Katoomba North Public School Community News


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Katoomba North Public School Community News

5/6F Making Garden Gnomes Barton Street, Katoomba 2780 Website: www .katoomban-p.schools.nsw .edu.au Office Hours: 8.30am – 3.00pm Email: katoomban.school@det.nsw .edu.au Principal: Cathy Clark Phone: 4782 2743 Fax: 4782 3871 Facebook: KatoombaNorthPS

15th June 2020, Term 2 Week 9

June 16th CLIL – Opera House Project - Kindy 21st – 25 NAIDOC week 23rd CLIL – Opera House Project - Kindergarten Assembly July 12th Staff Development Day 13th Students’ Return to School 23rd K-6 Athletics Carnival 27th Parent/Teacher Evening August 1st Choir Ensemble Perform, Lurline - Meet the Street Day 5th Public Speaking 6th Athletics Carnival Back Up 10th Brandenberg Orchestra 12th Debating Workshop 23rd – 27th Education/Book Week 26th Debating Gala Day September 3rd BMPSSA Athletics Carnival 9th Recorder – Town Hall 13th – 17th Kindy Show Week

Dear Parents and Carers, This is our last newsletter for the term and suddenly at the end of next week are the winter holidays. Like all terms this one seems to have had wings – it has flown through the weeks so quickly. Our students who braved the snow last week had such a great day at school. Between making snowpeople, rolling snow into huge balls, sliding and gliding, having hot milo and cookies, porridge, painting snowflakes, singing “Frozen” with Ms Catriona and making snowflakes, I know that will be a school day they will remember. We had students compete in the district cross country carnival a few weeks ago and Vera was just outside the places to go onto regional. Our year 2 competitors raced against some students who although the same age, were in year 3. Mrs Fendall, parents and myself were so proud of them as they showed their determination to complete a long race of two kilometers. The weather was not favourable either, cold, damp and then cold and wet. This week on Wednesday I will have my special morning tea for students who have received a key either this or last term. I had hoped reports would be out to you by tomorrow however my forward apologies if they do not go home until Thursday. We have scheduled a parent/teacher evening next term on Tuesday the 27th July. You have more time to read reports and plan your discussion with your child’s teacher rather than a rushed evening in the last week of this term. Please also mark in your calendars our K-6 athletics carnival on Friday the 23rd July at Pitt Park. Mrs Fendall is asking for parent volunteers so if you can assist please fill in the from which is attached to information about the carnival. Mt Victoria and Megalong Public schools are joining us again so it should be a fun, athletic day. Education week is usually week 3 term 3 however we have decided to combine both book week and education week so these weeks will be later in the term. Our fabulous dance group was successful in being accepted into the Penrith/Blue Mountains dance Festival. They are scheduled to perform in week 9 (date not confirmed as yet). Our recorder group meets every Wednesday morning to practice for their performance at the Town Hall in Sydney. Their date is confirmed as the 9th September. Ms B will send out more information to parents as the date becomes closer. Councilor Kerry Brown who saw our choir ensemble perform at the ANZAC ceremony at the local hospital, has invited our school (with Katoomba Primary and St Canices) to perform at the Lurline – Meet the Street day on August 1st. Our talented Ms Catriona will lead the choirs in a variety of songs on the day. In week 10 we will recognise the importance of NAIDOC week. Students will participate in a variety of activities throughout the day (Tuesday) and on Wednesday we will have our NAIDOC assembly. Mrs Tully and a student from Katoomba High will attend our assembly. We are looking forward to hearing from Mrs Tully and the student sharing their perspectives as Aboriginal people and education.

Principal’s Log -

This term we say goodbye to Mrs Ruth Cayzer who has accepted a permanent position as an SLSO at Katoomba High. Ruth has been at Katoomba North PS for over 7 years. She has worked in every class and has supported so many students with their literacy and numeracy, has been part of the lifeskills program for selected students, provided community access experiences for ex-students and has been a major support to me with all our functions being behind the scenes in the canteen etc. This year she has worked mainly with Kindergarten. We have mixed feeling about Ruth leaving - pleased for her she has a permanent position, but sad she is leaving Katoomba North. All staff wish her much success at Katoomba North in her new position. I don’t know if I have let you all know our school has been selected to have LED lighting in our school. Yes, you are right if you have been thinking, we have already put LED lights in the school however the old primary building was not part of our project so hopefully that will be completed next holidays. As part of developing the skills of staff in executive roles I recently asked for an internal expression of interest from teaching staff from anyone who was interested in relieving as Assistant Principal. Both Ms Fowler and Mrs Fendall applied so at times they may be relieving if either Mrs Cullen or myself are away. Last week Mrs Fendall was relieving AP and this week Ms Fowler is relieving AP while Mrs Cullen is on leave. As always please do not hesitate to contact me at cathy.clark2@det.nsw.edu.au. I trust everyone has a warm, relaxing holiday. Students return on the July, 13th (Tuesday). Regards Cathy Clark Principal of the best school in the Mountains

Remembering Ms Cliff

Our recorder ensemble is finding its stride and rehearsing well. They are currently working on a new Australian composition and will be learning a beautiful piece by Henry Purcell. Our Year 2 Rosellas have started recorder this year also and are doing brilliantly. The senior choir has been working on some very groovy jazz tunes and the school band project continues to pull together some cool accompaniments for assembly. Our singers at Katoomba North have even been invited to perform at a big Festival even in August. More details later.


Breakfast Club offers toast with jam, marmalade, local honey, vegemite and warm milo from 8.40am until 9am each morning during the school terms. Donations of preserves, vegemite, milo and butter/nuttelex spread are welcome and can be left at the school office during school hours. A sincere thank you to our ongoing sponsors, Bendigo Bank Katoomba, Blue Mountains Food Co-op, Coles Katoomba, Woolworths Katoomba and to our wonderful school community who are proud contributors to this indispensible breakfast program. If you would like to volunteer an hour a week or donate items, please contact Caroline on 0426 399 335.

SCHOOL UNIFORM NEWS Caroline can also be contacted on 0426 399 335 for more information.

PLAY AND CHAT PLAYGROUP Is on for 0-5 year olds and their parents/carers, Monday and Tuesday mornings, 9.15 – 12.15 during the school term. Sandpit, cooking, music, outdoor play, painting and more. All welcome!

School Banking Banking day will be on Wednesdays. Please bring your bank books to the office prior to school starting in the morning.

Music News

P & C News

Community News

TERM 2 CALENDAR 2021 Term 2


14 Public Holiday

Queen’s Birthday

15 16 CLIL – Opera

House Project - Kindergarten

17 18

Lifeskills Program



21 22 23 CLIL – Opera

House Project - Kindergarten


24 25

2021 Term 3


July 12

Staff Development Day


Students’ return to school

14 15 16


19 20 21 22 23 K-6 Athletics



26 27 Parent/Teacher


28 29 30


August 2 3 4 5 Public


6 K-6 Athletics

Carnival (back up)


9 10 Brandenberg


11 12 Debating




16 17 18 19 20

Education/ 7

Book Week

23 24 25 26

Debating Gala Day



30 31 September 1 2 3 BMPSSA Athletics Carnival


6 7 8 9 Recorder Town Hall


Kindy Show

10 Week

13 14 15 16 17

SCHOOL CONTRIBUTION The voluntary school contribution is a small yearly contribution that is used towards the cost of classroom resources, arts and crafts, materials, books and sporting equipment. If you can assist making your voluntary contribution, could you please do so through the school office or via POP. Suggested contributions are as follows:

$42.00 per year for 1 child $75.00 per year for 2 children or $90.00 per year for 3 children or more.
