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NEG Case

Sufyan and I negate Resolved: United Nation peacekeepers should have the power to engage in offennsive operations

Contention One: Missing the Boat

Offensive Operations miss the point; Instead of solving the root of the issue, they only stop the presentation of violence.East African 2014Jean-Marie Guehenno, the United Nations peacekeeping chief from 2000 to 2008, has cautioned against the thinking that a combative mission will resolve conflicts in Africa, particularly Congo's quagmire. Offensive peacekeeping cannot be relied upon to resolve the structural causes of the conflicts in Somalia, South Sudan or eastern DRC, which often have regional dimensions and linkages in neighboring countries. These pundits want the UN to pursue a solution that will involve willing heads of state from the region. They say that it is "not a SWAT team that's going to clean up a bad neighborhood. That requires politics."

It is impossible to solve conflicts using Offensive Operations.IPI 13Conflict will not be resolved by military means alone. The coherent peacemaking strategy outlined in the framework agreement is required to address the root causes of conflict through mediation efforts, statebuilding, and judicial settlement. These non-military solutions should be pursued to address multifaceted disputes including land ownership, historic ethnic tension, natural resource management, and power disputes. The Intervention Brigade may be able to complement this political process by acting as a deterrent and by making rebel groups believe they have no alternative but to negotiatethat they will not achieve their aims by violent means.

Historically, UN Offensive Operations are complete failuresBoot 2000When the United Nations does use force, the results are often pathetic. The various national contingents that make up U.N. peacekeeping operations Bangladeshis, Bulgarians, Brazilians, and the like are chosen not for martial prowess but because their governments are willing to send them, often for no better reason than to collect a daily stipend. The quality of these outfits varies widely: Shawcross writes, for instance, that the Bulgarians in Cambodia were "said to be more interested in searching for sex than for ceasefire violations." Trying to coordinate all these units, with their incompatible training, procedures, and equipment (to say nothing of languages), makes a mockery of the principle of "unity of command." Little wonder that blue helmets strike no fear in the hearts of evildoers. It is worth noting that the only interventions that achieved anything worthwhile in the 1990s were conducted outside the U.N. For example, although the Balkans today are not a multicultural paradise, they are relatively peaceful: mass murder has been halted, refugees returned. All this was achieved through greatpower action and traditional balance of power calculations both anathema to the Wilsonians at Turtle Bay. In Bosnia, a Croat onslaught and NATO bombing and artillery bombardment combined to roll back Serb forces and to push Slobodan Milosevic to cut a deal. In Kosovo, a rebel ground offensive, NATO air power, and the threat of a NATO invasion again bludgeoned Belgrade into submission. The U.N.'s role was negligible in both cases. Interventions such as these that address symptoms (famine or repression, for example) instead of their causes (such as bad government) are doomed to disappoint. This is a lesson the Clinton administration learned belatedly in Kosovo and Bosnia, and perhaps even in Iraq. What Shawcross and his views are reflective of a certain internationalist mindset fails to fully grasp is how useless, and sometimes counterproductive, U.N. involvement has been. NATO won a victory in Kosovo but then unwisely turned over management of the province to the world body. The U.N. viceroy there, Bernard Kouchner, now faces an impossible task, having to coordinate myriad agencies while carrying out a contradictory mandate: to run Kosovo but to do nothing to prevent its eventual return to Serbian rule. As a result, his administration is in a shambles and reconstruction lags behind schedule. Although it may sometimes make sense to seek the U.N.'s imprimatur for a mission, the organization should not be given operational control. Effective empires require strong proconsuls, not bureaucrats

Contention Two: Increased Violence

The use of offensive operations forces the UN to choose a side, which creates more violenceIPI 13More military engagements will bring increased risk to those in the vicinity, and there is potential for the population in areas of operations to become casualties or displaced by the fighting. In May 2013, fourteen primarily humanitarian international nongovernmental organizations working in eastern DRC appealed to the special representative of the secretary-general, then Roger Meece, to ensure that planning for operations prioritizes the mitigation of harm to civilians and that protectionrelated activities and comprehensive contingency plans are in place. Practical measures must account for not only first-order effects during fighting but also the aftermath of operations, including unexploded ordnance, material losses, and impact on community dynamics. Since offensive military operations undertaken by the Intervention Brigade make the UN a party in the conflict that is subject to international humanitarian law, it could be argued that because the brigade falls under the command of the MONUSCO force commander, the force as a whole becomes a party to the conflict. In order to guard against legitimizing reprisal attacks against the regular MONUSCO force and its civilian components by rebel groups, the Intervention Brigade will be required to distinguish itself from the regular MONUSCO troops. However, rebel groups cannot be relied upon to respect this distinction. Previous periods of offensive operations by MONUSCO have brought threats of reprisals: when MONUSCO used attack helicopters in Rutshuru in North Kivu province in July 2012, the M23 responded by threatening to treat the peacekeepers as hostile forces. Other peacekeeping operations have also experienced threats against their civilian components in the wake of high tempo military operations. For example, the secretary-general strongly condemned the increasing attacks against UN peacekeeping staff in Darfur in March 2009, which included carjackings, harassment, and armed attacks on civilian staff members as well as peacekeeping troops. Humanitarian organizations are committed to ensuring they can provide assistance to those in need on all sides of the conflict and highlight the vital importance of maintaining their independence and impartiality. However, offensive operations by the Intervention Brigade could increase the risk to their personnel if spoilers, unable or unwilling to distinguish between military and civilian international components, target vulnerable softer" targets than the Intervention Brigade troops and if NGOs are perceived to be aligned to a party in the conflict.

Contention Three: Human Rights Abuses

The UN Peacekeeping operation in Haiti, referred to as MINUSTAH, exemplifies peacekeeping troops committing human rights abuses against the populations they are deployed to protectHalling and Bookey in 2008 &crawlid=1&doctype=cite&docid=31+Hastings+Int%27l+%26+Comp.+L.+Rev. +461&srctype=smi&srcid=3B15&key=fb769759c6b4a18682114333eaee9d1In addition to violating their own official mandate, MINUSTAH's actions rise to the level of violations of international law in contravention of the SOFA. Crimes of murder (or extrajudicial killing), rape, and arbitrary arrest, for example, are universally recognized as violations of international law. The widespread and systematic nature of MINUSTAH's actions perpetrated against civilians in Haiti, which have led to the deaths, severe injury, warrantless detention, and persecution of hundreds of persons known for their political support of ousted President Aristide bears alarmingly resemblance with the definition of crimes against humanity stated in the Rome Statute.'