Life is hard sometimes. It’s impossible to live well...


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James K. Polk was raised a Master Mason in 1820. EA, FC, MM, in Columbia Lodge N0 31, Columbia, Tennessee. He was exalted as a Royal Arch

Mason in La Fayette Chapter N0 4 at Columbia in 1825. President Polk, as a Freemason and elected Commander in Chief, assisted in the cornerstone

laying of the Smithsonian Institution in the District of Columbia on May 1, 1847.

Political Affiliation: Democratic Party James K. Polk was born in North Carolina, Polk’s family moved to the Tennessee frontier in 1805 when he was 10

years old. His first speech in Congress led a fight for the elimination of the Electoral College and called for popular elections of the president. .A staunch ally

of President Jackson, Polk served as Speaker of the House from 1835-1839. Following his career in Congress, Polk served a single term as governor of

Tennessee from 1839 to 1841. He lost two re-election attempts to regain that office. First Lady, Sarah Childress Polk, was highly influential in the

advancement of Polk’s career. It is unlikely that he would have been elected without her advice and skills as a political spouse. She was the first presidential

wife to serve as personal secretary to the president. James K. Polk and was instrumental in carrying out the Jacksonian philosophy of limited government

that dominated the Democratic Party in the 19th century. He skillfully negotiated the Oregon territory dispute with Great Britain adding the Pacific Coast

territories that now include the states of Oregon and Washington. The Polk administration brought the U.S. into a war with Mexico over the fight for New

Mexico and California. Polk was an exceptionally successful president. His rigorous policies of manifest destiny led to the largest expansion of U.S. territory

since Thomas Jefferson’s Louisiana Purchase. Under the Polk administration, the U.S. acquired the state of Texas and the territories that today include the

states of Washington, Oregon, California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah. Polk ran on the promise of only serving a single term. He oversaw the

opening of the U.S. Naval Academy and the Smithsonian Institution, the groundbreaking for the Washington Monument, and the issuance of the first

postage stamps in the United States. Polk was an early supporter of westward expansion expressed in a term that Democrats would later call “Manifest

Destiny.” Born: November 2, 1795. Died: June 15, 1849. Famous Quote: “With me it is exceptionally true that the Presidency is no bed of roses.”

Life is hard sometimes. It’s impossible to live well without encountering

struggle, and there are some seasons in our lives that are especially heart

wrenching. The truth is, everyone experiences unhappy circumstances on

occasion, but there is a big difference between experiencing bouts of

unhappiness and living a habitually unhappy life. That’s what chronically

unhappy people do. And although many of these people are afraid to admit

it, a vast majority of their unhappiness stems from their own self-neglect.

The key is to give yourself the extra attention you need and deserve.

Resisting and ignoring your own feelings and emotions does not serve

you. It leads to stress, illness, confusion, broken relationships, and fits of

anger and bouts of deep, dark depression. Anyone who has experienced

any of the above knows that these states of mind are horrifically unhealthy, and when you’re in the habit of

self-neglect, it’s near impossible to escape. You have to admit, to a certain extent, you have spent too much of

your life trying to shrink yourself. Trying to become smaller. Quieter. Less sensitive. Less opinionated. Less

needy. Less YOU. Because you felt broken, and you didn’t want to be too much or push people away. You

wanted to fit in. You wanted people to like you. You wanted to make a good impression. You wanted to be

wanted. So you could feel healed. So for years, you sacrificed yourself for the sake of making other people

happy. And for years, you suffered, but you’re tired of suffering, and you’re done shrinking. Right? Good! It’s

not your job to change who you are in order to become someone else’s idea of a worthwhile human being. You

are worthwhile. Not because other people think you are, but because you are breathing your own air, and

therefore you matter. Your thoughts matter. Your feelings matter. Your voice matters. And with or without

anyone’s approval or permission, you must be who you are and live your truth. Even if it makes people turn

their heads. Even if it makes them uncomfortable. Even if they choose to leave. You may have been broken

down by adversity, but YOU are not broken. So don’t let others convince you otherwise. Heal yourself by

refusing to shrink. Choose to take up a lot of space in your own life. Choose to give yourself permission to

meet your own needs. Choose to honor your feelings and emotions. Choose to make self-care a top priority.

Welcome Brethren to this month’s installment of ‘On the Level’. This month I am going to discuss the various meanings of the word, ‘Mason’. Discussing the origins of the word ‘Mason’ provides context

for the work we are doing today. The more I studied the word, the more I wanted to share it with you.

According to the Online Etymology Dictionary:

c.1200, "stoneworker" (as a surname, early 12c.), from Old French masson, maçon "stone mason" (Old North French machun), probably from Frankish *makjo or some other Germanic source (compare Old High German steinmezzo "stone mason," Modern German Steinmetz, second element related to mahhon "to make;" see make (v.)). But it also might be from, or influenced by, Medieval

Latin machio, matio (7c.) which is said by Isidore to be derived from machina (see machine). The medieval word also might be from the root of Latin maceria "wall." Meaning "a Freemason" is attested from early 15c. in

Anglo-French. shows:

a person whose trade is building with units of various natural or artificial mineral products, as stones, bricks, cinder blocks, or tiles, usually with the use of mortar or cement as a bonding agent. 2. a person who dresses stones or bricks. 3. (Initial capital letter) a Freemason. Origin: 1175-1225; Middle English machun, mason < Old French machun, masson> Frankish *makjoof *makon to make

The Free states:

ma·son (mā′sən) – (1) One who builds or works with stone or brick. (2) A Freemason. (3) To build of or strengthen with masonry. [Middle English, from Old French maçon, masson, of Germanic origin; see mag- in Indo-European roots.]

The information from highlights the tension that exists about the origin of the word, Mason:

“Usage experts can’t quite agree on the origins of the word mason. Some believe that it traces back to the German word mahhon, meaning "to make." True or not, it’s a good way to remember the meaning of mason: masons make things out of brick or stone. A mason is a skilled craftsperson who might, for example, carve stone for a memorial or do work on the brick walls of a house.”

Although there may be differences in where the word ‘Mason’ originated, there is one consistent theme. The word ‘Mason’ is synonymous with Freemasonry. Today, we may not be ‘making’ buildings or large structures, but the metaphor of ‘making or building something’ still applies to us today. Think about all of the activities we do that represent this concept:

We ‘make or build’ programs that help to make our community a better place. We ‘make or build’ good men through our traditions and ceremonies. We ‘make or build’ each other as we share our lives together. We ‘make or build’ our families through our affiliation with each other. We ‘make or build’ a legacy for those who come behind us. We ‘make or build’ a better world for all.

This demonstrates the importance of the work we do in the lodge and in our communities. How many other organizations can say that their core purpose, as Masons, can change the world? What are you doing, today, that can change the world?

Final Though: “work, no matter how small, can multiply and change the world.”

Brethren, I noticed my Masonic Birthday in last month’s Trestleboard and couldn’t believe it has been that long. I have attended meetings at other Masonic Lodges and other Masonic Orders and see people that I have known far longer than my Masonic birthday. Since my journey began in the mid 1970’s when my parents were Worthy Matron and Worthy Patron of Eastern Star. Dad was a member of Glendale N0 23 and Secretary of Hiram Daylight and was in the Culinary Unit of El Zaribah and we went to every parade they had. I joined the Order of DeMolay in 1975, but enough about me. I was just reminiscing. This space is dedicated to the history of our Masonic Order, and hopefully someone will be writing about us in the


1821, The Grand Lodge of Missouri was formed

1821, The Grand Lodge of Illinois was founded.

1843, A national Masonic Congress was begun in Baltimore, sometimes referred to as the Baltimore Convention, attempt to establish a uniform ritual for

United States Grand Lodges.

1851, Andrew Johnson (U.S. President 1865-1869) received his 1ST Degree in Greenville Lodge N0119, Tennessee

1865, William McKinley (U.S. President 1898-1901) received his 1ST Degree in Hiram Lodge N0 1, Winchester, Virginia.

1865, The Grand Lodge of West Virginia was formed 1886, Rudyard Kipling received is 2ND Degree.

1866, The Grand Lodge of West Virginia was founded.

1899, The Grand Lodge of D.C., under the leadership of Grand Master Dan L Frederick, voted to recognize the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of D.C.

1901, Sir Winston Churchill received his 1st degree in Studholme Lodge N01591, London.

1921, High Twelve International was organized

1931 Senator Barry Goldwater (candidate for U.S. President in 1964) received his 1ST Degree in Arizona Lodge N0 2, Phoenix AZ.

1932, The George Washington Masonic National Memorial, in Alexandria, Virginia, was dedicated in a very large ceremony, attended by thousands, including the

President of the United States.

1957, Carl H. Claudy, Masonic author and playwright, D.C. Grand Master in 1943, Executive Secretary of MSA, died 1801, the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite

for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States, "mother council of the world," was established, in Charleston, South Carolina..

1959, Harry S. Truman (U.S. President 1945-1953) received his 50 year masonic award.

“Always acknowledge a fault. This will throw those in authority off their guard and give you an opportunity to commit more.”

Bro. Samuel L. Clemens (Mark Twain) US humorist and author (1835-1910)

Polar Star Lodge N0 79 A.F.& A.M., Missouri, USA

““Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.”

Bro. Benjamin Franklin US author, diplomat, inventor, politician, & printer (1706-1790)

St. John’s Lodge of Philadelphia, USA

Peoria Fire Department will provide CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) and AED (automated external

defibrillator) training at Sun Lodge N0 72 on May 13, 2015 at 10:00 AM and on May 20, 2015 at 7:00 PM.

These classes will be open to the public. Anyone interested with saving lives can attend either, or both

training classes. Contact Jack Daniel at 623.72.2217 or by email on Monday’s, Wednesday’s

and Friday’s between the hours of 9: 00 AM through1:00 PM. with any questions you may have.

Memorial Day is a holiday for remembering the people who died while serving in the country's armed forces. This holiday, which is observed every year on the last Monday of May was formerly known as Decoration Day and originated after the American Civil War to commemorate the Union and Confederate soldiers who died in the war. By the 20TH Century Memorial Day had been extended to honor all Americans who died while in military service. Making a blood donation is one way to pay homage to the service men and women who protect and defend our nation. Blood donation this time of year works as both a tribute and a testament to our nation’s armed forces, so roll up your sleeve, and honor those who dedicate their lives to others, and give

the gift of life to help others in need.

♥ Blood transfusions save the lives of cardiac patients during surgery

♥ Premature infants come into the world often needing blood to survive

♥ Accidents happen 24/7 that put our friends, family, and neighbors in danger

You or someone you know will need blood at some point. We all know a friend, neighbour, family member, or co-worker who has needed a blood transfusion. In fact, 1 out of 3 people will need blood in their lifetime. From natural disasters to unforeseen catastrophes, emergency hospital procedures, to life-long battles with chronic diseases such as sickle cell anemia. The demand for blood is constant. The supply is not, and since there is no substitute, only volunteer blood donors can save lives. On May 25, 2015 Sun City Masonic Lodge N0 72 will have a American Red Cross Blood Drive at Sun City Masonic Lodge N0 72. Address:18810 North 107TH Ave, Peoria, AZ. 85373. Please contact Jack Daniel at 623.972.2217 on Monday’s, Wednesday’s and Friday’s between the hours of 9:AM through1:00PM, or contact Hal Knowton at 714.343.4322 after the 17TH of May with your questions, or any additional blood drive information. If you need technical support one can call Red Cross Tech Support at 855.210.1278 to help

with creating an account or any online issues.

Interested donors have the choice to schedule an appointment time to donate, or arrive between the hours of 10:00 AM through 3:00 PM. I will hyper-link the internet address for which means on your Electronic Version Trestleboard just point your mouse on the link and click the follow the prompts, doing this one can make an appointment and select their donation time. If one is not using the Electronic Version Trestleboard go to your computer

and type in the address bar and follow the prompts.

Directions: Go to

(1). In Give Blood Box TYPE IN: suncitylodge (2). Drives Near Sun City Lodge Map page will show address, time and date click on red arrow (3).Choose a donation time (4).Tap the donation you want to give (5). Sign In or Create an Account (6). After creating an account Sign Back In (7). Confirm My Appointment (8). Your confirmation will say “Thanks for Scheduling” with your

time, date and address of donation.

Give Blood.

Donating blood is a simple thing to do, but it can make a big

difference in the lives of others

Find a Blood Drive


Brethren and Ladies:

PLEASE NOTE: The May breakfast is a week early due to Memorial Day. The menu is, orange juice, fruit cup, breakfast burrito and coffee or tea. Contact Jack Daniel at 623.556.2116 or email: for your reservation for this $6.00 meal which. The speaker has not been confirmed so come to listen to a surprise speaker who will excite you beyond words .We meet at the Sun City Lodge N0 72, 18810 N 107TH Avenue, Monday May 18TH at 8:30 AM. This function is open to all Mason’s and guests so bring your

wife, a friend or a potential new candidate to Masonry and/or Scottish Rite.

Fruit Salad, French Dip Sandwiches, French Fries and Chocolate Cream Puffs .

Amy Maschue

These tiles are 8 inches by 8 inches with your name or other name of choice and desired Masonic Emblem. The tiles will be placed on the patio on the

south entrance to the lodge. Several brothers have purchased them so far. They will be installed in groups of 6 to 10 tiles. Pricing is $100.00 each. See

our Secretary Dick Flinton for information. 623.972.2217

Brethren, Please RSVP Craig Montgomery at 623.521.5580 or with your dinning reservation. May’s Menu: beverages, salad, sloppy joes, chips and desert.

This Scottish Rite Cathedral is a historic building designed by architect George F. Schreiber, located in downtown Indianapolis, Indiana. It is

owned by the Valley of Indianapolis Scottish Rite. It was built between 1927 and 1929 at the cost of $2.5 million. It was built with every

dimension (in feet) being evenly divisible by three (reflecting the three degrees in Freemasonry), with many being divisible by 33 reflecting the

degrees a member of the Scottish Rite can achieve. The Cathedral is one of the largest Masonic buildings, and is one of the finest examples

of Neo-Gothic architecture in the United States. The main tower features a 54-bell carillon and rises 212 ft. above Indianapolis. It also has a

floating ballroom. Other features are patterned ceilings, ornate carved woodwork, and stained-glass windows. The auditorium has 1200 seats,

and has been commended for the craftsmanship with which its fittings and decorations were made. It also has a large pipe organ. The main

entrance, known as the Tiler's Room, is a cube of 33 ft. It features both Masonic symbols and the signs of the Zodiac. The ballroom also

embodies the number 33 by being 99 ft. square, pillars defining the dancing area as 66 ft. square, and the white oak floor panels are 33 in

square. The chandelier has 200 lights and weighs 2,500 lbs. The ballroom was designed in an Elizabethan architectural style The Valley of

Indianapolis is the only Scottish Rite Valley in the nation with an orchestra in residence, the Scottish Rite Orchestra, is conducted by III. Jeff

Warbinton, 33˚.This is where I received my Scottish Rite Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret Degree on April 18,1998 (George C.Mitchell 320)

Pot Luck- - - - - - - - - - 6:30 PM

Education- - - - - - - - - 7:00 PM

Meeting- - - - - - - - - - - 7:30 PM

Welcome to a new chivalric year for Saint Andrew Commandery N017. I was elected by the Sir Knights at the Conclave of Saint Andrew Commandery N0 17 on April 11TH. I am very excited and proud to able to serve as the Eminent Commander for the upcoming year. I will work very hard to do all I can to Make Saint Andrew the best Commandery in the Grand Commandery of Arizona. I would like to thank all the Past Commanders for their guidance, instruction and encouragement. We will continue to meet on the second Saturday of the month; Officers meet at 7:30 AM for practice and training. Donuts and Coffee at 8:00 AM Conclave starts at 9:00 AM. If you would like to improve yourself as a Sir Knight, you are welcome to join us at 7:30 AM. Our next Conclave will be On May 9TH. If you haven’t been to a conclave in a while, join us, even if you don’t have a uniform. There are a lot of you that I have never met and I look forward to doing so. The Knights Templar of Arizona will be participating in the annual Memorial Day celebration at the pioneer museum and cemetery in downtown Phoenix, Date 5/25/2015. (Please call me for times) If you have a class A uniform, You are encouraged to join us. If not you are encouraged to attend the ceremonies. The Pioneer

museum and cemetery has a lot of early Arizona, masonic history. The museum and the ceremonies are open to the public.

RITUAL PRACTICE- - - - - - - - - 7:30 AM

DONUTS AND COFFEE - - - - - - 8:00 AM

CONCLAVE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9:00 AM

This is A change from previous months and is being made for more rapid processing and release of information for the upcoming month.

“Remember him before the silver cord is severed, or the golden bowl is broken; before the pitcher is shattered at the spring, or the wheel broken at the well and the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it”. ~ Ecclesiastes 12:6-7

I would like to contribute to The Sun City Trestleboard for the 2014 year at the following level:

Enclosed is my donation in the amount of $ ___________________________ Make checks payable to and mail to: Donation is IN MEMORY OFHONOR OF: (circle one _____________________ Attention: Sun City Lodge N0 72 Secretary: Please

n ___________________________________________

Masonic Lodge N0 72 needs current telephone numbers, current addresses and email addresses from all brothers

and Trestleboard subscribers. You will be receiving the Electronic Trestleboard if we have your email address

unless your preference is a mailing edition. Please notify W.M. Charles Hardy or 623.271.1871

*St. Andrew’s Comm. *Amaranth *Oasis Chapter Royal Gary Bain

*James Becker *Steward Council *David Miller

*Pioneer Lodge *Ardarth Wilber *West Valley Scottish Rite

*James D. Spooler *John Stoefer

The Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, March 14TH

was a nice financial success. More important was the fellowship during the

several hours the workers (members) and ladies were together. Never before have so many of our members worked so closely

together for so long and enjoy every minute of it. Now we will have another pleasant activity when we distribute most of our profits

to various groups in the West Valley. Master Masons are always welcome to attend our meetings and any of our special events.

Our next meeting on May 8TH promises to be very interesting like most of our recent meetings when we had very interesting

speakers. We would be happy to welcome more Master Masons into our membership so you can enjoy our famous ‘Masonry

in Action’ every month as we meet from October through May in Tivoli Gardens at 8:00 AM on the second Friday of those months.

The popular summer, informal luncheons with the ladies are held at noon in the Briarwood Country Club on the third Thursdays of

the months of June, July, August and September when our club is dark. We choose our own lunch from the special abbreviated

menu provided for us. Our ladies enjoy these luncheons and I am sure your lady will too. If you have not attended any of these

luncheon, do it this summer. All members and any one else interested in a tax deductible donation should give serious

consideration to our High Twelve International’s charity -The Wolcott Foundation. See John Geyer at any of our meetings. He will

be happy to give you any information you may need. We still hope to make this “Wolcott Year” one of our best in our 34 year

history even though it has now ended and we are beginning another “Wolcott Year". Please remember to attend the Sun City

Lodge N0 72 to enjoy the great ritual and fellowship as well as a dinner which is held at most evenings of Stated and Called

meetings. It is no secret that the Lodge is still the best place to find a new High Twelve member and it is OK to encourage any

Master Mason to join us.

Scouting makes a direct and positive impact on our communities by teaching positive values and leadership skills to youth. The mission of the Boy Scouts of America “Is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law”. The Vision of the Boy Scouts of America “is to prepare every eligible youth in America to become a responsible, participating citizen and leader who is guided by the Scout Oath and Law”. Sun City Lodge N0 72 is proud to support Boy Scout troop 938.

Sun City Lodge N0 72 is coordinating an order for short sleeve collared polo shirts embossed with the Square and Compasses. The shirts have the following features: + Port Authority is the shirt manufacturer; + Shirt is short sleeve with a collar; + Left breast pocket with Name above the pocket; + Square and Compasses with SUN CITY LODGE N0 72 on the Right breast; and + Shirts are in Light Blue or White. Price is $25.00 per shirt with payment made to SUN CITY LODGE N0 72. If you are interested in ordering a shirt, please when ordering, include: + your shirt size; + the shirt color; and + Name you want place above the shirt pocket. CONTACT: Dave Miller at 623.875.2149 or

Sun City Lodge N0 72 would like to preserve our heritage and Lodge by building upon the Irrevocable Trust

Fund. To do this, the Brothers of Sun City Lodge N0 72 can consider Including in their will a Gift to the

Irrevocable Trust Fund of Sun City Lodge N0 72, Peoria, Arizona. This absolutely will preserve our heritage

that the Brothers above have established. The funds will be used to maintain the building and for possible

renovations in the near future. The Lodge is in need of replenishing this fund. The Brothers may contribute

to this fund at any time.

The April 6TH meeting of Sun City Nile concluded with installation of officers who will serve the club for the ensuing year. Murt

Meierhenry will continue as president, Lillian Ryan as treasurer and Sandy Munster as chaplain. Carol Perry will be our new

secretary. The office of vice president has not been filled. The many members who serve the club in other capacities have agreed

to continue in this service so we are looking forward to another good year. Junior Past Queen Betty Gough served as our installing

officer. We are so pleased to have her return and show her willingness to be involved in our club again as she agreed to serve on

two committees. Our secretary of many years, Lou Pedroni, has chosen to retire. She has served us with distinction and we do

appreciate all the extras she has done for us. This has been a good year for our club. The members were very responsive to

helping support our Shriner Kids with their gifts both material and financial. Our fund raising efforts met with success. We were

honored to have among our members the Supreme Queen, Marsha Sowers, and Qadesh Queen, Betty Gough and to help them

as much as we were able. Sun City Nile will next meet on Monday, May 4TH at 10:30 AM. The club will then be dark until the first

Monday of October.

The Past Master fellowship meets on the second Tuesday at 8:30 AM in the Jackson Room. Coffee and doughnuts will be served. Our purpose is to assist the Worshipful Master and make recommendations. Our next meeting is scheduled for May 12TH May will be awards night on May 7TH. There we will present the “Beehive” and “Silver Trowel” Awards. The Lodge will also present “Mason of the Year” Award. The Past Masters hopefully will be doing a Blue Lodge Degree this year. October

28TH. The Past Masters are scheduling a “Pizza & Movie Night” more information and cost TBA.

Brethren, at this time we have 233 members. We have two affiliated waiting for a demit: Jan Milo Hoskins and Kevin Baver we can’t count them until the demit comes. We still have 25 who owe dues. I think we are doing very well. Our average age is 70.51. In just over a year I

will be on the upside of this number. Do good unto all.

Issues of the Trestleboard are available to individual e-mail accounts electronically. The advantage of the electronic release is that

the recipient will be receiving the Trestleboard at the time it is sent to the printer, which is a week or more before the end of the

calendar month. To receive the Trestleboard electronically released in pdf format, please send your request and e-mail address to

Masonic tradition calls on us to render aid to our sick and needy brothers while we are better

doing that, we have been neglecting our ladies and their needs. If any of you know of a sick

or distressed brother or a Masonic widow, please call the lodge office at 623.972.2217 and

leave a message on the recorder or in person tell the Secretary or Building Manager.

Worshipful Master Charles Hardy 623.242.8477

Senior Warden Steven Wieters 623.297.6900

Junior Warden Craig Montgomery 623-521-5580

Secretary Richard Flinton 623.972.2217

Treasurer Michael Kennedy 623.875.3495

Chaplain PM Jack Daniel

Senior Deacon Bob Cole

Junior Deacon Steven D. Wieters

Senior Steward Frankie Felix

Junior Steward Mark Nelson

Alternate Stewards Leroy Hatton, Andy Pratt

Marshal Matthew A. Link

Tyler Jim Leber

Organist / Pianist Sidney Engel

Building Lodge Trustees Chairman Errol Hakwsley, Members Robert Cole, David Miller, , Al Cohen, Pat Hayes

Earl Trundy Emeritus

Lodge Building Manager Jack Daniel 623.972.2217

Audit Committee Jim Rolle, Dan Robison

Banquet / Event Committee Chairman Frank Visceglie, Member Steve Wieters

Stewart Bikes For Books Bob Cole, Steve Wieters, Charles Hardy

Candidate Mentoring Errol Hawksley, Michael Kennedy, Andy Pratt

Irrevocable Trust Fund Trustees Chairman Hal Knowlton, Members Bill Clark, John Geyer, Doug Robertson,

Bryan Cooper-Keeble

Lodge Ritual Director Pat Hayes

Lodge Website Committee David Miller, Craig Montgomery

Masonic Education Errol Hawksley, Michael Kennedy, Andy Pratt

Masonic Funeral Coordination David Miller 623.875.2149

Masonic Jewelry Frank Visceglie 623.533.6697

Membership Contact Retention Michael Kennedy, Pat Hayes

Sickness and Distress Larry Gorelick 623.561.2330, George Coxey 602.339.0997

Publisher / Editor George Mitchell, Jack Daniel

May 2015

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2







4 HI 12 CLUB

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8 OASIS N0 15



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24 25 LODGE N0 72


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Ad space is now available on the Trestleboard. You may purchase a business card size for $120 for one year, or a larger ad for $200 for one year. (11 issues) Please support our Brothers and Friends of the Lodge who advertise in our Trestleboard.

Our obligation as Masons is to remain focused on the Craft’s Importance and the need for each of us to cultivate its strength...

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