Introduction to Hinduism & Buddhism. Brahman/ Atman KarmaDharmaMoksha Reincarnation


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Introduction to Hinduism & Buddhism

Brahma is the creator of the universe.

Saraswati is the goddess of knowledge & music.

Vishnu is the preserver of the universe.

Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth & prosperity.

Shiva is the destroyer of the universe.

Kali is the destroyer of ego, sin, and ignorance.

Durga is the destroyer of evil forces, and the protector of righteousness.

Ganesha is the remover of obstacles & difficulties.

Hanuman is the god of physical and mental strength.

Siddhartha Gautama was a high-caste Hindu prince born around 556 B.C.E.

After a comfortable life, Gautama realized there was human suffering when he saw sickness, old age, and death.

Leaving his life behind, he set out to find a path that would eliminate suffering.

He searched for years, until his meditation revealed the mystery of life.

Siddhartha’s realization led him to be forever called Buddha, meaning

“Enlightened One”.
