Jacques Soustelle - Worshipper of Huitzilopochtl



"Anthropologist" Jacques Soustelle advocates the return of Mexicans to their "roots," the barbarous Aztecs; Mexico's true heritage is the city-building civilizations of the Olmecs and the Mayans.

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NEW SOLIDARITY June 30, 1980 Page 4

Jacques Soustelle:

Worshipper of Huitzilopochtli

by Salvador Lozano

Jacques Soustelle, as he appeared in the days when he spearheaded "blackfeet" terrorism in Algeria and implicated himself in assassination attempts against France's President Charles de Gaulle.

This article was contributed by Salvador Lozano, executive committee member of the Mexican Labor Party (PLM). Lozano's research is part of a battle of ideas the Mexican Labor Party is waging to free Mexico's ruling circles of their belief that left-wing ideology is part of the Mexican citybuilding tradition. As long as Mexico's leaders can become convinced that their nation's "roots" are to be found in the degenerate culture of the

Aztecs, the PLM has stated, they are not prepared to carry out the task of Mexican development.

So-called expert on pre-Columbian civilizations Jacques Soustelle is a long-time British agent originally deployed into de Gaulle's Free French army. As governor of Algeria, Soustelle helped found the Secret Army Organiza-tion (OAS) which carried out innumerable assassination attempts against de Gaulle and whose networks later merged into Permindex, the international assassination bureau tied to British and Israeli intelligence.

From his position at the Ecole de Hautes Etudes in Paris, Soustelle is now designing the Aztec studies which will provide the "theory" for an Iranian-style "revolution" in Mexico.

If the charlatan named Jacques Soustelle and his acolytes Octavio Paz, Enrique Gonzalez Pedrero, Carlos Fuentes, etc. had sufficient force to do so, they would reinstate human sacrifices in honor of the Indian god Huitzilo-pochtli and his hideous mother, Coatlicue. They are giving their all for that purpose, in coordination with the evil Society of Jesus, charged with spawning a pseudo-religious political movement capable of overthrowing the republican institutions of the country and bringing to power a regime essentially identical to that which existed in Mexico at the time of the Conquest.

This is no exaggeration. Their repeated public statements propose that the modern Mexican adopt an attitude towards the world and life equivalent to early 16th century Aztecs. They call openly for rejection of such "values" as "faith in progress" and demand a return to Mexico's "roots."

This is exactly what Soustelle vomited to the Mexican national press a few weeks ago. Earlier in the year, the novelist and ambassador Fuentes gave the same rot to the New York Times, which was happy to publish his diatribes against the "two versions of inevitable progress: Western capitalism and Soviet socialism"; and his insulting comparisons between the Mexican revolution and the Anglo-American oligarchy's latest experiment in restoring barbarism—the so-called Iranian "revolution."

Penitents and Jesuits

Fortunately, the Mexican revolution was not carried out by Soustelle's disciples at the Parisian Ecole de Hautes Etudes whose graduates include the president of the genocidal Kampuchean Pol Pot government, Khieu

Samphan, and his emulator Abolhassan Bani-Sadr. Nevertheless, Soustelle's followers are now in privileged positions in Mexico, and their shock troops have already racked up some victories which threaten the security of the Republic.

The Mexican Republic's biggest weakness is that, at the very moment when the country is struggling so hard for sovereign industrial development, those who rule culture, run "public opinion" and direct public education are people just like Soustelle's disciples. Horrible symptoms of this weakness of which the official guardians of the nation appear to be quite ignorant—appeared recently with the appointment of Sorbonne-trained "Ayatollah" Enrique Gonzalez Pedrero to head the government commission which designs all standardized school textbooks. His comrade from the Sorbonne, the orthodox Marxist-Leninist bureaucrat Victor Flores Olea, is rumored to be taking over the rectorship of the National University of Mexico.

Ever since the Jesuits generated the syncretic cult of Guadalupe in the 16th Century, they have managed to preserve it as a valuable instrument for their ideological control over the more backward layers of the population. Through this cult they have perpetuated those "Aztec attitudes on the world and life" which arouse Soustelle's sadistic enthusiasm. Year after year, thousands of penitents scrape the skin and flesh off their knees crawling for blocks or miles over pavement to the Basilica of Guadalupe, submitting themselves to the most brutal physical and psychological torments in a hair-raising pagan ritual to adore the "Christian" image of Isis-Coatlicue.

Such flagellants formed the cannon fodder which the Cristero Rebellion threw against the Mexican revolution in the 1920's. The whole miserable Mexican left joined forces with such flagellants this past April in a pilgrimage to the shrine of Guadelupe under the direction of openly Jesuit institutions, the Center for Theological Reflection, the Center for Ecumen-ical Studies and the "Antonio de Montesinos" Center.

The pretext for such convergence was the assassination of the Salvadorean Archbishop, Oscar Arnulfo Romero, pulled off by New York Council on Foreign Relations hit men to unleash and accelerate the Khomeini-styled movements which the Society of Jesus is organizing throughout Latin America.

The dionysiac Mexican left swiftly seized the opportunity to demonstrate what it is in reality: a bunch of flagellants. In their eternal cult of

martyrdom, their adulation of defeat, their pleasure in pain and bloodshed, we find the famous "Aztec attitude toward the world and life" which the Jesuits are so adept at exploiting. When, a few weeks ago, "peasant" leader of the Mexican Communist Party Ramón Danzós Palomino said that "peasants prefer to die by bullets rather than hunger," Jesuit ideologue Porfirio Miranda, a leading figure in the "Christian-Marxist Dialogue," must have rubbed his hands in glee.

We are witnessing the birth of the pseudo-religious political movement that Soustelle, his brothers in Huitzilpochtli, and above all, his masters need to bring Mexico into the darkness of Fascism with an Aztec Face.

Soustelle's Charlatanry

Two things must be clear: 1) Jacques Soustelle is no anthropologist, and 2) the roots of our nation cannot be found in the Aztec Empire or in the degenerate cultures that predominated in Mesoamerica when the Spanish arrived.

As Plato showed in his Timaeus and Critias dialogues, and as is confirmed by abundant evidence, we must seek the real roots of the Mexican nation in the city-builder tradition which began with the first great maritime culture known—the culture which developed in the Atlantic basin toward the end of the second millennium before Christ, and whose beginnings may go back 12,000 years.

As for Soustelle, he is nothing more than an intelligence agent for the British Crown and Zionism. His most important assignment to date had nothing to do with researching Mexico's past, but with the plots by the Secret Army Organization and the Permindex (Murder, Inc.) crowd to assassinate General Charles de Gaulle. Caught in his unsuccessful plot, Soustelle lived in exile between 1962 and 1968 when a general amnesty declared by the French government permitted him to return to France.

As a professor at the Sorbonne, he has concentrated on propagating the racist doctrine of "cultural relativism," which serves to justify his monstrous projects. During his exile, he let loose his fury at the independence of Algeria and the defeat of his terrorist group, in various violently anti-Arab books. It is probable that during this period Soustelle continued relying on money from Edmond de Rothschild, who in 1960 financed the creation of the French-Israeli Alliance, a Zionist group founded among others by Soustelle and which he rejoined as soon as he returned from exile.

The Crucifixion of Christ, as depicted in the Church of Guadalupe in the city of Cuernavaca in Mexico. The arrows piercing Christ's side are a pictorial reference to an ancient Aztec ceremony of human sacrifice, in which the prisoner was tied to a frame, raised, and then riddled with arrows until he expired. "In some magical way the rain of blood was thought to induce the fall of another precious liquid, water."

In Soustelle's most famous work on Mexico, The Daily Life of the Aztecs, he argues:

Evidently, it is hard for us to understand what human sacrifice meant to an Aztec of the 16th century. We emphasize on any account that each culture has its own particular notion of what is cruel and what is not. . . Human sacrifice by the Mexicans was not inspired by cruelty or hate. It was their response—the only one they could conceive—to the instability of a constantly threatened world. Blood was necessary to save the world and humanity.

Anyone who finds similarity between these words and the Club of Rome's message of sacrifices needed today to save the overpopulated world and a humanity which "has overexploited its natural resources" is right on target.

Soustelle can recite by memory the lies repeated by oligarchic ideologues for more than 25 centuries: the world is threatened—even governed by—forces outside the power of reason; man cannot dominate the universe, with whose fundamental course he maintains a magical relationship, usually only known by a secretive elite; someone must die, sacrificed to these ungovernable

forces, if we wish to survive. This is the ideology of Soustelle, the ideology of the Club of Rome, the ideology of the obscurantist caste which makes human sacrifice into the state religion.

Soustelle is also a liar. Any relatively competent historian knows that during certain periods the Mesoamerican peoples could have conceived of other answers to the necessity of dominating the universe, and that barbarism only became the "daily life of the Aztecs"—and of all the people they ruled—through a process of intense struggle for centuries between two factions.

One faction has its legendary paradigm in the figure of Quetzalcoatl, the other is represented by the militarist oligarchic faction which triumphed over it in Tula and became the leader of all the major societies in Mesoamerica. The last phase of this intense struggle was the establishment in Tenochtitlan (now Mexico City), of the regime of Itzcoatl and his "chief of National Security," the perverse Tlacaelel.

Tlacaelel ordained that the purpose of the Aztec people was to impose the bloody religion of Huitzilopochtli upon the rest of the world.

We owe to Tlacaelel the destruction of all the ancient Mexican manuscripts, and the most monstrous falsification of history which had been perpet-rated in the New World until the Jesuits arrived.

A quick review of the principal developments which led to the hegemony of the obscurantist faction is in order.

The first advanced culture to develop on Mexican territory, (at least as far as that rudimentary discipline known as archeology permits us to know), was the people of the Gulf of Mexico known by the generic name Olmec, whose influence extended widely over space and over time.

It's probable that this culture and the builders of Monte Alban I conceptual-ized the notion of zero and carried out important astronomical measurements several centuries before the Mayas, who used these mathematical concepts several centuries before people in India developed the decimal system later disseminated by the Arabs and still in use today. Other Olmec ruins of the magnitude of those in Teotihuacan have not been discovered, perhaps because their main cities were enormous ports whose ruins are today under water.

Information gathered by Plato on the Mediterranean-Atlantic civilization which had one of its component cultures on the now-lost island of Atlantis, indicated that one could travel from this island to others and from them to "the whole opposite continent which surrounds that true ocean," that is, what is known today as America.

Archeology should be capable of telling us about the intensity of such transatlantic contacts and the degree to which civilizations like the Olmecs were involved in them. Something similar could be said of trans-Pacific contacts, of which there are as many indications as the first case. Unquestionably any city-building culture capable of concentrating great population centers would tend to develop an intense international trade.

It is clear that the ties between the cultures of the Atlantic Basin were severed by catastrophes such as that related by Plato in his reports on Atlantis or like the one which destroyed the island of Thera and wrenched the entire Mediterranean world around approximately 1300 B.C. It is also clear that in the ten years before the birth of Christ, maritime cultures were faced with a series of tidal waves which devoured a multitude of islands and continental lands which had enormously facilitated navigation, and destroy-ed many ports. Of course, it was by no means inevitable or automatic that this would have led to the imposition of obscurantist regimes.

The great city-state of Teotihuacan as well as that of Monte Alban are heirs of the Olmecs. Teotihuacan's links with the maritime cultures of the Gulf are fully evident in the abundant aquatic representations found in the temple of Quetzalcoatl. These and other cultural centers are evidence of the efforts of city builders whose possible ties to the cultures of the other side of the Atlantic would have been severed at the very least with the volcanic eruption which destroyed Thera. It is a fact that while the Teotihuacan, Totonacan, Zapotecan and Mayan cultures were characterized by great stone archi-tecture, monumental sculptures, mural paintings, mathematics and astron-omy, the peoples of the northwestern region from which the Mexicans originated lived in a state of barbarism; even during this later period, they still lived from primitive hunting and gathering.

The fools who believe that the agricultural system of Teotihuacan and the Mayans was based on slash-and-burn methods have yet to explain the great population density in their urban centers. Teotihuacan had a population of 125,000 inhabitants and exported goods as far away as Guatemala. During the height of Teotihuacan's development, great Mayan cities also flourished,

The Virgin of Guadelupe, as portrayed in a brochure distributed by one of today's "liberation theology" disciples of Soustelle.

among them Tikal which, according to conservative estimates had a population of 50,000. The Mayas constructed works to increase agricultural yield such as the canals along the Candelaria River designed to irrigate the whole valley or like the canal that carried water from the Champotón River to a dam in Edzná, 20 miles away. Recent satellite observations have confirmed the existence of an extensive system of drainage canals built between 250 B.C. and 900 A.D.

Moreover, it is likely that Mayan culture is as old or older than Olmec culture and that, like it, was originally part of the great network of Atlantian cultures. To last year's published reports of the discovery in Guatemala of a Mayan city much larger and more ancient that Tikal, is added the report that archeological remains have been discovered in Belize which permits us to trace the history of the Mayas and their ancestors back to about 9000 B.C. and also to corroborate that a culture of skilled fishermen and navigators flourished in this region around 4200 B.C. According to the report,

abundant fishing equipment, tools for making nets and building ships have been found in the region. Until these discoveries, the date cited for the oldest confirmed human activity in the region was 2500 B.C.

Shortly after 700 B.C. the great urban center of Teotihuacan was looted and burned. The survivors formed a colony of refugees in Azcapotzalco. When the invaders rebuilt the so-called citadel of Teotihuacan, the sculptures of the plumed serpent in the central temple were covered up with a "non-religious" cover to hide these ancient religious symbols from view. This disaster signaled the beginning of the end of what archaeologists and historians term the classical period of the great Mesoamerican cultures.

In the period immediately following the destruction of Teotihuacan, the savages from the north and northwest advanced with ever greater force toward the south and pushed entire populations— or rather, decimated populations—toward the southeast. Monte Alban collapsed. Copan, the scientific center of the Mayan world, was quickly abandoned. A jade neck-lace, found in the region of Quintana Roo, carries the last date known to have been noted in the "long count" of the very precise Mayan calendar: 909 A.D.

The city of Tula was founded in 856 A.D. Of much less importance than Teotihuacan, it was however the site of a decisive battle between the faction which was reluctant to accept cultural destruction and the faction which placed death worship at the center of its ideology. Independent of the degree to which the details of the legend of Ce-Acatl Quetzalcoatl can be corrobor-ated, the fact is that the proponents of looting neighboring economies, of "zero growth" and of human sacrifice became the dominant faction among the Toltecs.

This occurrence opened the doors to the barbaric hordes—known generically as the Chichimecas—various of which joined with the increasingly degraded Toltecs in a southern expansion whose advance is measured by the retreat of the line separating agricultural from non-agricultural lands. The Aztlanecas, later known as Mexicas or Aztecs, were one of the "Toltecized" Chichimeca tribes. That is, they claimed for themselves a supposedly noble, Toltec past by acquiring leaders from Tula. This fact however in no way contradicts their likely participation in the destruction of that city, under the direction of those very leaders.

The Toltec civilization as such disappeared in this process. What survived was the caste which maintained and expanded the religion based on death throughout Mesoamerica. From this caste emerged the Aztec rulers. This caste arranged the Triple Alliance which made the Aztecs rulers of the Valley of Mexico. This oligarchical and obscurantist caste plotted the assassination of Chimalpopoca, an act which also served as the pretext for unleashing war against the Tepanecas and for installing the new regime of Izcoatl and Tlacaelel. The systematic genocide carried out by the Aztecs from that point forward is matched in magnitude and speed only by that practiced by the Spanish conquerors and colonizers to pay the debts of Charles V and the Fugger bankers—the predecessors of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

It would be absurd to assume that under conditions of economic and cultural prosperity, advanced cultures would have succumbed to barbarity. On the contrary, these conditions would have given them an invincible military capability. As the history of Mediterranean Europe demonstrates, whenever nation-building maritime cultures were weakened by catastrophes they could not cope with, they were conquered by the mobs from retrograde, inland cultures. And, in the overwhelming majority of cases, the incapacity to overcome calamity results from the weakening or defeat of the nation-building, progress-oriented faction by that oligarchical faction which seeks to halt the advance of man's dominion over the universe.

Cycle of "The Suns"

The oligarchical Toltec caste which advocates human sacrifice is committed to that evil ideology which says that humanity is impotent in the face of natural disasters. This is the myth of "the suns." It says that humanity has lived four times and was destroyed each time by the gods who terminated each cycle (or sun) with a great catastrophe. It goes on: if man wants to prevent the current "sun" from succumbing and humanity from being destroyed once more in a universal catastrophe, he will have to mollify it with human hearts.

According to Soustelle, this is the only response the Aztecs could conceive of to the "instability of a constantly threatened world." This is in fact the evidence that some remote disaster ravaged the advanced cultures of our Atlantic Coast, and also proof that Soustelle and company have ancestors at least as ancient as those of our faction, the humanist faction, the Mexican Labor Party faction.

We still don't know with sufficient detail what happened among the Teotihuacan, Zapotecan and Mayan elites just before they were overcome by that great wave of destruction which began with the looting and burning of Teotihuacan. We assume from the legend of Quetzalcoatl that this process was repeated in one form or another in several cities, just as the process of abandonment and destruction was also replaced. A Pol Pot-style faction must have taken over in Tikal, in Monte Alban and in Copan leading to the abandonment of these cities—just as Phnom Penh was abandoned—and left their populations to die in the jungles, victims of slave labor and epidemics. These developments paved the way for the Toltec military invasion of the south and soon after to the domination by an even more backward tribe. The Chichimecas of the so-called Confederation of Chimalhuacán on the western coast of the country burned Tula. The practice of human sacrifice took hold down to Yucatán. In 1225 A.D. the small city of Chichén Itzá, maintained by the Toltecs in the Mayan region, was completely abandoned.

The moral situation of the opponents of human sacrifice is perhaps best demonstrated by the case of Nezahualcóyotl, the persecuted orphan prince of Texcoco who had helplessly witnessed the murder of his father. He found only one means to take back his throne: to ally with the Mexicas in the famous Triple Alliance against the Tepanecas, defeated in 1430. This arrangement demanded that Nezahualcóyotl put all of his capabilities into play: his own people, knowing the criminal character of the Mexicas, opposed the alliance, and the Texcocoan king was forced to put down rebellions which grew up among his own ranks. He wanted to bring his friends, the Chalcas, into the alliance to help him take back Texcoco. Repulsed by the people of Izcoatl the Chalcas refused and agreed only to remain neutral in war. Once he obtained victory, Nezahualcóyotl governed Texcoco as a true humanist, but shortly after his death the Aztecs began to undo his work, and in 1515 they imposed a puppet ruler in Texcoco. Such was the fruit of Nezahualcóyotl's pact with the Devil.

The real reason for Mexico's having been the site of an orgy of bloodletting comparable to few others in history, is located in the moral arena. To the unlimited evil of an obscurantist caste was added the demoralization of those who represented a tendency toward good, but who felt defenseless. As history has repeatedly shown, the decadence and destruction of civilizations is not primarily the result of material circumstances; material circumstances negatively affect civilizations when they abandon the principles which make generalized and sustained scientific and technical progress feasible. Thus

the crucial question is whether city-and nation-building republican forces preserve the moral integrity to defeat their populations' susceptibility to succumb to Dionysian bestiality, represented today by the Aquarians and the flagellant left.

Soustelle and his acolytes worship Coatlicue— "Earth mother," devourer of men—because she represents most precisely their zero growth ideology. Coatlicue appears to them the best dedication to Isis-Guadelupe ever invented. What they wish to imbue in the Mexican population (which racist Soustelle hates) is the "Aztec attitude toward the world and toward life"—the willingness to let oneself be massacred.

Our task—the task of the Mexican Labor Party and its closest allies—is to dismantle immediately these criminals' capacity for collective menticide and to remove them from any positions of power in the country. In fact they should be thrown out of the country. If the official guardians of the Republic understand the lessons of our history, they will have to act in agreement with us.
