IT9-Project 1 Design-MinSun Kim



IT band promotion design stage

Citation preview

Sunday, February 12, 2012


• Design Brief

• Design Specifications

• 6 Separate designs with pros and cons

• Pros/ConEvaluations Against Specs

• Summary of Designs

• Conclusion with Justification

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Band Promotion

DesignStage Two

Sunday, February 12, 2012

• I will design a brochure that is able to promote my client, ‘Infinite’, well and effectively. This product will be made throughout the second quarter following the five steps of the design cycle, which are investigation, design, plan, create and evaluation. Investigation, design, plan will be done before start making the product because these steps include all the essential information about the product, such as research about which material is the most appropriate, size, softwares to be used, time management, design of the product and certain specification points to follow to produce a good quality promotion. The create part will be done during the IT class times at school and also at home. When the promotion is made, the whole project, which also includes the five steps of the design cycle and the product, will be evaluated on certain specific points. Then, the promotion will be given to my client for them to promote themselves to more people.

Design Brief

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Design Specification with Test






I’m going to use ‘Photoshop’ and ‘Pages’.

I will use both softwares effectively to make the best I can.

The actual making part (create) will take about 3-4 weeks depending on how efficient I work and how fast I progress eachlesson.

I will create a timeline for all these stages of the project and makes sure it is done by the deadline.

The size should be big enough to be held in hands and carry it around.

I will be sure to make the product not to big or too small.

The look should be creative, colorful, eye- catching and contain lots of pictures.

I will use many creative thinkings and designs. I will also use many colors to attract more people.

Sunday, February 12, 2012







My client is band, ‘Infinite’. They want to make a promotion for people age above 12.

I will put appropriate information and pictures for age above 12. I will not put anything that is inappropriate.

The purpose of this promotion is to inform and attract the people about my client.

I will be sure to put certain information to meet the purpose.

The product will be on paper. The paper is the best material to be carried anywhere and be seen anywhere.

My client set the target audience to age above 12, so the content will be pretty safe and the overall product is safe.

Paper is a safe material and I will not put anything that is not safe.

The product should last long enough.I will make sure for the product to be not so delicate.

The promotion should attract many people to like my client and like their music.

I will make sure the design, content and the overall product to attract as many people as possible.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Design 1


• Pros - Aesthetically pleasing - Creative designs - Lots of information about the band itself and the music

• Cons - Takes too long to make - Needs many difficult and new skills to make - Cannot be seen everywhere (Needs internet)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Design 2


• Pros - Simple and well organized - Good quality information about the band - Easy to find certain information - Allows to share with different sites

• Cons - Takes too long to make - Cannot be seen everywhere(needs internet)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Design 3


• Pros - Very well organized - Can be seen anywhere - Able to make within the time limit

• Cons - Not attractive - Lacking information - No pictures

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Design 4


• Pros - Aesthetically pleasing - Lots of pictures to attract - Able to make within the time limit - Good quality information - Can be seen everywhere

• Cons - Use too much color ink

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Design 5


• Pros - Good content - Attracts people with sound and movements

• Cons - Lacking information - Cannot be seen everywhere (needs video player)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Design 6


• Pros - Good quality information - Attracts people with sound and movements - Fun to watch

• Cons - Cannot be seen everywhere (needs video player) - Takes too long to make

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Evaluation Against SpecsDesign 1 Design 2 Design 3 Design 4 Design 5 Design 6

Material X X j j X X

Time X X j j X X

Size j j j j j jAesthetics j j j X j jTarget Audience j j j j j jFunction j j j j j jPurpose j j j j j j

Processes and Tools X X j j X X

Durability j j j j j jSunday, February 12, 2012

• Design 1: The website really attracts the people by its cute and attractive looking. It has creative designs, which makes it different from other promoting websites. This website also contains of quantitive and useful information about ‘Infinite’. It is organized into categories and different pages, which makes it easy for people to find certain information they want. However, my client wants a promotion that can be seen on everywhere without any restrictions. The website needs internet connection so it cannot be seen everywhere. More, it takes a long time to make it and it is too difficult and needs many skills.

• Design 2: The website has a simple and clean design. It also has a quantity of information and the information is well organized into categories and different sections. It also has function to share to different social networks, which makes more people to see the website. However, it cannot be seen everywhere due to the restrictions of internet connection. More, the time needed to make it is not enough.

• Design 3: The brochure is well organized to see different information about “Infinite”. It also meets client’s need because it can be seen everywhere and easy to carry anywhere. More, the brochure has a very simple design so it can be made within the time limit. However, the whole design is not attractive. Its colors are not bright and colorful enough to show the band’s spirit. It doesn’t have pictures, which makes people boring to look at. It also doesn’t have much information to let people know about ‘Infinite”.

Summary of Designs

Sunday, February 12, 2012

• Design 4: The brochure has an attractive design that can please the people. The designs are creative and unique, which is very different from other promoting brochures. It has a lot of colors that is interesting to look at. The information in the brochure is very well contented and qualitative. It contains a lot of pictures that tells much about the band. It can be held and seen everywhere. The only weakness is that it uses too much color ink.

• Design 5: The video contains of essential, basic information about ‘Infinite’. It attracts the audience by its movements and sounds. However, it needs special device to play so it cannot be seen everywhere. It also has lack of information, the information is not detailed enough.

• Design 6: The video is fun, and not boring to watch. It contains of lots of information about the band. It attracts the people by its movements and sounds. However, it is also unable to play wherever they want. It contains of lots of features, which makes it harder and takes long time to make for me.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Conclusion with Justification












j Use ‘Pages’ for the format of my brochure and ‘Photoshop’ to do special functions for the design and pictures.

j It is able to be made within the time limit.

j The size is appropriate to held in hands.

j The design is creative and unique to attract more people. It is also organized well to make it is easy to look at.

j It will be made to attract music lovers age above 12.

j The purpose is to inform people about my client and make them look attractive to people to promote them.

j It will be made out of paper to make it able to be held everywhere.

j It is very safe and contains appropriate information and contents.

j It will last for a long time unless the people doesn’t take care of it.

j It contains information and pictures about my client.

Sunday, February 12, 2012
