INSTITUTE OF UNIVERSAL SELF CONSCIOUSNESS … News Bulletin - 201203 - Web.pdf · child during the...


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Issue #:0065 Vol: 7 March 2012




(Vishva Sarvatma Bhava Chaitanya Prasara Nilayam)

Spiritual Patron Samartha SadGuru Sri Ramachandra Maharaj Spiritual Facilitator Prof. Satyanarayana Chillapa President IUSCM

Spiritual Doctrine, Conceptual Guidance - and - Motivators: Bhagavan Sri. Adi Sankara and Lord Sri. Krishna Paramatma (Gitacharya )



Message from the Master

Real life is one where existence of body conscience is gone. This is an advanced yoga condition in spiritual search of Reality. When vacuum in the heart is created by fruitful meditation

the condition of ‘Thushni-Bhava’ develops. In this condition, one feels ‘as if’ he has no more interest, in seeking the set spiritual goal. This is the paradoxical yoga state. There is no interest, because spiritual end is reached and no further efforts are needed. However, seekers may also loose interest in meditation, before the goal is reached. This is due to the release of adverse negative sanskars. Preceptors are advised to be on the watch to

Spiritual News Bulletin

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take corrective measures when such signs are observed in their wards. Vacuum of the heart, leads to “Samya-Awastha” or “ Samathavastha” the state of equanimity. This is the consequence of melting away of duality nature,”Dwandatitha” of mind-psych. In Veda Yagna (Ancient mode of worship with fire of cosmic deities with animal sacrifice to propitiate Gods); juice extracted from Soma a kind of creeper plant, called ‘Soma-rasa’ is drank which is believed to confer, long life, as synonym to immortality, (“Amrutatva”) with vitality and, forgetful absorption in one’s self, oblivion to miseries of life. The effects similar to ‘Soma-rasa’ can be induced in yoga meditation by transmission at appropriate psychic points on the body. Ignorantly one ascribes himself to body-mind forgetting his true nature of eternal soul. Body-mind, being the projection of nature (Prakruti) is ever in constant change, unlike the Soul, which is immutable, eternally the same.

Change is always uncertain, and hence painful. Rediscovering his ones true Self is the only remedy to miseries of life. And, this is the aim and objective of spirituality; an evolutionary process. As one ascends to higher levels of spirituality, the approach becomes subtler and subtler, such that, it will be rarely possible to attain the goal without, the conscious planned, push and pull of capable Guru, the Master of yoga meditation, and the one established in Para Brahman, Ultimate Reality; otherwise, it is like an attempt to catch the sky. The yoga condition of that” on closing the eye darkness is not felt; and on opening the eye the light is not felt” experienced and recorded by the highest yogis of Sahajamarga system of raja yoga like late, Saint Kasturiji ( Ref: Anant Yatra -Vol.4,P.52) is the subtlest and highest spiritual condition and in the words of Babuji Maharaj “It is not easy for everybody to understand your ( Sant. Kasturiji) spiritual condition and I also feel difficulty in understanding them. I do not find words to explain it. Oh! What a wonderful condition has been described by you”. Inducing, and observing cosmic Divine light descending from the top of the head, percolating via back of spine, diffusing into the pores of the entire physical body, and mind-psych, layavastha as “Sarupya” of merging in Para

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Brahman the culminating phase of “Brahmvidya” of the seeker of spirituality. There is a saying “Travel light” to have hassle-less comfortable journey. A similar advice applies also in spiritual journey, losses or to be more correct, unburdened, all belongings then he receives and enjoys real life.

When a person empties his mind of past remembrances of

both positive and negative thoughts, it becomes lighter and subtler, generating softer, emotion-less, happiness and tender joy. Practically this state of mind-psych is achieved, by surrendering to Master all notions of thought waves; by making Master the “Base” of your actions and activities.

"Brahmanyadhya karmani

Sangam Tyaktva Karoti Yah Lipyate Na Sa Papena

Padmapatram Ivambhasa."

Meaning: “He who acts, offering all his actions to God, gets, shaken off all attachment, and remains untouched by sin, just like the lotus leaf un-wet by water.” (Ref: Bhagavat Gita - 5)

Knowledge and ignorance are both relative terms; they are mental notions. At the spiritual state of “Sakshi-Bhootha”, the condition of “Witnessing” of Atman the Soul, of ego’s involvement by identification in mental activities of it’s duality nature this attribute comes to surface for perceptive cognition. Otherwise, Atman the Soul is neutral, or colour-less, vis-à-vis Nature or Prakruthi. Names and shapes and figures, of different outside entities are objectified forms of your conscious image-format in the mind. Outside Universe is the creative image-format of the Mind. It is the “Differential Variance” in uniform, homogeneous consciousness.

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The quality and, texture of projected outside universe, depends upon Karmic micro impressions stored in the mind of the individual person, because the action-field of everyone is different. The micro impressions unroll for experience on the continuum of Time – Space - Causation. Action - reaction is a vicious cycle, and unless this is broken, Moksha, the liberation cannot be thought of.

An Astral Transmission Through Prof. Satyanarayana Chillapa

President IUSCM, HQ. Hyderabad-59, India

The Perishable Bodies

The other day some of our close relatives happened to

see our old family photo album. They asked pointing to some snaps who were they? They could not recognize those early childhood and boy hood photos, of the person who was in front of them. The formative figure and shape of the body of the person, changed unrecognizable and also the mental disposition. But, despite of all these changes, person feels he is the same entity.

Now, the point is what makes the perception of his personality from childhood to till date as the same individual. Normally, one cannot gauge the continuous physical and mental alterations happening on day to day basis, though the intuition of “I am, the same person” is there. Rational analysis of mind-psych reveals that we misconceive “I’ as the physical body (Sthula Sareera) and, mental thoughts and feelings (Sukshma Sareera) which are coded as person’s name, at the time of naming the child during the “Cradle Ceremony”. So much so, you take the name, the image of the person is flashed in your conscience, though the person is not there. That is, the shape and form of the person are embossed on his name as inseparable one. Name, relatively, is more stable than the form. It is because, form is


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made of matter of physical elements; while, name is objectified awareness or consciousness. Reality manifests as consciousness, and universe both in it’s external physical form, and internal thought-format, is but, objectification of awareness or consciousness. In Vedic cultural ethos Reality is referred as “Vasudeva” on the attributive dimension of it’s pervasiveness as indicated in the following verses:

"Vasanath Vasudevasya Vasithante Jegatryam Sarva Bhuta Nivasosi Sri Vaudeva Namosthute"

"वासनात वासदव यु े वािसत त जग ये े ंसव भत िनवासोिसू शी वासदव नमो ततु ुे े"

Meaning: The One, pervading all universe, the Omniscient, is called as ‘Vasudeva”; It also pervades the three worlds viz. the physical world of material, the world of matter, and the world of subtle energy; or it may be physical body (Sthula Sareera), energy body (Sukshma Sareera), or causal body (Karana Sareera) and, the One living in all beings, I surrender in Salute”. Our physical cognitive or perceptive personality, the emotive or feeler personality, and decision making intellectual personalities, are transitory on Time – Space - Causation continuum, and are perishable. The variegated functions of these personalities at waking, dream, and sleep phases, of day to day existential life, are made feasible by the manifested, Base (Adhara) of Reality, Para Brahman as Existence – consciousness - Bliss. However, Atman / Para Brahman the Reality remains stable (Kutasha Achalam Dhruva) as unchanged while supporting life’s constant changing phenomenon. This life’s phenomenon can be explained with the following analogy. T.V. has two essential component factors that makes possible of viewing the various scenes viz. one T.V. screen, two various channels that project information. The contents of the channel

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information go on changing; but, the screen remains stable throughout; screen is the same, stable, before on, during the show, and after closing the show. If there is movement of disturbance of the screen, viewing of the dramatic scenes is not possible. In the same way, Atman-Brahman reality supports the ever mutating phenomenal scenes of existential life, which is not possible in the absence of this stable base. The live base of Reality in us is in the format of, existence – consciousness - bliss (Sat-Chit-Ananda) in which, the three phases of waking, dream, and sleep of daily life come and go.

" Aadhara Mananda Makhanda Bodham Yasmin Layam Yaati Puratrayam Cha"

Meaning: “He (Para Brahman) is the substratum, the Indivisible Bliss - Consciousness and in Him, alone the Three Cities (Waking, Dream, and Deep Sleep) go into dissolution.( Ref: Kaivalyopanishad Sl.14)

According to Mandukyopanishad the three phases of consciousness, conceptualized as bodies: viz. waking, dream and deep sleep of the Self Soul symbolized respectively as A, U, M of syllable OM the Consciousness, are ephemeral and perishable. It is only, attaining the fourth one, Turya experienced as, mental silence (Mauna) is imperishable eternal body of the Soul as indicated under:

"Sarvam Haitad Brahma Ayamatma Brahma

Soo Ayamatma Chetush- Pada" (Ref; Mandukyopanisad-Sl. 2)

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Meaning: For truly, every thing is Brahman, and, this Self within (Atman) is Brahman. The Self has four quarters. To summarize, individualized Soul, the Atman, as Jeevatma the conscious Self, has three perishable bodies viz. physical body (Sthula Sarera), astral body (Sukshma Sareera), and causal body (Karana Sareera). There is also the fourth body known as Turya which is hidden in the secret recess of heart, and confers immortality, on the Self, is not ordinarily available for live experience, unless the Jeeva makes conscious efforts by approaching capable Guru who is the living Master in transmission technology, of “Pranahuti” originating from Macro Cosmic Mind, known as “Hiranyagarbha” .

" Sa Ya Aisho Anthar Hrudaya Akashah Tasmin Purusho Mano Mayah

Amrutho Hiranmayah"

Meaning: “There is with in the heart the bright space known to all; there, let the worshiper meditate upon and realize the intelligent, imperishable, effulgent Soul.” (Ref:Taittiriyopanisad; chapt.1. Lesson-6,)

Unless one realizes his True Self, Soul the Atman, whatever other highest worldly things gained, his life remains incomplete unachieved, unfulfilled, human personality on the continuum of spiritual evolution process. And, this is possible to achieve only through yoga meditation process.

"Bhogam Karma Samaadhim Vaa Kuru Vigya Thatthaapi

Thae Ciththam Nirastha Sarvaasaam Rocayishyathi"

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Meaning: “O Wise One! You may enjoy the world, or

undertake work, or practice Samadhi. But, your mind will still yearn for your own true nature, which is beyond all objects, and in which all desires are extinguished.” (Ref: Ashtavakra Geeta Chp.16-Sl.2, Pub. Chinmaya-Trust, Madras-3, 1972

"Aachakshwa Shunu Vaa Thaatha Naanaa Shasthraanya Anekashah Thatthaapi Thava Swaastthyam

Sarva Vismaranaa Dhruthe"

Ref: Ashtavakra Geeta Chapter 16, Sl.1; Pub. Chinmaya Trust, Madras-3, 1972).

Meaning: “My Son! You may speak many times in many ways, upon the various scriptures, or hear them, but you cannot get established in the Self (Atman) unless you forget all.”

" Deha Budhyatu Dasoasmi

Jeeva Budhya Tadam Sakshi

Atma Budhyat Twamevaha

Iti Mae Nischi Ta Matihi "

(Ref. K. Up.)

" दह बधयात दासोअसिमे ु - जीव बधयात दाम सा ीु ् आ म बधयात वमवाहु े ् िमितम िनि चतमितिहे "

Meaning: Sri Anjaneya Swami of Ramayana Epic, says:

“O Lord, when I am steeped in body conscience, I am Thy slave; when I identify myself with the mind, and intellect, i.e. as a Jeeva,

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individual entity, I am part and parcel of Thee; and when I am Swaroopa’ that is, as the Spirit / Soul, I am Thy-Self only.” Swamiji

Special Feature Column

(1) NIRYAN OF A SAINT FROM: Swamiji to all, 22 February 2012 Dear Associates on Spiritual path With Heavy painful Heart, Swamiji has learnt the Sad Demise of our Beloved Spiritual Leader on the Path of Sahajamarga Yoga, Most Revered, Saint Sri Kasturiji, on the morning 1:50 AM 22nd February at Lucknow, India.

She was very Embodiment, The Epitome of yoga perfection reaching the culmination of Highest Spiritual State of ''Swimming in The Ocean of Bliss'' while in physical material body as ''Jeevan Muktha'' inspiring scores of fellow spiritual seekers of Para Brahman by Brahm Vidya, The Reality of Brahm Vidhya. She toured extensively throughout India, propagating the Message of Sahjamarga yoga representing in embodied form her Guru, as advised by Her Revered, Beloved Guru, Mahathma Sri Babuji Mahraj of Shahjahanpur, India.

Sri Babuji Maharaj reviewed as under, in one of her spiritual diary letters, which she used to send very often since the year 1948.

“When the corpse like condition may develop, it should than be called as the beginning of the spirituality. Nay even having this condition, its thought should not at all remain in the mind. Then and then only is the real condition and the true beginning of spirituality, when this condition may not be felt even on thinking and deep observation. In this connection a dictate had come earlier that meant, “RAM CHANDRA starts from there where all others end”. And this is correct. Liberation from bondage is achieved from this condition. Often I have written in

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my letters for waiting such a condition” ( Ref: ANANT YATRA-Part-1; L. No.162-Dated, 25-8-1951)

We pray Almighty, To Bestow Eternal PEACE, on the Departed Soul. ''Om! Shanthi Shanthi Shanthi'' ''Peace-Peace-Peace''

"Ninam Chindanthi Shasthranni Ninam Dahathi Pavakaha

Na Chinam Klaidaunth-Yapo Na Shoshyathi Marutaha

(Ref: Bhagavath Geeta- Chp.2, Sl.23) Meaning:'' Weapons cannot cut the Soul, nor can fire burn it; Water cannot wet the Soul; nor wind can dry it” With Master's Blessings, Swamiji

(2) Plato 427 BC - 347 BC

This is a detail from the fresco The School of Athens by Raphael. Some authorities

claim that Raphael based this on the face of Leonardo da Vinci.

Plato is one of the most important Greek philosophers. He founded the Academy in Athens, an institution devoted to research and instruction in philosophy and the sciences. His works on philosophy, politics and mathematics were very influential and laid the foundations for Euclid's system.

Plato describes the planets

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Plato wrote The Republic in around 375 BC, so about 75 years before Euclid wrote The Elements. Below we give two different translations of The Spindle of Necessity where Plato gives a picture of the workings of the Universe. One has to understand that he thought the Earth was in the centre, the fixed stars on a sphere surrounding the whole system, and that the sun, moon and planets were on the rims of whorls between the fixed stars and the earth.

(3) Spiritual Discourse 1

FROM: Govind Sami 2 February 2012 Dear Aspirants in the Quest for Divine Knowledge. Warmest Greetings to All and May 2012 bring lots of love, joy and happiness in your lives and those of your loved ones. As promised during the formation of Nadi - Fiji Branch of IUSCM, I promised to provide simple, easy to understand discourses on Sahaja Marga Raja Yoga and Spirituality. The first one of these series of discourses starts today. You will receive these discourses once a week. Meditation is now becoming a household name in all countries. It is human weakness to imagine that we have to prepare ourselves for meditation. Meditation itself is a process which prepares us to receive the grace of the Almighty through preparation of mind, conditioning of the mind, regulation of the mind because mind is the most potent thing we have. The mind either ruins us or the mind makes us. It is the mind that responsible for our successes and failures. In Gita Arjuna asks "Chanchalam hi manah krishna pramathi balavad drudham." How to control the mind? You are talking of regulating the mind. What shall I do, how shall I do it? Lord Krishna gives a lengthy talk on Karma Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga and when Arjuna finally says "My dear friend, you may be God, I don't know but you are my friend too. Why don't you tell me something simple, something easy because,

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after all I am a human being." And Lord Krishna says, "Raja Yoga is the easiest, the simplest and the highest". Gita. Pranahuti meditation as propagated by Samartha Sadguru Satyanarayana Chillapa is unique, as genuine seekers receive transmission from the Master. The ancient rishis of the Indian sub-continent were people who meditated and achieved great results. Try it, experience it and believe. The content of this article is the result of my Master Samartha Sadguru Satyanarayana Chillapa's Divine grace. With Master's Blessings Thine Ownself Govind Sami President Oceania/Pacific Region LETTERS (Pearls of Wisdom) FROM: Bhalchandra Joshi (Sydney) Many Thanks to you Ashish ji. We felt really peaceful for having the satsang after a gap of about 2-3 months. Regards, Bhalchandr From: ASISH MENON 12 February 2012 Dear Preceptors,

Well done all of you for holding a Wonderful Satsang @ Strathfield Ashram, dedicated to our dear Grand Master Sri Lalaji Maharaj. Yes Christine! Masters grace poured through you, hence a wonderful meditation for all, why? Because you showed faith!

Bhalchandraji you spoke well about Sri Lalaji Maharaj of his brief life sketch, And to conclude Swapnaji spoke with reverence and humility on 'Constant remembrance'/ Bhakti Yoga. Overall it was clear why master chose you dear souls for spreading the divine word of Sahajamarga Raja Yoga through IUSCM...Well done! With Masters Blessings Asish Menon

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From: Christine Lo, 12 February 2012 (Sydney) Thank you everybody, especially Asish for allowing me to

do the transmission today. It was my real honour and pleasure to have the experience.

Thank you Swapna for your amazing speech on constant remembrance, (so amazing!) And thank you so much to Bhalchandra for the best financial advice ever! And as always, I thank Suba for being so beautiful and giving me moral support. Love to all, master’s blessings be ours and let's enjoy another amazing. Your own self, Christine From: Swamiji to Mac Maderski, Sydney Dated, 14-2-2012 Dear Mac Maderski Ashirwad Your letter dated 9th February-2012 is received

• The experience of gazing at sky on 26/1/012 and your sight conscience being guided across the firmament by the astronomical light indicates spiritual journey as planned and designed by Master the supreme Guide.

• The North Direction of the moving star, is highly significant implying as indication the Abode “Kailasa” of “Siva” the deity-embodiment of Nascent originator Father of knowledge of Yoga-Meditation as the technique and medium for knowledge of spiritual evolution (Atma Vidya) leading to discovery of Atman, Soul, the True-Self that what you are .

• The Bliss “Ananda” experienced on the occasion, is the radiation of Soul’s consciousness.

• The moving brightness of the Star symbolises the spiritual-aura of the consciousness.

• All this indicates progressive journey towards the spiritual goal, designed and chalked out by the supreme master, as rightly, intuited by you.

• Compliments. All these are sign-posts on the way towards the goal.

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• Diary indicates the start of “Sakshi-bhuta”, the “witnessing” role of Atman of the mind’s functioning. This is yoga achievement. What normally happens is, Soul as the self or ego automatically gets intricately, identified with mind inseparably and un aware of its identity as separate existence. Witnessing act of mind, is a yoga-feat.

• Feeling spasms and contractions, at various points on the body during and or after the meditation is the consequence of release of “Kundalini-force” from Muladhara Chakra” in conductive tubes of astral-psych system viz. “Ida, Pingalla, and “Sushumna- Nadis” .

• Experience of twitching- sensation at the base of the skull is due to ascendance and merging of Kundalini at 13th the last and the highest yoga - knot ( Bindu) by the grace of Pranahuti the Cosmic Creative will-power, that is available in Sahajamarga system of raja yoga of IUSCM, through the preceptors for the seekers spiritual evolution.

• The experience of feeling vacuum in heart in meditation indicates exhausting by sucking-away of action – reaction micro impressions (Sanskaras) from the heart paving the way to mergence in Master in “Laya-vastha”. And, further on-ward ascendance towards the goal.

• Experience of pressure hovering around the head is due to transmission effect, which is self automatic directed as per the seekers need-exigency. And, if the pain of the pressure of such effect of the Kundalini, is unbearable and not wanted, it could be terminated by self-willing auto-suggestion. But, it is advised to bear it rather removed. You cannot get it, again and again . It happens at a particular phase of Yoga evolution only.

• As yoga meditation advances, and sanskaras are removed by burning in yoga-fire, and some exhausted by live-experiences, peace and bliss envelops the mind-psych; it becomes lighter, simpler, straight, more and more trans-mutated and, sublimutated into Universal - Self Consciousness leading further at appropriate occasion in to Cosmic Divine Consciousness.

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• Layavastha, i.e. approaching nearness (Samipya), having similar thought (Salokya) identification (Sarupya), merging (Sayujya) are the stages and phases in the Yoga of Surrender (Prapathi- Yoga) , that what, you are now experiencing.

• Wait with prayerful heart for ascending to final approach. Swamiji. FROM: Mac Maderski 9 February 2012 (Sydney) Dearest Swamiji

I hope my email finds you in best of health. I'd like to begin with telling Swamiji about an occurrence that took place a minute after sending my last spiritual update. At approximately 11pm on 26/1/12 I went outside and without searching for looked up directly at the Southern Cross where I noticed in the centre of it a bright light or a star where there shouldn't have been one. Looking at it for a moment I've noticed it started slowly moving northwards not gaining or loosing it's brightness. It moved maybe 10 or 15 degrees and it stopped for a moment and became very bright. I felt as if it was shining down on me. The star returned to it's original brightness, moved a little north again and vanished. At that moment a state of complete bliss took over me. The only thing I could think of was that beloved Master gave me a Divine sign to assure me I'm progressing well how ever slow I might think its taking me. Spiritual update: 28/1/12- am meditation 7.00-7.40 Deep meditation, very few thoughts but not distracted by them, just aware of them (observing them as they come and go). Pm. Meditation 5.00- 5.30 Satsang. Spasms at back of neck one profound and one mild. Pm 11.00-11.30 Slight pressure around chest. Very calm but little tired during the day, often thinking of Master. I fell asleep after lunch to be awoken by “WAKE UP, YOU'LL BE LATE !”, I was still asleep when I heard that voice. Almost arrived late for the 5.00 pm satsang.

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Dream - unsettling dream that night, helped dissolve a deep rooted samskara. Felt very uneasy upon wakening but a moment later returned to peaceful calmness. 29/1/12 Satsang 10.30-11.00 am I felt the sweet sound of OM that ended our meditation vibrate gently through my entire being, mainly my head. Very content throughout the day, but little mentally exhausted. 30/1/12 am meditation 4.15-4.45 Noticed pain in my ankles and neck was gone. Thank You Swamiji for ridding me of this pain, it made meditation a lot more beneficial since then. Pm meditation 4.55- 5.25 Vacuum in heart. 9.50-10.20 losing sense of time during meditation. 31/1/12 most of today I felt as if in a trance, looking at objects, or rather through them, very often thinking of master. Often feeling His grace in form of powerful sensation around my head. Felt mental exhaustion early in the afternoon. Only smiling to be polite to people, but not really wanting to smile. 1/2/12 a lot of pondering/contemplating, inquiring and answering thoughts, unusually poetic and righteous explanations. Not my usual way of thinking. Little concerned about being self righteous. Are they my or Masters Thoughts? Than I remembered Masters words “How could these thoughts be yours, you gave your self to me, mind body and soul”. 2/2/12 In loving him I love all creation. My heart longs for Him only , His virtuous loving thoughts penetrate my mind. No longer I feel mine, but His, mind, body and soul. Meditation is more of a need now, duration is mainly unchanged but frequency increased.. Lost interest in politics, and worldly affairs. This morning I heard the words “ GOD CHOOSES ONLY THE ONES HE SEES FIT” before I woke up. 4/2/12 Reflecting on lessons I've learned so far, and the Divine signs(so many) presented to me in regards to where Master's IUSCM work will take me. They always have reference to USA. Dream- another unsettling dream regarding my ego this time. 5/2/12 Pm meditation 9.10-9.30 Twitch at base of skul, deep meditation. 10.00-10.30 Felt slight pressure on top of head.

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During day- remembrance of Master, dream like state often throughout the day. Felt onset of flu like symptoms in the evening but after 9pm meditation felt normal again. 6/2/12 Meditation is becoming as if timeless, only when I become self aware sense of time returns. 7/2/12 pm meditation-6.00-6.20 Notice sensation on top of head for a short while even after meditation. 9.00-9.20 Felt pranahuti flowing over my head, slight pressure from just above ears to top of head. More energy during the day, not feeling mental exhaustion throughout of day. 8/2/12 pm med. 9.00-9.25 A high pitch sound in my ears, heard it over an existing tinnitus condition. Entire head, but but mainly forehead to top felt illuminated, twitching at back of neck. 9/2/12 10.30pm.While sitting outside pondering where work with IUSCM would take me lightning flashes appeared to south west. My apologies to Swamiji for the length of this update, I tried to make it as brief as I could, but a lot has happen to me since my last update, I've had a lot more unusual signs and dreams since shortly before being introduced by Asish to IUSCM, I'll be more than happy to write them down in more detail for Swamiji to read if requested, I just didn't find them relevant at that time, but now they form a bigger picture. Seeking Master's Divine Blessings Your Own Self Mac Maderski. FROM: Swamiji 26 January 2012 TO: Tara Engelbogen Dear Sister Tara Engelbogen Ashirwad Glad to receive your letter. Swamiji’s advice is: do not struggle with the ego, your present self; your individuality; what you are. Because, it is god’s projective manifestation; His seeing-himself; though, through you. The Best way is, do meditation morning and evening for few minutes, as instructed by your preceptor. Cleaning at point (B) is important to burn away the

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sanskaras ( The micro impressions past & present), that are coming as pestering thoughts. Let them come and go. As meditation continues, you automatically, dis-associate from the mind . Let it happen of its own accord without your conscious attention. That is, do not think even subconsciously, that you are controlling the thoughts. This becomes easy if you consciously feel that Master in your form of personality, is living as you, and your personality. It is He who is suffering or enjoying the day to day existential life. At least pretend; and laugh to yourself for this pretence; no matter. But, my dear child, follow for some time, what is advised. Time would testify. Your Own Self Swamiji FROM: Tara Engelbogen 8 Feb 2012 (Melbourne, Australia) Dearest Swamiji, I thank you so much for your divine guidance.

I Had a beautiful experience the evening after I sent you my last email: emotions were surfacing, but I didn't know why or from where. I nearly slipped into the state of feeling sorry for my ego self, then remembered Master's presence and the fact that these things are not mine, and I watched the emotional responses fizzle into nothingness and peace pervades my being. This of course does not happen every time so effortlessly! Spiritually the past few weeks have been really intense; many things coming to the surface seemingly very quickly. I still have not forgotten your advice and will continue to follow it and observe remembrance of Master as much as possible. As soon as i do have this feeling, or pretence, that Master is living as me and my personality, life becomes effortless, my faith and trust is restored and a sense of peace envelopes me.

Yes, am still continuing with my meditation practice morning and evening, at least 20 minutes. With heartfelt appreciation and humbleness, Your Own Self, Tara From: Govind Sami, 5 February 2012

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Dear Office bearers - IUSCM, Nadi. Congratulations!

With my Master's blessings, I wish to declare that you have been approved as Preceptors for Nadi Fiji branch of the Institute of Universal Self consciousness Movement, IUSCM. In the next three months we will equip you with necessary resources and prepare you to handle the task ahead of you efficiently.

My visit to Fiji is scheduled for early June and I will be glad to visit and meet your individual groups. Please feel free to contact us for any assistance.

Believe in yourselves, meditate at least twice daily and do not miss any satsangs. My Master will provide the blessings and knowledge. All the best. Please provide IUSCM registration certificate once available. With Master's blessings Regards, Govind Sami Liverpool Ashram From: Rajkumar, 2 Feb 2012 (Nadi, Fiji) Dear Members A very warm welcome to you all. As you all know that the begining of 2012, we have experienced a very bad weather with floods which affected many people here in Fiji. However with the supreme power of God through Meditation we can all pray and prosper for peace. Our Nadi Branch will have a Meditation Programme on the 9/02/2012 @ the President's Residence in Navo. This will be a very good time for all of us as you know that it will be a Public Holiday. I would also like to advice Vinal to bring all the new members who are aware about this divine knowledge. The Navo people will be informed by the President. Please note that the time will be 9.00a.m.The reason for early start is because we can expect bad weather in the afternoon. So please be present on time so we can proceed with out any delays. Thanks

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Rajesh Kumar, President Nadi - Fiji Branch of IUSCM FROM: David Musson ,1 February 2012 Dear Swamiji, Thank you so very much for the wonderful Certificate, book and present. The certificate and gift now takes pride of place on a cabinet next to your picture. The book is making great reading whenever there is a spare moment. It was also wonderful to be presented these gifts by Hari and Robert and to share meditation with them both. Your presence was felt strongly. Many thanks again. Your own self David FROM: Govind Sami 1 February 2012 Dear Preceptors and Abhyasis Warmest Greetings to all and may 2012 bring enormous joy and happiness in your life and in the lives of your loved ones.

After a very successful tour of northern India we are back in Sydney. Visited several places of worship, ashrams and meditation centres including Samartha Sadguru Ramchandra's Ashram in Roorkee, opposite Baba Ramdev's ashram, 17 kilometres before Haridwar. We had the pleasure of spending a good two hours at Sadguru Ramchandra Ashram and gave sittings to two abhyasis at their request. You will hear more on our visit at the satsang. Our first satsang for 2012 will be held at Liverpool ashram on Sunday 5th February 2012 at 2.00pm for a 2.30pm start.

Meditation is really very simple, and because it is simple it is very subtle. Its subtelity will escape the mind if the mind approaches it with all kinds of fanciful and romantic ideas.

Meditation is really a penetration into the unknown, and so the unknown , the memory, the experience , the knowledge, which it has acquired in the past must end. For it is only a free mind that can penetrate into the the heart of the immeasurable.

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So meditation is both the penetration and the ending of the knowledge acquired in the past. Asish please circulate it to all new Preceptors. With Masters Blessings Govinda Sami Liverpool Ashram FROM: ASISH MENON 1 February 2012 Dear Associates,

Basanth Panchami was celebrated at North Parramatta Ashram over a three day period. From 27th to 29th Jan, the 28th being the main Satsang. Silence was observed over the Three days including fasting. Regular early morning meditations were held with constant Remembrance of our Dear Grand Master Sri Lalaji Maharaj, followed by 1.30pm sittings coinciding with celebrations at Lucknow (Sister saint Kusturi Bahenji) each day, Evening Satsang was 5pm Fri and Sat. As mentioned constant remembrance was observed throughout the week with Grand Masters grace pouring through the ashram and abhyasis involved. A very special time where a deep unique power of transmission was shared, it was and is felt through the atmosphere. With so much gratitude from all at North Parramatta Ashram, THANK YOU! At the feet of Master Asish Menon FROM: Robert Becker 1 February 2012 (Perth, Australia) Respected and beloved Swamiji

Tonight we were graced with your presence amongst our meditation group at Kookaburra Creek Yoga Centre as we began the new term of 2012. A good sized group attended with about twenty students.

On the auspicious occasion of Sri Lalaji Maharaj jayanti the certificate so kindly sent was presented by Sri Hari and Robert. A photograph is attached.

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Thank you Swamiji for this most precious of all gifts, the grace to practice Pranahuti meditation as our sadhana. At the feet of the holy ones Thine own Self Robert FROM: Mac Maderski 27 January 2012 Dearest Swamiji

I hope You are in good health and remain so for a long time to come,

I'd like to inform You of my spiritual progress, my meditation sessions are usually 30min or longer twice daily and the 15min meditation at 9pm as our Master Sri Babuji asked us to do each night for upliftment of our brothers and sisters around the world. Some times I find it difficult to meditate due to discomfort in my ankles and neck, uninvited thoughts are still there but are easier to ignore my mind doesn't run away with them and some times I get the feeling as if I'm observing them. If the thoughts of You and Master together ever appear its usually always of one spirit even if the image of You is only visible.

Late last November I was reading Bhagavad Gita and when I stopped and put the book down I've had this feeling of being separate from my body, as if I was this conciseness outside of it, its becoming more frequent now for short periods of time. During I have no thoughts just awareness as if my body is following it, its difficult to describe in words but I find it peaceful. The periods of thoughtlessness come and go through out the days and I'm aware of them more often now. Frustration and joy are short lived and I find myself at peace most of the time. I hardly get affected by anger or rudeness directed at me and always either ignores it or tries to remove myself from their presence not to throw more fuel on the fire. Asish asked me if I would like to partake in preceptor training, which I humbly accepted if he thought I was fit for that role, I'm not sure when its going to commence but with Your blessing I'm eagerly awaiting it.

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If I may ask which books you’d recommend I read to further help my progress or any feedback from yourself is appreciated. Thank You Swamiji and Master for bringing me to where I am now. Yours Mac Maderski FROM: Hari Prasad chillapa 26 January 2012 (Perth) Dear Robert,

I'll handover the present on this weekend. Please let me know your suitable time. However, I'll attend the ashram on Tuesday 31st January evening at 8.30pm for the meditation and presentation. Regards, Hari From: Ravi Hajibu (USA) Dear Swamiji: Thank you for giving us the opportunity to comment on your articles. At the time, when spiritual seekers keep wondering why certain things happen the way they happen and, when our deeper socio-economic involvements tend to shadow and impede our spiritual progress, your priceless articles such as the ones attached, come in like an electric jolt, awakening, re-establishing and re-affirming the need to pursue our quest to realize the "Para Brahman" and not to get digressed by the different notions claiming that "Gross Form" is the end-all form of worship. Your second article on "Yoga Drusthi" carries an extremely important but subtle message that requires a perceptive eye to understand its essence. Barring some minor changes that I included as an attachment, the article clearly elucidates the origination, the process of developing Yoga Dhrusthi, and its culmination in the two Samadhi states. It also emphasizes how Yoga Dhrusthi is a normal outcome of the IUSCM's development of Universal Self Consciousness.

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To answer your specific question, this article may be a difficult one to comprehend for a common man, unless he reads it with utmost involvement. With your blessings, Ravi FROM: Tara Engelbogen 24 January 2012 (Melbourne) Pranam.

Thank you so much for your reply; another delayed response from me!

Recently has been a time of restoring faith; trying to be patient and allow myself to surrender completely to will of the universe.

I am struggling to dissociate from my ego - I know that it is not actually my own true self. I know that the only thing that is constant, unchanging and true is the soul, unaffected by worldly nonsense. I try to observe what is happening and I know I need to step back out of my head and into my soul space. However, often I get caught in my head, in my mind, in my ego self and all of the pain that goes along with it.

Am praying for dissociation from and de-identification with the ego self and realisation of my true self. Yours in respect, Tara Engelbogen From: ASISH MENON 25 January 2012 Dear Divine friends,

Please join us for this special Satsang dedicated to our great Grand master Lalaji Maharaj. North Parramatta Ashram; Fri 27th and Sat 28th Jan @ 4.30 for 5 pm meditation.

**Extra meditations can be observed @ 1.30 pm and 11.30pm at your leisure for 27 to 29th jan** Wentworthville Centre will hold Satsang Sat 28th at 9am for this occasion Asish Menon

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Meditation / Spiritual Diaries Dated 6-10- 2004 Dear Dr.G.K. Sangle Sahab Ashirwad;letter dated 26th September,2004 is received.

• It is an observed fact even the spiritually realized persons have had, sufferings due to various circumstantial situations.

• Sanskaras realized by “Prarabdha Karma” have to be exhausted as ‘ bhoga’ . Likewise you are also exhausting the released karma.

• In Sahajamarga system of yoga the seeker of truth is released of repetitive cycles of rebirth in this very life as the outcome of successful practice.

• So, the pressure of ‘bhoga’ the experience is comparatively is more.

• But at the same time, the yogic meditation process, generates very high-level power of endurance with resistance to the misery, in comparison to normal people.

• Master, as the ‘real actor’ in the entire life-drama greatly frees your mind of the suffering.

• It is the feeling that “ I am responsible for all happenings” is more painful and exasperating rather actual facts of phenomenal happenings.

• I pray to Master to relieve you of the burden of karmic impressions.

• On 2nd of this month, all members of the Governing Board of IUSCM, at the ashram, and discussed about how the spiritual activities are to be carried out, and issued a ‘Manifesto’ of the IUSCM. A copy of the same will be sent to you soon.

• Hope Sri M.G. Deshmukh, is helping you in our efforts to organize group-meditations on Sundays. By the grace of Master, we would succeed in mobilizing a large number of seekers of spirituality for meditation on Sundays.

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Please, convey Ashirwad to all members in the family. With Master’s Blessings

Your Own Self Swamiji

Quotable Quotes (References quoted are duly acknowledged)

(1) By Audi Guru Sri. Lalaji Maharaj:

“To understand Vedanta in the real sense, man needs experience, which is already in him. It is called “total intellect”. Knowledge cannot help him to understand it. A veil of false notions is there, because of which he is unable to come out of this dilemma. Only by getting rid of false notions, can we get knowledge of everything. It is well known, that one can learn about a thing only by practice. Similarly, by practice, false notions are also removed and automatically we get the real knowledge of the Truth. So, in the preliminary stages, it is necessary to learn and practice the ways by which one can experience and know about Reality. Once experienced, all the things of Vedanta will prove to be true. The word “ Nishkam” has been used in the Buddhist philosophy, which the saints call as Zero or complete negation. But, by mistake, it has been translated as “Nothing” (Sunya) . When Buddhists said that the Universe has been created out of nothing, Shankaracharya put them into a great fix by saying that, when something is zero, how could it know that it is zero. The Buddhists were compelled to think over it. In a lighter vein, Shankaracharya outwitted them and proclaimed his victory. Sufis have translated the Zero as Eternal, but it is not so. It has an existence. Hence, it cannot be translated correctly.” ( Ref:-THE COMPLETE WORKS OF RAM CHANDRA ( Sri Lalaji Maharaj), Vol.2,P.159-160; P. SRCM, India) (2) By Samartha Sad Guru Sri RAM CHANDRA Maharaj ( Sri Babuji Maharaj)

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“People may repeat the words of “Aham Brahmasmi” ( I

am Brahman ) hundred times and force their thoughts every moment to imagine every thing as Brahman but still they may be as far away from it as ever. The practice creates an artificial atmosphere around him which helps him to imagine the same outwardly.

The condition disappears if he gives up the habit of repeating the words again and again. It is, therefore, quite evident that the state of “Aham Brahmasmi” thus supposed to be created is not genuine but only false and imaginary. Besides, even the real state of “Aham Brahmasmi”, which is commonly supposed to be a very high attainment is not really so. At this stage, a man, though relieved to some extent of the entanglement of Maya, is not actually beyond its final limits. Consciousness of self still exists at this stage which is nothing but grossness. though in a very subtle form. Those who preach it from the platform as the highest form of gyan beyond which little remains to be achieved are grossly mistaken. It is not our destination but we only pass by it to embark upon the next stage. Those who stick to it thinking it to be Reality or the final goal are committing a serious blunder. We have finally to arrive at a point where every thing ends, including this idea of “ Aham” or ‘I’.” (Ref: - Auto biography of RAM CHANDRA, Vol. 1; P.70-71, Pub. SRCM, Chennai 2009, India) (3) Letter from Saint Kasturiji- “ANANT YATRA”, Vol.4-P, 20-21, Lakhimpur, Dated 23-9-1955 Most respected Sri Babuji, Sadar Pranam.

“It was a pleasure to receive your letter and note its contents. My condition is such that there was something in me earlier which used to inform me about my spiritual progress, but now where about of that thing is not known hence I am not aware of my progress. But now it seems this world is only world and I have to live here. In fact there is no world for me. I do not understand what and where my place is

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because in my thought there is no importance of any rank. It will not be even wrong to call me as a forgotten person in this world and it seems that neither I have power left in me to reach beyond this world and nor I have desire for it. Moreover, I have no interest in it as well. It is of no interest to me or it makes no difference to me whether anybody calls me homely or a homeless person and worldly or a person without the world. How and in what words may I write about my condition? Why is it there is no power and firmness in my thought? My condition is such that the word” innocence” humble, Maha Samadhi and simplicity have all become meaningless for it or there is no much power in my thought that it may be able to catch them. Everybody says that one meets one’s own Pralaya but even on thinking a lot I did not feel my own Pralaya. I am as I was. When I join any Satsangh, it appears to me that it is some function about which I do not know; unlike the past, I have no searching eyes. I feel such a sort of pain or craving while sleeping or while awake that can not be called pain or anything else. There is now no smoke-screen in the eyes by cleaning which I may say that now some thing more is clearly visible but it is not the case. Now condition is such that there is nothing like remembrance in me. I even fail to remember and recollect any spiritual movement or any spiritual joy. Neither any picture is formed there nor it has been rubbed off. I have seemingly, become a ‘ statue’. If anybody comes to me for taking sitting and if he does not ask me for the same, I fail to follow and understand whether anybody can come to me for the above purpose. I also give him a sitting but in a state of Ignorance. Everything is done with your help only. Kesar conveys her Pranam to you and Amma conveys her blessings. Your most humble daughter Kasturi (4) Ashtavakra Geeta

"Viraktho Vishya-Dweshtaa Raagee Vishaya Lolupah

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Graha Moksha Vihinasthu Na Viraktho Na Raagavaan"

Meaning: “One who has aversion for sense objects is

considered as ‘not-sensual’, and one who covets them is sensual. But he who does not accept or reject is neither sensual nor not-sensual” Amplification: From the stand point of a Man-of-perfection, since he is awakened to the pure consciousness, there is no world of plurality, nor a mind in him that should consciously accept the world, nor reject it. The play of mind in the world of objects, with passion and lust, is called sensuality. When mind abhors the sense objects, and rebounds from them, then the mind is ‘ not-sensual’. When there are no objects perceivable, nor is there a perceiving mind, there can be neither acceptance nor rejection, neither can you label such an individual as ‘sensuous’ nor as ‘not- sensuous. (5) Srimad Bhagavata Purana " Yad Dhatu Matho Brahman Deharambho Asya Dhatu Bhihi Yadhruchaya Hetuna Vaa Bhavantho Janathe Yatha"

"यद धात मतो ब न ् ु ् दहाे रभो अ य धात िभिह ं ु यधचाय हतना वा ृ े ु भव तो जनत यथाे "

Meaning: The Soul, O divine sage, has no connection with the elements (Matter); yet it takes a body which is made up of these very elements. You know in reality whether this happens as a matter of course or due to some cause ( Karma, etc) (6) Yoga Vasista: "Antahsakttam Mano Baddham Mukttam Sakttivivarjitam

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Antah Samsakttirevaikam Karanam bandha Mokshayoh"

"अ तःस मनो बा ं ं म सि िवविजत ु ं ं अ तः ससि रवक कारण ं े ै ं ं ब ध मो योः"

Meaning: The mind that is thus conditioned is bondage; liberation is freedom from conditioning (inner contact, attachment, or identification). This inner contact which presupposes fictitious division, alone is the cause for bondage and liberation”

Amplification: Actions performed by the unconditioned are non-action; the conditioned mind acts even while outwardly refraining from it. Action or non-action is in the mind; the body does nothing. Hence, one should resolutely abandon this false inner division. What is the relationship of a swan, a rock, or a piece of wood’s reflection to the water which surrounds them? Even so, the body which is reflected in the Self is neither real nor unreal, but is indescribable. There exists, naught but, the Supreme Self without subject-object division. One infinite Consciousness alone exists. In this diversity is imagined and that which is untouched by sorrow believes itself to be miserable just one, in the night, who imagines a pole as ghost thinks seeing the ghost. (7) Book of Knowledge Divine (Ref: P. 28, IUSCM, Pub. 2001)

“The length of life-span may vary for different created beings- from tiny insect to Hiranyagarbha, the Cosmic Creator. It may be hundred terrestrial years for human beings, a few moments for an insect, and several hundred Kalpas (Eons)

For the Cosmic Creator, the basis of constructing the unit measure of time may vary for example, it may be rotational movement of earth, or travel of light rays, or flow of cosmic particles, or movement of particles in an Atom-cell, or flow of cosmic bodies like galaxies, etc. what ever may be the base of conceptual unit, the source is the mind; it is the mind’s conscious creation. Hence, is empirically valid at that level or mode aspect,

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of conscious mind. It ceases, to be empirically valid, the moment that level of mind consciousness changes. Therefore, time (Kala) as the determinant of life span is not a stable unit of measure” (8) Swamiji

'' Forgiving is Humane, But Forgetting is Divine”.

Action-Reaction leaves inter-active impressions called '' Sanskaras'' and they are stored indefinitely on the causal body, to be released for experience on the continuum of Time-Space-Causation of day to day existential life. Sound Health, Happiness, Long Life, All-Prosperity accrues by Meritorious work-deeds called as ''Punya-Samskaras'' .While, miseries, misfortunes, un-luck, loss of wealth, disrespect, etc. comes by engaging in wrong, un-virtuous, miss-deeds called as “ Papa-Karma”. Do not do misdeeds’, if you want to avoid miseries; Do virtuous Deeds if you want to gain prosperity, Happiness peace and contentment.


The Birthday Celebrations of Samartha Sadguru Mahatma Shri Ramachandra Maharaj, popularly known as Lalaji Maharaj were celebrated with devotion and shraddha at Ashram H,Q., Hyderabad on Basantha Panchami, Saturday 28 and also Sunday on 29 January 2012.

Swamiji has given personal sitting to the Associates on 28 & 29 Jan., During one our meditation session associates felt deep transmission on both the days. Prasad offered at decorated Photographs of Lalaji Maharaj and Babuji Maharaj was distributed to the Associates. Swamii, in his pravachan

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covered the need and significance of realising the Self, the reasons for identifying with one’s body, mind and intellect.

That is, indoctrination of children with nama rupa by

parents and relatives right from childhood and Philosophy of Universal Self Consciousness.

May Lalaji Maharaj & Babuji Maharaj bless the

Participants with spiritual progress in realising the Reality as well with their mundane life attainments?

(Satsnag Photos in the following Pages) V G K Rao FROM: Robert Becker 1 February 2012 3:44 AM Respected and beloved Swamiji

This night we were graced with your presence amongst our meditation group at Kookaburra Creek Yoga Centre as we began the new term of 2012. A good sized group attended with about twenty students.

On the auspicious occasion of Sri Lalaji Maharaj jayanti

the certificate so kindly sent was presented by Sri Hari and Robert. Thank you Swamiji for this most precious of all gifts, the grace to practice Pranahuti meditation as our Sadhana. At the feet of the Holy Ones Thine Own Self Robert

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Editorial Board: Hyderabad - Professor V.Gopala Krishna Rao, Prof.M. Pochiah, Dr.I.Srinivasa Rao, Sri Anjaneya Prasad, Sydney - Mr.Govinda Sami, Mr.Satyanarayana

Sunkara, Mr.Hari Chillapa

22/82 Bathurst Street, Liverpool NSW 1871, Tel. (612) 9822 5333. Mobile : 0419 242

305.;; 1NC9886042

HQ: 143/B, Old Santosh Nagar, Hyderabad -500 059, India NO.670 - 2004 (Registrar of societies) Hyderabad India Land Line:91-40-24531106, Mobile: 91-040- 949 187 9433

Published simultaneously from Hyderabad (India) and Sydney (Australia)

DISCLAIMER: This spiritual newsletter is intended to provide general news and information only. Readers should rely on their own enquiries with Swamiji or Preceptors before making any decisions touching their

own interests. Please do not rely on any part of this newsletter as a substitute for any authentic advise from Swamiji.