Language Access Plan (LAP)


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Superior Court of Coconino County

LAP, Page 1 of 10

Revised 10/2016

Superior Court of Coconino County 1


Language Access Plan (LAP) 3


I. Legal Basis and Purpose 5


This document serves as the plan for the Courts of Coconino County to provide to persons with 7

limited English proficiency (LEP) services that are in compliance with Title VI of the Civil 8

Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000d et seq.; 45 C.F.R. § 80.1 et seq.; and 28 C.F.R. § 42.101–9

42.112). The purpose of this plan is to provide a framework for the provision of timely and 10

reasonable language assistance to LEP persons who come in contact with Coconino County 11

Courts. 12


This language access plan (LAP) was developed to ensure meaningful access to court services 14

for persons with limited English proficiency. Although court interpreters are provided for 15

persons with a hearing loss, access services for them are covered under the Americans with 16

Disabilities Act rather than Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, and therefore will not be addressed 17

in this plan. 18


II. Needs Assessment20


A. Statewide 22


The State of Arizona provides court services to a wide range of people, including those who 24

speak limited or no English. From a statewide perspective, the following languages were listed 25

with the greatest number of speakers who spoke English less than “Very Well” in Arizona 26

(according to the American Community Survey estimate report from the U.S. Census Bureau 27

dated April 2014): 28


1. Spanish30

2. Navajo31

3. Chinese32

4. Vietnamese33


B. Coconino County Courts 35


Coconino County Courts are responsible to provide services identified in this plan to all LEP 37

persons. However, the following list shows the languages that are most frequently used in this 38

court or the court’s geographic area. 39


1. Spanish41

2. Mandarin42

3. Navajo43

4. Arabic44

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5. Vietnamese45


This information is based on data collected from court interpreter tracking in Coconino County 47

Courts and from the United States Census Bureau data for Arizona. 48


III. Language Assistance Resources50


A. Interpreters Used in the Courtroom 52


1. Providing Interpreters in the Courtroom54


In Coconino County Courts, court interpreters will be provided in all courtroom proceedings at no 56

cost to all LEP witnesses; litigants; victims; parents, guardians, and family members of minor 57

witnesses, victims, and/or litigants; as well as any other person whose presence or participation is 58

necessary or appropriate as determined by the judicial officer. 59


It is the responsibility of the private attorney, Public Defender or County Attorney to provide 61

qualified interpretation and translation services for witness interviews, pre-trial transcriptions 62

and translations and attorney/client communications during out of court proceedings. 63


2. Determining the Need for an Interpreter in the Courtroom65


Coconino County Courts may determine whether a court customer has limited English 67

proficiency. Identification of language needs at the earliest point of contact is highly 68

recommended. The need for a court interpreter may be identified prior to a court proceeding by 69

the LEP person or on the LEP person’s behalf by counter staff, self-help center staff, family 70

court services, or outside justice partners such as adult and juvenile probation/parole officers, 71

attorneys, social workers, Victim/Witness Services or correctional facilities. Court staff and 72

outside justice partners will notify the court interpreter coordinator of the need for an interpreter 73

and the physical and electronic case file will reflect the need for an interpreter. 74


Signage throughout the court building indicating interpreter services are available may also help 76

to identify LEP individuals. Coconino County Courts will display signs at the Self Help Center 77

/Law Library desk, the Court Clerk’s Office, the window at the Justice Court counter and at the 78

main entrance. 79


The need for an interpreter also may be made known in the courtroom at the time of the 81

proceeding. In a case where the court is mandated to provide an interpreter, but one is not 82

available at the time of the proceeding, even after the court has made all reasonable efforts to 83

locate one, as previously outlined in this plan, the case will be postponed and continued on a date 84

when an interpreter can be provided. 85


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3. AOC Interpretation Resources 88


Court Interpreter Registry and Listserv 90

The AOC maintains a statewide roster of individuals who indicate they have interpreting 91

experience and have expressed interest in working in the courts. The court USING 92

INTERPRETING SERVICES will determine the competence of the persons listed. This roster is 93

available to court staff on the Internet at 94


Additionally, AOC created a statewide listserv to allow courts to communicate via email on 96

court interpreter-related matters. The listserv is an excellent resource to locate referrals for 97

specific language needs. Access codes and instructions to join the listserv may be obtained from 98

the AOC Language Access contact person. 99


Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) 101

The AOC has installed video conferencing equipment at the State Courts building that will allow 102

courts with compatible technology to remotely conference an interpreter from the Phoenix metro 103

area or from another court jurisdiction into their court to improve resource allocation and reduce 104

time and costs associated with interpreter travel. Contact the AOC LAP contact for more 105

information on VRI connectivity and checklist for court proceedings most appropriate for video. 106


B. Language Services Outside the Courtroom 108


Coconino County Courts are also responsible for taking reasonable steps to ensure that LEP 110

individuals have meaningful access to all court services and programs outside the courtroom. 111

Court services and programs include but are not limited to self-help centers, clerk offices, intake 112

officers, cashiers, and records room. 113


1. Assistance to Understand Court Procedures and Policies 115


Services offered by the court generally to English-speaking customers pursuant to the 117

Employee Code of Conduct (ACJA §1-303) must also be provided to LEP litigants in their 118

language. 119


2. Assistance to Fill-out Court Forms and Pleadings 121


Coconino County Courts will assist in the filling-out of court forms for those LEP court 123

customers who are unable to do so either by themselves or with the assistance of another 124

competent adult proficient in English and able to render assistance in a timely manner. 125

Coconino County Courts will assist LEP customers in filling out forms to the same extent 126

as anyone incapable of completing forms, such as for those with limited literacy skills or 127

disabilities, in the following ways: 128


An interpreter (in person or remotely) will interpret between a court staff person and the court 130

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customer. The court staff will transcribe verbatim the customer’s answers to form questions. The 131

court staff person transcribing will not be the same person accepting the filing. 132

A court staff interpreter will provide a complete and accurate English translation of the LEP 133

person’s answers to form questions. Whenever possible, the interpreter translating the 134

information on the form will not be the same interpreter assisting the LEP person in court during 135

a hearing. 136


The requirement that a form be filed may be waived, where appropriate. The LEP person will 138

then be sworn in court and examined to create an oral record of what would otherwise have been 139

filed in writing via the form. If necessary, that record can then be transcribed verbatim into the 140

corresponding form fields. 141


In all the above circumstances a notation will be added to the form indicating how the 143

information on it was obtained, thereby allowing the creation of an oral record in open court 144

confirming the form’s content matches the LEP person’s intended meaning. 145



3. Court-ordered Services and Programs 148


The courts also are responsible for taking reasonable steps to ensure that LEP individuals have 150

meaningful access to all court-ordered services and programs. Court-ordered services and 151

programs include but are not limited to conciliation, mediation, arbitration, treatment or 152

educational programs provided by a court employee or a private vendor under contract with the 153

court. Contracts with vendors that provide direct services to court users must include the 154

requirement that the vendor provide language services, including interpreters, for all LEP 155

individuals. 156


The court uses the following resources to facilitate communication with LEP individuals and 158

court staff or providers of court-ordered services: 159


Staff court interpreters and independent interpreter contractors; 161

Bilingual employees; 162

“I Speak” cards, to identify the individual’s primary language; 163

Telephonic interpreter services, (from Tele Interpreters) 164

Video remote interpreting services 165

The terms of the court’s contracts with providers of court-ordered services. 166


To provide linguistically accessible services for LEP individuals, Coconino County Courts 168

provide the following: 169


Workshops in English with interpreter services available in multiple languages on request 171

regarding divorce & family court, co-parenting, guardianship, tenant/landlord issues, 172

immigration, conservatorship 173

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Bilingual family court services mediators for custody and visitation matters; and 174

Written informational and educational materials and instructions in Spanish 175

Self-help center services that include forms available in Spanish and assistance on request 176

from staff and contract interpreters and telephonic services for multiple languages; 177

Bilingual mediators and interpreter support for family court mediators for custody and 178

visitation matters 179

Spanish language forms on the Court website: 180 181

Website links from court’s website to the Supreme Court’s Spanish translated webpage 182

for court forms and instructions and other language access related resources such as the 183

court’s LAP and complaint form and process are available online. 184 185



C. Court Appointed or Supervised Personnel 188


Coconino County Courts also shall ensure that court appointed or supervised personnel, 190

including but not limited to child advocates, guardians ad litem, court psychologists and doctors 191

provide language services, including interpreters as part of their service delivery system to LEP 192

individuals. 193


D. Translated Forms and Documents 195


The Arizona courts understand the importance of translating forms and documents so that LEP 197

individuals have greater access to the courts’ services. Coconino County Courts currently use 198

forms and instructional materials translated into Spanish. 199

The court has translated the following documents: 200


Terms and conditions of probation; and, 202

Several Civil, Traffic, Criminal and General forms available on the Flagstaff Justice 203

Court Website: 204

Translations of other forms as needed by court users. 205

Approximately 75 Self-Help forms (see Appendix A from Law Library). 206

These documents are in the Self Help Center at 200 N. San Francisco St, Flagstaff, AZ and 207

on the Courts website at: 208


Additional forms in Spanish may be found at the links to the Arizona Supreme Court and 210

Maricopa County Superior Court provided on the Coconino County Courts website: 211 212 213


Protective Order forms may be found in multiple languages at: 215 216

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1. Sight Translation 218


The court will provide assistance so LEP persons may understand court-issued documents 220

provided in English through sight translation or other reasonable means. Qualified in-person or 221

remote interpreters will provide sight translations of court documents and other documents 222

associated with the case as possible at the counter or in hearings. Sight translation is appropriate 223

for documents that are relatively short and uncomplicated, typically less than three 224

pages. Documents that may not be appropriate for sight translation shall be submitted well in 225

advance of the related hearing to the Office of the Court Interpreter. 226


E. Websites/Online Access 228


Coconino County Courts operates an Internet website and will ensure the website is accessible to 230

LEP persons and will include, at a minimum: 231


A notice about the availability of language services written in Spanish and posted on the 233

home page. 234

A hyperlink to Arizona Supreme Court’s Spanish-translated webpage at 235 236

A hyperlink to the Maricopa County Superior Court Spanish translated website: 237 238



IV. Court Staff and Volunteer Recruitment 241


A. Recruitment of Bilingual Staff for Language Access 243


Coconino County Courts are equal opportunity employers and recruit and hire bilingual staff to 245

serve its LEP constituents. Primary examples include but are not limited to: 246

Court interpreters to serve as regular full-time or part-time employees or regular 247

interpreter contractors of the court. 248

Bilingual staff to serve at public counters and or self-help centers; and 249

Bilingual staff available on call to assist with contacts from LEP individuals, as needed. 250


B. Recruitment of Volunteers for Language Access 252


The court also recruits and uses volunteers to assist with language access in the following areas: 254


In self-help centers, to assist LEP users; 256

At public counters to provide interpretive services between staff and the LEP public 257

The Coconino County Courts cooperate with Coconino Community College and 258

Northern Arizona University to provide student interns to serve as language access 259

volunteers in Spanish, Navajo and American Sign Language for out of court settings. 260

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V. Judicial and Staff Training: 262


Coconino County Courts are committed to providing language access training opportunities for 264

all judicial officers and staff members. Training and learning opportunities currently offered will 265

be expanded or continued as needed. Those opportunities include: 266


Interpreter coordinator training; 268

Diversity Training; 269

Cultural competency training; 270

LAP training; 271

Staff attendance at non language specific language access training and Spanish and 272

Navajo training, provided by the Arizona Court Interpreters Association, The Navajo 273

Interpreters Association and other professional associations. 274

New employee orientation training; and, 275

Judicial officer orientation on the use of court interpreters and language competency. 276

AOC’s Language Access in the Courtroom Training DVD 277

AOC’s language access online training videos 278


VI. Public Outreach and Education 280


A. General 282


To communicate with the court’s LEP constituents on various legal issues of importance to the 284

community and to make them aware of services available to all language speakers, Coconino 285

County Courts provide community outreach and education and seeks input from its LEP 286

constituency to further improve services. Outreach and education efforts include: 287

Public service announcements in Spanish and Navajo, provided periodically through 288

local media. Examples of the type of announcements include radio spot 289

announcements on court access issues or on the availability of self-help center 290

services; and, 291

Partnerships and collaborations with community associations to provide a court 292

presence in the LEP community. 293

Free Legal Talks at the Coconino County Court Law Library sponsored by 294

AZCourtHelp. Flyers promoting the talks are posted in the courts in Spanish. 295


The court will solicit input from the LEP community and its representatives and will seek to 297

inform community service organizations on how LEP individuals can access court services. 298


B. Videos, Webinars, On-line Classes, In-person Classes and Other Similar 300

Instructional Methods 301


New public-facing videos designed to assist litigants or the public more broadly shall be in 303

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English and Spanish. 304


Those videos, webinars, and instructional materials currently in existence which are deemed to 306

be “vital” shall be made available in Spanish. 307


The court will determine whether any existing videos, webinars, and instructional materials 309

should be made available in languages other than English and Spanish by considering the 310

Department of Justice’s four-factor analysis. 311


VII. Formal Complaint Process 313


If an LEP court customer believes meaningful access to the courts was not provided to them, 315

they may choose to file a complaint with the trial court’s Language Access Plan Coordinator. 316

The court will develop a complaint process that includes at a minimum, the following 317

information: 318

The court will respond to any complaint within 30 days and the records will be 319

maintained as public records. 320

The complaint may be filed as follows: 321

The court customer should ask for the complaint form at the window of Justice 322

Court or the Clerk’s Office. The customer can then submit the form to the Court 323

Administrator who will decide if this complaint needs to be handled by the Court 324

Interpreter Coordinator or other court staff. 325

The court has attached the complaint form (English/Spanish) to the LAP. In the 326

alternative, the complaint forms may be located at: 327

The court will ensure the translated versions of the complaint form are available in 328

multiple locations, including, but not limited to: 329

o Forms posted on the court’s website and 330

o Hard copy forms available at public counters. 331


Please see Appendix B for the complaint forms in various languages. 333


VIII. Public Notification and Evaluation of LAP 335


A. LAP Approval and Notification 337


Coconino County Courts’s LAP is approved by the presiding judge and court executive officer. 339

Upon approval, please forward a copy to the AOC Court Services Division. Any revisions to the 340

plan will be submitted to the presiding judge and court executive officer for approval, and then 341

forwarded to the AOC. Copies of Superior Court of COCONINO County’s LAP will be 342

provided to the public on request and is available on the court’s website. 343


B. Evaluation of the LAP 345


Coconino County Courts will routinely assess whether changes to the LAP are needed. The plan 347

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may be changed or updated at any time but reviewed not less frequently than biennially. 348


Every 2 years the court’s administrator and interpreter coordinator will review the effectiveness 350

of the court’s LAP and update it as necessary. The evaluation will include identification of any 351

problem areas and development of corrective action strategies. From time to time, the court may 352

consider using a survey sampling of data collection for a limited time period, which involves 353

assessing language access requests to assist in the evaluation of the LAP. 354


Elements of the evaluation will include: 356


Number of LEP persons requesting a court interpreter or language assistance;358

Assessment of current language needs to determine if additional services or translated359

materials should be provided;360

Solicitation and review of feedback from LEP communities within the county;361

Assessment of whether court staff adequately understand LEP policies and procedures362

and how to carry them out;363

Review of feedback from court employee training sessions; and,364

Customer satisfaction feedback as indicated on the access and fairness survey, if365

administered by the court during this time period.366

Review any language access complaints received during this time period.367


C. Trial Court Language Access Plan Coordinator: 369


Judith Costello, Court Interpreter/Coordinator 371

Flagstaff Municipal Court 372

15 N. Beaver St. 373

Flagstaff, AZ 86001 374

(928) 774-1401 x106 or (928) 853-8211 375 376



D. AOC Language Access Contact: 379

David Svoboda 380

Court Services Division 381

Administrative Office of the Courts 382

1501 W. Washington Street, Suite 410 383

Phoenix, AZ 85007 384

(602) 452-3965, 385


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E. LAP Effective date: March 2017 389


F. Approved by: 391


Presiding Judge: [_______________] Date: [___________] 393


Hon. Mark Moran 395


Court Executive Officer: [_______________] Date: [___________] 397

Gary Krcmarik 398


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COCONINO COUNTY LAW LIBRARY AND SELF-HELP CENTER Open 8-5, Closed weekends and holidays • 200 N. San Francisco St.,

Flagstaff, AZ 86001 928-679-7540 • 877-806-3187

Revised August 2016


Starting a Case Divorce Legal Separation Custody Paternity: Both Parents Will Sign Registering Another State’s Custody Order With Arizona Annulment: Brief Information

Responding to a Divorce or Legal Separation

Finishing a Case Default Consent Decree A Response Was Filed: The Other Party Won’t Sign Dismissing a Case

Mediation, Counseling, and Family Evaluation Asking for Family Court Services Telling the Court That Family Court Services Could

Endanger You

Temporary Custody, Parenting Time, or Child Support

Changing or Stopping Court Orders Changing Parenting Time and Child Support: But the

Children’s Residence Stays the Same Changing Legal Decision-Making or the Percent of Time

the Children are at Each Household Changing Child Support: Asking for the Change Changing Child Support: Response Changing or Stopping an Income Withholding Order Changing or Stopping an Income Wittholding Order:


Enforcing Court Orders Enforcing Child Support or Spousal Maintenance Enforcing Parenting Time or Legal Decision-Making

Other Family Law Packets Name Change Representing Yourself in Court Appearing at a Court Date by Phone Moving a Court Date to a Later Date Subpoena Disclosure Pre-Trial Statement Settlement Conference Memorandum Affidavit of Financial Information Moving With Children



GUARDIANSHIP, CONSERVATORSHIP, POWER OF ATTORNEY Getting Parental Control of Someone Else’s Child Power of Attorney Over a Minor Guardianship and/or Conservatorship Investigator’s Report Guardian’s Report Renewing Inpatient Mental Health Care Authority Conservator’s Accounting Ending Power of Attorney Over a Minor Ending Guardianship and/or Conservatorship

LANDLORD-TENANT Tenant’s Rights and Responsibilities Asking a Landlord to Fix Something

LAWSUITS Suing Someone for More than $10,000 Civil Lawsuit in Superior Court: Answer

CRIMINAL RECORDS Restoring Civil Rights and/or Setting Aside a Felony Setting Aside a Misdemeanor




BIBLIOTECA LEGAL Y CENTRO DE AUTOAYUDA DEL CONDADO DE COCONINO Abierto de 8 a 5, cerrado los fines de semana y días feriados • 200 N. San Francisco St.,

Flagstaff, AZ 86001 928-679-7540 • 877-806-3187

Revisado: August 2016


Cómo iniciar un caso Divorcio Separación legal Custodia Paternidad: Van a firmar ambos padres Registrar la orden de custodia de otro estado en AZ Anulación: Información breve

Cómo responder en un caso de Divorcio o Separación legal

Cómo terminar un caso Falta de comparecencia Decreto de consentimiento Se presentó una respuesta: La otra parte no quiere firmar Cómo despedir un caso

Mediación, Terapia, Evaluación familiar Pedir servicios de la corte en asuntos familiares Cómo decirle a la corte que los servicios de la corte en

asuntos familiares pueden ponerlo en peligro

Manutención o custodia de los hijos temporal

Cómo cambiar o parar órdenes de la corte Modificar el horario de crianza y la manutención de los

hijos: Sin cambiar el domicilio principal de los hijos Modificar la responsabilidad legal para la toma de

decisiones o el porcentaje del tiempo que los hijos pasan en cada hogar

Cómo cambiar la manutención de los hijos: Cómo pedir el cambio

Cómo cambiar la manutención de los hijos: Respuesta Cómo cambiar o suspender una Orden de retención de

ingresos Cómo cambiar o suspender una Orden de retención de

ingresos: Respuesta

Cómo hacer cumplir órdenes de la corte Cómo hacer cumplir la manutención de los hijos o la

manutención del cónyuge Aplicación del horario de crianza o de la responsabilidad

legal para la toma de decisiones

Otros paquetes de derecho familiar El Cambio de nombre Cómo comparecer ante el tribunal sin abogado Cómo comparecer ante la corte por teléfono Cómo postergar una audiencia de la corte Orden de comparecencia Divulgación Declaración previa al juicio Informe para la audiencia de conciliación Declaración jurada de información financiera Hacer una mudanza con los hijos



TUTELAS, CURADURÍAS, Y PODERES LEGALES Control paterno de un menor de edad por una persona que

no es su padre o madre Poder notarial: De un menor de edad Tutela y/o curaduría Informe del tutor Cómo renovar la autoridad de internación en un

establecimiento de salud mental Contabilidad del curador Cómo dar por terminado un poder legal: Sobre un menor

de edad Cómo dar por terminada la tutela y/o curaduría

PROPIETARIO-INQUILINO Derechos y responsabilidades de los inquilinos Cómo pedirle al propietario que arregle algo

DEMANDA CIVIL Demanda civil: La demanda es de un mínimo de $10,000 Demanda civil de la corte superior: Respuesta

ANTECEDENTES PENALES Cómo restaurar los derechos civiles y/o dejar sin efecto

un delito mayor Anular un fallo de delito menor


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28 29

Section 601 of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. 2000d states that “No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.”

Page 1 of 1 AOC GNGF1F

______________________________________________________________ (Court Name)

Language Access to Court Services Complaint Form

The court may be required to provide interpreters at no cost for court users, including litigants, victims, and witnesses who do not speak English as their primary language and who have a limited ability to read, speak, write or understand English. If you believe you have not been provided effective language assistance for any court or probation proceeding or other service provided by the court, please complete

this form and return it to: ____________________________________________________________ (Address of Court)

The submission of a complaint will NOT affect the outcome of any court matter. The court will address your concerns within a reasonable time not exceeding 30 days after submission of this form.



Today’s Date: _______________________________

First Name: ________________________________________ Last Name: _________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________ City/State/Zip: _____________________ /____ / ___________

Home Telephone: (________) _________ - ______________ Mobile Phone: (________) _________ - ______________

Email Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Primary Language: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Date of Incident: _________________________________

What problem did you have with language assistance?

☐ The court did not provide an interpreter

☐ The interpreter did not interpret correctly or did not speak my language

☐ Other- please describe:

La fracción 601 del Título VI de la Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964, 42 U.S.C. 2000d reza lo siguiente: “A ninguna persona presente en los Estados Unidos se le privará del derecho de participar, ni se le negarán beneficios, ni estará sujeta a la discriminación debido a su raza, etnia u origen, de ningún programa o actividad que reciba fondos federales.”

Language Access Complaint Form Page 1 of 1 AOCGNGF1FS

______________________________________________________________ (Nombre del Tribunal)


Servicios de Traducción e Interpretación

Para garantizar la participación en las diligencias y los servicios judiciales, se le proveerá un intérprete sin costo alguno a las personas tales como litigantes, víctimas, ofendidos y testigos que no hablen el inglés como idioma principal o a aquellos que no sepan escribir, leer, entender o hablar el inglés. Si Ud. cree que no le han facilitado servicios de interpretación en el tribunal, o para gozar de los

servicios de régimen a prueba, por favor, llene este formulario y envíelo a: _______________________________

Ninguna causa pendiente se verá afectada por haber sometido una queja. Este tribunal tratará de abordar su queja en un plazo de 30 días después de haberla sometido.



Fecha: _______________________________

Nombre: __________________________________________ Apellido(s): _________________________________________

Dirección: _________________________________________ Ciudad/Estado/C.P.: _________________ /____ / ___________

Teléfono: (________) _________ - ______________ Celular: (________) _________ - ______________

Correo electrónico: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Idioma principal: _____________________________________________________________________________________

¿En qué fecha sucedió el incidente? _________________________________

Explique cuál fue el problema:

☐ El tribunal no me proporcionó un intérprete

☐ El intérprete no interpretó de manera adecuada o no hablaba mi idioma.

☐ Otro motivo; anote los detalles:

يستبعد لا أن يجب ، المتحدة الولايات في شخص أي" أن ستين و أربعة و تسعماية و ألف لعام المدنية الحقوق قانون من السادس الباب من واحد و ستماية المادة تنصالاتحادية يةالمال المساعدة يتلقى نشاط أو برنامج أي في للتمييز يتعرض أن أو ، فوائد من يحرم أن أو ، في المشاركة من ، القومي الأصل أو اللون أو العرق أساس على . "

Language Access Complaint Form AOC GNGF1FA


(المحكمةاسم ) الشكوى نموذج المحكمة لدى اللغة خدمات إلى الوصول

كلغة الإنجليزية اللغة يتكلمون لا الذين والشهود والضحايا المتقاضين ذلك في بما ، المحكمة خدمات لمستخدمي تكلفة أية دون الفوريين المترجمين توفير المحكمة من يطلب قد إجراء أو المحكمة ات إجراء لأية فعالة لغوية مساعدة تلقى لم أنك تعتقد كنت إذا. الإنجليزية اللغة فهم أو أوالكتابة أوالتحدث القراءة على محدودة قدرة لديهم والذين ، أساسية

:إلى وإعادته النموذج هذا ملء يرجى ، المحكمة تقدمها أخرى خدمة أو المراقبة ات_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

المحكمة(عنوان )

المحكمة لدى مسألة أية نتائج على يؤثر لن شكوى وتقديم . النموذج هذا تقديم بعد يوما ثلاثين تتجاوز لا معقولة زمنية فترة غضون في بك الخاصة المخاوف تعالج المحكمة فإن :

الطلب عند أخرى لغات في متوفر النموذج هذا

الاكمال يرجى :

_______________________________ : تاريخ اليوم

_________________________________________ : اسم العائلة ________________________________________ : الاسم الأول

الرمز البريدي الدولة / المدينة / __________________________________________ : العنوان : __________ /____ / ___________

______________ - _________ (________) : الهاتف المحمول ______________ - _________ (________) : هاتف المنزل

_____________________________________________________________________________________ : عنوان البريد الإلكتروني

_____________________________________________________________________________________ : اللغة الأساسية

الحادث تاريخ : _________________________________

؟ اللغة بمساعدة واجهتها التي المشكلة هي ما

مترجم توفر المحكمة لم ☐

لغتي يتكلم لم أو صحيح بشكل المترجم يترجم لم ☐

الوصف يرجى ـ غيره ☐

1964年的民权法案,第六章第 601 段 42 U.S.C.2000d规定,“在美国,没有人可以基于种族,肤色或原有国籍的理由,在联邦政


Language Access Complaint Form Page 1 of 1 AOCGNGF1FC

______________________________________________________________ (法庭名称)





____________________________________________________________ (法庭地址)


法庭将于此表格提交后一段合理的时间内,但不会超过 30天,处理你的顾虑



今天日期: __________________________

名: ___________________________________ 姓: ___________________________________________

地址: __________________________________ 城市/州/邮编______________ /_____ / ____________

住宅电话号码: (________) _________ - _______ 移动电话号码: (________) _________ - ____________

电子邮件: __________________________________________________________________________________

第一语言: __________________________________________________________________________________

事故日期: _________________________________


☐ 法庭没有提供翻译员

☐ 翻译员的翻译不正确或不说我的语言

☐ 其他- 请说明:

Mu c 601 cu a Tiêu Đê VI, Đa o Luâ t Dân Quyê n năm 1964, 42 U.S.C. 2000d quy định: “Không ngươ i na o ơ Hoa Ky không đươ c tham gia, bi tư chô i

quyê n lơ i, hoă c bi phân biê t đôi xư theo bâ t ky chương tri nh hoă c hoa t đô ng na o nhận hô trơ ta i chi nh tư liên bang trên cơ sơ chu ng tô c, ma u da

hoă c nguô n gô c quô c gia.”

Language Access Complaint Form Page 1 of 1 AOC GNGF1FV

______________________________________________________________ (Tên Toa An)

Mâu Đơn Khiêu Nai vê Viêc Tiêp Cân Ngôn Ngư cho Dich Vu Toa An

Toa an co thê được yêu cầu phai cung câp cac thông dich viên miên phi cho nhưng ngươi sư dung dich vu của toa an/[nhưng ngươi tham gia phiên toà], bao gôm các đương sư, nan nhân va nhân chưng không noi Tiêng Anh như la ngôn ngư chinh của ho va la nhưng ngươi bi han chê kha năng nghe, nói, đoc, viêt hoăc hiêu Tiêng Anh. Nêu quy vi tin răng quy vi chưa được cung câp dich vu hô trợ ngôn ngư hiêu qua ơ bât ky thủ tuc tố tung nào của toa an, quan chê hoăc dich vu khac được toa an cung câp, vui long hoan thanh đơn nay va gưi lai

cho:____________________________________________________ (Đia Chi cua Toa An)

Viêc nôp đơn khiêu nai se KHÔNG anh hương đên kêt qua cua bất kỳ vấn đê nao đươc giai quyêt tai toa an. Toa an se giai quyêt cac vấn đê quan ngai cua quy vi trong khoang thơi gian hơp ly không qua 30 ngay sau khi

nôp đơn nay.



Ngay Hôm Nay: ____________________________

Tên: _____________________________________ Ho: _______________________________________

Đia Chi: __________________________________ Thanh Phố/Tiêu Bang/Zip: ____________ /____ / ___

Số Điên Thoai Nha: (______) ______ - ________ Số Điên Thoai Di Đông: (______) ______ - _______

Đia Chi Email: __________________________________________________________________

Ngôn Ngư Chinh: __________________________________________________________________

Ngay Xay Ra Sư Viêc: _________________________________

Quy vi găp vân đê gi vơi viêc hô trợ ngôn ngư?

☐ Toa an không cung câp thông dich viên

☐ Thông dich viên không thông dich chinh xac hoăc không noi ngôn ngư của tôi

☐ Vân đê Khac - vui long nêu ro:
