Issues in nursing


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Issues in Nursing Issues in Nursing

Gracel Mae VillaGracel Mae Villa

1. A worldwide demand for higher education due to the increas ing

labour market needs for highly , .s killed workers s uch as nurs es

• 2. The ris e of g lobalization caus es the s hortage of experienced nurs ing

faculty worldwide

• 3. Internationally educated nurs es tend to have a re lative ly high failure rate in the national examination due

to the ir unfamiliarity with the tes ting.procedures

• 4. The trans ition of nurs ing education is the abs ence of a body

that has international authority to monitor educational s tandards


• The differences in education of the nurs ing profes s ion vary by country

.and how it is regulated

Ethical issues most commonly encountered by health care provider

• protecting patients' rights and human dignity;

• respecting/not respecting informed consent to treatment

using/not using physical or chemical restraints;

• providing care with possible risk to the nurse's health;

• staffing patterns that limit patient access to nursing care

Is s ues in BoethicalConcerns

• how does one certify that the pers on ?is c linically dead

• ?who dec ides DNR• what is the role of the nurs e in

- ?maternal fe tal conflic t cas es

• who is res pons ible for getting ?informed cons ent

• Who s hould remove the res pirator ?when futility is evident

• How hones t are c linical cas es s ubmitted for board exam


• How true are the numbers of RLE hours reflec ted in the s tudent?record

• How much id the price of the nurs ing?program

• How were the mas ters and doctoral degree of the faculty

• How qualified are the dean and chie f nurs es in s chool and hos pitals in ?review centers

• Why are s o many s chools even without bas e hos pital running with

?s o many s tudents

• How are s tudents s upervis ed in the ? c linical areas How are s tudent

?taught in review center

• Is there hones ty in s ubmitting c linical cas es for graduation


Challenges in Educating Challenges in Educating Healthcare Providers Healthcare Providers

• large numbers of students and insufficient numbers of teaching staff, making it difficult to use interactive teaching methods such as a case studies, role plays, discussions and drills

• limited opportunities for the students to practice and master skills, particularly in simulated settings, before moving to clinical rotations

• poor monitoring of students’ progress in both theoretical and practical components, leading to limited opportunities for providing feedback to students to help them improve

• facilities used for clinical practice that are always representative of the facilities, such as outpatient clinics, where graduates will work

• the need to develop competencies that are difficult to teach, such as decision making, problem solving, ethics and values

• the difference between the ideal world, where all the resources and technology needed to manage patients are available, and the real world, where the resources and technology are scare and must be used in a rationale manner

• poor quality materials and equipment and limited access to computes and up you date reference manuals or textbooks

• little coordination between different teaching units and different levels of study, and between theoretical and practical portions of academic programs

• practical experiences tat are separated from, and do not always reflect the associated theoretical experiences

• high turnover of teaching staff

• teachers who have no formal training in educational theories and methodologies

• lack of incentives for teachers to improve their own performance