Instant Presenter Features Video Display (top left) Delegate List (left panel) Slide Show (main...


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Instant Presenter Features

• Video Display (top left)• Delegate List (left panel)• Slide Show (main window)• Text Chat (below main window)• Screen Share Option• Polling Feature (tab along top)

How does Podcasting work?How does Podcasting work?

• What today’s briefing includes

– Explanation of syndication– Explanation of an RSS feed– Example RSS feed– How to make your own feed– Submit podcast to iTunes

How does podcasting work

• Explanation of Syndication

– Download, streaming & podcasting– Audience subscribes to syndicate– document, Audio or Video– iTunes Store, Feedburner

How does podcasting work

• What is an RSS feed

– XML (Extensible Markup Language)– RSS Really Simple Syndication

– Metadata describes podcast and media

– Feed file (rss.xml) sits on the (web) host with your media files and points (URL) to each podcast media file.

How does podcasting work• Example feed RSS.XML

<channel><title>main title of podcast series</title><author>Mark Clark</author><description>The monthly JISC video podcast</description>

<item><title>episode-1: Introduction</title><enclosure url=” /><pubdate>Tue, 23 Sep 2008 10:00 GMT</pubdate>


<title>episode-2: Virtual Learning Environments</title><enclosure url=“” /><pubdate>Tue, 30 Sep 2008 10:00 GMT</pubdate>


How does podcasting work• How to make your own feed

– Create episode with Garageband (mac) or Audacity (PC)

– Create rss.xml file with text editor or edit existing file

– Save media and (xml) feed files to your server – test your xml file with

– register an account with iTunes & submit feed URL

JISC Regional Support Centre SW Scotland
