Internal and external




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Internal and External Communication and it’s importance

You can have brilliant ideas, but if you can't get them across, your

ideas won't get you anywhere.

— Lee Iacocca

Ford American Businessman

Internal communication

Inside the business it is essential

that the communication between

managers, employees, suppliers, and

any other internal customers is

consistent and the messages are

understood. If there is a lack of

internal communication it will

decrease staff morale and affect the

task being carried out… For example,

If the waiter does not tell the chef

what the customer has ordered, how

can the chef cook the customers

food? Communication internally is

just as important as external but the

external customers always seem to be

more important but without internal

customers the business would not

be able to provide the product or


External communication

Outside of the business customers

that come to the business to buy their

service or product are important, if

the external customers are ignored

the business will not be able to make

a profit because the chances are if the

customers are unhappy with their

products they will not return, they

will also talk to others so the bad

reputation will also spread. According

to Forum Corporation Research –

almost 70% of the identifiable reasons

why customers had left typical

companies had nothing to do with

the product; the reason was poor

quality of service


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