Jesus as New Moses Matthew Chapters 2-5. Favored by God Exodus: God repeatedly states that Moses has...


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Jesus as New Moses

Matthew Chapters 2-5

Favored by God

• Exodus: God repeatedly states that Moses has found favor with God.

• Matthew: God declares that he is well pleased with Jesus.

• "This is my son, the Beloved, in him I am well pleased," God goes on to say: "Listen to him."

Matthew 2:16

•Similar Birth Story

•Threatened King/ Ruler

•Pharaoh (Moses)

•King Herod (Jesus)

•All children sentenced to death

•Jesus and Moses Escape

Matthew 2:13

•Moses Fled Egypt

•Chased by Pharaoh

•Jesus Fled Bethlehem

•Chased by King Herod

Matthew 4:2

•Jesus in the desert

•40 Days

•Moses was in the wilderness

•40 years

Matthew 5:6-7

•Moses delivered the law of god

•Up and down the mountain of Sinai

•Jesus’s sermon on the mount

•New law is delivered by Jesus

Feeding of the many

•Moses: Feeding of the Israelites, fed them manna.

•Jesus: Feeding of the 5000, fed fish and bread.

The mission of the Twelve

•Twelve Tribes of Moses

•Twelve Disciples of Jesus

•Jesus following Moses

Calming of the Sea

•Moses: Parting and Crossing of the Red Sea

•Jesus: Calming of the violent storm

• “Why are you terrified, O you of little faith?” Then he got up, and rebuked the winds and the sea and there was a great calm.”




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