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Sen. Thomas Ada Chairman

Committee on Transportat10n, Infrasm1cture, Ltnds, Border Protection, Veterans' Affairs and Procurement

l 1'vftt1a Trmtt1i Tres l\:a L.ihesi,;t11mn G11ahm1 • Guam Legislature

April 19.2016

The Honorable .ludith T. Won Pat, Ed.D. Speaker I Mina'Trcntai ! res !\a Lihcslarnrnn Ouahan l 55 lleslcr Place

llagtitfia. Guam 969 l ll jJ ff

I E,,fU4] · VIA: The Honorable R Y,f: Respicio

Chaiq1crson. (\immittee on Rules


Dear Speaker Won Pa!:

TransmiHcd herewith is ihc Cotnmiltcc Report on the Executive Appointment of Mr. Oscar A. Calvo 10 serve as a memher of the Ciuam Port AU!horily Board 11/Direclors.

CommiHcc \lllcs arc as follows:

10 DO CONF!Rl\1





Thomas C. Ada

Sen. Thomas Ada Chairman

Committee on Transportation, Infrastructure, Lands, Bottler Protection, Veret:w:!S' Affairs and Procurement

I MinaTrentai Tres Na Uhes/at11ran G11ahan • 33'd Guam Legislature


The Appointment Of

Mr. Oscar A. Calvo

To Serve as a Member of the Guam Port Authority Board of Directors

,\d:l Pbza c.~ntcr, Sui!c 207. 1-:'J .\sp1nall ;\vc .. rtap;atOa, (nJJJT1 96910 (h71) _;_7~1~ 1301 • C)fficct~Scn'ltt•f/\d;i.:irg • \\"'X\\.i.Senaror;\J,torg

Sen. Thomas Ada Chairman

Committee on Transportation, Infrastructure. Lands, Border Protection, Veterans· Affairs and Procurement

[Mina Trentm Tre.r 1\fa Liheslaturmt Gudhan • Guitm Legislature

A.pril 19. 20 l (i


All Members Committee on Transportation. Infrastructure. Lands. Border Protection. Veterans Affairs and Procurement

Senator Thomas C. Ada l 'ommittce Chairperson

Suhject: Committee Report on Appointment of Mr. Oscar A. Calvo

lftlti1 Ada!.

Transmitted herewith for your consideration is the Committee Rcpon on the appointment of '.\fr. (hear A. Calvo to serve as a mcmher of the Guam !'or/ Awhorily Board ofDirectors.

This report inc ludcs the folhnving:

• • • • • • • • •

Committee Y Ole Shcc't Commith:e Report Digest Cop) of the Appointment of Letter ro the Speaker Copy of the Appointment of Packd and Supporting Documents Public Hearing Sign-in Sheet Copy of Submitted Testimony and Supporting Documents Copy ofCOR Rclcrral of the Appointment Notices of Puhlic Hearing Public Hearing Agenda

Please take the appropriate action <)11 the attached VO!<C sheet Your altcntion lo this mailer is grcally apprecialecL ShouiJ you have any questions or L:once-rn'.-1. pl.ea~L· dP nut hesitate to c-nntact l11C,

Sen. Thomas Ada Chairman

Committee on Transportation, Infrastructure, Lands, Border Protection, Veterans' A ffa1rs and Procurement

I Min,1 Trm1ai Ires :\ti IJhtS!aturan CuJhan • -13'" Guam Legislat:ire


APPOINTEE: Oscar A. Calvo Member P,isition:

1\gcncy: Guam Port Authority Board ofDinxtors









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Sen. Thomas Ada Chairman

Committee on Transportation, Infrastructure, Lands, Bonier Protection, Veterans' Affairs and Procurement

I A1ina Trentai Tres I\Ja Liheslaturan Cudhan • 33'J Guam Legislature



The Committee on Transportation, Infrastructure, Lands. Border Protection, Veterans' Affairs and Procurement convened a puh!ic hearing on February 8. 2016 at l .30pm. in I Lihe.1/a111ran Guahan Public Hearing Room. Among the items on the agenda was the consideration of the appointment Mr. Oscar A. Calvo to serve as a member of the Guam Port Authority Board of Directors. whose appointment history is as follows:

• • •

Appointment hy Eddie Baza Calvo. Governor. On January 27, 2016 . Appointment packet forwarded to 1 Liheslaturan Guahan on January 28, 2016 . Appointment packet forwarded to lhis committee for puhlic consideration on January 29. 2016.

Public Notice Requirements Puhlic Hearing notices were disseminated via email to all senators and all main media broadcasting outlets on Monday. February L 2016 (5-Day Notice) and again on Thursday. Fehruary 4. 2016 (48-Hour Notice). Nolicc was also posled on the Legislature television channel.

Senators Present Sen. Thomas C. Ada Sen. Frank B. Aguon Jr. Sen. Nerissa Underwood. Ph.D. Sen. Mary Torres Sen. Frank F. Blas Jr. Sen. V. Anthony Ada

CommiLtee Chairperson Committee Member Committee Meml:;er Committee Member Committee Memher Legislative 1vlember

The confirmation hearing for Mr. Oscar A. Calvo commenced at I :30 p.m.


Chairperson Ada: calls those who have signed up to give testimony.

Tim Kemaghan. PAG Board Memher: He has been impressed with Mr. Calvo's dedication to the Port /\uthority Board. Mr. Calvo's brings with him the persp.;ctive of working with people and understanding of asset hasis of the Gornrnment of Guam according le> 1\1r. Kernaghan. He explains that the Port Board is in a difficult position with only 3 members cum?ntly sitting and all 3 memhers have to be committed in order to haw a quorum.

Joann Brown, (J_/,,f Port A111hori1y o/Ciuam: She is in favor fix Mr. Oscar Calvo to sit on the Port Authority Board. Ms. Brown had the opportunity to work 1'.ith Mr. Calvo about 10 years

\~b PJ;u;t Lo._·nii:r. :::uHt- 20-:" J''.'3 \\fHn.tll ,.\vt._ • l--Lif1)11u, (;u;oTi 1)6')10

·J1: I; 4"":, \ }t)l • C)ffici:::~~-Scn;ir;;r: \da..< Hf!, • '~\",\'"" ~cn-.~ror,\dct-nr~

ago when he was the Chairman at Chamorro Land Trust and she wa,; with l JOG. 'I hey had an MOA agreement lo look at Chamorro Land Trust compliance when it came to Agricultural kascs. According to J\"ls. BrowiL il was the first time these issw:s were ever being pmsucd was during tvk Caln>s time as chairman of the CLTC

She explains. tvlr. Calvo has been very dedicated and committed to the Pon Authority Board. The board including Mr. Calvo have been very supportive of the Port's efforts in the upgrading of their facilities according to Ms. Brown.

Chairperson Ada: l !c calls fornard '\fr. Calvo w present bis testimony.

Oscar A. Calvo. l'ACi Board Mon her Appoinle<' lk is bere wday to ask for his re-nomination to the PAG board. His philosophy is to think simple and easy and is open to any questions th0 panel may have for him.

Chairperson Ada: He explains to Mr. Calvo the topics that arc going to be discussed were basicallv takt:n of the PAG board minutes and should come as no surprise. Additionally. the topics to he discussed were provided in advance so that he (Mr. Calvo) could prepare in ad1ancc for his confirmation hearing.

Chairperson Ada asked Mr. Calvo 10 givc the !l1ajor rea:;ons that drove the petition for the 71~;) iariff incrt::asc and is thL· increase a one tin1e hun1p or is th1.:Tt.~ going to be tUrther tarifJ adjustments 10 the PUC.

Mr. Calvo: Ile did [Y(llC to! approve the tariff for one year and hold back on the other 4 years. They felt at tile time diat 7%, was good for one year and the other 4 would be on a sl udy \0 sec where they stand. The board approved !he I year and from there they would see if they need to

go f(tr the next 4 yt~ars~

Chairperson Ada: Asked Mr. Calvo if it is his l Mr. Cairn] understanding that atler I year. if" nevv petition is not sent to the Pl JC by Dec. l 2016 then the Lan IT rate will roll back to rnte it \\--as bcl{Jrc th~ incr~asc.

Mr. Calvo: Responds by 'iaying not necessarily because ofihe other 4 years is still under a review study. U11til the results from those studk> come om is\\ hen they would be able w notif~ the PUC.

Chairperson Ada: Asks Mr. Calvo if measures being wk en to make sure that ''hen Ikcember 2016 comes Y<'ll have the necessary da!a to send to the Pl ·c.

Mr, Calvo: I le says that v,iJl he up w the management of the Port and will take it there once it gets tt1 the hoard.

Chairperson Ada: Brings to Ilic att<."ntion of Mr. Cairn that 12 GC \, § 12 l 16 (a) s. "1111 rate chr:tr,t[I! or tl.)'sessrnenl ct1s1 _1.,-hal/ he e.s!ah!ishetl {;,hantloncil rnot.i~-fiell cli!jHJ_rferlJfcnn ur H i1hout a fJuh!ic heurin.s.: anll r he 1:rrior U/JJJtuval o(the ( 'otnn1i.\s-fon. -~ C'hairper;:;on ,c\da unJcrstands this provision of the law that although the resoluiinn from the Board r.:quc,wd

rate increase for only I yeaL that 7% increase stays in place until ihe Board transmits a petition for farther tariff adjustments to the PUC

Mr. Calvo: The 7''1o is for one year and the uth<:r .+years is under study to see ifi1 is feasihk for the Board to go ahead with the other percentage and it is heing worked on by the ma:iagcment.

Chairperson Ada: Asked Mr. Calvo ii' he has read 1.hc Slater. l\'.akmnura repon (pertaining to the proposed tariff increase).

Mr. Cah'o: Stated lk did not hm e time to read the rt:porL

c:ha:irpcrson :\da: l:xplains the report state~ that the . 7'3{; increo.'i'{/ r•,' no{ Ulfequure to X!J.!ncra12

rhe level ofrevenues 11r:eded by !'AG'. HI? asks Mr. Calvo to enlighten the panel l(ir the primary reasons for the tariff increase.

Mr. Cah'o: ! le says it is fr.If upgrades for maintenance and grounds in the port.

Chairperson Ada: He explains} maJor reasons were identified in the resolution that was passed by !he Board. The major reasons are lo co, er operational costs. provide adcquaw lunds ror dcb1 sen ice of existing loans, and to purcha:;c ground handling equipment and the lcrminal Operating Sys1e111 tTOS).

Sen. Underwood: Asked what are some of the major accomplishments at the l'or. during his time on the hoard.

Mr. Calvo: He says, now the port is hcmitiful and amazing of what has transpired dmrn there through the years,

Sen. l.'nderwood: Asked ML Calvo what is the major impro,cmenl he has noticed since at the P011.

Ytr. (_:al\'o: l le saiJ there are s<J n1any in~~inr con1pletions dov,Tt thi.:re anJ it is \VOtih 'v\-hilc 10 :>l'l\

the m1rrovcment of the port's rrokcts,

Chairperson Ada: Asks Mr, Calvo to dahorntc on where the hoard is at in regards w the l nion contract and GFT requests to the Pnrt' s GM to make changes to tlw colkctive bargaining agrct:n1cnL

Chairperson Ada references the January 30. 2015 board minutes where the Port's legal c<runse! stated authori(V lo 1nake cha.ngcs ro rhc a,r:,reerncnt is- t-'esle<I in the lfo(Jrr1 /)irccffN'.\ arii.1 nor the (i.\f a1ul also the l1roces.v is entire(r ttt lhc tliscrcrion f~{the hoartl to inn Fe

rhis i\.111efi>rward or nor" regarding the cullcctive bargaining agrecnK·nL

'Vlr. Calvo: Stales that he docs not know much about !he union issue anJ is premature for him ro elaborate on it.

Chairperson Ada: He asked '.\lr, Catvo if, he had a chance to he bricfod 011 the co!kctiYc bargaini11g agrecn1('.nL

Mr. Calvo: He says the issue was brought up al the second meeting when he first started on the Port Board, He believes board policies slwuld be eneumhcred \\ith the Pon' s managemem to act on what needs lo be done. '.Vtr. Calvo would rather not discuss this issue.

Sen. Mary Torres: She asked Mr. Calvo ho"' long has he been siuing on the board now and knew about the issue since he first sat on the board.

:Vlr. Calvo: He sat on the board only about a year

Chairperson Ada: Stuted that in the advance memo sent to 11,ir, Cairn it was stated that Gantries 2. 3. and 4 were to be topics of discussion. In reviewing the hoard minutes it reported gantry crane 2 is awaiting to he surplused. crane 3 has b.:en nwth hal led and ;;anlry crane 4 has been fluctuating up and down according to Chairperson Ada. He asked Mr. Calvo to .:nlightcn the panel on what is happening with the cranes.

Mr. Caho: He knm\.' gantf) 2 has been decommissioned and gantry 3 is up for an assessment !o

determine if it would be decommissioned as \\·elL In regards to gantry 4. 5. and 6 it is operationaL

Chairperson Ada: He asked Mr. Calvo when is the last time he reviewed the operational report for the gantries.

Mr. Calvo: Ile reviewed it on the las1 board meeting.

Chairperson Ada· lk notice ,1n the board minntes the port had written 3 or 4 letters to GSA asking GSA to return custody of gantry crane 2 back lo the Pot1 and asked jf Mr. Calvo is aware cif it.

Mr. Calvo: lk 1s aware or it. hut it is up to the pwcurement of GSA

Chairperson Ada: Said he called GSA. and asked them why they ha\c not responcbd to tlw According to GSA, gantry crane 2 has been deconunissioned,

Mr. Calvo: ll has been dcconm1issioncd and has been resolved by the procurerncm

Chairperson Ada: He asked Mr. Calvo. then v1hy is the Port writing letters to GSA asking to return the crane back to the PorL

\1r. Calvo: I k responds not really and are just waiting on the bidders.

Chairperson Ada: He called CiSA last week and GS'\ put the gantry 11p for hid with the requircrncm of a minimum of $200JJOO deposit bv the winning hidrkr. GSA does lmH: 8ll

interested bu\ er and it is just taking awhile for th.cm to coordinaw gelling access into the Po;-r 10

obtain the necessary data needed. l k th.:n talks uhout gantry 3 and asks J\lr. Calvo who is n1aklng the asscssn1cnt to lh~ gantr~.

Mr. Calvo: l le says Matson is making the assessment und is awaiting a thorough rcpon The report will come hack to the Gi'v1 and then reported to the board.

Chairperson Ada: Ile asked Mr. Caho what is his understanding of what the Port is doing to prepare for the replacement of the cranes. Chairperson Ada explains the when the c~anes were purchased. part of the~ requirements hy the !'UC was for the Port 10 set up a sink in!! fund for the cranes. They estimated the lire of the cranes would expire around 2028.

Mr. Calvo: He asked Chairperson ,\Ju if he could han: the OM of the Pon answer tha! question

Chairperson Ada: I le says no and wants Mr. Calvo to answer iL

Mr. CalH1: lie says 'everv equipment has a life span and envisions that when they purchase son1cfhing i/"con1e.\' 'd:ith a mltinrenance rnanual as 11·1:-dl as fo JJtej?(tre then1selve.,- he/ore !he hrel1kin,r,z: <l<nrn (?f-c4uip1neru 's'.

Chairperson Ada: Ile >uggcsted to Mr. Calvo to review a copy of the "lakamura report. ln that repo11 Mr. Calvo will find that PAG estimates the crane reserve funds (sinking fund) 10 be about $8!v1 dollars hy the year 2028. The projection is estimated to be about l 2'X, of the rcp!acemem cost of a ne\\ cnme which is prnjeetcd t1) be anywhere between S43M and $6 l M.

Chairperson Ada stated that he wants to make Mr. ( 'a]vo aware that all this information ties into the tariff increase, because the increase proposed hy PAG did not make adjustments to the crane surcharge. What is hcing collected for 1he sinking fund is going t<J be no where sufficient for what will he needed.

Chairperson Ada then asks Mr. Calvo \\hal steps is PAG taking lll ensure that l [-wharf becomes a comrihming asset to the Port

'\tr. Calvo: llc explains they have spoke about that in the hoard meeting. Right no". the harbor patrol <lPt:S not nieei the rt."quircn1ents of dock Ing lhe ship there and ~re trying to sci:ure sornc runds for it.

Chairperson Ada: !le a:-ks Mr. CalH1. at what level has the Port tried hi secure funds for that project

:Vlr, Caln>: l le knows thcv have hecn "orking on that part and can not speak more on 1L until lhc issue has been r~sotvl'd,

Chairperson Ada: He suggest to l'vk Calvo to go back and read the 111inu1es from the board meeting. In those minutes Mr. Calvo v\ill find that the PACi has suhmirled an application for a tiger grant» The first couple of times were for $ J 7rv1 and the third lime for l 'vl. I le explains 10

i\lr. Caho. that is the level the Pon is taking in trving to secure the funds. Chairpcr"m Ada then ask> Mr. Cairn if.! !-wharf is free of any son nf legal entanglements.

Mr. Calv,o: Ile is aware it is under arbi1ration. but be can not speak much about it

(:_·11airpcrson :\da: I Ie hopes .\'1r. C:ai\ o can hccon1c n1orc :l\Var~ cif it hccaust: it is an i1n~nrtan1 issue an<l asset to the Port

Chairperson Ada: He look a Jm1k at the account receivables for the momh ending Cktobcr 2015 and compared it t<1 October 2014, llc notes the Port llas made significant progress in reducing thc receivables that are 120 days or older by 53%, \Vhat's nolabk is that 46% of the receivables that are 120 days or older can be atlribut-.~d to 1 accounrs. T'hey arc the san1e 3 accounts frotn 20 l 4-2015, tic asked ML Caho docs it cause him any concern,

Mr. Calvo: !le says not r.:ally because the Pon is working on the issues, ML Calvo bases himself on the facts an<l numbers lhat arc given to him by managemcnL He can not comment 1.>n it to much. until those reports come irL

Chairperson Ada: He ask Mr. Calvo does he know how much receivables arc overdue' 30 da\'S or n1orc.

Mr. Calvo: No he does not

Chairperson Ada: I le tells Mr. Calvo it is $1.8M, He says it is good the Port is generating a lot ofrcvcnue. but irits not collected then the revenue is no gonJ to the PcirL

Chairperson Ada then moves on to talk about procurement issues. lie explains to Mr. Calvo there has been a Jot of concerns regarding procurcnwnt issues such as the <ldavs for top lifters, He asked l\k Calvo how do vou think !he procuremcm law shouid be improved for the Port

Mr. Calvo: lk believes the procurc'mem authority should be' given back to the Port Authtlrity. ft will lessen the burden on the Government of Cluam. since it they deal with a lot of proct:rcmcnr lS-SUCS,

Chairperson Ada: Jk asked ML Calvo. ifhc is familiar with the procurement ''rnccss that took place with tbc top li!lers.

Mr. Calvo: lie knows there was a chalkngc of procuring tl1c mp liticrs, :\fr Calvo procurement process holds back the government.

Chairperson Ada: He stated his understanding that the lop lifters specifications paper w,irk got put together by the Porfs procurement di\'ision. Then it gets sc:nt to GSA for its review cmd if everything is ok. it will be mo\'..:d forward.

Cirnirpcrson Ada wns told by (iS;\ thnt they d(> nut sil cm the Port's procurement issue,,! le km1\\S on the last go around for the procurement of top liHers there was a protest by om: of the bidders. The· bidder protested that the specilication;, only rnll:rcd to one particular bidder and the Port to 'erif\. Jn one week the Port was able to confim1 from 3 \endors that thev could meet

0 '

the specification:i as wdL The specifications stayed at th..: Pon for about 65 days more due to th<: Port wanting to coniirmmions from 2 more vendors. When in !act GSA was line to go with the first 3 confirmation of vendors.

Chairperson Ada. says the timcline is really driven by the Port and is not sure if giving 1he procurement authority hack lo the Port will solve 1hc problem. I k undersmnds the top lifters .ire 1wt going 10 be in for about 9 months and asked Mr. Calm will the Port sun ivc on just 2 or' top lifters.

Mr. Calvo: He says \Vh) would the Pon wa111 to huy top lilier'i according to someone else's ,1wn specifications and not the Pon's. The vend(lr that challenged the bid specifications protc,;tcd because we did not want to go with their specifications. l le fuels the procurement law is what hdd the !'on hack from procuring the top lifters.

Chairperson Ada: Chairperson Ada explains in a media report the PA(i Operations Manager indicated there should be 12 top lifters in rhc inventory of the Port. lk asked 'vlr. Calvo. if he is concern that the Port is going to be operating with 4 top lifkrs for !he next 9 months.

Mr. Calvo: He replies by saying. "we are all concerned about ii ...

Sen. Aguon: i le explains the line of questions direct.cd to 'vlr. Calvo comes rrom a policy pcrspeLtive._ hecause ln the next fev.' _years th~ Port is gl)ing to see :111 incrca;.,i.;: in nctiYilit::s. it \vtll need le) be in conjunction with the existing requirements as well as accommodate an) additional impacts felt by the military build up. according w Senator Aguon. He just wants lO make ;,urc the Port pre-plans,''' there are no delays and are provided with as much support as possible.

Sen. mas .Jr: He asks Mr. Calvo what does he sec his role as in regards to employ ec· relations with management. What kind of value docs this hring to the board?

Mr. Calvo: He responds by saying this is the third hoard that be has sat on and has worked in the gcivernmcnt for so many years. ! le looks and listens to what the employee,; need in order to make their dcpartnklll function. llc helicvcs he has a lc>t w offer to the pcopk of Guam.

Sen. V. Ada: He feels Mr. Cairn's dedication is vet) valuuhle to the Pon·s Board.

Chairperson Ada: He asked has the determination he·~n made ofwh<:n the 90 Jays plus.\ legislative days is up. Chairperson Ada believes it will he in June and adjourns the hcarint>..

Submitted \vritten Testimonv: Francisco CJ, Santos. ( 'hairn-nu1 of-the f>,:1(; /Joarcl

HI. Findings and Recommendations:

Committee Finding: L Expirnlion o(!c:nure: Mr. Calvo's term had expired on Decemb<:r 31. 2015 and is in \lw hold over

capacity of90i;akndar days plus :i legislative days. His current tenure on 1he board is valid up until the adjournment of the Legislature's session in June 2016.

·'- Kno\\jedQe of Board issues: Although the Board nominee was provided. in advance. :he tu he discussed (topics which were discussed at Board meetings that he was in attendance). Mr. C1Jn, was general!) unaware of the issues and wus thus not able to adequately explain his position on the lSSUCS.

Committee Recommendation: The Committee on Transportation. Infrastructure. Lands. Border Protection. Veterans· <\flairs and Prncuremcnl hereby reports out the appointment of Mr. Oscar A. Calvo to serve as a Member of the Ouam Port Authority Board of Directors with the rccommc~ndation lo

Report Out Only __ _

To Confirm

Oo Not Confirm ---~


; -" p ':'

Honorable Judith T. \Von Pat, Ed.D. Speaker I lv!i1111'fre11t11i Tres Na Li/1(s}111tmrn G1111/u111 153 He,,ler Stncet Hagam<1, Cu,m1 %910

RE: Board Appointment

Dear Mac!,;me Speakt>r:

R.W TE"iO!UO l./c1rr21~anf (;'r1t·rr11.:ir

By virtue ot the authonty v••sted in me pursuant to the' ()rganic Act cit· Cuam :md tlw local la""" applicable to the following pcv.;ition, I ,'1n pleased to transmit tlw following dppointment and supporting documents for:





Oscar A. Calvu

Member, Cuam Port Authority Board of Directors

Three (3) years

Jmm;iry L 20lb to December lt 201S

ThL' appomtmc.,nt is ~ubject (p the consent of I f1/ies/11twm1 C:udl11m. Ple:hc' sche.i1ti(' d he~1rinf; at y1.JL1r e<.1rlie~t l~fHl\'l.·n[er1Le.


i'l I f),,\ "''-!:·)) • li,1_,'.1;:-d l ;'t \~,1 ;;,·.\-J '.'

!~·[-(t,'l; ~:>-\tJ-l! • ~J\.\h .. !J _;·r_; __;-;~t;~ >n:·1;k•1 ~--.H-1-,··-'"' ..

EDf)IE !lALA CALVO Cnn·ert!i!r

RAY TEr\OR!O l1e11,rcnr11n rj'ut·<'i'H,Jr

,- 'Ji l

Mr. Oscar A. Calvo

Dear Mr. Calvo;

Thank you for your commitment to wrve the pE:ople of Guam. l'he C;1lvo­Ten01io administration conrinues to face unprecedented challenges, both ne,u and long-term. The task ahead of us vvill require the collective efforts of lhe best minds who will have the courage to make tough decisions for the gond of all our penple. I lwr12by re-app<:>int you to serve in the Calvo­Tenrnio administr,1tion for the remainder of the unexpired term indicated lJ()l1.)\V as:

Member, Guam Port Authority Board of Directors L•'ngth of term; Three (31 Years

Term served: January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2018

nus appointnwnt is cctfectivc· todav Pleas., con!i<ct tlw Office r•! the Covt'rn<>r «t ·172 .')C/11 ,,hou!d you hdVf.' .1nv questions.

', ! ;: '.' ;\1

' ~ i . . -, : ' ' l ~ - ' \

Doc No. 33GL-16-1275


Boards & Commissions Nomination Information

The following infonnation is required for submission to the Speaker of 1 Liheslaluran Guahan in accordance with Title 4, Guam Code Annotated Section 21035 and Section lJ l 04.l:

~lmlf~lililitlllY.l/~~:i}.~llillt~~~i~1Jir~lt;11~411~~-ft~ I Last Name I CAL-VO i First I OSCAR M.1. A I Date '02/29/2014 ! ,----·----- ; L_ l I- ... - - '------i ·- ··- . ----- -·1

I Address i ! Apartment/Unit# j ' i --- : . . -. -· - t l

~C·~-- ___ ~ --··· State ... _ ;_z1r r Phone I E-matl Add_re_s_s_ I ' i ~OS~lon to wh;ch Appotnt~e;I r ~1s Mad~ _ __ __ _ .. I 1-bf<T AVTHOR1Tr \2'°"RD 01~- OH~~:rOR.s

! Are you a citizen of the Untted YES nr I ~·o .j~ ! If no, are you authorized to work 1n ' E ,.0 r,. -.. l States? ~ : ' -- · tl~e U.S? 1 Y -5 ' ·


Colfege N/A

Fmm To

·- __ j_

l Did you l graduate? ;

i Did you i graduate'

I 1


'(L<' r-,' LUI~

' C1ly/State


NOD ! Degree L

-- -f

NO [J i Degree . .J

11 Page

- j

~·· i I j --~

l From I



(3) Previous Employer

Address I

i ' (4) Previous i Employer


(5) Previous Employer


. Address

! Job r.tle

__ L


R<::!v_ 04-2013 Ii 2.scrr.


I .. [ ITo t

J ... J ...

I Did you Lg!aduate?

r oid y;~ ·-· .. -graduate?

. rrom

YESO -~----~-~.





Dates Held


Dates Held


Dates Held


I Dales l.Held .


Doc No 33GL-16-1275


NOD I Degree J ______

NOD ]D~:e ! -·



Agency Phone


Job Tille

Job Title From To

I Agency I Phone

Title . J~rom:_ To

List al! educational. professional. civic awards. and recogn:tion for public seMce:


Doc No 33GL~16-1275

List involvement on a locallnational/international level, list organization, activrties participated in. offices held: r- ... -~· ····-········

[ I t

Ust organizations, activities, participated in, offices held


. ~.:t:JQ:'.)l P:r;z>._, N--=i:= pLl..M.~ t*t.G.<:4 ·$9::~ f"".f<6'NI V~N 1 t€R

:-Y~Hr'\. f<1TA 1'.f\A':'Of<_'>.3:,Q.!"'i~\0.C.0-1MUNnY.V'avNT~R.

; UN\lt!J STATt?·s A!=<lv1Y To

. Rank at Discharge Type of Discharge

Do: No. 33GL-16·1275

!"'\ 7 I


' -~,--- f

Have you ever been found guilty of a felony in any court, whether wilhin or without United States?

so. please specify in detail:

Address of the court: --~ --------------·------

Data of Conviction·

Specific infraction committed:---------------

(2) Have you ever been declared mentally incompetent by any court. whether within or wnhout the United States?

If so, please specify in detail the reasons and facts related to such declaration:

(3) Have you ever been found not guilty or not punrshable m any criminal proceedings by reason of insanity?

(4) Have you ever been confined to a mental institution for any ceason? -- ,_ -~- - ,_,A -- _,_

j _J_ -I '





NO ffi'


NO f;/f

If so, please specify in why t~e appointing authonty believes you that you are not suffering from any mental illn~ss or · affliction

Doc No. 33GL-16-1275



Statement of Financial Interests (Required by I G.CA. § 13104. l)

Gc•vcrn<:>r EdJie Baza Calvo Ricardo J. BorJalhJ Governor's Complex Adelup. Guam %910

Wl h~.ive no ftnarh.:1a! interest In any bu:)piness

2- ~ - J (_ - .I .. ····-·-·

OccNo 33G;.,,-16~1275

AFFIDAVIT l D.EC.LARATION UNOER PENAL TY OF PERJURY I. the Jndersigned. do hereby depose and say that (1) ! have read and reviewed the information conta1~ed in

the attached Appointrnenl/Nominallon fetter from the Governor of Guam; (2) that the matters contained m the

Appomtmenl/Nomination letter, together with all attachments thereto. are true and correct and that I am

competent to testil)' to said matters; and (3) that this Declaration 1s made for the purpose of complying wit~

the reqwremenls of 4 G.CA Section 2103.5

I declare under penatty of perjury under the laws of Guam (4 G.CA Section 4308) that the foregoing is true

and correct

Stgnature Date

Doc No. 33GL~l6-12"/5

Government of Guam Gl'A:VI POLICE DEPART:VfENT

RECORDS & IDE:"ITIFICATlffN SECTION p_(), n,o_x :3909

(iua1n \-t\in Facility. (iuain 96921


[NAME:[- ('~~~;~;~(~~~~~r Ada )-- -------~----- --L~--- --- ------------r·---~---~-~------

ID A TE OF BIRTH:i FI~GERPRINT #: -'---~- ----'"--~-~--~ .. -~-~-~~--.. -~---

! • rrhe individual has no record of criminal conviction(s) in GPO files that are subjec [__ J':'. GIJlllJl fa\-\ and rules and regulations of the Department.

/;ii 'i 1f\ _.;f,1'fNlJJ".. 1J ,itfF_\,\!- (i\f,/ ;\'/t/\ r'f.:!"f !iiii JH{-fl.fF\T ,<\'(}

f Jn_• :-i!h<'ll'-''-' til ;ij1 uri::{nitl (~l \-\i l'~ fl J(-f

H·-.1 it1' <1Ji1lnh-, fin• pulit'e dt"-ff;H\(t'. '" ,,, -"

OocNo 33GL-16-1275

B' Direction: violet

f ~\ {- _t" ~- ''t\:J- --,_ JOSEPl1I:r1-nz ClllFF OF POLICE

SUPERIOR COURT OF GtJAM Guam Judicial Center • 120 \"Vest O'Brien Drive • Hagat-?'a, Guam 96910



SS# 1Dt1 GUAM DL #

Telephone (671) 475.33 70/475-3449

Fax (671) 472·2856


The under-.igni:d (_'ft'rk hereby cert Hies the lOtlo\\'ing resuits or {l diligent St2'ilrt:h or the records of this (\;urt:

Crin•inal Ca:sc.s: Ch-ii Cases:


2. C'ivi! Case No.

J. J.

Criminal Cose No. 5.

Civil Petnrd: Page 1 of

l{l'"quest fur fuf1_her inforr:!ation r.:1dy h~ addressed at the Re-cord:; J)ivi.:.)on nf the Superic1r ('ourt uf (Jua.111, liu:11n JudiLia! ('ent..:r. 1~(1 \.Vest ()'J-lrit:n Drivt\ l+ag:1tf:a. Gua1n. !·lours c•f opc:ation Jrc \!tJntl.a) Friday, 8:00 a.rn. to ."i:O(J o.nL

('!o::-.cd Saturday Stu:da: i.1nd h.:itaL'f'edcra! holid~-iys <'t•ur (]1,;~1rances are Kon-Ref11:;t".ktbie

Dated: 01 /25/2016

:tie absence ot .:in

original Court Seal in;;J!ftJ;;ites th~~,


llAMf'.LLF: T. R():i_ETF'. Clerk of CourL


I' rep• red By: BAE

Doc No. 33GL-16-1275

Doc No. 33GL-16-1275

;-..;<iC,l;f(/ t\)l;I.'.('> (A \;J[ u';n"Ot:O ~(,\1 ~';

.<t<;:P(}H1 (JC 1lVdi5f(;l ;)1) 01\C!i!·h'~Z


1974 1995


Chairrrnm, Chamorro Land "rust carnrnlssior

13ormJ Member, Guam Telephone Authority

Gu;irn Telephone 1\uthorH:y Planner TI (Retired)

Public Utility Agency of Guam Telephone Sw!t:cilman I


I 1

Texas A&.M Univcers/ty Engirwerln9 Extension Service O~r.tlftcates of Completion;

Station Carrier

Data Circuit Installat!on & Muin!:Rnancr:; Introduction to Data Communications

Northern Telecom, Inc. C't:r LI Fit >1f:r: nf 1~tten(f z1nr::-_;:

Meridi<:m Diqil:;;/

f~-,jnr:d ·1·c:lr:(o1-nrr1turic"1i·fr;n·3 ?t Fn._;f; ,i.tnn1 :.-:.~, , Ji: r

DocNo 33GL-i6-1275

flesLlrr1e: CscJr ;~. f:f1!vo Pag{~ 2




1969 70



Guam Community College Certificate of Compfetion:

Basic Electricity (DC Theory)

Guam Telephone Authority Certificate of Trainin\J:

Equal Employment Opport~mitV Orientation Certificate of Completion:

Station Instal1ation

Public Utility Agency of Guam Certificates of Completion:

Basic Te!ephony Basic Electronics

Gepartment of the Army Certificate of Training:

Tech Supply Course Diplomas:

Aircraft Repair Parts ,:;peciaiist Course Stock Control & Accounting Specialist Course

John F. Kennedy High School Tuman, Guam Diploma: High Schooi

Guam Telepl1une Authority t:ertlfica.te f)f Out.staricifng f'ertbrrnanc{~ Mt;ritorlotiS Servtce ~)a!cJry /\;NanJ

f!uusi119 i;, Urb2m Renewal f\uthori\y Cornrnem.iation of Public

T;!h'phone 1\uttlurity -· Resolution of Commendilticn

Doc No 33GL~16-1275


Rcsun1E:: ()scar/\, Ca!vo Page :3







19 J!i

19 /(}

Northern (v\arianas Coltege Letter of Cornmendatlon

Departmer:t of Parks & Recreation - Director Letter of Commendation

Departrr.ent of Public Health & Soc!ai Servites - Director Lftter of Commendation

International Title & Escrow Comp;mv - President Letter of Commendation

Fifteenth Guam legislature -- Chairman, Pub!lc Utilities Certificate of Commendation

Mobil International Petroleum Corpcratron letter of Comment1ation

Guam Telephone Authority Board of Directors letter of l\ppreciation

Petraco, Inc. - Manaqer Letter of Apprecialion

Guam Cab!e IV Systern -- Office Manaqer Letter of Appreciation

Muscular fJystr(;phy w;:,(e<._1duu1

(:itat!or1 i;f arid

Committee on Transportation. Infrastructure. Lands. Border Protect inn. V cwrans Affairs and Procurement Public I !caring

Fcbruar} 8, 20 l 6 l:30p.m.

I !.ihcs/a1 w·an Uudhan. Hagal!1a

Fxccutivc Appoin1ment 1lf Mr. Oscar A. Calvo to serve us a rm:mbcr of !he Guam Port Authority Board of Directors.

February 8, 2of6i'

PORT OF GUAM ATURiDATf PUETTON GUAHAN Jose D. Leon Guerrero Commercial Port

Honorable Senator Thomas Ada

Eddie Beza C<ilvo Goverror of Guan;

:Ray Tenorio Uevtenant Gove\nnr

Chainnan, Committee on Transportation. Infrastructure Lands, Border Protection, Veterans' Affairs and Procurement 33" Guam Legislature Hagatna, Guam 96910

Subject Endorsement and Support Letter for the Confirmation of Oscar A. Calvo to the PAG Board of Directors

Hafa Adai Mr. Chairman Ada:

My name is Francisco G. Santos and currently the Chairman of the PAG Board of Directors. Having started my employment at the Port Authority as a casual employee serving as a longshoreman specialist and subsequently working my way as the Harbor Master, I have been privileged to see how the Port has grown during the past 30 years.

Although we always credit the hardworking Port Strong empfoyees for making sJre that commerce continues to ftow through Guam's only seaport, there are also individuals behind the scenes that provide support to ensure that our valued employees possess the training, equipment. and financial resources to make sure that day to day operations are never compromised. These people are the Port's Board of Directors.

As the Chairman of the Port Board, I had the opportunity to work with Mr. Calvo during the past few years. During those times. he was Instrumental in working with and through Port Management in the implementation and completion of many Port modernization projects. Among these were the Guam Commercial Port Improvement and Port Security EnhanceMents projects. These initiatives has elevated the Port to world class standards and stand ready to meet the requirements and demands of the Impending military buildup and the increased traffic it will bring to the Commercial Port of Guam

Without any hesitation, I wholeheartedly endorse and support Mr. Oscar A. Calvo's re-nomination to the Board of Directors. In addition to his vast business experience, he epitomizes determination, hard work, fairness, and ~ompassion He has always maintained a very positive and fnendly attitude towards our Port employees. tenants, and stakeholders. This is a character that I admire the most of Mr. Calvo

I kindly encourage your Committee Senator Ada to confirm Mr. Oscar A. Calvo's nomination to once again serve as a member of the Port Board of Directors. His involvement 1s important to the continuing modernization effort that is Jointly and corporately undertaken by the Board, Management and the hard working Port Strong employees.

Most sincerely.


Chairman of the Board Port Authority of Guam

Port of Guam, Jo:;e Ll Leon G~10n0ro Cornit<erc1cd Port is ;in Equal E.rnp!oyrnent Opportunity frnpk)yer

C ornplaints i•i disc rin)ination <.hou!d b<:' sf·;1t 10 the Hurnan Reso-urce-s Divisiur1

CON1i\tlTTEE ()N RULES I Jf/n,r'ln·nfdi Trc'i na I 1!11<"'lii-II1rtln (;u,ihan • l sc, }--I-.:\lc PL1c_\ C1\UH1 '){,'-) l ~-! • :r'; '<'' 'ii,;Piii'V!, ,;;;,r'L, u;;;


Ror~ J. !~c"picio t'HAIHPIR'i(1N

;\i "\ICiF1 l't [ l .-\Pl H


l"hon1a"r ( . i\da VICI Cl!Afll!'tR\ifN

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\/Jl t>-Spcakl'r f~{·nra:nin J_r. ('tu/


~~ "'"'"''rt:'.tary Tinrl Ro...:.c \·tuna Bun,;;s



f)l'!l!li"> ( J f{11t!ri~-1.UCZ. Jr. \1i:n1htT


Frank BJa, :\µul'1JL Jr \,1::-nthl'i-

Scnalo! \1ich:H.:i F.t)_ ~an ~i"'·nl:1;.;



'.\cn"-,;:1 Iin:tania c·nd..:ri\·nod


\' .. •\nth(1ny J\d:i ,\i!NC:HUil i ! \Of8


v, i ~' 111. 1 rv -'-11 ,\,hf >t

January 2016





RennaeMeno C'/crk L.:gJslaturc

Senator Rory J. Respicio /v!a}orily Leader l7 Rnli.0s Chair

Referral of Appointment

As !he Chairperson of the Committ~e on Rul•:'. I am forwarding {if tht' follrnving dppointment:

Appointee: Oscar Calvo


Position: Member, Guam Port Authority Board of Directors

For a copy of ivlr. Calvo' s ar1pctintment packet, pfca~e vi.sit the (~ua1r1

t.l\~:::it..1aturc's \Vebsilc at Llnder thL' "H_t'porls"

rr1enu select the "::Vh_,.;-;~agL•:-; & Con1munications" option and refer fl):

"Doc. 33Gl-l&-1275: Governor's message transmitting the appointment of Oscar Calvo, to serve as Member, Guam Port Authority Board of Directors."

I)iease ensure that lhe subject app\)intment is referred. i11 n1y name>, to

Senator Thomas C. Ada, Chairperson of the Committee on J lnfrastrnc!ure, Lands, Border Protection, Veterans' Affairs and ProcurentcnL J also request that the san1c be ft)r;varded to aH Senator~ ot 1 ,\-1ina'frcntai 'J'rcs :\'a Lihl'-;laturan c;ur'ihan,

Should yc>u have an\' que.sti0ns, pleast: feel fn::(~ to contact our <1fficc at 4-72-7679_

()fik-C' of Senator Toni Ada ~1ail -- ! st Nciticc- of Public Hearing: tv1 ..

Blaine Dydasco <bdydasco@senatorada.org>

1st Notice of Public Hearing: Monday, February 08, 2016-1:30 p.m. 1 message

Charlene Flores <flores@senatorada.org> Mon. Feb 1. 2016 at 944 AM To Media <medta@senatorada.org>. agunner77@teleguam.net bjmerenda@yahoo.com, dmend1ola@te1eguam.net. moptf@ite.net. ttsguam@hotma1l.com, J9river1949@yma1l.com. 1oe_ kamudo@yahoo com Jacerteza@yghoo.com. Diron Cruz <diron.cruz@hotmail.com>. Marie~e Slomka <marlene.slomkams@gmail.com>. bcpeagle69@gmail.com. rodneycrczir@hotmail.com. alegionguam@yahoo.com. stanstw@hotmail.com. lesterstahl@va.gov, c1i_m@hotmail.com, danperez671@gmail.com. mmendiola 159@gmatl.com. ehlersd58@gmail.com. asuliyanchada@gmail.com. greenva!or22@gmail.com. mduenas@portguam.com, afuenas@portguam.com, phnot1ce@guamlegislature.org

February 01. 2016


To All Senators, Media. and Stakeholders

Fr Senator Thomas C. Ada, Chai1person

Subject 1st Notice of Public Hearing: Monday, February 08, 2016 -1:30 p.m.

Please be advised that the Committee on Transportation. lnfrastn1cture, Lands. Border Protection Veterans· Affalfs and Procurement will be conducting a pubiic hearing on Monday. February 08, 2016 at 1 :30 p.m This meeting will take place m the Public Hearing Room of! Liheslaturan Guahan. The agenda :s as



Bili No z44.33 lCOR) - T.C. Ada

An act to amend §67105 1. §67106 and §67109 of Chapter 57 of Title 10. Guam Code Annotated. relative to g·anllng of authority to the Veterans Affairs Officer for expenditures of the Vetera1s Cemetery Trust Fund and Veterans Affatrs F u1d

The Executive Aopointment of i\llr. Osi:ar CaivG to serve as a mencner of the Guam Port Authority of Board of Directors.

( )ffiee of Senah;r ·rnrn AUa Mail I st Notice uf Public l·!earing: l\1.,. htlps:! /mail .g< iugle .t..::omin1ail!u/O!?u!=2&ik:;;;;:l)bh2aa2f27 & \

2 uf 2

Testimony on Bill No. 244·33(COR) and the Executive Appointment of Mr. Oscar A. Calvo, should be addressed lo Senator Thomas C Ada, Chairperson, and will be accepted via hand delivery to our office_ ocr mailbox at the Main Legislature Building at 155 Hesler Place, Hagatna Guam 96932, via email to

or via facsimile to 473-3303 until Friday, February 12, 2016 at 5:00 pm. Individuals requiring special accommodations. auxilia·y aids, or services should submit their request to Cha~lene Flores at 473-3301 Please feel free to contact ~ny office should you have any questions or concerns

Charlene Flores Policy Analyst Office of Senator Thomas C. Ada I 1\1ina'trentai Tres na Uheslaruran Gulihan - 33rd Guam Legislature

1st notice,pdf 328K

.JfJ9/](,,X:35 :.:.,;vl

Fchruan 0 i. 20 I 6


;\ll Senator:<

( '/JaiFjJCtSOJI

1•1 Notice of Public Hearing: Monday, February 08, 2016 - I :30 p.m.

be advised that the Cmrnnillcc on Transportation. lnfr:istructun.:. Lmck Border Protection" Veterans' ;\f1~1irs and Procun:111cn1 vvill be conducting a puhlic hearing dn

, Fchruary 08, 2016 at l :30 p.m. meeting will take place in the R.non1 I !'he is as rollo\\'S:


Bill No. 2·H-.B (COR)- T.C Ada \n act to amend ~67105 I. ~67106 and ~67109 of Chapter 67 of ritlc JO. Guam Cmlc /\nnotah:(L relative to granting of authority to th~ VctL·rans /\C1:1ir:-; ()f!Jccr frir

of the \/ctcrans c·-cn1c1c-ry· ·rrust Fund and \\?terans 1\f'htirs 1:und.

b:crntivc Appointment of Mr. Oscar A. Calvo le> serve as a member 11f1hc (;uam Port Authority of Board of Di1-cc!ors.

1m Bill No. 2·U-3:l(COR) and the Executive Appointment of Mr. Osrar :\, dddrcsscd tn Senator 'fh\)n1as (' /\d,1, C'hairpcrsorL and \v!ll he

dd1\Cl) to our olficc. our rnailhox at the Main l .cgislaturc Builuing :it I l kskr (iuan1 1 \--i:1 tn otTicc<a sc-nat1)rL1tJa_urg, or via t1J {h7l)

unti! Friday, Frbrmn-;< 12, 201(, at ::1:00 pm individuals requiring special nr should suh1ni1 thcir request to ( 'hurlcnL' -lore'.', a!

h\_'C to conlacl 111_:,,-- office should you h~1vc any questions or conCLTns_

()r!lcc t)f Scthl!OI' rorn Ada \1aii M 2nd Notice of Public Hc.-,,uint!:

l of 2

Blaine Dydasco <bdydasco@senatorada.org>

2nd Notice of Public Hearing: Monday, February 08, 2016 -1 :30 p.m. 1 message

Charlene Flores <flores@senatorada.org> T~u. Feb 4. 2016 at 8:24 AM To Media <media@senatora::ia.org>, martln.manglona@guam.gov. Jbrown@portgua'l1.com. rrduenas@oortguam.com, afduenas@portguam.com, cindy.gogo@gvao.guam.gov. afcmsgt24@yahoo.com. "Alan G. Van Aken" <agunner77@teleguam.net>, bjmerenda@yahoocom, !:Janie! Mendiola <dmendrola@teleguam.net>, moptf@ite.net, ttsguam@hotma1l.com, Jgriver1949@ymali com, "Joseph C. San Nicolas" <joe_kamudo@yahoo.con1>, jacerteza@yahoo.com, Dlron Cruz <diron.cruz@hotmaiLcori>, Marlene Slorr:ka <ma1lene.slomkams@gmail.com>, bcpeagle69@gma1icom, Rodney C'uz <rodneycruzJr@hotmailcom>. alegionguam@yahoo.com, Stan Ko <stanstw@hotmail.com>, lester.stahi@va.gov, cil~m@hotma1lcom. Daniel Perez <danpecez671@gmail com>. mmendiola159@gmailcom, David Ehlers <ehlersd58@gma1Lcom>. Daniel Mendiola <asuliyanchada@gmaiLcom>, Green Valor <greenvalor22@gmailcom>. phnotice@guamlegislature.o•g Cc Guam legislature Clerks Office <clerKs@guamlegislature.org>, mis@guamlegislature.org

February 04. 2016


To All Senators. Media, ana Stakeholc1ers

Senator Thomas C. Ada. Chairperson

Subject. 2nd Notice of Public Hearing: Monday, February 08, 2016 - 1 :30 p.m.

Please be advised that the Committee on Transponatio~. Infrastructure. Lands Border Protectior Veterans Affairs and Procurement wm be conducting a pub!ic hearmg on Monday, February 08, 2016 at 1 :30 p.m. This meeting will take place in the Public Heanng Room of I Uheslaturan Gua.~an The agenda is as follows


An act to amend §67105.1. §67106 and §67109 of Chapter 67 of Tilie 10. Guam Code Ac notated. relative to granting ol authority to the Veterans Affairs Officer for expenditures of the Vetera"s Cemetery Trust Fund and Veterans Affairs hJnd

()ff ice of Senator "fnn1 AJJ 1\.-lail 2nJ Nt•lice nf Public Hcari ng: . . hHps:i!rnaiLgonglc .eo1n/n1<-1il/u/O/'?ui=2& i k::;:;iJbb2aa2f27&_"" ic\v'":::p,

The Executive Appointment of FJlr. Oscar Calvo to seNe as a member of the Guam Port Authority Board of Directors.

Testimony on Bill No. 244-33(COR) and the Executive Appointment of Mr. Oscar A. Calvo, should be addressed to Senator T~omas C. Ada. Chairperson, and will be acceoted via ~and delivery to our office ~ur

mailbox at the Main Legislature Building at 155 Hesler Place, Hagatfla. Guam 96932. via email to or via iacsimile to until Friday, February 12, 2016 at 5:00 pm

Individuals requiring special accommodations, auxiliary aids, or seNices should submit their request tc Charlene Flores at 473-3301. Please feel 'ree to contact my office should yoL have any questions or corceros.

Charlene Flores Policy Analyst Office of Senator Thomas C. Ada I A1ina'trentai Tres na Lihesluturan Gualum ~ 33rd Guam Legislature


d 2nd Notice.pdf 322K

Sen. Thomas Ada Chairman

Cominmec· m Tr:impnrra:ion, Tnfrastrucrurc, L:1r" b

Hof<!, r Prur,·n1<Hl, \'crernns' :\ffaus and Procure111,·r t

J .\fi1MTrr111,_, Tn; \,i T"ihfslil!tmm C11i1h,m • 13'·1 (;uan: f.:h~'latuft'

February 04. 2016


Toi All Senators. Media. and Stakeholders

Fr: Senator Thoma5 C. Ada. ( '/wirperson ~·

Subject: 2nd Notice of Public Hearing: Monday, February 08, 20Ih ·-1:30 p.m.

Please he advised that the Cnmmittee on Transportation. Infrastructure. Lands. Border Protection. Veterans' Affairs and Procurement will he conducting a public hearing on Monday, February 08, 2016 at I :30 p.m. This meeting will take place in the Public Hem mg Room of I Liheslaturan Ciuahan. The agenda is as follows:


Bill No. 244-33 (COR)-T.C. Ada An act to amend §67105.L ~67106 and §67109 of Chapter 67 of Title 10. Guam C\•de Annotated, relative to granting of authority to the Veterans Affairs 0 ft icer for expenditures of the Veterans Cemetery Trust Fund and Veterans Affairs Fund.

The Executive Appointment of Mr. Oscar A. Calvo to serve as a llllmber oftht: Guam Port Authority Board of Directors.

Testimony on Bill No. 244-33(COR) and the Executive Appointment of Mr. Osc1or A. Calvo, should be addressvd to S«nator Thomas C. Ada. Chairperson, and "ill he acccpkd via hand delivery to our oflice. our mailbox at the Main Legislature Buildinf', at 155 Heskr Place. Hagiitiia. Guam 969J2. via email to officercl.;senatorada.org, or via fac;imile to (671) 473-3303 until Friday, February 12, 2016 at 5:00 pm. Individuals requiri1tg special accommodations. auxiliary aids. or >en ices should submit their request to ( 'harlene Flore., .1t

473-3301, Please feel free to contact my office should you have any question·; or concerns

\da !)Lu::t \-('!\(( r, :iuir,_· :11- • l-.l _\~pina!l _\\'l·- • ~lJ.,1!,.:tr1la.., ldlarn l)(J(JlU

1(Jl 1) -r:3_ ~. ~1 ! l " ( '>!}1\_C((/ ~Lru!! \L \da.; 1rg • \\'\\'\\·Sen.Hor. \d.1.nrg

Pub fie l{earing Notice Listserv

p!tn<Jtice(ii)fuamlegisllltUre.org (j_Media~ .4!! ~<tenators. and Staff)

act}o:nra:_i.veareguaha.n.crnn udmin~~i;frankaguonjr.com

adn1 l ntf~ g uan1r e-a lturs .curn

a<ln1in21?J:-gua1nrc-a!tors.com agu0114guamtg;gmail.co1n

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::mn(~!)tnduguan1 .com


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cor ir~~guarn legislature. org

<lanire; cs:?.0senaiorbjcruz.com


d ebb j e retuy a n::[~1j udi \.vonpaL corn




dlcddycii:guarncharnbc-r.co1n.gu dmgeorge(f:i?gua1updn,c-otn

edclynn I J JO@hot1naH.con1

ed itorr(!! mv guan1 .cu1n


etaj a 11 c;{~lgua rn I c gi s J ature. o rg

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brantforguam<@gmatl.co-rn flores,g,;;enatora<ltcorg

.;;ado.branchrf?;gn1ail.com e· ic_,_ir_l~z,_.h_r_c_,n_c_l_v~'.£~~'.'.'._:;e_r_,,_,1_0 __ r_b~i_c_m_z_ ... _c_o_1_11____ >ar1iduit-4g1nal ! -~om carlsanche-z;ff)j udi'.vonpat.com orcs259 5',1.?Jgrna• I .z:on1

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keuny lgr~:gna1nlegis!ature .org

khrngL4Jhbcguani.nct kon.:anncws@:~)guam.net

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t:pd~ted: December 2, 2015

Sen. Thomas Ada Chairman

Committee on Transportation, Infrastructure, Lands, Border Protection. Veterans' Affairs and Prm:urement

I lv!ina Trmtai Tres 1\t1 Lihes!aturan Cuahan • 33"J Guam Legislamre


Monday, February 08, 2016 Public Hearing Room, I Li/1eslatura11 Guilha11

The agenda is as follows:


Bill No. 244-33 (COR)-T.C. Ada An act to amend §6 7105. L ~6 7106 and ~67109 of Chapter 6 7 of Tille !O, Guam Code Aimotated. relative to granting of authority to th1: Veterans Affairs Officer for expenditures of the Veterans Cemetery Trust Fund and Veterans Affairs Fund.

The Executive Appointment of Mr. Oscar A. Caln1 to serve as a member oftbe Guam Port Authority Board of Directors.

Testimony on Bill No. 244-.B(COR) and the Executive Appointment of Mr. Oscar A. Calvo should be addressed to Senator Thomas C. Ada. Chairperson. and will he accepted via hand delivery to our office. our mailbox at the Main Legislature Building at 155 Hesler Place. Hagiitfia. Guam 96932. via email w ofticc:i1isena10rada.org. or via facsimile to (671) 473-.'303 until Friday, February 12, 2016 at 5:00 pm. Individuals requiring special accommodations, auxiliary aids. or services should submit their request to Charlene Flores at .+73~3301. Please feel free lo contact rny ofl!cc should you have any 4ues1ions or concerns.

I 1:30PM

Sen. Thomas Ada

. Public Hearing Notice

Monday, February 8, 2016 I Liheslaturan Guahan, Public Hearing Room


Bill No,244=33 - T.C. Ada An act to amend §6711'.15.1, §67106 and §67109 of Chapter 67 of Title 10, Guam Code Annotated, relative tu gr..mtlng ofauthority to the Veterans Affairs Officer for expendlrures of the Veterans Cemeb!ry Trust Fund and Veterans Affairs Pund·

The Executive Appointment of Mr. Oscar A. Calvo to serve as a Member of the Guam Port Authority Board of Directors.

Individuals requiring special accommodations sho.,ld submit their request to Blaine Dydago at 473·33(}1.

Paid for by funds ofrhe Committee on Veterans' Affairs and Transportation


Guam Daily Post - 4 February 2016 Q-...J......--'----------'__;~_:...;...;:.;;:.:.:;.::;.;..:;;.;;...:.:.... ____ ·--· ·~· ...

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