Key Terms and people to identify: Confucius, Laozi, Dao, filial piety, legalism. Key Concepts–...


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Key Terms and people to identify: Confucius, Laozi, Dao, filial piety, legalism.

Key Concepts– students will explore the impact the teachings of Confucius had on Asian cultures. •Students will identify the 5 key relationships.•Students will explore the climate and times in which Confucius began his teaching.•Students will compare and contrast the teachings of Confucius with those of Buddha.

Key Texts: The Analects, the Tao Te Ch'ing.

•500 – 200 BC

•3 Schools of thought emerged.

•Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism.

•Buddhists focus – free the soul from rebirth and achieve nirvana.

•Confucius – how people should behave now, and responsibility to create a stable world.

•Born in 551 BC. China was violent, politically corrupt, decadent and filled with warfare.

•His teachings are found in the Analects.

•His impact – all Chinese students read his teachings.

•Proper human behavior – live in accordance with the Dao.

•Duty and Humanity.

•Filial piety – a love and respect for one’s parents and ancestors.•This is considered the first virtue in Chinese culture.

•Parent and Child.

•Children revere their parents.

•Loving relationship.

•Husband and Wife.

•Husbands are to fulfill their duties, and wives are to be obedient to their husbands.

•Older Sibling and Younger Sibling.

•The eldest is to be kind.

•The youngest is to be respectful.

•Older Friend and Younger Friend.

•Older – Considerate

•Younger – Deferential.

•Ruler and his subjects.

•Ruler is to be benevolent.

•Subjects are to be loyal to their ruler.

•Duty and honor were key.

•Strong work ethic.

•Leaders set a good example.

•Dao – Humanity

•Compassion and empathy for others.

•Believed in merit, not noble birth.

•Daoists believe in Inaction.

•Act in harmony w/universe.

•Let nature take its course by not interfering with it.

•Works – Tao Te Ching

Yin and Yang symbol

•Humans are evil by nature.

•Correct path or behavior is gained when there are strict laws and consequences for breaking them.

•System of impersonal laws.

“A picture is worth a thousand words.”

“Give a hungry person a fish, he eats for a day, teach a hungry person to fish, and he eats for a lifetime.”

“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time.”

“Superior men are modest in their words, profuse in their deeds.”

“Anybody can be a superior man it is only necessary to decide to become one.”

“A superior man thinks what is right a small man thinks what is profitable.”

“A superior man demands much of himself a small man demands much of others.”

“A superior man accepts his lot commonly and a small man is full of complaints.”
