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learn How to Design Your

Personal storY

To Attract Your Dream Customers

In Today’s Exercises Below You Are Going To

Copyright 2015 Ted McGrath Brands, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Contact Us: 323-577-4712 or support@tedmcgrathbrands.com CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE VIDEO BELONGING TO THIS PDF!


extract your # 1 liFe lessonand Message From your story so you can get paid to coach, train, and teach others Your story is going to help you uncover your UNIQUE message in the

marketplace so you stand out- and you can use this story and message in

all your marketing and all your client meetings, whether it’s one-on-one, on

video, on teleseminars and webinars, or from the stage if you’re a speaker.

This is about getting paid TOP DOLLAR for that advice because of your life

story (yes hundreds of my own clients are already doing this. it’s a real


Position 6 different kinds of stories in Your Presentations to

DOUBLE your sales

tHeres a new KinD oF CeleBritY in tHe worlD toDaY... You!

You have A LIfe Story To TellYou Have Life Lessons To Teachand You Have A Message To Spreadand Because of it…..

You Can Become The New Celebrity and BUILD A CELEBRITY BRAND

that earns you multiple streams of income, Coaching, Training, and Teaching


Copyright 2015 Ted McGrath Brands, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Contact Us: 323-577-4712 or support@tedmcgrathbrands.com CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE VIDEO BELONGING TO THIS PDF!


all while making an impactMy goal in this video training series, is to pull your life story, your life

lessons, and your message out of you so you can earn multiple income

streams teaching, coaching, and impacting others, so youre going to want to

pay close attention and watch the entire video series.

The New Celebrity is the coach that wants to change lives, The Speaker that

wants to share his voice with the world, The Author that wants to make an

impact bigger than a book, The Internet Marketer that wants to make a

difference with his gifts, The Service Based Business Owner that's tired of

not getting paid what hes worth, and The Artists/Entertainer that wants a

real career helping others.

real Celebrities change livesEveryones waiting for the next MLK, ghandi, mother theresa- they had life

lessons to teach; they had a message, and they had a story... But the new

difference makers are US.

The New Celebrity starts with youYou helping yourself and the person next to you…when i opened this video

you heard me say Ted Mcgrath with Message 2 Millions, well the only way to

get your message to millions is to start by helping the person next to you,

then your partner, your family, your social groups, your corporations, and

the planet

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How to Design Your Personal story to attract Droves of Customers

Every Story has a Hero’s Journey. Without a hero’s journey there is no story

and you will never attract droves of customers to your business.

This is when the character gets called into The Journey. In the movie

Braveheart, William Wallace is called to settle down and become a farmer

and live in peace because his father and family was brutally killed.

What’s your Call?

Content piece # 1

there are 4 key components to a story:

the Call

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The Pit is where the character faces adversity for the first time and goes into

the depths of his problems and we are concerned that the character will

never get out of the pit. Without the pit, the story sucks and no one wants

to watch it. In Braveheart, William Wallace’s wife is killed to get revenge on

him, and then he begins to go on a rampage to kill the English Soldiers and

fight for the revenge of his wife’s death and his country’s freedom.

What’s Your Pit?

the Pit

The Pit creates Vulnerability and Vulnerability is power. The biggest mistake

people make is sharing their credibility and not the vulnerability of their pit.

Your customers will think you are a pompous ass if you aren’t authentic.

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Copyright 2015 Ted McGrath Brands, LLC. All Rightts Reserved.Contact Us: 323-577-4712 or support@tedmcgrathbrands.comCLICK HERE TO VIEW THE VIDEO BELONGING TO THIS PDF!

Copyright 2015 Ted McGrath Brands, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Contact Us: 323-577-4712 or support@tedmcgrathbrands.com CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE VIDEO BELONGING TO THIS PDF!


There has to be a search for the answers or the results. Without a search

and suspense of whether the character will get out of the pit, we are bored.

In Braveheart, he fights battle after battle and searches for freedom and

tries to get the nobles on his side. One day will he and his country get their

freedom? this is the question and suspense of the movie.

This search is to show your customer that you have been on a search for the

answers and that you are qualified to teach them. And, to teach you only

have to be two steps ahead of your customer.

What’s your search that creates suspense?

the search

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This is the moment you breakout of the pit. There is always a moment of

breakthrough. For Wallace he is shackled and tied to a board and tortured

for his life, but he doesn’t give in and he yells FREEDOM! This is a moment

that lives with us to this day. A moment of breakthrough that brought his

country freedom.

What’s your breakthrough moment?


It does’t have to be dramatic, it just needs to be personal. Personal messages

become global and spread! The breakthrough is the moment you got results

in changing your life and now you want to help others and teach them what

you know.

Copyright 2015 Ted McGrath Brands, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Contact Us: 323-577-4712 or support@tedmcgrathbrands.com CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE VIDEO BELONGING TO THIS PDF!


Content piece # 2

How to extract the life lessons and message from your story so You can get paid for your message

You story is your message, and the only way to find a real, authentic

message is to pull the KEY life lessons from your life experience and story!

Listen to Maria’s Story in The Video and See How I Break Down The Key

Components of her story below…

Then watch how I pull out the life lessons she is going to teach and how I

help her name her blueprint..

All of this from a STORY…

She has built an entire business from her story…and she has now made

more online in 2 days then she did all of last year!!!

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Copyright 2015 Ted McGrath Brands, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Contact Us: 323-577-4712 or support@tedmcgrathbrands.com CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE VIDEO BELONGING TO THIS PDF!


4 components of the Hero’s Journey turned into a message and a blueprint!!!

the CallMaria starts getting all these illnesses and Diagnosis

What’s your call?

Doctors told Maria she could never have a child…..Maria was going to end

her life, went into a coma, and then she was given a second chance at life

What’s your Pit?

the Pit

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Copyright 2015 Ted McGrath Brands, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Contact Us: 323-577-4712 or support@tedmcgrathbrands.com CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE VIDEO BELONGING TO THIS PDF!


the search

Has her daughter that she’s told she will never have

What’s your Breakthrough?

the Breakthrough

Learned about eastern and western medicine, so she could heal herself

What’s your Search?

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I can heal myself, I want to heal others NOW (natural to give back)

What life lessons do you learn from your story?

life lesson

Life Lesson #1

Life Lesson #2

Life Lesson #3

Even without a well designed story, it’s easy to find your life lessons. Give it

a try NOW!!!

Watch how Maria takes her story, pulls out the life lessons, and now turns it

into a message below.

Maria’s Message: I educate people on their own personal wellness so they

can become invincible with their health.

Your Message: I help people do ______ so they can have ________.

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Blueprint:invincible wellness system:

(in video 3, which will be released later in the series, I show you how to

create this blueprint or system for your business)

Without a blueprint, and life lessons to teach, you can never build a business

and get paid doing what you love. This makes it easy and possible. The

blueprint will help you get paid one-on-one, groups, online, and in seminars.

Listen to my personal story in the Video

now watCH Me BreaK it Down For You:

Call: I'm 6 years old and feel unloveable

Pit: At 21 years old make six figures and I overdose form drugs and alcohol

and almost die

Search: Making money, partying and making partners don't fill the void.

Breakthrough: I go through a transformational process to release unworthiness

Life Lesson: I have a message inside that's more than business, I have a

story to tell the world and I'm going to help others share theirs and

teach them how to get paid doing it.

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Message: You have a life story to tell, Life Lessons To

Teach, and a Message To Spread —— You are the NEW

Celebrity in the world today who can earn multiple streams

of income and have time and money freedom.

My Blueprint: Message To Millions Blueprint

(Learn more about HOW to create the steps to your blueprint in video 3.)

Alex Moscow has a stutter and has made over $100,000 at his first seminarwith only 8 people in the room….HOW?

Listen to his story in the Video!!

Call: "Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar" in kindergarten (he

couldn’t speak)

Pit: Arrested for dealing drugs - a way to get people to like him

Search: Drops out of school, tries to fix speech, does internet marketing and

sells a big contract, but still isn’t happy, comes to work for me for 4 years,

builds up knowledge and education

Breakthrough: First Group Program ever, he makes $47,000 in sales

Life Lesson: Speaking is hard but enrolling customers is fun for me, the

payoff is hugely rewarding, and I can teach others how to communicate on

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important stuff like changing lives…..

Alex’s Message: I help people effortlessly enroll

their customers

Alex’s Blueprint: The Effortless Enrollment System

Content piece # 3

Six different stories to triple your sales and your pricing

Whether your one-on-one, online or in front of an audience you must

know these six stories if you want to get paid what you’re worth and

double your conversions.



storY 1: time and Money story

There’s a story I tell about time and money where I wanted to create a

strategic partnership with Loral Langemeier. But I made the mistake of

committing to help her sell 500 books for her best seller book campaign and

if I didn’t sell any copies, I would HAVE to buy a bulk of 500 copies.

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Copyright 2015 Ted McGrath Brands, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Contact Us: 323-577-4712 or support@tedmcgrathbrands.com CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE VIDEO BELONGING TO THIS PDF!


At the time I created a strategic partnership with a

guy named Tom who had 400,000 people in his community

and on his email list. I had less than 1,000 on mine. I thought it would be a

brilliant idea to promote Loral to his list because Tom was looking for great

content. Tom was sure that we could sell 500 books, in fact he thought we

could sell 5,000!

NO PROBLEM… he said.

Then one day before Loral’s best seller deadline Tom disappears and guess

who gets stuck with the commitment to sell 500 books or ELSE, I would have

to write a check for $15,000 to buy all the books?

I made a commitment and it was time to follow through! I emptied my bank

account and my head exploded.

Two days later 500 books got delivered to my condo. The name of the books

were YES Energy! with Lorals smiling face on the cover.

I was feeling NO energy and then I got an email.

The email was an invite to Loral’s YES Energy live event.

I had to do something fast. There was a list of 12 A-list speakers and I had

an idea.

I called Loral and said, “How many people do I need to put in your room to

get on your stage?”

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She laughed…..”Ha, ha, you're cute— not a chance.”

“No, you are Ms. YES Energy...How many?” I said.

She replied quickly, “25 people gets you 10 minutes and no selling.”

“How many for 15 minutes?” I said

40 people for 15 minutes is the deal we made, and I got up on her stage and I

rocked it. I offered up Free strategy sessions and I made 41,000 in sales within

one week.

My Career was about to change!! One MISTAKE turned into an opportunity.

And Guess what, I got invited to her private mastermind for selling the most

books, and guess who was there…Marcia Wieder (who was on Oprah), and

many other rockstars…

Marcia ended up putting me on her stage with 400 people and the rest is


Look at the core components of my Time and Money Story following the


Call: Promote Loral

Pit: Write 15k CHECK

Search: How to get money back

Breakthrough: Make 41k in one week

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storY 2 : Human interest storyHuman Interest Story: These are actual stories about your clients, not lame

testimonials. There is a time and place for testimonials but when you sell,

people need to feel the emotions.

In the videos you are watching that I just released, notice the amazing power

of the human interest stories. On stage when I sell 200k package, I invite 8

of my clients up for 90 minutes to tell their human interest stories. Is there

any surprise why I’m one of the highest paid?

What is your Human Interest Story?





Copyright 2015 Ted McGrath Brands, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Contact Us: 323-577-4712 or support@tedmcgrathbrands.com CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE VIDEO BELONGING TO THIS PDF!


storY 3 : regret storyThe regret Story is designed to put someone at the end of their life and

imagine having their dreams die inside of them. Sounds harsh but it's

worse to have regrets for real. I would rather you imagine the regret than

live it. I tell a story about my grand parents that is funny and has a regret


What is Your Regret Story?





Copyright 2015 Ted McGrath Brands, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Contact Us: 323-577-4712 or support@tedmcgrathbrands.com CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE VIDEO BELONGING TO THIS PDF!


storY 4 : spiritual storyI tell a story about how I ended up on Deepak Chopra’s stage and with

Donna Karan. It was the beginning of my career and there's no logical

reason why it should have happened. The purpose of this story is to get

people into the spirit of what's possible and to get them out of their

logical minds.

What is Your Spiritual Story?





Copyright 2015 Ted McGrath Brands, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Contact Us: 323-577-4712 or support@tedmcgrathbrands.com CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE VIDEO BELONGING TO THIS PDF!


Tell a story of when you overcame a huge fear. I lost 28 of 30 matches in

tennis in college and got rushed to the hospital 3 times for dehydration and

cramps. I was afraid to get back on the court, but I did and I... (You will have

to come to Message to Millions to hear the rest) - It’s a long and awesome


storY 5 : Fear story

What is Your Fear Story?





Copyright 2015 Ted McGrath Brands, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Contact Us: 323-577-4712 or support@tedmcgrathbrands.com CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE VIDEO BELONGING TO THIS PDF!


storY is tHe new Message in tHe MarKetPlaCe & it’s How You BeCoMe tHe new



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