"Keep Your Cool" in Girls' Life magazine Dec/Jan15



This is a two page feature I wrote the for the Dec/Jan 2015 issue of Girls' Life magazine. The piece is about how to manage holiday stress.

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NOT-SO-WELCOME HOUSEGUESTS The holidays are here—and so are your out-of-town relatives who just won’t leave you alone. Is there a nice way to tell cousin Emma to scram after she asks to play ponies for the millionth time?

THE FIX: Sure, that little moppet may seem to be sucking the fun out of whatever you’ve got going on. But the reason she just won’t leave you alone is likely because she idolizes her older, cool cuz. So find something the two of you can do that won’t drive you nuts. Offer to give her a makeover or take her shopping for a gift for Grandpa. Then, nicely tell her that you have some HW to do and excuse yourself to your room for a couple of hours to recharge your batteries. (Psst: This works across the board any time you need a break from family.) Hey, you may spend the entire time on FB, but she’ll never know.

CHRISTMAS CASTAWAY Out of all your friends, you’re the only one who’s going out of town with your fam. FOMO, much?

THE FIX: Try not to dwell on the idea of being away from your peeps. Sure, you may miss some sleepovers and uninterrupted hang time with your crew, but there will be plenty of other opps for that this year. And forced family fun isn’t really so bad: When’s the last time you got to bond with Pops over your shared love for ’90s grunge bands, anyway? So whether you’re hitting the road with the ’rents or bonding with your cousins in Grandma’s basement, smile, relax and make the most of what you’ve got. Trust us, by next break that party will be all but forgotten, but the memories you make with your family will stick around.

PRESENT PRESSUREYou were totally onboard with the whole Secret Santa thing. But then your girls started gifting everyone with pricey presents, and now you’re feeling pressured to do the same.

THE FIX: Before you buy one more thing, take a step back and think about why you feel like you have to pony up for prezzies. Are you trying to prove yourself as an amazing friend? Or maybe you don’t want to be the odd girl out. We get that—but you don’t have to burn through your babysitting bucks to show your love. Instead, go über personal and gift your girl more meaningful stuff. “Pick something fun that fits your friend’s personality,” says David

Winter break is here (yay!), but everything isn’t exactly holly jolly. Instead of snacking on sugar cookies and watching Rudolph and Frosty spe-cials, you’re stuck stressing about your busy sched, family obligations, lack of cash, friend probs and that mountain of homework you have yet to begin. Don’t sweat it. Here’s how to deal and have an awesome holiday after all.

OVERBOOKED BABEFrom throwing (and attending) parties to squeezing in choir rehearsals, you’ve got a million and one things on your to-do list. Will you actually be able to pull this off?

THE FIX: Yes, you will. But only if you really stay on top of things, says pro organizer Barbara Reich. “Creating a master calendar that includes school assignments, family obligations and social events will help you see the big picture on how much you can fit in,” she promises. Another no-fail tip? Prioritize. “Figure out what you have to do, and then look at what’s left and the amount of remaining time. From that list, pick what makes you happy,” says Barbara. If you really find yourself drowning in duties, ask for help. Let’s face it: One bulb can’t light up the whole tree.

Keep Your Cool

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PROJECT PILEUPNothing kills the holiday spirit more than having a major assignment or tons of ho-ho-homework during winter break.

THE FIX: Divide your break in two, with half the hours dedicated to work and the other focused on fun. That way, you’ll give yourself enough time to relax without losing track of your HW. As for how to manage it all? Barbara suggests tackling the tough stuff first. “Do the assignment you dread the most. Once that’s done, you’ll feel better and be able to continue with the other things you need to do and actually have time for fun,” she says. Getting out of the house will help, too. Pack up your laptop and hit the library or even a cool coffee shop. You’ll likely feel more inspired in a new envi-ronment—and at least you won’t feel trapped in your house while everyone else is out having a good time. And when you’re done? Meet your girls for a salted caramel mocha. Sweet.

Bennett, author of The Teen Popularity Handbook. Wrap up your bud’s favorite candy in a festive box, pop your totally ah-mazing peppermint brownies in a cute tin or print a photo book of your best Insta snaps. Include a card outlining how much she means to you, and she’ll heart how much thought you put into it. Bonus: You won’t go broke in the process.

RELIGION COLLISION You and your new bestie don’t celebrate the same winter holidays, and now you’re feeling a bit awk about inviting her over to light candles when she doesn’t even know what a menorah is.

THE FIX: Give your bud the benefit of the doubt. She may not be familiar with your family’s festive traditions, but that doesn’t mean she won’t like them. Before the celebration, prep her with a bit of background on the holiday, explain any unique customs and let her know it’s perfectly fine to pass on certain things, like unfamil-iar food (fried potato latkes? Yum. Bubbe’s sweet ‘n’ sour brisket? Sure, that’s an acquired taste). If you’re really worried about mix-ing it up, find an activity that provides a middle ground, like having her over for your own special dinner (think Friendsgiving style), then just hang out. Hey, if there’s one thing everyone can enjoy, it’s watching the snow fall while eating cookies.

Are the holidays stressing you out? Breathe easy! We’ve got solutions to fix any winter-break woe.


BUST HOLIDAY BUMMERS!4 fast fixes to knock out the

stress of the season

WHAT TO WEAR One word: Sparkle. You can’t go wrong with some bling. Add one glittery touch and done.

UH-OH, MISTLETOE If you spot some at a party, move your mister right under the green stuff when the time is right, then give him a smooch. Hey, it’s tradition!

DINNER DISASTER If you’re dreading Aunt Betty’s tasteless turkey, do yourself (and, uh, the rest of your clan) a favor and whip up some delicious sides that’ll make up for the dry-as-a-bone bird.

PRESENT IMPOSSIBLE For that someone who has everything, hit up thrift stores for vintage finds or snag tix to a cool concert. A li’l creativity goes a long way.

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