January 21, 2018 - · PDF file2 . Liturgical Ministry Schedule for January 27 and January 28...


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Saint Cecilia Parish

“St. Cecilia Parish family, open to the Holy Spirit, welcomes all to grow

in our faith community by service to others through Jesus Christ.”

St. Cecilia Church 700 S. Meier Road

Mt. Prospect, IL 60056 Phone: 847-437-6208 FAX 847-437-2520


Parish Office Hours

Monday-Thursday…..9:00 AM -- 4:30 PM Friday……………… 9:00 AM--12:30 PM Saturday and Sunday………..Closed

Weekday Mass Monday-Saturday 8:00am

Weekend Masses Saturday Evening 4:30 pm Hispanic Liturgy 6:30 pm Sunday 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 am

Hispanic Liturgy 12:00 Noon

Inside this Issue:

Ministry Schedules/Parish Meetings…2

Eveningof Healing/Volunteers Needed3

Religious Ed Calendar/Discipleship....4

Youth Ministry…………………….....5

Retreat for Women/Valentine Dance...6

Mass Intentions & Readings...……….7

Feed My Starving Children/Sick/ Young Adults……………………...…8

Backpacks/Free health screenings....…9

Free Produce/Open House/Retreat….10

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time January 21, 2018

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Liturgical Ministry Schedule for January 27 and January 28

Sat. 4:30 Sun.7:30 Sun. 9:00 Sun. 10:30

Celebrant Fr. Mike Olivero

Fr. Damasus Okoro

Fr. Damasus Okoro

Fr. Mike Olivero

Ministers K. McQuillen M. Alfus K. Schmidt J. Coleman

K. Richter C. Strobel D. Benitez S. Coleman

J. Marshall M.K.Francel* J. Madejczyk M. Spence

M. Welch J. Hogan P.St.Leger M. Spence*

N. Reichel M. D’Cunha S. Loebbaka* A. Beltran

C. Silchuck M. Welch C.Szymaszek

C. DeLuca

Lectors S. Hinderer F. Gaziano S. Styrcula Lloyd Quadros

D. Hinderer M. Potoniec C. Stroh D. Martino

Servers N. Hinderer+ S. France A. Schmidt S. Castro

J. Ragusin V. Potoniec+ A. Schmidt P. Daniluk

R. Cook E. Mack N. Reichel+ C. Klinger+

Monday, January 22, 2018

7:00 pm Rosary CH

Tuesday, January 23, 2018 1:00 pm Faith Enrichment R

Wednesday, January 24, 2018 4:30 pm R.E. Classes MH 4:30 pm R.E. Classes PC 6:00 pm St.Vincent de Paul meeting BR 7:00 pm Choir Practice CH

Thursday, January 25, 2018 No Parish Meetings

This Week at the Parish

Friday, January 26, 2018 No Parish Meetings

Saturdau, January 27, 2018 10:15 am Prayer Shawl Ministry MH At 4:30 Mass in gathering space: Backpack Food Collection CH Feed Starving Children Sign-up

Sunday, January 28, 2018 At all the Masses in gathering space: Backpack Food Collection CH Feed Starving Children Sign-up 2:00 pm Baptisms CH 5:30 pm Backpack Ministry Packing PC

BR Bernardin Room CH Church MH Mtg House

PC Parish Center R Rectory TR Teen Room

CR Choir Room

January 14, 2018--$8,820.

January 15, 2017--$10,198.

“Come, Follow Me”

Many families in our parish will be receiving the Annual Catholic Appeal request mailing from Cardinal Cupich. On behalf of those served by the ministries and services funded by the ACA, we thank you for your gifts. Please return your re-sponse as soon as possible.

The ACA offers a wonderful opportunity to answer

Jesus’ call to “Come, Follow Me.”

In addition to providing for ministries and services throughout the Archdiocese, the Appeal also funds services that are of great help to ministries here in our Parish.. For example: Appeal funds support Worship, Religious Ed, Youth Ministry, Human Concerns, etc. As we contemplate God’s many gifts to us, we should also reflect on our gratitude for these gifts. Your financial support for the work of our Parish, our Archdiocese, and the Church throughout the world is, in fact, one way to express this gratitude. Please give generously to the 2018 Annual Catholic Appeal.

Dear St. Cecilia Parish, Thank you for your generous help with our expenses, especially the high winter utility bills. Resurrection faith family is very grateful for your generosity. Happy New Year to all. God bless. Sincerely, Fr. Paul Kalchik..Pastor



Dear Lord, Hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need.

Remember Those Far From Home LCpl. Elijah Burgins Po3. John Castro

Pvt. Peter Eck Pvt. Zachary Flick Lt. Eric Infante

Sgt. Scott Majewski Kevin Moon Mullins

Afc. Jeremy McNeel Pfc. Joseph Pusateri Theodore Soupart

Let us remember and pray for those who are always in our hearts. If you have loved ones who are currently serving in the Armed Forces, please call the rectory at 847-437-6208 and we will add their names to our bulletin list. When your loved one has returned home, please let us know so we can remove their

End Domestic Violence NOW!

Domestic Violence Hotline


Domestic Violence incidents rise during difficult financial times. If you see a family in trouble, please call the hotline.


Seniors, do you need a ride to the doctor or grocery store? Please give us at least 3 days notice. This is a free service to all our senior parishioners. We are not able to drive for sugery or if anesthesia is involved. Call Linda at 847-439-5372.

If you need a ride between Jan 24 and Feb 13, please call the Parish Office and leave your name and phone number. Someone will contact you.

St.Vincent de Paul is an emergency source for food and short-term financial help for parishioners and those living within the parish boundaries. Please call 847-437-6208. Requests will be handled with care and confidentiality.

In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus says: “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.” As disciples, we are called to continue God’s work on earth. Taking care of God’s poor is indeed living gospel values.

Have you considered answering the call to serve the poor by joining the Society of St. Vincent de Paul?

There will be an

Evening of Mourning/Evening of Healing at St. Raymond de Penafort Church

(301 South I-Oka) in Mt. Prospect

on Monday, January 29, 2018

at 7:00 pm.

A multi-parish cluster is organizing this tri-lingual service which will include the

Sacrament of Anointing. Amy Florian, noted author and teacher on grief studies, will speak.

All are welcome, especially those who have experienced loss and those who minister to the bereaved.

Hospitality will follow the service.

Community Education District 214 requests volunteers

Please help make a difference!

You can help an adult learn to read! Volunteer as a reading tutor with the READ TO LEARN Adult Literacy /Volunteer Program. Training for volunteers is FREE and the next training session is January 26th or

27th. For more information visit our website at ce.d214.org/readtolearn or

call our office at 847-718-7724.

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Office Number:


Extension 129

2018 Religious Ed Calendar

January 24, 31 Regular Classes February 7 Regular Classes

14 Ash Wednesday Mass at 6:30 PM (All Classes attend our parish Mass-Church) 21, 28 Regular Classes March 7 Regular Classes (Reconciliation for Levels 3-5) 14 Regular Classes (Reconciliation for Levels 6-8)

Religious Education Enrollment

Have you been thinking about enrolling your school-aged child into a Religious Education program? We would love to partner with you and help bring your child to the Lord through the Sacraments and via study

and prayer. Please contact either Lisa or Carol at the Parish Office for more information: (847) 437-6208, ext. 120 or 129.


A Missionary Disciple is a person who actively follows Jesus and takes Jesus into the world in which he or she lives (definition taken from the Office for Evangelization and Missionary Discipleship at the Archdiocese of Chicago). We have heard from our priests, during their homilies, such a discipleship message: actively follow Jesus by being in personal relationship with him and then go out and share what you know via your words and actions. During his Epiphany homily, Fr. Mike encouraged us to see the signs given to us that God is with us. We are the ones who have the

ability to recognize Christ in our world today. We, as his current disciples, are the ones who can tell people about Him and invite others to worship with us or to serve in some way with us.

The Commissions of St. Cecilia are here to assist you in growing as a disciple of Jesus! Each commission has a mission-oriented, specific focus to bring everyone to the Lord. Our mission, as it is for every Catholic Christian church, is to assist people to grow in holiness toward union with God (as much as can be possible on this side of eternal life). Whether it's an adult or teen education offering, a prayer service, a way to help our fellow man, or a way to be Christ to one another through fellowship, each commission works as part of the Parish Pastoral Council to assist us all in encountering the Risen Lord. Please look in this bulletin for ways you can grow in holiness this week by joining other parishioners at an event, worship experience, or way to serve our community. And please let Lisa know what you are already doing - what has inspired you toward action on behalf of the Lord? - so that we can share your stories with fellow parishioners. Contact Lisa at lisa@stceciliamtprospect.org.


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Christ Renews His Parish

St. Emily’s Parish Ladies Weekend

1400 E Central Rd, Mt Prospect IL 60056

February 24 & 25, 2018

“Truth sees God, and wisdom contemplates God, and from these two comes a third, a holy and wonderful

delight in God, who is love.”

St. Juliana of Norwich

Interested in attending?

Contact Katherine Lazzara: 312-518-7246 or kalazzara2000@yahoo.com


SATURDAY February 17, 2018

6:00 – 10:00P.M. St. Peter Church 202 E. Schaumburg Rd. in Schaumburg IL

Specific food will be served between 6:30 - 7:30PM Come, and enjoy!

DJ: Ernie Garner 6:30-10:00PM

Soft Drinks, water, Coffee, Tea, will be available Bring a snack to share

Tickets: $10.00 per Person For additional information call:

Joan Neville: 847-397-9643 Email: nevillejoan1@aol.com

Website: anewstartclub.com

Everyone is welcome (Including other groups)

Invite your friends!!


MASS INTENTIONS Saturday January 20, 2018 8:00 AM † People of St. Cecilia † Gil Meschler 4:30 PM † William Anderson † Grace Kelly † Nicholas Lascio † Janet Stanczak † Leonard Boucher 6:30 PM Spanish Liturgy

Sunday January 21, 2018 7:30 AM † Walter Krawczynski Sr. † Alfonso Sarti † Beatriz M. Anzaldua 9:00 AM † Margaret Salen † Lillian Nester † Lois Arbanas † Joan Stanley Vilma Bell (Birthday blessing) 10:30 AM † Mandica Barbaric Kellerman Family (Special Intention) 12:00 PM Spanish Liturgy

Monday January 22, 2018 8:00 AM † Purgatorial Society † Rudy Garzoria † Carlos Tejeda Tuesday January 23, 2018 8:00 AM † Patrick J. Kenny † Joe Garza † Lucy Anzaldua Wednesday January 24, 2018 8:00 AM † People of St Cecilia † Seraphin William Alvarez

Thursday January 25, 2018 8:00 AM † Fr. Raymond Pavis † Dorothy Jastrebski † Blazenka Beros Friday January 26, 2018 8:00 AM † Dec. Mem. of Anzaldua & Adi Family † Dec. Mem. of Maldonado & Torrez Family Alma Muro (Healing Blessing)

Saturday January 27, 2018 8:00 AM † Fr. James Prendergast † Elizabeth Schoenberger Maria Rivera (Special Intention) 4:30 PM † Dec. Mem. of St Cecilia Women's Club † Dec. Mem. of Nickele & Schramm Families † Frank Pusateri † Jack Brink & Renelda Bieminski † Vincent Passi 6:30 PM Spanish Liturgy


First Reading — (Jonah 3:1-5, 10) The people of Nineveh believed God and turned from their evil ways.

Psalm — (Psalm 25) Teach me your ways, O Lord. Second Reading — (1 Corinthians 7:29-31) The world in its present form is passing away.

Gospel — (Mark 1:14-20) This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand.

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 2 Sm 5:1-7, 10; Ps 89:20-22, 25-26; Mk 3:22-30, or any of a number of readings

for the Day of Prayer Tuesday: 2 Sm 6:12b-15, 17-19; Ps 24:7-10; Mk 3:31-35 Wednesday: 2 Sm 7:4-17; Ps 89:4-5, 27-30; Mk 4:1-20 Thursday: Acts 22:3-16 or Acts 9:1-22; Ps 117:1bc, 2; Mk 16:15-18 Friday: 2 Tm 1:1-8 or Ti 1:1-5; Ps 51:3-7, 10-11; Mk 4:26-34 Saturday: 2 Sm 12:1-7a, 10-17; Ps 51:12-17; Mk 4:35-41 Sunday: Dt 18:15-20; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9; 1 Cor 7:32-35; Mk 1:21-28

Sunday January 28, 2018 7:30 AM † Raymond Micek † Frances Barczuk 9:00 AM † Frank & Bobbie Gineman 10:30 AM † Mike Alessi † Edward & Louise Marciszewski † Tony Mueller 12:00 PM Spanish Liturgy

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Hunger is the world’s biggest solvable problem and food is the foun-

dation for all other progress. To a starving child, hope can only truly begin once a reliable source of nutritious food has been established. Feed My Starving Children (“FMSC”) is a Christian non-profit com-

mitted to feeding God’s starving children around the world. Their approach is simple: children and adults hand-pack meals specifically formulated for malnourished children and ship those meals to distribution partners around the world.

St. Cecilia has secured the following spots at packing sessions at the FMSC Schaumburg location (1072 National Parkway):

Thursday, March 1st: Friday, March 2nd:

12:00 - 2:00 pm—30 slots 12:00 - 2:00 pm—36 slots

6:00 - 7:30 pm—50 slots 6:00 - 7:30 pm—48 slots

8:00 - 9:30 pm—35 slots

There will be a sign-up table in the Gathering Space after all Masses next weekend (January 27/28). Stop by the table and sign up for a shift (or two!). Can’t attend any of the packing sessions but still want to help? Once Lent begins, we will be collecting money to help cover the cost of the food.


Diana Flerlage Reno Nickele

Phyllis Walsh Nadine Lewis

Chuck Conlin

Carol Lynn Bernholdt

Calling all Young Adults! Come join us for our Winter Wine Series.

YAM-NW is hosting a speaker program just for you! Fr. Corey Brost

What Brings us Together: The Christian-Jewish-Islam Connection

Wednesday – January 24, 2018

7pm-9pm St. Zachary Church

567 W. Algonquin Rd, Des Plaines


BACKPACK MINISTRY….“Feeding Children One Backpack at a Time”“Feeding Children One Backpack at a Time”

Thank you for your generous contributions in the past. We will be collecting again on January 27 & 28. We are in great need of the following: squeezable jelly, shelf stable milk, fruit cups, vienna sausage, individual serving breakfast cereal and oatmeal, and raisins. Please keep this in mind when shopping. Thank you again for your support of this ministry.

___Individual cereal boxes ___Granola Bars ___Tuna/Vienna Sausage

___Individual packs of oatmeal ___Fruit cups ___Chicken pouches

___Cereal bars ___Juice Boxes ___Mac & Cheese

___Raisins in small boxes ___Pudding cups ___Soup & Crackers

___Individual Jello Cups ___Individual pack of cookies ___Boxed “helper” meals

___Peanut butter ___Single serve crackers ___Canned spaghetti

___Shelf stable milk in sm cartons ___Canned Beef Stew ___Sm.Canned Vegetables No Microwavable food items or glass containers. Cash Donations are accepted.

Call the Parish Office to sign up to help us pack on Jan. 28 at 5:30 in the Parish Center: 847-437-6208

This is a great way to earn service hours.

Also, students helping must be picked up by parents.

We can not be responsible for young people walking home alone.

Village of Mount Prospect Nursing Services 2018

Health Screening Clinics

Residents of Mount Prospect may be screened for: Blood Pressure, Height, Weight, Pulse, Fasting Blood Sugar, Non-fasting total choles-terol. There is a $1 fee for fasting blood sugar and a $4 for total cholesterol tests.

Walk-in Health Screening Clinics are held:

Mondays 9:00-11:00 am in the Community Room at Village Hall 50 S. Emerson St. Mount Prospect Mondays 1:30-3:00 pm at the Community Connections Center 1711 W. Algonquin Rd, Mount Prospect 4th Tuesday of the Month 10:15-11:15 pm at Stay Fit Physical Therapy 127 West Prospect Ave, Mount Prospect 1st Thursday of the Month 8:30-9:30 am at the Weiss Center River Trails Park District 1500 E. Euclid, Mount Prospect

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For more info or tour: 847-253-8555

FREE Fresh Fruit and Vegetables from Greater Chicago FOOD Depository


Save the DATE

For Hearts of Hope

The 29th Annual Hearts for Hope Dinner and Auction will be held at 6 p.m. Saturday, April 21, 2018 at the Cotillion, 360 S. Creekside Drive, Palatine. Proceeds benefit Catholic Charities services in the northwest suburbs. Our Northwest Region office in Des Plaines provides food, clothing, shelter, counseling and other services to tens of thousands of peo-ple every year. The event features dinner, open bar, silent and live auctions and music by 7th Heaven, one of Chicago's most popular bands. Reservations are $95 each or $900 for tables of 10. Sponsorships are available.

Contact Mike Waters at (847) 376-2118

or mwaters@catholiccharities.net.


Ad Page

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Parish Personnel Rev. Michael Olivero, Pastor, ext. 113 Rev. Damasus Okoro, Resident, ext. 117 Rev. Daniel Brady, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Jack Hurley, Coordinator of Hispanic Ministry, 847-253-8600, ext. 137 Lisa Mersereau, Pastoral Associate/DRE, ext. 120 Carol Klinger, Adm. Asst. PA/DRE, ext. 129 Mr. James J. Kelly, Director of Music, ext. 126 Mrs. Frances Ficker, Ministry of Care Coordinator, ext. 122 Mrs. Kathy McGourty, Youth Minister ext 123 Mr. Ted Kawa, Business Manager, ext. 115 Mrs. Pat Sordyl, Parish Secretary, ext. 110 Ms. Dina Sarti, Parish Office Staff ext. 110 Mrs. Audrey Taylor, Bulletin Editor, ext. 110

Weekend Masses Saturday 4:30 PM Sunday 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 AM

Weekday & Saturday Morning Masses See Page 7 of the bulletin.

Spanish Liturgies Saturday 6:30 PM, Sunday 12:00 Noon

Holy Day Masses 7:00 PM Anticipated; 9:00 AM (Any changes noted inside bulletin) Civic Holiday Masses 9:00 AM

Parish Office Phone 847-437-6208 FAX 847-437-2520 Parish Website: www.stceciliamtprospect.com Webmaster@stceciliamtprospect.org

Religious Education Office Phone 847-437-6208; Lisa Mersereau at extension 120 or Carol at extension 129

Music Office Phone 847-437-6152

Ministry of Care Office Phone 847-437-6208, ext. 122

Youth Ministry Kathy McGourty, Director of Youth Ministry; 847-437-6208, ext. 123 or email: youthministry@stceciliamtprospect.org

Communion for the Homebound Ministers of Care are available to bring Communion to the home-bound. Please call the Parish Office to arrange.

New Parishioners Welcome to our Parish! Catholics who wish to become members of St. Cecilia are asked to introduce themselves and register at the Parish Office during regular office hours, or ask an usher for a registration form.. If you will be moving, please let us know if we should change your address or remove you from our list of regis-tered parishioners. This will help us cut down on postage costs.

R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Instruction and formation for anyone wishing to inquire into the Catholic Faith can be made by contacting the Parish Office.

Sacrament of Baptism Infant Baptism (0-6 years) is a special time in a family’s life. The Church invites parents and godparents to prepare for this Sacrament with an Infant Baptism Class. These sessions are usu-ally held on the 2nd Saturday of the month in which the Baptism takes place. Baptisms are celebrated at 2 PM on the 4th Sunday of January, April, May, July, September, and November. For more information or to reserve your place for a Baptism date and preparation class, please call the Parish Office.

Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday at 4:00 PM or by appointment.

Sacrament of Marriage The Pastoral Guidelines for Marriage Preparation are that a mini-mum of 8 months be set aside for personal preparation for mar-riage. Couples should refrain from setting a firm date until after they have met with the Pastoral Associate to discuss marriage plans.

Bulletin Submissions Articles for the bulletin must be submitted in black and white or color on disk or emailed to audrey@stceciliamtprospect.org and must be received at the Parish Office by 4:00 PM 16 days prior to the bulletin issue date. For holiday submissions, please add 7 days to the lead time.

Monitor Submissions To display an event on the Monitor in the Gathering Space, send an email with the event details to: monitor@stceciliamtprospect.org. All submissions will be presented on the monitor the following Saturday and are subject to approval.





St. Cecilia Parish #811

700 S. Meier Road

Mt. Prospect, Illinois 60056




Audrey Taylor



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Wednesday 12:30 PM

January 21, 2018


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January 21 2018

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Bulletin Editor, Audrey Taylor

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