Jenny McLeish: "The use of non-invasive sampling methods for the detection of Anguillicola crassus,...


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  • 7/28/2019 Jenny McLeish: "The use of non-invasive sampling methods for the detection of Anguillicola crassus, a swimbladde









    [em ]sm h` Aha/Cavjscvm \jopdcaf Omtehks `hr

    tem Kmtmltcha h`Jafucddclhdj lrjssus$ j

    \wcogdjkkmr Yjrjsctm h` tem Murhpmja Mmd

    %Jafucddj jafucddj#$ jak ja Cavmstcfjtcha cath temOhrpehdhfcljd Lejafms Jsshlcjtmk Vcte

    \wcogdjkkmr Ca`mltcha

    Nmaay OlDmcse

    %]acvmrscty h` Fdjsfhw#


    Yrh`! Lhdca Jkjos

    Yrh`! Ncooy [uragudd

    \mptmogmr 79:7





    J prhnmlt supphrtmk gy tem Murhpmja ]acha&s CA[MWWMF CPJ Yrhfrjoom ojajfmk gy tem \pmlcjd M] Yrhfrjooms Ghky'

  • 7/28/2019 Jenny McLeish: "The use of non-invasive sampling methods for the detection of Anguillicola crassus, a swimbladde


    \tjtmomat h` Lhpyrcfet

    [em lhatmat h` tem CGC\ wmgsctm.%caldukcaf$ gut aht dcoctmk th jdd tmxt jak jrtwhrb temrmca#

    cs prhtmltmk gy lhpyrcfet! [em lhpyrcfet cs hwamk gy CGC\ hr cs htemrwcsm dclmasmk `rho j

    tecrk pjrty `hr usm gy tem pjrtamrs!

    Shu ojy vcmw hr khwadhjk jay lhatmat h` tem \ctm `hr prcvjtm purphsms$ gut yhu jrm ahtpmrocttmk$ wctehut hur pmrocsscha$ th>

    sthrm tem \ctm$ hr jay lhatmat h` tem \ctm$ `hr jay htemr purphsm2

    prcat lhpcms h` tem \ctm$ hr jay lhatmat h` tem \ctm$ `hr jay htemr purphsm2 rmprhkulm$ lhpy hr trjasoct tem \ctm$ hr jay lhatmat h` tem \ctm$ ca jay wjy$ `hr

    jay htemr purphsm hr ca jay htemr omkcuo!

    Jdd htemr rcfets wecle jrm aht spmlc`cljddy frjatmk jrm rmsmrvmk!

    CGC\ ojbms jvjcdjgdm ha cts sctms ojtmrcjds fmamrjtmk `hr CGC\ gy jljkmocl whrb jt tem]acvmrscty h` Fdjsfhw jak jt Zumma&s ]acvmrscty Gmd`jst$ catmr jdcj!

    Mxtrjlts oust aht gm quhtmk wctehut mxpdclct pmrocsscha! Ymrocsscha ojy gm shufet gy

    uscaf tem lhatjlt `hro www!dhufes/jfmaly!hrf(cgcs(lhatjlt(

    .\ctm / www!dhufes/jfmaly!hrf(CGC\

  • 7/28/2019 Jenny McLeish: "The use of non-invasive sampling methods for the detection of Anguillicola crassus, a swimbladde




    Aha/tmleacljd \uoojry





    Kmslrcgcaf tem peyschdhfcljd jak ohrpehdhfcljd copdcljtchas h` pjrjsctcl amojthkm

    ca`mltcha ca tem mmd jak cavmstcfjtcaf aha/kmstrultcvm omtehks `hr cts kmtmltcha


    [em pmrscstmat djrfm/sljdm kmldcam ca Murhpmja mmd sthlbs scalm tem :359s rmqucrms j ldhsmr

    cavmstcfjtcha h` tem `jlthrs bahwa th calrmjsm mmd ohrtjdcty! H` temsm$ tem catrhkultcha h` tem pjrjsctcl

    swcogdjkkmr amojthkmJafucddclhdj lrjssus th Murhpmja wjtmrs ejs gmma lctmk js j dcbmdy lhatrcguthr

    th tem rmlhrkmk dhss ca nuvmacdm rmlructomat! [erhufe cakulmk lmddudjr jak strulturjd ohkc`cljtchas$ tem

    lhasmqumalms h` ehstcaf tem J! lrjssus pjrjsctm lja j``mlt tem catmfrcty h` tem swcogdjkkmr$ tem

    guhyjaly lhatrhd hrfja vctjd th tem sullmss`ud lhopdmtcha h` tem ocfrjtcha hut th tem Murhpmja mmds

    \jrfjssh \mj spjwacaf frhuaks! Cakcvckujds caljpjgdm h` ojbcaf tecs dmaftey ocfrjtcha jrm temrm`hrm

    dhst `rho tem vcjgdm rmprhkultcvm sthlb!

    Ldhsmr mxjocajtcha h` tem ohrpehdhfcljd jak peyschdhfcljd m``mlts calurrmk gy ca`mltmk cakcvckujds cs

    temrm`hrm amlmssjry th `urtemr mxjocam tem dhaf/tmro copdcljtcha h`J! lrjssus ca`mltcha! [em lrctcljddy

    makjafmrmk stjtus h` wcdk Murhpmja mmds rmqucrms tejt jdtmrajtcvm omtehks h` sjopdcaf jrm mstjgdcsemk

    ca hrkmr th ocacocsm uaamlmssjry dhss th stjakcaf sthlb! \mvmrjd sule omtehks wmrm tmstmk ca hrkmr th

    prhvckm ghte ja m``clcmat jak aha/kmstrultcvm omtehk h` J! lrjssus kmtmltcha2 gy mxjocacaf

    jdtmrajtcvm pjrjsctm ehsts wcteca tem surrhuakcaf wjtmr ghky jak utcdcscaf udtrjshahfrjpey kcjfahstcls!

    Cakcvckujds usmk ca sjopdcaf prhvckmk ghte ca`mltmk jak uaca`mltmk tcssums `hr ecsthdhfcljd

    mxjocajtcha h` tem swcogdjkkmr tcssum jak peyschdhfcljd tmstcaf h` swcogdjkkmr mxtmascgcdcty! J ohrm

    kmtjcdmk uakmrstjakcaf h` tem lhasmqumalms h`J! lrjssus ca`mltcha `rho j spmlcms dc`m ecsthry

    pmrspmltcvm wjs hgtjcamk$ jak kcslussmk jdhafsckm ojajfmrcjd tjltcls `hr tem coprhvmk ohacthrcaf$

    kcjfahscs jak phtmatcjd trmjtomat h` Murhpmja mmd phpudjtchas ca Ahrtemra Crcse jak \lhttcse wjtmrs!

  • 7/28/2019 Jenny McLeish: "The use of non-invasive sampling methods for the detection of Anguillicola crassus, a swimbladde




    Yeyschdhfcljd jak Ohrpehdhfcljd Lejafms

    Ecsthpjtehdhfcljd mxjocajtcha sehwmk j ljtjdhfum h` ohrpehdhfcljd lejafms cakulmk gy dhaf/tmro

    mxphsurm th tem J! lrjssus pjrjsctm! Hvmrjdd teclbmacaf h` tem swcogdjkkmr wjdd$ `cgrhscs$

    ca`djoojtcha jak `hdkcaf h` catmrajd mpctemdcjd djymrs lhupdmk wcte lejafms th lmddudjr strulturm wmrm

    khluomatmk ca ca`mltmk cakcvckujds! Lhopjrcsha jlrhss j spmltruo h` ca`mltcha dmvmds wjs phsscgdm

    jak sehwmk ja hvmrjdd kmlrmjsm ca swcogdjkkmr lhakctcha$ ghte ha j oclrhslhpcl sljdm jak ca tmros h`

    fmamrcl lhakctcha slhrm h` ojlrhslhpcl `jlthrs! \wcogdjkkmr dmafte th ghky dmafte rjtchs sehwmk tejt

    ahtclmjgdm sehrtmacaf jak `jttmacaf h` tem swcogdjkkmr strulturm hllurrmk wcte prhdhafmk ca`mltcha!

    Ca`mltmk swcogdjkkmrs temrm`hrm ljrry j kmlrmjsmk vhduom h` jcr! @urtemr mxpmrcomatjd jajdyscs wjs

    lhakultmk th jssmss wemtemr tem catmrajd strulturjd lejafms khluomatmk lhoprhocsmk swcogdjkkmr

    `ualtchajdcty! Jdtehufe stjtcstcljd jajdyscs wjs calhalduscvm$ cshdjtmk swcogdjkkmrs sugnmltmk th

    calrmjsmk catmrajd prmssurm sustjcamk j rjafm h` catmrajd prmssurms$ suffmstcaf tejt jdd swcogdjkkmrs

    sjopdmk whudk thdmrjtm tem prmssurm lejafm tejt hllurs wcte kmpte wema lhopdmtcaf temcr kmmp kcvms

    ca tem hpma hlmja$ teus rmojcacaf rmprhkultcvmdy vcjgdm!

    Aha/kmstrultcvm omtehks h` sjopdcaf `hrJ! lrjssus

    [em usm h` lhpmphk catmromkcjtm ehsts jak pmrle pjrjtmacl ehst sjopdcaf khms aht prhvckm j vcjgdm

    omtehk h`J! lrjssus kmtmltcha! Ca`mltcha rjtms ca temsm ehsts vjry gy dhljtcha jak `hhk/wmg

    kyajocls$ jak prhvmk thh dhw th jddhw `hr tem m``clcmat kcjfahscs h`J! lrjssus ca`mltcha wcteca j

    fcvma wjtmr ghky! Wmsudts `rho udtrjshuak kcjfahstcls wmrm `jr ohrm `jvhurjgdm jak prhvckmk

    coomkcjtm jak jllurjtm jajdyscs h` ja cakcvckujds ca`mltcha stjtus! [ecs omtehk rmqucrmk dcttdm

    trjcacaf jak jddhwmk `hr tem kmtmrocajtcha h` prmlcsm ca`mltcha rjtms wcteca j phpudjtcha$ jdtehufe

    qujatc`cljtcha h` pjrjsctm kmascty cs aht phsscgdm! Jdtmrajtcvm omtehks h` aha/cavjscvm tmstcaf ejvm

    gmma prhphsmk$ sule js spmlc`cl jatcfma kmtmltcha ca gdhhk pdjsoj jak rjkch/kcjfahstcl thhds$ gut

    udtrjshahfrjpey prhvckms j lhst/m``mltcvm jak rmdjtcvmdy scopdm prmsmalm(jgsmalm kcjfahstcl thhd!

    [mleacqums `hr tem trmjtomat jak ojajfmomat h`J! lrjssus

    \mvmrjd tmleacqums$ sule js tem usm h` tem jatc/emdocate krufs dmvjocshdm ELd jak omtrc`hajtm$

    jatcgjltmrcjd krufs `duomqucam jak hxytmtrjlyldcam$ jak tem ohvmomat h` ca`mltmk sthlbs th ohrm

    sjdcam wjtmrs ejvm gmma prhphsmk `hr tem trmjtomat h`J! lrjssus! [em usm h` kruf trmjtomats rmqucrms

    rmpmjtmk jppdcljtcha jak aham h` tem omtehks kmslrcgmk ejvm prhvckmk j vcjgdm dhaf/tmro shdutcha th

    pjrjsctcl ca`mltcha! Lhatcaumk ohacthrcaf h` `rmsewjtmr phpudjtchas terhufe aha/cavjscvm kcjfahstcl

    omtehks cs temrm`hrm amlmssjry th masurm mjrdy ckmatc`cljtcha h` ca`mltmk phpudjtchas jak jddhw `hr tem

    ohacthrcaf h` pjrjsctcl sprmjk terhufehut j ljtleomat!

  • 7/28/2019 Jenny McLeish: "The use of non-invasive sampling methods for the detection of Anguillicola crassus, a swimbladde





    Ojss kmldcams ca Murhpmja mmd sthlbs terhufehut cts kcstrcgutchajd rjafm rmqucrm j ldhsmr mxjocajtcha

    h` tem `jlthrs bahwa th calrmjsm mmd ohrtjdcty! \mvmrjd lhophuakcaf `jlthrs ejvm gmma suffmstmk js

    dcbmdy ljusms! H` temsm$ tem jrrcvjd h`Jafucddclhdj lrjssus$ j aha/ajtcvm pjrjsctcl swcogdjkkmr

    amojthkm$ lhcalckms wcte tem ojss ohrtjdctcms wctamssmk$ jak tem ohrpehdhfcljd lejafms calurrmk gy

    ca`mltmk cakcvckujds ejvm gmma suffmstmk th kmlrmjsm tem vcjgcdcty h` ca`mltmk mmds! Kum th tecs

    kmlrmjsm ca mmd auogmrs$ aha/kmstrultcvm jak aha/cavjscvm omtehks h` tmstcaf `hrJ! lrjssus jrm

    ecfedy gmam`clcjd! [em usm h` catmromkcjtm jak pjrjtmacl ehsts js cakcljthrs `hrJ! lrjssus ejgctjt

    prmsmalm wmrm mxjocamk$ jdhafsckm j aha/cavjscvm kcjfahstcl omtehk uscaf udtrjshahfrjpey!

    Ohrpehdhfcljd jak peyschdhfcljd lejafms th swcogdjkkmr tcssum rmsudtcaf `rho J! lrjssus ca`mltcha

    wmrm jdsh kmtmrocamk uscaf sjopdms `rho twh \lhttcse jak twh Ahrtemra Crcse `rmsewjtmr dhles! J

    suctm h` swcogdjkkmr emjdte pjrjomtmrs wmrm jssmssmk uscaf vcsujd jssmssomat$ oclrhslhpy$ ecsthdhfy$

    jak j djghrjthry mxpmrcomat th jssmss swcogdjkkmr rmsphasm th calrmjscaf catmrajd prmssurm ca ca`mltmk

    jak pjrjsctm/`rmm sjopdms! \jopdm sctms lhatjcacaf J! lrjssus sehwmk j kmlrmjsm ca hvmrjdd

    swcogdjkkmr lhakctcha$ js kmtmrocamk gy ja cakmx h` swcogdjkkmr emjdte! Ecsthdhfcljd rmsudts sehwmk

    teclbmacaf h` tem swcogdjkkmr wjdd ca jrmjs h` dhaf/tmro pjrjsctm mxphsurm jak strulturjd lejafm jt j

    lmddudjr dmvmd! J ahtclmjgdm rmkultcha ca swcogdjkkmr dmafte ca rmdjtcha th ghky dmafte wjs jdsh

    rmlhrkmk ca ca`mltmk cakcvckujds! Wmsudts h` tem prmssurm tmst wmrm calhalduscvm ca sehwcaf j

    peyschdhfcljd lhasmqumalm th tem lejafms ca swcogdjkkmr ohrpehdhfy kmslrcgmk! [emsm rmsudts wmrm

    jajdysmk ca j dc`m ecsthry lhatmxt jak ojajfmomat hptchas `hr lhatcaumk spmlcms survcvjd ca tem `jlm h`

    dhaf/tmroJ! lrjssus mxphsurm wmrm kcslussmk!

  • 7/28/2019 Jenny McLeish: "The use of non-invasive sampling methods for the detection of Anguillicola crassus, a swimbladde





    : CA[WHK]L[CHA!!!!!!!!!!


    7 OM[EHK\ !!!!!!!!!! 5

    7!: Aha/cavjscvm omtehks `hrJ! lrjssus kmtmltcha !!!!!!!!!! 3

    7!:!: Catmromkcjtm jak pjrjtmacl ehst jajdyscs !!!!!!!!!! :9

    7!:!7 Mmd udtrjshuak `hrJ! lrjssus kcjfahstcls !!!!!!!!!! :9

    7!7 Ohrpehdhfcljd lejafms jsshlcjtmk wcteJ! lrjssus !!!!!!!!!! :9

    7!7!: Ecsthdhfcljd prmpjrjtcha !!!!!!!!!! ::

    7!7!7 Yeyschdhfcljd lejafms jsshlcjtmk wcteJ! lrjssus ca`mltcha!!!!!!!!!!


    < WM\]D[\ !!!!!!!!!! : Yrmssurm tmst jppjrjtus jak mxpmrcomatjd smt/up

    [h masurm lhascstmat jak lhopjrjgdm omjsurmomats wmrm hgtjcamk$ j ljdcgrjtcha wjs ljrrcmk hut wcte

    tem jcr puop jppjrjtus! [ecs jddhwmk tem ajturjd gucdk/up h` prmssurm wcteca tem systmo th gm

    jllhuatmk `hr prchr th tem jkkctcha h` swcogdjkkmr tcssum! [ecs wjs jlecmvmk gy ruaacaf tem jcr puop

    terhufe tem mxpmrcomatjd jppjrjtus `hr 09 smlhaks$ rmlhrkcaf hgtjcamk prmssurm rmjkcafs jt twh

    smlhak catmrvjds jak pdhttcaf temsm vjdums ca j tcom smrcms frjpe! Halm rmjkcafs ha tem ojahomtmr

    prhvckmk j stmjky lurvm h` prmssurm lejafm hvmr tcom `hr termm lhasmlutcvm trcjds$ tem mqucpomat wjs

    rmjky `hr usm!

    \tjtcstcljd Jajdyscs

    Wmsudts h` tem prmssurm tmst wmrm usmk `hr stjtcstcljd jajdyscs th jssmss tem copjlt ha J! lrjssus

    ca`mltcha ha swcogdjkkmr mxtmascgcdcty jak catmrajd prmssurm thdmrjalm! [h lha`hro th tem jssuoptchas

    h` JAHPJ$ jdd kjtj wjs lemlbmk `hr ahrojdcty uscaf ja Jakmrsha/Kjrdcaf ahrojdcty tmst! Vema kjtj

    wmrm aht ahrojd$ j Dhf:9 trjas`hrojtcha wjs jppdcmk!

    Mmd lhakctcha wjs mxjocamk wcte rmspmlt th sjopdm sctm ca j ham/wjy JAHPJ wcte @csemrs D\K phst

    ehl tmstcaf! \wcogdjkkmr lhakctcha wjs tema mxjocamk wcte rmspmlt th tem ca`mltcha stjtus h` tem

    sjopdm sctm! J \pmjrojas rjab hrkmr lhrrmdjtcha tmst wjs `crst usmk th tmst tem kjtj$ js swcogdjkkmr

    lhakctcha slhrcaf wjs sugnmltcvm jak tem kjtj wjs aht ahrojddy kcstrcgutmk! [ecs wjs `hddhwmk gy j

    ham/wjy JAHPJ jak @csemrs D\K phst ehl tmstcaf! [h mxjocam tem m``mlts h`J! lrjssus ca`mltcha

    ha swcogdjkkmr lhakctcha$ j rmfrmsscha jajdyscs h` swcogdjkkmr dmafte wcte rmspmlt th ghky dmafte

    wjs lhakultmk `hr frhupmk kjtj `rho ca`mltmk jak uaca`mltmk sjopdm sctms! Ja JALHPJ tmst wjs

    tema usmk th `urtemr mxpdhrm tecs rmdjtchasecp! \wcogdjkkmr prmssurm jt gurst wcte rmspmlt th sjopdm

    sctm wjs mxjocamk uscaf j ham/wjy JAHPJ wcte @csemrs D\K phst ehl tmstcaf! Kjtj hgtjcamk `hr

    swcogdjkkmr prmssurm jt gurst wjs jdsh mxjocamk wcte rmspmlt th swcogdjkkmr wmcfet uscaf tem sjom

  • 7/28/2019 Jenny McLeish: "The use of non-invasive sampling methods for the detection of Anguillicola crassus, a swimbladde



    [em tmleacqum h` sjopdcaf lhpmphk catmromkcjtm ehsts jak pmrle pjrjtmacl ehsts th kmtmrocam temprmsmalm h`J! lrjssus ca j systmo prhvmk cam``mltcvm! Omtehks h` djrvjd kmtmltcha wcteca temsm ehsts

    lja gm kc``cludt$ rmqucrcaf djghrchus jak kmtjcdmk oclrhslhpcl mxjocajtcha$ jak prmvjdmalm auogmrs

    jppmjr th gm thh dhw th jddhw `hr m``clcmat kmtmltcha %tjgdm 7#!

    [jgdm 7> Dmvmds h` J! lrjssus ca`mltcha ca pmrle jak lhpmphk sjopdms

    Dhljtcha Auogmr h`



    - J``mltmk

    wcte J!


    - Vctehut

    J! lrjssus

    Auogmr h`



    - J``mltmk

    wcte J!


    - Vctehut

    J! lrjssus

    Gjrhaslhurt :999 9 :99 :9 9 :99



    :999 9 :99 9 9 :99



    :999 9 :99 0 9 :99

    Kuge Dhle :999 9 :99 0 9 :99

    [em usm h` udtrjshuak js j kcjfahstcl thhd wjs `jr ohrm m``mltcvm! Mjle cakcvckujd mxjocamk wjs

    lhrrmltdy kcjfahsmk js ca`mltmk hr aha/ca`mltmk wcte J! lrjssus$ vmrc`cmk gy phst/ohrtmo catmrajd

    mxjocajtcha %`cfurm =j th k#! Ca shom ljsms$ calhascstmalcms ca tem swcogdjkkmr wjdd wmrm ahtclmjgdm$

    jak wmrm djtmr lha`cromk th gm D

  • 7/28/2019 Jenny McLeish: "The use of non-invasive sampling methods for the detection of Anguillicola crassus, a swimbladde




    h` tem swcogdjkkmr$ kcjfahsmk gy ja jgrupt tmrocajtcha h` tem rm`dmltcha pjttmra lejrjltmrcstcl h` tem

    swcogdjkkmr %`cfurm =m jak =`#!

    %j# %g#

    %l# %k#

    %m# %`#

    @cfurm => Kcjfahstcl udtrjshuak cojfms> %j# jak %g# uaca`mltmk swcogdjkkmr2 %l# jak %k#

    swcogdjkkmr wcte J! lrjssus ca`mltcha$ amojthkm prmsmalm sehwa gy grmjbs ca ehrczhatjd strcjtchas

    cakcljtmk gy wectm jrrhw2 %m# jak %`# gualecaf h` D; J! lrjssus jt ljukjd tcp h` swcogdjkkmr

  • 7/28/2019 Jenny McLeish: "The use of non-invasive sampling methods for the detection of Anguillicola crassus, a swimbladde




    [h masurm jdd kjtj wjs ahrojdcsmk$ rmsudts `hr mmd wmcfet$ @udthas lhakctcha `jlthr jak prmssurm

    lejafm upha swcogdjkkmr gurst wmrm dhf trjas`hromk uscaf Dhf:9!

    Wmsudts `hr mmd lhakctcha$ omjsurmk uscaf @udthas lhakctcha `jlthr$ wmrm mxjocamk `hr j dhljtcha

    m``mlt! Lhakctcha `jlthr wjs `huak th kc``mr scfac`cljatdy gmtwmma dhljtchas %@%

  • 7/28/2019 Jenny McLeish: "The use of non-invasive sampling methods for the detection of Anguillicola crassus, a swimbladde




    [em rmphrtmk sehrtmacaf ca swcogdjkkmr dmafte tejt hllurs ca cakcvckujds mxphsmk th dhaf/tmro J!

    lrjssus ca`mltcha dmvmds wjs mxjocamk uscaf rmfrmsscha jajdyscs! [htjd ghky dmafte jak swcogdjkkmr

    dmafte wmrm lhopjrmk ca sctms h` ah J! lrjssus mxphsurm jak sctms wemrm J! lrjssus ejk gmlhom

    mstjgdcsemk! Kjtj `rho uaca`mltmk cakcvckujds `rho tem Dhle Dhohak jak Gjrhaslhurt sctms sehwmk j

    strhafdy phsctcvm scfac`cljat dcamjr rmdjtchasecp gmtwmma mmd ghky dmafte jak swcogdjkkmr dmafte

    %?9!:6;$ t%:=#? ;!90$ p?9!99:#! Jt tem ca`mltmk Dhufe Amjfe jak Kuge Dhle sctms j phsctcvm dcamjr

    rmdjtchasecp wjs jdsh sehwa$ gut wjs aht `huak th ejvm stjtcstcljd scfac`cljalm %?9!9;05$ t%:3#? 9!33$

    p?9! \ljttmrpdht h` dcamjr rmfrmsscha sehwcaf thtjd ghky dmafte vmrsus swcogdjkkmr dmafte `hr

    ca`mltmk jak uaca`mltmk sjopdm sctms

    [ecs rmdjtchasecp wjs `urtemr mxpdhrmk uscaf ja JALHPJ tmst th dhhb jt tem m``mlts h` sctm ca`mltcha

    stjtus jak ghky dmafte ha swcogdjkkmr dmafte! Ghte `jlthrs wmrm `huak th ejvm j scfac`cljat m``mlt ha

    swcogdjkkmr dmafte$ jdtehufe tem ca`dumalm h` sctm %@%:$

    ousludjrcs oulhsj lmdds wjs jdsh jppjrmat$ wema lhopjrmk wcte ghte tem Kuge Dhle jak Dhle

    Dhohak sjopdms %`cfurm 5#! J pjttmra h` mpctemdcjd lmdd sejpm kcsthrtcha jak mdhafjtcha lja gm smma

    wema lhopjrcaf tem uaca`mltmk swcogdjkkmr h` Dhle Dhohak wcte tem rmdjtcvmdy rmlmat ca`mltcha ca

    Kuge Dhle jak dhaf/tmro ca`mltcha h` tem Mafdcse sjopdm sctm %`cfurm 5`$ k jak g$ rmspmltcvmdy#!


  • 7/28/2019 Jenny McLeish: "The use of non-invasive sampling methods for the detection of Anguillicola crassus, a swimbladde






    *@cfurm 5> j# J! lrjssus ca`mltmk sjopdm sehwcaf `hdkmk mpctemdcuo %M#$ tuaclj prhprcj %[Y#$

    ousludjrcs oulhsj %OO#$ sugoulhsj %\# jak smrhsj %\m#2 g# J! lrjssus ca`mltmk sjopdm sehwcaf

    `hdkmk caamr sur`jlm jak lhduoajr mpctemdcjd lmdds %Lm#2 l#* Kuge* Dhle* ca`mltmk* sjopdm* sehwcaf*

    dcamjrdy*hrkmrmk*mpctemdcuo*jak*teca*djymrs*h`*tuaclj*prhprcj*jak*ousludjrcs*oulhsj 2 k# Kuge Dhle

    sjopdm sehwcaf lhduoajr mpctemdcjd lmdds %Lm#2* m#' Dhle* Dhohak* uaca`mltmk* sjopdm* sehwcaf* teca

    mpctemdcjd$ tuaclj prhprcj jak ousludjrcs oulhsj djymrs2 `# Kuge Dhle sjopdm sehwcaf rmkulmk$

    lugcl mpctemdcjd lmdds %Lm#*







    j' g'l' k'

    m' `'



  • 7/28/2019 Jenny McLeish: "The use of non-invasive sampling methods for the detection of Anguillicola crassus, a swimbladde




    [em prmssurm rmjkcaf coomkcjtmdy gm`hrm tem swcogdjkkmr gurst wjs sugtrjltmk `rho tem prmssurm ca

    tem systmo `hddhwcaf swcogdjkkmr rupturm$ jak usmk th fcvm j vjdum `hr prmssurm lejafm wcteca tem

    systmo! JAHPJ h` prmssurm lejafm upha gurst jak dhljtcha rmvmjdmk tejt temsm twh `jlthrs wmrm

    ldhsmdy rmdjtmk %@%

    lejafm jt gurst trudy ejk j ljusm(m``mlt rmdjtchasecp!

    [em jgshdutm prmssurm wcteca tem swcogdjkkmr duoma coomkcjtmdy prmlmkcaf swcogdjkkmr rupturm wjs

    ljdludjtmk uscaf ja jppdcljtcha h` Ghydms Djw! JAHPJ rmsudts sehwmk tejt tecs tmst wjs aht jgdm th

    kcslrcocajtm gmtwmma swcogdjkkmrs `rho sjopdms sctms frhupmk gy ca`mltcha stjtus jt tem scfac`cljalm

    dmvmd h` p?9!9= %@%:$75#?

    catmrajd prmssurm thdmrjalm wjs smma wema lhopjrcaf tem rmsudts h` mjle dhljtcha smpjrjtmdy










    9! Krjlualudhckmj# Djrvjd

    Ca`mltcha ca Yjrjtmacl Ehst @csems h` Djbm Gjdjtha$ Euafjry!Jltj Pmtmrcajrcj Euafjrclj$


    lrjssus!Kcsmjsms h` jqujtcl hrfjacsos$ :
