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M. Stetvart ~ ()o. The f?argo of the iJrigantin~ BaoTH.IiRI, iffO.

P. E . lsLAND, · . .



90 rrela A ·~ _20 Bags OO"FFEE.

Ez MA.RY ELIZABETU, (,·om NK'" Yolllr,

40 Bartels APPLES. October 28.

~I He­The ca .. goes

Of the Vesse]s HERALD; ¥nd J.Atn:, landing and for sale by ..... -

JAMES T.ODIN &. Co October 28.

Jr11W STOlTE Pl\llMISESlll -oo-

. ·L. (J' Brien ~ Co . . (')FFER. FOR SAL~.

At '1bcir ~ew Stone Premne1, TBEJa usuAL .usot.TM&N.r ~,. STORE

. • .. ~· ·.0 l)) ~.i I - Comilling .-of,-


l«>LASSES, ' 'fEA, ~e. · · '· JR.ow~ aizea; NAlLS, &c.&e.

" ~ "' 'i;H£1U auor, · 4 LARq~ ;AS~oaniENT OF-

. M~nit[i;l~~~r.ed ~ ·. DS~ ~ Jl"&:ilDW 4.KE-OC all desc · · i6a •

·• · · · .u 1ao · · · · '. ·:10 · Ho~.bed• Superiqr ·~ndoa ( £ 1'Jrz·.B

.. ..:ftUt BR.,itt«<. u fuz.A.B»', fro.m- ~ndott. · • . • -UD..-,OJ'f T&E.tR WO.A.BII' , ..:-:- •

• -.H~chr~od llt'Q.P 'i:q_d .. PL~ · : P.iae BOA •nd .'PLANK

~ SHINGLE ;,.SCANTL~N<f, aad BUILDING grfCKS. ... .

• I . ·~ ~rs,i{ o,t4, Ollt ,luen ,, .. ,,ylapal. . -fJepeembu 9 • • , . .

October SJ. . . .£. 01B R'~ BN .. co.

.HAVE RECEIVEr>, . . Ptr SchoOJUf' "A-ei~AIL, " '/rOtflt Ji.liLJF.B,4,

I A~D •

®IfiFDJm lf®m ~~&m· Th~ undermentioaed .PrintiQI IYlateJ•iale.

1 Iron PRESS~S'm.ith'~ "\-\rashingre,n " description, large aized~ S6 by 28,­(completeJ

211 Lhll. , LONG 11S,IMreR ~ypo, including italic Cuo -&ood ft6 new-Scotch cast

6 Pair CASES for Diu.o J 00 Lbs . BOURGEOIS Trpe-ae~ond hnnd

2 Pair CASES Cor Ditto · 321 Lbs. QR'EAT PRJ MER--Ne111 40lh Ditto 2-line PICA .. 40! Dilto CANON, No. ~-nearly new

41 .Qitto e,line PICA-good a• new-Co•· pl.,te - · - ~

1 Foot 7•line Faney ANTJClU&-Instra Con• denNd, (Wooa) 222 ~tee• ~

1 Font 14-liae Roruaa Coadio.ed, 106 Pie._ 'ea-Wood ' ·

2 CUTS-JJill•· or Lading I Looi·-\.Pompo•ina Stick ~ S,nall Ditto 1 ~Afge SLICE GAT,LEY I ~air Small CHASES

5~ Pair CASES-for Haadbill Type. October 10. ·

.A.T 'l'B• w~u.u o• ~mo ~'IFII-W £m~. ~ <Do. .

TAt CMp of tJu ~ Bao+n••, froue . P. E. tai.uu~, ,

t180•Barret. TURNIPS 9000 BRICKS . . . · . 6000 !s iacll DEALS . · 10~. u; ~TLING '9 Barrel · 181'ER·PAR.I3 to. a cia LIME 10 'TouHKtclw~ .. TIM~" . 1 HaodHIDe-SLElGH

. l 4• ' I ,

.d;· ... --·· .... ~·-done· evinnAA·II•• an•n•~•' gaf\11~ of. ty; .chief . . -Tb'- appear• to be. a provoked :mutd.er,'w~en die depravity; 'ie applirent .and. the cir;cu~ncea· bee'd. tion. ; .. · . . .

,. P"ron 'o , ioclietmen~ Cor ~rtle'r ~J ~ COJ1iP45tezat for the jUrJ t~ c(urnct ~l)e pr~tooer. uf,~JIDJI..,-.~.-... -• wbich ia not" eepital felonJ.--OD tbe prisoner .the exc_oee · alJeg,tl , b): ~im on and per~ta!ed in. tbrou~botft, trta &IU~· IH'rllirftiM!itiiltft of the deeeaeed. ~ ft will be for JOU this nro•ocatiomwiur, i( any; bul lO ... __ ,.,..,..._

'"•"1• ~ •nd .Martin .. ,, auftlc c. lc mat bne t.eeo _ ... " T.t.ae.Chie( JuaU,ce then ca\Jed upon tfte Attonusy· meotidp -,he. matlen CO·JGq., IMK ~ . •

G-:ner"''· who tiddreseed tbe Jurj · u · followS.: · that yotJ may not eo&tider yoartelfea tled'·dqwn-to· · Genllemtn of the Jury,- -- . the preeiee proof .)f the eom~ialiOD of l_be BC!~ ... .. .

The vri t!Oile r 81 tlu~ lJar standa inJict~ for the allegetl in the indictment. . . murder of M iehacl l'tlorritlfl,e)', on the 11th of Octo• Gts'ntlemen of the Jury, it .i• not for 1Jl8 to,antlct-her la~t, lJy fr&Cturing }}i8 ttkull ~itb a batehet, and pate w"bat the defen~ of thit protecutioa may .be; you·. er~ It WOrn to pronounce, after . yoo lhlllJ have but for my OWD par,t llhi\IJ rejoice if taeh a ju.t de• ' heard oJL ~~,._, evidence agaiu•t him, hie KUih or in• fence, in Jaw, ahall bfl met.Je QUl, and IUbetantiated by nocence. The crime of rnunter, witb which the eYirlence, as will ena'•le you..to pronoun~ him Dol prisoner atands charged, is havpily of Yery infre.. guihy. And now, gentlerneo, in cominr co tile cou~ . que nt oe,cucrence in tlt.is country; onJ iotJepeodently eaderatioo of this caee, let me implore JOO. to diemial , · of the momeptous interuts to the .. pri.oner at tbe ha.r frof!l your miode every prejudice and feello~, wlie- 1

ln\'olved in tbe issue of the pre1ent innetigation, j& ther for or against t~e Jniltoner, wbich you ~a.y have ia to be deelJIY regretted, for .~he credit'of the pj!&ee- imlJibed from . augbt you have beard of. 'tbe ,matter. ful c~ra.cter of this comrimnaty, thnt any fatal before you came here this day.. It ie of lmpQrhnca, en use abouhl hove given riee $-o this prosecntion. of the lut importi\Dce, that ypu should be guided to For IJ)yself, ~entlemen, J can with unfe1gned •ince- th.., conclusion to which you may come by tbe etl­riay eay J could hnve wi.ahed, (hat in the very out~et dence alooa to be ~dduced before' t~bw dq, an4 .. ot my duties as the public prosecu.tor, I had been by tbe Ja" in reference to t at 1dtliqt,,~ ,it wi~ ~ spa~ed the palnfull1 onerous duty of .eouducting be laid down to you by the urt,-:-tbat.o. ... a!Je oo.. agatHIIl a fellow creature a vroeecution for an offence hand, your: tho~ht Qeitber perinit yoqr ind ..... tio"· ofsuclt atrocity as that chu,:ed ~a1ost the-:pritoner at tb~ .enormity 'of &be arjfl)e to "e~gh ~ilti Jop • at the bnr. Uur, gentlemen, I btfe the t&tief~tion egaintt the prieoner, p~r, on tbe other blad; pity of having before me the exomple or rhe learne'd and for hit c:ondition )o pr:evenlJOU frorq pronouaein.J honourablo gentleman now nated on the hench of hie guilt, ahould ~uc~ uo~.pilf be your du&J. ~ tbla Court, who for ll long period or yeRNI hil!t dia- has been well Aldj that••~· -.cc of • ..., bu Dot cltftrged the imporrant dutiel of the office 1 now detited a happier inetitutioauhan &hat Of lriall)y j~rjJ. have the honor to 601 'Yith eo mueh of credit to him- aod it it th!' peculiar mDnoer ia .,wbicf! JuaJ.ic' fll . eelf and adnntage to tbe country. ·I may not top_, criminal mattera ia diapenaecl in eoq~~r\ee ~nder ~~~ to equal, but J may endeavour co emulate, the seal lawe of .England, which dietiniQitbell~~ fORWiOr• and ~t..ili ty at all timee dieplaJed by him; and wbiiJt ity over the other na&ione of .tbe ciJlr~. ·~r14. wbh him . 1. ~t I a hall b11' found, on c. be one~ba~d, Here the "c"ul8d ia neither handed Oftl' $Q c~e if&ld nevar etr~ung 1he ,prer:ogl\tive or the Crown, to tengeanee of&be relatirea.of the deceuetJ, ~OI.p the. oppreeaiori of an1. one egairiic whom in che ceeded •&..•inet at the arbittatY pleasure of the ciOn f couree of nlf qfticial duty', it l'dJ he ne.ee11ary to but hie cull( or innaeence is lefl to ' tlie di~rialioa­inatitute ~roeeedillie ;-on the' otfler · hanct; 1 ehall don of third tHtrdea, entire.lJ dieioterea&ed, ' al\d\ Ia,. equallj e~_deavour to a.im at euch a firm and vigo- differently elioeen from bli tellpw connc,1mea, •boa roue1 though QlOderate exetc:i,e of the funcliO'nl" en• und~r the bindiDI flftnCtion: qf 80 oath, ara tO il4!F~e

. trua.ted to1 me, aa may tend co check the pro!fHI accordillJ to ntioualand .mercifuflawi~ espoubdecf '~ .of crime and reflect uo dieanl~~t~tbe example of tty learn84 \i~q .. wbo ,can' have ·Do 'poAible ~"" .my lee roe~ . an.d Ji~oour;.~li' p C.erew_ tor, who, I 1oual fHiin' to influence a' deciston .oae "ia7 ar die trust; wilr pftdon tbij a!lusio'~ r him, eugreered u otber. Tbe dut,y which JOU bure.JO perfonD{IOO, ... ' it naturally ie b)' . lbe poeition io wbicb, b7 che no l"il honoarable tban reapon1tbte; foimm,tbe · fn~nr·of mJ Sor~treign, I at p ... rlt Mand. · .. worde N' abe priloaer wheD ht. · uilte'n~ • &o bit

Qentlemeo, &be oireumet&neu of the ~ ~bleb "eishe4 iu the · baJ-.a~ib &be lut perU qr, ·~~ lam no" about to p~en' ~O..YO.tt.are fe~ 1n1l simple. life be _ap~l1. to God.~~ ~~~ C!"~• w!aiolrcou-r. All the facta aee...., to•utilt&dtiatethe inpdieoti try you are. Your ·.-.and betwee1• hiJD. and t1ae of;­of the cririle-.ohai~ qai~ tJlt...prj.Oner will' a1 1 feaded· la.w• ~( · hi. eolUfJrr. and while K wiU bi ' am inttr.uct84.,.De ~rated beto(e jtm'Ju~tbe eleare.t your dutJ, if toe cria:ae .with wlJi~b fae'ie ciWWttd ' IHI · aod plainei"t ~noer~ JetYins notliiJli •)o·nn upon ootfuliJ prowed qafnl't.ftllp:....traHettf•uJ·tattoiial pret,imptive ~r dooJ)t~1 proof1 and alihou,h. J;pr~fer do~,abt of hie' fg,it~t to acqttit Mm i ea'tbe otbei''

I tl) flflY eu8 I flat JOU ~~d talte &bW e'fkteoce kona h Will be equallj yOQr CIUf1t , paifalial, .. ,., " ~ &h.e mou~e, of the •UIJ..,.,•1'' h S. aotlncon.ietenl d•!J wblah ••·IDA' of P.fOI"lf bOJ'OI' . .,..., D ... ,.,thr' ._ad ten·.s·w elUFidate mai- to yoar "lttcb ~· JO f.~ar aolema &er, if 'faltg to · 'a• · oath d.U.04• abal . P.9'• ~ pr,-.1

the~iw)JI J en,· bOUI1e& ' • be abl. of ... Tba .Wiilt.n!.c"',nit

-.~·- •r~a1prl bkt8f1w · fitd •aed the ~-l.-rbi ·~~.-~ ... -·~;~n;;a wi-.licia; but Pf oO..tt!Wea lO WlttUewtL.to AJ\,. ...... ---IIIDIIW....... . . ..... iM~-J

t . •

Mo .. - ' M =· IMI, ••• I u' noa ~. LO.&~izra • . • . _ .. ~ ALIU.l'tD&R... nUlLA~ P "P. eu · r . . LO d .& $ N B b1l · mo a a a member of abe R-elfef CoJO~ ttee ~ proc~r ==~~~~~~~~~~~::=~~;::::=' --~~~4..--rft~c u ....

0 ...... ~.Reo'ki~ ~'u~~ _ ·:co::: ..... ~~-.· atwa. .. -•.

fundi tor Ryan, Morri~:Y ~?ld .. .-n,. Ria~ 8~an wa e 1, Hunteraa •&: C'w ~ · ~· ... , ill, had no. l~lencls, and~~·~. ID ·1.qw _ "·pd, deprneed H ssW"cf'Cb ' ' atateofmind.

1 trlwereu.keclbetofet~·ll~ppen;;. Fnozw . t. b. ~~ on . r\h.e- ' eport .. 'o_. r · .na. 1:1;_0 I lounft .... . ;.·c - · , .·.L, . . ~ ,.,. ,· . ; . . .R .. b ' I tluak be " · e . J..~ele.aee, . tar, :. n IOJhy o.-: l . ' ' aut:e .. . : . .. etl I ~oultl .. , .J_aD w . .,..ae_, u o_ow. trial or· T. ' Ry .lN' for wbtf ·lr~ eb[~ie_d to JJ ... Ileeter, Brazil, J •. Brocklebank. . ' I • • • ' • ' • ,; ~

W.J.I' msane. · • · · d' a profeaaional frittad,. ~e : ar.e preclqdod •.froJD ~~ • . J..i'Mpool, l\'., q: 1'a)lo!· · : • . . Burl h(m. ~-er .Reglste.r . ts~·:r,f'la N. .· M'. f!~• .' Ci-o~-e.ramj~....:~e. ~~1· iq i.\.1. health, 1

td not giting an. ·extendecJ. •.u. anm. ary or: the·~J'Of'!Aed-- ~-~mllldn Oc:eel)ock, Me8rufo & Kerr.. ~oo to·r' tio'Ur 5'0. Tons of .FREIGR'f if Jm .. thinkfhe ·.,;"" ins"ne1 · · , · . "C A · 1• 1 J c k R-S ' · J 4ai&e Foo4~Tt (a luryinan). U41"i'}td-\ know iwlgs ~n tho Local LegaaJ~~e • . or of e nows ~~ ~~."~t · ~~ug~ · •. u~c .'~ ou~. <:/") . • inte a~p-Jieatinn ~· m~~e, ·an4 ha~ g'opd .p .. ·

tluu Janres Ryao,a couttirl of the J'ri8oner, ~u tn_\ell by the "teamer. ~ : • · 11 £MOR4NDA.. • · : co modataon for PASSENGER~ · from thi!looantry to. Ireland ht a Nle .ot au34DII1 Si'Dce our last, the A11embly have been en.. • T'ye~~·- I~Pu~g~l, frmq New J:ork ~~r~:,. .A:pply to . .. . . . . Prisoner ~ns a quiet ·man. • . . . gaged~·n OJD~!tte! '!ith: the Stre6t..P.ill.·· ~hu_ .N:F., wtth .a c~rgo Of FIHurl ~orK an.d <;_ofli!u, M . NOWil,AN' • '· ~·

Doctor W~t.tH uan~inecl-:Prieoner was n pauont brend a·od dareclton .ofJ'-e fire breaks be•ng ven aehore iti Hohnes'slJo e hRrbour, lir"tbe Decetnber 19. __... . • (3't '\. ... • 1. · • • •• (i •ne .. J' aa._u ~rU uh., antl ·wos ·in a lanky etate: n.• ·I) of~ne io 1 ~ all~l coounn~u . . eo . or a yea~, the .principal s~bj~cui undor disc:us'i~o .• . S~~,..._.:EbltSYria.rl.taeter•, fr~· St.Joho'e, N. F. srrived ·

labouring tinder aeute. infiammntipo ·o~ th~ hver, 1 erul alterations. ba't(e beeu made' . ~lth Pv. ae.w afterwards found bim ' Yety tlepre~e.d w~ou the P 2!lod ul ._ · · tlieeaae asaamed ' a ph(onlc chara!=ter, tomoumes h.e of saving exp,&n~, and improv(~g the lin.,,ef well,~orrived cu Havana, from St"John'd, N. came to me weepin1;· h'is mind was affecte.l by laiR street; principnlly, ~t the .sugg ta~n of ~he su.• the l(th vlt. · etate of heahh, the loose": it CC?niinued the great.e.r pcrvi~orf' wh9 exbtlutec;l d.tagrums, from aetttal ry. llrrifed -at Burba<loes,,A..om St. John'e, Tor co.Pi>f:nEo C.·rasu aoiLT nato

I )

•, probability of ita atfdctinlf'the ,bra;n. Hypoohondrusd measurement,· of the localities where be thought .1th. ult. eia !lloes eometimet tJegeoerate iotb itJ!f8nlty, an the alterations de!irable •• Clin 's Cove ls to- lJe :f~~ :;;;:::: :! ~t~~~ Vr~: ~~-. g~~-- ~: moreli~ly to··do

80 wben there fa a hereditar~ pre.. RO feet wide; the firebreak thence liJ'et wetm tine At.lvtmtu,.er, eolled frorn P. 1:!.· blnntl,

' ' ·Broth~r.~;''· ' . ~, . i ·• •. ·

tlispotition to ihsanity, the limiw between sa_mtr aoJd urater nod Duckworth Steels TOO, and from ineaoity are difficult to define, from the evu.leuce n . G b B cernber,.for Newtouncllnnrl,·,vns co11t nwny nt h'lVt\ heard to~day, tbe·ep~arent WclDt of m ouvu ~~tl the north ot the )Jurying round lot e arren:t ve~~dge~, near Pioto~ lcslaod, on 7th iosr.-rhe euddeuneu of the aor, i do not thiuk Ryans 80 feet. ntind was aQUnd when be committed the !le.ecf."' The ~ompensAtion to the board or appraiser!

Crou ucnnintd--l draw: these cono~USIOill from nns been fixetl at .£800, to be taken out or t6e the auddeunesa of tbe ac,t- ~icttou' prevaous~lrovoca• £ •20, 000 a ppropria.ted lnst session. The board

·tion and my owu ~..owled~.e of hill st~te of health' to sit in th(\ Court House, ~ting~ to he open, b 'ay ~"' been &DSilJ'ie Without sbewmg auy pre- .-t . .

1 ... O..:J:tory, tt~nfptoms, butlbese wbuld je. demomnra · to have tbe powt=r of summonurg Wttncues, t ion" afteT the fact. • and exnmining all parlieR on oath.

To the ' Court-If ae~ed before this I wou lcl ~.ny The hon. ATTOll:'i~Y G£!1ER4L has given no"" Rynn might do such on_nct, woul~ say th11t l118 diS• ~ice of an amendment on ·the 12th tJection ofthe euse mi~ht degenerate 1010 lo:samt)·, would 811) 80 Str~el Act, to mnke th~ llSRE;.Ii.?o rs elective by irtclepent.lenlly of d.e t.leed. rho mte-pAyers. -Wc ho

1;o h~ will altto dcfi'ncf

Doctor ST .. aaUG>Jtintd-Re:nnkorl a peculinrap- the muoe in n·hich the rcl.!tive 'otereats or land.­pearance abouc the eye of Jlyan~ a rollh.1~ ant.l!!how· ing a goorJ denl of the wh1ttt, thiUk..s •.t 1s. " l~tlcuhnr- lc1rd. nod ten~ derivin& a {'rofit, ronl sball be itv of the individual rorher tl1an ao 111diCHt1ou o( a va ·ul!d . rliseaset.l miutf. From the evideuce I huve l•enrd A petition wa!4 presentod from P. DuCGA.:-1', to-day in Court, the atroci1y e\.ld suddenness ot the_ prnyin~ that \\' ~tter Street may ba w1dcned act, couplet! with thd alts"uce of mouve, I am ol without encroachin~ on IJiw prope rty, and so~· npinion tha t he wa• JJerfeelly iOsafle at the mom~ut, tio" forth, thnt when it was forlUerly "Ridened, a 1 hove uo cfoul-lt hut he w., msane. 0 . · h

Cro!IJ·eramintd-1\Jy opinion i::~ ,::rounue•l upon . lnrge s lice_ was lnkcn off hss property Wit out the untur~ of the oct, the ahseuce of a ny proof of compenealfon. provocation, or any quarrel 1m~, if provocation hau The !ton. CoLOSI u . TnJr.ASURER presented l•een proven 1 wouldetilltll ~nk eo, hut fromd•ff'c!r"ut n petition from :\h. W111T~Er, prnying for n reeso11s, fron1 ahe htetory ofthe thin!{, there lri 11Y ue gunt fto nid l1i1n in maintninin~ tho stenm no toymptOifl Q immedantely llut it will prolmhly ~">~cur communication with HalifliX, which was reLer-ngaio, perhaps not fur ten yeurs, I have no doubt he red to the Committee on Sul'ply. . wa!l int~onP.. ~. 1 J · tl 1 Jd

0 se To Ute Court-T Rking the net of th e mnn in con- n r . oo guve n otice lat Je wou ppo

nnc riou witt, the Cl rcumatnucet~ previou,,l thmk he nny grant to- l\lr. WutT,.EY, which should not w 88 not u respo neuhle agent, thnt he was not in the he CliUdltional on lti:t putting ne~ boi lers in the leost degree nware of whnt h" w~s domg, suJ "'"s Unironl.-Tht' House adjourned nt 4 o'clocx without the power ol concroll•ng lumse lf. A1ouomtt- o u Thursday, till Mon~ay at one o'clock. 111a 111 tmpf'osad to he • delusion in one pomtnfone, Thl' Royul )tail Steamer lj,,icorn ~rrived on nnd the patient 1111\Y he S!Sne oo 6 \' 6rJ other polut. \Vcdnesdny at 6 o'c!ock P. }(.' wi th the Eoc Thii' specie! of iuoanity io cla:ise•l unafer nrono- ~Tiish m~til ofthe 4th . krough( by .the Camb•·ia mauin IJut &frere it a distinc tion ltra..-n betw een them .., ~lY the h••hett French authoritie!!,anrl oy tl1e1'l ea tl- tu IJ alttiu, in JO~ d11y:s from I~veq~ool. The f'cl hon11ciclal mauiR . It letbe b:s11ene~ and ntroc1ry Cambria Drought 8 paRsengcrs fur Halifax, ofr be deed that produces the opiniotl, tha1 rlte deecJ and 17 f01' S03ton. Ttri\ newa posst!SS very w-as nommi ued in • fit of n1811111 wi thom cJdiriurn . Jittte interest. Parlinmc nl was expcctetl to . ns ..

The Hev. JnH:-t FonatsT.tL-Knew Ryan 4 yea r•, !ietnb!" al>oot the l 9l h Jnouary . Governrncnl ie n memher of my flock, was nlwny" n rernnrtleuly was IRilkina e vei'Y exertion to rniti~nte the dis-,1u1et auJ inotr.,ua•v• mau, hns often spoken ro me tot

or Ius il1 11ee8, oud l~titl he d id not know whut would tff.ss in l~lar1d, Upwards of 150,1100 men wnre !J,.come ofh,m were it not for the kinducsi of Mor- cmpfoyed on the puhlic worlss. lf"'he La~d­m•sey. . . lords wero 11 I:Jo exerting lhernsel~es lo (li'OV&~e

TuoM.U CAStT_ t.ranuntd-tn l S.'H Ryan ~ns 1n_ my employment. \\lith tho excc•pt11Jn of ~ull• vessel, ouo mor~m~ he eppenred unsteady m 1 " 1 ~111• road iron , trnde lfus in n drooping eond 1lron. be was alone 111 the ' ·?ld of the Yeasel th~owmg ' The al·counts from India were tCl thE' J st thi ngs nbo~t, do n~t tl_unk 'he hnu beeo drwkan~, November Their "rore some lf'ouufcs in Cash· thought t.e wa" not 10 h11t aoller sen81!8. • . . T1 C fTi·

Til., Ue, , EDM U ND Co:-too!"-1 t1ne visited the mere, but O()tht ng sersous. •.e n 1e wnr prisontlr 10 g~tol. lthwk lte wu ratlter i..IJc.nherent a t I h e ~ape o~Good Hope was .vn·tu.ally ended, 111 111~ lao i u"ge 011 som.s o<'c..sions. li e to tel then the ch1cf~t lutnng sued fur pence. Lac ut Gene­were three tlollere hehind one or the llc:>a'rde iu hi s ra I Sir H . ]) 'U rbnn had been appoint ed Cum., rell,11nid that there wns a puiro'fll o,.esffyiog through. mander of the Forces in B . N. A ·ner1ca, nntl There were t~o hlack morka on _ the wull_ raea rfy at was to embark wilh the Eorl of Elgin towards t tght an~ Itt! wnh each other, pneoner emd one of the criJ

0( the month. No Governor hns ueeu

rlu:m wQS o hontemttn nml the othor a gunner, the ( marks bore no rue ml.fencc to •hat he enid they .-ere n n med fo r N ewfoundlnn<l. \IVe do n?t eel the

Cros.s-tz:amined-Thiw wae since he w ae l:ommir,. wunt of one, nnd woul~ n~t be sorry rfthe nt"![t tell rannot oame the day, be spoke to mo of Mor· mail brought a CC)mmtsston to Lieut. Colonel ri~>8


e>· 'e death. L ,nv uppointing him to th e office. A Mr. J . (The c1e feuc., here elosed.) H . DA \ \'\JON has been a ppoint:.<d Cl~rk of. the The Auo.rney~' General uri~fly replied, and the Supreme Court of this colony; we ha'\1( asked

CHr£F J unrc£, m l11s ususl lucid nnd able m•uner, two or three who he is , and no ooe could tell us. '\-\ en t over the ev~elence and stated the luw i con-

1 . · th t \h c.; 1 · 1 Offi t d

elud ing 118 follows;- l IS a prty a fe b 'o Lonta ce cd~n1r11o o your are to inquire wbelber the pri80tler was Utt one enhrt act, o w tc 1 we can cor Ul y ap­

Bane or inBane nt the time be \!Otnmittetltbe net- prove. "'•ether he wse a moral a~ent-whether he had The Colonilll and United Stnlea pnpers con­control over himee lt- t"htther he underttoC'd the tain accounts of consioernble loss of life and distin.e1~ between r~1 aod tuong :-anti in th~ p,.operty uy the late gnles. Among the wrecks exammauoo th""-4tsficul teetimony will bo of aseie- are . the packot sailing botween Bedeque, p. ranee to you. Jt ma:r "-• satisfied you : I mu~t · confese it hos not me. 'fhere • one thing in the F.. ls\aod and Bay Verte, on tbe night of the pril!oner's lnour-che totftl ah.~nc.t or all mot;ve .. 2Sd ult., all hands fost; and the 1teamer North W.thout ft quarr~J, or. att)' prevoeation whattoe-fer. America, on tbe rou~e from St.John. N .B., to that we ean dleeoYer, m one momeoc rb~ ll iaoaur Boston, on Long lalaod, l4aine

1 oo the morn-

.4iettro)'ed tbe iziaten6e of h~ fello~m·~· There in~ of the 26jh, pateen&erw and •:rew ;- 75 in have been murdere, the eff~•• ·or p~n ;-bere number, witb the exception of a 6remao, saved, there are DO trace. of irritated f~linge.~~e, therefore, to comider; wu fl(t aware at · tim h• tbe steamer went to pieces.

Willmcr ~· Smilh'$ European Times, Dec. 4, ) .. /

· tn'RlVED FRO:'tt Nt.: \VFOUNII~A:\'0. No.,emher 2.'-Paulito, i\l~tltt~"· ta .-n)lbaino, ditto.

Rolla, Oporto.' U .-llltbet, Moll'l!ln. 15. -Joven Marin, San Sr1un~ti,.n; t\lerr, V~ lenci tl . IS­Yrowler. Plymouth; Emily Tobin, Cork; Mel vinn, ditto.; \VA.,e, St. Mrr.hoel's. JU.-GNwler, .Bne · 1ot~ 20.~,tountJ , Opor~t~; Ve locity, Vnlcnrio, nml e~ilecl for L.,~horn. 21-Brqnd Axe, G rii VO,.t! nd. ~Champion, LivtlqiOIJI. 2.),-Queou, Urnve• teh~; Arte•uis, L• Ye~r•tol. 2<J.-Syreu, Gru\•es<~ end. Der.. 2.-Uar-on, Liverpool.

ARRit' t: O ••noM L.48RAOI)R.

NoftltlbAr 18.-Cauo~u:-, l'ly•uouth. Nancy, T e i'!n · n.'o~th .; Vtwue, ditto. ZJ.~IIS!lll• Durtln.,u·tl1; y,. 11tur, d 1tto; Ss:stcra, Puulc. 2-t-~Jury J~oo, Dart:. nlOUlh.

' v£SSF. L11 S AILED J.'on NEWFOO:ofDLA:'iO.

Nove:nber 8.- Nymph. G:ul t:l; Darothv, ditto ; Cluthl'l, rliuo. 13.-Venus, dirto ; 1-hy<!ee, dllto. l4.'LGaztl lle, Ca\Jiz. 20.--ltoyal William, tb6 Cl•cfe. LIVI!:!PO.JL.- Lo.&m:'io - Artemns, St. John's,

Newfnur11lloud. CORK.-No•emhcr 23.-The' Jnne, from NortL

,,m,.)·irn, ill r'f!JIOrtArln~llore nt fr.tli\'COtton. f>tJ~ D\ Ll{.-Nonmher 30.-The brig Fowler,

of nu& from ~t. Jolin, N . IJ., IHuJ 'lhis day beeo ~ized hy tit~ Cul!ltOm•houe>e officent, in con~:~crpaeuce of allout1•10 cwt. o( tobnr.co llnving heen fonud s to wed Amol\. the cnrjlo of cleols. Tile mate ha~:~ ~8r'opect, bm th:b ·•~moituJer of the erow hove beeo sent to the~ce burrack.

£ I;E.-Novemb"r 23.-The Sisters, nrrived f..-o · '11rlor. with 16lls of b'uhvark:J, and oue man over oarcJ~ .,

Ale~'· of nnrl lr.om St. John'cr Newfoundlnnrl, lith Nov., hu. 37 N ., lou. 3 \V ., woe spoken at sP.n.

PASSE~G~: 1:s.

In tho Unicorn, fr otr1 Jlat. fux , Rev. A. Sinclnir, MiHR l.. i1lrl"ll, Me1111re. Hn11on1 .f.llis a nd ~nook. J I

THIS DAY, (Saturday) At ELEVEN o 'Clock,

By~ Shannon Clift, t OO Prime GEf·:SE, 00 Do T OHKF.YS 20 Pair FO\V S, :JO Do I l UCK~ 15 Do HARt:.· , lu p1·ime orrl<' r, 41 Burrel.i American Mess PORK 20 Uo Nova Scotill Prime Do

Ex " U oicorn," fronr Halifax. Dec. ~6.

TJJIS PAY., . (Saturday, ) At T\VJ-:LVE o'C lock,

ON TRE' W11A n .. OJ."

&fio ~ 'fil rn w £ ill ~ &.1 ~;ID ., 50 Barrels Prime N o va Sco11n PORK 40 Ditto dttto Americ~ts• Ditlo

"50 Fia kins ditto d it ro BUTTER 100 Ditto a&d Tubs Nova Scotia Ditto -tO Boxes Cavendish TOBACCO

lOu Darrels Strp.erfine FLOUR 50 Boxea Bloom RAISINS J5 Dozen Superior BROOMS 6 ·Ditto diuo WH ISPS

15 Bo~es LEMON SYRUP tO American CLOCKS 1 Cue LOOKING GLASSE, ... 1 Cue VIOLI~S • .

De~em.ber 26. · ·wa• <loing wr~mg. Tbe taw preeome• he as, un 'l•a The a-toamer '• Ta y," reached Bermu.da. che corubil'lation. of eireum1tanoee ir,..eietibly repe l on the 18th November. len Vera Cruz on the that rreaumptiori. 1 cbarre you calmly co diachar1e 1st, bad on boara the ~.000,000, seized and your tJuty, unia~eneect b.J public opinion. Jf you aftenvat'da surrendea:ed by Santa ·Anrla, re• heliefe bim auilty' Jel nOiblnlf deter you from UJillf port~ the Ameri u ·tired .of the W(r' and dre . . eo, bound M you~re. hy your hoaor. your oath to reapeciable •M . .111 •nxioua fdr ueace. Tlw ·o.dBGO of tl1.e Scla~....:_: H~oToa," JOOr God, aDd JfJr duty to your cou~try, not to Jet , • ~ .;,. • ' a murderer e.eepe &hro' a cowardly dereliction of - · ~-. N .,

1 -- -:-• - -- CO!iSISTlNO OF: • 1 -. , ..

1our dotf.· But ifJoU belieYe sbal the pri.ube' at I~D,-Oo.llJ ~th 0"'~ . •••· it her re•!dence •so Barrt"la Sup~rfine FLOU.$t · the bar ruUJ " .. j~e •' ~· lime, I ~hell he clad ~~·.?h~k~~~e ~';s~;.~~l-!::tlf~'if:!:~t~~J 60 Pun•·~ Er~bt. Hea.vyl\IO~SSES tohear froruJOUrltpt&YetdtOl of ·aequauat.'• . r·" . p~ 'd .J. ..... _ f 'M ''n.' ·s J.. ' !2' M Cedar SHINGLES \ .

Tbe lurJ then retired, aDd after u abteoee .. r •o&~c~! ~··a~. ·~~t' 0 "· y£.~1!'4 .cL&T&,_•· . . . . . ,

\\!:ell known- as a Fish l'a·ader-wilf .cany.. 2,500 Q,ujntuls FISH iD. built, or,a.b.lul SO 'Jlon• OIL. Apply, to . ·

~APT41N BLANFORD .•. or lo .

Cobiosoo, Da·ookin; & Co. Decembe r 16.

FOR Ll VIHtPOOfr-.OR GRimaNOCK. . . ""~ TuE PfE.~. FAST·sAILtN~ :amoLNTJ:ie

~ Sarah, Captain CursHOLM.- For FREIGHT ~r

PASSAGE apply on bod1·d, or at the office oi M. STEWART&. Co.

Dec. 9.


M. S T E 'V A-RT & 00~ Ex 11 Yol'ng Hunter," .from Pic¢u,

35 Barrels Prime Pictou PORK 50 Firkins and Tubs BUTTER.

Put up expre~sly for Fam ily use.

Ex u~JCORN' from H.llLIF.!lX, 55 Dnrrols Prime ~vn Scotia PORK 20 Cnses LEMON SYRUP 1'2 Boxos CONFECTIONERY 1:2 Harre Is Fret;h CORN MEAL,

Deceml>.cr 26. I By tlte. S -ubscribers,

20 Jars Preserved Ginger. DIJNSCO~IB & 0."-RVEY.

Dec. ~3 .

[]·JJ ~~ mrn©~1T\rl]3IID9

By tlte sSubscriber, Ex ST. FILLAN.


§.) (!b ~ ll" e ~ .... .4/ii AND ~ J/lil

S> rn © ~ SJ 9. Of all uescripliontt, and nil of very Superior quality.


T II I~ S lJ B !iii C ~D E It HAS JU5T REC~IVED,

Ptr FELLOW&IllP, jt·om NE 1V YORK, 105 Puncheons~ Bright Retniliug m®Q

12 Tierces 5 11£SJ~l]S~

!50 Boxes ~ P.R1:\1. E .1\JUSCATEL.

... OQ Half-bo:tes ll.d.IS'.IJt~S ' ~00 Q.unrter-hoxes 20 Bags COFFEE. .

--ALS0-50 BarrErls ALE, !30 Boxes Cheese

100 JJoxes Mould CANDLF.S ~9 Casl<s RUM, JO Barr.,Js Vinegar

6 Bo:tea Sperm CANDLES 1 Barrol Copnl V.J\RNISH 2 Ditto.SPi lUTS 'fUH.PF.NTlNE

200 HAMS, 25 Sides BACON 20 Half. barrels 'Moa~ BEEF ~ Hogsheads Smoked JOWLS

50 Boxes Digby HgRH.f.NGS 2 B~rrele SALARATUS

10 Chea&s .T E ll. 60 Tub" "Prime BUTTER


• l

' -4!fD,- \

20,000·. CIGARS. 11 ••


J' . .


about ,an boar~Ded "~~:~erdicC of aequ~wq, · o~ lh~ toW_o. I • \ •• ~ ., , • • • • ,.~ • • , .U M S~ruee. , Do .. , . tbe prtiOOef.tDot oe....,.. IDtac! "~be kalled' ! • ?. .... ,j ;:a~· . ,;$f ~;; f!¥~2:.; # s '. ~ w. ct H. THOMAS .. Co. DeC'Imber 5 • . t&e deeeuect.. . . . .. . StlNJdg *''''''l*tntt. ··· Novem~e" 4. . .. · · !!!• !!!!!!IP~~·!!!!!!!!~~~~!!!!!~!!!!!-

PHILIP lJUGGJfN. : ·. ~' . •• i . ....

The ~. • f!Fderecl ,o be . lletaiaed in en1-1 . ~ . ' . • 5 I ·, • ~ , • "&'1 ~ · d :a.: · • t09bD&Hih!!l•~•p_I•IUrw~ .. __.a.c~. . ,, · .~.aaavn; • !P.aclaee••FJnePiaYelired ~ ~utDIJ~ <l lu(Jrru, . ·: The~ •·~ '~1 ~J·puc ceo o'cto~k. • Dee.. _.2&..;.1JelpbJD- a,.,, · BJtl&q. · a~ ai,.. tO.t ~ ·• · ~:. .... ~. ·.,. .~ a.. • . • Motarr P•ltlie· alid A.'aetlbaeer, · ..

Y~·tillllfW;.QIIteiOD, :PietoU, eo•n. ·c. F. .. .,.,. ... • ~-Ai.r'mS " 1!: . r I • ;.. • ' • :;.L ~ #4 f!r8o.Yw;£&a.-,,.., Cvaoro.Hon~a· Beioen • Cp.-JeMral a+.. . P• ~· EldA!roa .Jf,-ptain u&w-r.D·, (rom· n .. · ~nr:. lntl m••o• to IDdU'IIl tbe ... lie., . .

a. · · ~ ..... ... ... 8o p · · t ... .... D · · ,..,.- ' v. fl uv tbat ' in faLure hia OFFICE wil) be ia .utLLI o• ..... ....., -nAa-.oVII"'8 Dl, IC EiiiiCG . ~· . o .. a • ., • . · · WJa z, r• t

P11• Dur.Au'J'IO••• P- Bscu"a; l~toa ••·· De~ !ZJ.-Ma , Bo~ ........ ~.._•, lob~ • tntea. • • ,.Qiet .. pCtWI, ne•t tpal .or Mf••••·. J. t J', #C

aacl oc&er ~~~.&..., --'1 ~iDtatl oa ~paper, tor Ca.-pickle a., P~d.-., Jlac19J, -"0t1r, 1. HES· 'fO~- If!.&: Co~-· · KBNT. •~4 iu tlie eame Buli<Ual• . - t ........ CJieeftiMIICHiiMI. · '"' · • Tobil* ·eo:-&11'-ttil ~~~ •• · . · · ,. December It. .... · ~ ·


I --- -- ~

"· I ,

~. '•


CHJ:l,I~'.fM~S JlYMN.- . . I

· 'liw susu!lnti. pavpru. · tito~. -·· .. ,. L. ~;d·t· e· ·r· · -r .• ·r ~ .,,

• • s• J ~~ l • ~ · ~!~·~~~··( ~ #~t~Y. ,~£ ~~~~·» !· t 4 • l T *

~~--f~·a~;·Pe?~i~-J. . · . ·· . . • .P a' t .

·. . Df ·DI~HOP B&.JlER. · ' •

flrightef't Mld b&&t oftbc sons of the mornio,r;, D-1wn'on our darkne4~. n6d lend us 1kine oi~ !

. "• :-L ~~-~~ _ · · · .·. ~To qvo&d ~~urn, k~rJI ~~ure!J • ~mn:nn~-sr ~~ffi~o . · '. ', ., iba~ , ~at:DIIP~IITIOI'f..Wbi~h . e,Xpoeel the liumao . T HE, SC01r,riSH .·TEMPER~JE ~~

VIEW1 a Montb1y Journld, .ia•ued und•r he ao8p,)'fes oJ tqA S~ottuh. ,Temp~ance.£edcuc. :· fil&j be bad, prke F)n ·&arLX.IN'Gs : per· aa .. ; "'Srl\r of tl)e Eoer,·the horizon. arlor.ning ,

' Gu~e·~hero our inlbnt Red~erncr is lou.J !\ . · .. . ... •. 0 ~ . . . , ., •, . frMn~ lO the infdctJOfl and. Tirui\S,DC,t! •f.el; 0~

VAL 11E-l, ~26 DOLLAR.~ !.J t of diaordJ'IS, prpOeedJ cJ~reccly !)r uf'!~CliJ

Co'ld on his haole the-dewdrops nre sflinint! J..ew li~e hie lled with the bea~ot"ll of tho etulf! Angel'& ndoro him iu elu •nlror· rec linin~. 1\lak~r'. aod)Mo~1tirrh , aud ~u\'iour of nil!

fro~ a l.DOt~.it$ etate of l~e l,tateau1

~0 DE DR.Ill1rN. D Y Jl BLIND BO.Y., · · caused -by · V~) ON TUESDAY, }l"tFTB or JAs'l~RY, i~47, .t:r ~~~ull~ BI.OO~. · • ,

D':''-• at · · •. I A. ~.R..' BT.ACKWOO,D.-'8, ) October 3'. . ~~ • · Jlgml/. ' ·

> Ta.REE o'CLoc)i, r. 1u . , · . ~· · HALSEY'S SUOAR-CQATEfj MAGIC ..- _,., -- · · · ·· · !AI~E PliJL-3. . .... . ~- : · ·

·FOR S.llLE'

sty, eha11 We yield lti/0, in • C0'Stly_ .~6V~tJ0D 1

Odours o( Eel om nuJ o ff\sr11tg1J du·me; TrcK&Ts R .\ LF .. TIOR £ T 5


• .20-t. .. # J~.

GemaJ of tho mountai~, and penrls of thA or.f'a n, l\_lyrrh from tho forest, autl g olJ (rout tb" 111ine ?

I w .

Vninly we offor cneh AtVf!lc n!1l!ttion; Va_iuly w~h gold woulo J1is t'a vo ur secure; R~her by fat is lti!!l ht!nrl'tl ndorulton; ' JJearef to God nro the prnyers of t l:e poo r.

DriJthle.t nnd best of. the soull of lhfl mnrninL', l>n•q on our dorkuet~s, entl IPntl ns tl.luu ru.t 1

Stafol tb~ En,t, !he ll() rizon nt!oru i.n~, . 1 <.i.uido where our in lnnt Ret.h~t-mer IS lnui . ·


[No. 3S.) Duw~t~o ~TnrcT , ~ Glh • .V"ot.'Cm!lt-r 1 lS.lG. )

.. FiRST PRIZE.- l New Schooner,

65 T'ons N.~. wilh ri~w Soils, two Ano.oors, nud Ci~:lins · SECO~D PRIZE . -1 .Schooner,

45 T ·wa , N .:\]. wiih Aocit.or~, and C hninH

THIRD PRIZE.-1 Splendid Cnr· riaCY'l nut! Horse ·

I~'OURTH PRIZE.- t French l1ro11.se C lvck with lnrge ~ass Globf'

Fl F I'H PRIZE.-! SplcrididTime ' Piece , lnrgo l!ilt Jrame

SIR,­SIXTH PRIZ B -5 Oil ~nintings SEVENTH PHIZ~.- I Piano Art Act passed hy the Le51islnt uro o( Now-

1 1 Forto founcllencl iu the llll'llth o~ Augull t, I IU, cutitu et EIGHTH PRIZE.-1 Sct iFrcnch

. .. An Act to rcs;ulute the Re-huilrlaug or tltu fown I

'"of St. J ehu's, (Ltld the Drnina:;o RIILI ;-:je wero!!~ of Ten Tray~ _,.;

5«. ...: I


$ 1)>00






AT THE OFl'ICE OY THE "MORNJNG COtT~IUt" ·· the ' nom'erou\remediee "b\el:r etand re~ '

oh the basis bt 1n?ancient nllm·e; • ar~·none 8. FEW·· CoPt £s .or D.a. McC~c.ooa'• wlucb ftllve acquired ... ~o gre.~t celebrity, ~- SCHOOL BOOKs; ': comprising ;..:...a ·

a~&UlJtDi'fe ,,,.,.in 1!10 lhtlrt 0 lime 88 thil ill•lllu. . Oourle of Reading in Scjeact ana -Lilttatvre. rticle. Ther ~ave aained.!P~ir l!igh. reput". En~~ Grunun'Or .: cfc . ~c. ., · pne· bJ th('ir Jo9d works.'" 1 hotte who once Jtfy J1 . · ,· ·

-alway's. liee them again •. Tney impro~~~~~!!!!!~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!'!!~~~~~!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!~ fu.,"~·•uu of secretion, nutrition and circulation •

· restore diJ!eatiou llnci nppetit~,o~d~ ~reate a «ontt,Ptlon=~IIJl. tiJCltlt~t&. at ural wet mtb y, hlch ~:Iowa. throu~1 the whole eys-m, giving; it -~reotA!r \'itahiy and animation. -... P.RlN CESS VICTORIA. ln .BI LL.IOUS cornplacntf\ Costiveueu, lnctiges- ¥

~on, Dy~tp~Jisy/aod all other disorders of 1he Sro- EDM\lND PHELAN begs 'liOPt respe~rrully to ach, they· produce· the most baJl(JY tesulta.-For en nouu~e to the \lnho.hitRills of Harbor Grace aud orca, Boijtt; Salt-rltettn! ;,reuer, Er~)ll-lu, ~rop- C~nupt!on Ray, gerib·ally, aa nl_so1 to hie numeroue

tior.s of ttfe Skin, ~rrofo1ous. compl mtr. nntl many fneutJtt to ~~. John,'lf, tluwlds Sp1ondid New PRckf t

u 'the same, ond to rcpenl certuin .AcllJ thert>in me n ' # N !NTH Pl\IZE.- 1 \Yr.ll lllg Desk, u rioned,'' huving l tt~en nderretl hy !Ita <~uet- n 1n !3 Embossed Port fo lios

othe r liko q~asea ·arieing from UJ .~n F. HLOO 0 ~oat i~ now p\ying 6et\'(f.e9 !forbor Grace in~ Pov they AJ\ve flecome hitth~ ctlehrat"!d • . HJJDdrede of ~gnl Cove. Bl~ is fittAd'lJp 111 a style or !!Jiegonc,­certificah:s hnve been ree~i(ecJ :"rom~indivi'dnals wq'Q, 1\ud comfort hitherto uoe!fuall~d in this Colohy,. n_nd' afler havio~ taken them fo·t a ww weeks, (according . soil.a remarkably r:Sr. · · . to the directions which accompany tile box) were cu- E . P. will comma net her him~nJ( and every atten­red oftbe most atBic'tin~· cat\es of S.c~fulM18 t~ffec- tion w11l be pRid to tl•e comfort nod con\•ooience of tions. Ttley give GOOD .BLOOD FOR lli\D, and Pnssen~::crP. Htwiug mnt.le r"oosiderable pecuuior y rene"' the fluids flncJ vital functions.. In Colds, sa'criflcC8 lor puhlic accurnmfldntiou,he trusts to me1 it Coughll, l1lfJuenzn, Sore Tltronr, Headache , G1ddi- (rom n ~enerous publir, a continuouee of clint patro­

l 6.:u5 ne&s, &r., they ore recdmrnendecl with enti re conn - nnge and aupj'lort whic h he has heretofore experieo­dence; tbe relie f in theee ~uses is quick llt.cl -r~r.. r.ccl. All cornmondt~ for l1i m sr~ to he left nt Mr.

14 '" rnnuent. For Fe•er onrf Au~tue, F~vert~, A!'thrno, Thomes Powers Victoria Packtt Olfiu, HarborGrnce Couucil to till: Lorc.Js of the Comruitt t>.e or P ri\y TENTH P.RlZE.-1 Li(jueurCns.! Council fo r T rndc ,t~ uJ For.-ign Plnuttlliou~. tluu ELEVEN1J"ll PRIZL::.-1 Gold Couumtteo htsvu ropu~t!d to llnr i\lnjest)' iu Counctl Cross nnd E ar Ring~

·· ~ .r Pales, l.osa of 1\ppetit~, Dropsy, Jaundice, \Vormt~ , l>ATif OF S.uLtNo Looseness , Oeneral U~lliht~·, nud many o'f-She vn,rious From Harbor Grace-On the morning of Tuesday

their opinion that the t:l:ml Act shoulll IJe !ell to •ts TWELFTH PRIZE.- I G oltl Ring op llr tltton. VV

1 ho\·o the honor tn trr: :111mit to _yon laerewith en I Bat:kgnmmon Board, l. r iting orde r of l lc r L\l:.J "S'Y i:a l:ouucal, uu1e.l Dl'sk

n pJ •• oYiu~ t t.a·.t Ht>p'l rt. . T£-f IRTEENTH PRIZ 8.-8 Pock-1 nl:10 trol•smit n .:,• P.V of n ll'th:r rccel\·eli from el P o rt fol ios , : Gold R in'g

the St!Crt! IIII'Y t o tile .~ l ns ll:r General OIIU nonrd FOURTr~E~TH PRIZ8 -3 Eo. ol Ordnaur•·, by w!. ir.lt ~ on w11l pPrccive •'·at tlte p . 1 , ld R' ,\ln:~t c r G•H•"'rul nnd J: ,,urd dt!tmfl tlaat u p aCl n :,iou volopo urtfvlt<•S, I u-" tog s llPtdc! he ndd ~~ ~~ tu t ltJ::I Ac t Vl itl, Fpcc lo.l rt.:iMeucu .FIFTE8NT t:J PH.I~E.-1 Gold to Orthtnucc P re111i e:-:. Rlll l!, 1 Go ld Ptn .

1 do not tlouut u,~ , rhe · al ~sr.unhly \\ ill rotul ily I S l XTEENTH Pili ZE. --1 'Vrtl0

n<lopt t !•o eu;.; t;e• tlurl of t h e !\luster <; l ' lh!fl.l LtllcJ I ing o~sl< , , I G o ld Loc ket H;m1d, nod flw mor e sn, 1\~ 11 hns uot h t" t:ll t iiii <· O tho SEVENTJ--:1.!::-.lTll PRIZE.-! occa!-1011 nt do!n) iug tlte U u.,r u_'J r·oad inw•lio u ,.f Brnnze Ink StRnd, I Gold L oclc.-l t ho Act. I hu\'O tltt!l eforc '? d'O, I rc t lt u~ )'OU w."l l ElGHTEb:NTH Pl\. IZP..-1 Gold luke cu rly I!I C J·~ 10 procu roJ 1.1 1! pat-sane; of o La w lvr p · G ld R' ·


1 I






ocher t.lisettl'es to wbfch thu burntsn syMterrt ial1able. Tlutrl!cluy ond ~uturduy nt U o'clock. ·· lhey hue prov~rl hll infalliiJit: remedy. Th~r nctiou From Porlugul Cort-At 1~ o'clock on l'ttondoy pn 1ho lw wols is of the m ilcledt charactP.r1 even over \V .. duescf"y ttnu 1"1 idoy. 1


dosed tuwer rttuso griping ot unpleo8lluLneS1!, yet Cabiu Passengers. • . • 7s. 6 !lwy ore searching and effident. lt ie imf•o~ihle hl Steet8J:O cliuo I 5s. 0 words , to givo ~n tulequnte itlea of tl,e treat /ll lll Single Lt>tters Of!. G ~ood effects \hdse pills procl•tr.e, Rncltheir ~ll lk!riori ty DouiJie diuo . h. 0 over every other romtdy of n similnr class ; a lriul ou-ly will cxploin the wide difft~rence. .

Aftt! r using thPrn for a fhort time the hitherto wrctchect ittvultd fin.ts thnt eli t.lisngreeahlo ouo un laettlthy humours hn.ve toreake r~ hist~rtem: . lies di· gPative organs perform their prope r ft1uC110 ns; 11111 hloori r •·gaios it ~onteci purity, the oppreFsive 11euse of wenknea8 nnd paiu depart~ aud Ius IJotiJ bec-omes endowecl witb renewed etreng1l1 nucl vigor- while the m inct re~urnes itlf originRI Yivacit,.v. ~~rtd r.le:uness

TilE Suh:.crihers respectfully nllllOIII rt'c, thntlhei r s~lend id P acl.e t Boat LoTt' ~', l o n ~t r.o111meuct!d

runn rng lae tween Curboneor bud Portu~nl Cove ; atut they !.ope, by attention au<t punctllnlluy, to merit n ~lt n te of pu blic pntronnge.- The LoTos is fitted 'tti• in ll 1111pcrior style, \\ ith 8 Fpnrrons col.Jiu anu CVt!rV requi!litc n<-r,oncmoctntion fur ~nsaJenger ..

) hio Jlurpo:se. tn,lNI '·'oTEt.. ... tNnTa H P IZI':' / 2V' I 1 have Ll,e ho11o:- to be, N c. • c. ! R ~.- to-

S1r, & c , ..\.c., ,\:r., ins

Sueh are tht! res ttl •K produced hy llulsel ·~ Su~nr· • . (-~,;1\tecl Ptlle, !ho ntdd~:t l, Y"' oTIOt;l etfuctual Jlrepo·

. .50 rutiQu of the c:lftiH! iu u~e.

Days oj Saili1~1!--From Corl.Jonear every Tue!!•ley, Thureduy, nud :::loturdny, from the Co\·o, every l\luu­dny, WedllflR·Iny, ont.l F ri<lny .

f a r ts.-Cn!Jin Pns~en~ers, 5s.; St~crnge,3s.; Dou• hie L~uenc, J t~.; ~~~~~,; l e 6.J.

T lrr 0frirC'r f~t!min ic! c r ill;: I ~•P. ( G o ve r nment o : ~tl\\'Jou t :.il .• n ·J. )


1 Moreover Halsey'R Sugr.r -Co1re•l Pills nevH loose o::T" All Lc 11ers, nnd Pnrcels to he left ot rl re Timu office, Gower- •llr"et, S t. J ohu'!l, nntl at l\lr. T. 1-'UkLo~o·tl, l:arooucnr. .\1 usicul Box 7


tl·~ ir mcd rcmut·vrrtoo . Tho , v.,a:eta lllt! l'llh:Un11c-ct!

of whtrh tlaey alone 1\r~ rompOPt<cl Rrt! pr.stterv+-d 111

posns~:~ion uf tt•e• r fu ll curndn: propP.rues hy t h~ FURLONG&. REVILLR .AI the l " llr t nl Wii!dnr , 'JGI/. Q.·toLrr, I ·IG. T'R F:'iF.-.; r: Tile Uut •!CI ':< m•·~ l 1'..\ r. •· lit•ut :\I••JP.lSty, '2 J ournnls 7 r.otuing of rrtudct~d fii.JJ[nr wltidt (11ke lhu.k t-r .. AI iu

Jl i:i H 11ynt ll ae t, nc.:: t• rr n r l' -\ .ll,:rt. J. r1rd Chnttc el· T\VBNTY-THIRD PF IZ£. - 3 lor, Lo rd Prel' td t!ltl, Du ke o f :\'o n u lk , Mu:q :.i. L'l••n- E mhossed Portfnl 111~ r it·ardt• , E url U rcy I L o ad J u:. n r~ l lr> lU·ll , \'l.~t'ullnl T\ \ ' ENTY ~FO (j H.TH P RIZE .-Jl,ll llll' '-510 11. \" iSCII lllot. )101 peth , L<•rtl Colll plu II, :-> tr I Gold L ock t! t' I u, c lq,!IIIOmou I3ndrd

I I he nut J>~ell) eurlo:st!S thf' Jlill from tire> uc t aou of the

6 · O 1 n·mosphere. Tht! onl\ :iug nl•n ro nd t> rtl Hu lt~ fl'}' 1 tt . • 'J I P illtt pleasool to be taktn, t!Vt!ll by 11ie n1ot1l tlt:lt-

cate. · 5 50 .


Parr~·rr .. n oat ' .J\·.t;~TIVE .L.II.SS, J :\ ,\1 E~ lJO Y LE, Com nutnJer ; hurtl•eu ~tons,

<-nl'pe rcd n11d copJ•cr- fASiflll• ,: . Tho lo llowiug daj/1 ol r'Hd tltJ' f•nve bt:t' ll cJcrerrninr•d on:-J ol1n l! ,hho" "'' 1 ll.t rt., )J r. Lnl" u here,~ ~~ C~.:o rge T\VE~Tt···FlFTH J'H.IZ E. _ ' AoENT81 al St. Jolm's .V~u'fourtdlond,

{;, ,.,. Bn1r. , \J .. (' , , .,.H'I!~I<•r cJ f th~ E \ Chf•tpil· r. y I J' • 1\l . QtlO

\\ herem, llot> l. ·r·ll "lllll : t G·; \'~'ruor ( t ( ll •:r 11J " R- T\VF.;{TY- ~IXTH PRIZI:: . -I) ' r< 1 ~ 1.1 ll'cl 0 r .\I> \\ :c tl)l;d lrtnd . \\ I tl. ! hn Cu 1111 c d uud I • • • •

.A~~c ml•h· rtf t ltt.: :-n.d h l:.:11 l , d .• l , .n t l.l) mootll o l I\ n luo AuguRt , ·, ..1 "'· Jill~ nn Ac t \\'IIIC~ h b" l;t:6 11 lruns- T \VENTY oSI£\ . ENTII PRI Z8. Joined, cot ll uled ll:i foi lowP, ,.,z: ~ - \ ' rtlue

1'\o. tiO-·• .\ u .\ r t to rogul ute t he Ro·l.utldin~ o, T\\'l!:STY -EIGHTH PH.IZF..-the Town ol Si. J vhn',-, nntl.the I lr rt! nugP 1wd ::; .. w ... V nin o eroge ofthe so m,., aud .o rt'fH:.I cc t tulll :\t: :o tltcre " l T\VENTY-NI NTH PRIZE.-io mentintlet1... . v 1

A11d \V herens tlao snid Act J,ns bcf'n rr f~rrer..l to I n .uo . ., the Committee ofrl1e Lortie of tl~~r M :, J ct:t ~ 't~ ~l ost . 11IIRTIEfH PRIZT:. .--1 Sple n• }fonornbl" Privy Couucd cppointt-d for t l• c con - 1 dtd S alve r \¥ alcb



sidcrl\t iou o( t:ll tt1nt1era rcltstwg to TrnJ o nud ' l ''oreign Pluutation:l, und sa id C tl ltlllHtco l1t\Ve $ t

17:26 .75

· r eported as their opinion ~~ ll cr i\l ·tj r·sty tltat tire 'dfo take !nco at JA:\IES BYRNES, I!Bu1 Ac t sl.oullll>e lett to lt;t opP.rut:on. I lor !\h- P, . t p . d jesty was 1hercupon th is day' plerwed. by nuct witlt 1 .\Vo tor St.r<'et,. ~ t. J olJn s, where rtoLe

.the 11dvico of Uer Pravy t:ouncil, to rtpprove thA ftc:ke ts wtll be J:~suetl. .-aid Report. Whereof tha Gov,.r uor, L uut eoat•t - l 'h!cembe r '.? . ·Governor, or C'ommnndar-in·Chio( for tho ti tue hcing ---=-·---------- ---- --­·ofller Mnjesty':s lolnnd of Newfouru11uo\l , nn·d nil 9ther pert~ons whom i1 wny coucero, are to take notice auct govern theUlselves nccordm~;ly.

r' 'W. L. fl.\111URST.


BEGS to acquaint hor friends nncllhe pub .. lie genrrally, thot she has recently Iuken

that coromodious DWELLING -HOUSE for-O.FrtcE or Ono~•NcE, ~ 30th October, ld46. S merly occ•1pied hy tho Lndies. of the Pre11en ..

Sra,- · . tAtiun Conve nt, and situatA nunr tho Convent ;, RRVing euhmitterl to tl•e MnstP.r Gcnrrnl nnt! 1-J rll, where a. few GentleJTICU Benrder1 can Board ofOrdnnnce your lt: ttet dou•d tlte 2'2).1}-' in ll lnnt, . hn ve c.xc cllent accommotlation.

.. transmitting, by. desire ot F.u1l G rtt'.Y, n .;opy of en N ovembor 1 g. ·Act No. 60, pused by tho l ..eJZidltttu~ll11N ~!wfounu· "'!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!. !!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~!!!~!!!!!·· !!·!!·!! JacJ bn the 4rlt of Augoot, 18-16, for tt•~e Uqttding = .. ·or the 'l'o,.n of S t. J o ltn'd : ·and ob!!e g th)tt tlre

"'25th clau1e tZadl that no lluilcling shn I bo Ar¥ctetl to intetf!'re ·with the liod of fire fro m FMt Williom JO Fort George townrda lhe llnrhour, (Jrovirted tl'"' 'the penooe e6 deprived oC their right of Lui ld11tg ·'Bball be co111peatuted for \heir loe1e11 by tbe lloard

Ito llt 1Ltt. .Ou Building J .. eases, ,.


.Messrs . A.&. R. BLACKWOOD. St"ptt mher 19.

l'rom Carbonrar- Every ~lontl11}'1 Wctlnesdoy, & Fr rd•l}' n.Otllllll!', prer.is-.: ly et t.iiw o' clock .

Porlttgul Cwe-On the naorc•ings <Jf Tuesdoy, Thurpd,y, ntatl Saturduy. nt J:l o't·lnck precise ly. ~he ib rowple tely new, of lite largest clails, on<f

huilt of tlt (l best rnoteriols, ontl with tuch improve· ment!l as w ill combine grt:n t Rpeed with unueuul

1J' ,·i lltn and Publi~ltt:d erp:usly for dupalch COIIJforl for Posseuger• j wilil st~eping-berth8, ntlll by aU t!te Steatn8hips tchtch ltat'e Eu;landfor commnnded hy n moo of c!,Rrn<"ter nod expcri~nro . thr. U .N/ TED S 1'.1J. T E 8 and C.11 .. 'V .llD./1. 'J he charactt!r of the " .J\ .ative La16 '' feu: fpced nnct

THtur: E KSS£"TIA.r. I'EATURES nieTtNGt ts H tT Ff\oas enfety, is olr('ody '"1!11 esabbi~HW-• ..Shu ia con-

T I e~1~ E.~. B U R 0 P E .f .i\·

ALL CONTUfi'OilAN£0US P UBLI CA.TI 'J:'fS; 8tructed OD tJae :1nlet1t priflciJ\le of being tl ivicJed . FIRST.- Itcontaios a full correct-and t-omprclaim- into sepn rote cornportmcuts hy wnrer-tlg ht hu1k­

beod!l, and which l•ns given such security an.l c~onfi. sive Shipping Lu.t. Pe rsoue :nteresll:.ld in the M o- dance to t l11:1 pu bl1c-. Her Cubins are ISU('erior to rine of .\merica may turn ip en ilfetont to the inlor - nny in the Jslnrut. matioo 1Vhicl1they eeek, with the cert~tinty of relyiog St~ lect Uooks Rnd Ne wspapers kept on board for on it.s truth. 1t thus supersedes Shipping Li E: t8 and the accommot.lntion of Pnsf8ilgers. other expensive publicottons from F.urope, Pome "' First Cabin Passeu~ers,7~. Gd.- Secoocl clitto,5~ which ate six timee tbe price of Jl'a' llmer Sf Smillt's Single Leuere, 6d.- Duuhhs druo, 18. . Eut'opean Tirnu. L ettcrM and Parcels left et the liouee of ~1 r.,.Vs-

S£CONDLT.-It rontaioe a Price Current of all th4! i.t.:l'fTtl'£ lloR!'f, (head of King's Jloat.l; will be puoc• great British anti European Markets, devoted prioci- tunlly aueuded to. , _


Tll E Suoecriber annouuces to the public that his 11plendid new Pnc~el

pallr to the article• of tra~e end commerr..e JD<~re ~ immediately ovpertaioing to the United States and Hrliiah America, and in whi.efl tbe l\ferchn~t, tht Trader aud the man or busineu.'!Just feel ftD '"'!"& diate hneJest. On the ~cor.e of eorrecmesa t hl' fa ­hular'Figuree anti the rema.rkeaccompanyiog the va_­rioulJ ·Markete; ehowina th,ir l!cjual condition, m"l' lae relied on· .Dd atA, io•faet, !l'l AOTDORITY ""'"'~ lfOST'Or ~ilt tr'f\aT oo~an tl'l 1-uac. ra•r~ca,.AL crTr&!

B.IPRBS&·, fitted up with a epacioue cdhin, ·and every requisite accommot!ation for Pa11sen~~rs, ie now plying he• ""een Ha,rhour Grace oud llor.tugol Cove, lenv!ng t~ ormer plAce every Mondny, Wcdneedey.and J• n~J~y· t g o•ctock, and abe l'atter at 12 o'clock oo &he iotet

OF YB& tJ.IUTKD-ITAT'&I .Al'ID C.A.l"4Dt,O"' .• '

inecliAte deye, Faru.- C11hin Par8on~erts 7e. 6d. Steeroge ditto

5s.; Douhle Lettere- l1i~ 5 Siogle d iuo 6d. · : ·· N. B.- A ~arefulancl atl~oaive 1 n i1 engaged to

rake care of the lt,l~tile &e. , o( Ordnance. / :, • • · . • I hnYe ftie fhonor, hy tlte Master Gtl"crol and &ard'e rhmmands, to acq••aint you, for h ie Lord-

; TmanL1-. ~A• ·,. oe;.:.pa,Per~ · i{ pre~'ll·t.s to tJ;e_ A'mericnn re,de,; in:a eoncentrate11 jtllte, aod where tbe iotereat or tti'e imrortanettor ibe IOI•jeet de:Mndt ·it, in 'he mO.t detailelland'ample fbrm, e~ery topic, of peUtical, eotaiuerei.I, dqmulie, .and tniscellaue· out inte.~eet. whiob. .h~Ut ~cmc;urred 'in~ur~l"? ~rjele&­where, einee a~e1fieparture. o(J~~ P.teviou•.P. cket-

• u pecial rep'ql belJl~ pud (~at~te!." mQ~t1r Et.IGl LY .err AT£D IN WA'UR 8TRB&T. coonect~d wlt.h, or .tela~~· to-, the f.O~it~aJ, IOl)~al,

Letters and Parcel,. to be 1ent by this conveyanr.o to t,e Jef\ at the Exa,ree" Pncket Office.\ lfarbO~r · Otare, ond at Mr: Fox'a, Sr. Jobn'•, wlllue'dul7 foa '

. abip'e Information, drat . the lm:nl•ty naruert Fort George is 1lOt. 1dentified in· the ,,l ~rtlt ill this Office, but they «1'8 llOl IWate O( any nbjuetiO~l tO Wbat is

·• proposJ41. ~9-Uo enpcred . .... : . . I • ·.'

• ~be ·trhut Genetal rmd J;Joarcl btg however to 111JCgeet,1h•t re ehould be' a clnute 10 pr~veot ~Jlnl · with tJie boundaries of, or the eom· 1JQUnieatiODI lea.diPI ~ any ' OtdJJnoce premises ..Witb"Out t_he permiasion in- wriri~t'oflhe Mneter Oe .• •,Mral .Pd Bo&rd; aod. that ·aJI· e~peo1e1 otteodaot lllrlthon, if i'equ.ired, 1bould bi defrayed out of the •Jcp! toDd• re.&Ured ~ io'tbe lltb and J2Lh ~laoen. • • • • • • ~ 4 lban. ~~ &c.,

• I I • • • • .,_ R. B HAIL

Apply at the Office of thia paper. . · · or eom.-uercaal . ~~IJ-f,Jet"i .o~· .. ;lJra.~ ~men~ end lhe United Sta\ae. lVrLLktU~ ~IJ,IO:r&!a £o..ao-

November 4. tou" T~~(in ~ori, ~·., -~·.8~!1c& ~.~ er~rj ci.r-1 ·bl W t 6011::.. d. b' · ~~inataQee ia· wf•loll f_ '. (• abi~nt. o~ lhe .q...,.t

Several very e igs e a c:.~w.ee,ot ~r ~~n \f9.rldcatl.PciMJbiJ- . !a!' in~~ lt,.Ruta -'"" lhe Am~li'CGD rea~., in ~ron, th" mom,nt it

In Water, Duckworth and Gow·er.s'tr~eLq ~::i:~::tl~:\-:~~~,:t~ ;:fi~;r:~=~~~ . mercial.... ' ' ~ .. · ~ ..

· T•• s'V..c~~lf To 1111• P4ria .. 161. N&~tnmr 'AD'iT .... UO ......

Air. THOS. MaMUIWO, : ~l' Boobeller, 81. Job11'"

Uft&a,.. I

. • f t AND,

£~QOO .Stt!rling · · To LOAN.· on glod- S~•uraJy,

. Bl . • .

.R, PROWSE, · • .. · ffot. Pab . . .

'warded. • · . A. U&Ys.p~L,.

; ;au

-~mlll mcP.>~i!nD<i JD@~mi.cil~ : ' I AND CBIBIA1 'iDJ-BI'I'IB!l, : :~· .

P.iotedand Publi•hed by<JCJSBM woo.Ds. : ·.at . hi•. Office in Gow&a $,Tii~&T; '"et7 ·. •

W&DK~IDAY· a~d ' S•'fuo.lT mo~~a-. .

ao.oa A•D .r.QJl~aJ•·•ae Nttlllj Ezft:VIId- til tlie OA• ((.,.. ·MoliUCB

.. ,C«lVBIQ, at Uae tl&or!at~e .IM--t~~,NIII"' /

&mel Stephens, Etq,, &c., &e.l .,. D9"oiog Strevt. . . , . .. .

"·,.'"'' ........ .T~l~y~~~E; . 1' . ·oJ 'fAt ..,~ .Ut. c~il.r(... ·
