Language, Literacy and Communication Foundation … topic web Sept 20… · Language, Literacy and...


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Foundation Phase Curriculum

Language, Literacy and Communication

Write Dance

Mark making using various materials (Rainbow sand tray, rainbow

rice, coloured beans, twigs in gloop, Rice crispies, black gloop bags

with stars in them ,Chalk mark making on blackboard logs)

Beginning to use writing materials in the role-play areas.

Using fine motor activities to develop pincer grip.

Emergent writing

Talking about real life experiences – visit to local parks. Retell real

life events in order.

Listen and respond to visitors.

Listen and join in with songs / reciting rhymes in English and

Welsh. Learning basic topic vocabulary, etc. Birthday song, Autumn

leaves song online. Colours Rainbow song, Dawns y dail

Revising ‘Sut wyt ti? ’ and ‘Sut mae’r tywydd?’ and the relevant

responses; using these patterns on a daily basis.

Role-play familiar stories using dressing up clothes, hats and

masks, asking and answering simple questions. New vocabulary and

topic words.

Listen to stories and non-fiction texts giving information and show

some interest. Elmer, Noah, Barefoot books – I Spy, Autumn

stories, Bonfire night poem, Oliver’s Wood, Night monkey, Day

monkey, Nativity, Billy Bon Bon, Autumn leaves (Hwb), Plop y

Gwdihw, Pi po babi – Colours book, Nadolig Tedi Twt

Sensory stories

Matching cards games.

Read charts and labels.

POPAT and Foundation POPAT

PECS cards

Plus IEP targets specific to each child during focused tasks and 1-1

sessions as appropriate.

Science and Technology

Investigate various sources of light – dark room,

light box, sensory toys, pumpkin lanterns, shadow

puppets etc. Sparklers

Learn about nocturnal animals – puppets/snap etc

Local area walk – observe seasonal changes.

Sorting Autumnal objects.

Listen to a variety of different types music–

sources of sound.

Skittles with water experiment

Floating and sinking in water tray

Pippettes with paint on paper towels

ICT will be holistic and integral across the

curriculum. Children’ s ICT skills, knowledge and

understanding will be developed through a range

of experiences throughout all Areas of Learning:

for example, ipad, netbooks, Word processing;

Splosh; Smartboard; Choices; Other software

and Internet; Beebot; Dizytron; Digital camera,

video camera; CD player, Headphones,

Microphone, TV/Video/DVD player; switch

activated programs and toys.

Maths and Numeracy

Numbers to 5 (counting), numbers to 10 forwards and backwards within songs / rhymes

Listen to and join in with rhymes, songs, stories and games that have a mathematical theme – 5 little fireworks etc

1-1 correspondence counting Monkeys-bananas Use money to buy a poppy

Making comparison of size/ weight/ capacity during cooking activities - Elephant

biscuits, Noah’ s ark banana boats,

Play with 2D and 3D shapes; make models and pictures using the light box, Make banana sandwiches (Shapes) Pattern making with Autumn found objects Shape rockets (Bili bon bon) Butterfly symmetry/ matching

Sort and match sets of Autumn objects by recognising similarities

Sort and match sets of animals by recognising similarities Colour sorting / threading

Plus IEP targets specific to each child.

Health and Well-Being

Self-help skills – dressing yourself (uniform, swimming costume)

Starting to talk about feelings

Begin to develop an understanding of the behavioural expectations of the setting/school and


that rules are essential in an ordered community- settling into school, making new friends.

Home and family traditional events –Birthdays, Class sessions – the children will work

together in groups /pairs, etc. taking turns, making choices, showing preferences, sharing

circle time. Share our banana (sandwiches) at snack time

Learning about celebrations (Diwali) to develop an awareness of different cultures and the

differing needs, views and beliefs of other people in their own and in other cultures and to

treat people from all cultural backgrounds in a respectful and tolerant manner.

Learning to be more aware of their personal safety - Crossing the road – meet Glenda the

lollipop lady

Begin to value and contribute to their own well-being and to the well-being of others - meet

the poppy vendors in town, learn about bedtime routines and the importance of sleep. Learn

about taking care of animals (pets etc)

PE sessions, Physiotherapy sessions. Sensory garden.

Link room – Vestibulator, Physio, stepping stones, bikes/cars etc

Bikes/cars outdoor play.

Self help skills – dressing yourself (uniform, swimming costume)

Walks in the locality, Playing in the park etc.

Small and large construction. Threading. Tweezers / pincers. Peg boards. Play dough

Playing with a variety of toys and tools for different purposes.

Self-help skills – dressing yourself (uniform, swimming costume)

Specific fine motor toys

Elmer multilink, Lolly stick ark, Milk carton rainbow streamers, Invitation to make a Rangoli

patterns, Firework prints, Black and white lines painting, Cotton bud stars follow the line,

Christmas activities

Aromatherapy. Foot spas, Tac-pac sessions, Use of the vestibulator Mister Tongue.


Observe how the seasons change. Go on an

environmental walk – looking for signs of


Make a visual timetable of day and night

Learn songs about the days of the week and

months of the year.

Recall past events from their topic books /

class book. Use photographs from school

visits and outings to talk about the past e.g.

Yesterday we did this…

Visits to parks in locality

Visit to see Santa

Bible stories and songs, Sensory walks in the

locality to experience the awe and wonder of

changing seasons. Home and family traditional

events –,Birthdays, Class sessions – the

children will work together in groups / pairs,

etc. taking turns, making choices, showing

preferences, sharing Circle time

Noah – dove of peace handprints, Celebrating


Remembrance day – prayers (minutes silence)

Christmas activities

Expressive Arts

Pom pom elmer, Ice cube painting, Conker paint rolling,

Handprint bonfires

Collage owls, Transient art with Starry, starry night.,

Christmas activities

Music Express – Year R pack. Learn new and sing familiar songs

in an integrated setting with mainstream Year R children and

LSC unit.

Songs and rhymes associated with the topic – Mr Noah songs,

Animals went in 2 by 2, Use instruments to create sounds,

Christmas activities

Sticky kids, Move like Autumn leaves


Shadows, Rainbows, Stars

Mrs Harvey & Mrs Johns
