

Mission StatementPassion for science is born at the very early age. We strongly believe in that and see that the world would fit much better together if we all had the mind of scientists. By addressing interesting topics for kids, we are grabbing them into the beautiful world of science!

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Marine Labib: Zoologist +2-01277222399

Mayar Ali: Pediatrician


Omar Othman: Astrophysicist +2-01118424010

Emad Farag: Nutritionist


Mission Statement Passion for science is born at the very early age. We strongly believe

in that and see that the world would fit much better together if we all had the mind of scientists. As a group of scientists ourselves, we try

to reach to children, the jewels of our society to show them that science does not need to be complex or difficult. We try to show

children that science is all around us and we try to indirectly plant in them a love for science, a love for nature but most importantly a

scientific mind. A scientific mind is one that is open to new ideas that have been tested and proven but also a mind that can challenge these

ideas. Science is unbiased and we hope to create a generation that seeks science instead of dogmatic traditions or beliefs that have no

basis in our real world. Our magazine talks to children in their terms and their interests to create in them a better understanding of what

science really is and thus creates a scientifically literate group of children who will one day be adults whose decisions will affect the

whole world we are living in. By addressing interesting topics for kids, we are grabbing them into the beautiful world of science!



Duck-billed platypuses can't be real, can they? This small, amphibious mammal has a tail like a beaver a body like an otter, walks like a reptile, has webbed feet and a beak like a bird, and it lays eggs! Duck-billed platypuses are small, shy animals. They have a flattened head and body to help them glide through the water. Their fur, dark brown on top and tan on their bellies, is thick and repels water to keep them warm and dry even after hours of swimming. They grow to about 18 inches (47 centimeters) in length and weigh around 3 pounds (1.5 kilograms). These water-

loving mammals have fully webbed front feet to power themselves through the water. They use their back feet and tails to brake and steer. Their most remarkable feature is their amazing snout. It looks like a duck's bill, but is actually quite soft and covered with thousands of receptors that help the platypus detect prey. If you thought these marvelous mammals couldn't get any more bizarre, they have another trick in store: Male platypuses are venomous! They have a pointy spur on their hind ankles that connects to a venom sac in each leg. Platypuses spend most of their time alone, sleeping or eating. They feed in the water at night, frantically swimming around with their eyes and ears closed, using their bill to search for their favorite foods: insect larvae, shellfish, and worms. Their mouth has no teeth. Instead, a pad of rough skin near their throat grinds up food before swallowing. During the day, platypuses sleep in burrows made with their long front claws. Each animal will maintain several burrows, usually dug in areas where there are overhanging branches and exposed roots to disguise the entrance. Platypuses are eaten by a wide array of Australian predators, including dingoes, foxes, large snakes, and even eels. A mother platypus will dig a very deep tunnel, called a nursery burrow, when she's ready to lay her eggs. These burrows sometimes extend 100 feet (30 meters) from the water. They have a leaf-lined den where the mother curls up to incubate her eggs. She blocks the entrance with several dirt mounds to keep water and predators from entering and will nurse her hatchlings there for up to four months. Platypuses are long-lived, surviving 20 years or more in captivity and up to 12 years in the wild. Scientists think these fascinating creatures are the earliest relatives of modern mammals. Recent studies show that they first evolved more than 112 million years ago, well before the extinction of the dinosaurs. Humans once trapped platypuses for their skins, but a law passed in 1912 ended such harvesting, and platypus populations are generally healthy.





Animal Interesting Facts

Giant Arctic jellyfish have tentacles that can reach over 36 meters in length

Rats breed so quickly that in just 18 months, 2 rats could have created over 1 million relatives.

The blue whale can produce the loudest sound of any animal. At 188 decibels, the noise can be detected over 800 kilometers away.

Horses and cows sleep while standing up.

Locusts have leg muscles that are about 1000 times more powerful than an equal weight of human muscle.

Hummingbirds are so agile and have such good control that they can fly backwards.

Instead of bones, sharks have a skeleton made from

Insects such as bees, mosquitoes and cicadas make noise by rapidly moving their wings

The horn of a rhinoceros is made from compacted hair rather than bone or another substance.

Sharks lay the biggest eggs in the world.

Even when a snake has its eyes closed, it can still see through its eyelids.

Unlike humans, sheep have four stomachs; each one helps them digest the food they eat.

The average housefly only lives for 2 or 3 weeks.

Cats use their whiskers to check whether a space is too small for them to fit through or not.

BY: Marine Labib





can play with it and even talk to your pet. Pets get bored staying alone and to keep them happy you must spend time with them. It’s up to you to get to know them well, so that you understand what it is they love most – be it belly rubs, ear scratches, petting, being hugged, or sitting quietly on your lap. Do what makes them happy, and they’ll give you unconditional love in return. 5) Improve your pet’s hygiene. This means give it good baths and good brushes. If your pet is very furry make sure it is washed and brushed frequently so it does not collect dirty particles from the outdoors that could make it sick. Find out the normal amount of washes your pet needs from the vet and make sure you keep updated with its hygiene. Some pets grow their nails pretty fast so make sure you cut their nails so they do not scratch themselves, or even scratch you while trying to play. 6) Teach your pet cool tricks. Animals are really smart and the more tricks your pet knows, the more fun they are

to be around. Teach your pet to “shake hands” “play dead” or simply to “fetch.” 7) Pamper your pet. Buy toys for your pet to play with. Buy your pet some healthy snacks to nibble on or other treats you can give your pet after doing something right. Your pet also needs to have some sort of cushion to sleep on. You must teach your pet that this place is especially for sleeping. Make sure that

this cushion is comfortable for your pet to enjoy a nice deep sleep.


Your pets are very special to you, and in the same way, you are special to them. Having a pet is not easy. You need to put a lot of time and effort to make your pet the happiest pet. 1) Make sure your pet is eating their proper food. Just like you, pets get sick from junk food. Give your pets 3 healthy meals and make sure they have plenty of water. Vets know what food is best for your pet so ask them. 2) Make sure you take your pet on regular visits to the vet. Your pet cannot talk or cry so if he is sick you might not know. Taking it to the vet will keep your pet healthy most of the time. 3) Take your pet for a walk at least once a day because that is their exercise. They need to move around to stay healthy. 4) Spend time with your pet. You

BY: Marine Labib



Are YOU a ZOO Supporter? Have you ever been to a zoo? There are lots of zoos. Some take better care of animals than others, but no zoo can make animals feel like they are at home. Some people think it's OK to keep animals in zoos; others say that it's wrong to take animals from their homes in the wild.

A zoo supporter might say

• "The zoo is a great place to learn about animals." • "If kids don't see animals up close like they do at the zoo, they won't like them, appreciate them or want to

help them." • "Zoos help animals make babies (called "breeding") so they won't become extinct." • "Zoos take good care of animals. When animals get hurt or sick, an animal doctor called a vet makes them

better straight away. In the wild, sick animals would die." • "Animals are safe in zoos. They won't starve or be killed by other animals."

A person who thinks it's not fair to keep animals in zoos might say

• "Zoos don't teach us much about animals because the animals there don't act the way they would in the forest, jungle or ocean, where they belong. We can learn more about animals by reading books or watching wildlife programs on TV."

• "Zoos that help animals breed just keep the babies or sell them. If they cared about stopping animals from becoming extinct, they would set the babies free in the wild."

• "Animals are not happy in zoos. They want to be free to walk, run, fly, climb, hunt and have families. They don't want their babies to be taken away from them and put in a different cage or sold to a different zoo. They get angry and frustrated because they cannot leave the zoo, which makes them do strange things like pace up and down, lick the bars of their cages, rock back and forth and bob their heads. Scientists know that these things mean that the animals are very unhappy."

• "When a zoo doesn't want an animal anymore, the animal gets killed or sold to another zoo and might have to travel far away in a lorry or airplane."

THINK: 1. Would you rather live in a zoo or in your home with your family? Why? 2. What kinds of things do animals need to be happy? Do you think animals in zoos get all these things? Why or why not? 3. Think about animals you've seen at the zoo. Do you think there is somewhere else they would rather be? Something else they would rather be doing? Why or why not?

BY: Marine Labib



How Do Lungs Work?

Did you know that when you breath your Diaphragm contracts and flattens out to leave

a big space in your lungs for the air?

WHY things don't stuck in the lungs, as it's flat and empty? Because the lungs are covered with layers called pleural membranes that are separated by a fluid that allows them to slide easily during respiration.

Your lungs are one of the most important things in your body. You can't live without them. They work with the respiratory system to make you have fresh air that is needed for you to live. Your lungs are located in your chest but they are not the same size. The lung on the right is bigger than the lung on the left and that's because the left lung has the heart under it. There a rib cage that has 12 ribs. It protects your lungs. Under the lungs is a thing called a diaphragm it consists of a muscle that works with your lungs to make inhale and exhale.

When you inhale air from your mouth or your nose the air moves through your windpipe, which has cilia, that keeps mucus and dirt from entering your lungs and pollute them. Then air moves through branches in your lungs which are called bronchi and bronchioles. There's something which called alveoli that allowed oxygen from the air to enter our blood. The oxygen get into the blood in tiny capillaries. It also travels through blood vessels to the heart then the heart send all the blood that is filled with oxygen to all cells of the body.

The lungs are also important for you to talk not only for breathing. There is something, which is called voice box. Across the voice box there are two tiny ridges that called vocal cords. These vocal cords make sounds when they open and close. When the vocal codes are closed and air passes between them the vocal cords vibrate and sound is produced. Shouting needs a lot of air in your lungs to be done. if you inhaled little amount of oxygen, you won't be able to shout.

How to keep your lungs protected? It's so easy. You just have to eat healthy food and the most important thing is don't smoke. Smoking is the most harmful thing that could affect your lungs. smoking damages the cells in your lungs and the healthy cells died and only replaced by cancer cells. if your lungs are damaged they would never get back healthy again they would be damaged forever. Lungs are known always to be strong but when it comes to cigarettes it's not. Another way to keep your lungs healthy is to exercise a lot. Exercising is the best thing for your lungs. When you exercise your lungs require more air which gives the cells the oxygen they need. When you breath more your lungs become much stronger and healthier than before.

BY: Mayar Ali





acidic environment to break down food. It also moves the liquid mixture into the small intestine. The small intestine breaks down the food mixture in your body so your body can absorb proteins, vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates with the help of the pancreas, liver and gallbladder. The pancreas makes juices that help the body to digest fats and proteins. The liver creates a juice called bile helps to absorb fats. The gallbladder stores that juice until the body needs it. The food may be digested in 4 hours or more. The wastes that the liver gets from the food go to the large intestine. After that the waste transfers to the rectum where the feces are stored there until the faces leave the body from the anus.


The Digestive system work so easily it begins when you eat something. Then it has to be digested. Digestion allows your body to get the nutrients and energy. The digestive system consists of parts of your body that work together to make your food and liquids in your body change to energy needed for the body. The digestive system starts from the mouth. Enzymes released into the mouth, which starts the process of digestion. Then the food passes through the pharynx. Then the food moves in the esophagus to the stomach. When the food is in the stomach, it enters the

BY: Mayar Ali





Journey from earth to space:

If you decide to take a vacation and travel somewhere else I would suggest you go to a different planet. Earth is one of nine known planets that go around our star, the sun. Other planets go around the sun, too these are large chunks of rocks called asteroids, others are made of ice called comets, and dust particles. All of these belong to our solar system. Our solar system is in the Milky Way galaxy. There are millions of other systems in this galaxy. From Earth, the other planets look flat. But they are really shaped more like balls some are bigger than earth and others are smaller. Some are hot like a burning ball while further from the sun they get colder till it becomes an ice ball. Planets move in two ways. Every planet turns around and around like a spinning top. This movement is called rotation and each planet is rotating about its own axis. As each planet rotates, it also follows a path around the sun. The path is called an orbit. We say the planet orbits the sun in other words its rotating around the sun. The force of gravity is what makes all the planets move in this way Have you ever thought why when you are holding a pencil in your hand and let it go, it falls to the ground? Why doesn't it float in the air? A great scientist called Albert Einstein discovered that everything is made up of matter. The amount of matter an object has is called its mass. Some objects have great mass. Some have little. In space objects with great mass pull other objects to them. That pull is a force called gravity. Because Earth's mass is great, its pull of gravity — or gravitational [GRAV-it-TAY-shun-ul] force — is also great. It pulls the pencil toward Earth's centre and keeps it from floating in air. Gravity keeps us from floating in air and is what’s keeping the planets in their orbits. The Solar System been made up in two parts

By: Omar Othman



We have the Inner Solar System which has Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. These are closest to the Sun and are called the terrestrial planets simply because they have very solid rocky surfaces. The Outer Solar System has Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune these are sometimes called the gas giants . Out past Neptune you’ll find the small planet called Pluto which has a solid but icier surface. Our Solar System also contains comets, moons, dust, gas and some minor planets. Moons are satellites that travel with a planet as it orbits the sun. The earth has one moon, Mars has two very small ones, Jupiter, the giant of the planets, has The Distances a planet is from the Sun are measured in Astronomical Units (AU).we use the Earth as the standard unit and therefore the distance from earth to the sun is our reference to measure the distance between sun and any other planet., the earth is one AU from the Sun, so an AU equals 150 million kilometres (93 million miles). Mercury 0.4 AU, Venus 0.7 AU, Earth 1AU, Mars 1.5 AU and Jupiter 5.2 AU.



Mercury This planet is often called a morning star Mercury is the closest of the planets to the Sun. The surface of Mercury that faces the Sun can reach about 800 degrees Fahrenheit. and the temperature on the nighttime side is almost -300 degrees Fahrenheit The surface of Mercury is covered with craters. These craters have been created by accidental encounters with asteroids and comets Mercury has no moons

Jupiter Jupiter is by far the largest planet in our Solar System Jupiter is considered a gas giant because it does not have a solid surface. Under its atmosphere is a large liquid ocean of hydrogen and water Jupiter has rings They are faint and are only able to be viewed when Jupiter passes in front of the Sun it has 50 official moons It takes Jupiter 11.9 of the Earth’s years to make its orbit round the Sun

Mars Mars was the Roman god of war and agriculture Mars mild temperament is more like the Earth's than any of the other planets. Evidence suggests that Mars once had rivers, streams, lakes, Mars has two moons, their names are Deimos and Phobos. a typical year on Mars is 1 year and 320 days.

Neptune Neptune is the smallest of the four gas giants there is a large white cloud that moves around rather quickly Neptune is a very windy place. No other planet in the Solar System has winds that are as strong as Neptune's Neptune has six rings which circle the planet. Neptune has 13 moons that we know of.

By: Omar Othman



Uranus Uranus is a gas giant. Uranus spins on its side Uranus is an extremely cold planet. It has been called the "ice giant. Scientists also believe that on the surface of Uranus there may be a huge ocean Uranus also has rings they are made up of black dust particles and large rocks. Uranus has 27 moons. Five of these moons are large and the rest are smaller

Pluto Pluto was the only planet to be named by a kid Pluto's status was officially changed from planet to dwarf planet. Pluto has 4 moons. The largest is named Charon. its only slightly smaller than Pluto For this reason, Pluto and Charon are often called a double planet system.

Venus Venus was the Roman goddess of love and beauty Venus is the brightest planet in the Solar System and can be seen even in daylight Venus has many, many volcanoes few mountainous areas along with extensive flat areas Venus has no moons Venus orbits round the sun in 262 days

Saturn Saturn was the Roman god of agriculture It is the second largest planet in our Solar System and it is a gas giant like Jupiter Saturn is the least dense planet in our Solar System. It is made up of mostly hydrogen and helium its rings are amazingly thin, estimated to be less than a kilometre thick Saturn has 53 official moons Saturn takes 29½ years to make one complete orbit of the Sun.



How much would you weigh on ……? In order to explain the gravitational force of different planets lets measure your weight on them.

How much would you weigh on Mercury? If you moved to Mercury you would not weigh as much as you do on Earth. Not because you would lose weight on the spaceship, but because Mercury is smaller, and so has less gravity. If you weigh 70 pounds (32 kg) on Earth, you would weigh only about 27 pounds (12 kg) on Mercury

How much would you weigh on Venus? Because Venus and the Earth are almost the exact same size, you would weigh almost exactly the same on either planet. If you weighed 70 pounds (32 kg) on Earth, you would weigh 63 pounds (29 kg) on Venus.

How much would you weigh on Mars? If you weighed 70 pounds (32 kg) on the Earth, you would weigh about 27 pounds (12 kg) on Mars.

How much would you weigh on Jupiter? If you travelled to Jupiter on vacation, you would be very heavy. If you weigh 70 pounds (32 kg) on Earth, on Jupiter you would weigh 185 pounds (84 kg). This is because Jupiter is such a large planet and so has more gravity.

By: Omar Othman



How much would you weigh on Saturn? Because Saturn is bigger than the Earth, you would weigh more on Saturn than you do here. If you weigh 70 (32 kg) pounds on Earth, you would weigh 74.5 pounds (34 kg) on Saturn. Probably not as much as you thought, right?

How much would you weigh on Uranus? It would take you many years to fly a rocket to Uranus. When you arrive you would weigh less because Uranus' gravity is not as strong as the Earth's. If you weigh 70 pounds (32 kg) on Earth, you would weigh 62 pounds (28 kg) on Uranus.

How much would you weigh on Neptune? If you weigh 70 pounds (32 kg) on the Earth, you would weigh 78.5 pounds (36 kg) on Neptune.

How much would you weigh on Pluto? Because Pluto is so small you would be very light if you visited it. If you weigh 70 pounds (32 kg) on Earth, you would only weigh 4 pounds (2.5 kg) on Pluto.



Mercury The first photographs of the surface of Mercury were taken by the USA Space Agency, NASA. The Mariner 10 spacecraft passed close to the planet in 1974 and 1975 and took very clear photographs. NASA’s latest mission to Mercury is called Messenger. The Messenger spacecraft entered Mercury’s orbit in March 2011 and is sending back new pictures of the planet.


Venus rotates very slowly so that a day on Venus lasts more than 100 Earth days. In 1975 the Soviet Union sent two spacecraft Landers to Venus, Venera 9 and Venera 10. These Landers sent back images to the Earth. It is not a very clear pictures but they are well known since they are the first photographs we have of the surface of Venus.

Mars: Mars has higher mountains, and deeper canyons than any other planet. The largest canyon on Mars would stretch from New York City to Los Angeles on the Earth

Solar System Interesting Facts By: Omar Othman



Jupiter: There is a permanent, but ever-changing whirlpool of storms, known as Jupiter’s Great Red Spot which can be seen using a telescope. The Red Spot was first seen by Robert Hooke in 1664.

Uranus: Uranus was first seen by William Herschel in 1781 during a survey of the sky using a telescope. In 1782 George III appointed Herschel as Astronomer Royal. He Also discovered 2 of Uranus’ moons with a larger telescope. In 1977 Uranus passed in front of a star and astronomers saw nine rings around the planet. These are very faint and not easily seen, unlike the rings around Saturn.

Neptune: In 2011 Neptune completed the first orbit of the Sun since its discovery 165 years before in 1846.


In 1930 the discovery of Pluto by Clyde Tombaugh in the Lowell Observatory was announced as the discovery of the “ninth planet”.



Did You Know? 9- New studies show that non-smokers live 18 years longer than

smokers. 10- Green-tipped bananas are better for your health than over-ripe

bananas. 11- Eating food containing too much artificial flavors, colors, and

other additives diminish the effectiveness of the immune system. 12- Olive oil is one of the best heart disease-fighting natural foods

available. 13- Children need 1 1/2 to 2 times more protein per pound of body

weight than adults. Babies need 3 times more! 14- Did you know 9% of people skip breakfast daily! 15- Parsley is useful as a digestive aid, and it helps to purify the blood and stimulate the bowels

7- Did you know: The bigger the orange, the sweeter it is. 8- Did you know: Tomatoes are an excellent source of

Vitamin C ( the Vitamin C is most concentrated in the jelly-like substance that surrounds the seeds)

3- Did you know: unless food is mixed with saliva you can't taste it 4- Did you know: honey is the only natural food which never goes off

5- Did you know: M&M's chocolate stands for the initials for its inventors Mars and Murrie.

6- Did you know: almonds are members of the peach family.

1- Did you know: Coca-Cola originally contained cocaine. 2- Did you know: Lemons contain more sugar than strawberries.

BY: Emad Farag



Eat Well, Play Hard

What is Obesity? Obesity (O-bee-see-tee), it might be the first time to see this word, but basically, all of us knows what it is. It is the state of being highly overweight in which the body contains excess fat adversely affects a child’s health and comfort. Nowadays, it is recognized as a serious public health concern due to the increasing rate of obesity in children all over the globe. The percentage of children aged 6–11 years in the United States who were obese increased from 7% in 1980 to nearly 18% in 2010 which means that 1 out of 3 kids now considered overweight or obese.

Body mass index (BMI) is the method to determine obesity for children of age two and older. It uses height and weight measurements to estimate a child's body fat. If a child’s weight is more than the average for his height, the child is called to be obese. Once you know your BMI, you can know whether you are obese or not. Kids ages 2 to 19 can be categorized into one of four categories:

1. Underweight: BMI below the 5th percentile 2. Normal weight: BMI at the 5th and less than the 85th percentile

3. Overweight: BMI at the 85th and below 95th percentiles 4. Obese: BMI at or above 95th percentile

Causes: 1- Junk Food: Food that has too much of some things we don't need or not much of things we

do need is called junk foods. Fatty foods like burgers and fried potatoes are fun to eat sometimes, but it is dangerous to have them all the time. Junk foods contain large amount of salts, fats, and sugars; however, your body only needs small amounts of them.

2- Fizzy Drinks: Sweetened drinks which contain sugar and fructose. These drinks play an important role in weight gain as they have large number of calories that hardly can one’s body burn.

3- No physical exercises: Staying physically inactive leaves unused energy in the body, most of which is stored as fat. Many children fail to exercise because they are spending most of their spare time in front of television and video games.

4- The unhealthy environment: Today’s busy moms have less time to prepare healthy food, and they choose fast food as an alternative. Yes it is easier and more comfortable to have a meal ready for you at any time, but it is not the healthy meal that we need.

BY: Emad Farag



Problems There are three types of problems an obese child will always face:

1- Emotional and psychological: Obese children often suffer from teasing by their peers (calling names). Some are harassed or discriminated against by their own family. The Stereotypes and names, obese children are called, will lead to a low self-esteem and depression.

2- Health problems: Obesity can lead to life-threating conditions as it causes diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart diseases.

3- The dark future: Overweight children are more likely to grow up to be overweight adults. They are more at risk for adult health problems such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, several types of cancers.

The solution Many companies claim that their medicines can make you thin, and get rid of obesity. This is not true because your power of will is the only weapon which can destroy obesity. Always remember that the greatest solution to controlling obesity is self -motivation, eating balanced meals full of fresh fruits and vegetables, and the most important thing is doing lots of exercises and physical activities. No medicine will help if your eating habit is wrong. Be strong and possess the spirits of champions, set your target which is lose all of your excess weight, and you will achieve what you want. (Ask your mom to prepare for you a healthy lunch box everyday)



We all know Superman the super strong

man with the blue costume, red cape, and stylized red-and-yellow "S" logo on his chest.

Superman possess extra ordinary powers , for example, flying, super-strength , super-speed, vision powers , super-hearing, super-intelligence, and super-breath, which enables him to blow out air at freezing temperatures, as well as exert the propulsive force of high-speed winds. Unfortunately, we can’t posses any of these abilities except strength because in reality, it is a fictional character. Just look at his huge, fit body and you will notice his shredded muscles that every one dreams of. Surely, a man with a body like this must be eating balanced meals every day, and doing hard exercises. Our concern now is about his meals. Superman eats considered amounts from every food group, for example, he concerns about eating:

1- Carbohydrates: This group contains starchy foods such as rice, pasta, oats, potatoes, sweet potato, breads, and breakfast cereals. Function:

• It provides body with energy we need to learn, live and play.

• It provides the body with lots of Fibers which help in the digestive system.

• It gives us calcium and B vitamins




2- Proteins: This group contains meat, fish, eggs, vegetable protein, nuts, and beans. Function:

• This helps the body to grow and repair itself.

• The foods in this group are a good source of protein, iron, niacin and vitamin B12.

• The iron in animal foods is more easily absorbed by the body than the iron in plant foods.

• Strengthen the body muscles.

Superman says: our muscles hold our bones and make them move.

3- Diary and Milk Products: Milk, yoghurt and firm cheeses are the three important foods in this group. Function:

• This group provides calcium and protein which is responsible for growing teeth and bones.

Superman says:

• Remember to choose low-fat or non-fat versions of your favorite type of dairy to cut down on calories, sugar, and fat.

• If you want a healthy bedtime snack, drink little chocolate milk before you go to sleep.



Fruits: Bananas, Watermelon, Grapes, Orange.

Vegetables: Carrot, Cucumber, lettuce, Parsley.

4. Fruits and Vegetables


Fruit and vegetables are low in calories and high in fiber, so eating plenty of them will help control your weight. Fruit is incredibly nutrient-dense and can help decrease the risk of bone loss, kidney stones, boost your immunity, and make you feel vibrant Vegetables offer our bodies necessary vitamins and minerals that can prevent cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and many other diseases caused by aging.

Note: Fruits and Vegetables work hand-in-hand.

Superman says: Fruits are the

nature’s candy.

4. Fats and sugars: This group contains butter, margarine, cooking oils, cream, salad dressings, chocolate, crisps, sugary soft drinks, and pastries.

Function: • Give us a lot of energy (calories) but not many


Superman says: Do not eat Junk food as it high in salt, sugar, and fats.

That was a description of how Superman chooses the ingredients in his meal, now show me what you

got to prepare a balanced, healthy meal. (Ask your mother for help)







What did the cannibal order for take-out? Pizza with everyone on it. What do cats call mice on skateboards? "Meals on Wheels." What did the mayonnaise say to the refrigerator? Close the door, I'm dressing! Why did the man eat at the bank? He wanted to eat rich food. Why did the man stare at the can of orange juice? Because it said 'concentrate.' What starts with "t" ends with "t" and is filled with "t"? A teapot. What's in an astronaut's favorite sandwich? Launch meat. What did the hungry computer eat? Chips, one byte at a time. What do you get when you put three ducks in a box? A box of quack ers. What day do potatoes hate the most? Fry-day! Why did the cookie go to the doctor? Because it was feeling crummy! What do ghosts like for dessert? I scream! What is a math teacher's favorite dessert? Pi! What's a penguin's favorite salad? Iceberg lettuce! What is a dog's favorite dessert? Pup-cakes! What is a frog's favorite cold drink? Croak-a-cola!


FALL 2016


FALL 2016

Across 3. (we chew food using it)

4. (we eat by it ) 6. ( we see with them) 7. (we hold stuff by it)


1. (Our food is stored in it) 2. (we walk by them)

3. ( we taste food with it) 5. (we sit on them)

6. (we hear using them ) 7. (we comb it everyday)

8. (we use them to breath)


FALL 2016

QUESTIONS: 1- What is the biggest part of the eye and gives the eye its shape? 2- What shuts automatically to protect the eye from possible danger? 3-Where are the major endocrine glands located? 4-What is the immune system is made of ? 5-What is the muscle that pumps blood throughout your body? 6-Which muscle helps move your shoulders? 7-What is the largest endocrine gland? Hint: It's found in your belly! 8-Which part is the colorful part of the eye? 9- What is the system that controls everything you do? 10-What is the three parts that the nervous system is made off? 11-Which part of the body is the control center for the nervous system? 12-A typical brain weighs how much? 13-What is the biggest part of brain? 14-How fast does the hair on your head grow every month? 15-What protects your eyes from sweat dripping down from your forehead? 16-What is the pigment that the hair color come from? 17-What is the smallest bone in the body?

It is a Little Quiz:

1-What is the food group responsible for the growth of teeth? 2-What is the BMI method? 3- What is Obesity? 4- Foods that has lots of Fats, Sugars, and Salts? 5-Match the following ingredients to their food group:

1- Chicken a-Vegetables ( ) 2- Strawberry b-Proteins ( ) 3- Chocolate c-Carbohydrates ( ) 4- Carrot d-Fats and Sugars ( ) 5- Rice e-Milk and Dairy Products ( ) 6- White Cheese f-Fruits ( )

Answers: 1- Milk and Dairies (Calcium) 2- Method to determine obesity for children. 3- The state of being highly overweight in which the body

contains excess fat. 4- Junk Foods 5- 1b

2f 3d 4a 5c 6e