Lesson 9




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L.O: 1. To write a report on Hitler and

his plans for overturning the Treaty of Versailles

2. To know what the policy of Appeasement was analyses its effectiveness


There are 4 main theories as to what was responsible for World War II breaking out in 1939:1. It was the Treaty of

Versailles/ failure of the League of Nations fault

2. Hitler wanted to take over the world and started WWII to achieve this and therefore it was Hitler’s aggressive foreign policy’s fault

3. It was the Policy of Appeasement’s fault.

We will investigate each of these and see which one is to blame ….

….. Can you explain how the TOV may have caused the war 20 years later?


Write down in detail what the terms of the Treaty fo Versailles were …..

The terms of the Treaty of Versailles

The War Guilt Clause and Reparations:Germany were held fully responsible for starting the war all the damage caused by the war were ordered to pay the FULL cost of the damage caused by the war. The bill was £6,600 million!

Germany’s armed forces:1. Army limited to 100,000 men 2. Germany not allowed armoured vehicles, submarines or

aircraft3. Only 6 battleships

Germany lost territoryThey lost land such as Alsace Lorraine, the Rhineland became demilitarized, and the Saar went to France for 15 yearsGermany lost all of its colonies in AFIca to Britain and France,


‘The Historian, with every justification, will come to the conclusion that we were very stupid men…. We arrived determined that a Peace of wisdom and justice should be negotiated; we left the conference conscious that the treaties imposed upon our enemies were neither just nor wise’

Harold Nicholson, British diplomat, speaking in 1919. he was on of the ;leading officials at the Paris Peace Conference.

Were the Big Three ‘Stupid Men’?

The Rise of Adolf Hitler

Born in 1889 in AustriaLeft school at 16 to become a painter but became poor. He began to resent Jewish people because many of them had lots of

money or owned businesses.

Hitler joined the German Army in 1914 and served his country well in WWI

He despised the Weimar Republic and wanted to go back to the ‘glorious days’ of

the Kaiser

In 1919 he joined the German Worker’s Party and by 1921 he was its leader and he

renamed the group the Nazis. Hitler gave fantastic speeches which were

so popular that other parties tried to disrupt them. Although the Nazis’ popularity was increasing, they were still a minority party

Hitler’s Early Years

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Whilst in Prison Hitler wrote his book Mein Kampf (My Struggle) In this book Hitler outlined what he felt had gone wrong so far in his political career along with his plans for Germany should he ever get into power. He was very critical of the government (‘Novemeber Criminals’) for signing the Treaty of Versailles and getting the country into a financial mess trying to pay reparations that he believed Germany didn’t owe. He also blamed the Jewish population in Germany for the loss of World War I as he believed that the rich Jewish businessmen did not come to financial aid of Germany when they needed them most during the war. He felt if they had helped fund the war then Germany would have won the war.

During his time in Prison ….

Hitler steadily increased the number of Nazi supporters throughout the 1920s by:

1.showing strong and decisive leadership of his party (something the current government was lacking)2. Using many forms of propaganda such as posters, speeches, radio braod casts etc to convince the Gemran public that the Nazis were what the Germans needed3.Staging very large political rallies and giving very impressive speeches in which he promised to sort out Germany's promises

By 1933 Hitler had managed to get the Nazi party as the largest political party in Germany and as a result he was appointed Chancellor of Germany in 1933

Hitler’s rise to Power

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As a group you need to come up with a report that will be made to the British public about what Hitler plans to do now he is in chargeYou need to also recommend action that you think the British/western governments should do about Hitler.You can use any of the information I have told you about what kind of man he is and any of the evidence I will provide you with to complete your report.

Remember: as a reporter, you can only report things that you have the evidence to back it up.You can state your opinions but you need some form of evidence to support why you have that opinion.

You are going to have to continue to be reporters and find out whether your predictions of Hitler are true or not…..

You need to create this table and use the information in the video clip and the textbook pages 48 – 53 to complete as much of the table as you can.

Terms of the Treaty of Versailles

What Hitler promised to do

What Hitler did

What excuse Hitler gave for his actions

What Britain and France did

Positives to this action

Negatives to this action

Alternative action

Army reduced

Rhineland Demilitarized

Germany forbidden to unite with Austria

The Sudetenland taken into Czechoslovakia

The Polish Corridor given to Poland

How did the USA view what was going on in Europe in 1936?

What has Hitler managed to achieve by 1938?

The policy that Britain and France followed during this time is often referred to as ……..

APPEASEMENT!Appeasement is defined as ….1. To bring peace, quiet, or calm to; soothe.2. To satisfy or relieve: appease one's thirst.3. To pacify or attempt to pacify (an enemy) by granting concessions, often at the expense of principle. 

Produce a two bubble maps: one of the positive sides to the policy of Appeasement and one for the negative sides of Appeasement.

Positives of Appeasement

Negatives of Appeasement