Learning from the ‘KCND’ communications campaign Ann Kerr, Team Head Kenny McDonald,...


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Learning from the ‘KCND’ communications campaign

Ann Kerr, Team HeadKenny McDonald, Communications Manager

Ali MacDonald, Health Improvement Programme Manager

NHS Health Scotland

What the campaign was trying to doHow the evaluation assessed the campaignFindingsImplications for the new HEAT target


Aims of campaign

The campaign supported the Keeping Childbirth Natural and Dynamic (KCND) programme. It ran in 3 phases from winter 2009 through to spring 2011.The activity aimed to raise awareness of the changes among both those supporting the delivery of care and people using services in order to enhance uptake.This evaluation followed pre-testing and aimed to assess what was understood by the key messages, was it successful in reaching target groups, and how was the information used and acted upon.

Evaluation methodology and sample;1. Public

• Face-to-face interviews with: Pregnant women; Women with a new baby; Socio-demographic ABC1C2DE; Aged 16–45; Urban and rural locations (3 HB areas) Including BME and hard to reach groups.

• Mini groups: Pre-family women of child-bearing age; Family women of child-bearing age (with children 1-3


• Depth interviews: community pharmacists; sexual health staff.

• Mini groups: GP practice managers; GP practice receptionists.

Evaluation methodology and sample2: Professional ‘Gatekeepers’

The majority of women in the sample undertaking pregnancy testing at home, purchased mainly in supermarkets or Pound Shops (C2DE teenage/younger women), with some in pharmacies.

Most sought ‘official’ confirmation from GP.

A few had confirmed their pregnancy via a pharmacist, sexual health clinic or GP in the first instance.

How do women find out they are pregnant?

What do women know about contacting services?

There was little awareness:

• That confirmation of pregnancy by GP not necessary• Of the benefit or existence of the new pathway• About the role of the midwife• When to make initial contact with health services

General perception that ‘nothing happens before scan’ (in context of midwife interaction).

Women in specific groups

Who to contact is strongly patterned by age, ethnicity and deprivation:

Young women & lower socio-economic groups - check out with peers and family

Older/more affluent women- GP Gypsy travellers- NHS 24/GP Chinese community-GP South Asian-midwife accepted

• Driven by word of mouth • Choice of who and who to contact also affected by past

experience and peer/family information • Health professionals and gatekeepers in primary care

are key• Some indication that, when seen, the campaign added

weight to peer reports of the pathway• General feeling that it is important to involve GP

What is behind choice of contact?

Campaign awareness- public

Awareness when prompted Message only relevant to women in early

pregnancy Message interpreted as ‘tell a

midwife/doctor/someone if you’re pregnant’

• Benefits of early access not understood by all

• Widely viewed as a secondary message

• Often seen simply as a gentle means of encouragement rather than an important component of antenatal care

Impact on knowledge- getting in early

• Some assumed it meant as soon as you know;

• Others assuming 10-11 weeks into the pregnancy (just prior to the first scan taking place);

• Some simply reading as ‘sooner rather than later’.

What does ‘Get in early’ mean?

• Recall mainly limited to the public facing elements

• Most of the GP practice gatekeepers in Grampian and Lanarkshire recalled receipt of the posters and ‘credit cards’

• Recall of this campaign in Lothian was unclear (awareness related primarily to the materials produced by NHS Lothian)

Campaign awareness:Practice managers and receptionists

• Not aware of the changes to antenatal access• Still automatically referring to GP (practice),

believing practice receptionists will signpost• Some awareness of variation in first point of

contact - not attributable to a change in pathway• Assumption being this is focused on individual

need or local protocols

Campaign awareness: Community pharmacists and sexual health staff and nurses

Across all of the gatekeeper and professional sample, only one individual recalled the information pack:

• No practice managers or receptionists remembered receiving the briefing note;

• Majority felt it would have been very valuable.

Campaign awareness: Professionals

“We get lots of information that comes in

that kind of format.”Practice manager, Lanarkshire

“It just looks like one of those letters you’re always getting; you know, ‘dear colleague…’. Immediately it’s not a letter to you, it’s a general circular letter. If you’ve got time you’ll read it, but most of the time you skim to see whether there’s something you need to do…”Practice manager, Lothian

Campaign awareness : professionals

Implications for HEAT

Women’s pathways to care are complex and socially patterned

There is a very narrow timeframe to get the message across to women

The benefits of ‘getting in early’ are not clearly understood

Health professionals and their ‘gatekeepers’ are critical in providing this information

Professional communication is enhanced by back up resources

Mass media (posters etc) are not the best way to get the message across

Critical role of GP needs to be recognised

Methods of communicating information to ‘gatekeepers’ need to be tested

Key messages about the benefits of ‘getting in early’ for the public need to be explored and tested

Ways of getting the messages across in a range of communities need to be developed

Implications for HEAT

Next Steps at Health Scotland

Health Scotland will be developing social marketing approaches for the new targetPlease get in touch if you would like to be involved in planning this, or in any testing or pilot work

Contacts: www.healthscotland.com ann.kerr1@nhs.net ali.macdonald1@nhs.net kennymcdonald@nhs.net

Any questions?
