Island County Shoreline Master Program Update



Island County Shoreline Master Program Update. March 2011. Shoreline Management Act of 1971. “… prevent the inherent harm in an uncoordinated and piecemeal development of the state’s shorelines.” RCW 90.58.020. Policy Goals of the Act. Foster reasonable and appropriate uses. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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March 2011

Island County Shoreline

Master ProgramUpdate

Shoreline Management Act of 1971

“…prevent the inherent harm in an uncoordinated and piecemeal development of the state’s shorelines.”

RCW 90.58.020

Policy Goals of the Act

Foster reasonable and appropriate uses

Protect natural resources

Promote public access

State and Local Partnership

Develop Guidelines (Chapter 173-26 WAC)

Draft Shoreline Master Programs

Approve Shoreline Master Programs

Issue Shoreline Development Permits; Recommend Shoreline Conditional Use Permits/Variances

Review/approve local shoreline permits

Enforce Permits







Components of SMP

SMP Update Steps

Island County SMA JurisdictionIslandsWhidbeyCamanoSmithDeceptionStrawberryBabyMinorBen Ure

LakesCranberry LakeDugualla LakeGoss Lake Lone Lake Deer LakeKristoferson Lake

Coastal LagoonsHarrington LagoonRace Lagoon Kennedy’s LagoonPerigo’s LagoonDeer LagoonAdmiral’s LagoonBush Point LagoonSwan Lake Lake HancockCrockett Lake

Shoreline Inventory & Characterization

• Ecosystem-wide

• Reach-scale Inventory & Characterization

• 2010 baseline conditions

• GIS Map portfolio and report

Biological Resources

•ESA species & habitat

•Critical saltwater habitats

• Eelgrass & Kelp

• Shellfish beds

• Mudflats

• Forage fish spawning areas

Shoreline Use

•Water dependent uses

• Public access & recreation

• Shoreline Environment Designations

A successful SMP update will:

Reflect the community’s vision for its shorelines

Achieve no net loss of shoreline ecological functions

Provide permitting predictability for shoreline property owners

Maintain quality of life and economic opportunity for citizens

Phase 1 – Shoreline Jurisdiction


Fall 2010

Phase 2 – Inventory, Analysis &


Winter/Summer 2011

Phase 3 – Goals, Policies, Regs.

Cumulative Impacts Analysis

Spring 2011/Spring 2012

Phase 4 – Restoration Plan

& No Net Loss

Summer 2011/Spring 2012

Phase 5 – Local Adoption

Fall/ Winter 2012

Phase 6 – Ecology Approval June 2013

Project Schedule

Shoreline Community Visioning Upcoming workshops in 3 locations:

Clinton—March 15 completed

Coupeville- Mar 21 completed

Camano—March 29
