JCSS System Test Coordinators’ Fall 2012 Conference 1 September 18, 2012


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JCSS System Test Coordinators’

Fall 2012 Conference


September 18, 2012


During Testing, do you feel like?

If not, maybe after the presentation…


Georgia’s Student Assessment Program

• The primary purposes of Georgia’s assessment program are:– To provide a comprehensive perspective of

academic achievement at the student, class, school, system, and state levels.

– To provide useful information to aid:• teachers and administrators in instructional planning;• students and their parents in personal decision

making;• educators and the general public in evaluation of

educational programs.

2012 - 2013 Assessments• ACCESS for ELLs (K-12) (and new Alternate ACCESS)• Criterion Referenced Competency Tests (CRCT) (3-8)• Criterion Referenced Competency Tests - Modified (CRCT-

M) (3-8)• End-of-Course Tests (EOCT) (Middle/High School)• Georgia Alternate Assessment (GAA) (K, 3-8, 11)• Georgia High School Graduation Tests (GHSGT) (Gr. 11/12)• Georgia Kindergarten Inventory of Developing Skills

(GKIDS) (K)• National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) (4, 8,

12)• Writing Assessments (3, 5, 8, and 11)


2012 – 2013 Assessments

• Due to budgetary constraints, the following will not be administered during the 2012-2013 school year:– CRCT – grades 1 and 2– GAA – grades 1 and 2


The new Alternate ACCESS for ELLs

Alternate ACCESS is a newly developed, individually administered test. It is intended only for English learners with significant cognitive disabilities that are severe enough to prevent meaningful participation in the ACCESS for ELLs assessment. Alternate ACCESS is not intended for ELs who can be served with special education accommodations on ACCESS for ELLs. Decisions regarding a student's participation must be made by an IEP team.  The test is available for the 1-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12 grade clusters.Participation Criteria: 1. The student has been classified as an EL.2. The student has been classified as a special education student and is receiving services.3. The student has a significant cognitive disability.4. The student participates in the Georgia Alternate Assessment (GAA) – The student participates in the Georgia Alternate Assessment (GAA) – exception exception grades 1 & 2grades 1 & 2

Importantly, students shall not be administered both the Alternate ACCESS for ELLs and the ACCESS for ELLs. 




• Do not include GTID (or FTE #’s) numbers in emails.


• Reasons for non-participation in the CRCT, CRCT-M, and EOCT must be provided during Accountability Assessment Processing in the MyGaDOE Portal (Summer 2013):− Illness − Medical Emergency− Other − Unknown

• Principal Certification Form – required after each administration. http://www.gadoe.org/Curriculum-Instruction-and-Assessment/Assessment/Pages/Information-For-Educators.aspx Must be kept on file by System Test Coordinator for 5years.

• Form is posted in the ‘For Educators’ portal.



Note Regarding English Language Learners (ELLs) vs. English Learners


• The U. S. Department of Education (USED) has changed the term for this special population of students from English Language Learners (ELLs) to English Learners (ELs).

• This change will be seen on documentation, answer documents, etc. in the 2012 – 2013 school year.

• This will not impact scoring, coding, etc. This is simply a change in wording. 9

State Assessments and the CCGPSin English Language Arts &

Mathematics• The implementation of the CCGPS begins

in fall 2012 in ELA (K – 12) and Math (K – 9).

• Given that our assessments should correspond to the taught curriculum, work has been taking place to transition many of our program accordingly.

• This work has involved and will continue to involve GaDOE and contractor staff along with Georgia educators.


State Assessments and the CCGPSin English Language Arts &

MathematicsGeorgia Kindergarten Inventory of Developing Skills (GKIDS)The existing web-based application has been updated and will reflect the CCGPS in ELA and Mathematics beginning fall 2012. Revisions have been made to the administration manual and guide. The assessed domains of Science, Social Studies, Approaches to Learning, Personal/Social Development, and Motor Skills will not be changedwill not be changed. The structure and functionality of the web-based application will not change.

Georgia Criterion-Referenced Competency Tests in Reading, English Language Arts and Mathematics

The CRCT will reflect the CCGPS in the spring 2013. Current item banks have been reviewed to determine which items align to the CCGPS. In addition, during the 2011-12 year items were written specifically for the CCGPS, were reviewed by educators, and were field-tested in spring 2012. Revised Test Content Descriptions, Test Content Weights, and Study Guides will be made available for 2012-2013. There will be some slight shifts in domain weights over the two years (2013 and 2014) until the test fully reflects the emphases of the CCGPS for the 2013-2014 school year. 


State Assessments and the CCGPSin English Language Arts &

MathematicsCriterion-Referenced Competency Tests-Modified (CRCT-M) in Reading, English Language Arts, and Mathematics

The CRCT-M will transition to the CCGPS in a slightly different manner than the CRCT. The current bank of CRCT-M items is undergoing a review for alignment to CCGPS, and the spring 2013 test will use the items that align to the CCGPS. The CRCT-M continues to be a sibling of the CRCT and will reflect similar content weights. The spring 2013 forms will not have items written specifically for the CCGPS because the CRCT-M program uses CRCT items that are modified to make them more accessible for the student population eligible to take the CRCT-M. During summer 2012, these CRCT CCGPS-based items were reviewed for inclusion into the CRCT-M. They will undergo the appropriate modifications and then be field-tested in spring 2013. Following this field testing, the items approved at data review will appear on the spring 2014 CRCT-M as operational items. Remember that the CRCT Test CRCT Test Content Descriptions and Study Guides are also applicable to the Content Descriptions and Study Guides are also applicable to the CRCT-M.CRCT-M.


State Assessments and the CCGPSin English Language Arts &

MathematicsEnd of Course Tests (EOCT) in the areas of English Language Arts and for the newly implemented Coordinate Algebra course in Mathematics

The EOCT will transition to the CCGPS beginning with the Winter 2012 administration. These courses/tests include: 9th Grade Literature & Composition, American Literature & Composition, and Coordinate Algebra (a new EOCT). In 2012-2013, these tests will be comprised of items that are dually-aligned to the GPS and the CCGPS as well as items developed specifically for the CCGPS. Revised Test Content Descriptions and Study Guides will be made available for 2012-2013. The EOCT in Mathematics I, Mathematics II, GPS Algebra, GPS Geometry, Physical Science, Biology, U.S. History, and Economics will continue to be GPS-based. Once this year’s entering ninth graders advance next year (2013-2014) into Analytic Geometry, a new EOCT will become available for that course (beginning Winter 2013).


State Assessments and the CCGPSin English Language Arts &

MathematicsGeorgia Alternate Assessment (GAA) in the areas of English Language Arts (K, 3-8, and HS) & Mathematics (3-8)

The GAA will reflect the CCGPS beginning in fall of 2012. The GAA blueprint has been revised for 2012-2013 to include the CCGPS that aligned with the previous GPS-based blueprint. The CCGPS-based blueprint is posted on the GaDOE website and will also appear in the 2012-2013 Examiner’s Manual. As with the other assessments, Science and Social Studies remain unchanged by the CCGPS transition.

Special note about high school students that need to retest: the blueprint remains based upon the GPS given that these students were first assessed in grade 11 in 2012 under the GPS in ELA and Mathematics . . . Therefore, a HS Retest blueprint is posted as a separate document.


Student stays with

version of test s/he

started –just as GHSGT

Writing 3, 5, 8, and 11 (GHSWT)

Georgia’s writing assessment program assesses writing standards that are universal and are reflected in both the GPS and the CCGPS. The current format (students respond to an “on-demand” prompt/topic) will not change. Both sets of standards require students to produce writing in the different genres and that writing reflects quality content development and organization, style, sentence formation, usage, and mechanics. These characteristics are the foundation of the rubrics for the Georgia Writing Assessments in grades 3, 5, 8, and 11.

A new set of resources “CCGPS Connections Resource Guides” will be posted for each of the four grade levels. These guides are designed to illustrate the connections between the CCGPS and the writing assessments in their current format. Current plans for the common assessment being developed by PARCC include the assessment of writing in a fashion that will integrate reading and writing (beginning in 2014-2015).

3rd Grade Response to Literature will no longer be used


State Assessments and the CCGPSin English Language Arts &


Highlights of Changes to the Student Assessment Handbook

• Annual edits (dates, updated glossary, new weblinks, etc.)• References to the GPS . . . Now includes the Common

Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS) where applicable and/or the term “state-adopted curriculum”.

• Additions/Changes/Areas of Emphasis in the Test Security section and Roles & Responsibilities section.

• Assessment Program updates . . . Alternate ACCESS for ELLs, CCGPS where applicable, New Coordinate Algebra EOCT, Updated EOCT “Grading” section relative to student participation, updated Lexile section.

• Some new/updated forms at end of Handbook.


Secondary Assessment Transition

• The Secondary Assessment Transition Plan was approved by the State Board of Education on April 13, 2011

• This plan provides for the phasing out of the Georgia High School Graduation Test (GHSGT) and an increased “weight” of the End of Course Tests (EOCT)

• All students will continue to be required to take and pass the Georgia High School Writing Test (GHSWT)


Secondary Assessment Transition

• In April 2011, the State Board of Education voted to adopt amendments to two rules:

– Rule 160-3-1-.07: Testing Programs – Student Assessment


– Rule 160-4-2-.13: Statewide Passing Score(http://public.doe.k12.ga.us/_documents/doe/legalservices/160-4-2-.13.pdf )


Secondary Assessment Transition Plan

• Cohort 1: Students entering grade nine for the first time during the 2011-2012 school year and beyond

Testing Rule Amendments for this cohort include:– Removing the Georgia High School Graduation Tests as a

requirement for graduation– Retaining the requirement to pass the Georgia High School

Writing Test

Statewide Passing Score Rule amendments include:– Increasing the contribution of EOCT to the course grade to

20%• NOTE: Students would not be required to pass the EOCT to

graduate but must pass the course to earn credit


LAST Junior class

required to take GHSGT

Secondary Assessment Transition Plan• Cohort 2: Students currently in high school

(entered grade nine for the first time between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2011)

Testing Rule Amendments for this cohort include:– Flexibility – allowing a passing score on one of the two

EOCTs in each content area to serve as an alternate demonstration of proficiency and stand in lieu of the requirement to pass the corresponding content area GHSGT

– Retaining the requirement to pass the Georgia High School Writing Test

Statewide Passing Score Rule amendments include:• Retaining the contribution of the EOCT to the course

grade at 15%


Ninth Graders Tenth Graders Eleventh Graders Twelfth Graders

2011 / 2012

EOCT = 20% of course grade

Pass the GHSWT

EOCT = 15% of course grade

[Pass one EOCT in each of the four content areas or pass the corresponding subject test of GHSGT]


EOCT = 15% of course grade

[Pass one EOCT in each of the four content areas or pass the corresponding subject test of GHSGT]


EOCT = 15% of course grade

[Pass one EOCT in each of the four content areas or pass the corresponding subject test of GHSGT]


2012 / 2013

EOCT = 20% of course grade

Pass the GHSWT

EOCT = 20% of course grade

Pass the GHSWT

EOCT = 15% of course grade

[Pass one EOCT in each of the four content areas or pass the corresponding subject test of GHSGT]


EOCT = 15% of course grade

[Pass one EOCT in each of the four content areas or pass the corresponding subject test of GHSGT]


2013 / 2014

EOCT = 20% of course grade

Pass the GHSWT

EOCT = 20% of course grade

Pass the GHSWT

EOCT = 20% of course grade

Pass the GHSWT

EOCT = 15% of course grade

[Pass one EOCT in each of the four content areas or pass the corresponding subject test of GHSGT]


2014 / 2015

Common Core Assessment Implementation

(Language Arts & Mathematics)

EOCT = 20% (Science & Social Studies)

Common Core Assessment Implementation

(Language Arts & Mathematics)

EOCT = 20% (Science & Social Studies)

Common Core Assessment Implementation

(Language Arts & Mathematics)

EOCT = 20% (Science & Social Studies)

EOCT = 20% of course grade

Pass the GHSWT

Secondary Assessment Transition Plan




Roles and Responsibilities

• The successful implementation of the statewide student assessment program requires a concerted effort by many individuals at the local level.

• The failure of any personnel to assume the responsibilities described in the Student Assessment Handbook (SAH)

may result in testing irregularities and/or invalidation of scores.

• Failure to assume responsibilities can have many far-reaching implications and may effect professional certification status.


Roles and ResponsibilitiesDetailed descriptions of roles and responsibilities are provided in

the SAH, 2012-2013.

• Superintendent• System Test Coordinator (STC)• System Special Education Coordinator• System Title III Coordinator

• Principal• School Test Coordinator• Examiner• Proctor

Note: The School Test Coordinator and all Examiners must hold a PSC-issued certificate – cannot use Paraprofessionals


Scheduling Considerations

• Each system/school has the option of deciding whether students will be tested in their classrooms or in a large-group setting.

• Mandated tests must be scheduled in accordance with published GaDOE testing dates.

• If breaks are allowed, they should be structured so that an unhurried pace is maintained. The monitoring of students during an allowed/scheduled break is required.

• It is strongly recommended that students are tested in a classroom setting, especially for elementary school students.


Do Not force students

to break!

Scheduling Considerations

• If the large-group testing option is selected, all students must be able to hear the test instructions and have sufficient workspace for writing or marking answer documents. Instructions should be delivered by the students’ examiner who is present with them in the test setting - if testing in an auditorium, you must leave every other seat and row empty.

• A sufficient number of proctors must be available to assist with test administration and monitor test security.

• Plans for the effective, documented, and secure distribution and collection of test materials must be in place regardless of the type of setting used.


Materials Management• Make certain that Pre-ID label files are created accurately and

uploaded in a timely manner • All testing materials must be stored – under lock and All testing materials must be stored – under lock and

key and with strict “key control” – in a secure central key and with strict “key control” – in a secure central location. location. Each STC must implement an accounting system for the materials that are required for each test administration. This applies at both the system and school levels.

• The STC should plan for the distribution of test booklets, answer documents, Examiner’s Manuals and Test Coordinator’s Manuals in a timely manner.

• Secure materials should be distributed to schools as close to the beginning of the testing window as possible.

• Once an answer document has a student pre-id label on it, student information bubbled on it, and/or student responses on it . . . It is considered secure.



Each school will update its testing plan which includes each assessment program.Maintain detailed attendance records with the name of each participant, responsibility, date of training, and name of assessment.Develop a specific plan for implementing accommodations including:

– ensuring students receive the right accommodations– examiner administer the accommodation

appropriately – ensuring the logistics are thought-through.USE JCSS outline OR chart

Testing Plan

Training Plan• The STC should develop and implement a district plan

for training for each specific assessment program. • Maintain detailed attendance records with the

name of each participant, responsibility, date of training, and name of assessment.

• Develop a specific plan for implementing accommodations including:– ensuring students receive the right accommodations -

#1 error– ensuring the examiner administers the

accommodation appropriately – ensuring the logistics are considered and planned for


Managing Test Security• Lock tests up!• Require students put their names on the

test booklets.• Teachers should sign tests out and in – note

dates, times, number checked out/checking in.

• All system personnel are prohibited from reviewing contents of test booklets.*

• Do not copy any secure test materials.• Monitor students.*Interpreters for the hearing impaired may review, with supervision,

to plan for administration – one day prior


Materials Security

• Staff members who are not involved in testing should also be aware of the school’s responsibility for test security.

• Paraprofessionals, custodial staff, and others in the school who may be in classes during testing or may be near the area where tests are stored, even though they do not have direct access to tests, should be aware of security rules - if they come into contact with tests OR are involved in any manner, they should also be trained


Materials Security• All personnel involved in the

administration must be trained in a manner appropriate to their role; this includes all staff who are involved in the handling of secure test materials (receipt, distribution, pre/post administration activities, etc.).

• Volunteers who assist in the school (non-employees) should not handle test materials or manage testing logistics but may assist in the administration in other ways (front office support, hall monitors, etc.).


Planning for a Conducive Environment

• Ensure that seating spaces and writing surfaces are large enough.

• Seating arranged to prevent cheating. • No cell phones or other electronic devices in the test

setting. • No. 2 Pencils - Each student should have two No. 2

pencils with erasers on test days. However, there should be a supply of extra pencils and erasers available.

• Keep a timing device visible - you should have a clock or watch to keep track of time during test administration.

• Prior to testing, make a plan for students who finish early, arrive late, appear to be (or become) ill, etc.


Planning for Testing Administration

EXAMINERS • Deliver the Examiner’s Manual with fidelity.• Verify that students’ answer documents are prepared

correctly before testing begins. • Verify that students respond in the appropriate sections

of the answer document (e.g., that social studies items are answered in the section marked SOCIAL STUDIES).

• Verify that form numbers/letters are coded correctly on student answer documents.

• Refer to the detailed listing of roles and responsibilities in the Student Assessment Handbook.


Planning for Testing Administration

PROCTORS • Proctors are always recommended.• When more than 30 students are to be tested in

one room, the assistance of a proctor is required. • At least one proctor is required for each

additional 30 students. • If students are tested in groups of 30 or fewer,

a proctor is highly recommended. • Proctors must be trained in appropriate test

procedures before testing begins. Tasks which they must perform should be clearly specified.

• Refer to the detailed listing of roles and responsibilities in the Student Assessment Handbook.


Planning for Testing Administration

RESOURCES AND AIDS• NO dictionaries(*), textbooks, or other aids and/or

resources that would provide assistance. (*EL Word to Word Dictionaries would be an exception to this if prescribed in an EL-TPC plan- Dictionaries must be approved by Kathy Hatchett or Dr. Skinner)

• Any instructional materials that are displayed in the room, such as posters, must be covered or removed during testing.

• Review the calculator policies for each program as they differ. Calculators that store text or that have graphing capabilities are not allowed on any state assessment.


Accommodations and Special Populations


Accommodations Considerations• Approved accommodations appear in the Student

Assessment Handbook and in the Accommodations Manual (published 2008)

• Advanced Reading Aids– Plan ahead for ordering electronic formats for

read-alouds (such as Kurzweil) (Requests should be submitted 8 – 12 weeks in advance at minimum)

• Homebound and hospitalized students -tests should not be kept overnight – must be checked out & in on a daily basis


Eligible Students• Students eligible for accommodations

include:– Students with Disabilities

• students with individualized educational plans• students served under Section 504*

– English Learners• Students qualifying for language assistance services• EL students who are also SWD• Students who have exited language assistance services

in the last two years (EL-Monitored)***Only in the rarest of circumstances would a 504 student qualify for a conditional


**EL-M students are not eligible for conditional accommodations.

Accommodations• Accommodations allow access…

– they are practices and procedures in the areas of presentation, response, setting, and scheduling that provide equitable instructional and assessment access for students with disabilities and English language learners.

• Accommodations reduce or eliminate the effects of a student’s disability or limited English proficiency

• Accommodations do not provide an unfair advantage

• Accommodations do not reduce or change learning expectations

Test Administration Accommodations

• Accommodations provide access for demonstration of achievement

–Allow participation– Do not guarantee proficiency - should not attempt should not attempt

toto• and therefore should not be selected solely as mean to help

ensure proficiency

• Must be required by the student in order to participate in the assessment

• Must be provided during routine instruction and assessment in the classroom (both before and after the state tests are administered) –if no practice, can do worse

Test Administration Accommodations

•Some accommodations appropriate for instruction are not appropriate for assessments• It may be appropriate to use some instructional

accommodations to provide access to grade level content, but these should be faded over time

•The ultimate goal is always meaningful measurement of what the student has learned as a result of instruction

AccommodationsIn Georgia accommodations MAY NOTMAY NOT

• alter, explain, simplify, paraphrase, or alter, explain, simplify, paraphrase, or eliminate any test item, reading eliminate any test item, reading passage, writing prompt, or choice passage, writing prompt, or choice optionoption

• provide verbal or other clues or provide verbal or other clues or suggestions that hint at or give away suggestions that hint at or give away the correct response to the studentthe correct response to the student

Only state-approved accommodations may be used on state-mandated assessments, following the guidance issued –regardless of what is written in IEP – rewrite IEP if needed

Key Considerations

• For students with disabilities IEP teams should consider –– the characteristics of the disability or the

combination of disabilities for the individual student

– how the disability affects/impacts the learning of specific content

– how the disability affects/impacts the demonstration of learning


Key Considerations

• For English learners EL-TPC teams should consider –– the student’s level of English proficiency– the student’s level of literacy in English– the student’s level of native language

proficiency– the student’s level of literacy in native



Plan for Accommodations• Know who your SWD, EL, and 504 students are who require accommodations . . .

And plan well in advance for their needs.• Plan for small groups and the need for the same form number/letter (read

alouds).• Know who your visually impaired students are and ensure you have adequate

materials.• Make provisions for Extended Time (time and ½- can be exceptions) students.• Plan in advance for any Word to Word (EL) Dictionary needs.• Ensure that examiners are familiar with the proper way to deliver the necessary

accommodations.• Collaborate with others as needed to ensure that “paperwork” (IEP’s, EL-TPC’s, 504

Plans, etc.) is in order –check with case manager & EL teacher • The transfer of student responses to a student answer document (in cases

such as Large Print and Braille administrations) should be completed with a witness present . . . The witness should hold a PSC-issued certificate. It is critical that staff confirm that this process is completed where required. - MUST USE JCSS FORM


Accommodations• Any accommodation(s) given to a student

during the administration must be specified in the student’s IEP, 504/IAP, EL/TPC. ALL ELL Students (active, monitored, & waivered).

• All accommodation(s) during state mandated testing should reflect instructional practices. Students should not experience an accommodation for the first time on a state assessment- however –if it’s in the IEP, 504/IAP, ELL/TPC, use it!



•School Test Coordinators must ensure that students are given their appropriate accommodations, before a student begins to test - Start with SEMS report & end with case load/EL teacher.

**This is still an issue with irregularities although we did have fewer incidents – please double & triple check – especially new students (use SLDS)!


Accommodations• Additional information and guidance on

the appropriate use of accommodations:– Accommodations Manual: A Guide to

Selecting, Administering, and Evaluating the Use of Test Administration Accommodations for Students with Disabilities (published 2008)

– Found on the GaDOE web site (http://www.gadoe.org/Curriculum-Instruction-and-Assessment/Assessment/Pages/default.aspx; in the portlet labeled ‘For Educators’)


Assessment Administration


Materials• The School Test Coordinator must count

all materials before disseminating to examiners.

• Examiners must verify count upon receipt. • At the end of testing each day, the examiner

must account for all materials before dismissing students.

• The School Test Coordinator must count and secure all materials as examiners check in the materials at the end of testing each day.


Materials• Each school now has a test administration plan

which outlines how, when, where tests are to be distributed and collected each testing day.– Schools should distribute materials to

examiners immediately before testing.– Schools should collect materials immediately

at the conclusion of testing each day (or after each “period” if applicable).

• No one should have access to secure materials for lengthy periods of time.


Materials• Pre-ID labels (where provided) must be used

to provide accurate student information for state tests. – Refer to the Test Coordinator’s and Examiner’s

manuals for current information on use of labels specific to each test.

– Labels with incorrect information should not be used (and should be securely destroyed).

– Labels should be applied to answer documents prior to administration. Once applied, the Once applied, the answer document is considered secure –even if answer document is considered secure –even if not used not used


Roles and Responsibilities

– Refer to Student Assessment Handbook for detailed information.

– Superintendent has ultimate responsibility for all testing activities within the local school system. The System Test Coordinator shares this responsibility as the Superintendent’s designee.


Roles and Responsibilities

– Principal has ultimate responsibility for all testing activities within the school & School Testing Coordinator

• Emphasis : The Principal must complete the Principal Certification Form after each administration.


Roles and Responsibilities

School Test Coordinator– Must hold a PSC-issued certificate– Count and secure all test materials– Materials distribution/return, signing out and signing in

materials– Attend and then redeliver training – Plan for all aspects of the school’s test administration,

monitor test administration environment– Receive/verify test material counts after testing each day– Detailed list of responsibilities in SAH– Do Not “delegate” everything to Assistant School Test



Roles and Responsibilities

Examiner– Must hold a Georgia PSC-issued certificate (teachers,

counselors, administrators, paraprofessionals)– Security/verification of test materials– Control of testing environment and active monitoring– Accuracy of demographic/student information on

answer documents– Correct delivery of assigned accommodations– Follows procedures for testing as given in Examiner’s

Manual, including reading all directions to students– Detailed list of responsibilities in SAH


Roles and Responsibilities

Proctor–Must be trained–With examiner supervision, ensures that

students are managing test materials appropriately

– Active monitoring–Detailed list of responsibilities in




Student Assessment Handbook: “Must Do/Must Not Do” List –ALL staff that come in contact with tests MUST SIGN and you keep on file


• All personnel in the local system must follow protocol as they become aware of testing irregularities

• Signs of any testing irregularity must be dealt with immediately

Protocol is:Test Examiner > School Test Coordinator >Principal> System Test Coordinator > GaDOE


Irregularities• All irregularities must be coded,

documentation completed and submitted to the GaDOE Assessment Administration Division

• Only the GaDOE may invalidate assessments - always allow a student to complete an assessment if possible



• The Assessment Administration Division (GADOE) will review all reports of irregularities– Issue irregularity/invalidation codes– Advise the local system as to whether a

report of possible unethical conduct should be made to the Professional Standards Commission (PSC)


Examples of Irregularities in Security Procedures: – Examinee was given access to test questions or

prompts prior to testing– Test Examiner or other personnel copied or

reproduced and distributed secure test materials

– Test Examiner or other personnel provided answers to the examinee

– For more examples, please refer to the SAH


Examples of Irregularities during Testing Administration:– Test Examiner or other personnel failed

to follow administration directions for the test

– Examinee’s test booklet, answer sheets, or portfolio entries (GAA) are lost

– Test Examiner fails to provide an examinee with a documented accommodation or provides examinee with an accommodation that is not documented


Examples of Irregularities during Testing Administration:

– Examinee’s test booklet, answer sheets, or portfolio entries (for GAA) are lost – GAAs should not leave the building. Do Not take home or to BOE (except when complete). If Special Education Department needs to check GAAs away from your campus, they will check them out from you.

– If a student has an accommodation, they may not opt not to use it - i.e., if a student has write in booklet - they mustthey must, do not give them an answer sheet.

– For more examples, please refer to the SAH


Steps for Reporting an Irregularity

School Test Coordinator: – Communicate with the Principal and System Test

Coordinator about a possible testing irregularity– System Test Coordinator will provide guidance

regarding investigation if necessary– Statements should be provided by all parties

involved in the irregularity– Return all documentation to the System Test

Coordinator– Include form # - use JCSS Irregularity Form


Characteristics of a Quality Investigation

• Examiner must notify Principal and School Test Coordinator of incident

• School Test Coordinator must notify System Test Coordinator - same day as occurrence

• System Test Coordinator is responsible for reporting to GaDOE.

• Request detailed written statements from all parties involved if necessary– Follow up on details (“connect the dots”)

• Follow district procedures regarding alleged misconduct


Importance of Training Materials

• Throughout the testing administration, please refer to the following resources:– Student Assessment Handbook– Examiner’s Manuals – Test Coordinator’s Manuals– Accommodations Manual


Read again, even though you may have read before. Directions do change and these are standardized tests.

Post Administration


Irregularities – Post Testing• Make certain that all irregularities and

invalidations are documented correctly before sending scorable documents–reminder - call me (770-633-4884) the day an irregularity occurs!

• Make certain that online test irregularity forms have been finalized (EOCTs & CRCTs).

• Communicate to school personnel the GaDOE responses to irregularity forms and consequences of irregularities, invalidations, and participation invalidations

• If appropriate, refer to PSC for investigation


Collecting Materials• In a supervised setting, at the conclusion of testing:

– The School Test Coordinator . . . Conducts, coordinates, and supervises inspection of all completed answer documents for the following purposes only: to ensure that student demographic and identification information is accurate, that necessary coding/labeling is complete, and that documents are in good condition for scanning. (If there is concern about some form of damage, stain, tear, etc., please contact me.)

DO NOT ERASE STRAY MARKS DO NOT ERASE STRAY MARKS – Count the answer documents and test booklets to account for

the appropriate number– Check to make certain there are no answer documents left

in the test booklets– Unnecessary handling of answer documents must be avoided– The timely return of answer documents ensures a timely return

of scores


Transferring Student Test Scores

• It is the responsibility of local school systems to ensure that test scores become a part of students' records as soon as possible after testing, and that such records follow students to their new schools


Dissemination of Test Scores

• Results for individual students are critical for certain grades and subjects

• Initial test results are released on the department’s secure portal, MyGaDOE, or through Pearson Access– To have access to these downloadable roster reports and data

files, it is imperative that System Test Coordinators acquire a login and password

• Requests for data from other personnel in the system (e.g. principals, teachers, parents, etc.) will be directed to the System Test Coordinator

• Individual student reports, rosters, school level summary reports, and system level reports are made available to districts via printed copy


Interpretation of Scores

• Score Interpretation Guides are available for each program– Found on each program website.

• Over interpretation should be avoided– Remember, each program is built to

serve a specific purpose; interpretation must be made in light of those purposes


State Board RulesThe most current rules below can be found on the GaDOE web site at the following link: http://www.gadoe.org/External-Affairs-and-Policy/State-Board-of-Education/Pages/PEABoardRules.aspx

State Board Rules relating to assessment include: • 160-3-1-.07 Testing Programs – Student Assessment • 160-4-2-.11 Promotion, Placement, and Retention• 160-4-2-.13 Statewide Passing Score• 160-1-3-.09 Waivers and Variances of High School Graduation Assessments• 160-4-2-.31 Hospital/Homebound (HHB) Services• 160-4-2-.34 Dual Enrollment• 160-4-2-.46 High School Graduation Requirements (1997-1998)• 160-4-2-.47 High School Graduation Requirements (2002-2003)• 160-4-2-.48 High School Graduation Requirements (2008-2009)• 160-4-5-.02 Language Assistance: Program for English Learners• 160-4-8-.12 Alternative/Non-Traditional Education Programs• 160-5-1-.07 Student Data Collection• 160-5-1-.14 Transfer of Student Records• 160‐7‐1‐.01 Single Statewide Accountability System


Ethics and Assessment


Ethics and Assessment


The highest form of ethics is doing the ethical thing when no one is watching.

Ethical conduct on the part of educators and

students is one component of assessment that assures that a test is valid for the purpose for which it is used.


An educator shall exemplify honesty and integrity in

the course of professional practice.

Standard 4


HonestyUnethical conduct includes, but is not limited to, falsifying, misrepresenting, or omitting information regarding the evaluation of students …


An educator shall comply with state and federal laws and state school board policies

relating to the confidentiality of student and personnel records, standardized test

material and other information.

Standard 7


Confidential Information

- copying or teaching identified test items,

- publishing or distributing test items or answers,

- discussing test items, - violating local school

system OR state directions for the use of tests or test items, etc.

Unethical conduct includes but is not limited to violation of confidentiality agreements related to standardized testing including:




Standard 11 Testing - An educator shall administer

state-mandated assessments fairly and ethically.

Unethical conduct includes but is not limited to: 1. committing any act that breaches Test

Security; and 2. compromising the integrity of the



• Failing to provide or attend required training.

• Failing to provide state approved accommodations.

• Providing accommodations not in an approved plan.

• Failing to communicate needed accommodations for a student.

• Reading parts of the test to a student except where indicated in written plans or directions.


Acts that Compromise the Integrity of the Assessment

• Failing to provide an appropriate testing environment.

• Failing to monitor testing environment.

• Failing to provide or ensure that proper tools are used during testing.

• Failing to follow the established testing schedule and order of test administration.


Acts that Compromise the Integrity of the Assessment

• Failing to ensure students are given the correct form and/or grade level.

• Failing to follow the directions specified in the manual.

• Allowing students too much or too little time.

• Coaching students during the test.• Interpreting, explaining, or

paraphrasing test items.• Providing answers to test questions


Acts that Compromise the Integrity of the Assessment

• Erasing or altering student answers (Erasure of stray marks that would interfere with scoring is appropriate!) .

• Failing to ensure accurate completion of student information.

• Discouraging students from putting forth optimal effort.

• Encouraging student absenteeism in order to avoid testing.

• Reclassifying students for the purpose of avoiding state testing.


Acts that Compromise the Integrity of the Assessment

Example of Breach

The educator submitted GAA portfolios that had discrepancies between the written evidence and the photos that purported to document the students’ activities. The evidence supports that the information that the educator put in the portfolios was not correct.


Example of Breach

The educator committed several testing irregularities. She read questions more than two times as allotted, paraphrased questions, gave clues, suggested answers, and even told one student the exact answer to a question. The educator contends she does not remember doing anything wrong during testing.


PSC Complaints for JASPER






Test Security Reminders

• Be thoroughly familiar with the Student Assessment Handbook and test administration manuals read entire Handbook & manuals.

• Thoroughly train everyone involved in testing• Make everyone in the school/system aware of the

importance of security and the consequences of violating security, including students, parents, community, custodians, cafeteria personnel, bus drivers

• Follow all protocols• Report problems in a timely manner

– Including referrals to PSC– Principal’s Certification Form is required after each

administration and must be maintained by the System Test Coordinator for 5 years - school should keep 5 years as well.


Test Security Reminders


• Advanced planning is necessary• Solid logistical procedures must be in place• Secure storage before, during, and after

must be present• Clear and concise communication about

roles and responsibilities• Documented training• Lost test booklets constitute a breach of

test security and will result in a referral to PSC


The security of all tests must be

maintained at all times


- Possessing unauthorized copies of state tests.- Copying or taking notes on test items.- Revealing in any manner any part of secure copyrighted tests to students or others.

Acts that Breach Test Security/Confidentiality


Acts that Breach Test Security/Confidentiality

- Discussing test items or answers.- Using secure test items and prompts for instructional purposes.- Reviewing answers to test questions.- Failing to inventory test materials upon receipt.

A good testing program provides critical information to:

¤ Students ¤ Parents¤ Teachers ¤ School and

System¤ Community Members ¤ Administrators

The integrity of the assessment process is critical to all we do as educators.



 The Professional Standards Commission (PSC) adopted

a revised Code of Ethics for Georgia Educators in July


The PSC also adopted a hierarchy of consequences, recommended by System Test Coordinators, that is published on their web site at http://gapsc.com.


Code of Ethics Guidelines for Student Assessmenton Georgia Professional Standards Commission website:






CRCT: Top Topics

• The CRCT will assess student knowledge in the CCGPS in reading, English/language arts, and mathematics and the GPS in science and social studies.

• Revised Test Content Descriptions, Test Content Weights, and Study Guides for Reading, ELA, and mathematics will be available on the CRCT website in fall 2012.

• Science and Social Studies Test Content Descriptions, Test Content Weights, and Study Guides will remain unchanged.

• Grades 1 and 2 will not be assessed. • The CRCT Enrollment System will be available Dec. 13-

Jan. 14. Timely and accurate information is critical for shipping, scoring, and reporting.


CRCT-M: Top Topics• IEP Teams must evaluate all students who achieved “Basic Proficiency” on the

CRCT-M in 2012 to determine whether or not the student should remain on the CRCT-M. All IEPs must contain evidence to support assessment placement.

• If the student has participated in the CRCT-M for one year and achieved “Basic Proficiency” (Students whose performance is Emerging Proficiency or Basic (highest level) Proficiency have met promotion requirements) the IEP team should review other evidence such as national and local tests that the district administers, class tests, and other student work. After consideration of all evidence, the IEP team determines the appropriate assessment for the student (CRCT or CRCT-M) and documents the decision in the IEP.

• If the student has participated in the CRCT-M for two (2) consecutive years and earned a Basic Proficiency score on a content area CRCT-M in each of those years, they are ineligible to participate in the CRCT-M in that content area in 2012-2013. The performance of these students indicates that they are ready to take the general assessment (CRCT).

• The CRCT-M Enrollment System will be available Dec. 13- Jan. 18. Timely and accurate information is critical for shipping, scoring, and reporting.

• Make certain that your schools administer the proper assessment to students!

Participation Guidelines to assist IEP teams appears at:http://www.gadoe.org/Curriculum-Instruction-and-Assessment/Assessment/Pages/CRCT-



EOCT: Top Topics• CCRPI Index

– The EOCT is now Georgia’s high school accountability assessment, and will be included in the department’s new CCPRI Index

• New EOCT test - CCGPS Coordinate Algebra available Winter 2012• Field Test Items

– Math II and Coordinate Algebra EOCTs will contain field test items that are aligned to the CCGPS

• Lexile Scores– Lexiles scores will be reported on the back of ISR’s for 9th Grade

Literature and American Literature• On Demand Rosters

– Available for online testing only; a preliminary report for online testing that can be requested at any time by a test administrator during the testing administration once a student/class completes testing

• Staggered delivery of testing materials– Three test delivery dates scheduled to coincide with the opening of

district testing windows


Student Participation in the EOCTAs noted in the 2012 – 2013 Student Assessment Handbook:

“If a student is not present for an EOCT administration (main or mid-month), the system may issue an Incomplete and allow the student to test during a future testing window (main or mid-month). This Incomplete may remain as the student’s course grade until their testing requirement is fulfilled. If, after attempts have been made to have the student test in a future window, the student does not take the EOCT, the course grade shall reflect that the student did not participate in the test. The system may issue a zero as 15% or 20% (dependent upon date first enrolled in grade nine) of their final grade. There should be sufficient documentation to indicate the student was notified of testing opportunities and did not participate. The EOCT is Georgia's assessment utilized for federal high school accountability.  As a result, systems must provide for the participation of all students in conclusion of an EOCT course (with the exception of retest administrations in which participation is not required).”

Review the EOCT section of the 2012 – 2013 Student Assessment Handbook for further details on this topic.


Addressed in our

Program Planning Guide

EOCT Scheduling ParametersThe following are some examples of scheduling options for the EOCT:• One-day administration: All students take Biology/Section I in a morning session and

Biology/Section II in an afternoon session or All students take both Biology/Sections I and II in one session that is divided by the break (5 minutes) as prescribed in the Examiner’s Manual.

• Two-day administration: All students test Biology/Section I on Monday and Biology/Section II on Tuesday during scheduled class periods.

• Block scheduling: All students take Biology/Section I on Monday and take Biology/Section II on Tuesday using a two-day administration or “Group A” takes Biology/Sections I and II on Monday and “Group B” takes Biology/Sections I and II on Tuesday, using a one-day administration.

• Systems may elect to test by subject or by period following a typical exam schedule that conforms to the guidance above.

Allowing flexibility in the scheduling of the EOCT, to meet the variety of school schedules that exist, is dependent upon everyone involved in the administration

protecting the integrity of the program.

Review the EOCT section of the 2012 – 2013 Student Assessment Handbook for further details on this topic.


ACCESS for ELLs: Top Topics• Maintain a file of examiners who have earned scores

of 80% or higher on the domains of ACCESS for ELLs that they will be responsible for administering in 2013– Remember, examiners must re-certify on an annual

basis.• Monitoring Training of Examiners

– No changes to usernames and passwords– The online course becomes available October 15

(including the Test Administrator’s Manual) • Closely monitor the number of English learners (ELs) in your

systems to ensure an accurate order of materials in December

• Be prepared to provide the number of ELs who can not participate in one or more domains due to a severe cognitive disability designation (Alternate ACCESS)

• The state testing window for ACCESS is six-weeks in length – and systems may utilize the entire window as needed.


GAA : Top Topics• The GAA will reflect the CCGPS beginning in fall of 2012.• The high school GAA will assess standards that derive from the Access courses

taken by students with significant cognitive disabilities. Revised blueprints, resulting from the CCGPS transition in 2012-2013, are posted to the GaDOE GAA Resources webpage. This includes a blueprint specific to high school retesters.

• For high school mathematics, students may be assessed on standards from an integrated course or discrete courses. This will be dependent upon the courses taught by the local system.

• Retest opportunities began during the 2011–2012 school year for high school students who did not earn a proficient score in one or more content areas.

• Student work becomes secure test material once it has been placed in the assessment binder as a piece of evidence. Only original evidence scored – no photocopies.

• The required Validation Form must be completed and signed by both the person submitting the portfolio and the building administrator.

• Return shipping labels and instructions for returning materials are included with shipment of materials, in February.


GHSGT: Top TopicsThe process of phasing-out the GHSGT continues:• Students who entered grade 9 for the first time between July 2008 and

June 2011 may apply a passing score on one of their two subject-area EOCT in lieu of a passing scores on the corresponding subject-area GHSGT.

• Students who entered grade 9 for the first time prior to July 2008 MUST still pass each subject-area GHSGT to be eligible for a Georgia diploma.

• Summary reports are not provided following the spring administration.


ELA Math Science Social Studies

GPS—20,138 GPS—31,318 GPS—23,088 GPS—85,014


QCC—933 GPS/QCC—654


Number of GHSGT Spring 2012 Tests ScoredStatistics and careful analysis of individual test records should be made prior to ordering materials

Writing: Top Topics

• All students still must pass the Georgia High School Writing Test (GHSWT) to be eligible for a Georgia diploma.

• GHSWT main administration is on Wednesday, October 3, 2012 with the make-up administration on Thursday, October 4, 2012.

• New in 2012 – 2013: the Grade 3 Writing Assessment will no longer assess Response to Literature in keeping with the expectations of the CCGPS.

• Student performance data for the Grade 3 Writing Assessment will continue to be collected using the online web-based application. Training on the web-based application will be provided via webinar in late January 2013.


OAS: Top Topics• The Georgia OAS will be available for districts to use

on August 13, 2012 –then we have to set up• Details, including reporting features, will be

discussed in upcoming webinars.• ELA and Mathematics items have been cross-

referenced and “tagged” to the corresponding CCGPS standard.

• New resources, such as replacement assessments for the previously existing benchmarks/frameworks in Reading/ELA & Math and the new Formative Item Bank, will be deployed over the course of 2012 – 2013 and beyond.


NAEP: Top Topics

• The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) collects data about what students know and can do in a variety of subjects.

• Participation in NAEP is required by federal and state law.

• Schools and students are sampled by NCES to represent national and state demographics.

• Assessment is administered by contracted team.

• Scores are calculated and reported for states and selected districts only.


NAEP: Top Topics

• Schools participating in NAEP this year:

– Jasper County Middle School – Grade 8– February 11, 2013


GKIDS: Top Topics• Teachers should contact the school coordinator first and then

the system test coordinator for assistance with GKIDS.• Teachers should enter student information into the website

in a timely manner.• Students who transfer from a school/classroom should be

released through the GKIDS website so they can be acquired by the new teacher.

• GTID issues should be addressed with T. Williams• There is not a required baseline or end of year summary of

required elements.• Teachers are responsible for students’ end of year

reports prior to the end of the administration window in May – if info is late, it will not be included in Summary Report.

• A mid-year data file will be available in January 2013.



Cheryl H. MarrettSystem Test Director

cmarrett@jasper.k12.ga.us (770) 633-4884 – Cell

706-468-6284 Ext 102Fax 706-468-4984

Contact Information

