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Betrayal and love never mixed well together. Actually, it is a very dangerous and lethal combination. Something I am positive Rey, Dida, and Rustico learned the hard way. Was it really love though that Rey felt towards Dida? For me, no. What he felt was guilt and that guilt was what led him to his untimely and unexpected death. And if you’re reading this and doubts are running inside your head a mile a minute, hear me out first. Yes, I do believe that he was not killed by Rustico or any other person in the story and this paper will tell you why.


Extra marital affairs are always messy. As far as I’m concerned, I don’t prefer to be in those kinds of mess that will give me nothing but grief. Yes, pleasure for the time being but definitely grief in the long run. That was what Rey was feeling. For me, I think he really did feel something for Dida. If it is strong enough to be called love, we’ll never know. But he knew, they both knew that what they did was wrong in every sense of the word. Wrong because she’s married and wrong because they are both being unfair to themselves by setting up a game they have no way of winning. Reading the story I cannot say that Rey was a good man. Saying he was an honourable man would be...let’s just say what we cannot describe him based on his actions. He knew it, too. Everytime Rustico confronts him, he never fought back. He just let him because he thought he deserved Rustico’s anger. When Dida asked “Tonight?”, he felt uncomfortable. He felt guilty because no matter what the world thinks he seems to be drawn to the woman. A married one to boot. Little by little that guilt was eating him up everyday but he didn’t know how to go about it. So he just lets the husband harass and insult him because it’s the least that he can do. He didn’t like the way the couple fought but what did he do? Nothing. He can’t do anything because he doesn’t have the right. He never has and he never will. So we walked away doing nothing. It was guilt, and maybe something more, he felt when Dida ran away. Guilt, worry and fear for the woman and of course their unborn and innocent child. He was partly responsible for creating the mess they were in and it was what led him to come after Dida. To make sure that she’s safe. To make sure she will do nothing to make things worse and for him to feel better. I believe when he got back, Rustico and him had a final confrontation and based on Rey’s previous actions, he let the husband vent out his anger and frustrations on him but murder? No, I don’t believe that no one would see that coming especially that someone knows the inside story. So no, I don’t believe that he was murdered by Rustico. I believed he was murdered by his guilt that resulted to his early demise.


I conclude that this story was never really about death or love. It’s about a story of a man who made a wrong choice and ended up facing the consequences of that choice.