' ' I ;._ ) •, . -,· / I .. . VOL: III. ,. . Notttts. PALMER'S MUSEUM. ' TDE PATRONAGE OF HIS EXCELLENCY SIR , J. GASP.ARD LE MARCIIAl'\.T. WEST OF TllE NEW llOUSE, Water' Strcel. Is now Opened. k-iracl permisaj()n of Colonel LA - W, the Band oj the Royal Ne.tojomulland Company tcill be i" ' THE 1\lU:-';E(Jl\J is .. day in the W(lf·k e.tct>pt Sundny, from.J.,o.,lclock in the tiJl 10, P.lll ., for t.9 lht! ro llecrion of NATURAL and ARTlFJCIAL CUlUOSlTI£6. And a choice Yori P. I)' of Etaterftl.i'lunents, to fo.ke plnce every evenint, in thft L.-cru_ re Roo m; t.nd rhe Proprieror's ooouexion several Mu- Scientific lustirutions of Europ"' end Americ-a, will it secuml to none rn Aruericn, w "E're per t ortler 0 rnl u• corum nre anJ the tllr uost ,·igilnncu exercised on the port or t he 111nna"ernent to maku t he 1\lul!leum u perf ec rly t-nfe ond ngr et:able pine., of recreuliCln end amu sc- rwn• f•·r for Lod res uud Children, \\he - t loc r ucf'OII1 J11Lll 'ed hy Ge ntleweu or not ; nutltu tbre. (·nd th'l Pn•prie•or begd to the public thnl it \\ II he h• !t 111 rn to m ake tlte u desirnt.le res0rt fo r rhose who oc:C'I\sturmlly 10 spe uu '" ' h11ur enj,lymeot of rullounl reuovuuon und amusement. the nt present, is u of tlte twelve feer in he•gltt A I.LIG:\TOR- front Sou rh Americ-n I; HJ·: AJ' ISO-\ ........ from Africn :\ IIIR:.. ,.o iftctwt cullc c1 j, n of rnrt:: uurl I Jrwllt l'ul Bll{()$, ( uruonu ""'Ill of llrrJs JHt: .:tt::u- ' t:d hy J . J. A ur!tt l!ou) OHIUlNAL PAINTL\ li S ,, ,,,!ubo11'11 1:::\(tlL\ of tbtl Anirullld of America 1. \ I< 1\ C o ll t t't 1un 1)1 !\l l NI;:R:\LS Ar .d "urrnt V.lfiP.t} und interesting CU IU- OSITJ£S. 1 ' '1 •,... _, M ....- "'7' .- o:.,· --···yo "'"1 1 .h &.<4:1 & .·. ,:'\J ··. 3 ' "' ; ... S ':; ..J \V 11I be f{ .:on o, 111 o' l'l o r k 4·very CVt'lliOJ.( . ' J' I,e IIIOSt ht.:Ull l tllll, nt llj!rl lfic.-111 rxllrl •l l ' OII rl r11t Ita :\ en :r lwtln t •• rhe inlrnl ll l'lll t,., o f S t . J ,, t.n's, elllllrucil'#? somo n( the tn os t tlllllllu te d \Va tt-r \ ·, ... wg, Cl!ltace &c. Th e (ro ot seal5 ore fittPd up ns n Purqucii E' 1 Wllldl will IJ e Clt nrl.!ed 31. t' Xlfl l. :Specimens 10 rbe Ant mill, V .. hl• •, nn.J Mm t- rul Utrtll", Shell,., st l!<, Rel it·$, lu dtuu C ur . o!'lll1C8 1 c•f Art, 1\11c t>nt Ho nks, PawtillJ!S, Enl.!rov- lnventiOII!-1 , i>11nesr• c onrlcunosrtit-s of all thunkfully n ·et av - od and full vulue gi, en for th em ot th-e u:scum . T •c ketd or Adllll!lt<ion, 2ti. ()tl. Childreu urult>r 10 yean of ball price; to be had at the Olli e"' of rhe Mu11eum. 16. NE\VFOUNDLAND BIUUKS. ON SALE. A Q UAN'J'/1'Y OF BRICKS, R 0 C H E and S L A C K E 0 L I M F.. The Suhseriber is prepared to contract to erec! IIDWllwliDlli! And find all MateriAle, a t a lower tigul'e than nny yet io Sl. John's, since the fire. W.!lNTED 7'0 CH.B.R TER. JZ2 .) A VESSEL J ""' would proceed to W u&TE llA-r for Lime Stone. WM. BRINE. Stptember 5. · '1'0 IN TOR A!IRICAN .. - .. ( . 2 I J ·. ( - r=+=· - -;r- . To Hotisckcepers · . . Wo Wo @£m'Wrnm 0!§ (tj@o . ARE NoW LANDJNG A. CARGO OF NEW P 0 R T C 0 A L S, \\' hich \\ill Stl\11 btrne Clreop from the Sept . J6. \. ... JUST Er Jt·oY,. London, and ConA, from Nttopor·t, foR SALE BY 100 TEA ,$ 00 Bugs avy RREAD flags Cor oc.:'sP tent NAlLS,from ro G 1nchus -AL_$0- 0yett's Superior London PORTER nod Iodi n Pale ALE, in stone bottleR · · Port, Sherr-y, and LiHbon \VINES, in Bond AND (AFI.O AT) GOO llhds. Cadiz A uguf'lt 26 . By Wood & (;o. Ex HERO, from LivPrpuo l, 603 BOXES SOAP. Ex from Sydney, ond HET rrorn Pict ou , 300 Tubs Pritne BUTTER 10 Ch ests Bohen TE.A. 1- l. La11(ling , ex S-r . l\1AROAH ET , from Pictou, A.ND FOR SALE Ry the Stlbscr) . bCrs, } 09 FIRKINS · ;nrsl quality UUTTER 68 Barrels 5000 Feet LU )J Very Fine OXEN. 1 Superior i\IARE. LAUHBNCE Co . HEnAl. o, fr om Haurbw·glt, AND FOR SALE B)' th e A lot of very Fuperior ll 0 USE II 0-L D F V R NIT U R E, Wh id1 wi ll be so1d low. 2 Mnho::"'"'Y CLOTHES' PRESSF:S RoJ.ewood CHA IR S, clamnek ecats J Lurge EASY CHAJR, Ro<Jewootl 2 S mull WORK TABLES 1 Fioe-toned PIA NO - FORTE. LAURENCE O'UR1£N & C9. Septemhcr 9. - -- ---- --·· -------------------------- I 0 Doles fr esh, Dy PETER ROGERSON &. SON . Se pt. 7. W. GRIEVE & CO; B READ- No. J, Hambugh, and Nos. 2 and 3 Copeohagell FLOUR-Superfine and Fino Prime REEF . ' Refined SUGAR-assorted Crushed ditto 1 BRANDY-Martell's brand WHISKEY, Geneva CURRANTS Congo TEA ,,.· CO.F· FEE Sp.Jit Peuo and Grits TBB .u nnlc.4N tfE.T AND_ TWINE '/ Westphalia HAMS MANUFACTURING fANY. Sco·ch and hal(.-barrels Wi., STOW&, Coamercial PAINTS-black and .white. ' SJreel, Bu•ton, . V and brtghl W OULD re•peetfuUy' uU abe auention of Fieh--- Stookbolm R. . n in 1ho BHtilh Coloniu, to their Man• NAILS-alla•zea ufaeture sglNES and made of OIL TURPEN' ''lNE touop. . . . .Boiled LINSEED OIL Jn 'b "rbe' bavo beelt iD- 010 for .• rreat PUTT ·Y I GLASS f!'SnJ, JO&rl!' utod u are- .. Hoop Iron, Mould C.andle• hghi;r, eu.,, &0 tiaul, eoe, : l.., •. DOt eo- ·Oakum · CANVASS, Cordage · rot aod htMlt, aad •»' do. sbard more LUIJ.BEB d SCANTLING AI• kil)dt of ' Naa, aacUWiMI &o prder. ao . ' .. Lik'e'filt-, Mau•re" Hmina. V'Od, Caplin, ad - -.&l'f». VlfDaa -- t" UOl Belan, .... .......... CUI.• Neu, .te'1 &.e. . t 400 ' unrimtn . Ds ' "I ' f110 u :. ,, tor bJ , .•. lW• N,wcouodluuJ.. Au&UI\ if· ·(J.m.) . · ... .... .. . •\'. . .. I .. .. •• .. ' t I .·. ' ... ' v SErTEMBEil . 26, t848. I .sate. By P. n. «J&RTER & Co. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF COOKING STOVES Suittd. Jot· Ships• o1· House use. · Some of tht- SToVES aro constructed to burn either \Nood or Coul. SeptembH DY P. H. CAl\'fER . S CA!'ffLJNG-nssorted sizes , rLA NK-pine and spurco, 2 and SH and l'lpruce \ Tf1o nbove will he sold low for Cosh. -ALSO- PORl{-pnmO Pict ou I.noino Priroe N< lVa..Scolt.n BU 1 fEH.-•n lrks. St. t ubs SUGA K-in bnrtels TEA, CQFFEt: TOI3A8C0-Cnveodisb , lG 's Lump, 5's and 8 's Nnilrod, in hulf-boxes, PI PES-in 3 gro6s boxes V J N EGA H. - in bar r els Lol"'don Bullied Po : ter New N va Scotia C HEESE v le Sugar-cured l;-Inms and ShoulJers \\ ' HlT BEANS-in bogs auc.l uris. Haz el n d Wlllnutd - in small packages 10 qoz. Prime - Hamburg G lN-rn Stuuc Bris f\1 'RIPE-in Jar s CHA S, Antl few choice Contre nod Curd T A RL I·:S, And, daily ex.pcrtec.l 1 Cargo of Sydney COALS. Sep ·. 5. y STE IJ .. .tlRT .f:o. Ex LARK, lr:'om LADY s ... (rom a n<i U;\'lcon:-<, frc.u• 27t'i Frkns. &. 'rubs I• rime Butte ... 17. DY i\lA:-iiLt , A, and i\1 AIH:AnET EuzADETII , from and SYltE.S from ButhU'\'It- 1 Feet V ..!.. \ • ted qu alrt •u .s \ l\I Pine nod Cedar SIIING LES 50 i\1. Fael nnd 3 inch PLANK 3 1\1. Pieces PALIN(; - ALS0,- 8 Dozen Packages Prosorved and LOHSTEH.s. Angusl t !). ----------------- By 111. S'rE,VAK'l' & (. ' o, 50 a'tld Wate1· ,' Soda, But- ter uod Sugar " By P. SON.. Sopt. 2. my E!Jo ©$ o BARRELS Pr i me N. s. PORK WtJ 480 do. do. uo. BEEJ/ t OO Pnckage!i do. do. BUTTER 150 Darrels Pilot and Nnvy J3H.EAJ> 200 Boxes and half-boxes Cbocolu.te ) .0 Do Cocoa ; 40 Do ·Fr · esh .Peppe-r, 3 Barrel:t !\ova Scotin OATM 15 >- Vo Do Pot 1\R 10 Firkins LARD , 30 Burrt!ls Calcined Plui sl er I 0 Box-es Congo and Souchong TEAS H) C 5 Kegs Ladres' I w1st 5 August 17. TO DE SOLO AT - THE ST. JOHN'S MILL R1 VER HEAD, On .. e _Penny. Fai'l!ring per lb. , FB--ESH CORN 1\:IEAL of a VCfY supeTior chorncter, grOUOO f!"om day f9 du_y n-t ' the .Mtll - --.... ----. .----- '- -·- RECEIV ED BY rSJ E.r " CHAi\IPJO!'t," }1·om .l 1 tcto l'urk, And for sulo by tho s11vcral authorized Agents throu gho ut the l. slund , a supply of S ARSAPARILLA . -t A 3. 'l'll F. SCI100N R '' YLE,'' 'l'IIE "POST BOY,'' '"> I 47 Tons p.er '"e,; tster. - ALSO- FfR£ ENGINE- with Hose nod comp le t e llOA'(,tocnrry 500 :Slllull do. do. do. -AND,- 3 S ha res in thtl Exchange 11uildings Ditto in the St.John•s Wnter Compnny. JOl - IN H. COZENS . .B.gent to the Tt ·U$/eejor the Eslate of RENNIE, S-ru . .uiT &. Co, Jrtst re.c eivrd per NEw ft om Po ,·t June 103 Firkins Choice BIJTTEit. A.ugu5l 8 . BY THE SUBSCRIBERS, H ALF INCH nod I inch Pine and 3 inch Pme PLA"'i.K Inch S pruce PLANK Hardwood BAULK Hardwood PLANK Pine SHINGLES, &.c., BOARD And a good of Spruce and · Heml9Ck Scantling · -ALSo- A Primo lot of New BUTTER. R. &. J. S. RUTHERFORD. Augu•t 5. · LANDING, MAaiua.:r,from Qncl for Sale n,. the · 8ob8criberl, t 100 B 4'\RRELS Prime P.ctou PORK 40 Firkins nry 1uperior Butter'. Jul1 !5 .. I ... & Co. BeNelhi•g . .be"ernges. · _, I ..... S UPERIORjGINGEillJF.ER, from tbe fouot, et glaA. 8AIIaparjJia: .. d V,INEGAR ·· 1.£110-MADB aud BODA ' . 1 A. R. !JLAOl(WOOD. BY PRJ VJJ TE CONTR.IlCT, a Hclonging to 1\lr. fronting on tbe Military Road,and bu\ ' lng no entraoco , .from Avalon Terrace . The \\'holtJ are subjec t to n _ ground rent of Eight pounds Currency per auuum, ble every 40 years . Terms ot pnymen& and particulars cnn bo known by opplicnlioo to HOBERT PROWSE. Mby 18. Not. Pub. FOR At the Office of t llid th ; following JJ®mmc;9· NEATLt PRINTE ON GOOD rArER. C USTOM l-l U'E 1< : TRIES& WARRANTS Atn CLart.er Partiea COLON IAl .. fiONUS J: BILLS OF LAOlNG r-- BILLS OF l!:XtJH ANGE-i!J tookJ of 6, 12, ancJ 24 seta eRcb MERCHA-NTS' ORDER HOOKS-!, antl· 8. ' quirt!& el\<'h · · FIStt HEC!!:U'TS-in Uool&t of 1, t, aud 8 quirea each APPRENTICES INDENT RES ,' ltr., &c. &c. I ' 'e- .. •• AU Clncription.• ol General Printina tect al fbe ootice, aod oo tho moat I8UO"'- I>I.* letWI· . . G } . /

collections.mun.cacollections.mun.ca/PDFs/morncourier/MorningCourier18480926.pdf · ' ' I ;._) •, . -,· / I .. . VOL: III. • ,. . Notttts. PALMER'S MUSEUM. U~DER TDE PATRONAGE

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VOL: III. • ,. .




WEST OF TllE NEW MARKET ~ llOUSE, Water' Strcel.

Is now Opened. By_th~ k-iracl permisaj()n of Colonel LA-W, the

Band oj the Royal Ne.tojomulland Company tcill be i" a,~tt1dance.

'THE 1\lU:-';E(Jl\J is .. op~>n ~ery day in the W(lf· k

e.tct>pt Sundny, from.J.,o.,lclock in the rnornin~ t iJl 10, P.lll ., for Vl!!iror~:~ t.9 e~rimine lht! enteu~:~i\'t! r o llecrion of NATURAL and ARTlFJCIAL CUlUOSlTI£6.

And a choice Yori P. I)' of

.!func~illg Etaterftl.i'lunents, to fo.ke plnce every evenint, in thft L.-cru_r e Room; t.nd rhe Proprieror's ooouexion ~irh several Mu­t~f'Urii~Jncl Scientific lustirutions of Europ"' end Americ-a, will r~oke it secuml to none rn Aruericn, w "E're pe r r~c t ortler 0 rnl u• corum nre ~reserveJ, anJ the tllruost ,· igilnncu exercised on the port or the 111nna"ernent to maku t he 1\lul!leum u perfecrly t-nfe ond ngret:able pine., of recreuliCln end amusc­rwn• f•·r Jo',, mili~;o, for Lod res uud Children, \\he­t locr ucf'OII1 J11Lll 'ed hy Gentleweu or not ; nutltu tbre. (·nd th'l Pn•prie•or begd to u~urc the public thnl it \ \ II he h•!t 111 rn to m ake tlte J\1u~~utn u desirnt.le res0rt for rhose who wtt~h oc:C'I\sturmlly 10 speuu '"' h11ur i~rhe enj,lymeot of rullounl reuovuuon und amusement. Arnon~ the C'olle~tinn nt present, is u ~plendicl S~ec11ncn of tlte CA~Ib:Lt:;OPARU, tiluudtu~ twelve feer in he•gltt

A I.LIG:\TOR- front Sourh Americ-n I ; HJ·:AJ' ISO-\ CO~:--TK ICTOH ........ from Africn :\ IIIR:..,.o iftctwt cullcc1 j , n of rnrt:: uurl IJrwllt l'ul

Bll{()$, ( uruonu ""'Ill hi:~ ncus~ of llrrJs JHt:.:tt::u­' t:d hy J . J . A ur!tt l!ou)

OHIUlNAL PAINTL\ liS ,, ,,, !ubo11'11 1:::\(tlL\ Vl~GS of tbtl Anirullld of

America 1.\ UJA .~ I< F:LJC~ 1\ C o ll t t't 1un 1)1 !\l lNI;:R:\LS Ar.d "urrnt V.lfiP.t} ~,. frure und interesting CU IU­

OSITJ£S. 1 ' '1 •,... _, t~ M ....- "'7' .-o:.,· --···yo "'"1 .-..p.,.~, ...,., ., 1

.h &.<4:1 &.'.J.!·~:.:.·~ & ~· .·.,:'\J ··.3 ' "' ; ... .L~.l S':; ..J \V 11I be exhilt~t e41111111<' L.-rr u r~ f{ .:ono, 111 o' l'lo r k 4·ve ry CVt'lliOJ.( . ' J' I,e IIIOSt ht.:Ull l tllll, jlli'(IH~~IJU1' 1 n tllj!rl lfic.-111 rxllrl •l l 'OII rl r11t Ita :\ en:r lwtln otli: rt~d t •• rhe inlrnlll l'lll t,., o f S t . J ,, t.n's, elllllrucil'#? somo n( the tnost ~ut.lime tlllllllu te d Luud~cup•!t', \Va tt-r \ ·, ... wg, Cl!ltace ' ct:! llc ~ , &c.

The (root seal5 ore fitt Pd up ns n PurquciiE' 1

Wllldl will IJe Cltnrl.!ed J :~ 31. t' Xlfll.

:Specimens ht·lon~ t ng 10 rbe Ant mill, V e~e t .. hl••, nn.J Mm t- rul l~ r u~duw , Utrtll", Fl~oh"!O , Shell,., fos~ st l!<, Rel it·$, ludtuu Cur.o!'lll1C8 1 \V ork~ c•f Art, 1\11c t>nt Honks, P:t)Jt~ r~, Cc~tr.s, PawtillJ!S, Enl.!rov­i ~t;; "~, MoJt:l~, lnventiOII!-1 , i>•11nesr•c ~unulur rurel', onrlcunosrtit-s of all krnd~o,wallll~ thunkfully n ·et av ­od and full vulue gi,•en for the m ot th-e ~ u:scum .

T •cketd or Adllll!lt<ion, 2ti. ()tl. Childreu urult>r 10 yean of a~ore, ball price; to be had at the Ollie"' of rhe Mu11eum. ~ept. 16.


A Q UAN'J'/1'Y OF BRICKS, R 0 C H E and S L A C K E 0 L I M F..

The Suhseriber is prepared to contract to erec!

WllUI<rj~ IIDWllwliDlli! ~~9 And find all MateriAle, a t a lower tigul'e than nny yet ~rected io Sl. John's, since the fire.

W.!lNTED 7'0 CH.B.R TER.

~(. JZ2 .) A VESSEL J ""' would proceed to W u&TE llA-r for Lime

Stone. WM. BRINE.

Stptember 5. ·


~ .. (

. 2 I J


( • - r=+=· - -;r- .

To Hotisckcepers ~ · . .

Wo Wo @£m'Wrnm 0!§ (tj@o . ARE NoW LANDJNG A. CARGO OF

NEW P 0 R T C 0 A L S, \\' hich \\ill u~ Stl\11 btrne Clreop from the .~oaaeL

Sept. J6. '· \. ...


Er Bms~e , Jt·oY,. London, and ConA, from Nttopor·t,


m~ ~ lf~~ ~~Amm~ 100 QR~~Jngou TEA

,$ 00 Bugs avy RREAD ~60 flags Coroc.:'sP tent NAlLS,from 1~ ro

G 1nchus -AL_$0-

0yett's Superior London PORTER nod Iodin Pale ALE, in stone bottleR · ·

Port, Sherr-y , and LiHbon \VINES, in Bond


GOO llhds. Cadiz ~ALT. A uguf'lt 26 .

By t ;Jit~t, Wood & ( ;o. Ex HERO, from LivPrpuol,

603 BOXES SOAP. Ex U;o.~JcoRN from Sydney, ond ~T . l\J~onca­

HET rrorn Pictou ,

300 Tubs Pritne BUTTER 10 Ch ests Bohen TE.A.

SrptPmh~r 1-l.

La11(ling , ex S-r . l\1AROAHET , from Pictou, A.ND FOR SALE

Ry the Stlbscr).bCrs, } 09 FIRKINS ·;nrsl quality UUTTER

68 Barrels prune~OHK 5000 Feet LU )J B~R

~ Very Fine OXEN. 1 Superior i\IARE.


<!Jill§~ lia£~!ID~g E~· HEnAl. o, from Haurbw·glt, AND FOR SALE

B)' the ·~nbsca·ibers, A lot of very Fuperior

ll 0 USE II 0-L D F V R NIT U R E, Whid1 will be so1d low.

2 Mnho::"'"'Y CLOTHES' PRESSF:S ~ RoJ.ewood CHA IRS, clamnek ecats J Lurge EASY CHAJR, Ro<Jewootl 2 S mull WORK TABLES 1 Fioe-toned PIA NO-FORTE.

LAURENCE O'UR1£N & C9. Septemhcr 9. ---------·· --------------------------

llll\U}JP~~ I 0 Doles fresh,

Dy PETER ROGERSON &. SON . Se pt. 7 .

W. GRIEVE & CO; BREAD- No. J, Hambugh, and Nos. 2

and 3 Copeohagell FLOUR-Superfine and Fino Prime REEF .

'Refined SUGAR-assorted Crushed ditto 1

BRANDY-Martell's brand Hi~hlaod WHISKEY, Geneva CURRANTS Congo TEA ,,.·CO.F·FEE Sp.Jit Peuo and Grits

TBB .unnlc.4N tfE.T AND_ TWINE'/ Westphalia HAMS MANUFACTURING .CO~ fANY. Sco·ch OAT~IEAL-barr'eLI and hal(.-barrels

Wi., STOW&, .Age~~l, No .~. Coamercial PAINTS-black and .white. ' SJreel, • Bu•ton, . V AR~ISH-black and brtghl

WOULD re•peetfuUy' uU abe auention of Fieh--- Stookbolm T~ R. . n in 1ho BHtilh Coloniu, to their Man• NAILS-alla•zea

ufaeture ~T~, sglNES and ~INES, made of OIL TURPEN'''lNE ~· touop. . ~ . . .Boiled LINSEED OIL

Jn 'b "rbe' bavo beelt iD-010 for .• rreat PUTT·Y I GLASS f!'SnJ, JO&rl!' an~ ~· utod univ~rully' u 1.~0' are-. . Hoop Iron, Mould C.andle• hghi;r, eu.,, &0 tiaul, eoe, :l.., •. DOt eo- ha~·lo ·Oakum · CANVASS, Cordage · rot aod htMlt, aad •»' do. ~oe sbard more t~ertaoe. LUIJ.BEB d SCANTLING

AI• kil)dt of 'Naa, aacUWiMI na•d~ &o prder. ao . ' .. Lik'e'filt-, Mau•re" Hmina. V'Od, Caplin, ad - -.&l'f». VlfDaa o~·· --t"

UOl Belan, .... .......... CUI.•Neu, .te'1 &.e. . t 400' unrimtn.Ds '"I' f110 u:. ,, o~ tor \JM~---M;;~;~.:;~:d~:W bJ , .•. U~ '~D ~ lW•

Ap~~~-~_Jobu'•, N,wcouodluuJ.. Au&UI\ if· ·(J.m.) . ·

... ~ .... ~"' ~ .. . •\'. . .. • I • ..

.. •• ..

' t I .·. ' ...

' v

TDES~!Y, SErTEMBEil. 26, t848. I •

~n .sate. By P. n. «J&RTER & Co.


COOKING STOVES Suittd. Jot· Ships• o1· House use.

·Some of tht- abo~e SToVES aro constructed to burn either \Nood or Coul.

SeptembH ·s~


P. H. CAl\'fER. &~0. SCA!'ffLJNG-nssorted sizes ,

rLA NK-pine and spurco, 2 and ~'-inch SH lNGLES-pir~o and l'lpruce \

Tf1o nbove will he sold low for Cosh. -ALSO­

PORl{-pnmO Pictou BE~F', ~ur~r:fin.e Flo~~.' I.noino 1\~cnl Priroe N <lVa..Scolt.n BU 1 fEH.-•n lrks . St. tubs SUGA K-in bnrtels TEA, CQFFEt: TOI3A8C0-Cnveodisb , lG 's

Lump, 5's and 8 's

Nnilrod, in hulf-boxes, ~2's PI PES-in 3 gro6s boxes V J N EGA H.- in barrels Lol"'don Bullied Po:ter New N va Scotia C HEESE v le Sugar-cured l;-Inms and ShoulJers \\' HlT BEANS-in bogs auc.l uris. Haze l n d Wlllnutd- in small packages 10 qoz. Prime-Hamburg G lN-rn Stuuc Jnr~ Bris•f\1 'RIPE-in Jars CHA S, BE:DST~ADS Antl few choice Contre nod Curd T A RL I·:S,

And, daily ex.pcrtec.l 1

Cargo of Sydney COALS. Sep· . ~~r 5.

y .Jfl.~ STE IJ .. .tlRT .t· f:o. Ex LARK, lr:'om l\1nrgnr~c. LADY s ... ~.f: , (rom

Anti~onish , a n<i U;\'lcon:-<, frc.u• l'flltrt~x ,

27t'i Frkns. &. 'rubs I• rime Butte ... Augu :~t 17.


~~ ~ ~~ 'W~ ~ID~~ !:!: .~ i\lA:-iiLt, A, B1~oTums, and i\1 AIH:AnET

EuzADETII , from ~lirnr\111 : hi, and SYltE.S

from ButhU'\'It-

1 ~o ~I Feet Pr~~c ~.l-4J~_?S-us•· V ..!..\ • t ed qualrt •u.s \ ~00 l\I Pine nod Cedar SIIING LES

50 i\1. Fael ~ nnd 3 inch PLANK 3 1\1. Pieces PALIN(;

- ALS0,-

8 Dozen Packages P roso rved SAL~IO~I and LOHSTEH.s.

Angusl t !). -----------------By 111. S'rE,VAK'l' & (.'o,

50 BOX~S a'tld K~gs Wate1·,' Soda, But-ter uod Sugar 8~ACKERS, "

By P. ROGERSON~ SON.. Sopt. 2.

my E!Jo ~Wl!lW £.ill~ ~ ©$o no~ BARRELS Prime N. s. PORK WtJ 480 do. do. uo. BEEJ/

tOO Pnckage!i do. do. BUTTER 150 Darrels Pilot and Nnvy J3H.EAJ> 200 Boxes and half-boxes Cbocolu.te ) .0 Do Prcpo~ed Cocoa ; 40 Do ·Fr·esh Gr~nd .Peppe-r, 3 ~0 Barrel:t !\ova Scotin OATM 15 >- Vo Do Pot 1\R 10 Fi rkins LARD , 30 Burrt!ls Calcined Pluisler I 0 Box-es Congo and Souchong TEAS H) ~o:\es C 'n~ en~•~h . ~TOBACCO. 5 Kegs Ladres' I w1st 5

August 17.


- THE ST. JOHN'S MILL R1 VER HEAD, ~t- On .. e _Penny. Fai'l!ring per lb. ,

FB--ESH CORN 1\:IEAL of a VCfY supeTior chorncter, grOUOO f!"om

day f9 du_y n-t ' the .Mtll J<.:~tabhsbnH: lll. .June ~7. ,~ ---....----..-----


~o ~~~W£ili~ rSJ ©~· E.r " CHAi\IPJO!'t," }1·om .l1tcto l'urk,

And for sulo by tho s11vcral authorized Agents throug hout the l.slund , a frc~h supply of

' DR.TO\V~SIIE~D'S S ARSAPARILLA . -t A ugus~ 3.

'l'll F. SCI100N ~: R

' ' .~.~RG YLE,'' 'l'IIE ~l:llOOt\ER

"POST BOY,'' '"> • I

47 Tons p.er '"e,;tster. - ALSO-

FfR£ ENGINE- with Hose nod Buck~ts comple te

Ldtgn LU~IBER llOA'(,tocnrry 500 q.tl~....., :Slllull do. do. do. 30~'qtls.


3 Sha res in thtl Exchange 11uildings ~u Ditto in the St.John•s Wnter Compnny.

JOl-IN H. COZENS. .B.gent to the Tt·U$/eejor the Eslate of

RENNIE, S-ru . .uiT &. Co, Jrtst re.ceivrd per NEw Co~l.M£1\CE, ftom Po,·t June ~0


103 Firkins Choice BIJTTEit. A.ugu5l 8 .


HALF INCH nod I inch Pine ~ and 3 inch Pme PLA"'i.K

~l Inch S pruce PLANK Hardwood BAULK Hardwood PLANK Pine SHINGLES, &.c.,


And a good a~1ortment of

Spruce and ·Heml9Ck Scantling · -ALSo-

A Primo lot of New BUTTER. R. &. J. S. RUTHERFORD.

Augu•t 5. ·

LANDING, E~ ST~ MAaiua.:r,from Pi~tou. Qncl for Sale

n,. the· 8ob8criberl, t ~ ·

100 B4'\RRELS Prime P.ctou PORK 40 Firkins nry 1uperior Butter'.

Jul1 !5 • .. I ... O'BRIE~ & Co.

BeNelhi•g . .be"ernges. · _, I · ~· .....

SUPERIORjGINGEillJF.ER, from tbe fouot, et Ttr~pno,~ per glaA.

8AIIaparjJia: .. d ·Ra~)•berfJ V,INEGAR ·· 1.£110-MADB aud BODA WA'J?~K. ' .

1 A. ~ R. !JLAOl(WOOD.

BY PRJ VJJ TE CONTR.IlCT, a ·~~~;~i~~~u~~u~u~;;': Hclonging to 1\lr. ~1 cC~oE, fronting on tbe

Military Road,and bu\' lng no entraoco,.from Avalon Terrace . The \\'holtJ are subject to n _ground rent of

Eight pounds Currency per auuum, renewa~ ble every 40 years .

Terms ot pnymen& and f~uther particulars cnn bo known by opplicnlioo to

HOBERT PROWSE. Mby 18. Not. Pub.

FOR ~JJLE, At the Office of t llid ~ouroal . th; following

w~~~· JJ®mmc;9· NEATLt PRINTE ON GOOD rArER.

CUSTOM l-l U ' E 1<: TRIES& WARRANTS SHIP~, Atn 1Gb~, CLart.er Partiea

COLON IAl .. fiONUS J: BILLS OF LAOlNG r-- ~1 BILLS OF l!:XtJH ANGE-i!J tookJ of 6, 12,

ancJ 24 seta eRcb MERCHA-NTS' ORDER HOOKS-!, ~. antl· 8.

'quirt!& el\<'h · · FIStt HEC!!:U'TS-in Uool&t of 1, t, aud 8 quirea

each APPRENTICES INDENT RES,' ltr., &c. &c.

I ' 'e-

.. •• AU Clncription.• ol General Printina o•~eu­tect al fbe abor~eel' ootice, aod oo tho moat I8UO"'-

I>I.* letWI· . . G

} .


' ·

. ,

/ I



I ............-·


1" ' : 1 v

·. ..

'--' -lt1Jt JWotnlno etourtrr. Sf.IOHN'S. N.'r., TDBSD~Y •. SiPTBiiBBR !6, 18~. ·

Tbe ~eyal ~hifS_teamelj Unicom, Capt. <r:;;>~o a .. Ea •. arr1ved Yest.eroay .at '2 o'clock, r M., with -the matla. We have macle some extruc1s from Clwrlt$ IYillmtr'$ European JH,at1.

'h' e find the following in the Livtrpool Jourlanl oJ:. 1he 9th curren:. B!J El,.clJ;c Telegrapi... Fro,. ~hj Fourll& Edie;on ojtlt.e 1Ja11y N~ttJs. "We hnve JUIIt rece..,ed posith•e io&ellif?ence of the lancliug of _. ,000 Frtacb troops at Venice. •This inteUi~;;e oce rooy be relied on.'' •

The Queen protn~ued Parliament in t~son on t~e 5th curr.eot, and tbe.sarue afternoon, ee~ompa. naed by Prance A~berr, .the Prince of \Vo les, oud the Pr;neeN Royal, eruhafked at Woolwich shon, ly ~ft&r four o:Clock. fur Scotland~ The ~RQyol party nrrtvAct at Abenleen at. 6 o'cWl'k on1b tt motnin~ of the 7Lb . .fo'rom thsnce lbey w~re to l'rocoeJ to BahnQral Houae, .Braemor, in thU( county.

The weftther had heen tine from rbe departure oftthe previouaatcamer clown tp the morn i n~: of tUft 8th, when there was an uofnvour1.1hle l'hnngt~. .lo' lour laad folleo aacl was qu01etl ftt \H~. to !4<~ . pror llrl. Tbe gold etld silver coin 8Jld bullion in bl) rh cJepartt:neOlS of rhe na~k of England, 26t h Aueusl, amouo1ed to £l3,.50S,6~'· Notes in ctrculullon £t8,J 18,880 •

The New York pApers-contoin nccounts of fl r!es­lructive fire "hich broke (\Ot .jn!Jruoklyn.td•out ha!f J•ust eleven o'clw'k on the rt~ht (lfStsturdur !I.e 9th current. The fire coojbl£.na.ed in a woodeu ·l111d Jt ng or.cupielJ 1\S un JJphofr~.rery e!'lalalishment in Ful ton etree-t, t\Ot.l consurnecl I rom 250 to 300 houllell , uc .. eides nn' irnm~llits qunntity of m erchondise. L o:<s e5timat~·~ &t $1,000,000. T"o ltvcs we1e oscer .. aoine.d to hav,. b• e n loo~l_

Flour at Nt:w V vrk, We5teru Cnnol, $.).81 lo ~s.e•.

G£;-.J ElL'\ L SU ~l l\1 a R Y.

..- • ~ . -· ~

~. '¥ • ... ; .. • . '

"- .~

~ctul.t ftl80 crea1e ~·littafl'ec~ien in the army)i e~d~ai th~y 11ref~r wnr to auarchy, t.t .. y ~ill auet•' Ca4

vuignac in· "9' brm~ll iutervent&o he f•edmon .. , .. tit> uotlt"r Ch~t•lt:.t Albert; ar Q.ialun[l.gr\~tt eff'oi'll 10 ,;l!ullle 1he cJUnp"igu wi1b vl[our af~r the ~pi­ra~ou.. of 1he R~trllotice. lr there. be OQ,t . g':8m _of wisdom io thp councils of A us tnt • ·We •Ia all yet h eur of h P: r nrcepi ant·~ of 1he olfert!d. mec.Hatioo . ­She wanta· h~r ludion arrny to conesol1thue her owo gqflftumeut .at hottle, nu~i she CIIOlJOt re~r~*·it'fi-6m home w~t entJang~rmg the yt:-ry e~J,!!tenctt. ~f her ~•ire. · Hunjlery is cft>solared w11h a ctvtl wur ; lind ic is aftid that the Gt:rmun couftH:it!retiora will refuse to !Je draggeJ iuto A st.ruggla with wJ1i~h it has no direct t'Oncern . A.Ll4\rta cnnnot encouu ... ter f'ronc., .~ing le· handed, w llhO¥t beiog prepared to endure certuin d efea r. . ,

Tho Sun of ln'llJiigll t e~rys: : .. The continerjhl news )s to- day of .importance, :Ul~os occ~vied al­mo:n e&clusive ~'ention. '(1'" tolat,ruerh f1om Poria · llant Austr ia has' ecct:pleJ lht~ metli~ttic_... o( Eugluod anJ Frn.uce.~tas c.JiO'used A lively f~lmg of 11Hi1fac• tton, and rt 111eem:t 10 ou1a1n geuer~tl credenre, be· uuse il is preci~ttlly what wu r apected hy Dltl ll of rnodt:rate nml impnrti a l vttH\If. On 1 be orher h.1nc.J, mucb surpnso hu t•ecn excitttd hy 1ho iuti­ruet•oo that tlJt~ (l;~rlll llO Cu11fellu~tlion h,l)!! relu~ed tO rutify tlfe armi~tlict~ \\ith Dc:n i~rk, botJ bus ordered rhot hostilities ~ohould recom~o~- W e con uuly soy, thot alth o ugh it is quite possib!e luccr ill lttlligtlt•Ct' m oy 'toiiLtl through i"ttUtCtl , 110 ill· IJII'JliiOII t:Ven of f>LCS 0 COUree WU8 JHHCt:plihltt when the n u ru hurg IICCOU018 of St'ptember 5,jutft rt' Cf'ived, ~ :.r.c srn t off. On the coulrury, it was oJTirn•eJ 1~11/t the rnu6catiuu hou tak e 11 pldce, oou thtS shipping iutcrc&t were oc 1in~ uccorJin~tly. SJill s u ch Sll lwgt~ thiOJ!S come to pnt~d in tbt:Fe dayea thnt Wtl ~>l•ould ~~ Stl rpnst:tl u't uorh111g. L et the Uuui~h ~nd JITl~u oOu If-' be toett!ed , n11tl tht! weuth,er cou tinue put! lvr another for111t~l11, uut! a bri:,!.ltl fll'urt: tH b.-fore us. 'J'Ite beaituttott o l the Frut•k lo rl APeemt.ly to ru11fy the trooty certainty eui.Jd to up~rttht:r.eiun, bul all is douhtful.

TllE P l\OROt;ATIOi'l OF PAHL1Al\1ENT. The lon'l! se.a:tion hoslf\t lt>n~th closed ; n nd I\1 in­isteJ'd and Memuers are now t~pread ovt~r cite couu­try . A t 1wo o'.clo~k on Tuesclny , Her 1.\hjest)' eli& · T ho lmperinl P urltull tt!ll t of tlte L'nitcd Kin~· an issed her PMitame nrun:il the 2nd of NoverJtl•er. dorn \\ OH prorogued by Ite r l\lujt'tiiY 111 pcr~:>o u ou an n Fpeecla, which is very s llni lo r ,esl thOu J!It Jlf'r· TuP.st.lu} · f,,._ps 11\0r~ ollacure ontl meorrr"' than ro)·ol !IJ' I!echts Sloorrh· before twe lve o•cl(lrk the carriog{'s of rhe

ll N t> Grent l\1 ;nt!!lt'rS of S•ute , Lbe ~·urtH"Il Arnbnesodurs, usun y ~re. ow !hat th ere are uo '"JI~t!chc:: s to "' np.ort auu t~ crilic.se, the' pre ses ore, as UI!Uof , a t a lllltl th ose of the nuloilitJ unJ g•1111ry w ho hnd oh-l u:~s for subj ec ts with which lo 11 111 u~:~e nnd iul!l ruct tat~ct ~i cl-c tH t~f nd111i:osion fro111 tilt, L o rc.J Chn-n­t lf\li.r reat.lert1. '1' he Queel\ •11 .,isil 10 Scotlund, llerlni n to t!1c lJody l•f 1h e bou se, LJeguu to trtl in tben-fure, itt made ft promJJIC11l l.en ture 111 the oew!l r11pit.l ~uat:s .. in tt ; onrt, from rbc fiueue¥ ot t 1 of rhe week, at d the pro~ret-lf of her fl t! l't lhrou~ h Ju~, n ~;ro nt cn•"d hnd collec1 ed •n Purltan•Crll· the Channel, and eYt~ry ltllle tncidelll conructe tl, sl,ct't, ond in the l'urk, cbruu~lt wlth.: lt tit~ ltuyal w11h II is duly chr o111c lt:d . All ~' 6 huvu to s:~y Ill pr.,ce t-s tun pnsseri . UlRY she have,, llofe ao.J plensunt tl ip . A 1 tw el ve u'clt ck tbc Y ~omen of !he Gunrd lOok

L ord Jot111 Husl't: ll 111 s •tll iu Jreln llll, but is ex- up 11,£-tr pl uce~:~ 111 tltt: ~ulr ance ltad 111g 10 t la tl lJ.ou:~t~ p llr tecl to leuv .. [hlolllt ti11:S duy,1o JOib her N ujeeiV of L or•l:t. in ~cl5tland. The o bJt'l' l t:f t.i 14 .,10'11 hmt 1101 cl•·nrly ~horoly lwlore o nA o'clo<"k ,ll• r 1\J:.je ;; ty , ur.co:n· t r:liiSJllrt:d. Jr IS ~Ill.! thu l lltS i~ nnxtous ru df,..ct pnlllt•cJ oy Prtncu Alb· rt, nnd nll~ntled lty lilts !Juke a mo1t 1fi l.'e •iun of tbe t; 11 t.111 et - tltut l.t! '-" l~hfll .o uf Nurfulk, l\luiitcr uf the llor::te, 1\lltl the Uut'hes:~ IJevt~lve tt1e prt:JIIteJ oh ip ' '1'011 11 nH~ tuber Cll 111,. o f Nl,)rlolk ( who o t1ic ttttt"d 011 rhis oc~cnl4to«• lur Jlae lluu tte .ofre~rs ulJ ie 01111 wtlhug 10 rarry o n tlu G,,.,, IJurltl'I'S ul S uthe r lund , f\1ist rl'l!8 u f ·Uu H ubt&, \\ llo ~rnruen1 with Fomewlutt ll t<Jrt! uf Vtj!uur llwn llns is tn S(' Oll& u·· ), eut e rccl t l•u tHdl~ caf' ringH Q.ra"n ucenlly hecn clas p lay• cl- ~< ud 11 11 1 ~-:rtt fll' U fll in t tmft by CtAht c reu111 coloured I•Ordeta, nntJ proreeclt•d t JOD • ..i gi ,·e n thtll Luru C lart lld•m i:t tb~ IIIUD, lt 110 111 Hucklllj:!htVII Pulta·e Wllh the uacutl 'escort ul 111111 he t-o. L •ft: (;unrJ& lo the Houst: (l( Loads. The t-lu \!eu ·· Tbreo c1eclion 11 t.nve tllk c n place durin~ lht' 1m<.! he r rllu:.tnou:s Consort wcrd lu .. uly 'cheen:..J hy

k ( I tltP lltSl'lloUi t! tl tftOIItii\ I>I.JS. . wee , .etcestt> r, Jc,Ly, """ C ttell t·nl •tll ll , h•vc fil led up the \'fl CHII<"tf'S l' uu~cu l·y t l•e J~ c :swnt- ul On urriv111g 01 the Hou~e o f Lo rds, 1he l•nnd o f the sevt•r8 t Elt>CIIOII ('0 11 ll tlllt't!b wh.J sn t 10 '"'l" lf t: tltc F uot l;tonrdt~ pl •y ... tlthe ,'\ ut1uuul Aroth.-m. aud ;uro the V!!ltdlly o f lhctr lul't return~<. Ut-r l·y hall II · r ~l njcet)'~ urr . v .~ l wna unllu,Jw; .. d loth~ t.out<t! rlected ~lessr!f. Ba • lllld H ... ywnrth; Lc instt:r, by II rl uuntoh vi' triiiiiJiets Olld ~lte finns. OJ CIS DLIUII M essrll. llarrill flfld l':l lls , ulld Cllt:l l ... llhtllll, the Oil tilt;) Surrt::y ttlrl ~ o l the w nu:r. ilon . Greuv tl lt1 lic rkeley ,oll p•uft:a:.tr.g l l u~ra l pnu~. On H~:r f\lttj•:bt)'•tl t>ll lcrin)lJ the fl ouse o f Lorcls, "iJ•Ies . 1 ho peers nnd.. th~ lJet r t &st:tl ni l aose burl relltllluerl

ln the European .llail of Sn:u rtloy lost we 110.. fll nu.d.tllf.! , u u tJI tlt e Quuw llutl tukt:u her t~t:ul oo nourcetlthntan ormietr•·e hod loe c n ftJ!rer.clupnu lJe- I th• l bruno. . tween the Dot . et~ nnu P1u-.f-!lltlll' . \ VI! bll'~e uuw tu The L urd Chnncellor, knee.ling,hnvinJ! presf'nled r~porl 1bot the rut1t.icolluues w~re f'X c h~to::ccJ 011 :::)a- 1he ltu~a l Spe~ch to !it:~ .MaJI!tt ty, h•"'. lurci:SII If' th .. turtlny lut; and it hn~ oeen ullic lully uniiOUIIr t:cJ ree le d ::Str .\U!;U:-11111 l,;ldlurtl, U.:~lter ul th o Uluck-. that nil ve&~P. Ia thai tu\Ve tJeen tttzeJ w111 lle gtveo Hod, to b~1111uon tb., rmt~uc.JJUt~ n•tc llflauce uf tile up, and rbRt there will be no h.rthcr lllt t: rruption ll uuse of Cu1umous. lu a lew lltlltute~ the Of'Cilke r, to trade. Hut the Par1d La Preue of last nt~bt, nile tilled hy o uuu.b~ r of meudtc rs, oppc: urcd e t 1h~ 11\)'1' : - •• )I 18 con6denrly repurte cJ !hat ll•e Ct:lltrlll lmr, " !ten ll<'r 1\I.•Jetl y, •n 8 clear unc.J .dts t.mcr Power o f Germany has re{u11ed to ratify the 1u 1uis.. ron u o f v u•cc , rtlatl ltJtl fvlhn~wg ,\lodt Grm:wu~

~ ice concluded between Pros~ in and Denrnnr'• ; ftrst1 S!Jtech :-becaul.'c i n the cond ittons of the rreuay tlte indcm•·•- .IVy Lord' and Genlltmrn, t~ lo be ptsid 10 thePrussian ahipptrs t~ ulone m e n- 1 om hO!JJIY to r c lt' u.so yon from tlte dul ies of a t.~ont>d; ftpd, aecoodly 1 becau~:~c •he Prftt~ .. iou plem- lulmrwus nnd protrht' tt: t.l te:aton. potetJiiery, General Below, did nol iuvi ' e tv the T~e uct for tl •t• pruveution of crime nnd outrll!!e

, neg,ctiatiunalhe Under ~t>cretory of Srnte, Gugeru, in IrelAnd, ~hu· ll •ec·~:~• vnl "'Y 11 14:-t:llt ut rho curn ­i merely slal i'lg that he ll lwu ld t'vlllntunicute dus ra· 1uence1T1ent t.f thA &ellbh•n, wu., HI tended b~ Uae

tification of the rreaty to b1m. •· So n111cl• is c c r.. u .o t-1 l·e uetic1ul t fiectl'. ' I hf o p l' ll "'"I''".Y of a nnl', cain, that tLe ~Jinistry of the' Germou F.ntpi• e bns u rteuded for cruuina l .,u rpusvs , \~lld clteck t!cl ; th tl tJeapcttcl1et.l two couratSrs, o ue tp Oentrul .HAiow, course ol jualiCt! Wrtl! no fn~tg&r interrupte d ; 1111J the other to Geueral W rauge l, e r•jvio iu~ 1l1em to severo I nlruclous u tu rder erP, who huft t:p rettd terror Ttcommrna hCJitilitic&.'' through the coutmy, were u(•prclumdcd, tr1t!d 1 twcl

Tl1e pacific ie&llc:: of lite negot ia tion undertaken c:or•vtctecl . hy thi11 country and France, os m ediators betwt:•ll 'l'Lte clit~tr{'SJ' in lrelnncl, ronsrquent on eorcea .. Auatria a nd Italy, 111 81 prtlltnt WraJ'ped iu a good l'ivc fnilurtos in rb., J.t rolluctton of food, lwH lJeen ,.Seal of douhf, t;very d11 y iucrertsea the greunds (If cut tign ted by t ht~ appl icut iuu of the In w lor &he rt~­~nxiety, end nndera the a~l'ect o f tdltaares n.ort lu: f of rhe JIOOr, nud hy the amouut 10 c: heri tnule threatyo.ij•g. 4~cot~ing to the rnost 11uthenuc 11c.. roa.tnlJutioJ'S ruieed m otllcr vorLa of lhts UoitecJ cou.n.if, ~••t;~lri!l hll ~eJ; liued the pr~tjected 1nediu- K intt,clolll. lion, butt!J.e pt~rrators are lJy np means agreed 11s On the other hAnd, orgonieed Couft>deracies took IO the ret~apn wt1ich hal proiJI~It d tttis llt>p . ulfve.nluge of the e.l!Stiug p t>eiUIU f6 to UCIItl lily Wbecl.t>r ,Austria lte insiucere,•wd tltu~l'ore 111X1~ eufferiug ec. tijecre to rebwllion . Hupt!s of fJiurult-r ou• to put 6ff t~e metliar!ug power8 on auy pretti ttee I nnd coJ ,fisOI'Ifton w e re ht-ld our to rempt tlte ci iat reBB· or • beaber tlte baa ~trt'crly r tfueed to bha udon ttl ; wlttlal dt~ uw:ct Vl8iooary pruilpt-cte '\\ t:r~ ~:.x. J...olflbard)', nre pojotAI' to, wlaich much uncerraiuty ' tuLu ed to the a wbi tioua. Ju tlailf co••jtfhcturtS 1 ••!arb~• : Tl.ie' ovly i~ J.tlolll , the~ the oppart"ut af•plied to ~ur loy a lty am.l wiellom lor mrru11ed fa1hue of the Ulec:luttron propobecJ hee W\.olllld· power,. ; nt rtl at~t:Oglt.ent:d hy ·your prOII•J~J collciJJ• ~d Preach HDtitiye!ltstt, JIUcl gr,v~n riee to y~ry renee, my O ufl'rt uunt was entsbl~d 10 ch•feat til a ftarlike rt)moura, ~lt1ch haY.e Lc:t~n 11r ngtltenetl by few cis) 1 lflkd ttnntio ms which b11d beeu prt-vared <~n epplieatiou b1 tt:ft proyi~io~al: • vetutto.,lll •• I.Jurmg rt uJ.IiY ruouth•. 'J'Le . enerry and dt!ctaton Vensce, •f.lieitlnt. tf,e tPpeciu 1erveution o f ~tho~ 11 hy &t•e l.or.1 .. J;· e u tea•ant ot Jre1a11d in the

{ franee. fo ll1i1, 1he French goverr.mrn1 . replir1l t:u. t rJiqlcy ,,,~erv~ '"Y ~aaJUt:al &f•proha•roo. lP•r f~oiep je inpl'!$ied in 1~e objtpl& o.l rhe j niut. In tltt: '"'flt•t ol tl •clftt O•ftieuhlee~ )'OU have ron­ruelhauoo. J&ap~~r~, bowuer, thattlllt r erpl.) hu llfiuecl yc. ur lalH urd for rLe lll•fJrt.V,clllent of rbe be•o eteompaujecl ~y 1Le n aur.b n aore ·~· oilicent lu~ 1.-'J he JlC:l !Pr Jacaht••li08 tbe 111fe of jneuua .. pN~off)eo.Car••aoae,roJI•cetlte&r oftbe lureclettat~"'JJ,l thwk, acr•clu.aiJy re"'ove en ~lftl OJI a pt8r fpot;O( v aJ»d ' •t ' ia reaar ~U •• 8 uiJ Of &rt:D~ Ullla&hilutle Ill tlttt ~(ICialaUate or frtJ ...

·eettt~ JH»ipr tba\ if Allllteia pt:raian io refp•in,i to l•••d . •



• . \ · .

. .


... .I


eahh,,nd 1 e~tert$in ao eameet b~ tb:at a fouod~ atipn ~ b• laid -(or co aal adnocei in lbia beoefteial work. _ . . .

Gtnlluatn of~Ho;,./o.r C'oJMSOnl, I tbaok. jpu tor t~readioet:e with wbicb you

bavo (lrao td lbe auvplies neeeuary ·for tbe pulllie eerviee. I •hall ayajl-my~lf or enry OflpOrtuoily which the exigencie• of th4' State msy allow for eo-forcft\g~nomy. ·

ltJy Lord$ \~d Gentltmm, • · 1 hnvtS r "wed, in a formal manner, my d iplo• mutic r~ti 111 -itb the Guveromenl of Frnnce.

'The tcood under81RIIding b~tween· the rwo eounr~ie' ho~ co111iuued without &lte'-ti.lig btest interruption·. /Evenrs of dePp importa\tce ~love dieturbad tbe

internal tranqui llitt of many of the&atet of Europe· 'both in the nortl• aud fh tht1 south. Thue ev~uts have leu to bostiluies betweeo rhe neighbouring countries. ·

J nm t:lltploying my good office1, in conr.~w :111 Cllhcr lriend ly powers,ro brin~C to en amicahle eellle­rufHll tbetie clifferencea, and 1 trust tltat our etforle mn y be ftl'cct:a~8fu I. -

I am r .. juict-d .to ll ti nk that an increaeing se nse of tht! vu:ue o f pt:nCt! eucouroges the hvpe thnt lite oa­~ious of Europe may couunue io tire enjoymeo of its hlc:~Riull~·

A•~tidst ihcse convulsionP,I have had rbe nliafac-1ion ol bvinJC ·tthle to prest: rvt~ peace (or my own do· ntiuiorts, oud Jo mamt11in our oumeHtic trnnqu illny. The Streng I h or our !.p_stitutions ha! lJeen I rietl uud l•ns not been found wantin;:. y have studied 10 pre:Serve lhe people commiuell 1'1'4ny chnrge in the cujoyment ot tha t remperate freedu.m wltich tloey :so justly vttlut>. 1\ly people, 011 !heir stde, f~el tno eeulfihle ol the ad vauragcs of order a nJ security tC' ulluw the J.>rpmolcrs of ptlln~e nod co fusiou any cbuuce of t.uccess iu their wick ... tl design~.

1 nl'kuowledge with grute(ul fr•· l•nf.tll rhe man)' rnark:t ol loyulty end attachmeut \\ hich i hove rt:· ceivC4J fr.Qtll all cluese•. of my people . !t io my tnrne~ t hope aha! lJy cultiv1Hing re:!ptlct 10 lhe lttw and ob\:cli~:uc:e tu !he prect:j.lllf ol religion, tl1t1 liber· ties of this peot,le mny, by the bletS81Dg CJ[ Almighty God, be p~rpetuatcd.

.fJ't,eu the Loao Cn.&.NCELr.oR, by l.er llajut} •o

command, said-.M,, Lards a11d Gentumm, _

It •s hPr Ml•je"'Y'd roynl will end plet'sure tba• !his Perliomeut be proro~uecl 10 Tltur .. dny, tfl t! ~~~ duy of Nuvemller next, 10 be then here holt1cn; 01111 th1::1 P~trliurnentta accordtni!IY prorogued to Tuurs ­unt Ill~ 2nJ ~oy of Noveanll~r ne~1.

our a•lvertisin'C columns to d~Jy appMrs thP Ad lre~:t o l Juu: s l>nOGL.&.tl, E'rh to thu .Eit>clnr,. nl th .. Otl'lrtrl .,f Hr. J ohu'lf. '.£.!•ere n r e now four eo did11tt>!t irt \ht> tiulcl fo r •his Dis&ricr,i( the l~l 1 t~r

tho J'rttn'o' be t.!tgr.ifh•d w111t 1ba\ uppt·llumrfl . \\'e huv" ont roou t to r·otice Mr. Ooo~lo:t'~ Hdtrti uble ttoldn:s:~, lartbtr thou 10 expreSH our d ~cicled convirttou, thai, with lor le~::1 prc•eu~ion rhnu so ma otllf'rtJ, it is the 1110111 dtcidediy liberal ad­

. lret'tl tltat laos yet ~J.ipPtired to the cou"llluen .. cy of tid~ Di11trict. We cordially wiilh 1\lr . [)ou~ln!f to ucceMtJ at tho hustiugs and if the peopl\' u11dPra,Umd tbeir own inu~re111, n1\d-1)ref~r sen~e to troutul, Ll •tJ'e con be ltodoullt of ir: We yea•eMDy lle ortl u ruruour, whtclt ho"ever 1\ so llnproholtlc­tl~u l we r n11110t llt!lit·VP it, thorn t>oal11lon lms tnket{ plure lmt.veeu the £•1itor of tlte J>atrioln11tl ' tlw Libtrnlleatlrr. \\l e gi,•e rh~ Iaue r, huwerer, creu11 lor mure ~hrt!wdous ll•nn •tlt ol he \\ OUIJ j~opar­dt·e ld:1 c haracter nud elec tion hy coalescit•g w11h a mull who wuultl ~u,.: ltl<.ts tt ru tlldtnne nhout his nel' k-n rnnn whom n 11te Juy prt\llous to tht> clolje ul' lhu lust seeo5ion IJe · lft:t\l~ueJ w11h o "or~e \\ h tp­plllg, anrl acr.Udt!t.l o~ reeenti n~ot u petition tu whtch tlte ~~~Auturetl were I ' genes!

'. .· ~ .

'V .

, •• t~

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~ ~ l

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. . .

' e en~erfli'iaiog peo,.~.o~ tfJ~rotioce,but w~ like to ce~l J}le crutb.~~d w~wer. oner but.ooee iqN{>v-4

t .. , and lhaj was. Oflb& Je a~o ;.and we hive · r iffed upwarlSs of,t~retl~ears iQ,SI. JoJtu•a, w ~ere w ateur elee 1Ve , bn:e d<Jne, 'we have pa,id. our ·. accouous; - baa Mr.tPardoni <lone the aoroe? &tr. Porsooe ~ould be a . ~telJl!Or if .be' hat.l 1he pow. er ; evert Mr. 0' Brien ie r8)ed..(or h_ieitdd(esa' ap .. pe.riu~ in the· Courier. Mr. Q~rierf~ of ·courae, wi6heJ his 'dJretla to 'be read, and the~fore sent it to the. p~~et that barL.,most sub-tcri~ra. How mnni

·votes wa.~ld Mr. O'Hri.en loee if die qualifieation here 1\'ere 1he. a,am\ ttS in Nova Scotin, w hich is all we ever ton~nded for? As to th}' ft:ef. ing which be would r.-ise -nmoAg the tnarriu l men of tbe working cla&!les, it ia no go~ tlley wt~ll know that, we are much more 'heir friend lltao ever Mr. Pnrsond waa~, who merely wiahes to make tools of. them for his rn I!Uf1>0Se. We well know lhat not -ooe rnnn 1n rbe co~t~muni&y.lbou~l, t of t!le elecnve fron~bise aa the .re(lult of his marry­ina, aod n une ltut a rtckltia, polilicai pedlar like Pnr1on1 would ever invnde the deceucit:s of mnr­rled life with h ts. pohtic~tl humhug. H ns .... he for­go\r t1n that he 'l'llS clt,vged by the liberll Jendcr w\th presenting u vetttioa got up in a uou~~e of ill. famo?


CIIANT1 &c., &r., &c.

" L earning nod Rome ulike in empire grew, ... ud art" r<till follow ed where her engles flew, Front the sume cnu t~e hotlt ft:lt tHikc th..,ir lloom , And Lhe sautu og; suw lcar~11g f~nut.J llome ."

/ \ P opt. .::- / ~r R ,-ln o le tt~r nf mi~e ,;(. J, ich appeftrf'd in rhe _

NPwloun o! lunt1t:r of 1bv IOth" ult., I britOy f\dvcrtt'J tu 1he ~ttnte of ed11ca1iun i11 St. Juhn'H, p11i111} 11~ 0111, as far us rny o wn o:•servulion , tuded by 11te ICst •nw­ny o( intdltgent mcltvitlul\l~,.-,,.al,fett nt s to jwl~f· , !tow ullerly ue~lectt"rl rh e ,,...cJ,IIe clusses h3\' C ltt' l'll in this re~p\>c t , \\hil:sl the oth,.r two branches o f 1he ' communiry hu\•e bet> O nmply ;>rO\IJdetl for, b) tl•c pious labours of the Chris·luu Hrathers on th~ 0 11 0 t.nanct, onrl ll~e fut·1htiea nfforded by the AcnJe111y and other JZOOd sdtools ou tho 01i e r . As o rkYII••ly I veniUred to prupost: u )fecltnnil"tt' I• stimre , '' h •<" h in coujuoclion w11h on E11gl1t!h Sehoul embracn•g on eXteJif~l<Ve covr:se of Jfl ero r) ann scienufic kflO\\ ­led~O, would mfollihly BUJ'ply this def\irieru111 •11. Atrl I {Ht· l tti::ldy Bull• red ~JY tl•o cnir~i,!cnrc m OJ •n ton wiih •ue on this import11nt tlUitjf!ct .-xpre:'ht:t l hy Hl-0: m_Qitf~enlt :.: hrened p<>rFc)ns '' i•h \\ luw: f ha \e h~td 1 ht' honor o f an ocl'u~Jft111ul iute r \' I~~ c.Jur111g Ill)'

~obon. nsul ... nrt! iu to \\ n . In o rJ•·r thut pnnie:~ rlt t' .. l~rlllf! in rt'li~IOII 11111! pOIIIIC'S IIIII)' b· Clllll~ Ul 1\111 -III()U~ in SIIJII'OrttO~ t'Uclt 011 nHohiJ~h111C IIt 1 III•J • hdr~hy l•t' re a .. lt~rt-11 the! n1o r e lenl!tul t> , it t-lt uu ld h~ I'CdHctly froe from ~C I' Illl' lllh 11 1111 oil o •lt t>..l' uiHIC)JCtllll'i

ttl,. ti ll t: li (Jns, whose pnruly :~ tug 111f1ue"c" 011 pulll11; q~tt:otin~ts i..-. 60 w"ll k nown oud ndu.il114tl, Ho lO re­IJIIIrC nv com me nt of m•u~.

U .. ing tho guurrliun of thi t~ Culony, RIIU con~e .. quenlly the nawru I pnrron l t l'ducut tot. nt•cl l ' V t' · y ol ht>r meus uro cnlculnt6il to tenri to lit! pru,-cpull_v. encvura~el:l rno tCJ nd~r ese t h.e pre s E•r•t lt:ll c r •v \' .. ur l::kcell~11ry, truetin£ thnt lite "" ' j• c• o f wlt it l, •t trc•H• wrll mo~t w11h V'Our ttpprnvnl, ~tnd lt., lt'COtll ­rn~•hlccl 6 8 t'lltitled rJ l .. ~ ·slutt \' e I'UI'IJUrt, lty y uur Excellency, a! tho e orlie11t cooveuieucc.

Be:eitleri 11t e iucolculnbl t> h f' ne fil rebu lt in~ 10 pr,. .. sent rwd future gene ·atioris ih •. hi::1 po 1•ulous nud rnl'ttlly ri:-iu~ t o wn, fr o m whot I hnve prop,sed, tt would ol!lo nn11wer a:~ o N,Hilll\1 Tro111iog :::)ch ou~ 'IV Inc h wou ld supply 61! tl.e O'Jl · pOrtll n11cJ other re­mote plact'tt w i 1h a superior ~et of leachent, w hu , t.y th u tr dndc ncy and illtt>llectunl v•ew,., , would i11• stil s 11c h JHtuci ple:~ In to tlte mincld of youth 11s w otJicl

\V r. ho,·e very littie roo to notice , tht#IPntr iot'B imb,.e tht>ul wtth early norious of 6Jial att;chmc:'llt two c.·olunHl8 ofticurtllity; w-;-~only ~bmark that 10 their ~u1c 1ous so•creign; im 11tici t ol>etiienceuntl lte hu~ 1101 replied to our chnrge~t arumst h•rn, unci adhesion to the 1•1\v::Jantl lllt<titutiuna of· thp-O()Uiltry ; ju•t otltl 1hnt he canno: •!o so. He has to be ~Sure untl ahoYe all , end leu jzratitutle and ~{)ort~ilon to ISIIt-m..-ttHI 8 reply 10 tWO ,,f l item, hut" is hy Ut· tlte Supreme Br ing , Thill vi~w ofthej uattcr ought ll'rtllj.! what ht knowa ro ~ clownriA~ht lnlttehootll'. to secure the co-Opt!rntion ol such att have the pow~ lllr. Parson1pocket(d vpwardt oj £300 of theptoplt'& er ofatlvnnci••g tho P.uLi ic wedl, as in their etlorc:1 mo nr~;, and AJr. ParsoJIS al1o not only uottd fur but HI ttccom~l, .. h to de.,irat>lo nu ol•j .. cr, a more t!IW~ supporltd the l{ranl of £500 to Sir John HartJry only ce8sful n~""' c.o ultl not b~ .. m ployed tlt on a cout .. (lbuul sir totch oflrr S t. John•& wa& conn&mtd byfi,e'! 1,rehen:tive 5ystem of ed ucntion, imparrecJ uccordm~ And thut g runt wott !lie cnuse ol lhe people ol o11e 10 the recenl irnprovem-,nls in tetSchina, nntl who lly ot the IU01it populous COUO litsl of Nova s~olio tlraw- cliYCit led of tho UdCill8!1 und trkeolue clrutlgtry ol lhti

ing lheir ~ur~te 5t rtnge, for after the r .. qut1illion for olt.l scltnol. The Joytdty uf ttu l·jc::cts 10 tit~ ll.ron~, 11 111eeriutt wee~ prt:e··ntt'd to tlte Shenff, eud the nd w ell art their observnnce of thtJ rtll••s of the mnrul meetmg Wall calltorl by t. irn to c-ouaic1cr the ~nse la w in tbeir iotercour11e wi•h eltc h orhe•, would b" nf tltt: tire s ntfc:: rers here, the DttW!I o f tlte .£500 the n eceesury r.onsequ J~ ttre of such u COCIT:!", nd vutt! renc:lu:d them tlllJ the met"tiO~ was a11en~ atone t!ll'thllllg them u 10roughly to approc ta ·e tho dell lty 8 le w hoyto! At~ to the UlOOt'Y to Mr. Pur- protection IO v~roon nud prop~rly, with lllllllhtSrltir-!1 10118 h~itog l!lnrll~tr·Jnt·d IJy the tlum Go ... rnt~ r, whe n otlter 8d \'31118f;d~ , ujoyetl und.,r the free cone~titulluu tfid S•r Johir H urvey reruse to e.anctioo any j ob of Grea: B ritnin and other couutrieR, 1\IIU to Cllll' huwv c: ver grottP, JlfOVJrled o•11y his administrcu1on &rust these hlossiuga with the herediLary houdago wna ~ol•t~retl Ul• by it'? Hut who bad to p11y it? nnd mi:Sery to which thb poor are clooulecl in despuuc Thtt people! nauontt, such ni rhe serflf of Pol!mt.l. the Sutlroa t~f

1\1 r. Jlauona snys he amended rhe Street Act. Hrado~rnrl. UnJer the former mocle of odminis~ U e did oot, 81!d wa ref~r 10 tlte jourttole lor the trfttior\, a person of the humblt!" rank mny by goocl l'roof. Air. r. w"a eeldom iu the HoUftd during conduct nud lfUI•erior. ui,Jiluie!, rjae to aftluuoce •nt.l the a•ammer session when the Street Act waa flUBs- h i,zh flffic~a of tru1t and emolument aa has ohen hap­eel, anc.l there wrut uo , division on tbft motion that peued, whereas und~r '~a Iauer tbere , ia no auch th~ 8heo~ a~oulcl hQ. allowed to remain till tbe let chance of aelf-ndvuncement or amultoratiug our con­t-hy J849, w t1ich m?tior. did not come from Mr, dirion, Leiug preve9 tecl from doiug eo by peual re• Po•,.oott. :f"lr. P. wet b.owever prompt at his poet "rir.tiona which bu}tl him nor 10 chan1e from th11 t ou th• mon•ing of thf' atif~oUI Cllnlangtncy "ou. cable to wfl•ch he helonga hy birth. When a~ch crue l As 10 Mr. D11Jo n'8 houstS 111111 Mr. Pro•·H'fl, there lnws are tcllera\td in cavalisetl cuuntriee the atalts of wu~ lair. ms19rial dJffereqce , that· tt,, ttulli•JI do,_o eufl'cring muat be infiouely more, cleplorable aJUoug ofthe outs would e•••~the Colony £2otit>, that of1be tbe Sange·aod Nomallic tribes, .wbere one chieftau• Olber IHJl more lbftO £200; "hile the "Jeea COSt ly may become the absolute c:natcer of &h~ ilfel an..J t.ouae ia iu tlte main llneJ; on Mr. O'DW)' t:r'a pre.. liber1iea of)tfOl.-~Uct of h ie fellow creatures. 1'he lllitel lbere W&l no 1to~t~e at all! a nd prniOU8 (0 introducti6n of 8 IJ ftllaitlaeaia OC.Cl'lliooally in lee­the t•remiMa 1••ain1 inao Mr. O'O!ct haudt, the turin( -olcl.ee•, iu eact ot being a tli~eaeuion from lit•e, wbich it w .. afterwarda pt:C)poeed b! Mr. the bueill~lhf of a teacher, 1 con•ic!tsr to be a nry roa.

1riOUI an~ other• lO after, 80CU ~iJIIOUII!J Ggrt~td e~e~tiaiJlart of hie dul1 ,al he i8' OOU}U.I by bia al!t:·

, gumce to meulca&e eYery do,mitte .tf,u m.a) exctte iu to Mr. Pt~raooe boaatinr of ·bit coonectiona, and perpeluale . uoera\ion t.r the codetatuted au ..

we know, tl•at .mau1 of llaem ·~ ~'i16ly rO.pectabfa; thoritit'a. ood we lroow,. beltd .. , tblt lJufortorlat-.11 .be ia nol In ) be anna II of erime, eYfn io rhe p118n , 18, 0 the 6r•t U11U liu dltgracetl bi8erelatiotJe. • • I be world, ~e'flncl . btit few neee of atroeit~ com· •i•• iltdttpelll~.nce 10 ,.,.,,, bat fly, •l•e FH!hCh II m,t 'J'j,J' P)etfm or l'erl'•tual thtl'lil. of land flllllta

wiU erOte t~e Jrvnuer. · 'i'he 1 o.tuion oJ G~p.-rhl !Ia••• d rn ~c-uthsnll, t·r o t.uretl verfaer~• e•lla.bo•h Pnl!i•••e iiiiU~I' , .. \ ." JM P•P•' et.J••r.'witt•'-'••~ '" hetr't'Ot ~ ..... , ... d to the C:OtiJIIIUnll tad' J hiYe

l from &.ftiee or l~ke tlti~ euur~. 11te lJOUfltt•Jtie hill •8rt"~tl • Jllllla.fiac: liun fn tn·fltll it ante ded UpUD I. ~'!' 101' petp.; .,.,, lh~ bet.t ~·;tpd• pf th•.Pf~· a.. pr.tnoplt!al wt.iclt~ hne Ioiii ~..(oubd io op~r•t•· L.,. iDt fear. daaC lO '!"" ~atJt artcr 161 pr .. fha.e ol bt ai• ficu, IJy it, lt1tl 1'8ft ot,rtteiJMMea-.&.iapopn. "

,.,. .. ,. ip~ a•,••• ~e, "ould uvf!'~ ..... ~ oable l J•ave ,iheh n,y dndial, llaHU& .to .&be pee .. urM

., pi~ ffl!"~ti~ lp ~fll~ ~· J~e, ~~ ~:IJith ~••t: ~- !•~~~ UJe:- lfliJir"''~~ o( ~ l'•bf~

Our, onfy COIIIIICt!oo with, • Dleetinr I o( ftte' iur.. naltt~ by well edueautd pertont, ban 00 -ctle eou­·~rer. Ja.atiJ c:~ltdt ••t. l~a& the PN~tD for it were trary, abe inataoC!ee are ,.eouotleu wbere IDeo of pria&ed at the ••ftict witfa wh!eb we are eennf'CCed, taleot . end · lo)'ahJ ba•e reec~ lbeir CoiiJ!lr)' lrom trlatcb lOCh• o( 11•~• illue fur OYety one frOm tbe YtrJ fJriuk of •roin. 0( the• maf.be aen i~Hefl from ·cbe o6M.' .A8 liule .truth i8 IDfnlioaed Meoeni~ Alfil•f.N't wlao bJ die m•s•c &here a tbe 81ateDJ ... l ff OYa Sclo;- inftueoce of hil c~lebr•&ed t:-W.ot. tbe " afom•ch aia, .,. WOflld -''" ttom a~Df l aad &be ocbet aoembtra••, tUCctecled in fP~~•i.u1

•• ' [!:.


r ::-;o ') ...

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This ·may, . \. ... v Tue d.ay, ~l ELEVEN . o'cloc

\ ' oN TH£ ·ia.t.RP o9

OLII'T, WOOD--. 00.

tho fur; ~e- Plebeiana-agaio"et the Roman Sen a• tors ; aod ro our own d,, •. we have an. drnirable. preo£ in the moral fotJ:e o~tory of. llte immortal Liberator, that preserved ' Ireland for ye{lre from tho Jed etate of sufferina ime whit.'b she is·at t•re· sP.nt unfortunately l'lunsed. Now,.•thllt ai'p'o ill a progre~ive bei~, capable' ·of receiving continual accessions of kn wledg~, aod endowed with certnin ennobling facul)i , upon who~ uee or abu'te his hnppioen or- misery entirely Llepen\is; und as the .1()0 B<JfofPti~:~~~~EScolia HAMS

·ignorance. c~ul'eci'by neglecting to cuiL}vate the~e, is tho eure 'nnd fr~;~itfu I source of error wi\h 1ts mal'iiford e•ils, every lover of hia wecios i• ~ound co exert fiUCh met&f\8 as tbe Lord has plu.c~ at h is Jisposal, in elevating his fello-w. being tCJ that digni­ty (or which he \98!' . iotendecl by bis ueu 6cent Creator. Tbe s implest member of the moat com .. pllcated eogiue, by becoming deranged or useless, weakens ita power if not destroys ·it altogether 1111t1l n"ain properly aJjuated. .And the t!lt&IUtt oh:u~r~ ,~lion appht!s to the moral ae the Rh~ei~ul w'brld ; for aB indivu.luals are the constitu~ot elements of the ~reut t.umnn family, according as th~ae ar" ~overned in tLeir nets by the dictates of the higher !ll'Ot iments nod enlightened iuteiJect, \hO WbQitS social fabrie works iu hnrmonious cornhiuation,nod UJak es the nenrest npproxima tioo to thut 'degree of perf~ction to which all ot:pire, notl wl.ich alone can ren~r happiness complete. History cle.uly she'\u

: how tiM ~rero t natcons of the world pr,ospert c.J ' ' h ilst

70 BarreiA ):?A~, . . 1'tr .!ltamer UNtcoRN, from Halija:r.


A few dozen choice PORT \.Vf-NE \ 10 5 .gallon Uas·ks Wh'ite Do)

5 Qtr.-~asks Fa&ue~a Port D~ ' Sept. 26 . ~·

Thit4 Day, (Tuesday,)"· At TwELVE o'clock',


M. STEWART & CO. t\Vithout Reserve.)

200 p1EcEs qu;Jt STON J<: 10 Ton~t SCANTLINO

25 1\J. He mlock UO.;\ !U) 20 M . SHlNGLES 50 l<',rk i nt~ ood Tubs BUTTE& 50 lidrre h• Ji" LOpR.

Sep1. 26.

;;; Til£ ~


• tht>y ftlle tu1ed to the educntiun of their peo!Jie, und how r~viJ ly they d .-cliued ns soon Ud 1hcy ne· J! leeted to di l'char!:e th ie~ 5&c ret1 ' Jutr I wluch nf, wrc.Js another strou~ U J1~ument iu (avour o f. thu pre11ent sut•j t>ct. I c he ris h 'ftl"'e- ~ope ~hat, 11ftt: r weigh n~ tht1 mntter with tile de llbera 1011 due to 11,; in.portance.Your l~xcellenry ~i l l uvt only d t: ign to (il\ rclon 01 0 for outrutlllljr myself o n your luv our­ohle notice, but that ypu w i llul~o gcvc that conlud t!Upport which nlone cnn insu re succc88 .

lndeJ»cndent Elcctoa ~ oCtile Dil!l­ta·ict of ~t~ .• Johu 'l!f, "'

W it h the mot~\ profotii•U scnllm r- nt.. of re11pect and" tef' rn, 1 hRve •ho llouor to re m bln, Y our ~~­Cl lleocy'!f"'lu oot oLed ttl ut , humble servn••l,

, JoHN CoNDo~, P.M . S·. J ohn's :\ferrontiiP. oncl l\lathe~UaliCb l ~chool, ~ ~~· p1e111her 20th, lS-1~. ~

GiiNTLttiEN, . _,.- ' Y uu ar e uh0 UJ (0 ue collec\ upon 10 t'Xcrc ise one

of the u wtlt •n•pnrtnllt n~btfl bf Freemen-to c iJOO:Itl Rt!l'reseurativ~:l to support your vi t: W:I i ll the Colo -niBI .\ d:ltHJtbly . . .

In onniJUtll'ing to you my, i-ltention 10 solic it fOIIr sutfruj,!es, it is uu t uocet-tm ry 1hat J ii,houltl go 111to nuy ltH•~thent:d exp·u~ il ton o( my pohticul princi· p lec:J. 1 huve s ho"n my reod i ll t'8~ to lttkc I'"" 111

SHIPPING INT .CL_ LIGEN 0 r._. ljlltl!!tioue of fllli.J iic iute rest tluru•g the lllnny y~ur~ ., of rny life lhtll hove heen p!lssed nn)ong:~t )'OJJ1 JlOl.l J

-= _,.:. .-=-=--:-. ~-= b~ l i t: ve CVt!n thusc oppn~t'tl Lo rue \VIII ac.Ju~il that I ARRI\' ED • httvtS nt 1111 tilll t' l pun111ed thut eourBe wluch llJe·

St!l'lemher 2S.-Jove"! Mann, LecbnJ:,"• San St:· l•c ve lJ st colcu l ~tt"<i to &JU !Jt!erv t) the "euoral advnn­htt .. lln u, 40 JHy • C. F. H., u~•~ tt &. Co:-bnllae;r. to~e. lllhuU,therelore,n t pr~~teur. only brit6yr ,fer

'.!,r, - ' Jt,,c,.n, 1\l tlo~h r- r : ll a l~ fa~ nncl S) llucy, . ~ to ~OIIHI im~o rtnnl ti'J 1•j ec:a wh •ch mu:st~:~honly en­. dt1) !1, ltuhlu:-un, JJrou kl"g & Co. -11.:\1 . 11 'a clo· I gage th e out·ntion of the Allsemltly . auJ in re l~r

• c l ~ ·~ •tto · l e nco to ·. h""e expla ;n the •ilfwq ~ ehall be really to S· I'' · 23.- - Symm ~> try, _ l t•w dll B" r.n.ndorll,, Bow- :mpport , •f pl~tcetl l1y yf)urfuvour ·IO thenuuourulJ le

rill;! Urothf'rtl - fi..~h . · I. l\lurgart-t, I ul.uii,Syclney, J•OIItl ion tu ~' hioh I nepire. I. U1Brtcn &. Co.-I.Ju ~ la .'· H.' '~'~,. , :::,mtdr, ~ins W~th ret~pect Co tha St Jvlan'• Strut A cll pusecl.l lo•• . . u '"l( • J b"~'"'' N. ( ~ -ll · h. L .. _tly :s.,.l ... w11 h a ••ew ot l•reventwg thtt rt:curruu ce uf tll u Mr:" .. d . ~ n ii!!UIIt:,h, ~~ :."l t•· wurt & Co.-•~1 ' ..,, lumity •bat hoa so injurtously a tlt:c tcd chu \\ho lt~ lt n"l£"='• ,\!I-( H'lC .. ,\ 11"tl1ll1 t;l •l :'-1., :::, ,1!,, 11 ' l ~Co. Cnlu"), I ruu convmce•l tlco l rh u tt.rcl ltJUrud :,ec:urt ly - t</\11. J, . .,,.,~ . • Cll ~tlll, Lond on, l:o: . &. f't. · ~•alJh w htcll will rtsu\ ~· fro•t;a lh., 1:nr r y• r1~ 0111 of t hut Ac•, - otl 1\tJd "~al sk tu.. Anbll ~· , .~ 11 """.-r .. , Bar :~nd th>1 cons~quent Teutuc rinu t1f lu~urttucu , ~1 11 l ~tulot! .. ~ H ulqu"~"· Br~okl" ~ c ... Co.- t1 ~ 11. lncluc~ , ,.0 nn cotnpenu•e eMn Leuse b~hJua for tlte .:rent I Jl td, :"' ) d llP)'. C ~l ll , W o1_"1 ,\[. Co\- llllllllrot .. \"II- ou · lay rt:qtt red uy tile Btrin,;eucy o f its pruvc~tOIII', l ilt Ill ll urn tiO, u Urloll , :::>) duey I l Ul kt:r &. ~ lc:e- I urn n:ot; tao..-e-~wr, umuiucJfltl of the h'~rcJ.,hip 1 ( ... ~n-ha lhH!'. tlllJJuSeaon many whosu rqeanc1 wer~ uuuen111ly l cs~-

'25.- Aiert, \V11l~h , Sytlnf'y , .la:lles T obm S: Co . - ened by that !evere dumeter nud 1 tllerefor~ cou­bnllu-.r. vo .. r~:e , Cnrllt:' \o'. l' II!ICII~, l\l d\11Y &. ~.-iwe it btt the tlu•y or t i{P. L~a?•s luro(l!'. ro considct l\td\. .. ,1.7.iP- Illll lus• . J ••• ·0 · P rc" r, ~yu : . e r , ll ulll~· wbe:IJe r tbepropMalrnn:Je hy l£..rl G lh:Y, o l g •villg t-•·11 ~- t o - luui JL't. H u!J t: l ;\lt:J ut:l l, ;:,yuut.y' ~ . fllcl in AUCh cusett rur •he er~CIIUII of pt riii81H!IIl and U . Ac ch•uuiJ - ba ll o~r. eecure buildingtJ, 111uy not s ti ll be 1:arrie.t oul b)'

L 0 ·' o • :-. G. Joau11 to I.e rti l:s l'd "' lieu of tl•e hnpt" illl Gruut 6nll ~Pt lt. 8 -San R11f::u•l 1 .\I ulnl!u , lloun~P ll &. Co. otl1er ooutributio ntt for th e rblcef of tlltl }J JrU Sui· ~1 . - ;'l unul, Bru7 . .t, l~ncnP, J l, ht Jtllu n & L o . fe rera. l.i - Jm•nllu, ~pn •n . C. F . Bu•ua•l! & Co. That Ag ri('uhu re may he mo .. t lreneficiolly p'ro· 1 !1.- S t'llfiow .. r 1 L ' ndon. tl ovnt~e ll & Cu. 11et>Uh~llae 011 auJCJliMy to tho l•' •~ht: r,u:.) , the ~XJIC · c:ucht-rcn" , Cu rk J o h , Bro•hl! rt! &. Co . rtence of pa~ t } P.:l rt~ , amJ mo rf' u~<peeinlly tlce pre· 18 .-Pt- ptla, ~ph111 1 Hultl •~ :~on , Urook1ng & Go. aent, baa clonrly ct~tnL l i:-4 1 ttd ; the rn~!liiS rher r- for t' , llnrklutl, Ln•t:rpo ul. Job, Hrorht!r:~ 4'\L C u. for the _,xtond cd develop~t~ent u l our .Agncultunt• ~urpn·e, Lnnduu, L . O •Br .e n & Co. re1o urces dltall rece ive lr orn me thut luq:e sharu 1 9 . - ~'ciiZ'~ , ~pncn, \V.1\:. H . Thor uas .\!.Co. of attention to wh1ch tb6 illll'()rlliiiC" of the t>u bjuct ~0- An 11 J · ~ln1 slvn , l'ort uj!ul, H .• we,J ohlldton ~Co. entitle" 1t . l\lnrt; •trJttn , ~pu•n, l\1c~rJtl~ & K err. lntirJJntely ronneciecl with Aa:riculture ie the 1-:rh•.•, (,Jimtl nr, ~. &. N. Sul11b. format iun ol Uond:t- n rneu11 ure on the p rogress of Hri .. k, l'ortu.:ul , ~;. & l'li . :Stui.J IJ, which the l• roli tnule eu ltcn~riou c1f the t!Ocl hus e ve ry !-.11urn, Oport o, J, •hn Burrnn. where hee n IOUIIU materially c.Jepondent. ~ly Son~ ~ 1.- N. ~. d ., In J ulltJ uern , ~lu lagn ,llounseli,Scber.k officiu 1 connt'CI ion with the Hoad service of th i:~

& Hocunu· ll. Uistrio t is known to yeti all ; und the efficiency of Acltllnn, PortU~al, \V. Wnrrt>o, Jr . the Q .,pnrunent ovf!r wh •c h l have prnsiJed ht1 d

C hpper, Pt• rJU~Itl, Uuutertc q Co. no1 I be l1eve been question~cJ. It will he IllY de, Z3.- W nve ,Oportn, J> . .. ~ L . Tcs~ier. a.re to tcive th"' lullest su p!Jort to lhe oxtenl!tull IJ ero, Grceuock, Haine, Johut~too & Co. and cmprovetn e nt of the fileuus o f tOtt'r ·couununJ · ~~--F,Ior de ;\lorea, Spuin, MrBric le lit lterr. ca1ion throu~hout the (;oluny .

, lUEl\tORA:-lDO&t. But of even gre'!ter importance thou this auhj Pct Pnn. Aot:LPflJA, f:::iepre ncb•·r ~.-CiearecJ acbooner is the ~roruouun of Generul l•:Jucatron. D eeply

Dride, Newall, tit. Job11'«~ , N . F. i rn~res~ed wi th a senat> of the , llle8timallle b~nerit~ PA SSEl'\GEJU. couferred 011 tho Co lony uy tl1t: late lll rf\t!Uted

In the flillow from Huston , Meura. John o·.. Rt 0£1.\ RO BARNES, the bUie aucl eSoqu~t projector Ooouell, ROd W. R. C. )1 cCoubre1. of our ~chool eyetem, it ab&ll be Oly most nnxtoua

In Uus \]nicorn trom Hulifn, R iabt · Rn. Ur. detoire to perpetuate and ~xtentl tbe measure ol Ftemin«, tlev. 0 . O ultou, CaJitaln Coruiu, Mid8 whic h he \Us tire tlllthor, and to make f!u ch im· Muagher, aod t wo in the &leerace. JHOve ments on tbe A ct as uporience may ha\"fJ

shown tO he necMsary fN couferri ng tbe sreatelt (ltrom Charlu Willmer'l Europe..'l.n JHai/.) poseillle lJeu~fils on tbe riaiog 1eneration.

ARR11,:&0: -·FROM N&~WeUNOl.Artp . W ith r-ttft'rence to the L egi11lative Cons titution ,\o-ust 24ove aut! Uuhy, O~r(o. 19-flirt lately pro rnulgateJ , J enturtam the opinion wlcic h

Fillueira. ~·l~l10l1fttllint"et, Cathz. ,. ts_J,,b 11 at!d llJelie'e tB ~~~n~rally heul i n the Colony, tbat it l\lary, Sb ie l•l~; .Jee.y, Veda.. Sept. 2.· - Z evbyr, d~e aot pro•ide those meaoa wbicb experieuce Gran•ille. 3-Metcia, 8tfnderlan4. 7-S!Iudwicb, hu ebewo to be the moat e[ective for the lumno-Livervool; r.oneef. PI,> mouth. nioua eo•O)Jeration I of the tWO Houses with ll et'

s AILED J'oa JI&W»'OtJft.DL,Na> . Maj~aty'~t Herreaentatin, ond 1 would consider .\e,z 11t J8.-Wawe, Yt1 ualra. • !li. -Rt>triever, myself unwortb.y of 1our con6denco, d 1d I out un­

Oundee ; Her~fordahire, c .. ui 26.-<.:aetilian equ••boR11y •.lec:l.are my re.atlineas to suvport a Maad, LiYer)Jool. ~"",-~t1 'J..IM. Greenock. •trona hut tiPll•ttrace repree:eolfttioo from the A~ 28.-Uebe, Hrietol. 31.-1(18) Oeaa: tiept. ~ _ sernblflO ~~ r.uenl-Go~ernrnent,for those changes Ceru., Poole i Hritoo, PWL , .-Lady H:oW"Jey, tlaa\·Me oeee:~Mary to sin to all classe• of the com-

. J...•v,..rpool. , j ntontty their due iKJAueoce in tbe admiu11tration ol s.u.ftiJ) rv. L••••ooa :-&~ 10.-Mt rasret tbe Go,•rnmeut. t 1

, L 1 8e • ~ ad I take this oecaaioo al10 to call attention to abeee Abo, 1••rafoo • pr. .- • • Antelope, eectiout ol tbe TOfiD where tbe dwallintts ore con· Liverpool. · ~ I o

La•aaroorr-LoAoi1ua-...._, fer Harbour etructed o'-" ~ood, and io maoy' placea .. crowtled to Ora(e, fte~ouudl•ud; J ... , Olf ec. 'John'"· Ne:w, elreell "ilb eYery <leecription of buildio«, aoct alao fouudlaod. r · wirhou,l a 1Qpply o,f .•aler in c;ue of . fire, ~ '!'he .. • Coaa.: .~01 c ~.-The ; from Liter.. roain· •tretl betua now fuqltbed With thi• duidna-pool, (ot N•• udlaud; l 'ill Mre ,.ub lou JU., .l qaU UM IDJ bht eudeaYuurs to 'obtain 1\

• Q( rore prd. ·•tJJii~ieocJ of it for the localuiea tbat are,JO far uu·

f\ .Gtea•~o~a 1upplied ,. , _ ~ ftfl\ With &bia expr..,~ of ntf eeotimeott, Grna WMCI. 011 &h• l b-.•• &he bonour &o be,

P .. ,., Bept. 1- Gentleme-., . . ro.i.d•aod,•pu' bllck You moat obedienJ &,mlll.,__. ha'• ... '"',.., · -: ' ·. I~M~OOUQLAS, .,.a..,. ~ ~·· lolaD 'i, N .I'.:, leptem'* _,, 1-.s .. • ·

• .. ;

'I '

• -·

l~d~peaa~~~l ~~or~ 4:-ttle Dis·· . . Jract of·· ~t • .Jdh".:,s.

'& -

..,G £NTL£1Blf ,-

The Qeoernt... ection hei~g· now nhout ip tnke ·. ~~

p1oce,1 t~o several re uiaition.s which I huve ieceiv­.ed from ~nost n!lth extern pnrts of. thi~ Olattric•, so uu~e~ou~ly ot1cJ r p~ctnuly. si1inetJ, jo•f ed to tbe solacll$1lons or' rny lrtends 1r1 St. John 's, have cletermiued me to offtlr my~elf as a Cundida1e for your Suffra~•to bave tfle honor of og~tn represe ut­ing yo" in_ Cbe ensuing Hortse of At~semllly.

l!;,uensiyely engaged, ·ns t a"* in the penernJ Tradq, und Agriculture of our Couq,try, you connot help Jlerceiviog that· y our interet~! ant} mine are identified; and I think 1 may witl1 confidence sp· penl 10 tllb (latt I hovt! iovarinlJly tuken autl pur­sued 1 duri:ll! thO time 1 have had the h0n0r Of Q

seat in the L egi11 ln• ure, in using my best exertious un every occasion, for tbe promot;on of your inter-

at, part icularly hy the mnkin~ a nd extension of ltunds nud Brtc!gt!e;, wl11ch l.a ve eo essentially con ­tr ibu ted to tbe cleve lopemen t of our Agric ultural l~csou rr l)~ , u nd nr~ so well calc u lnted to incrca :1e .Oh r. rnorul and sociu l co.mforts, to prove tlcnt I hove hccu hitherto, rn•d ev~r shnll cunlniUe, si11ce rely Jevotcd 10 the odvnucemeot of the ut:st tttterest of our common country.

1 llllve the honor to remoin, / Geutlem~n, .,..C.

Your fuith..lul se rvnnt, '

LanJ·ettce 0' B1·iet~: Sr. J ohn's, 2 1 -l t~l'p1 . ,.1 8 ~8.

W~~~~IIDo 1 T E SSELS to take .coul~ (rom Pictou to

\' Ne w YoNt. Fre1~ht fhre t) Dollnra per Ptc:ou Chah.lron. Apply to

PET~R R OGER SON & SON. Seplamber ~S.

m:o ~t iLtt . ---- .. - .. _,__ --=- ---- ------

.,Ji th po::~ srssiou imutedirti.IIJ ,

a:' hc H OUSE lately occup1 ed Ly the die ~J.·cl llECK , i~ t h e Old Nun 1cry :b'iuld, app ltc n1 ion to bo mudu t

A us.!u:tt 8. PIJILIP DUGGAill

W /'1 1'E JJ TO C JJ.tUl1'KR,


TO LOAD OIL FOR L.;Q~OO~. pply t o


I \ .-. \

mmlP.®lfi·~ . m~ ··ee ·· , ..

DANIEL HILL. & do. B l!:G to ocrtunint th~ir cuatomers, 'ond tl;p pub-·

· l ie g-euernlly rl~at thoy lwve n<?- nenrly co:.a-ple ted tbelr Stock of _.

~IANUFACTURE·D GOODS, I::x tho Norval, fJortltlia, Jntntl S le1oarl, Symmetry,

. orHJ R olla, . . C O NS I STING OF' :

F.-('n~h a.nn Brhish M e riuoos ~ 11 1 d Coburg Cloths an~ Orteans ~ a 8

l& 68

Printed Snxonies ~ newest R ich Cashmere,~. DoLaine Dresses 5 designs G ala, Saxony and Cluth P laids , u rnre variety Tn.rtan a nd H.icb F•lled Shawls and Scarf•, all

quali ties,and JJnt·erns of the grerite~£t novelty Cup, Bonnet, and Plain Ribbone ll~ondS, Laces, .and N ens • Real Thread Laces ~ · ~ Sewed 1\lla~m•,in Collars, Hnbi~ Sh' s, he·

miseties, F'rock &d~es, St.c. WITU AN EI\OLI::SS 4VA R I £TY OF

H osie r y ' nloves, HatH.Ikercluofs Flannelfi, B l'lnkots I31ankct ings , Sor~es, Calicoes :o;hirtiogsl Iri s h Li.n e ns L a wns' D iai>O l'S, Tublo croths flnd Covo rs \\'hite Shi rts Bra ces, glllcks F oncy and PJnin N cck H ;tndke'rchiefs• Goao n"1l nd S ilk Umbrella~. &.c., &r.

'J'o:;tther toilh l!_ll uc,._llcnl assort~uen! nf

~~~BOOTS&SllOES~~ - Al<;O-- , .

/ l'heir well kiiU \\!11 Stock of

\Vhich for durnhil ity 1 style , nod price th<'y gu ;t run\ce to s urpul':f any hith o rt o imporled. ,

A n cnrly c nllto secure I3argnius is rospect­fu11y o l11:tted.

{!)u- Sa{r-:---- ~t~Ob$et·ve the IlvrLSc .t ll./1TE.MPORJUM!

;:=====!:::===========-=--==='=== 1

Sc I'~~ I G. •

1 t\ l)U N\.11 ~ONS l Hi~~Pronf Otuneruru ;~~~Yt"tml (A ,.1\ ~-il';~-&-. --'fff-~-(fil\-~-u . 3 Hogdhf'ad,s S IC.U tU ~~ ~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~

E.r Steamer Ustco n N, f rom 1-lalijft.XI All£ NOW L.\ND I~ G,

700' Old Sb:AL , KIN:; ) E.r •~ Jld·o,"from Bu·stou, 5 T ons P n lo Sen I ~ 0 In A:'ID OHt:lt I-' OR SALt:

8 Tous Brown do 5 r'. rr MESSR . U'D\\'YI.Ol & CO.'S ULO PREMISRS, fo r Sale by

DOp~AN & F OX. Sf' pt. 26. ~· ) - ------------------ -- ---=::::

25 p Ui\S Heavy R e t a iling MOLASSES I 00 Burre l ~:~ Whtte Corn Meal

200 Bogs N o. 2 BRb:Al> 100 Tubs BU l'TBR, 25 lbs . each

• ;; ~n;;;:;;/:;, uO I3oxc s ~lou lei CAN DLb:S. G 's, 3s, I O's _ , 1:3 Srnu P Boxos Hyson and" Imperi ' TE¥'

Of th t~ Burthen of 3 1 Tons N . M ~' n desirnol(' V esse l as Coas\e r, is well lw ilt , uud sai ld fas t .

Terms o f paymont m ado accommod ating t o purchaaera, F o r further porticularc~ ap1'1Y to

LAURENCE O'URIEN &. Co St-pt. 26

By .JPI. S'I'E JrJ~llT A• t,·o . •

420 ~FlltKINS and Tubs Prime HUTT E R Ex C uA NOtt, U ANOErt,and L.t.o\' ::)ALE

frotll .!lntigoni.Jh ; 2 60 F irkins and Tuhs Prime Hutter

& HtGOLAND£11, EsPBRANC~, and A1ARf from Capt Brelon ;

174 F irkiM nn1l Tuhe prime lluuer 60 1'uus Freo .. ~tono SO M. S hingles

Ex MATILOAjrom .Mabou; 85 Firk ins Uurt~r ' ~0 1\1. Hemlock Boards 10 &1. Spruce D~l8

E2:.G&ott~tl'IA J~m Pictou; .50 n , rre l• ( Fl 25 Hal(· dino S our 20 Harr~la 4'tye flour 3 Dozen Suus Otl Clotbea 2 Oiuo Soutb~voeters & Boxes P1ckles

Ex 'l'&anA Nov A from Ntw York Se'ptem~r 99

'fB& ,11'1& !lAW 8&104l'ITIN&

'(;-E.ORGINA, "\

Ut' rac\Uu, 10'7 Ton•, N.Af.-Built of 'i{'eat mat~­riftl,. i1 we•l (ouod io. 11il1, Ti11in &c., aud

~ ~ticolarly well adapJed tor the 1ea) 6iog, aod tbe patral trade of tb~ couotry.

Sepl. U.. M . 8'l'E\V ART k Co,

. ~(D)UJ---rfmlli1~Iii!<& ,. ~- ••W.O•" wlda .......... ._..aeil

100 llngs TABLE SA LT / -14 B oxos Yello w C H ~E~8 2 narrels Ground GINGI!:H. -l l1oxes MUSTARD

60 liruss Lucife r MATCHES 1\J uhognny S0fas, Hat Racks, Foot Stools,

C HAIRS n ud BUREAUS · Puintcd TUlLET · TABLES , Washstands,

Wash Sinks, BUREAUS, &c. , ~c. E.x ALLEGHANY. fr ,tm Baltimore,

:i-l Doxe~ llollC)'-dew 'rOB&CCO. September 16. (2w)

Just lleceived, ex JESSI£, fnm\ London, FOR SALE DY ..

E. & N. STABB 2~o UAG S beat Nuvy BREAD

U lJ 20 Hhd~t. Cognac BRANDY-1\lartell'• and ijonnesey'a brand

10 Hhds. Hi~h . proof Hnvannah RU~l 4 Dit•o Dytstt'a ~e1ebrated India Pale

ALE 2 Ditto Dye.tt's beet London PORTER

82 Dozen Ditto do. London S tout ditto 20 Do. d o . do. . lndta Pai_. ALE 20 Barre ls Stoc hulm and Coal TAR t 0 Cwt. OA

~eplembor 9.

JUST LARDBD ' E:r Ron Ror, f;om Charlo~)',


1 n Y T HE S U B S C R llJ .E R S, ,. il Firkio• t>f •ery IUfterior

) ~


. .


/ ,.. I


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2 ljg ' u:; . • . Z. -- • . ¥ ' ~n t> ' ' p

., ,. •

. ~~--fH.Cil .IJ~ttt:~. - in d1ft t>aet~rn at>ction ~~ the counry. GoYer~m~nt h••e ~. i•i!-u~d a proalamotio.i, of.. Uti&~ . F==:=====:======:-===============~ lowt>r s~'' l·m .. uf Barney~• River, Dunaa' (ering a r-e~a~d of ~ fo't' the· diac:_ov~ry . o , -·· · . .

. . ..

THi! MI~NJOHT WA1'CH. r.lcKenzae ' lll hull~ and barr. and ~~rob •.. the murderer, 0 ° •• 0 ~ coua·r for ;the R~iffOD of· lbe LIS'l'

Rf'ed't. .J t nue~ ancJ ' .barn: Ba~k set • m~~· - -· . Oo nae afiernofb.of ht,._urday. a fire was . qfVoT.ER~ ig: tb~ ,l_ec~ioli o.f a &fem .. · B1' Ill. s. ru.11E. Frera~h, "R•-r~r, ~~mel Sa~p~ bar.~, !>lin daacoYered oo ·tbe pr}'ml~i~~ach the mur- ~ or 'MembeJ& for lbaa · ract, to terve, in

_._ Polloc: 11 huuse and . ba~ll( ~vv .'!1· . ~Hock._ d~ had be~ommi)fed; w)nch. \'faa ex in,-. tbe ~~NER:A.L ~ 4S5£~B. Y of . ~his hi--'Cold oo bis miclni1hc watcb t'be ~rf!ezu blow, house aod IH\~n, . and Sam •. Polloc_k a ~aTn. guaehecl ao~· affer t~tf.&Jil'm waa gaveri. About and wall be t.'6lde~ at tne PoLICE UFFlcE, Jlrom wutee that alumber in eaeru,U srtow· v A c th )ll d R i11 b · • 1 k · h · W d d tfb 20 h d · f S J'oor cllald oftlaoaet, nuralll'\ng of thtt s ton:r t ~u) ea n s rn·e~. ou a saw ":l' • wtt. ,'- nrne o c oc m I e eYenmg, bowe~er, an im- on e dee ay, l . . t _ay o eptemller Sail ore the woes.tbat wreck thy uum ly co:m. quantlly or. Jambor, - and Donald 0 Rnn.ka.n 8 meo•e crowd ~~·e~bl~d about lbe hoo•e,' and n.e~t, o.t ~en o'clock A. · - aud ~O~e its Roek.., vnv~s.~nJ wrnJ~, thy sltaa~eret.l bftrque t.lday, barn. There wero no me~ns o( ascerCnuung from the prevaahng tt-xeltemeot-oceaai.oned by satt~ogs e·verj, :lawful da.x !al \.he ltme .hour, Thy h*'ort us ud, ahy }howe ill far woy. 1 the u~b.rt ~f ~attle and s_heep drstrey.ed, the deat ~f tbe marine-in W41 evident that untU Satur4ay, the 'Seventh day o( October

CdiP8£J.L. bu{ the t~s· an tbrs way i~t suid to havo been "a!Nttmary Y~geaoce on tl~e property was pre· next «)nsuing , Ce~cra) Ditt.rict, s\.. Job!l's. .. - ., very ~-e'"a t. ' ~ m'editatep. 1Thoa~e suspicions were shortly af.._. August SJsc, A.D •• 1~48.

Yes, often on the midnight watch, . ·_There must hue bcP.n a great ·amAunt 0 ( !er c~nfirmed by ftam~a bu~sci~g for1~ fro~ ~be (By order of \he R.eviaiog Magistrates.) .J'fhe. n ilora lleert te sad ahd lone i• lllJUty done throtigh thd r.uunlry, had the we0 • enteraor ~f tbe b?use-w"-1cb an a br1ef peraod · - . L When pond,ring on{~e ~ear cleli-ght.s ther ccntinued dry anott,el"'~y. but mu~tt pro- refhtcod ll to r~na. S>'llfl:IIFW~ll3" do l])£.~21~119 M'bieb circlo round his· di~Hlot boane, vidcntially on Tuesda y even in~· ~he J .5th in.st. ' .It is p. . humilia~ug .consideration, that not- NOTARY PUBLlG, CONV&Y!NCER, &c. IJpoR lhe pnrtnt"r of bis life. there p-as a smart ! huwer of r 10, untl durang ~athataodan~ the ft&ct tiU\t the death of Lynch . . : . Jl ia boaom•d pritle-his vinuoua wife, the re~~tinde r of ·t_he week a g.r t deal of ram is tlte aeye'oth casualty 'hat occun:e.d In that IN offerr.~g has ar.know~gm~ntslo.lua frae~d!

nJ Jo,•ely ~miling baLes.·, .. fell, which t.•a.d .•fae effcc{ of cxtilaguishing ~he vicinity, since the year J83l,ketlpers of~th. ~o r tht:~ pntronuge, .0~01d resFectluljy tn · tire!!. Up I til yesterday, the we.nth~r contrn · tl ls a re stall recogniz~d aa "fit and prope~or- tam.tle to _lerchanJs, Shtp - ~0~18 • and 1\Jna"

hf Are t.hey sunk in ·Jowny rest , ued wet ·and cloudy, wilh chilly north east sons" ro hold laceuscs for tho aale ot spiri tous lertf. of v .ess e le, that h~ conuuues to !.rauM?Ct Or do wild fears dhnruct ab cir br c3~11 winds But e•en the rnin ,much Rs it ,was ne~d- liquor a; aod while IIU~trindulgencei are sar,L"' bu~Uuefl; '"the above departments Q{ hts..offico J''or him 80 fur away. t!d , hos not be~n withont i•s e•ils: for it h·ll in taor.ed, there is li1tlts hopu ol theso uuisancetJ 011 t.ho laLJTAr.y RoA.P. Jl is' dt!t'JI hearl'd dew is in llis ~yes, sur.h ~uar.tities .as 10 croate gre~tt freshets in uoing dbated. . August 22. • fbere':j none ro eeo or to uetq•i~eo. the rr ~ers, wh~oth hove ~eer. swept_..olf ond Su~b painful events l)l tho'lo just witness-ed, ---.,.---- - - - - ----------Snve b~ who rei,;ns above , nl~len,· • se d~tt,oyed ~pnrtacu lnrly lli?_ th~R~st kave occttrred before, and &nay happen again; - l:ID®'fli£~U@£fl:l CS5o£ffiiiDrnN&5o Wbo ncvt:r aUgbts 1be munlv reo r- R1ver . ) . a great portaon of the crop on. ttie m· and th&refore' rhMe cannot be batt one opmiun Alfectiou,d lrabute pure aui.J tlear . lerv.~lcs. . 1hrou~hout the community, sa to tht: necessity

I• ares hn~o al.so been ravag•nA" the count ry of speedily putting down these d~ln urttll ztng n~Clund Autrgonashe t o a very eeriou~ extent establi~hmt-nts ~hich havo too loig been per· I< rom the ulm_,\)SJ t unprecedented drou~ht, the mitted to exert their bnoeful iol'u'ence on the

THE Proprieh.Jr o f tho above E s tablishment l't:~pectfully nnnounccs tu thtt SubJcrih(' r:t

thereto , that L1eut. Colonel LAw hav ing kiauJ. ly ~.trunt ed pe rm ission lor the B .. nd to aneud _every .Friduy a,r Llart'~ o\:lock, pi. m., th9 ful­les t urrnuge;neuts have been•ma~ to otlu rd t lac u · rn uest accotnm~odario n and _Anjo'ymcut to t hb. ~ubscribers to tbe Gp.rd7zG'.

• When poc ing o'er the narr,ow deck, He ~ook~ erross ~l.t- 111ooulight wove, Aut! fet>ltt IIJot tbcrc is--trvc :1 plank Jletween him and on · oce:an grove; Then turns him to tlte 11torry sky, \Vhcre countless worlJs iu heouty Lie, J:othron'd in light nnrl loye. 8ubli111e emo1ionil swetl l•is Aou l, For one greftt God 11urv ey" the, whole, A tf8 from hie 1brooe abo•e Ht."holde tbe vootJerer ort1 1he ~eu ... , The poor ot>gl .. ct.et.l sa d '>r ; lie. U nlike ht~ fellow worm, Despises uot , but stoop!! to l•ir rd The sorrow~ of his aroublcJ oriut.J.

Bot 80:nerimP.s.on abe midnight \\l'atch 'J'he 11centt it~ not so calm unJ mild

4/ I

Storm , tleoth , and danger uf1 ' 11t1r nt:l rk:s 'l'he !Jalhway ollhe oreau cl11IJ; Anu on tltnt dnrk Bfld truckle~ b~O

That erul1lt'm of e:erli!IV • 0

The !llorm tieutl ofteu rides', AnJL!callers de!!olauou wule Acros11 ftte vtx 'tl oral artgry tide; And toue», in his wral h,


}'rom 11ea 10 •"Y the bu ple8s bnrqu", \Vhile oil around is drenr untl du• k, i:>a Yc wheo rhe l t ~;llto i ui! 'tt 6neh,

Blue gleamiug 1hrougJ1 tbo troubled ::ti r, Proclaims tl1e K ing of Tt:rturb tltl' re.

" fis then the hra \•eat hcorr S~ll rtd, slill. The firn•ell t '.low•tt c he~ks irs ''· eH th ; 'Ti~t ahtu tlte sternedt eye mull t 'lund , lo'or wltn unrnov'J may ~~~z~ on dcutlr ! And yet 'tts llrcn our cw.~an sons l"tl uat toi l (o r lrft', mu ts t slruggle on, \ Vhere few would dare to trent! : 'Tis then lh ot counary, l•ome oud t ne11Js, \V iii rueh ac roas ahe rroubled brain • .Anil fill aheaoul wi1ll Cl\tR :

'Tie then tbe in word vroy er i t~ Lrentlt 'd, 'J'he t!ptri t is to Ciotl lJequf'atl. 'at,

· .A nJ 1hc s:roug arm is ot: rved; !tnt] ah! how oft 'ria rhen alte bra ve Art: !hJoutl~tl in the wbeJmiog wove.

The mit!oisht watch; 0! wl•o ntay tell, l'/har deene~a are ncaing on 1~e cleep, When s iltu.t ~l orplreuw urowa ltitt veil,

Aod son~t of eAnl'. have sutrk ro slee1•. ~1nil etr I how ca llous i:1 tLe auul That ftlels u<J t, when the temr)eHt. howl . , ~'or him wbose home'8 the dec I' : ~nd wtro ore tbey who dare cl c.>11pise The brave, abe kind , at.ou,;h oft uuwi1e, The long n~gleel <'d tar. , p l I hnYe lov,J them einre I kL1hv 'fhe colour ot a j:u:ket blue, J ·

Au,i ..- ell J loye them still ; \ . ~od ~e~ I lOVe lhe bouuding wa\e­!J' t," eail~'a horne-the aa1lur'• gruye.

Sr. Johu'•, .Sepa. ~. 1848.

r--- - .. - - - -


' ::---PICToy, Apavn ~4 - ·We JJ)st "'e~J< no .. Jited •hat the fire• ip ditr~reot pari a o f 1 he Fountry, had done eonsiderllbJe injur' to the (armeu . Ttteee iuju r ie_a we haYe ainc learned, ~ gruter tban were a~ a flat time. eupposf'd . fb additipn. to tbe. feoci~ and ' ClOp• 00 'the ground tbat hare been cooavJncd, "teat num .. berft of caHfe ap~ ahe'ep, atrd eJt>n buildiufia

• ~~Ye -r:r. ~·••rored. On th., River Jubu r~·~. ~a }"ill arut a barn c'oritaioin. ~bout .rr.x Jooa o( . 1 ~ tJ..~ ,r~p•n1. u{ Mr. ~ntfl~111 ~c-~Uao, abd an · ~~e of •he lo~dina a~ound a •cb~ol burql tu the

\vopds bad tfcco.me sq dry .that the fires ex- yo\1 1 ~ of Hali ax. , lendt"d rapldly an eve ry d•rcet iun . unc dtls · The latene88 of the hour at whioh'we write, ll'oy ing e.very rhi.n,l in th-eir court~a . A cor- precludes us for tho present from e~teocfing responde~~. -w.~~ on •he )5th inrd., gates us oar remar'-a; bat as tbe su l>ject deserves the tlao fol~ang aecapnl of the slate ol things 11erious coRsideration of the local authorities, there. · of .the Grand Jury of tbe County,of tbu Pulpir.

August 5. WlLLlAi\1 L EA H\' .

PR I CES OF "I tun·c jus t time to say wh ile writ inc, tha t and of \ tbe Press, we tr·ost the community at thia port cf rh e c nvntr1 has never with in the large w\JI urge the adoptioQ of such mctlsures • memory of the oldest inhub it4 nt, suffcrt>d s o ns will eveiJlually eradtcate these fu u l b lul:t unrch from droucht a in tho pro~:~e nt season. (rom tb., reputation o~ our mttropolas.- Ha/i.


\-\' e huve had no rain for wee f{s ; and to add jar Her•la, J_w:ust 30.


st: l. AT fl C'l'OU , •·oR T II E'YEA R 1~4-ii. to tho gene ral ,;!loom, a rn~ i o :: fire is np- CoLONIAL BuaLDJ!'iO AT CuARLOTTETOWN. proachillfl tho vii loge on th ree sides,- m any -·- Thf' Oalcea provided iu the ColontaU3uild · AsrTier from·2 to 5 feel long, untl6 iuches £ s. d.. have fl~d thei t· homes, having been forced •o ina for'thePubhcOiicers, have at length bet'n tltack , per foot (uuperficul1) . • () 0 V t.l f . 1 · For nil A shier \\hun or dcred over G o so in most ca'les rom tltA uenstty of smoke taken poue8 s ioo of hy thes~ geutlemon ,· wh'•ch • iucheb thick. a penny J!Or inch will Hrouud !h-eir dwellin~8 . I have n at heRrd as will be a very great accommodation to tho lJc cbur~ctr-ror·the uuu11 iuuul thick -yt:t o1 any dwel lings bei ng destroyeJ ex- ubi c generally. Tbe foundati~n stone of nelitl;· C*'l't nne · chool house; dumage to a ~ons1.. · uildN-tg \lias )aid on th~ 16th ol May, l)ooL' nnd WiutiO\\ Sillfl from 4 ro 5 feet dernlde rxlt:nt hos bt't'O done to tbti fe nces 1843, ,just five years 'tnJce .moolha and five lo~ uurt 6 itJ.:hoti thick, pt:r foo l (~u" 1hrough the County, and s f eral liult!d of day• p to the time. of i: s bciog 1ak~w pos~ca- JH,.IJc11Hr , t;rRin hov e bee n partially dtosrroyPd. Th-e a.ion of t,y lbe officcra abov,f.t. mt:~ociuuud .-· Dilto froru 5 to ()feel Jon~ C'!o t.lo

Pruise worthy exertion~ ofthe pop ulotioo oene- lslu '.Jcr. Ot1to lito 1 t.lo du lt'o u 1 to I::S clo clo

rnlly hn ve bet>n inatrumental in stopJHng the , he Ceo~os RNUJ:na have jo&L been made uu 8 10 u t.Jo do pro~I'CI!9 of the devouring ~lement , car•tl lttden I , a. · h h Door nnci \ V 111uow IJent!Et , froAl 4 to 5 u , or near y ao, • ...m.. w"ac ll appear~ t ertl wi l t, pundJCOt.l!l of WRier ore rnovtog from uof' 000 . b-•· · I 1 . 1 feel loll" oml LJ iuchcti thtck, J•cr Joot or near 6:3, •n aualtaU\8 -<?O I hUt s ar1u . .. point to a'lotht:r whure the don'ter seem! (t:IUlJt' rtiriul)

I C arlottetown aod Royalty coolaios 4 ,500. ) r 1 .• . 1 trt' nrto &t. While &AI writing, some or our l itiO r. urn 5 10 6 II!Ct ong uO uO bate not yet been enabled to oblain a O.t r 7 do tlo

village peopl.., hnve tbei r all pnckcd uy for in- rect accottot "' thu other &lQtitJtic:t. -lbid. . 10 )


slnn t rt>rnovul. Even merchnnlR witb excusi.. O itao 7to 8 t.lo do , Uitto 8 tO C) llo tlo

blo loresight arefPpnriug to hue thei r a(Oods 1 , • '> 1 U · TlJE FRENCU WEsT JNDIA ISLANDS. ~ Jtyt~ntt'l llnd ~~uoins, - feet' ong. I foo t

sent out of town nlt>t~s &-.coprous supply of \ h •gil unal !J 1nct.~11 ttt~JIIl, ttllcb ra in r omes to o raid, . I koow not whi:re this l\1attere cot!tinue deplorably uuscu led in the (l'•t•o cl trao e.Jiuo 12 11aches t.l iuo will f> nd. Fr~ucb Ht' pulllictsu <Julou il'._ of Maruuir1uo uru{ Jl:xrrn ~iZl'~r por ft!OI C ll~'~

The hny httnest has been more 1 ha n usuol - Guat.laluuptS wubout ally J.lroepect ol'tmprO\'t:nreu t . ..... Uio1 k$ UtHh:r f» fe'lt culle PH foot ly goou , 11 nd the 1n ost of it is already s uved tJua4•1uuve-cuua.uie&tlt1al tjtdliO buvt: e.O.I! teut- D•llo 7 fee t d1ttu in this nctghhourhood. \VIteu t a p~tr·ti al !ai- I.J outatriJ.Ipt J tint otlter iu al&e nJiu ~ta ol c •val•;(.d.. Uttlo 10 ~11to

f I l tion, and wlaicb ltaa bee~hdd up us an exnutplu of D tllo J 5 ll i~to lure ro m weev • ' thoug l not ~o the f"'X\ ent al. !MX'i~t1 ort.lt:r and ;ndu trial ul'gaui:tutaou-p.ovct~ l...'rrro 20 d'''& fir sl fea rf'd . Potntflos nothing •o bous l o f &s n•tw to 00 iu a ·comhtioo not 0110 whu lJt:tter alu1u Dano 25 dt•.ro a ' crop, but n:t ye t no ~ign of Ll •g ht. 01\ts in- al:e vtight ol poor Murri.O 1ue, suduK only r b~ Jl o:.~ Duto SO cl uo ddfcrc ut uwin~ to tho great drought." tolunci uu1a1nscre a111.l coutl gra tion of tl•e 'l~tiU ~luy. Oiltl.i ~5 ditto

A nnther pe r~nn who writ e& unde r 1 he same lS ut~illt'l:t is everywb~reat ttl lUtd 11111, t\M.l 1Jlumu· I> a no 40 dit o dattl s nys:-" It . has just been report ••d that li.on labour hull ~ttu abtJr• ctl uy thcnuwty ·tutun· OurJr Sa r.~P, from 4 to G feel long, per Ste p ben Hulu~rl, laving about two males from crpacec.J , ne o c~tllaug unworth ~tlt;( uaty t04nac~r wor (sup .. r fic iul) the Yllla~re ou t of \hirty ll eod of eattle uwncd tbey laeve ~t'eO elevate~~ ~IIII er lh~~1ndu'll ol J.,. Oiuu frorn G to 8 diuo dillo

to ' 1 . . . butt, Egct.~ d~, p ,attrntlt; aod tlie GlJvernor, Crtu· Duor l'lnliNmfil or Ln:.d tll!:f"• mf'nsu r-. Ly htm .found e le ~en .a lave , nne e •ghl burut to )'tlll Gaune, take~t Uunga in thtt coolt•t uuwner iug fr or'U 20 ao !l5 leer t~uperfic iu l, dt"ath; the rt• anrtanang .olcvcn could 1101 btt 1 trnrtgmalale, never slrrriUg from btd home, nor from 6 to 8rnchestllici<, perfout. found .-Ea~/tr f1 Chromcle. uouLliRg huu:st:lf w11lt tJoarrg mure thuu suhacrib. Ditao fruru 25 lo ~0 feel, ~ t· r loot

SAw 1\ln.r. Dunr<T .-We rf~ret to learn that on F'ridny nig ht lust. n saw mill btJiong· tng to Mr J ames Fras~r, W c>sl H1vt>r, WRs d~stroy ed by fire. There w1u uardcr .the snmc roo( a th rashing miU, which \Yith a quon­riry ufg rnrn hou!'od in it lo r th" purpose of Le ­wg 1hrn11hcd , wu totally con5 umcd. N uthang was knol'·u ns to tJr e origin of th~ lire, Lut it rs s up posed to have bc en•the work of au inccn · didry.- Jb.

'ng lr.d U81UU lO lilt' lklcret~t SCUll OLU Jr0111 i'' ruucu 1>1110 frotH a0 tO :J!) Oltltt

for publi~arion iu the Culouy. f), uo frorn ~5 10 40 diuo ft' rom Muniui4ue, we leurn, th&t the fc8tival of Cb imncy T op Ashler,4 or 5 iueb 'lrir k,

Co,.pu• Ch¥i51i w,s celebrated un Suratluy L~run• per lour (supt:rficiRI) la1H, 10 port'. ct ottlt:r omJ tlec""cy ;-tlwu~h n ru· Cop ng, :1tt: ~:: t lo••g, 2 10 2~ feet wiete lhU JtiOUtriUlble cir CUil11HUIIC8 OCCUrred, IV lhe 110 g Or S~ iuchea lll trk &mt.lllcollftltlruu tion of ahu supetltttiuu,-, iu tht:~ w cu- Datto diHo 3 tflllo, 4 to 4~ tlitto ll•err which lJul h"e" pn:vioudly la ir a111l o,;reeuble, \ VIteu n11y (I[ lite ulJovtt Saonu nre or-eutlt.lt:uly chuut;uag to rain \\ buu the IJTOCe~ioo cleretl to d i rnensiontt , orae pea.uy o•l .. reuched tile ISJIOL "b .. ra M . ))., ;::)a no is' l &uu:~e wad d it iuoo I, p~r fuor, will he charged. lJ.ar nt ou the ruglrt of the 22ud,ttud ll lrt:liDt:t.lous clap 1'o111 u S toneP, 7 feet loug, ;lA widtt 4 to ut tbuuder, J.l!t~eded hy 100111 vivul llghtJ•rng, ut 5 inches tb;r k ahe eaure wonaept tmrwung vverhtad. A &ecoutl Oitro 6& dilto, 3 dit to, S& to 4& ditto Utltlioo of the -oamo jeu WIUI eiv~u Uti 3urll.luy Ialit, li onel Stor.es, 6 dauo, 2A cliuu, s to 4& whacb like tbtt finn "t)"t off ~renlly to abe lwuur of 1liuo . 1

Uovernor Periuon'e firm pohcy iu opposrriuu to tile D iuo 5& to 5 2 · l'l leet long, 2 8-12 to 1d le meuacts» which hal! ueeu~ tl.rruwo out by th~ 2 4-12 \v ide 'C1tturit111 of ti l . P~rre. Diat•> 5 3:12 10 :> 6-12 di!. ro, 2 2-12 to

It hu been ruurouietl that au. inturrectionnry 2 3~ 1 2 d ttto S!Jiril it hroodina amou8st tl1e lower. orclt:rd •u 1he Dittu 5 to 5 :J.I2 t.liuo, 2 to~ 2-12 ditto uut·quarter•-abe hyrer .. revoluti.onary tliltrtct of St<Joe for ditto !Je low 5 and a~vtt 4A Gtlll·d Aueo bt,iug, ul ~ourse iuclude1!-whtch naay fe~t , vrobubly JHO'e ~uullleiSl.ltne to Ooveruor .t'erauoo Hearth Stones from 4 to 4l feet loug il lte tee c:uuunuea b)Fr~uctS at the bead o(tltfaar11 iu vnrl S or 34 incla~at~ ick Mttrainique ~ b,UI, WhiCh, we le tsl &fiiJ't'd, 1101!0 Piuo s~ to 4 iJiiao

0 0 !I 0 0 It) u u Jt) u 0 II 0 J u

0 0 10 0 0 11 0 l u 0 1 ~

0 1 a

0 () .. 0 0 :l :I 0 1 ;j

0 1 :J 0 1 5 0 J 7 0 1 ~

0 1 II 0 ~ 2 tJ 2 ~

0 2 4 0 2 {j

0 ,0 10 0 .l 0


JO 3 :l 0 ~ 0 0 j ()

0 j 10

0 0 n () 0 8 0 1 ()

2 7 & 1 J2 0

0 1G 0

b 14 0

0 13 0 0 )J 0

0 0 10

0 0 8 0 0 7&,

FnesuETS JN ST~WIAC JCK.-\.Ve learn by a pe rt~on from Ste wiacke, 1 hat the frelfhots o f latt t week have deHiroyrd a great dc11l of pro­perty tht! re . I n U ppc r Stewiacke f\ oow g riHt mdl a nd cnrding rndl, bclon~ i11g lo .D. & A. F 1she r, and a s tune dnm which the y had put up last !.Ooson , we re s w·cpt uwuy by tile t~ta·ea1o . A grist mill thu property of Mr. Willia cn Nt>wcnmbe, ond the bridgo over the river ntnr the Ho v. J\Jr . S rnula'd, were nlso de<Jtroy cd . St- vtrt'ul person& huve lost a portion of lhc ir crnJ,, :and onu indJYidual, ~Jr. C . (;ox, has lost I Wt>II'Y lu ll:i uf hoy. It iJ said to have IH•en une ut the grt• atcst'fr~shcts ever known •h f'!rc.-l b.

wuuld tJe better aWe tb•n lJIIntelf to suBdue.- We Floes below t)Jeae Qizea and thiekoe11 1:1 1'0 inducesd to eruploy tbi• coouitioual eavre"iuu per foot 1 0 b 7 fro au tl}e kltO wu racl that h i• earl)'·· rtcull w geue.. 1\1# STE \VA ItT & Co. rally exvecaft.l aat Maraio.rl<1ue. S ume 1111 hu is to June 15. lle euvetfr•lttd •to ibe admtu,.tnuiou by ao officer of •Ut••rH>r 'rauk ill the army, he berua Lu~ a ma· jor uf arulleay-whjlst. i\ i.~a&tiruttd by otber•, tbtit the prot..bllhy of bit recall ,. &r•uildecJ ~·pou tbe rurnonl uf M. ::lcb!» -cher, bia lra.tbd aod . vanizao frotn lbe direc,ioo c,f colonial aS. in in the motber CQUIIlty, lhd aha •J•(lOiDUUeDt or fd. Oupio, ··i• pO.· lr,ieal upponeot. B• tb&a .u h w.a7, wo luaow •c a _,euuoo, conred wi.b e.ilual'(r• ot .tbe io• AabiLUCf ul MartieJique, ,.,.JiDf for Al o~ Peru:aoo'e CODIUtUIQC4J .. hie pre~& pftit'e,.u. IO(~ardetJ per la•t pac~t to t.e laid be(or• we French GOY· ttrnilleDJ. It •'-' ANt aa .. u dar ft~t Martanique, i( ftl.· ~..,.·, re.._.,,_.. dettraUicd oJJ.-:S, L-..·

Jlgntl1 St. John'1, Nrtej'ound/and.

INGl U.ODIUER, Printed and uhHehe~ y Joa,PR WooDs, ar' hi1

Ollire iA Meurt. Rt O'Dwn:a & qo.'e Brick Rutltliop, . lieck'a CoYe, W,atr'Sttt;t, .eYery , 'fuUDAT, TtiuaaDA • and s.'Tua~n· m,oroin' .

Tum1-Tw a-.'I'Y Sas~La~aa Currtnty J»ft aDDUia.

·BOOK .a.. a ·~,£o11 PBI.TJ•a · Ncillfy Ezecvttd td (he o,~u. ~/lA•' &l'OUIItQ •

Couaaaa, al llu •f'orl~ ~tu:c lAc tlellwrt '1. t~ad.' ·~ trlead., e ·giYea' ua tbe· ~!'!'I ~!~~~~!'~ 1 d.-~ored

Ji • • f' • II , .;

MuRDEn. &c:-An iuquost was held oo Fri· dA y uud couc lu(Jed on Saturday morning, upon tile &."'dy o f Ht•ury Lynch i Ma ine belbnJting. to rho }t'Jag :-hip , "l.o wu fouud oead on Fri­duy :nt!rrtinl( 3t a hc•Ut l" of iiLrame in .811raek •trt-e t - From the evidt nce &dduc~d before ll•v jury 1 f11ct• ·comfl. out whicb pro.ved beyood all • .doulat that the unfortunttte deeeaaed hat& bt~~n .t~~urdettrd--the jury. th6refore, returoe a ~ .. rd tdt or wallul hlOrder egain.,~e pel"' sou or pc r•on111 utiluiown -h ia repo d that on., or lwo putie• are uow in j•il on au pici o ~~ ~Dbwin)•omtttlainc aboa\ Ua~ llr. ~he . . CUI~-,.~ . ol'l/aa wprk will·GUiil 'f·~ • . ~

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