Instructional design review




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Consult your textbook for more resources:Reiser and Dempsey (2012)Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology

Behaviorist vs. Constructivist





•Sequential, linear, top-down,


•Behavioral objectives

•Designed by professional

instructional designers

•Careful sequencing and

teaching of subskills

•Pre-selected knowledge is

goal for learning

•Summative evaluation for

collecting objective data

•Non-linear, chaotic, organic,

reflective, and collaborative

•Objectives emerge from

design and development

•Context is crucial – not


•Emphasis on learning and

understanding in meaningful


•Formative evaluation through

subjective data

B.F. Skinner Wrote article called: The Science of Learning

and the Art of Teaching (1954)

Believed that increasing human learning could increase if instructional materials were effectively designed.

Programmed instructional materials should: present instruction in small steps

require overt responses to frequent questions

provide immediate feedback

allow for learner self-pacing

Learner would receive positive reinforcement with the feedback they received

TIP Theories – Operant Conditioning More on Skinner

Programmed Instruction

Data regarding the effectiveness of the materials were collected

Instructional weaknesses were identified

Materials were revised accordingly

Trial and revision procedure provided formative evaluation

Still found in current instructional design models.

More on Programmed Instruction

B.F. Skinner’sTeaching Machine for

Programmed Instruction

Robert Mager

Preparing Objectives for Programmed Instruction (1962) now in its third edition

Describes how to write objectives that include a description of desired learner behaviors the conditions under which the behaviors

are to be performed the standards (criteria) by which the

behaviors are to be judged

Current instructional designers still require these three elements in course objectives

TIP Theories – Criterion Referenced Instruction

Robert Mager

Glaser’s Instructional System1962

Dick and Carey Model - 1978

Dick and Carey Model

Original ADDIE Model - 1975


A – identify problem, analyze setting

D – organize management, identify objectives

D – specify methods, consult prototypes

I – test prototypes, implement recycle

E – analyze resultsResources

Learning Theories




Systematic Design

Don Clark’s ADDIE Timeline



Evaluate DesignImplement



Core Elements/Phases of Instructional Design


“An epistemological and ontological conception of what reality, knowledge, the mind, thought, and meaning are” (Reiser & Dempsey).

“Reality is constructed by individuals and social groups based on their experiences with and interpretations of the world” (Reiser & Dempsey).

Constructivists contrast with Objectivists

J. L. Bruner – Cognitive Theory

Child processes information and builds increasingly complex models of the world

Motivation based on intrinsic value, curiosity, and cooperation/reciprocity

The way problems are structured must address a child’s intellectual development and maturation

Three modes of how things are represented:• Enactive - touch, feel, manipulate objects

• Iconic - images that stand for perceptual events

• Symbolic representation – language and ideas

Social Constructivist

Jean Piaget

Three Types of Knowledge

• Physical, Social, Logical

Developmental Concept Learning• Assimilation – what makes sense in child’s


• Accommodation – new in context with known

• Adaptation – adjusts to the environment and learns the consequences of specific actions

• Organization – integrates schemata and develop more complex logic


Piaget: Stages of Cognitive Development

Sensorimotor Stage - Birth to two• Objects exist outside of their visual field - object


• Learn strictly through sensory experience within their environment - KINESTHETIC

Pre-operational Stage - Ages 2 - 7• Period of Language Development

• Egocentrism - only see self perceptions

• Categorize by single obvious feature

Piaget Stage Theory

Concrete Operational Stage • Ages 7 - 12• Develop ability to handle complex logic and

make comparisons

• Hypothesize and reason ONLY about things they’ve experienced themselves

Formal Operational Stage –• Age 12 - Adult• Abstract thinking ability

• Offer interpretations and draw conclusions

• Formulate hypotheses

Vygotsky - ZPD

Social Cognitive Development

Zone of Proximal Development – ZPD

Zone of Proximal Development

Vygotsky ZPD The difference

between what a learner can do without help and what he or she can do with help

Tap into prior knowledge

Aim instruction just beyond that point

Avoid teaching beyond the ZPD

Capable of

Learning with Instruction





Beyond reach

Benjamin Bloom

Taxonomy of Educational Objectives (1956)

Various types of learning outcomes within the cognitive domain Objectives could be

classified according to type of learner behavior described

A hierarchical relationship exists among the various types of outcomes







Bloom’s Taxonomy

KNOWLEDGE: define, list, name, memorize

COMPREHENSION: identify, describe, explain

APPLICATION: demonstrate, use, show, teach

ANALYSIS: categorize, compare, calculate

SYNTHESIS: design, create, prepare, predict

EVALUATION: judge, assess, rate, revise

Bloom’s Taxonomy

Knowledge - recall information in original form

Comprehension - show understanding

Application - use learning in a new situation

Analysis - show s/he can see relationships

Synthesis - combine and integrate parts of prior knowledge into a product, plan, or proposal that is new

Evaluation - assess and criticize on basis of standards and criteria

Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy






Creating • Creating – designing, constructing, planning, producing, inventing, devising, making

• Evaluating – checking, hypothesizing, critiquing, experimenting, judging, testing, detecting, monitoring

• Analyzing – comparing, organizing, deconstructing, attributing, outlining, finding, structuring, integrating

• Applying – implementing, carrying out, using, executing

• Understanding – interpreting, summarizing, inferring, paraphrasing, classifying, comparing, explaining, exemplifying

• Remembering – recognizing, listing, describing, identifying, retrieving, naming, locating, finding

Seymour Papert

Constructionist learning based on constructivism

Learning is an active process, learners are actively constructing mental models and theories of the world around them.

“Constructionism holds that learning can happen most effectively when people are actively making things in the real world” (Wikipedia).

Developed logo computer programming Book - “Mindstorms: Children, Computers, and

Powerful Ideas”

Read “Gears of my Childhood” -

More on PapertWorks

Cognitive Apprentice

Modeling -- involves an expert's carrying out a task so that student can observe and build a conceptual model of the processes that are required to accomplish the task.

Coaching - consists of observing students while they carry out a task and offering hints, feedback, modeling, reminders, etc.

Articulation - includes any method of getting students to articulate their knowledge, reasoning, or problem-solving processes.

Reflection - enables students to compare their own problem-solving processes with those of an expert or another student.

Exploration - involves pushing students into a mode of problem solving on their own.

Cognitive Apprenticeship

Modeling by experts - problem solving activities

Community of practice

Set desired goals and create a learning community

Provide scaffolds that aid pupils in applying problem-solving strategies

Model and coach students

ICON Model – Interpretation ConstructionObservation: Students make observations of authentic artifacts anchored

in authentic situations

Interpretation Construction: Students construct interpretations of observations and construct arguments for the validity of their interpretations

Contextualization: Students access background and contextual materials of various sorts to aid interpretation and argumentation

Cognitive Apprenticeship: Students serve as apprentices to teachers to master observation, interpretation and contextualization

Collaboration: Students collaborate in observation, interpretation and contextualization

Multiple Interpretations: Students gain cognitive flexibility by being exposed to multiple interpretations

Multiple Manifestations: Students gain transferability by seeing multiple manifestations of the same interpretations

ICON Model

Four Phase Cycle of Instruction

Learning is promoted when: learners observe a demonstration

learners apply the new knowledge

learners engage in a task-centered instructional strategy learners activate relevant prior knowledge or experience

learners integrate their new knowledge into their everyday world Reiser & Dempsey, 2006

David Merrill

Information is NOT Instruction

"If you don't provide adequate practice, if you don't have an adequate knowledge structure, if you don't provide

adequate guidance, people don't learn"(Merrill, 1998)

David Merrill’s Key to Learning provide structured knowledge provide practice provide guidance

Online Principles Acknowledge learner’s prior experience and preconceptions Help learners transform facts and concepts into usable knowledge. Help learners monitor their own learning and learn independently Provide learner-centered environment online

David Merrill

Keller's ARCS Model for Motivation Attention - gaining and

keeping the learner's attention Through the senses Through inquiry - thought

provoking questions Through variety - variance in

exercises and use of different media

Relevance Training needs to relevant. "What's in it for me?"

Confidence Need to feel confident in the

program’s purpose and objectives

Need to believe they can succeed and that this is worthwhile for them

Satisfaction – What’s the reward? Need to feel rewarded from the

learning experience. Need entertainment or a sense

of achievement. Need to achieve satisfaction in

what they have learned Need see that their new skills

can be immediately useful and beneficial on their job.















Blended Learning

in Higher


D. Randy Garrison

and Norman D.

Vaughan (2008)

Community of Inquiry

Community of Inquiry Framework

Communities of Practice

“Communities of practice are groups of people who share a concern or a passion

for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly.”

Etienne Wenger

Communities of Practice in Education

Internally: How to organize educational experiences that ground school learning in practice through participation in communities around subject matters?

Externally: How to connect the experience of students to actual practice through peripheral forms of participation in broader communities beyond the walls of the school?

Over the lifetime of students: How to serve the lifelong learning needs of students by organizing communities of practice focused on topics of continuing interest to students beyond the initial schooling period?

Etienne Wenger

Understanding by Design

Desired Results: What will the student learn?

Acceptable Evidence: How will you design an assessment that accurately determines if the student learned what he/she was supposed to learn?

Lesson Planning: How do you design a lesson that results in student learning?

Identify desired results

Determine acceptable


Plan learning experiences

and instruction

Don Clark’s ADDIE Backwards Design

Multiple Intelligences

• Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence – word player

• Logical-Mathematical Intelligence -questioner

• Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence - mover

• Visual-Spatial Intelligence - visualizer

• Musical-Rhythmic Intelligence – music lover

• Interpersonal Intelligence - socializer

• Intrapersonal Intelligence - individualizer

• Naturalist Intelligence – nature loverHoward Gardner

Developing our Intelligences

Stage 1: Awaken - trigger the intelligence

Stage 2: Amplify - strengthen by practice

Stage 3: Teach - learn and acquire specific knowledge

Stage 4: Transfer the intelligence to real life -Knowing how to live in the real world

Kirkpatrick’s Model of Course Evaluation

Level 1 Evaluation—Reaction how participants in a training program

react to it

Level 2 Evaluation—Learning the amount of learning that has

occurred due to a training program

Level 3 Evaluation—Behavior measures the transfer that has

occurred in learners' behavior due to the training program

Level 4 Evaluation—Results assess training in terms of results or

overall impact for education, business, military, etc. settings


Reiser and Dempsey History of Instructional Design (Website)

Instructional Design Central

TIP Theories


Instructional Design Models

A Journey into Constructivism

Piaget’s Constructivism and Papert’s Constructionism: What’s the Difference?

Edutopia – Seymour Papert and Project-based Learning

ICON Model

Applying Learning Theories to Online Instructional Design Cognitive Apprenticeships
