Life Long Learning Program Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of innovation project * - This project has...


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Life Long Learning ProgramLeonardo da VinciTransfer of innovation project

* - This project has been funded with support from Life Long learning program, which in Lithuanian Republic is administrated by Educational Exchange Fund . This material reflects the views only of the author, and the funding institution cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project no. LLP-LDV-TOI-2011-LT-0094

“The 11-13 weeks scan” transfer to fetal medicine through legislation in

Baltic States

Importance of the project

4% of born babies had a inborn abnormality.

32% of babies were born ill

9 babies were born for 1000 inhabitants in Lithuania in 2010

Though there is a way to reduce risk of babies being ill and this project is going to imply it...

• The current Latvian and Lithuanian praxis does not permit to foresee the potential abnormalities in the very early stage of the pregnancy .

• Indicating potential abnormality earlier would enable taking the correct decisions in time.

Importance of the project

Aiming to achieve the improvement of the situation, 4 organizations have united their skills and members in order to complete the “The 11-13 weeks scan” transfer to fetal medicine through legislation in Baltic States project.

The Project

The participating countries are UK as the donor country and Latvia, as well as Lithuania are the countries to which the innovation is to be transferred.

1. Lithuanian University of Health sciences (LSMU) –applicant organization (LT);

Project partners (1)

Lithuanian University of Health sciences is the main university in field of medicine in Lithuania. Unifying about 26 thousands of medical staff community it makes a significant influence to the medicine system in Lithuania.

2. LLC “Arbor LT” – the provider of medical equipment – core partner (LT);

Project partners (2)

LLC „Arbor LT“ is focusing on providing innovative solutions for health care centers and is competent in technical aspects of the equipment. Each year the company offers clinical trainings, seminars and conferences for doctors and medical staff.

Fetal Medicine Foundation (FMF) is charitable organization at the forefront of research, education and training in fetal medicine. The FMF has carried out the most pioneering research in the field. It has established the National Screening Committee which is responsible for the method introduction in the systems.

Project partners (3)

3. Fetal Medicine Foundation –– Management co-ordinator (UK);

Latvian gynecologist and obstetricians association unifies about 600 doctors in Latvia. This is the most important Latvian association in the field.

Project partners (4)

4. Latvian gynecologist and obstetricians association (LGOA) – associated partner (LV)

Work plans (project stages):

I. Project management and quality assuranceII. Technical tasksIII. Development of the methodologyIV. Development of 11-13 week scan distance

coursesV. Project dissemination and exploitation

Process of the project (1)

1. The 3 meetings of partners will be held. 2. The research of current practice and needs in

Latvia and Lithuania will be presented.3. The developed IT system will be integrated into

existing university system and the distance course will be held.

4. Certification of Latvian and Lithuanian participants will be held.

5. The book “11-13 week scan” will be published.6. Project themed publications and articles in press

will be published.

Process of the project (2)

Unified methodology in 11-13 week scan in Latvia and Lithuania will be one of the project outcomes.

The competence of Latvian and Lithuania doctors will be improved, and the quality of the service as well. The proper decisions will be taken in time.

After the project “The 11-13 week scan” will become compulsory for all pregnant woman in Latvia and Lithuania.

Project outcomes (1)

The course in Latvian and Lithuanian will be added to the Fetal Medicine Foundation course (there are courses in 20 languages for now).

Project outcomes(2)

“The 11-13 weeks scan” transfer to fetal medicine through legislation in

Baltic States

Contacts: Administrator of the project Aurimas ŠirvinskasTel. No. +3706403211E-mail:
