Lesson 2-The Evaluation Process


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  • 7/23/2019 Lesson 2-The Evaluation Process



    An Excerpt from the Q-Learn

    Lesson 2: The EvaluationProess

    !e"art#ent o$ E%uation&UREAU OF ELEMETAR' E!UCATION

    2N!Floor &oni$aio &uil%in(!e"E% Co#"le)* Meralo Avenue

    Pasi( Cit+
















  • 7/23/2019 Lesson 2-The Evaluation Process


    Revised 2010

    1+ the Learnin( Resoure Mana(e#ent an% !evelo"#ent S+ste#


    !e"E% 4 !ivision o$ Ne(ros Oi%ental

    un%er the Stren(thenin( the I#"le#entation o$ &asi E%uation

    in Selete% Provines in the Visa+as STRIVE35

    Setion 6 o$ Presi%ential !eree No5 76 "rovi%es:

    8No o"+ri(ht shall su1sist in an+ -or/ o$ the

    Govern#ent o$ the Re"u1li o$ the Phili""ines5 9o-ever*

    "rior a""roval o$ the (overn#ent a(en+ or oe -herein

    the -or/ is reate% shall 1e neessar+ $or e)"loitation o$

    suh -or/ $or "ro;t5 R5A5 6>@@3 s"ei;es that shoolhea%s shall have the authorit+* aounta1ilit+ an%res"onsi1ilit+ $or i#"le#entin(* #onitorin( an% assessin( theshool urriulu# an% 1ein( aounta1le $or hi(her learnin(outo#es5 This la- e#"hasi0es the nee% $or a shool hea% tohave a thorou(h un%erstan%in( an% a%e,uate /no-le%(e o$the $un%a#ental one"ts an% "rini"les o$ assess#ent an%

    evaluation to eetivel+ a""l+ these tools to #easure learnin(in shools5

    This #o%ule is inten%e% to (ui%e +ou in +our tas/ o$ evaluatin(learnin( outo#es an% utili0in( results o$ evaluation toi#"rove shool "er$or#ane5

    This #o%ule is %ivi%e% into t-o lessons:

    Lesson 1 Eduational E!aluation and Assessment

    In this lesson* +ou -ill 1e e)"ose% to the %istintions 1et-eenan% a#on( evaluation* assess#ent* an% #easure#entinlu%in( their t+"es an% "ur"oses5 Alternative assess#enttools an% "roess -ill also 1e %isusse%5

    Lesson " The E!aluation #$oess

    This lesson "resents the evaluation "roess that inlu%es the

    $or#ulation o$ o1.etives* evaluation #etho%olo(+* tools* %ata(atherin(* anal+sis* inter"retation an% utili0ation o$ results5

    This resoure -ill %isuss Lesson 2 o$ this #o%ule:

    What are the objectives of this lesson ?

    A$ter stu%+in( this lesson * +ou shoul% 1e a1le to:

    %esri1e the "roess involve% in evaluationB

    "lan ation ste"s in eetivel+ utili0in( assess#ent

    results $or the i#"rove#ent o$ +our shoolsB an%


  • 7/23/2019 Lesson 2-The Evaluation Process


    a/no-le%(e the role an% i#"ortane o$ evaluation in

    i#"rovin( learner "er$or#ane

    Test %ou$ &no'led(e

    9o- #uh %o +ou /no- a1out the to"is to 1e %isusse% in thislesson Ans-er the $ollo-in( ,uestions5

    >5 Dh+ %o -e evaluate

    25 Dhat are the ste"s in the evaluation "roess

    9o- %i% +ou ;n% the "retest Ma/e ar#ations o$ +our ans-ers as+ou (o throu(h the ativities in this lesson 5

    Lesson 2 The E!aluation #$oess

    At this "oint* +ou alrea%+ have a lear i%ea o$ evaluation* itsnature an% so"e5 In this lesson* -e shall %eal -ith theevaluation "roess that involves $or#ulatin( o1.etives*i%enti$+in( an% %evelo"in( a""ro"riate assess#entinstru#ents=tools* their statistial anal+sis* %ata (atherin( an%"roessin(* an% utili0in( assess#ent results5

    &e$ore -e "roee%* let us ta/e a loo/ at the o1.etives o$ thislesson5 At the en% o$ the lesson* +ou are su""ose% to:

    i%enti$+ an% state assess#ent o1.etivesBi%enti$+ the %ierent an% a""ro"riate assess#ent#etho%olo(ies an% instru#ents=toolsB(ain insi(hts into ho- these instru#ents=tools are%evelo"e%B%esri1e ho- %ata (atherin(* anal+sis* an% inter"retation"roe%ures are %oneB an%

    e)"lain ho- assess#ent results an 1e eetivel+utili0e%5

    As a shool hea%* +ou #ust reali0e ho- to (o a1out theevaluation "roess5 It an 1e vie-e% as a +lial "roess#a%e u" o$ $our "hases:preparation, assessment, evaluationan% refection5 This "roess involves +our teaher as a%eision4#a/er throu(hout the $our "hases5 The $ollo-in("ara(ra"hs illustrate the %ierent "hases o$ the evaluation"roess -hih +our teaher -ill (o throu(h5

  • 7/23/2019 Lesson 2-The Evaluation Process


    !urin( the preparation phase!%eisions are #a%e to i%enti$+-hat is to 1e evaluate%* the t+"e o$ evaluation to 1e use% i5e5*$or#ative* su##ative* or %ia(nosti3* the riteria a(ainst -hihstu%ent learnin( outo#es -ill 1e .u%(e%* an% the #osta""ro"riate assess#ent tehni,ues -ith -hih to (atherin$or#ation on stu%ent "ro(ress5

    In the assessment phase* the teaher i%enti;es in$or#ation4(atherin( strate(ies=tehni,ues* onstruts or seletsinstru#ents* a%#inisters the# to the stu%ents* an% olletsan% or(ani0es the in$or#ation on stu%ent learnin( "ro(ress5

    The teaher ontinuousl+ #a/e %eisions in this "hase5 Thei%enti;ation an% eli#ination o$ 1ias e5(5* (en%er an% ulture1ias3 $ro# the assess#ent tehni,ues an% instru#ents* an%

    %eter#inin( -here* -hen* an% ho- assess#ents -ill 1eon%ute% are e)a#"les o$ i#"ortant onsi%erations $or theteaher5

    !urin( the eval"ation phase* the teaher inter"rets theassess#ent in$or#ation an% #a/es .u%(#ents a1out thestu%ent "ro(ress5 &ase% on the .u%(#ents or evaluation*teahers #a/e %eisions a1out stu%ents* "arents* an%a""ro"riate shool "ersonnel5

    Then* in the re#ection phase! the teaher is (iven theo""ortunit+ to onsi%er the e)tent to -hih the "revious"hases in the evaluation "roess have 1een suess$ul5 In"artiular* the teaher evaluates the utilit+ an%a""ro"riateness o$ the assess#ent tehni,ues use%5 Suhreetion assists the teaher in #a/in( %eisions onernin(i#"rove#ents or #o%i;ations to su1se,uent teahin( an%evaluation5


    9ave +ou e)"eriene (oin( throu(h the %ierent "hases o$ theevaluation "roess !o +ou a(ree that the evaluation "roessis +lial an% not se,uential Dh+$t"d%

    The $ollo-in( %isussions %eals -ith the s"ei; ativities that#ust 1e un%erta/en in the %ierent "hases o$ the evaluation"roess5

    #$e)a$ation #hase


  • 7/23/2019 Lesson 2-The Evaluation Process


    &orm"latin' (nstr"ctional )bjectives

    Instrutional o1.etives "la+ a vital role in the teahin(4learnin( "roess5 Dhen "ro"erl+ state% the+ serve as (ui%es$or 1oth teahin( an% learnin(* o##uniate the intent o$ theinstrution to others* an% "rovi%e (ui%elines $or evaluatin("u"il learnin(5

    A shools evaluation "ro(ra# shoul% 1e onerne% -ith theso"e an% ,ualit+ o$ the teahers instrutional o1.etives an%the e)tent to -hih these #eet the nee%s o$ the variouslearners an% the shool o##unit+ as a -hole5 9ene* allteahers in the shool* throu(h the lea%ershi" o$ the shool

    #ana(er* shoul% "a+ "artiular attention to the $or#ulation o$the instrutional o1.etives in their %ail+ "lans to ensure theattain#ent o$ the shool (oals an% o1.etives5

    Suh o1.etives inlu%e not onl+ #aster+ o$ su1.et #atter 1utalso (ro-th in their learners #ental* "h+sial* e#otionalhealth* alon( -ith the %evelo"#ent o$ neessar+ values an%attitu%es5

    The Phili""ine Ele#entar+ Learnin( Co#"etenies PELC3

    ontains (enerall+ al#ost all the %esire% o1.etives $or ourlearners %evelo"#ent5 Dhat #a+ 1e a%%e% are those on theaetive as"et5

    These o1.etives in the PELC are state% in 1ehavioral ter#s5Dhat are 1ehavioral o1.etives

    *eha!io$al ob+eti!es s"ei$+ in o1serva1le an% #easura1leter#s the e)"ete% out"ut "er$or#ane $ro# our learners5

    These are "re$erre% over the non4 1ehavioral ones* 1eause

    the latter e)"ress the intent o$ instrution in 1roa% (eneralter#s5

    Ati!it, "-1

    Drite three 1ehavioral o1.etives5 Hust hoose -hateverlearnin( area +ou li/e5 Drite these in +our .ournal5 Co#"arethe# -ith the sa#"les that $ollo-5

    !o +our o1.etives ontain the three ele#ents o$ 1ehavioral

    o1.etives These ele#ents are: >3 the e)"ete% learner1ehavior* 23 the on%ition -ithin the 1ehavior is to our* an%


  • 7/23/2019 Lesson 2-The Evaluation Process


    3 the ae"ta1le level or stan%ar% o$ the e)"ete% 1ehaviorHaroli#e/ Foster* Sr535

    E)a#"le:In a science quiz containing 20 examples, learnerwill dierentiate between descriptions o p!sicaland cemical canges, wit "0 percent accurac!#$

    In this e)a#"le* the e)"ete% learner 1ehavior is that 8learner-ill %ierentiate 1et-een %esri"tions o$ "h+sial an% he#ialhan(es

  • 7/23/2019 Lesson 2-The Evaluation Process


    Liste% 1elo- are sa#"les o$ o1.etives in the three %o#ains:On the Co(nitive !o#ain:

    >5 Follo-in( a siene lesson* the learner -ill %e#onstratethat a urrent4arr+in( -ire ats as a #a(net5

    25 A$ter rea%in( a ha"ter on -h+ Euro"ean settlers a#e tothe En(lish olonies* learners -ill reall $our o$ the ;ve#a.or reasons (iven5

    &elo- is a hart that sho-s the o(nitive levels aor%in( to &loo#sTa)ono#+ o$ O1.etives an% su((este% 1ehavioral ter#s -hih an

    1e use% in onstrutin( 1ehavioral o1.etives:

    ,looms .axonom% of Ed"cational )bjectives *o'nitive+omain /cillan! 2001 Level (ll"strative erbs&no'led(e/ %ecalling andremembering previousl! learnedmaterial, including speci&c acts,events, persons, dates, metods,

    procedures, concepts, principles,and teories

    Com)$ehension/ 'nderstandingand grasping te meaning osometing( includes translationrom one s!mbolic orm to anoter)e#g#, percent into ractions*,interpretation, prediction,inerences, restating, estimation,generalization, and oter usestat demonstrate understanding

    A))liation+ 'se o abstractideas, rules, or generalizedmetods in novel, concretesituations

    Anal,sis/ rea-ing down acommunication into constituent

    parts or elements andunderstanding te relationsipamong dierent elements

    .ames, matces, lists, recalls,selects, retells, states, de&nes,describes, labels, reproduces

    /xplains, converts, interprets,paraprases, predicts, estimates,rearranges, reprases,summarizes

    anges, demonstrates, modi&es,

    produces, solves, constructs,applies, uses, sows

    1istinguises, compares,subdivides, diagrams,dierentiates, relates, classi&es,categorizes

    enerates, combines, constructs,

  • 7/23/2019 Lesson 2-The Evaluation Process


    S,nthesis+ 3rranging andcombining elements and partsinto novel patterns or structures

    E!aluation/ 4udging te qualit!,wort, or value o sometingaccording to establising criteria)e#g#, determining te adequac! oevidence to support conclusion*

    assembles, ormulates orecasts,pro5ects, propose, integrates

    4usti&es, criticizes, decides,5udges, argues, concludes,supports, deends, evaluates,veri&es, con&rms

    On the Ps+ho#otor !o#ain:

    >5 !ra- vertial an% hori0ontal strai(ht lines a$ter a%e#onstration 1+ the teaher an% aor%in( to his=hers"ei;ations5

    25 9o" an% s/i" easil+ an% naturall+ $ollo-in( a%e#onstration 1+ the teaher5

    On the Aetive !o#ain:

    >5 A$ter listenin( to the teaher rea% e)er"ts $ro# a 1oo/%ealin( -ith li$e on the $rontier* several learners -ill as/

    to rea% the entire 1oo/ the#selves525 !urin( the -ee/ $ollo-in( the #usi lesson* the hil%ren

    -ill e)"ress the %esire to "artii"ate in a si#ilar #usialativit+5

    Fortunatel+* our teahers are so#e-hat $ree% $ro# $or#ulatin(the 1ehavioral o1.etives $or these %o#ains 1eause the%esri"tions o$ 1ehaviors that are e)"ete% $ro# the learnersare #ostl+ liste% in the Phili""ine Ele#entar+ Learnin(Co#"etenies PELC3 $or ever+ learnin( area an% (ra%e level in

    the ele#entar+ shool urriulu#5

    Ati!it, "-"

    Go over +our teahers lesson "lans an% ta/e note o$ the t+"eso$ o1.etives the+ have in their lessons5 !o +our teahers alsoinlu%e aetive an% "s+ho#otor o1.etives in their lessons*-henever a""lia1le Ma/e sure the+ %o5



  • 7/23/2019 Lesson 2-The Evaluation Process


    The $ollo-in( are "oints to re#e#1er in $or#ulatin( o1.etives#a+ 1e use$ul as +ou "rovi%e tehnial assistane to +ourteahers:

    >5 A (oo% instrutional o1.etive states learl+ -hat thelearners are su""ose% to learn5

    25 As the teaher -rites aetive o1.etives* the+ shoul% tr+to thin/ ho- the+ -oul% evaluate -hether or not the+have 1een ahieve%5

    5 Ps+ho#otor o1.etives shoul% 1e state% in a -a+ thatlearl+ $ouses on the learners a1ilit+ to %o so#ethin(5


    Most teahers thin/ that it is %iult to "re"are 1ehavioralo1.etives $or aetive an%=or "s+ho#otor outo#es5 !o +oua(ree -ith the# Dh+ Dh+ not


    A$ter $a#iliari0in( +oursel$ -ith the instrutional o1.etives+our teahers %eal -ith in their lessons* there is also the nee%to loo/ into the arra+ o$ assess#ent instru#ents=tools that are

    shoul% 1e %evelo"e%=onstrute%5

    Assessment #hase

    (dentif%in' and +evelopin' Appropriate Assessment3roced"res4.echni5"es

    To evaluate a 1roa% ran(e o$ learnin( o1.etives* a -i%e variet+ o$assess#ent tehni,ues an% "roe%ures #ust neessaril+ 1e use%5

    There$ore* it is i#"ortant that the shool hea% 1e $a#iliar -ith the#to e)ten% tehnial assistane to his=her teahers5

    The ;rst "art in this setion o$ the #o%ule %eals -ith so#ein$or#al assess#ent tehni,ues5 Eah e)a#"le -ill 1e $ollo-e%1+ su((estions=(ui%elines on ho- suh shoul% 1eonstrute%=%evelo"e%5

    3roced"reAssessment of*o'nitive 6ain

    Assessment ofAttit"de4al"e


    Assessment of$7ill

    +evelopmentGrou" Thin(s to note Thin(s to note: Thin(s to note:


  • 7/23/2019 Lesson 2-The Evaluation Process



    9o- -ell %o the

    learners use thea""ro"riate


    Are the essential


    Are the i#"ortant

    one"ts nee%in($urther stu%+

    Is the $atual

    1ase a%e,uate $orthe i%eas 1ein(%isusse%

    E)tent to

    -hih thelearnerse)"ress li/eor %isli/e o$

    a to"i Presene or

    a1sene o$o##entssu((estin(rais#*se)is#* or"re.u%ie

    E)tent o$

    O"enness to

    ne- i%eas Evi%ene o$


    A1ilit+ to


    A1ilit+ to use

    stan%ar%s inevaluatin(-or/

    Evi%ene o$1ein(in$or#e% onthe to"i


    !o the learners:

    tal/ -ith

    un%erstan%in(a1out the to"isun%er stu%+

    ite e)a#"les o$

    out4o$4shoola""liations o$i%eas stu%ie%

    "ro"ose ne-

    "lans o$ ation1ase% on the


    !o the Learners:


    res"et $orthe i%easan% $eelin(so$ others

    arr+ a $air

    share o$ the-or/loa%


    evi%ene o$res"onsi1le

    ha1its o$-or/

    !o the learners:

    use relevant

    s/illsin%e"en%entl+ -hen the+are nee%e%


    a""arent%e;ieniesin s/ills

    avoi% usin(


    an% nee%e%s/ills

    Che/list Use% to:

    in%iate #aster+*

    as on a "ass4$ail"er$or#ane5

    reor% s"ei;

    areas o$ stren(th

    or -ea/ness inthe /no-le%(e o$

    Use% to:


    o1servationo$ s"ei;1ehaviors o$learnerssuh asattitu%esto-ar%

    Use% to:

    evaluate the

    use o$s"ei; s/illssuh as(ivin( anoral re"ort*larit+ o$s"ea/in(* or


  • 7/23/2019 Lesson 2-The Evaluation Process


    a su1.et5

    re"ort learner

    "ro(ress* as inre"ort ar%s5


    use o$re$erenes35


    Use% to:

    e)a#ine learners

    orall+ -ho #a+not 1e a1le torea% or -rite5

    %isover evi%ene



    lari$+ the /in%s

    o$ assistanenee%e% 1+ thelearner5

    %isover the

    nature o$ thenee%e% orretive


    Use% to:


    s"ei;interest o$in%ivi%uallearnersli/es*%isli/es*"re$erre%

    ativities*1oo/s*to"is* et53

    Use% to:



    he/ the

    "ro;ien+o$ s/ill useon an



    Ite#s liste% un%erGrou" !isussion an%O1servation area""ro"riate here5

    Ite#s liste% un%erGrou" !isussionan% O1servationare a""ro"riatehere5

    Ite#s liste% un%erGrou" !isussionan% O1servationare a""ro"riatehere5


    Use% to:

    note ,ualitative

    %ierenes in alearners -or/

    "ro%uts overti#e a -rittenre"ort* 1oo/let*#a"* or alassroo# test3

    sho- a1ilit+ to

    a""l+* anal+0e* orsu##ari0e i%eas5

    Use% to:

    note (reater

    sensitivit+ toothers in

    -ritten -or/an% art-or/5


    inrease%onern $orneatness o$-or/Bonern $or"untualit+


    Use% to:



    in"ro;ien+in the use o$s"ei;s/ills5


    learnersa1ilit+ tostruture



  • 7/23/2019 Lesson 2-The Evaluation Process





    an% reativea1ilities5

    !iaries an%Lo(s

    Use% to:

    hel" the learners

    reall -hat has1een learne%5

    Use% to:

    re#in% the

    learners o$the (a"1et-eenintentionsan%


    Use% to:


    i#"rove#ent in s/ill useover ti#e5


    Use% to:


    un%erstan%in( o$one"ts*(enerali0ations*tren%s* an%in$or#ationalontent throu(hthe use o$ suh

    e)erises as the$ollo-in(:

    #athin( auses

    an% eets arran(in( events

    in or%er orarran(in( ste"s ina se,uenes5

    "rovi%in( reasons

    or e)"lanations$or events5

    su""l+in( a

    (enerali0ation1ase% on (iven$ats5

    Use% to:

    ;n% out

    a1out li/es*%isli/es*interests*an%"re$erenes$or ativitiesthrou(h the

    use o$ suhe)erise asthe$ollo-in(:

    $ro# a list*

    selet thethin(s +ouli/e 1est* li/eleast5

    Che/ -hat+ou li/e to%o %urin(+our $reeti#e5

    -rite en%s to

    un;nishe%stories that%eal -ithe#otions*"re.u%ie*


    Use% to:

    he/ the

    "ro;ien+o$ s/ill useor %ia(noses"ei;%iultiesthrou(h theuse o$

    e)erisesuh as the$ollo-in(:


    "laes on a#a"5

    Ma/in( an

    outline o$#aterial

    rea%* or;nishin( a"artiall+o#"lete%outline5

    Usin( an

    in%e) to ;n%in$or#ation5


  • 7/23/2019 Lesson 2-The Evaluation Process



    (nformal Assessment .echni5"esSa#"les o$ so#e o$ these assess#ent tehni,ues $ollo-:

    18 3rod"ct *hec7list 9annah an% Mihaels3:

    Line 6raph *hec7listAura+ o$ !ata:

    soure note%

    %ata liste%

    %ata he/e%

    A""ro"riateness o$ Sales:

    hori0ontal sale vertial sale

    For#at an% A""earane: line %ra-n neatl+

    title% "rinte% learl+

    soure o$ %ata (iven

    28 Ratin' $cale


    >5 Initiates I%eas:

    Al-a+s -aits Oasionall+ Al-a+s rea%+$orothers to oers i%eas to oer i%easoer i%eas


    25 Partii"ates in %isussions:

    uiet* %oesnt Oasionall+ S"ea/soutontri1ute ontri1utes




  • 7/23/2019 Lesson 2-The Evaluation Process


    5 'ou #a+ inlu%e sales $or other ite#s suh as:o##ents are

    "ertinent to to"i* oers %ata to su""ort "osition*su""orts i%eas

    o$ others53

    ec-list an% rating scales are hel"$ul (ui%es to o1servin(learners "er$or#ane %urin( ativities an% also in thee)a#ination o$ "ro%uts=out"uts the+ have #a%e5 These arealso use$ul in learners sel$4evaluation5

    In a cec-list,a 1lan/ s"ae is "rovi%e% $or si#"l+ he/in( o

    eah 1ehavior or harateristi -hen suh is %e#onstrate%5

    %ating scales#a+ 1e in the $or# sho-n a1ove or so#eti#esnu#erals are "rovi%e% e5(5* >*2** et53 to "rovi%e the teaherthe 1ehavior* "ro%ut or harateristi* or a1out the e)tent or$re,uen+ that eah ite# ours or is "resent5

    98 Anecdotal Records

    Na#e: Teresa Planas Plae: Classroo# !ate: Nov5 >

    Incident+ I alle% on Teresa to ans-er ,uestions -hih I -asertain she oul% ans-er5 She .ust loo/e% %o-n an% #u#1le%so#ethin( a1out not /no-in( the ans-er5 I later $oun% out thatshe %i% /no- the ans-er5 She solve% t-o #ath "ro1le#sorretl+5 Dhen I as/e% her "rivatel+* she (ave #e the ri(htans-ers to other si#ilar "ro1le#s5

    Interpretation+ Teresa is ne- to the lass an% %oes not see#

    sure o$ hersel$5 I nee% to have a "rivate on$erene -ith an%(et her involve% in s#all (rou" -or/5

    Ane%otal reor%s are use$ul in (atherin( in$or#ation $ro#o1servation o$ in%ivi%ual learners5 A %esri"tion o$ the learners1ehavior has to 1e reor%e%5 Suh $atual %esri"tion shoul%inlu%e "ositive an%=or ne(ative 1ehavior5 These reor%s are-ritten on se"arate ar%s or sheets5


  • 7/23/2019 Lesson 2-The Evaluation Process


    The $ollo-in( (ui%elines in -ritin( ane%otal reor%s are use$ulto +our teahers* as -ell as to +ou as +ou assist the# in"re"arin( these:

    >5 !ei%e in a%vane -hat to o1serveB he/ o1.etives $or thelearner to 1e o1serve%5

    25 Reor% s"ei; 1ehavior or ation as soon as "ossi1le a$terthe o1servation5

    5 Reor% several s"ei; ane%otes over a "erio% o$ ti#e to(et %ata on han(e=s* i$ there are an+5

    75 Drite $atual %esri"tive in$or#ation a1out a sin(le s"ei;ini%ent5

    @5 Drite the inter"retation an% su((este% ne)t ste"s in ase"arate setion5

    :8 Q"estionnaires

    ;)W +) *E A*.((.(E$

    9o- %o +ou $eel a1out +our ativities in Siene Enirle +ourans-er5

    a5 I $eel $ree to #a/e su((estions $or e)"eri#ents5

    Al-a+s So#eti#es !e"en%s Sel%o# Never

    15 I li/e to -or/ in s#all (rou"s on "ro.ets5

    Ver+ #uh uite a 1it So#e A little Not atall

    5 I (et a lot o$ (oo% i%eas $ro# siene lessons5

    Stron(l+ A(ree A(ree Un%ei%e% !isa(ree

    Stron(l+ !isa(ree

    %5 Et5

    W;(*; .)3(*$ +)

  • 7/23/2019 Lesson 2-The Evaluation Process


    >5 Livin( on a $ar#

    25 Livin( in other lan%s

    5 9o- "ioneers live%

    75 Inventors an% inventions

    @5 S"ae i(hts

    5 9o- to #a/e thin(s

    5 List other to"is +ou li/e to rea% a1out5

    uestionnaires are %esi(ne% to surve+ learners (eneralinterests an% attitu%es5 In$or#ation (enerate% $ro# the# anhel" the teaher "lan ativities* to"i* in%ivi%ual assi(n#ents*

    et5 relate% to their learners interests5


    Reall -ho a#on( +our teahers are usin( these toolsa""ro"riatel+ an% orretl+ Ma+1e +ou an hel" the#5


    For the #eanti#e* rea% on $or the $or#al assess#entinstru#ents=tools5

    &ormal Assessment .echni5"es18 "ltiple-*hoice (tems8These are* 1+ $ar* the #ost

    -i%el+ use% ite# t+"e5 The+ are a""ro"riate $or#easurin( an e)e"tionall+ -i%e arra+ o$ #ental"roesses an% an 1e eetivel+ use% -ith varie% su1.et#atter5


  • 7/23/2019 Lesson 2-The Evaluation Process


    T-o #a.or "arts o$ a #ulti"le4hoie ite#: the steman% theoptions8

    Thestemis the "art -here the ,uestion is as/e% or the tas/is set5 The )ptions others all these coices oralternatives3 #a+ 1e three or #ore5 One o$ these* the 7e%response! is the ri(ht ans-er5 The others are alle%distracters! deco%s or foils8 These tr+ to ena1le alllearners to ;n% the 1est or ri(ht ans-ers5

    Manner o$ "hrasin( so#e #ulti"le4hoie ite#s:

    as questions* -here the ste# is a o#"lete ,uestion

    en%in( -ith a ,uestion #ar/5

    as incomplete sentences5 Eah o"tion is a -a+ too#"lete the sentene5

    There$ore* eah o"tion #ust not 1e a"itali0e% an% #usten% -ith a "erio%5

    So#e test %evelo"ers %esi(nate o"tions usin( nu#erals*a"ital letters or lo-er4ase letters5 An+ st+le is ae"ta1leBho-ever* there shoul% 1e onsisten+ in ter#s o$ st+le inthe -hole test5


    6ome uidelines in onstructing 7ultiple oice 8est ItemsOrion%o an% Antonio3

    a5 The #ain ste# o$ the test ite# #a+ 1e onstrute% in,uestion

    $ro#* o#"letion $or# or %iretion or#5

    /xample+uestion For#

    Dhih is the sa#e as one hun%re% sevent+4;ve

    a5 515 %5

    Co#"letion For#


  • 7/23/2019 Lesson 2-The Evaluation Process


    One hun%re% is the sa#e as

    a5 515 %5

    !iretion For#

    A%%: J @

    a5 515 %5

    15 The #ain ste# shoul% 1e lear5 Avoi% a-/-ar% ste#s5

    /xample+An A-/-ar% Ste#: 8I$ there are 6 hairs in the lassroo# an%> hil%ren in the lass* the lassroo# la/s ho- #an+hairsJ

  • 7/23/2019 Lesson 2-The Evaluation Process


    a5 15 5 an% 2=

    I#"rove% Ite#:

    9o- #an+ >? entavos are in one "eso

    a5 15 J 5 >?

    e5 Eah ,uestion shoul% have onl+ one ans-er* not several"ossi1le


    Va(ue Ite#:

    Dhat are the %ierenes 1et-een inverte1rates an%verte1rates There are #an+ %ierenes 1et-een the#:aor%in( to struture* et53

    I#"rove% Ite#:

    Ani#als -ith 1a/1ones are verte1rates5

    Dhih ani#als is an inverte1rates5

    a5 %o( 5 li0ar%15 sna/e %5 o/roah


    9ave +our teahers 1een usin( #ulti"le4hoie tests !o the+$ollo- the (ui%elines Dhih ones -ere not $ollo-e% Dhat %o+ou inten% to %o a1out this


    Let us #ove on to the ne)t ite# t+"e* the 3lternate9response


    28 Alternate-Response .est (tems8These ite#s e5(5*8rue9:alse or ;es9.o3 are ,uite o##on a#on( teahers1eause the+ are easil+ "re"are%5



  • 7/23/2019 Lesson 2-The Evaluation Process


    !iretions: Drite T i$ the state#ent is true5 Drite F i$ its not true5

    >5 All ;sh live in -ater25 Pen(uins live in the %esert55 So#e 1ir%s 1uil% their nests on the


    9o-ever* +ou #ust have learne% that the+ test onl+ lo-4level thin/in( s/illsB hene* these shoul% 1e use% s"arin(l+5

    I$ there is reall+ a nee% to %o so* +our teahers have to 1ea-are o$ so#e i#"ortant (ui%elines li/e the $ollo-in(:

    So#e Gui%elines in Construtin( Alternative4Res"onse Ite#sa3 Avoi% s"ei; %eter#iners e5(5* 8all

  • 7/23/2019 Lesson 2-The Evaluation Process



    uidelines in onstructing ompletion Itemsa3 Avoi% in%e;nite state#ents5


    Poor: An%res &oni$aio -as 1orn in 5I#"rove%: An%res &oni$aio -as 1orn in the +ear 5

    13 O#it /e+ -or%s an% "hrases* rather than trivial %etails5


    Poor: Hose Ri0al -as 1orn on Hune * >J>5I#"rove%: Hose Ri0al -as 1orn on 5

    3 Ma/e the 1lan/s o$ uni$or# len(th5%3 Avoi% (ra##atial lues to the orret ans-er5e3 The re,uire% res"onse shoul% 1e a sin(le -or% or a 1rie$


    $3 Pre"are a sorin( /e+ that ontains all ae"ta1leans-ers5

    (3 Allo- one "oint $or eah orretl+ ;lle% 1lan/5


    Reall -ho a#on( +our teahers al-a+s use o#"letion ite#s5!o the+ #eet the (ui%elines +ou have .ust stu%ie% Ta/e noteo$ those -ho nee% assistane5


    Another /in% o$ test is the 7atcing t!pe5 Rea% on to 1e a1le tohel" +our teahers orretl+ %esi(n #ore eetive ones5

    :8 atchin' .est (tems8These are use$ul in assessin(learners a1ilit+ to assoiate ele#ents* i%enti$+ relationshi"s*

    an% i%enti$+ "airs that (o to(ether5 These test ite#s our in


  • 7/23/2019 Lesson 2-The Evaluation Process


    luster o#"ose% o$ a list o$ premises* a list o$ responses*an%direction $or matcing the t-o5

    A -i%e variet+ o$ "re#ise4res"onse o#1inations an 1e use%as the 1asi $or #athin( test ite#s: dates and events( termsand de&nations( writers and quotations( quantities andormula, etc#A5

    !iretions: Math the ativities -ith their seasons 1+ %ra-in( aline 1et-een the ones that (o to(ether5

    a3 rain+ arolin(13 su##er (oin( to the 1eah

    3 Christ#as usin( rainoat

    &5A !iretion: Math the $ollo-in( "re;)es -ith their

    #eanin(s 1+ "lain( the a""ro"riate letter $ro# olu#n ,1esi%e the ter# in olu#n A8Eah hoie #a+ 1e use% one*#ore than one* or not at all5

    A &

    >5 1i4 a3 a(ain

    25 %is4 13 a"art 5 "re4 3 1e$ore

    75 re4 %3 not @5 un e3 t-o

    $3 three(3 a-a+ $ro#

    Rules 0o$ Const$utin( Mathin( Test Itemsa3 Choose ho#o(enous "re#ises an% res"onses $or an+

    #athin( luster513 Ma/e the lists o$ "re#ises an% res"onses relativel+ short53 Provi%e %iretions that learl+ e)"lain the inten%e% 1asis

    $or #athin(5%3 Arran(in( res"onses or "re#ises or 1oth in al"ha1etial

    or%er* usuall+ "revents (ivea-a+ lues that an our inite# -ritin(5

    e3 It the res"onses are nu#erial ,uantities* arran(e the#in or%er $ro# lo- to hi(h5

    $3 Use the lon(er "hrases as "re#ises* the shorter ones as



  • 7/23/2019 Lesson 2-The Evaluation Process



    !o +ou thin/ +our teaher -ill ;n% %iult+ onstrutin(#athin( test ite#s Let us not5 No- that +ou have 1een

    e)"ose% to the relevant (ui%elines* +ou -ill 1e a1le to hel"those -ho ;n% %iult+5 'our shool41ase% in4servie trainin(s5

    @8 Essa% .est (tems8 Essa+ ite#s are use$ul in assessin(hi(her4level o1.etives that involve suh "roesses asanal+0in(* s+nthesi0in(* "re%itin(* an% evaluatin(5Learners o#"etene in e)"ressin( an% or(ani0in( events*interrelatin( auses an% eets* an% other hi(h4levelo(nitive o"erations an 1e a""raise%5


    Variations on the essa+ ,uestion inlu%e ta/e4ho#e tests*usin( a o#"osition suh as a "oe# or .ournal artile3 as asti#ulus $or an evaluation essa+* a 1oo/ revie-* or a ter# "a"er5So#e sa#"les are sho-n 1elo-5

    Sa#"le A5 !iretions: E)"lain in one "a(e the ste"s +ou -oul% ta/e to

    %e#onstrate to the lass t-o "rini"les o$ eletro#a(netiin%ution5 Inlu%e the a""aratus that -ill 1e re,uire% an% note ho- it-ill 1e use%5 !iretions: Co#"are an% ontrast t-o "ro"osals $oreli#ination o$

    -ater "ollution5 Inlu%e ste"s to 1e ta/en* ost* an% ti#ere,uire% Ne)t* selet the "ro"osal +ou "re$er an% list the reasons $or

    +our hoie5

    To assist +our teahers in "re"arin( eetive essa+ test ite#s*the+ shoul% onsi%er the $ollo-in(:

    eneral onsiderations in =reparing ood /ssa! 8estsa3 Give a%e,uate ti#e an% thou(ht to the "re"aration o$

    essa+ ,uestions5

    13 The ,uestion shoul% 1e -ritten so that it -ill eliit thet+"e o$ 1ehavior +ou -ant to #easure5


  • 7/23/2019 Lesson 2-The Evaluation Process


    3 !ei%e in a%vane -hat $ators -ill 1e onsi%ere% inevaluatin( an essa+ res"onse5

    %3 A%a"t the len(th o$ the res"onses an% the o#"le)it+ o$the ,uestions an% ans-er to the #aturit+ o$ the learner5

    e3 Pre"are a sorin( /e+5 Ru1ris -ill 1e ver+ use$ul5

    3ctivit! 2#>

    !isuss -ith +our teahers -hen an% ho- o$ten the+ use essa+tests in testin( their learners5 Soliit their reations as to the%iulties #et an% ho- ans-ers are sore%5

    Ta/e note o$ these in +our .ournal5

    8 3erformance .ests8 In #an+ situations* teahers are #oreintereste% in a learners a1ilit+ to %e#onstrate his=her s/illto ans-er -ritten ,uestions5 For #an+ t+"es o$ "er$or#anetas/s* the learner atuall+perorms-ith /no-le%(e* ratherthan #erel+ reallin( or reo(ni0in( it5

    E)a#"les: (ivin( an e)te#"oraneous s"eeh* on%utin( anintervie-* "aintin( a sene in -aterolor* t+"in( 7? -or%s "er#inute* se-in( an a"ron* settin( the ta1le* et5 In eah o$these e)a#"les* the learner #ust %e#onstrate his=her a1ilit+

    1+ atual "er$or#aneB hene* the la1el 8"er$or#ane test55 #ulti"le4hoie tests25 alternative res"onse5 o#"letion75 #athin(@5 essa+5 "er$or#ane5 ru1ris

    !5 &rie+ ans-er the $ollo-in( in +our .ournal:

    >5 Dh+ %o -e evaluate25 Dhat are the ste"s involve% in the evaluation "roess5 Dhat #a+ 1e inlu%e% in their learners "ort$olios

    75 9o- an +our teahers re"ort their learners "ro(ressto "arents usin( "ort$olios

    @5 9o- -oul% +ou %esri1e the evaluation "roess an%its "hases

    9ave +ou ans-ere% all the ,uestions Che/ +our ans-ersa(ainst he3nswer @e! on the "a(es that $ollo-5 !o not -orr+ i$+ou #a%e so#e #ista/esB Hust (o over that lesson or setion+ou thin/ +ou have to #aster5

    AnsBer e%

    uestions to Ans-er


  • 7/23/2019 Lesson 2-The Evaluation Process


    >5 Dh+ %o -e evaluate

    To /no- a1out eah "u"il in or%er to %iret "ro(ress

    an% in or%er to "lae her=hi# in "ro"er (rou"in(s-ithin the lass so that %esira1le soial (ro-th an

    1e #a%e5 To (ather aurate in$or#ation "ertainin( to the

    total ahieve#ent o$ "u"ils in shool in or%er tohel" in the inter"retation o$ shool ahieve#ent tothe shool "u1lis5

    To (ather in$or#ation a1out "u"ils "er$or#ane as

    1asis $or %eision #a/in( on the i#"rove#ent o$the teahin(4learnin( "roess5

    To #onitor "u"ils "ro(ress

    To #easure the en% result o$ instrution

    25 Dhat are the ste"s in the evaluation "roess

    For#ulation o$ o1.etives

    I%enti;ation o$ #etho%olo(+ an% tools=instru#ents

    Anal+sis o$ %ata

    Inter"retation o$ %ata

    Utili0ation o$ results

    What ;ave

  • 7/23/2019 Lesson 2-The Evaluation Process


    @5 Alternative assess#ent is use% to %enote an alternativeto stan%ar% assess#ent tehni,ues or tra%itional $or# o$assess#ent5 Authenti assess#ent has to %o -ithassess#ent ativities that are entere% aroun%so#ethin( #eanin($ul to the hil%5

    &5 !esri1e the $ollo-in(:>5 Multi"le4Choie test onsists o$ a ste# an% alternatives or

    o"tions5 It an #easure a variet+ o$ learnin( outo#esan% is a""lia1le to al#ost all su1.et #atter ontent5

    25 Port$olio is a olletion o$ in$or#ation or sa#"les o$stu%ent -or/ in one or #ore areas to (ive a 1roa%er vie-o$ his ahieve#ent5

    5 Ru1ris are sorin( (ui%es use% to evaluate a stu%ents

    "er$or#ane 1ase% on the su# o$ a $ull ran(e o$ riteriarather than a sin(le nu#erial sore575 Per$or#ane assess#ent uses a "ro1le# or ,uestion that

    re,uires stu%ent to onstrut res"onses* %evisestrate(ies* or(ani0e %ata* an% .usti$+ ans-ers5

    C5 Gui%elines in Construtin( the $ollo-in(:>5 Multi"le4hoie Tests

    The #ain ste# o$ the test ite# #a+ 1e onstrute% in

    ,uestion $or#* o#"letion $or# or %iretion $or#5

    The #ain ste# shoul% 1e lear5 Avoi% a-/-ar% ste#s5 uestions that ta" onl+ rote learnin( an% #e#or+

    shoul% 1e avoi%e%5

    uestions shoul% ta" onl+ one a1ilit+5

    Eah ,uestion shoul% have onl+ one ans-er* not

    several "ossi1le ans-ers5

    25 Alternative Res"onse

    Avoi% s"ei; %eter#iners e5(5* 8all

  • 7/23/2019 Lesson 2-The Evaluation Process


    5 Co#"letion

    Avoi% in%e;nite state#ents5

    O#it /e+ -or%s an% "hrase* rather than trivial %etails5

    Ma/e the 1lan/s o$ uni$or# len(th5

    Avoi% (ra##atial lues to the orret ans-er5 The re,uire% res"onse shoul% 1e a sin(le -or% or a

    1rie$ "hrase5

    Pre"are a sorin( /e+ that ontains all ae"ta1le


    Allo- one "oint $or eah orretl+ ;lle% 1lan/5

    75 Mathin(

    Choose ho#o(enous "re#ises an% res"onses $or an+

    #athin( luster5 Ma/e the lists o$ "re#ises an% res"onses relativel+


    Provi%e %iretions that learl+ e)"lain the inten%e%

    1asis $or #athin(5

    Arran(in( res"onses or "re#ises or 1oth in

    al"ha1etial or%er* usuall+ "revents (ivea-a+ luesthat an our in ite# -ritin(5

    I$ the res"onses are nu#erial ,uantities* arran(e

    the# in or%er $ro# lo- to hi(h5

    Use the lon(er "hrases as "re#ises* the shorter onesas res"onses5

    @5 Essa+

    Give a%e,uate ti#e an% thou(ht to the "re"aration o$

    essa+ ,uestions5

    The ,uestion shoul% 1e -ritten so that it -ill eliit the

    t+"e o$ 1ehavior +ou -ant to #easure5

    !ei%e in a%vane -hat $ators -ill 1e onsi%ere% in

    evaluatin( an% essa+ res"onse5 A%a"t the len(th o$ the res"onses an% the o#"le)it+

    o$ the ,uestions an% ans-er to the #aturit+ o$ thelearner5

    Pre"are a sorin( /e+5 Ru1ris -ill 1e ver+ use$ul

    5 Per$or#ane

    Dhen "re"arin( "er$or#ane ite#s* 1asiall+ onl+ one

    #a.or (ui%eline shoul% 1e $ollo-e% &ro-n3: The tas/

    #ust 1e struture% so that the learners /no- e)atl+-hat the+ are to %o an% un%er -hat on%itions5


  • 7/23/2019 Lesson 2-The Evaluation Process


    !5 Ans-er to the uestions5

    >5 Dh+ %o -e evaluate

    To /no- a1out eah "u"il in or%er to %iret "ro(ressan% in or%er to "lae her=hi# in "ro"er (rou"in(s-ithin the lass so that %esira1le soial (ro-th an1e #a%e5

    To (ather aurate in$or#ation "ertainin( to the

    total ahieve#ent o$ "u"ils in shool in or%er tohel" in the inter"retation o$ shool ahieve#ent tothe shool "u1lis5

    To (ather in$or#ation a1out "u"ils "er$or#ane as

    1asis $or %eision #a/in( on the i#"rove#ent o$

    the teahin(4learnin( "roess5 To #onitor "u"ils "ro(ress

    To #easure the en% result o$ instrution

    25 Dhat are the ste"s in the evaluation "roess

    For#ulation o$ o1.etives

    I%enti;ation o$ #etho%olo(+ an% tools=instru#ents

    Gatherin( o$ %ata

    Anal+sis o$ %ata

    Inter"retation o$ %ata Utili0ation o$ results

    5 Dhat are inlu%e% in the learners "ort$olio Re$er to "a(e6

    75 9o- an +our teahers re"ort their learners "ro(ress to"arents usin( "ort$olios Re$er to "a(e 7@

    @5 9o- -oul% +ou %esri1e the evaluation "roess an% its"hases Re$er to "a(es >4>7
