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Technical guideInformation Technology ICA05Series 9 Flexible Learning Toolbox

ICA50605: Diploma of Information Technology – Website Development

1/5/2006: Version 2.0

Diploma of Information Technology – Website Development

© Commonwealth of Australia 2006

The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Commonwealth of Australia.

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Diploma of Information Technology – Website Development

Table of Contents


Conventions used within this document____________________________________1

Minimum requirements_________________________________________________1Server hardware and software for RTO_______________________________________1

Client hardware and software_______________________________________________2

Toolbox installation____________________________________________________2

Starting the Toolbox____________________________________________________3

File and folder naming_________________________________________________3

Folder structure_______________________________________________________4

Disaggregation of Toolbox_______________________________________________4Installing an individual unit of competency with its assessment project____________4

Installing an individual unit of competency without its assessment project__________5

Requirements for specific competencies____________________________________5ICAB5180A Integrate a database with a website_______________________________5

ICAB5165A Create dynamic pages__________________________________________6

ICAB5068A Build using RAD_______________________________________________6

PSPPM502B Manage complex projects_______________________________________6

Customisation_________________________________________________________6Communication tools______________________________________________________6

Maintaining and customising links___________________________________________6

Adding or updating glossary entries__________________________________________6

Flash movies______________________________________________________________6

Screen cam________________________________________________________________7

Part of the Australian Flexible Learning Framework

Diploma of Information Technology – Website Development

IntroductionWelcome to the e-commerce Toolbox. This Toolbox has been authored to deliver the Diploma of IT (Website Development) in an engaging, metaphoric learning environment. It has been designed for disaggregation into individual units of competency (or groups thereof) with the option of including the corresponding assessment project.

The purpose of this guide is to show you how to install, configure, and customise the toolbox to suit your requirements.

Conventions used within this document Paths are denoted by Courier New font 11 pt eg: toolbox/gbr_respak/tocmenu/files/respak_index.htm

Directing the reader to another section within the document is denoted by Arial, Bold 11 pt. In the following example the reader is being directed to the Communication Tools section:

… before duplicating you need to set-up the communications links on the CD-ROM - see Communication Tools …

Minimum requirements

Server hardware and software for RTOIBM Compatible PC

Pentium III 1000 MHz, any Pentium IV or higher


800x600 screen resolution

CD-ROM or Internet access


Apple Macintosh

500 MHz processor minimum

128 MB RAM

800x600 screen resolution

CD-ROM or Internet access

*Based on iMacs released in 2001

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Diploma of Information Technology – Website Development

Client hardware and softwareIBM compatible computer with 1000 MHz processor running Windows 2000, XP or above OR Apple Macintosh with a 500 MHz processor running OSXv10.2.0 or above

128 MB of RAM

800 x 600 display

4 Gb hard disk (ex preferred standards 2001)

CD ROM drive

Sound card

56k or higher modem.

Browser: Mozilla Firefox (Version 1.0 or higher) or Internet Explorer (Version 6.0 or higher)

Plug-ins:ShockWave Flash (Version 7.0 or higher)Adobe Acrobat (Version 6.0 or higher)Microsoft Office 97 or similar word processing program to open and use forms, checklists and worksheets.

Note: These are the minimum requirements for running the Toolbox. However some assessments advise the use of further software (and hardware to match). See Requirements for specific competencies.

Toolbox installationBefore installing the Toolbox you must first must confirm that your computer system meets the minimum requirements (see Minimum requirements).

The Toolbox can be run from: a web server (or Learning Management System) the CD-ROM

To install the Toolbox on your web server follow these simple steps: Insert the Toolbox CD in your CD-ROM drive. Using Windows Explorer (or your equivalent), copy the contents of the CD-

ROM to the appropriate directory on your server. NB: The folder called /autorun/ and the file autorun.inf are not needed on the server. The folder /source_files/ is only required for customisation.

For most installations there are no other requirements to get the Toolbox up and running. To access the Toolbox, simply open the file index.htm at the root directory level using your web browser.

To access the Teacher guide use Windows Explorer (or equivalent) to locate and open the file

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Diploma of Information Technology – Website Development

ecommerce/shared/html/guides/teachers_guide.doc. The guide is also available as a link directly from the splash page - index.htm.

To run the Toolbox from the CD, simply insert the CD. If the Toolbox does not automatically open in your browser then browse to the index.htm file in the root directory.

NOTE: You will need to customise the Toolbox to provide links to the appropriate email, discussion forum and chat. See Customisation.

Starting the ToolboxYou may wish to hyperlink your environment directly to the required file(s), use short-cuts, or double-click the appropriate file(s).

1. To start the fully-installed Toolbox, use the file ecommerce/index.htm

2. To start the individual unit of competency, use the file ecommerce/XXX_respak/tocmenu/respak_index.htm where XXX is the three-letter code (see Units of competency)

3. To start the individual unit of competence’s project, use the file ecommerce/wd_XXX_proj/html/XXX_proj_desc.htm where XXX is the three-letter code (see Units of competency)

File and folder namingThe Toolbox comprises the units of competency shown in the table below. The three letter code is used to name files and folders associated with each unit of competency and its assessment project.

Units of competency 3 letter codePSPPM502B Manage complex projects mapICAP5039A Match the IT needs with the strategic direction

of the enterprisemsd

ICAS5102A Establish and maintain client user liaison mclICAA5151A Gather data to identify business requirements gbrICAS5202A Ensure privacy for users epuICAA5158A Translate the business needs into technical


BSBPM505A Manage project quality gqmICAA5056A Prepare disaster recovery/contingency plans pdrICAA5054A Validate quality and completeness of design vcdICAB5180A Integrate a database with a website idwICAI5212A Implement quality assurance process for web


ICAA5141A Design dynamic websites to meet technical requirements


ICAA5146A Develop website information architecture dwaICAB5165A Create dynamic pages cdpICAT5083A Develop and conduct client acceptance test dcaICAT5081A Perform systems test pst

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Diploma of Information Technology – Website Development

Units of competency 3 letter codeICAU5208A Use site server tools for transaction


ICAB5068A Build using RAD burICAA5139A Design a database dad

Folder structureThe table below describes the folder naming conventions and the folders of importance.

Folder Explanationecommerce Root directoryecommerce/index.htm Main html documentecommerce/shared/ Directory containing shared unit of

competence and project resourcesecommerce/XXX_respak/ Directory containing resources specific

to a unit of competence, where XXX is the identifying three letter code as identified in the Units of Competency

ecommerce/wd_XXX_proj/ Directory containing resources specific to a unit of competence’s project, where XXX is the identifying three letter code as identified in the Units of Competency. The wd prefix refers to the fact that it is a web development project. The naming convention was introduced to allow for a database development project (dd).

ecommerce/XXX_respak/tocmenu/ Directory containing the index file for each competency: respak_index.htm

ecommerce/shared/guides/ Directory containing the Teacher guide and Technical guide.

Disaggregation of ToolboxThe Toolbox has been designed to facilitate disaggregation as follows:

Disaggregation of individual units of competency with associated assessment project (summative assessment)

Disaggregation of individual units without the associated assessment project

Installing an individual unit of competency with its assessment project

1. Identify the required unit of competency, and look up its three letter code (see File and folder naming).

2. From the Toolbox, copy the directory ecommerce/XXX_respak/ where XXX is the three-letter code, to your required location.

3. Copy the directory ecommerce/wd_XXX_proj/ where XXX is the three-letter code, to the same location.

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4. Copy the directory ecommerce/shared/ to the same location.

Example: to copy the unit of competency ‘Gather data to identify business requirements’ and its assessment project, you would use the three letter code gbr and you would end up with the following directory structure:


Installing an individual unit of competency without its assessment project

1. Identify the required unit of competency, and look up its three letter code (see File and folder naming).

2. From the Toolbox, copy the directory ecommerce/XXX_respak/ where XXX is the three-letter code, to your required location.

3. Copy the directory ecommerce/shared/ to the same location.

Example: to copy the unit of competency ‘Gather data to identify business requirements,’ you would use the three letter code gbr and you would end up with the following directory structure:


Requirements for specific competencies There are a number of competencies within the Toolbox that require added software to enable students to complete the assessments. The Toolbox provides recommendations for this software; however it is up to the facilitator to decide what is appropriate to their situation. The competencies affected are listed below.

ICAB5180A Integrate a database with a websiteThe recommended software to use with this competency is MySQL and PHP. Instructions for installation can be found in the resource pack for this competency.

The requirements for installing MySQL are:

A 32-bit Windows Operating System such as 9x, Me, NT, 2000, or XP. TCP/IP protocol support. A copy of the MySQL binary distribution for Windows, which can be

downloaded from Note: The distribution files are supplied in a zipped format and we recommend the use of an adequate FTP client with resume feature to avoid corruption of files during the download process.

A ZIP program to unpack the distribution file.

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Note! If disk space is at a premium, then you can delete the sub-directory bazaar_resources which you will find under ecommerce/shared/

It is only required if you are utilising the related assessment project.

Diploma of Information Technology – Website Development

Enough space on the hard drive to unpack, install, and create the databases in accordance with your requirements.

If you plan to connect to the MySQL server via ODBC, you will also need the MyODBC driver.

ICAB5165A Create dynamic pagesThis unit of competency discusses and provides examples of DHTML. It should be noted that some examples require Internet Explorer to render correctly. These were included to show students the range of functions available. Where this is the case a reference to this fact is included in the resource pack to warn the user before they click on the link to view the example.

ICAB5068A Build using RADThis unit of competency presents Rapid Application Development theory and explores the practical use of CASE tools. The resource pack includes images and reports from the CASE tool QDesigner, The QDesigner CASE tool has not been specified as a required resource for this competency; however students will need access to a CASE tool to progress through the competency.

The RTO will need to consider the hardware and software requirements needed for the CASE tools selected.

PSPPM502B Manage complex projectsThis unit of competency recommends using Microsoft Project as the project management application. Details on how to access trial versions, and requirements for this software are available in the resource pack.

CustomisationThis section describes some of the ways that you may choose to customise the Toolbox.

Communication toolsTo configure the communication links in the Toolbox, you need to edit the file ecommerce/shared/html/communication.htm to include links to:

the facilitator’s email address the chat room the discussion forum

Maintaining and customising linksWherever possible links to external resources are found in the file xxx_respak/xxx_e?/html/summary.htm

where xxx is the three letter code corresponding to the unit of competency and ? is the number of the element. For example map_respak/map_e1/html/summary.htm

Facilitators should check this file regularly to ensure there are no broken links or to customise the references to resources of their choosing.

Adding or updating glossary entriesAdding or updating the glossary can be achieved by editing the glossary file ecommerce/shared/html/glossary.htm

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Flash moviesTop level navigation of this Toolbox uses only images and text files. Interactive activities and navigation of the mentor screens however also use Flash movies. Alternative text versions are always provided and their files are named using the name of the Flash file + underscore + text (e.g. name_text.htm). Links to them are found directly underneath the embedded Flash movie.

The source code and original .fla (Flash files) are in the /source_files/ folder. If changes are made to any Flash movie, the relevant changes also need to be made to the corresponding text version HTML files (e.g. activity1_text.html)

Screen camThe screen recordings used for producing tutorials that capture cursor movement were made using Camtasia Studio Pro. Should you wish to produce similar tutorials you can find this software at: <> in ShockwaveFlash (.swf) format.

For an example, see:ecommerce/gbr_respak/gbr_e2/resources/gbr_e2_wordquest/gbr_e2_cam/create.htm

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Toolbox contact details:Flexible Learning Toolbox Help Desk

Phone: 1300 736 710Email:


For more information contact:2005 Australian Flexible Learning Framework

National CommunicationPhone: (07) 3247 5511Fax: (07) 3237 0419

Email: Website:

Locked Mail Bag 527 GPOBrisbane QLD 4001

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