acomprehensive list o) *overnments around the glo'al using Linux -

    .merica/ Starting 0uly 1223, 4he %hite 5ouse started migrating thecomputers to the Linux'ased 6ed 5atLinux and pache5447 Server andthe migration was completed in Fe'ruary 1228. n Octo'er 1228, 9rupalwaschosen as the primary :ontent management system )or %hite 5ouseServers.

    4he ;nited States 9epartment o) 9e)ense uses Linux / #the ;.S. rmy is #thesingle largest install 'ase )or 6ed hat Linux and the ;S

  • 8/13/2019 Linux is Everywhere


    France/ the French parliament has switched to using ;'untu on 9es(top7:s. France&s Ministry o) griculture uses Mandriva Linux.

    France&s national 7olice Force, the . 4he )orce have

    saved over >2 million on so)tware licensing 'etween 122H and 122A.

    South .)rica/ 4he South )rican Social Security gency D SSS deployedMultiStation Linux 9es(tops to address 'udget and in)rastructureconstraints in >2 rural sites.

    4ur(ey/ n 122B, the 4ur(ish *overnment decided to create its own Linux9istri'ution , 7ardus, developed 'y ;ENE D

  • 8/13/2019 Linux is Everywhere


    views and coordinate activities in their sectors and to educate users a'out)ree so)tware alternatives. Linux is an option )or poor countries which havelittle revenue )or pu'lic investment. 7a(istan is using open source so)twarein pu'lic schools and colleges, and hopes to run all government services onLinux.

    ndia/ 4he government o) Nerala, ndia, announced its oJcial support )orFree So)tware in its State 4 7olicy o) 1223. which was )ounded a)ter the Krstever )ree so)tware con)erence in ndia, #Freedom FirstQ. held in 0uly 1223 in4rivandrum, the capital o) Nerala, where 6ichard Stallman inaugurated theFree So)tware Foundation O) ndia. since then, Nerala&s 4 7olicy has 'eensigniKcantly in+uenced 'y FOSS, with several ma!or initiatives such as4RSchool 7ro!ect, possi'ly the latest singlepurpose deployment o) Linux inthe world, and leading to the )ormation o) the nternational :entre )or Freeand open Source So)tware D :FOSS in 1228.

    EducationEducation is the most power)ul weapon which you can use to change the world / million Linux Loongson 7:sas part o) its plans to support its domestic industry. n addition the provision

    o) 0iangsu will install as many as 3>2,222 Linux 7:s, using Loongsonprocessors, in rural schools starting in 1228.

    taly/ Schools in $olPano, taly, with a student population o) 3=,222,switched to a custom distri'ution o) Linux D F;SS Soledad *

  • 8/13/2019 Linux is Everywhere


    )ree so)tware running on Linux 7lat)orm, )or computer education, startingwith the 1,=>2 government and governmentaided high schools. 4he ndianState o) 4amilnadu also plans to distri'ute 322,22 Linux laptops to itsstudents.

    4he ndian government&s ta'let computer initiative )or students use Linux as theoperating system as part o) its drive to produce a ta'let 7: )or under 3,>22

    rupees D ;S?B> .

    *ermany/ n 1231 the Nei'niP Supercomputing :entre o) the $avariancademy o) Sciences and 5umanities unveiled the SuperM;:, the world&s)ourth most power)ul supercomputer. 4he computer is xA='ased and)eatures 3>>,222 processors cores with a maximum speed o) B peta+ops o)processing power and B1H tera'ytes o) 6M. ts operating system is S;SELinux Enterprise Server.

    *ermany also announced that >,=2,222 students in BB universities will migrate toLinux.

    enePuela/ n 1228, enePuela&s Ministry o) Education 'egins a pro!ectcalled :anaimaeducativo, to provide all students in pu'lic schools with#:anamita laptop computers with the :anaima 9e'ian'ased Linuxdistri'ution preinstalled, as well as with open source educational content.

    $usinesses and non 7roKtsLinux is used extensively on servers in 'usinesses, and has 'een )or a long time.Linux is also used in some corporate environments as the des(top plat)orm )ortheir employees, with commercially availa'le solutions including 6ed 5atEnterprise Linux, S;SE Linux Enterprise 9es(top, and ;'untu.

    .maPon/, the ;S 'ased mailorder retailer, uses Linux #innearly every corner o) its 'usiness.

    *oogle/ *oogle uses a version o) ;'untu internally nic(named *oo'untu. %i(ipedia/ %i(ipedia moved to running its server on u'untu in late 122A,

    a)ter having previously used a com'ination o) 6ed 5at Enterprise andFedora.

    9ream%or(s/ 9ream%or(s nimation adopted the use o) Linux since1223, and uses more than 3,222 Linux 9es(tops and more than B,222 Linuxservers.

    $M/ $M does extensive development wor( )or Linux and also uses it ondes(tops and servers internally. the company also created a 4 advertisingcampaign - $M supports Linux 322I.

  • 8/13/2019 Linux is Everywhere


    SE/ 4he London Stoc( Exchange uses the Linux 'ased Millenium4Millenium Exchange so)tware )or its trading plat)orm and predicts thatmoving )rom windows to Linux will give it an annual cost savings o) at leastT32 million D?3H.@ million )rom 123331.

    $anco do $rasil/ $anco do $rasil o) $raPil, the 'iggest 'an( in the country,has moved nearly all des(tops to Linux, except some corporate ones and a

    )ew that are needed to operate some speciKc hardware. 4hey 'eganmigration o) their services to Linux in 1221. $ranch servers and 4Ms all runLinux and the distri'ution o) choice is Open Suse.

    9u(e!ets/ 9u(e0ets LL: D;S and 9u(e 0ets Ltd. D:anada, air charter'ro(erage companies, switched )rom %indows to ;'untu Linux in 1231 uponconverting their operations management suite to the we''ased irManagerso)tware pac(age they helped design.

    Mind'ridge/ Mind'ridge, a so)tware company, announced in Septem'er122@ that it had migrated a large num'er o) %indows servers onto a smallernum'er o) Linux servers and a )ew $S9 servers. t claims to have saved

    #'unches o) money.

    %oti)/ %oti), the ustralian hotel 'oo(ing we'site, migrated )rom %indowsto Linux servers to (eep up with the growth o) its 'usiness.

    irgin/ irgin merica, the lowcost ;.S airline, uses Linux to power itsin+ight entertainment system, 6E9.

    Erine $all/ Ernie $all, (nown )or its )amous Super Slin(y guitar strings, hasused Linux as its des(top operating system since 1222.

    :ME/ 4he :hicago Mercantile Exchange employs an allLinux computingin)rastructure and has used it to process over a uadrillion dollars worth o)Knancial transactions.

    Electrolux Frigidaire/ Electrolux Frigidaire nKnity i(itchen is a #smartappliance re)rigerator that uses a Linux operating system, running on anem'edded H22 M5P Freescale i.M1> processor with 31A M$ o) 6M and aHA2UA22 touch panel.

    N M/ NLM, the 6oyal viation :ompany o) the

  • 8/13/2019 Linux is Everywhere


    ;nited $an( O) :ali)ornia/ ;nion $an( o) :ali)ornia announced in 0anuary122@ that it would standardiPe its 4 in)rastructure on 6ed 5at EnterpriseLinux in order to lower costs.

    aughing $oy/ Laughing $oy 6ecords under the direction o) owner *eoC$easley switched )rom doing audio recording on %indows to Linux in 122Has a result o) %indows spyware pro'lems.

    ScientiKc nstitutions