Invisible People



Invisible People is a 3.5 year charity documentary project based on people on the streets of Ireland

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invisible people

Invisible PeoplePhotography: Don

Copyright 2012 by Don HorneSupported

invisible peopleInvisible People has been a 3 year photobook project I have been working on to capture a little bit of what goes on in the streets that people choose not to see. Invisible People are the people you see sitting on the

cold streets every day reaching out and asking for a little help.

But we all choose to pretend not to see them and just walk past trying really hard not to make eye contact so that we dont have to feel bad. My goal with this photobook is to help you all to make eye contact and see

what is going on and maybe give a little hand where you can.

Spending the last 3 years travelling to a couple main cities in Ireland every weekend looking for thehomeless / beggars on the streets and trying to capture little moments. Sitting down and listening to their

stories, helping where i can and just being friendly and talking to them like normal people.
