Jonathan Zimmerman Sulfate and Nitrates Effects on Water Supplies Effects on Forests Effects on our...


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Jonathan Zimmerman

•Sulfate and Nitrates

•Effects on Water Supplies

•Effects on Forests

•Effects on our Buildings

•Effects our pollution has on Canada

•Effects Mexico’s Pollution is having on us

What is the pH scale?

Natural Water is usually about 5.5 on the scale

Sulfur and Nitrogen oxideare a by product of fossil fuels


These pollutants reacts with atmosphere, and then are transported and deposited as sulfates and nitrates

Carbon dioxide + Water = Carbonic acid (weak)Carbon dioxide + Water = Carbonic acid (weak)

Sulfur dioxide + Water = Sulfuric acid Sulfur dioxide + Water = Sulfuric acid

Nitrogen oxides + Water = Nitric acidNitrogen oxides + Water = Nitric acid

Map of pH values in the US. Where is it most acidic?

pH values for the year 2000

pH Values for 1996

Carbon dioxide + Water = Carbonic acid (weak)Carbon dioxide + Water = Carbonic acid (weak)

Sulfur dioxide + Water = Sulfuric acid Sulfur dioxide + Water = Sulfuric acid

Nitrogen oxides + Water = Nitric acidNitrogen oxides + Water = Nitric acid

Normal Precipitation is 5.5 pH, Fish Reproduction is affected at 5.0 pH, and Adult Fish Die at 4.0 pH

Notice the pH which affects mollusks.

What is the pH of Long Island?

A yellow coloring of tree leaves

is sometimes a sign of acid rain damage.

Acid Rain. Trees along the Blue Ridge Parkway in

North Carolina are dying as a result of acid rain.

Carbon dioxide + Water = Carbonic acid (weak)Carbon dioxide + Water = Carbonic acid (weak)

Sulfur dioxide + Water = Sulfuric acid Sulfur dioxide + Water = Sulfuric acid

Nitrogen oxides + Water = Nitric acidNitrogen oxides + Water = Nitric acid

Simulation: the Effects of Acid Rain

on buildings, statues, and ancient monuments:
