Judith alvarez,christmas essay


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History of Christmas

Christmas is one of the most important festivals of Christianity. Celebrate the birth of Jesus Nazaret in Belén. This festival is celebrated on 25-December. The history tells the portal in Belén Jesus was born. The portal is an ox and a mule. Jesus is the child of God. The wise men see a star to guide them to Belén. Melchor takes Gold, Gaspar takes incense and Baltasar takes myrrh. Every pastor brought him offerings, and people went to worship the child.

Spanish Christmas customs:

One of the Christmas customs is to put the nativity scene. It is a miniature representation of the birth of Jesus. It put pastors, wise men, the mule, the ox ... Some families put him in their homes. In Leon is a very large nativity scene in the

Judit Álvarez Martin.

Square San Marcelo.

• Another custom is the cavalcade of the wise men. They are on floats through the streets and throwing sweets.

• After cavalcade children go to bed. Because that night the wise men leave the presents under the tree. The day after opening up their presents.

Ese mismo día se compra un Roscón de Reyes. El cual esta relleno de nata o crema. Y tiene una figura de navidad dentro.

• That same day you buy a ring-shaped cake. It is filled with skin or cream. And Christmas is a figure inside.

Judit Álvarez Martin.
