January 2017 Geneva Pres Newsletter...The Season of Epiphany: Epiphany traditions are not part of my...


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The Geneva Pres


The Presbyterian Church in Geneva 24 Park Place

Geneva NY 14456 (315-789-1343)

Website: http://www.PresbyterianChurchInGenevaNewYork.org

Rev. Dr. Deborah Lind-Schmitz - Minister Richard Cox - Director of Music and Adult Bell Choir Linda Cox - Church Organist Kathleen Breese - Director, Christian Education Lisa Gage, Lorraine Jones - Children’s Choirs Colleen VanAllan - Secretary Mark Springmeier - Custodian Joe Iannopollo - Assistant Custodian Beth Nicholas - Parish Nurse Deb Drennen - Nursery care Paula Breese - Coordinator of Youth Ministries Alan Schenck - Financial Administrator Fritz Aude - Treasurer Bette J. Schubert - Clerk of Session Fred Schuhle - Asst. Clerk of Session Art Lewis - Web Master Rev. W. James Gerling - Pastor Emeritus

Finding Life in the Dead of Winter:

The Season of Epiphany: Epiphany traditions are not part of my childhood memories. Yes, we knew there was a song, “The Twelve Days of Christmas”. As a

young mother I gave our children a small present each day, usually a forgotten toy wrapped. They caught on and that was the end of that. Seminary expanded my Epiphany understanding as Presbyterians focus on the baptism of Jesus on the Sunday closest to the twelfth day after Christmas or January 6th. . This church has a tradition of an Epiphany Feast recalling the three Kings/Magi search for and adoration of Jesus (Matthew 2: 1-12).

The meaning of epiphany is “insight, discovery, revelation, announcement, manifestation”. Generally, epiphanies are experienced as an “AH! “I get it!" or “Wow!” In our faith tradition, Christ is manifest as God’s Son in a variety of places and times. According to the Gospels, the Magi follow the star to kneel before the Christ child. When John baptized Jesus, the Son of God was revealed, in the Divine blessing, “You are my beloved” (Luke 3: 22).

Our Epiphany dinner on January 8 gives us an opportunity to reflect on what it means be God’s beloved people and to be called to shine light in the world’s darkness… (details in Worship Committee’s article). This interactive and reflective evening is designed to “Find Life in the Dead of Winter”. During the darkest days, our church is dedication to hospitality welcoming all people into a warm community of Light. Each Sunday is an opportunity to lift someone’s spirit and share light and life in Christ’s name. Special gatherings like the Martin Luther King, Jr worship service and dinner on January 16 give us a chance to build community and unite in a common cause. Signs of God’s goodness manifests itself in unexpected ways. Come experience Epiphany, an ancient tradition in a new age. Pastor Deb.

Date Event Sermon Title Scripture

Jan 1 New Year’s Day Richard Cox, preaching Jan 8 Communion “Life in the Dead of Winter?” Matt. 3:15-17, Acts 10: 34-43 Jan 15 Installation of Officers “Signs and Wonders Today?” Isaiah 49: 1-7, John 1:29-42 Jan 22 Annual Meeting “Casting a Wide Net?” I Corinthians 1:10-18, Matt.4:18-23 Jan 29 Baptism “Super-Blessed” Psalm 15, Matt 5 1-12

Epiphany Feast

Sunday, January 8, 2017 in the Fellowship Hall beginning at 5:30 PM.

Suitable for all ages. Come and celebrate with dinner, singing, and scripture. Just as the Magi journeyed from afar to seek the Christ child, we will have the opportunity to take our own journey, bring gifts, and follow the light.

Donation of $2.00 (children under 12 $1.00) at the door and a dish to pass.

Accepting gifts for the “Safe Home” project which help people escaping domestic violence. Gifts such as toiletries, diapers, alarm clocks, kitchen items (silverware, pots & pans), and other basic necessities.

The Worship Committee will provide turkey, ham, rolls, coffee, tea, water, juice, and dessert.

To register, please call the church office at 789-1343 or register on the Church website (www.PresbyterianChurchInGenevaNewYork.org) by January 6, 2017.

Upcoming Events:

Sunday, Jan. 15 – PW Meeting @ 11:45am – This will be an Organizational Meeting. All interested Presbyterian Women are invited to come and join us and learn what we are about.

Friendship Study Group: time and location to be determined Please read Lesson II – Who is Jesus? – and verses in Matthew, as mentioned in Study Book – Leader will be Lou Tarr and Lesson III “According to Luke” will be lead by Eileen Broyles. It is not required but helpful if you read before coming the Book of Luke (Luke 1-4; 14:12-24; 16:19-31) with the Key Scripture: Luke 4:16-21; Acts 2: 22-24. All Women of the Church are welcome. Our studies are always interactive and open discussion. Lunch at Stonecutters at Noon in Belhurst Castle for all who wish to join us. Needles/Craft – Will meet Thurs. Jan. 5 from 1-3 pm in the South Parlor.

Happy New Year from all the PW Officers & Members

THANKS to all who donated goodies PLUM PUDDING YUMMY!!!!


JAN. 29 – CHILDREN’S CHOIR sings at 10:30 worship ORFF accompanies

CE -JANUARY 9, 2017 - 7:00 pm

The Sunday School is trying to buy a sheep for HEIFER PROJECT. This project is the GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING!!! During Jan/Feb watch for the sheep in Fellowship hall and help us if you can.

BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION to benefit Geneva Head Start


The youth will ask you to put $1 or more in the soup pot after each serrvice. Money goes to the Community Lunch Program and the Food Pantry.

Youth Group December was filled with festivities, including for our youths! One of the things we did was to go caroling! The group had a fun time, and the people we visited

were happy to have us there!

A few possible activities for January are:

blanket making/movie night lock-in outdoor fun!

I hope the new year gets off to a great start!

With smiles, ~Ryan :) *************************************************************

A big thank you to our church family for your prayers and cards during my recent hip revision surgery. A special thanks to Pastor Deb and Nurse Beth for visits and the use of the walker. Micky Peters Dear Church Family, Eileen and I are so grateful for all the prayers, cards, flowers, and visits during my recent stay at Living Center South rehab. Your good wishes helped speed my recovery. Brad Broyles

Adult Forum Meets from 9:15-10:15 on Sunday morning in the

South Parlor

Please join us in conversations in which we explore our faith, expand our understanding and learn about

opportunities for action.

December 25: Mer6ry Christmas!! (no adult ed program)

January: Focus on Homelessness in Ontario County

In support of the recent Session approval of a letter of covenant between the Presbyterian Church in Geneva and Family Promise, we are devoting January to an exploration of homelessness in our community.

• Jan 8—Homelessness in Geneva/Ontario County, with Eileen Tiberio, Commissioner of the Ontario County Department of Social Services

• Jan 15— Institutional Barriers to Housing, with Natalie Knott, a lawyer from LAWNY with a specialty in housing law

• Jan 22—Bridges out of Poverty, with Lauren Lamb and perhaps others who attend the January 21 Bridges training in Bloomfield

• Jan 29—Speakers from the Third Presbyterian Church in Rochester, one of the host churches for RAIHN, the Rochester affiliate of Family Promise. We hope to have as speakers both the volunteer coordinator and someone who has used the program successfully to move out of homelessness.

February and March: Violence Divine, with John Dominic Crossan. We will be using an 8-part DVD-based series related to Crossan’s book How to Read the Bible & Still Be a Christian: Struggling with Divine Violence from Genesis Through Revelation.

The topics are important, the conversation thought-provoking, the company welcoming. Please join us!

SERRV International Fair Trade Gift Shop It has been over a year since the earthquakes in Nepal and there are still countless buildings, schools and homes that have yet to be rebuilt. With funding from SERRV, Get Paper Industry in Kathmandu recently rebuilt one of their schools with materials that will withstand future earthquake shocks. Over 200 children and teachers are delighted with the new classrooms, though they don’t yet have desks and chairs and currently sit on the floor for class. SERRV will provide funds for these furnishings and supplies as well as funding to help more girls attend school. Our support helps make all this possible! The SERRV shop will be closed for the month of January and will reopen February 11 as we look forward to the new year.

TECH NEWS Have you forgotten your password for the new Members website? If so, resetting your password is just a "click away." Click on the "Lost your password" link to display the Lost Password Screen. Enter your username or email address to receive a link to create a new password via email. ************************** Has your contact information changed??

Has your mailing address, email address, or phone number changed? Please call Colleen in the church office at (315) 789-1343 or email her at secretary@pcgny.org so that we can keep abreast of the changes to your contact information.

Church Office – secretary@pcgny.org Pastor Deb - deblindschmitz@pcgny.org Alan Schenck - finadmin@pcgny.org Colleen VanAllan – secretary@pcgny.org Art Lewis - amlewis@pcgny.org Servant Keeper - servantkeeper@pcgny.org

Dear Church Family,

Happy 2017!! I hope this year will be abundant with blessings and joy for all of you!

Many of us use the beginning of a new year to start fresh, do things better, improve our lifestyles and ourselves. Choices that some of us were looking at and thinking about last year were downsizing, getting more help in our home, or moving into a “senior community” setting, and the when, where and how of it. There is no perfect solution when your home has become too much to handle, you or your spouse can no longer navigate around your home without great risk of falling or finances are getting very tight after retirement.

It is good to be aware of services offered in the area, as well as different types of facilities, (assisted living, enriched programs, memory care, independent senior living, etc.). None of us know what the future will bring. As we age, we need to decide what setting will give us the best ability to maintain our health and safety, and will allow us maximum independence to do what we enjoy most. Sometimes just moving into a smaller house with less “stuff’” to care for is all that is needed. Other times, moving to a place with a number of services provided (such as meals, housekeeping, and assist with some personal care) can maintain our ability to do some of the things we wish to do. In other situations hiring someone to come into our homes to do certain tasks each week can keep us and our loved ones at home and safe.

As I have said before, waiting for a crisis to happen is not the best time to start researching your options. The Parish Health Ministry Team is working on lining up speakers to talk about different facilities and agencies in the area that provide help, more structured living environments and how to access help when you need it.

Our first speaker will be Mark Palmieri. He will discuss the plans for Seneca Springs, a new senior community to be built where the High Acres site had been. The date will be February 26th after second service. I have calls in to other facilities and homecare agencies, but if any of you have one in particular you would like to know more about, call me and I will see if I can line up a speaker.

Please call me with any questions or concerns. 315 759 9039. I will have some articles out for you dealing with downsizing and how to part with some of our pile of “stuff” that accumulates through the years.

Happy New Year and God Bless! Beth

Happy New Year From the Deacons!

Welcome to the class of 2020 Deacons! We look forward to having you join us. Pastor Deb will have new Deacon training on Saturday, Jan. 14th at 9:00am. We also wish to thank the Deacons who have finished their terms. Thank you for your dedication, sharing comfort and joy with the members of our congregation.

Monday, Jan. 16th is Martin Luther King Day and the annual Geneva MLK luncheon and service will be at our church. We will be hosting many community members in our church. Pastor Deb is looking for church members who are familiar with our kitchen to assist the cooks from other congregations, as they navigate our cupboards and appliances. Please see Pastor Deb if you are able to cover a shift.

Did you know…the Deacon Card Ministry, headed by Connie VanGordon and Chris Wertman, sends out between 10 & 20 cards for various occasions each month?

Wishing You & Yours a Happy & Healthy 2017



February 3rd – 5th, 2017

Ski right out your front door over snow covered trails through the woods …

Read a book while drinking yummy tea or hot chocolate …

Laugh and connect with friends while doing a puzzle or playing a game …

Sled down Cherry Hill while the kids zoom past you …

Share a meal with old friends and new …

Vanderkamp is a retreat center near Oneida Lake where all this can happen and more. We reserve lodges for our families to share. Want more details? Talk to Sage Gerling! Plan on coming? Let us know & fill out the form below.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: ___________________________________________________________ Email: ________________________________Phone:______________________ Would you be Head of House? Y/N ________ Number of people in your group:

Over 18 ($85.00) ____ Children ages 5-18 ($75.00) : _____ children 4 & under (free!) ______

Confidential camperships are always available!


Sage Gerling at (607) 339-7729 or beckettsage@gmail.com

2 CENTS – A - MEAL We will collect 2 cents offerings on JAN. 8 You can make a difference in the lives of hungry people!!!


FYI: ALL newsletter information will go to Colleen in the office, secretary@pcgny.org


In memory of Arlene DeBolt, by Mary Jean Benda of Geneva.

In memory of David Newcomb by Dorothy Rugar of Geneva.

In memory of Winifred Schenck by Mr. & Mrs. James Capron of Geneva.

In memory of Jean Rollins by Mr. & Mrs. Richard Henderson of Geneva.

In memory of Jeffrey Newcomb by Joanne Bleakley, Patsy Cool, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Heinzman, Mr. & Mrs. Dale Heinzman, Paul Kirsch, Georgia and Diane McLane, Carl Aten, Jerry Rose and Ruth Benedict, Mr. & Mrs. Donald Damick, Sandra Ditch, Kerry Goria and Cathy Thurston, Mr. & Mrs. Greg Loeb, Mr. & Mrs. Karl Siebert, Eleanor Sterns, Ann Warner, Dorothy Rugar, Patricia Bucklin, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Manion, William Hart, Mr. & Mrs. Gary Bucklin, Mr. & Mrs. Fritz Hovey, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Henderson, Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Messur, Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Fanning, Mr. & Mrs. Todd Heinzman, Mr. & Mrs. James Waterman, Beryl Teague, Mr. & Mrs. David Millis, Helen Kipp, Wayne Hansen, Mr. & Mrs. David VanAllan, Mr. & Mrs. John Parrott, Mr. & Mrs. Terence Muffley, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kime, Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Fahy, Mr. & Mrs. Louis McGuigan, Muriel Stobie, Mr. & Mrs. Paul DeRosa, Jane Donegan, and James Spates and Jennifer Morris, all of Geneva, Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Messur of Cicero, NY, Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Butler and Mr. & Mrs. Francis Barrett of Waterloo, NY, Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Harrington of Clinton, NJ, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Pimm of N. Tonawanda, NY, Mr. & Mrs. B. Danny Robinson of Jacksonville, NY, Eleanor Dobbin of Naples, FL, Mr. & Mrs. Mentreddi Rao of Lansdowne, VA, Mr. & Mrs. Rocco Calabrese of Albany, NY, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ryan of Chevy Chase, MD, Mr. & Mrs. Dave Phillips and Mr. & Mrs. John D’Agostino of Penn Yan, NY, The office and transportation staff of Romulus Central School and Lynda McPartland of Romulus, NY, Mr. & Mrs. Ray Fox of Ovid, NY, Judith Heath of Wilmington, NC, Caroline Legrett of Canandaigua, NY, Lochie Musso of Monsey, NY, and Mr. & Mrs. John Marlow of South St. Paul, MN.

We still stumble in our understanding of the world and our relationship to it. Over a century ago, Einstein, Bohr and others began to reveal how our Newtonian view failed to account for the reality in which we are imbedded. It is not just about forces and inertia, it is about relationship and interconnectedness. Even our observations are part of the milieu of entanglements that tie us to the flow of the life and events around us and affect our lives and very being. Martin Luther King Jr. expressed this intertwined relationship this way: “All life is interrelated, and we are all caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. For some strange reason I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be. And you can never be what you ought to be until I am what I ought to be - this is the interrelated structure of reality. ” While Martin’s dream loving and diverse community is yet to be realized, much has been accomplished. As Catherine Keller notes, “I do not say: into a dream fulfilled. But into as much progress as the world seems to evince at a time. Amidst the betrayals, the contradictions, and the capitalizations of the globe, the work is unfinished, infini.” And that is what is hard for us who understand, at least in some vague sense, that the Dream, not only of Martin, but of Moses, and Isaiah, and Jesus, is never completed. But the progress toward the Dream is our solemn and joyful task, so that “no more shall the sound of weeping be heard, or the cry of distress … They shall build houses and inhabit them; they shall plant vineyards and eat their fruit. They shall not labor in vain, or bear children for calamity; for they shall be offspring blessed by the Lord—and their descendants as well. Before they call I will answer, while they are yet speaking I will hear.” The question always is “How do we get there?” and “How do we live on the journey?” As we venture into this as yet unknown but alluded to land of promise, the choir will explore some of the way, in music and words, toward the vision of millennia of leaders and prophets. Now will you come and join us in this hope filled quest for a just and loving world? Now is the time to sing songs of hope, of peace, of love, and understanding. We encourage and welcome you, high students, young adults, and all to our singing on the way.

The Eco Tip for January is:

Plastic Is Harmful!

Use A Tote For Your Arm Full!

Plastic takes 700 years to begin breaking down.

That means every plastic grocery bag ever made

is still in existence.

Many wind up in oceans, where they kill aquatic animals

who mistake them for food.

In the North Pacific Ocean,

there is six times as much plastic as there is plankton.

We, together, can make a difference.

The House of John

The Presbyterian Church in Geneva continues to support The House of John with your mission dollars.

The House of John is a 2 bedroom, private home located in Clifton Springs that offers residence for the terminally ill and their families. Its mission is to offer physical care, emotional support and spiritual love to individuals who are approaching the end of life. Care is provided by a small staff and many volunteers. The House of John is funded through United Way, churches, service clubs, volunteers, public donations and fund raisers as well as grants. There is no charge to the individuals and their families. The House of John truly portrays the meaning of mission as it opens its doors to anyone in the community regardless of religion, age or ethnic background, offering care in many ways. The doors have been open to our community for 23 years and have served over 590 individuals and their families. What a Beautiful Act of Love! Our Church supports the House of John through our 1/3 match of the Presbytery Grant. There are other opportunities for our church members as well as the surrounding communities to give support such as becoming a volunteer, purchasing items on their wish list and participating in fund raising events. If you would like to become involved you can visit the website at house@houseofjohn.org.

Sunday worship services: 8:15 in Chapel, 10:30 in Sanctuary. 9:00 Sunday School, 9:15 Adult Education Class

January 2017

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 HAPPY NEW YEAR! Worship Service @ 10:30 in the Chapel No Sunday School/Adult Ed

2 Church office closed

3 Adult Ed. meeting 5:30 Property meeting 7:00

4 Alzheimer’s Support Group 1:30 Deacons 7:00

5 Needles Group 1:00 Memorials meeting 5:30 Choir 7:00

6 Epiphany of the Lord


8 Communion at both services Two-cents-a-meal offering Blood Pressure Clinic after both services Epiphany Feast 5:30

9 Christian Ed. mtg. 7:00


11 Worship Comm. mtg 7:00 Finance Comm. mtg 7:30

12 Choir 7:00


14 Church Officer training

15 Installation of officers 10:30 P.W. meeting 11:45 Set-up for MLK service 5:00

16 Church office closed Martin Luther King Jr. service @ 11:00 followed by luncheon Membership mtg. 7:00

17 Red Cross Blood Drive 1:00 – 7:00 Communication Committee 7:00

18 Session 7:00

19 Choir 7:00

20 Newsletter deadline Twilight Group 10:30


22 Annual Meeting & brunch 11:45

23 Mission Committee 7:30



26 Parish Health mtg. 7:00 Choir 7:00



29 “Souper Bowl” collection

30 Bells rehearsal 5:15