Lincoln University - Landscape Architecture



Lincoln University New Zealand’s specialist land-based university - flagship programme landscape architecture.

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Landscape ArchitectureLincoln University

New Zealand’s specialist land-based university

2004 Manukau City Council Ellerslie Flower Show Relocatable Exhibit ‘Marble Play’ Chow:Hill landscape architecture team (the team included both Lincoln University and Unitec graduates). - 2004 Ellerslie Flower Show Bronze Award - NZILA Pride of Place 2006 (rural/park/recreational) Silver Award



Where you want to be.Lincoln University has an international reputation for excellence in Landscape Architecture. The practical work and applied community-based projects undertaken within the degree provide real world experience that is invaluable in the transition to professional employment and employers really value the creative, conceptually robust and practical ‘hands-on’ approach that Lincoln University Landscape Architecture graduates bring to their work.

Graduates benefi t from the outstanding reputation of the School. Lincoln University’s international outlook and specialist reputation open up worldwide opportunities in consultancy, local and central government, the landscape industry, education, and non-governmental organisations. Our graduates can be found working at every level of practice throughout New Zealand, Australia, SE Asia, China, Europe, North America and the Middle East in roles ranging from new graduates to partners and directors.

Graduates can also look forward to working on a wide range of projects - from civic developments, urban design and tourism developments to residential and lifestyle subdivisions and commercial, institutional and industrial projects. They can also work on parks, highways, heritage conservation, ecological restoration and revegetation, city or rural planning and resource planning.

Five reasons to choose our specialist university

The BLA is an applied degree, with students working on real projects with real clients during their degree, as well as completing some practical work.

Lincoln University offers a strong and targeted undergraduate programme with a particular focus on sustainable design, landscape ecology, structure planning, and Ma-ori landscape architecture.

Lincoln University is the only University offering accredited landscape architecture programmes in the South Island and has state of the art teaching facilities in a specially designed new building.

Landscape Architecture


Lincoln University is regarded nationally and internationally as the home of the leading professional Landscape Architecture degree in New Zealand and has earned an enviable reputation for the way its graduates integrate theory into design.

The BLA and the professional MLA programmes are fully accredited with the New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects (NZILA), with professional reciprocity to Australia, Hong Kong and Singapore,

and are also recognised by the International Federation of Landscape Architecture.

Malaysia, Seksan Design, MalaysiaDesigner: Ng Sek san


The Programmes

Bachelor of Landscape Architecture

Lincoln University offers two options for undergradute study – a four year degree for undergraduate entry (BLA) and a two year degree graduate entry programme for graduates of other disciplines (BLA grad entry). Both programmes have a practical work requirement.

BLA undergraduate students may develop an area of special interest within their degree by taking a minor, such as Urbanism and Design, Structure Planning, Ma-ori Studies or Design Critique.

Summer school options allow students to spread or catch up on their studies. Summer school also provides an opportunity for BLA graduate entry applicants to demonstrate their design aptitude (one of the requirements for entry) and gain a course towards their degree.

Compulsory coursesIntermediate Year

ECOL 103 Ecology I: New Zealand Ecology and ConservationAn introduction to biogeography and the history of the New Zealand biota, and to New Zealand plant and animal communities. The course also studies humans as an ecological factor.

ENGN 106 Structures and Land Surfaces This course is an introduction to a range of engineering design concepts applied to structures and land surfaces.

LASC 101 The Living LandscapeLASC 101 studies the relationships between people and landscape and the implication of those relationships on the landscape’s form.

LASC 108 Introduction to Design This course is an introduction to three-dimensional design and problem solving, including skills in creative and lateral thinking.

LASC 109 Design Communication An introduction to design communication involving a range of media.

LASC 111 Computer Applications in Landscape Design This course is an introduction to computer aided design and image editing techniques and their application in landscape design.

PHSC 105 Introduction to Earth ScienceAn introduction to planet Earth, its atmosphere, oceans and lithosphere. The course studies plate tectonics and New Zealand’s geological history, quaternary environmental change, climate and weather and New Zealand’s quaternary history of tectonic deformation, volcanism and glaciation.

Barry Curtis Neighbourhood Playground, Auckland. Design Firm: Isthmus






Bachelor of Landscape ArchitectureBachelor of Landscape Architecture - Graduate Entry


Plus one of:

MAST 106 Nga Tikanga Ma-ori (Ma-ori Cultural Studies)An introduction to Ma-ori culture and society.

PSYC 102 Introduction to Social Psychology This course is an introduction to human social behaviour emphasising the interactions between individuals and groups. Students study social cognition, person perception, attribution, attitudes, social judgement biases and group behaviour; group infl uence, in-groups and out-groups and group processes.

SOCI 116 Society, Culture & EconomyAn introduction to the major social, cultural and economic institutions of New Zealand, including family, work and economic life, education, religion, leisure and media; the contributions made to New Zealand’s society, culture and economy by settlement patterns and global changes.

SOCI 117 Introduction to New Zealand Government and Public Policy

This course covers how governments make decisions about law, regulation, policy and policy implementation. It looks at the role of public debate in these government decisions and how these decision patterns, implementation complexities and public debates affect day-to-day life in New Zealand.

First Professional Year

ERST 202 Environmental Analysis with Geographic Information SystemsThis course focuses on the use of Geographic Information Systems in spatial analysis, land-use planning, design and decision making and the cartographic representation of those fi ndings.

LASC 206 Landscape Planting PracticeThis study focuses on landscape planting implementation strategies, practice methods and techniques, and implementation documentation.

LASC 210 History of Design & Culture This course gives a comparative international review of the historical relationship between design and culture, with particular reference to landscape architectural history and its relevance to contemporary design and practice.

LASC 211 Planting Design & ManagementLASC 211 studies approaches to planting design and management, plant materials and sources.

LASC 215 Landscape Analysis, Planning and Design This course focuses on techniques of landscape analysis and design, and the statutory and policy context of site design.

LASC 216 Site DesignThis course studies landscape site planning and design.

LASC 217 Design DetailsLASC 217 focuses on design characteristics of materials and landscape structures, design implications of engineering options and constraints, and storm-water management best practice.

Second Professional Year

ECOL 201 Ecology II: Principles of EcologyThe aim of this course is to develop an understanding of the key principles of modern ecology, examples of how those principles operate and their potential application to solving ecological problems.


LASC 310 Design TheoryThis course considers critical approaches to design theory and design method.

LASC 312 Landscape EcologyThis study looks at theory and techniques in landscape ecology and their applications in design.

LASC 316 Innovative Design (A)This course is an exploration of design as a creative and innovative process in a range of settings including options such as urban design, land-art and the Ma-ori cultural landscape.

LASC 322 Sustainable Design and PlanningFocuses on the investigation and design application of concepts of landscape sustainability at a range of scales.

Plus 30 credits chosen from any of the Bachelor degree courses offered at Lincoln University.

Third Professional Year

LASC 318 Landscape Assessment and PlanningOffers a critical examination of landscape assessment procedures and their application to landscape planning within a statutory context.

SOCI 314 Professional PracticeThis course is a critical study of issues in the provision of professional services in environmental planning, design, social sciences, tourism, sport and recreation.

LASC 406 Complex DesignThis study focuses on the application of contemporary developments in landscape design theory and practice to complex site planning, design and implementation.

LASC 409 Major DesignA complex design exercise illustrating all aspects of landscape site planning and design.

Plus 30 credits chosen from any of the Bachelor degree courses offered at Lincoln University.

Bachelor of Landscape Architecture – Graduate Entry

The BLA graduate entry is a two year degree for graduates of other disciplines. It requires students to take 20 courses and is almost fully prescribed. Entry to this degree requires evidence of some aptitude for design, which can be provided in the form of a portfolio of work. However, many applicants benefi t from a bridging programme in basic design and graphics and can take Lincoln University’s summer school class, LASC 109 – Design Communication - immediately before starting the fi rst semester. Students who achieve a B- or better in this class have demonstrated their aptitude for design.

First Professional Year

ERST 202 Environmental Analysis with Geographic Information Systems

LASC 210 History of Design and Culture

LASC 211 Planting Design and Management

LASC 215 Landscape Analysis, Planning & Design

LASC 217 Design Detail

LASC 310 Design Theory

LASC 322 Sustainable Design and Planning

LASC 401 Advanced Design Theory

Second Professional Year

LASC 206 Landscape Planting Practice

LASC 316 Innovative Design A

LASC 318 Landscape Assessment and Planning

SOCI 314 Professional Practice

LASC 406 Complex Design

LASC 409 Major Design

Plus 30 credits chosen from any of the Bachelor degree courses offered at Lincoln University.

Please see the Bachelor of Landscape Architecture Undergraduate Degree Entry for more details on course descriptions.


Other study options

Other areas of study at Lincoln University

There is a range of other graduate and postgraduate qualifi cations offered at Lincoln University that might be of interest to Landscape Architecture graduates. These include:

• Agricultural Science

• Applied Science

• Commerce

• Environmental Policy

• Horticultural Science

• Natural Resources Management and Ecological Engineering

• Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management

• Resource Studies

• Science

• Social Science

• Software and Information Technology

• Viticulture and Oenology.

For further information contact us on 0800 10 60 10.

So you’re keen to further your study?

The postgraduate qualifi cations in Landscape Architecture provide an opportunity for further specialisation in Landscape Architecture and allied areas at an advanced level. The available qualifi cations are: Master of Landscape Architecture; Postgraduate Certifi cate in Landscape Studies; Postgraduate Diploma in Landscape Studies; Graduate Certifi cate in Landscape Studies and Graduate Diploma in Landscape Studies.

For further details contact us on 0800 10 60 10.

Kumototo Wharf, Wellington, Design Firm: Isthmus







Look where they’ve landed


Finishing high school in Nelson with an interest in art, geography and graphic design could have taken landscape architect/planner Sarah Hamilton in several different directions. After considering a Fine Arts degree at Canterbury or design at Otago, she met a new graduate of Lincoln’s Bachelor of Landscape Architecture degree and decided that it was the best fi t for her skills and interests.

“What really caught my imagination was seeing some of the work she had done during her degree, especially her major design project. And she pointed out that I would come out with a job specifi c qualifi cation which would take me straight into a career. The other arts related courses I was looking at didn’t have any obvious career path on graduation, so I chose Lincoln.”

She now works for one of New Zealand’s largest landscape design and planning companies, Boffa Miskell Ltd, who have about 150 staff and offi ces in Christchurch, Wellington, Auckland and Tauranga. Sarah’s role is in the Landscape Planning Team, where she particularly enjoys working on the larger scale assessments for regions and districts rather than on smaller individual design projects.

“One of the real benefi ts of studying Landscape Architecture at Lincoln is the excellent reputation Lincoln’s degree has in the industry. I made some great industry contacts while I was studying and many of the people I work with now are Lincoln graduates.”

Sarah loved her time on campus at Lincoln, especially the experience of living in the halls and the social atmosphere and is happy to recommend her experience there to anyone considering Landscape Architecture as a career.

“The other arts related courses I was looking

at didn’t have any obvious career path on

graduation, so I chose Lincoln.”


Sylvia Park , Auckland. Design Firm: Isthmus. Designer: Yoko Tanaka






It was the Landscape Architecture degree’s great reputation that made Frazer Baggaley choose to study at Lincoln University. Previously he attended Waiuku College in Auckland and after fi nishing, decided to take a gap year in the UK. It was then that he heard about Lincoln University through Waiuku College’s course adviser.

When deciding what to study he says it is important to be passionate about what you do. “The BLA degree at Lincoln University is interesting and exciting and helped to strengthen my career choice early on in the degree. It taught me a lot of very important skills such as good time management, working under pressure and working in a team environment.”

Through his work at Jasmax he has been exposed to a wide variety of projects taking these from concept through to detailed design level. He has gained experience in construction and tender documentation, resource consents, construction monitoring, and managing client and consultant expectations.

Frazer appreciated the support of the University staff. “The lecturers are extremely knowledgeable, approachable and enthusiastic.” The course offers students the unique opportunity to hear a number of well renowned landscape architects speak in ‘lunchtime learning’ sessions. Frazer suggests these are opportunities not to be missed. He also found the support services very useful. “Both the teaching and support staff are invaluable; I recommend that you take advantage of both as much as possible.”

He also enjoyed Lincoln’s sporting culture. “It’s a great outlet, both physically and socially.” Staying at the Halls of Residence was a good laugh too, he says: “Lincoln was an awesome experience I not only met some great friends but it laid the foundation for a challenging and creative career.”


“Completing the degree opened plenty

of doors that allowed me to continue to

defi ne my career path.”

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Frequently asked questions

Do I need to be arty or creative?

The BLA is a design degree, so a strong creative streak is an advantage. For graduate entrants, this can be demonstrated by a portfolio submitted with the application or completion of the Summer School course. For undergraduates, the fi rst year is where creative ability is developed and demonstrated.

How many people enter the course? What percentage gets through to year two?

Entry to the undergraduate course is open and numbers vary from year to year - typically from 30 to 40. Progression to year two is on design and academic merit i.e. you need to reach a certain grade in studio and pass at least seven of the eight fi rst year courses. In general, around 75% reach the required standard and progress to year two but there are no limits on the number who may progress.

What’s the advantage in choosing Lincoln University?

Lincoln was the fi rst University in New Zealand to teach Landscape Architecture and since 1969 has developed an enviable reputation for the quality of its Landscape Architecture graduates that sees them recognised and valued all over the world. In 2009 the School of Landscape Architecture moved into its new building, which provides students with a teaching environment of international quality.

Is Lincoln’s BLA recognised overseas?

The degree is accredited by the NZ Institute of Landscape Architects and the Singapore Institute of Landscape Architects. There are also reciprocal arrangements in place with the institutes in Australia and Hong Kong. Lincoln University’s degree is highly regarded throughout the world. Our graduates have obtained employment in the US and Canada, UAE, Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, Britain, Germany, China and South East Asia.

Do I get to do any practical work as part of my degree?

Undergraduates must undertake 12 weeks of practical work (six weeks for graduates) before they can graduate with a BLA. Practical work helps you gain the practical skills and experience that employers value and provides you with potential employment contacts. Contact the Practical Work Unit, they can assist with information on the type of work required.

What subjects should I take at school to best prepare me for this degree?

There are no particular prerequisites for the BLA but obviously a fl air for design is helpful. Related subjects such as art, graphics, design or photography would be good. Subjects such as geography, biology or any of the earth/natural sciences are also useful.

Images shown in this publication display design work Lincoln University students/graduates participated in.


Want to know more?Phone 0800 10 60 10 in New Zealand or +64 3 325 2811 if you’re calling from overseas.

Text LAND to 5900 with your email or mobile details so that we can contact you, or

email us at

You can also visit the Lincoln University website - - to fi nd out more about: Scholarships Accommodation options Enrolment and Semester dates Fees And more ...

Lincoln UniversityNew Zealand’s specialist land-based university

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DisclaimerEvery effort is made to ensure that information in this publication is correct at the time of printing, but the content may be subject to change. Lincoln University reserves the right to make changes, amendments or deletions - including the withdrawal of courses - should circumstances change.Lincoln University does not assume, and hereby disclaims, any express or implied liability whatsoever to any party for any loss or damage caused by errors or omissions, whether these errors or omissions result from negligence, accident or any other cause.

0800 10 60 10 in New Zealand

+64 3 325 2811 to fi nd out more?

COVER PHOTOOriental Bay, WellingtonDesigner : Nik KnealeDesign Firm: Isthmus

