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j Glossy, soft and shining hair is' not so bard to have as you think,i Beauty specialists now say to

, shampoo with olive oil—that i»I the secret. Because it is the

mildest of cleansers; leaves hairsoft and pliant, gleaming richly.Thousands of the heads of beau-tiful hair you see are due to it.The simplest form and easiest tou«e is Palmolive Shampoo. Thor-oughly cleans the hair and scalp—removes all dandruff. Never

! leaves hair dry or brittle. You

I can obtain it at any drug or de-partment store for a few cents a

j bottle. Jt works wonders. Use itJust once, and you will note the

I improvement.—Advertisement.

j It’d Not a Home UntilIt's Planted

(•> Bny Sireof from the nursery he*Uh».transplanted. well cared fnr over-

| »reens. flowerln* shrubs, roses, fruittrees, small fruit plants. 4-V) v«He-

I ties, every one covered by 100»5>cusrantee. Catalogue and a copy ofHOME GROT-NOS, THEIR PLANNINGAND PLANTING will he mailed free

I to home owners interested in land-scape planting.


Nursery entrance on Boekville Pike Ihalf way between Montrose and Hal- Ipine.

CORNSLift Off with Fingers !

1 SJhjr

Doesn't hurt a bit; Drop a little"Freezone" on an aching corn.instantly

that corn stops hurting, then shortlyyou lift it tight off with Ungers. Truly!

Tour druggist sells a tiny bottle of"Freezone" for a few cents, sufficientto remove every hard corn, soft corn,or com between the toes and the cal-luses. without soreness or irritation.


Director of Catholic Chari-ties Says It Gives Few

Entire Control.•

I Opposing establishment of com-munity chests. liev. John O'Grady,

director of Catholic charities of the

j District, addressing the Christ Child1 Society at its annual meeting at

1 Kauscher's yesterday, urged lliat body

I to think seriously before attempting

1 to raise money by the establishmentj of a community chest system.

| "It has a tendency to put the con-! troi of an entire community into the

j hands of a few people," he said.| Thanking the society for its co-

i operation in charity work during thei past year, the speaker praised theI work done by the voluntary workersi and advocated the policy of takingi care of only a few families and seeing

j to all their needs instead of tryingito do a little for many.! Rev. William J. Kerby. professor ofI sociology at Catholic University, in aI brief address described the increased

j knowledge of the poor and their| needs within the last few years and| the great growth of social service

work.Iluj Fresh-Air Farm,

Mrs. Charles P. Neill, national sec-! retary, told of the purchase, by thesociety, of a twenty-acre, fresh-air

farm near Rockville at a cost of $25.-000. $13,000 of which has been paid.

Reports of committees showed thatthe membership of the society InWashington is more than 1.300 peopleand that the national membershipruns over 9.000. More than 3.000 gar-ments were distributed among thepoor in Washington within the lastyear, it was stated.

Mrs. William Baxter, chairman ofthe dental clinic, reported on workdone in that department and pointedout the Importance of dental work ingeneral.

Others who read reports were: Mrs.James Dudley Morgan, vice president,who touched upon the work in con-nection with the fresh-air farm; MissM. Louise Parr. Mrs. A. J. Chappell,Miss Adele May, Miss Mildred Mer-rick. Miss Sheridan, Miss Ella MaySullivan, Mrs. Henry Simpson andMrs. Thomas J. Sheridan.

Miss Mary Weller McCarthy, girlscout captain, presented a number ofher scouts dressed in uniformswhich they made themselves. Thescouts acted as ushers during themeeting, while music was furnishedby members of the Christ Child Boys'Club.

Exhibits were shown which depict-ed the work done by the society.

MRS. HARDING ACCEPTS.Becomes Honorary President of

Animal Rescue League.Mrs. Warren G. Harding has ac-

cepted the office of honorary presi-dent of the Washington Animal Res-cue League, it was announced yes-terday at the annual meeting of the

; organization. In a letter with thei acceptance she expressed her entire| sympathy with the work carried onI by the league.i The incumbent officers and directorsi of the league were re-elected for the| ensuing year, and, it was Slated.• they look forward to a year of re-! nowed interest and greater activityi in the work for which, the rescueI league was formed.

Abe Martin Says:

We guess th’ reason it takesnine tailors t’ make a man is’cause he don't dare t’ go t’ th’same one twice.

Burglars broke hit' th’ Elitedrug store last night an’ stoicseven hams, thirty-four cans o’beans an’ a keg full o’ thousan’island dressin’.

(Copyrislit National Newspaper Service.)

DELEGATES ELECTED.The Women's Auxiliary to the Rail-

way Mail Association last week

elected the following delegates to

the annua! convention of the DistrictFederation of Women’s Clubs: Mrs.

Sarah Deeds, Mrs. J. P. Hunnicutt,Mrs. J. H. Cranford. Mrs. H. N. Linkand Mrs. Fred Ball. A donation wasreported sent the Visiting NursesSociety. Addresses were made by C.M. Dellinger. Robert E. Plymate andC. M. Harvey.


DOES your head ache, are you tiredwhen you get up. are your appe-tite and digestion bad. is it

hard to arouse enough ambition to doeven the smallest tasks?

That’s a sign of sluggish, impureblood. That's a warning to get a bottleof Gude’s Pepto-Mangan and purifyyour blood and bui'd up new energy.

For over 30 years Gude’s Pepto-Mangan ha» been the favorite tonic andWood enricher of many thousands ofpeople. It is pure, reliable, effective,and always uniform in quality. Itwillgive you bodily vigor, quiet nerves,sound sleep and a keen appetite.

Your druggist has Gude’s Pepto-Mangan. in liquid and tablet form.

Gude’spepto-j^anganTonic and Blood Enricher

6ggpri\N—now added to our ¦¦l QCvast line of ‘"HalmSpecials


Skoes for .


The shoe pictured, andalso a style with stilllower heel Patent

m Leather. Sizes 2/x to 8.M y' A to our

¦‘ VIZE'VE standardized tke* price and quality of Hakn

Special $5.95 Sko s for women — 1kut not tke styles. And nowappear tkese smart youtkfulEgypt an sandals witk roguisklow keels. Some “Stunners'' for$5.95.

Onyx Chiffon *

*gSilk Stockings Hyfl^r

All silk, delightfully sheer*nd full fashioned. Beige, WT Cor. 7th &K Sts.fawn, gray nu-suede, polo, W >. >

flesh, pink, atmosphere, gray. „r r y*™'lo *’

silver, gold, black and gun- Ltfty Ltlub Ohop 1914“16 Pu. Avc.metal. 1318 G St. 233 Pa. Ave S.E.


Completion of New Conduitto Bring Better Service

in Northwest.

When the new conduit from GreatKalis to Georgetown la completed,doubling Washington’* water eupply,a network of additional trunk main*will be }ald In the northwest eectlon.

, Officials of the District water de-

partment and the Washington aque-

duct office, which controls the con-duits, arc co-operating In planningthese extra feeder line*.

The tentative plan calls for threelarge mains from the proposed new

filtration plant on Little Falls road

above Georgetown.

Two of these will be thlrty-slx-lnch

pipes and will run parallel through

Upton street to the vicinity of the bu-reau of standards, where the water

department will switch one # downReno road and 34th street to Massa-chusetts avenue and thence to Flor-ida avenue. Another will continue

across Upton street to 17th and Tay-

lor afreets.The third new main will be a forty-

eight-inch line down Conduit roadfrom the new filtration plant to In-crease circulation in a targe area ofthe city proper north of I street.

Distribution of water then will bedivided between two filtration plantsinstead of the on# now in existence

at Ist arid Bryaht atreets northwest.Maj; Vt. C.'’Tyler, engineer ofllcer In

charge, la rushing work on the con-crete tUpnel which le being laid par-allel to the present conduit on Con-duit road;

QUAKE ALARMS SICILY.Bt th* /Fiwx'tsted I*r»M


MBSPINA, April 26. —An earth-

quake shook extending along theeastern coast of Sicily, accompaniedby eruption of Mounts Ktra andStromboll. caused a considerable

panic among the population of thedistrict yesterday. Many people arecamping in the open air, fearingfurther and more serious disturb-ances.

P Hourglasses *

S . A" ADITORIALv ‘TtT HE old-time hour- for end, the houra were i>

J *

glass had two com- successively measured. 1V .

. r There were also half- vpayments. From the hour gWfi For yOUfuppermost, sand, water, the most dependableor mercury occupied glasses to wear minutesixty minutes in running by minute are Etz eye-through a small aperture glasses. They will aidinto the lower compart- you to spend the hours

< ment. By reversal, end more profitably. f( Don’t Lose a Minute in Having YourV Eyes Attended to by the Etz Optometrists V

“Sec Etz 1217

oand04*TOhhfftl3Tr Q Street d

See Better” 9 IBbHI N.W.

Stop IndigestionHeadaches, dizziness, gas pains, acid stomach, biliousness

these and other physical disturbances are Nature’s WarningSignals of improper digestion. Don’t neglect this warning, forthese things may lead to serious diseases of the heart, kidneys,lungs, blood and nerves. At the first indication of trouble takeJaques* Little Wonder Capsules. They tone up the stomachand aid digestion.

Jaqaes’ Little Wonder Capsulesquickly relieve Indigestion, .Dyspepsia and Con- f———


stipation. They are easy to take and act quicker 183E. arfst .Ih.. pill, or Mum- T. let thi. quiei relief j .simply place one or two capsules in your mouth and RUtubur*. n. y.‘take a swallow of water. Sold by these druggists

mnHwith a strict guarantee of prompt, satisfactory thought IwU going toresult* or money back.

.aved my lif«. god I

At All Druggists. now.

Ur™ or 60 Cenu by

I yJil j w| Mail Postpaid From j tell mil my friend*


.... I Mg*. Lavia J. Bom /\J UX Plattsburg, N. V. ! ¦ J

GREATEST DRUG STORES Fairy ICl«m«r Mil 11 iIIII I I I Mil i I Soap I

3 Can#pk#>e New York A?e * 5 for

19c 23c IISIA %sXJcntneU<4 U iot I!

aSc' Pay More-fSSL I| 3 for SI.OO 604 9th .. Cor. 12th 10c |||


-MONEY SAVING SALE- I! STS k Eveready Half-Pint k

¦ sl-00 Lion |J||||i OSL SWEETS IIW ' Safety .Jt Bottle | „ Threatrical .* B™nd Lilac *

' \m* Uaint> Deodor.m I MqSgS. Razor JW I Bay Rum | Cold Cream hS| Vegetal1


50c 23c ts ** I

OOne-Quart TT~j k Ocllca-Brow Ltauld _~~ k* Malt Syrup

Can I CM-Utb and Brow Oreastof Colgate s fJ r

Pompeian Cold Crcam | T'v Fab | In 21/ *‘lb* Cans ’

ouveoii B£. ;¦ | IP 29c| 50c Each |||CARON’S BLACK II Gl-G-A-R-S 25c LaMayNARCISSUS EXTRACT The Peer of Them All—The Holland TaIcUITI

In fancy via ''i' ' Society, Perfect© Fino—2 for 25c; Awt' ' IfcL Box of 50 * $600; bo*°f 25 » 5300; IS/C[*- : 'llA'*'* 50 in metal lined humidor, $6.00.¦ ! ; % La Garcita, Perfecto, 3 for 25c;

-ilflIt4!! • Box of 50, $4.00; box of 25, $2.00.

75c Manicure /AM \I-2j T) i> #>Edm und P erf ' c '°;


Scissors TP-* J&JKX Emml_i _

Box of 50, $4.00. a

59c *



Ssol,’ 3 f°r 20c; 42c

¦ Homemade Candy .

G Box*oflso,os2.2s’: Box of 25. $1.25.

_ —, gm .All of these cigar* are aeleeted stock. Ions; a •

. ¥» • XT .Laco Castile Soap Half One y|Q T^o Iso our regular stock of all popular brands I I 3Jir etS I

|r> #Lb., d£OC Lb., tR/C Lb».,J/OC ot clßUra (Double Mesh)


— ——————

Boncilla ©1 Aft Amber Royal Mellin’s Food, f*Cp *l-®? 89c D* /"i|George Washington Br^ 51.49 hr *cTonaM Pine Glow


25c Merck s 1 Qf» .« n. .. _ Fletcher’s OCr 50c Syrup White CLi Coffee Stearate Zinc .

*Cc Pmaud s 35c Castoria LOC Pine and QCr CiiaiTipOOj 35c Lust-icerite OQ_ Lilac Talcum -j-ar OSJC


| 39c, 69c, $1.09 S?"~-2*C 42c II '

. , „.J Jtss,si.49 “ii.oo. ™."~' "¦ 9Bl ASS- -re „ T IMerck S Sugar Milk 25c Pompeian IQC e Absorbine Jr., el QC pint. 69C I UTKISh

-. .

LipStick XiAe Tapp * Jr%Q , dLvO -

Per Lb. 35c cioveoia oorlalJun L ,



p” S? m Towels

Tooth Paste 50c Freemans JQ B engue CQC cent Phosphate

4Qr 25c Sanito) IO Baume . Soda, .b 0/CToothpaste .... Polish...: Bromo Sel«er. 10c, Hill’s Cascara 00. f V

i top bSk !

Ex,r*c‘ji90 ...ioc $1.39

i W oz ** *

Palmer’s Bay Rum. in Abbott's Saline Laxa- sl-10 RQr C* *s II Sk $3.50. T oilet ®I7Q pint bottle, QQ« 24c. 71Tantac Slgnnte LawnInUUfIC ’¦:! 71c

. Writing. PaperStops under arm odor 51.29At least half the men and women In Mavis BrilKan- Lather Cream ..

**•*%* 50c Lion’s QCr , 0c Armour’s OCevery walk of life offend y liquid SUC 50c Pepsodent QQp Milk Magnesia . f 35C }

others with disagreeable body Mavis Brilhan. 7T Tooth Paste «>5/C txtract oeer ..


fcj odor*. It la now dehnately .. ... 75C 50c Pebeco OQ_I,co 89c Armour’s Red

jtSR. known that ooe diMfiMabt*odor la “H®, BOlidT ,h p-Kf, o*/C Vinol WifV

Bone Cl 4ft LiaUld* due to»rmt>it*ecrenon*—tiot »lw»ya Djer-Kiss Extract, 1 ' ooth Paste oonc_ _

U! H~—_SX'’.

Kl98c 39c „SSu. ¦ 89c ,

n'"° •••¦ Nux & Iron Com--1 65c ™’’ 42c Jr. M.7“....... 45c pound with pepsin

fljlUaß coradou, of the odot thcaeelvca. ounce b0tt1e..... WWW incense K| a m arv Imm Thi.ind.il other body odotjeen be Mary Garden 125 c Vantlne’t 91#* 75c F,tch 5 *l'fC 19c %1111 lIB TAwi «. WC in.. 21c Durfneßmit« *** »»*¦ OLUU

i IBBBCT Thu ffepent enow white cretne .. ¦. . ¦ ¦ ' ' . 1H p

l)"®’ 39c Faint’. Moth Ball. Howard'. La Petite B«f. I™" Lion Brand II ¦.SSttdSbtt Kitchen “ and Flake. Tooth FounU.n andWme

¦H armpit., feet oc eUewhcrt, ft to net I Knife Set I Coffee I* Per Lb. I Brut et I With Sautoirs I 1 onic I «

79c 23c 10c 49c 98c |

