Let's Talk About Poo



If you're anything like every other human being on the planet, you poop. Everybody poops! And we don't like to talk about it in polite company for some reason. But holistic nutritionists love your poo! We can use it to discover all sorts of things about your health which you may not have realized. And in fact, you can use your poo to detect early problems before they get worse. Discover more about how you can read the signs in your poo!

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Let’s Talk About Poo!

Written by: Evelina Hovich on August 5th


It’s more than just waste! It can provide you with insight into what’s happening in your body.

In 1987, Soviet leader Mikhael Gorbachev visited Ronald Reagan in the White House to sign the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, a historic treaty where the two nations agreed to eliminate certain nuclear weapons from their arsenals.

Naturally, the CIA took this opportunity to spy on Gorbachev as much as possible.

And it’s rumoured that they collected his bodily waste using a special trap in the

White House’s sewage system for analysis. Based on this, the CIA could come to all

sorts of conclusions about Gorbachev’s health.

Let’s talk about a subject not often discussed in polite company. It’s a subject that

makes some people uncomfortable, but it plays an important role in our physical and

emotional well-being.

Let’s Talk About Poo

Everybody poos. But it’s not just useless waste. It’s got some important indicators of

your overall health. Holistic nutritionists and other health specialists value stool

samples because of how much information we can discover about you based on it.

So let’s, ahem, dive right in and examine what’s up with your poo!

The Bristol Stool Chart

Once upon a time, in the far distant past of 1997, there was a man named Dr. Ken

Heaton, a researcher at the University of Bristol in England. His research on poo led

to the formation of the Bristol Stool Chart, a chart which categorizes the seven

different types of human poop, which are as follows.

You may have experienced each of these types of poo at some point in your life. And

each of them indicates what’s going on in your body.

What Does My Poo Mean?

Next time you’re sitting on the toilet, take a look before you flush. I know you bring

your smartphone into the washroom with you when you go, so come back to this

page and bring up the chart listed above.

Then compare what you see with the chart.

If You Have Type 1 Poo

If #1 is your product, your poo has been sitting in your intestines for too long. As a

result, your body sucked all the water out of it.

This is hard on your body, and can be painful to pass since the little lumps are hard

and scratchy. You might end up with some bleeding as a result.

You might experience this after taking some antibiotics. If so, be sure to stock up on

probiotics as well. Antibiotics are like a nuke for your body; they kill the bad

bacteria, but they take out the good bacteria too! So you need to replace it with the

good stuff. Fermented foods like kombucha, sauerkraut, or kimchi can help with this,

as can acidophilus.

If you haven’t taken any antibiotics lately, Type 1 poo can be a sign that you’re low

on fibre. Include some apples, pears, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, or spinach in your


If You Have Type 2 Poo

If your #2 is, ahem, #2, you probably had to strain to get it out. Type 2 poo is

similar to Type 1, but the main difference is the fact that it comes out in one big

piece rather than little ones.

Type 2 poo can be the most harmful to you, since it’s often bigger than your anal

canal should open. This can cause tearing, bleeding, and other painful issues.

In order for your poo to become Type 2, it has to be sitting inside of you for up to

several weeks! That’s not good.

Type 2 poo is a strong sign of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Speaking to a

specialist in digestive problems can help you discover the next steps to take to repair

this issue.

If You Have Type 3 Poo

Type 3 poo is similar to Type 2, but it doesn’t sit for as long as Type 3. As a result,

Type 3 poo isn’t usually as painful as Type 2, but it’s still an indicator of IBS, or of

latent constipation. And you probably still have to strain to pass it.

The solution for Type 3 poo is similar to Type 2 poo: talk to a specialist! A registered

holistic nutritionist can help you discover the solution to Type 3 poo.

If You Have Type 4 or 5 Poo

Congratulations! If your poo is Type 4 or 5, you’re in good shape.

If you have Type 4 poo, you’re probably going once a day or so. And if you have

Type 5, you’re probably going two or three times a day. The difference between the

two depends on your diet, but in either case you’re in good poo condition!

If You Have Type 6 Poo

Type 6 poo is the type of poo which can show up when you least expect it. Most poo

knocks on the door, patiently waiting for its time to be allowed through the gate. But

not Type 6 poo!

Type 6 poo can indicate a few different issues. You might have a hyperactive colon,

or too much potassium in your diet. You may also be experiencing a great deal of

stress, which can cause your body to release a large amount of potassium into your


You might also be eating too much spicy food. So if you find some Type 6, think

about what you’ve been eating lately, or how stressed you are.

If You Have Type 7 Poo

If you thought Type 6 was impatient, Type 7 can barge right in without any warning!

It’s the rudest of all poo by far!

Type 7 poo is better known as diarrhea. If you have diarrhea, it can indicate a wide

range of different health problems including, believe it or not, constipation! If you’re

experiencing diarrhea for more than one day, consider seeing a doctor.

A Time For Poo

If your digestive system is working the way it should, your food should be turned

into poo in about 24 hours. But for most people, the average is about 72 hours.

To find out how quickly your body processes food, try the beet test. Eat a large

serving of beets (at least two big ones), and note the time and day you ate them.

Then, monitor your poo to see when it comes out red. The red poo will, of course, be

what’s left of the beets you ate.

If you don’t see any red in your poo for a few days, talk to a digestive health


As for frequency, it differs from person to person based on diet, lifestyle,

metabolism, and several other factors. But a general rule of thumb is that you should

experience about as many bowel movements as you have meals during the day.

If you aren’t pooping as often as you should, follow these tips:

Drink more water! Water keeps your intestines lubricated and has many other

health benefits besides.

Eat more fruits and vegetables! The nutrients in these, especially fibre, can help

keep your digestive system working the way it should.

Eat fewer grains! Grains, especially ones with gluten, can lead to many different

problems. They can end up damaging your digestive system, and even poke holes in

it allowing the beneficial bacteria in your intestines to invade other parts of your

body, where they aren’t so beneficial. It can also mess with your thyroid.

Exercise! Movement has been associated with healthier digestion, and the reason

why many struggle with digestive issues can often be traced to a lack of exercise.

Lack of exercise can of course lead to obesity, which causes many other problems as

well. Simple exercise can be a healthy weight loss plan.

Use a Squatty Potty! Modern toilets put us in a position which puts unnecessary

strain on the digestive system. The Squatty Potty puts you in the ideal position for


And for those moments, when you would like to stay private and have a bowel

movement without worrying about smell, don’t forget to use Poo-Pourri Absolutely

amazing product. Of course, I would suggest to use the organic version: Nature’s

Call – Organic.

Thanks for reading! Yours in holistic health and wellness, this is Toronto nutritionist Evelina Hovich.

Evelina Hovich is a certified holistic nutritionist and BIE practitioner in Toronto,

Canada. She has helped her clients optimize their health, and manage a variety of

health issues including digestive problems, weight loss, food and environmental

allergies, and more. To discover more about Evelina's services, read more of her

articles, and find out how she can help you, visit her online: Website | Facebook |

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