LES PRONOMS RELATIFS who, whom, which, whose, · PDF fileLES PRONOMS RELATIFS who, whom,...


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who, whom, which, whose, where, when. . Who (qui) l'antécédent est une personne sujet

The man who drives that car is my neighbour Which (qui) l'antécédent est une chose sujet

The car which is red is mine Whom (que) l'antécédent est une chose complément

The guy whom I have given my keys is my son. Whose (dont) Lorsque le pronom relatif établit un lien d'appartenance

The man whose wife is next to you is a policeman. Where (où) lorsque l'antécédent est un lieu.

The town where I live is very green. When (quand) lorsque l'antécédent est une date, une période ou l'expression d'une durée.

He was born on the day when we landed on the moon That

lorsque son antécédent est une personne ou une chose It was the first country that won the Olympic games The man that leaves next door is a doctor

L'antécédent est le mot que le pronom relatif remplace Quelques particularités :

1. Parfois Who/that/which sont utilisés comme compléments : The woman who I wanted to see was on holiday Have you found the keys that you lost ? Dans ce cas, ils peuvent être sous-entendus : The woman I wanted to see was on holiday Have you found the keys you lost ?

2. Des expressions à retenir : Avec “the day/the year/the time (that)”

Do you remember the day (that) we went to the zoo ? The last time (that) I saw her, she looked fine I haven’t seen them since the year (that) they got married Avec “the reason (that/why)” The reason (that/why) I’m phoning you

3. Les pronoms relatifs utilisés avec des prépositions : Avec to whom , with whom, about which, without which Mr. Lee, to whom I spoke at the meeting, is very interested in our proposal. Fortunately we had a map, without which we would have got lost. Exercices

Pronoms interrogatifs

Who (qui), Whom (qui) Whose (à qui ?)

Interroge sur des personnes Who works with you ? So, if Barry won the race, who(m) did he have to beat?

Whose coat is this? It’s Joan’s. Which (qui) Interroge sur des personnes et des choses*

Which postcard do you prefer ? What (que, quoi, qu’est-ce que)

Interroge sur des choses, sur des actions* What is it ? What are they doing ? What colour is your scarf ?

When (quand) Interroge sur une date When will you go to Manchester ?

Where (où) Interroge sur un lieu Where does she live ?

Why (pourquoi) Interroge sur une cause, sur une raison Why are the boys crying ?

How (comment) Interroge sur une manière, un moyen How are you ?

How old Interroge sur l’âge How old is your son?

How tall Interroge sur la taille How tall are you?

How much (+ singulier) Interroge sur une quantité ou un prix

How much sugar do you take in your tea? (quantité) How much is that doggie in the window? (prix)

How many (+ pluriel) Interroge sur une quantité How many children do you have?

How long Interroge sur une longueur, sur une durée How long is your car? How long will we have to wait for the bus?

How far Interroge sur une distance How far is the moon?

How fast Interroge sur la vitesse How fast is this rocket?

How deep Interroge sur une profondeur How deep is this swimming pool?

How often Interroge sur la fréquence How often do you wash your car?

*On utilise WHICH lorsque le choix est limité, sinon c'est WHAT. Par exemple :

what What kind of music do you like? What paper does your father read?

which Which of these dresses do you prefer? Which train did Sonia catch?

Lorsque WHO, WHAT et WHICH sont sujets on n'emploie pas l'auxiliaire do.

sujet complément

who Who stole your car? Who did he kiss? (sujet he)

what What makes you happy? What do you eat? (sujet you)

which Which guest arrived first? Which languages does she speak? (sujet she)

Pronoms interrogatifs et prépositions Le pronom est seul en tête de phrase, la préposition est placée à la fin de la phrase (en français la préposition précède le pronom qu'elle complète)

who....with avec qui? Who do you work with? Avec qui travailles-tu?

who....to à qui? Who are you talking to? A qui parles-tu?

who....at Who are you looking at? Qui regardes-tu?

who...about de qui? Who are you talking about? De qui parles-tu?

what....at What are you looking at? Que regardes-tu?

what....for pourquoi?(but) What did you buy it for? Dans quel but l'as-tu acheté?

what....like description What is the film like? Comment as-tu trouvé le film?

what....about de quoi? What are you talking about? De quoi parlez-vous?

where....from d'où? Where do you come from? D'où viens-tu?

which....in dans quel? Which country do you live in? Dans quel pays habites-tu?

Exercices : Complétez les phrases en utilisant le bon pronom interrogatif

1) __________________ kind of magic potion is she making? Which What Why 2) __________________ can I park my car? Over there. Where When Why

3) __________________ will you mail that parcel? After lunch. When Where Why

4) ____________ car is the red one across the street? It's my neighbour's. Why Whose What

5) __________________ I went out with my sister. Who did you go out with? With who did you go out? Who did you went out with?

6) __________________ did you do that? Because I wanted to.

Where When Why

7) __________________ way shall I go? to the left or to the right ? Why Which What

8) __________________ I'm thinking about moving. What you thinking about? About what you are thinking? What are you thinking about?

9) __________________ will cook dinner tonight? What Who Where

10) __________________ I am looking for the bus to London. For what do you look? What are you looking for? For what are looking?

HOW …..?

1. I'd like to buy this flying saucer. _____________________________ does it cost?

2. _____________________________ does it take to go to the beach?

3. Hello Samantha, _____________________________ did your exams go?

4. _____________________________ does Tom play baseball? -He plays on Wednesdays and sometimes on Saturdays.

5. _____________________________ milligrams are there in a gram? 1 gram = 1 000 milligrams.

6. _____________________________ is your swimming pool ?

7. _____________________________ is it to the North Pole? I'd like to meet Santa


8. __________________are the pyramids?- It is accepted that they were built 4,000 years ago.

9. _______________________ does the sound travel? The speed of the sound in the

air is approximately 340 m per second.

10. _____________________________ is a python? The reticulated python holds the world's record for length of a snake: 9 m

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