Letter to the Editor


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dx == S. This was derived from the following:

1. Due to the fact that n is relatively large (n = 233), lIn nearly equals o.

2. Due to the fact that the variation in x values is relatively large (348-633), the denominator becomes very large and the whole equation:

(x - X)2 L.xi2 - nF

nearly equals O.


dx = SVO + 0 + 1 = s0 =S

Therefore, the 95% confidence interval is:

(a + bx + tn - 2; O,025(S))

Let t n - 2; O,025S = k = a + bx :±: k

This equation is that of a straight line. Therefore, the confidence inter­val is practically linear.

All the raw data were processed on a SAS (Statistical Analysis Systems) mainframe software package.

Figure 1 is the graph of the con­fidence limits for the right hand (be­fore plotting). This graph clearly in­dicates that the lines are practically parallel.


Dijkers et al. may have been con­fused by the fact that 2 separate graphs were used for each hand to illustrate the article. The confidence limits were not plotted over the scatterplot with fitted regression line to minimize con­fusion and to ensure that the graph may be used with ease, as it is un­cluttered with a scatterplot data.

Large Confidence Interval. We agree with Dijkers et al. that the confidence interval is very large . This is because there was such a large variety in hand sizes (smallest: 348 ml, largest: 633 ml) . A large variation in data results in a large confidence interval.

The results of our study were un­able to yield absolute values, but we are of the opinion that they do aid the therapist in determining the goal vol­ume of an injured hand.

Additional Predictor Variables. We look forward to reading about the study Dijkers et aJ. have under way, using an additional predictor variable. The results will be of interest to us, and we welcome any additional comments on our study, as this is the only way to improve our service. -Corrianne van Velze, Control Occupational Thera­pist, Medical University of Southern Africa, Medunsa, South Africa.

To the Editor:

It is with much gratitude that I send this note to you for the 24 copies

of JHT. The Nepali coworkers at Green Pastures Hospital will be thrilled to receive them, as they have so few re­sources related specifically to thera­pists.

I've been in Nepal for 31/2 years now and went home recently (for the first time!) for a 6-month furlough. I returned 29 November 1991 for an­other 3 years at Green Pastures, where we hope to expand our work for the many leprosy patients in Nepal.

Again, I send many thanks for your thoughtfulness in sending these journals.-Diane Turner, OTR, Green Pastures Hospital, Pokhara, Nepal.

To the Edit'or:

Thank you for your contribution of the copies of the Journal of Hand Therapy for my recent trip to the Soviet Union. While there, we were able to visit many hospitals and health care facilities and I was able to present this journal as a gift to their libraries. Our trip took us to Akademagorodok near Novosibirsk, Siberia, which was for­merly closed to foreigners and was basically a "think tank" for many of the high-level scientists and "medical research" that is ongoing in the Soviet Union.

Again, thank you for your willing­ness to contribute; the journals were extremely well received.- Timothy I. McPherson, OTRlL, CHT, Southern Oregon Hand Rehabilitation, P.c., Medford, Oregon.