Know the qualifications and terms of each of the following Legislative, executive, judicial


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Know the qualifications and terms of each of the following

Legislative, executive, judicial

Legislature House of


Age 25 Resident of district Citizen for 7 yrs Term 2 years Leader- Speaker of

House Total 435 members


Age 30 Resident of state Citizen for 9 yrs Term 6 yrs Leader- Vice president Total 100 members


President Age 35 Resident 14 years Natural born citizen Term 4 years Maximum 2 terms or 10 years


No age requirements Term for life

Duties legislature Make laws necessary for government Override presidents veto Makes laws controlling trade between

states and between the United States and other countries.

Raises and supports armed forces Approves treaties Approves the making of money. Can declare war on other countries

Duties executive

Carry out or enforce the laws Proposes laws Can veto laws Negotiate foreign treaties Commander and chief of armed

forces Appoints ambassadors, federal judges

and other high officials

Duties judicial

Review the laws Interprets the law Can declare laws unconstitutional Can declare executive actions

unconstitutional JURISDICTION Appellate Original

How a bill becomes a law

Then It goes to a committee

Amending the Constitution


Federalism- division of power between state and federal government

Republicanism- representative form of government

Constituents- citizens that are being representative

Appropriates-set aside money

Impeach- accuse of wrongdoing Revenue- money Treason- crimes against one’s country Warrant-document allowing legal

search Majority- more than half

Checks and balances- Each branch of government can check the power of the other two to insure no branch becomes too powerful

Key Amendments

1st- freedoms of speech, press, religion, assembly and petition

2nd-right to bear arms 4th –search and seizure 5th-rights of the accused 8th-cruel and unusual punishment 13,14,15- civil war amendments

ended slavery, defined citizenship and voting

16th- income tax 19th woman’s suffrage

Marbury Vs Madison

Defined the duty of the Supreme court as Judicial review when Chief Justice John Marshall ruled that a law passed by congress was unconstitutional
