Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1789). (Lexington, KY...


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SACRED TO THE MUSES. 0O3LA'i MiirtlTS.OF all tn - trades from ealr to west,

The co!kr'a pall contending,Is le in to prove belt,

vV hieli every day is mending.Hj v z nil praile, who cm amend,

The Jottl of all his neighbours,N.r ! ,n ii of. hi? i,

But to his hji lie labours !

An attornev observed a boy of abQUt nineye s of J ?e, diverting hirafelf at play, whose ec-c- e

nr c ipiie-irnnc- attrarted his attention" Cons .lere mv lad," said he : the bov acco-rding, ind aster chatting a little, asked theaUoi ne , " 'fh,it c rise was to be trie 1 next ?" ACife between the Poland the Devil, (mtwered theattoi es) and wh'ubdip-- think tuiU gain the .ifii-c- n

?" " I knoei;" ("avs the bov) gueji it will

be .1 pretty list fj'teeze the Pope has the tisijl Money, bul'the Devil bat tbemijl Lawyers.. ,


MiJM!it'- S.IS

JLa. cain-'- dl requeued to pay their respectiveba'. inces to James M'Laughun, Jun. .vho isdulv autiio riled to receive the same.


sr op rti.--i runaway.fl AURY a squat made negro, fellow, aboutSl ti'ef t seven inches high, aged 20 or27 "oar;, (piaks quick, his upper lip Cocks ummac. i it tne uuei, ne is uow ieggea,ne lsquian t tivc. a his motions, reiolute and trri l

b - m lis t.n,er, r iiiawav from me in sisc i nt ', i limiic Lnn's ttation, about tnen ,it ,jt c us month, paifed to the neighbourhoodol Lexn jton as a (lave belonging to Col. JohnCainJiill of whoml.'nd him, at whose house, Ifo'i-i- him affir h'sfirltelope.nent, relying on hijpromises to return horn; to his wise & children Idi nt confi 13 him, hj availed himself of the

and Hole aw waen I was ready toft'.'-- ,

I iipjuOd he .voald return to the neigh-b- o

T i of Lexington or Hickman creek whereli. ,1 r ir uve? i Frederick Zimmerman,rv io ' ild him to Walter Carr E'q. who sold hnnto Ji in Ca,np!."U ofwhom 1 purclufed him.I win give five dollar reward over and abovewha. t'le law allows for apprenending and

sad ngo in anv j ul in Kentucky, ordoa ile the fu n is taken and iecured in any otherstate, ana ii brought home realbnablc cliarges.

NICHOLAS BUCKNEll.Mirch 26th, 4w)

FOJR FENCE RF1V4UD.AN a a ay from ihe ft'ibfcriber ont'le'tourt h inlt. an apprentice boy

nailied aiiies Poguc, this is to Un-wa- rn

all s t'i om harbouring himac thei. peiil.

Samuel Holady.Georgetown, April 4th, 1798. 3W46

AL rcjr county (Ci.February co'irt of Qtiarter Seffions 17981

JobnSige, Cjmplvt.ut,AGAINST A

Thomas Smith, Daftn Ut.tIN CH VNCERY.

The (lefendaiit no liaino; enteredhis abearance bsin agreeabk' to law and therule-- , of tais court, and it apjaringto the fatiffa lion jt the conrt thatuefaid defendant is noih '.ibitant of this commonwealth, on the moti-

on of ttie cotnplana'it by his coun&I, it is order- -

tA fhf" hi rm.fii (lorn nn flio ilau nC rtnr

Juiii coirtfieKtl anf.vertbe eifnp1aants hiUJUand that a copv of tii' order be forthwith insert' j

ed in tne Kentucky Gazette fortwv months fuc-e- efi elyand puMiQied at c'ane run meetln ;houle fundav unmedi.itelv aster devjne fcrvlce,andalfo at ue door of the conrtiioofe.

A copl Telte.&s C. WING. D. C.

flf A'CEN up by the fuWcriber; living on theS wateri oalt river, an iron gray hor'i?,

alio'it f mrteeti hand-- , bigtiartjadeil to' be fiviO' lit v? ir--

, old ne-i- t fpnng, branded on the o,T

fln il.ler with a hart and alio on the near buttockt lis hixl btfore appraised to fifteen p s

Gmroe Jordan. rJanuiry J.I, 179S.


T"HE va'i?abie Cv VaJl iaw Milh airtabjim.'di .1 id iiv.-- n ; of laad. with fcWT

con O' nt 'I'likl-- ; ' ile aixl ptacb orchard",nii''i t.ent.31 bet ccn ihe tareeconnty towns,'1vn r i.e'te, Wor l ai,f Scott ;. on SouthElkhim,dt the mo it d t'ie I'own fork ; thethe Ii!'.s nntfor a 'lLiidied and'fittv poundsper annum, now m r 'e ttiuir'. of Reubfen Tlunvan.X..irt's o:lert , Giecii riie", orCuninerland,of a )i d ) niity, d"a tit e, will be taki.n in ex--

'M,je lo o thirds of the purdiafe ;. for furtne. pailiciilari, apply to. ".


A'1 ,1-9-8.

1! iii'phyihe Soi.tllT" '' am. V oodfird county, nea- - the mtmth oft " k, a da-- k bav maf, about ten yearso ,a'.i ,rfc n hiiji', 'bme white saddlefy :. r b .uijpirceivablc. jiiriifed f" 18I.

JOHxY CAUHOOtT.Apr.l 2d, 1 798.

Samuel & George 'Trotter,

H' J ml received amd - are now openingatt.ieir itorem L.exin;jl on, A large am

general alfortment of mercli .lidife, comiftm-o-

DM GOODS, HA.Mtriii ,GiCOQF..aES,GLASS and QUEE?$$2PA.Jz- - : NAILS, AN-VILS, JCJCLS, STEEL, & c. which will be

Ibid on the virylowcjl tersvs for CASH.

LL peilbnb inileb led to the lateA' firm of ALEXANiOKK & JAM-fc-

P.lRKER, are 1 equelte d to take no-

tice, that the accounts of Taid firm arepufinto the hands of rr. John Arthurof Lexington, who is sully auiho-ife-

to collect the same, and positively di-

rected to bring suits aj;ainll all thofcwiio do not settle their relpeiitise ba "

lances either with laid Arthur, orAlexander Parker, on or before thenth inlt. we are compelled to thismeasure, as mj atteati n has beenhitherto paid to our notice on this

Alexander Parker, "

John Cobukn,John Bradjord, jFeb. ill. 1798.

A HINT."persons indebted to the lateALL of



fthatnegleft to call and pay off there refpeicuve

baances, before the hrlt day ot February neSt,in ay depend on having their accounts placSdjSthe hands of proper onacers for colleftion.."'

John Ml. BoGO.Geo. Anderson.

January U, 179S.

Israel huntBOOT se& ffl & SHOE


.T VPPPt'ttttt t V :V..-- i.t Vr in rp- -

neral, and his Fi lends m pal ticular, thatt,n rmn..M...t.A Li.C.nnCe in nil ifrl varinnc

branches, on Short flreet, next door to J. Mor- -

rifon. He flatters himself from the neatnefj-otK- l

excellence of his work to merit the savors ofthe pnbiic. He has furnished himfell with asew excellent workmen, together with some ofthe bell materials that can be produced.




O ETURNS his thanks to his enfto- -l--. mers foi their palt savors, andhopes by his attention to business, tomerit them in intnre. He begs leaveto inform the public in geneial thathe continues to carry on the abovebusiness, in all its branches, on Crol'sltreet, two doors above Short ltreet.He nx mil give generous wages to threeor sour good Journeymen.

A R E Q WEST.mHAT Iame3 f i'ffs will speedilyf X. make 'known to me in LexingtonKentucky, where he lives that 1 mav

.," 'J. ..1."

r.-- .Swrite to 111111 1111 particular occuiiuns,perhaps to his advantage,

JOSEPH JEFFS.March 24th, 1798' tf

T HK public will take no-tir- e,

tlrat I foi ewarn all personsunot to touch ior take awayany goods I

orciiatteis rormeriy irr tne nanua orRichard Matthews, antl now iu mypollelfion, as they are the property offames Nelson of Virginia,


Harrison County, April 16, 1758.t3

70WN LOTS.NMBbil of aliiRbIe LOTSin the town of Newport, fsru- -

ate at the mouth of Licking, in thecounty of Campbell, will beevpofedl


r.M nti. th--... ,f.nll f 011 rl, f,ll-- lV.f ItB.W J .'... tJ, fl HV 111 IV

(lav of May next, (being the day ofeledion:) 12 months credit will begiven on giving bond witfh approved


Attorney in lact forTAYLOR.

NewporrApnl'ifij r7g8. 3

l")ni)id TlnmbhrpMt


IbResfect. tjlly informs his friends Ji1 and the public in general, that he car,ties on his 4jnlin;ls in all its v,T.rjr asbranches, in Capt. Kenneth M'Coj 'shouse on Mill llreet, the second honfefrom Short llreet, Lexington-- . Those


1 ho please to savor him. wrh theircultom may depend on having theirwork done in the nearest and bellmanner and on the ihorteft notice.

THE SUBSCRIBrRSrTAVEjuIl iuipoi ted, and now openi JL ed for sale, a laige and verj ge-nei- al

allortment nr

SVeil calculatedMERCHANDIZE,

to all seasons j whichhey willi'e)! on very low terms for


N. B. thefubferibers have importeda large quantity of well aflbrted barrii on, and alio have a conltant fuplyof caltings and fait. tf

THE fnbfcribers have a quantity of HEMPtown tp break, for which service they will

'&ve 76 per 1 1 2 lb.DAVID DODGE, iz Co.

Lexington, Jan. 31, 179S.

"IPajhitigton Town-Lotter- y


, THE Scheme of a Lottery for raifingtheAlniof 1000 bdllars, for the purpose of conveyingthe water from the Puplic Spring t Jome

iifthe town of WaBiingten.1 Prize of 500 Dollars is 500? -- ' 253 - - J33

' I 230 . . 2003 -- '. - 100 - - 3302 - last drawn 100 each - - 200

12 . jd - - . 6do20 - - 33 6x1SO . - 20 , - 4JO50 - 10 . 530

"5to - 6 3000

6i' Prizes.IL.S9 Blanks. 7

1,700 Tickets at 4 Dollar 6,800Kot neartwo blanks to a prize.Toe priaes, fubjectto a deduction of IS per

cent, are to be paid in one month aster tli ; draw- -ing is ended, of which notice will be Riven.

Such prizes as are not Called ior within twelvemonths from the time the drawing is closed,will be confidcrcdas given up for the good of theinttitutjon.

In case there vis not a'fufficienffy of ticketssold to warrant the commeccemenrof the draw-ing within eighteen months, the money is accord-ing to aft of afTembly( to be jefunded ; for thaperfprrnance of whichand the punctual paymentof the prizes, proper security has been given bythe managers.

Tickets may be had of the managers inWafiiington, and of several persons in Lexing-ton, Paris, Cincinnati, and other places.

Any person purchaling twenty tickets or up-wards, will be entitled to a credit for one halfthe purchase money until the drawing of thelottery. ,


The objefl pfopofed to be carried into efleftby the alhitance of this lottery, is lb lauttaole,and its utility so very obvious, that little doubtcan be entertained offuccefs mthe lale of tick-

ets; consequently it is expefbkl the tirhe ofdrawing will not be very remote.


'T'HE publir are hereby informed that EdI ucation may now be had at the Tranfyl-vani- a

Sciinary on as extensive a plan,, and asmoderate terms as at any school in the Union.The Greei and Latin languages will be taughtthere, together with Mathematics, Geography,-,(h-

Belles Lettres, and every other branch of"Learning that makes part of the usual coiirfepf Academic Education. The truflees havealio maae arrangements ior, anil win procure aFrench Teacher, whencverthere fhali be a ut

number of Students desirous of acquiringthat language. The terms of tuition ate sourpounds per annum. Boarding may be had withMrs. KiChardlon at the Seminary, and in othergenteel boufes in Lexington,- at the moderate '

rate of fifteen" poundsper annum ; one qtianter .

to be paid always in advance For this ftimstudents will be dieted, and their cloathesw.iflied and mended they fui nilhiag their own Jbeddihghre-woo- d and candles, in their ownapartments.

R. BARR, Chnv

I WEN FY DOLLARS RKWAKU.tiTOLENoutof my stable the firilO day of this month, a dark bay orbrown horse, ten or eleven years old,has a blaze face, is blind in his lesteycj-wfrk-

h will not be difcovcredunlefi particularly noticed, nearlyfifteen hands hiffh, very much rubbed with the geers, his tail- - was cutlafi; fall (a long bob) which is notgrowrr out, trots naturally; I will-give the above reward for hoile andthief, or ten dolrars for the hmfe alone, delivered to me living in Frank-Ji- n

county, on the road leadingfrom Harrodfburgh to Frankfort.

THOS. LILLA11D.April r, 179S. ' -- t

IHE partnrrfliip, of ROBERT& Co. is this day dif-solve- d,

all persons indebted to ,thefirm,vill feetheneceflity of calling

and settling ofFtheir balances to the fubferiber, as n) further in- -

dulgencecan be .IVUHfcK 1 BARR.

Lexington, March ij, t7g8.

Blank Deeds soi: fak ,


N conlonnity to an act of the general alien bly in this cale made and

provided, it is hereby notified and lu-be made known to tienjunun Laisjlatcol the coui.ty of iNellou aforesaidthat he be, and ajipear bel,oi c t lie Ju-Itices ol the coui t ofrjuarier felhonsfor the said county, at the conit housein Bairdllown on the second TnefdayinApiil next, then and theie 10 an-fw- er

to certain chaiges, complaintsand allegations, to be exhibited againikhim, by and on behill qf LlizabttltDavis, his wise, (who wa formeily

Stone, ) ol the county afore-.-faid.forh- is

the laid nfenjairin'h havings'defeited her tlie'faid Elizabeth of hishaving fietjuenlly declared ami open-ly avowed his intention to abandon!her the said Elizabeth forever. Andlor that the said Benjamin now' rives,anil hath heretofore, (fmce his inter-marria- ge

with the said Klizabetlidorse,) lived in adultery with anotherwoman.

itnefs. Benjamin Grajfon, cletlcof tile said cour' at the conn house

the 171I1 day of February,1 79 in the 6tL vem' of tlie"common- -wealth. s1- -

8w rttielt, Benj. Grayion.

The commonwealth of Kentucky.TothtJ)iriffoj Fpyette count, Greeting

Wl.'eieas Kebccca Green, at thelaltof the geueralafl-mbl- y of

this conHiioiiwealth", did obiain an actentitled, an aift concerning theiuar-liag- e

of Mcbecca Giten.' Jn whichit ii in fubllancc provided, that is thesaid Kebecca lhall adduce Inch piootsto the comt of uai ter elilol.'s f orthe county of r'ajette, as that theie-upo- n

ajury to be einpanueled in thesaid couit, shall find that John Greenhiifband of the said lU'Decca, hamtreated the said P.elfcccn inhumanly,defeited her for five yienrs, or hath le-fuf-

to live with her, and to contri-bute any ihing to tier ftipport : thatin fiichcaft the marriajie between thesaid Kebecca and the said Jrhn, shallbe totally difliled. AmI whereas thesaid Rebecca hath applied to me for aCapias ad rtjpondnduv; , in conformi ylof.iid iii't jon areheeb) ctnimaml-e- d

to take the laid John Oieen, is hebe sound in youi bailliwii k, and himfalely keep, so that you have his bo-

dy beloi ethejiillices ol our laid courtof qrartei fclliojis.on theleconil on--d- av

in ihi luefent month, to anfwtrthe said Kebecca lirrtn of the plea

: and have .hen theie thiswrit. Witt.. st: ' cvi Mud, clerk ofour said rourt.nhif 5th oay of Wz y1 798 and lixth jeai ot the coum. --

weal h.Sw6 LEVI TODD.

ALEX AfD E d. P A Kh E k

III AS just received from Pi ilacielphia, iraj. J addition to his forncr aU6rtn,cnt of er

Lo j Sugur. Ccjte, I'.j'i. lea,Nails ifjJhttiJ, Girir.,11 ..nt Giexhfs t.,t, .zandTub Mllllin.sttu.ler'i P.ip,rs,.utVc Muf.

J LL tiofc indebted to tl-- e estate ol Will-a-

1'arkcr dtccaled, wil' pla c rtitice,that all she accounts due ia.t! elhite, a.epi.t in-to the hands of Jot.n Aitbui fur tolhition,.with pofirive miiriift'on to bm v G (,v agaiulc 'all those who do not lettle their ifjvilive bal-ances wirli him or H,e lubicn!-er- en or beioiothe r2th li.itant.

ALEX. PAKKCR, Adm.Feb. 4, 1793.

ALL pe Ions, arc iierttj ai;'-on-e-

againli takifi;i, an ailnif ent on.two notes, pajable tl.i fnft da-- of .

pill next, for ten pounds eath, given;by me m John Blithe ; the abovenotes were given in part pnymcns,.for a negrpe girl, which 1 fircelearn, was born in the Hate of Pfitfi-fylvnni- a,

arid may 'probably claimher freedom at a certain age ; --whri orc

I am detej mined not to pav thea-bov- e

notes unless. compelled by law.3 WILLIAM M'DONALL).

March 12, 179S'.s .

SHOTOF the different numbers, made by

A. V. Sait.r.ain. in I?xingionand sold whule sate and retail, 2t vn-dr- ew

Holmes's Lexiffgton August 8.


A LL the lands belon"inr to ronrC t Cockey Owingsl in this lfate.

Also his lhare in the Iron Wonxs 1

apply tor r ,idd AT rr t ro .

in, sad for John Cockey Owii.&s


