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Inspiring Possibilities is an ambitious philanthropic initiative to make the well-rounded STS experience even better. STS is launching a comprehensive fundraising campaign to significantly enhance teaching and learning.

Inspiring Possibilities will invest donors’ contributions in:

• Inspiring Facilities• Inspiring Teachers• Inspiring Students

Success will be achieved when every member of our STS family – parents, alumni, parents of alumni and faculty and staff - contribute to our vision to make our best even better – for today AND tomorrow.

Nil Nisi Optimum.

This is a most exciting time for Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School as we formally announce the launch of a fundraising campaign that will define and reaffirm our future as a leader in independent school education. The primary focus of this next chapter in our history is leadership and excellence in teaching and learning. This period will be characterized by advances in instructional practices supported by research-based facilities that will converge to enhance and inspire learning. We will start with new construction where our current facilities are underserving our growing programs.Following the creation of a bold strategic plan in 2010, planning and consultation, community engagement, and a successful early leadership gift phase have provided us with the confidence and the conviction to take the next courageous steps in building a strong and inspiring future for STS and its students. Research has revealed that the school designs of the 20th Century (still dominant today), were based upon a set of industrial-age assumptions about learning,

which we now know to be erroneous. Unfortunately, traditional classrooms were designed to support the previous model of learning as opposed to more differentiated and research-based methods that shape best practice today.At STS, we have worked with an international architectural firm (Fielding-Nair International) whose singular focus is designing schools that can leverage and facilitate the very best pedagogical practices. We are now poised to begin the process of modernizing our learning facilities so that they can empower our faculty to employ best teaching practices to optimize student learning while accommodating individual learners in inspiring and differentiated learning spaces. In doing so, we will continue to lead in a rapidly evolving educational landscape and our students will be the beneficiaries of these advances. After years of thoughtful planning and consultation, our time is now to ensure we continue to inspire remarkable students and dedicated faculty to be nothing but their best!It is with sincere thanks that I acknowledge the determination,

guidance and generosity of our volunteers and donors who have believed in and shaped our bold vision. Join in this expression of support as every member of our STS family will be asked to give what you can to make our dream a reality within the next 24 months to inspire the possibilities of our students’ bright futures.

Goal: $27 million


Making Our Best Even Better Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School Foundation Campaign Newsletter – September 2015


$27 million

$25 million

$15 million

$10 million

$5 million

$20 millionraised

$20 million

Opening Fall 2017




Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School Foundation Campaign Newsletter | September 2015

It is time to make our facilities even better to support teaching and learning at STS. To meet current and future needs of our students, construction priorities are:

• A new Elementary Wing – to welcome our youngest learners into a flexible learning environment to optimize 21st Century teaching best practice.

• Expanded Fine and Performing Arts spaces – to meet the creative talents of students with facilities and technology conducive to creative expression.

• A Heart of the School – to expand nutritional food services, reception options as a foyer for the theatre and to create a warm welcome to our STS campus.

“The insightful and exciting architectural design supports current educational research. It has cre-ated unique and flexible learning spaces to meet the diverse learning needs of children. This new facility will bring the curriculum alive to facilitate and empower students to be creative and innovative in their learning now and in the future.” Ms. Sharon Gibson, Elementary School Principal

“Every student in the School can connect with the cre-ative power of the arts both in the classroom and through co-curricular activities. These new, artistic spaces will inspire creativity, enhance student skill development in the arts and assist in developing further innovative programming for our ever expanding community of student artists. “Mr. Chris Stockton, Director of Fine and Performing Arts


The facilities identified as first priorities for investment are areas that are currently underserving our academic programs. Through brain imaging and other technology, we now know that experiential learning, differentiated instruction and opportunities to develop critical thinking, resiliency and creativity have rapidly replaced the traditional model of ‘teacher lectures’ of the past. Designing learning communities first for Elementary students, unique to age and developmental milestones, and surrounding students with a learning commons for project work and presentations, nooks for quiet study, and landscaping for learning on our country campus will optimize inquiry within the PYP curriculum.

Purpose-designed expanded and enhanced art, drama, choral and band rooms to accommodate the growth and participation in the arts will enhance the creative expression and performance presence of our talented students. The creative commons will showcase the immense talent of our artists and performers. Upon entry, students, guests and volunteers can be welcomed more warmly into a renovated ‘Heart of the School’. Volunteer/Board room, enhanced food service to nourishing the mind and the body and a foyer for our community to gather after exiting the theatre are vital to extending the STS welcome. Landscaping will enhance and integrate learning on our country campus.

Design and Costing September 2015

Tendering March 2016

FNI and Group2 Architects Spring 2015

Construction May 2016

Project Manager February 2015

TimelineHere’s the plan:




Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School Foundation Campaign Newsletter | September 2015

Sloan Pipella-Clark ’81 and Alec Clark appreciate the value of the STS community enjoyed by their family and have a long-term view

Dino DeLuca and Patti Simpson are thrilled to support the Campaign by pledging a $25,000 gift to Teaching Excellence. Their daughter, Sophia, joined STS in Grade 4. She has always loved learning but in two short years, STS has helped stretch her boundaries to become an enthusiastic learner in the areas of physical education, outdoor education and public speaking. Sophia is quick to remind her parents that she never wants to leave STS and looks forward to being part of the graduating class of 2022.If you ask current parents and alumni what the most important variable is in education, most would respond by saying the teachers make STS a special place. STS attracts a special brand of faculty from around the globe who mirror the STS mission and values and IB and Round Square principles. In addition, STS expects our faculty to be coaches, take students on service

trips, lead experiential learning outdoors and imbed the mission and curriculum throughout these activities. Patti and Dino credit Sophia’s love of learning to the STS teachers. When asked about their family’s

motivation to support Teaching Excellence, Dino says, “Continuing education for teachers is critical if you want to maintain teaching excellence at STS. The pace of change in modern society is dramatic, and educators need the opportunity to stay current on

teaching methods and philosophies in order to keep students motivated and excited to learn.”The DeLuca Family recognizes that STS teachers are integral to the STS brand of excellence. They want to support STS’ vision to attract, develop and retain the very best faculty. Investing in professional development, action research, and hosting speakers and conferences will help achieve the strategic goal of positioning STS as a Centre for Excellence in teaching.Patti says “Faculty, students, parents and alumni create the culture and reputation of STS. We love the School and what it has done, and will do, for Sophia. We feel an obligation to give back to our community in a manner that is important to our family, close friends and our personal values. STS’ focus on teaching excellence meets this criteria and we are happy to support it.”

John Francis ’47 is grateful for a lifetime of friendships, work re-lationships and association with Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School. In recognition of the place STS holds for John, he and his wife Lois have established the John Francis ’47 Scholarship with a $100,000 en-dowment to offer financial assis-tance to deserving students.“I would not be the same person without my Strathcona education. For me it was Headmaster Alfred Howard who set me on the right path. Mr. Howard was a genuine,

decent man who set manageable goals for each of us to achieve. He taught us to respect each other. He taught us about sportsmanship. And he prepared us for higher education and promises for career success.” “Mr. Howard’s example was ably carried on by my classmate Sandy Heard who served as Headmaster during the years of growth and expansion, and by succeeding Heads of School.” “Throughout my 73-year connec-tion with STS, I have been privileged

to know and encourage many stu-dents as they progressed through STS. I have admired their achieve-ments. Our society is richer for their contribution in their chosen profes-sions, as community volunteers, and in the arts and sports worlds.” When John learned that STS is raising funds for needs-based scholarships, he decided, “That’s for me - and I hope others will join me in opening the door for worthy students.”

of the School. They are committed to enhancing the STS community through volunteering and philan-thropic support.

Sloan and her sisters, Tara ’85 and Kimber ’88, were students in the 70s and 80s when the facilities consisted of the Elementary Wing, Rotunda and the OE buildings (originally used as classrooms and positioned where the theatre is now). The exceptional facilities which students enjoy today were funded exclusively by philanthropy by earlier generations of donors. Sloan believes “It is our turn to replenish the facilities to ensure STS can deliver the program our dedi-cated faculty and talented students desire.”Sloan and Alec are active volun-teers and have made a major gift

to the Campaign. Their pledge of $250,000 has been designated to facilities to create the learning environment that optimizes learning and supports the breadth of cre-ative expression. “Like many of you, we feel so fortunate that our family has been able to benefit from what STS has to offer. We love the School, its commitment to excellence, and the vast opportunities it has given our children as they venture out into the world. It’s important to us that we help the School build on that experience for future students. Please join us in making STS a philanthropic priority, to the best of your individual abilities.”

Dino DeLuca and Patti Simpson, parents of Sophia ‘22

Alec Clark and Sloan Pipella-Clark ’81, parents of Maclean ’14 and Lochlyn ’17

John Francis ’47

INSPIRING VOLUNTEER LEADERSHIPSTS, like all independent schools, has been built and sustained by generations of philanthropic investments. All the facilities enjoyed by our current students, for both curricular and co-curricular pursuits, have been funded by previous generations of donors, the last of which were asked to give in 1999. Jan Waterous and Mike Jackson have had a firm hand on the tiller of guiding STS’ strategic planning, identifying educational priorities to enhance the STS experience and fundraising. Dr. Jones is pleased they have agreed to Co-Chair the fundraising campaign. “Jan and Mike have provided stalwart leadership throughout the quiet phase of the campaign and given inspiring gifts themselves. They are the perfect duo to Co-Chair the Inspiring Possibilities Campaign.”

“STS has been the ‘village’ that has helped to raise each of my three children. My husband Adam and I are forever grateful for the academic and co-curricular opportunities each of our children have been afforded and are particularly appreciative of the teaching excellence and personal support each child has received. We give our gift to STS in this spirit of gratitude.” Jan Waterous, Campaign Co-Chair

“As Governors - we are all in! As volunteers, we have all made STS a philanthropic priority today. We invite you to join us in donating to our vision of the Inspiring Possibilities Campaign to make our STS even better. Mike Jackson, Campaign Co-Chair

The following dedicated volunteers provided invaluable advice and direction during the important planning phase of our fundraising campaign. Thank you for setting us up for further success.

Jan Waterous – ChairIan BeddisPam Heard ‘73Lisa Itzcovitch

Mike JacksonScott KirkerMarilyn McCaigJack Schneider ‘90



Dinnie BakerExecutive Director of Advancement and Community Relations 403-938-8317

Caroline BanadarDirector of 403-938-8344

Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School Foundation Campaign Newsletter | September 2015

HELP US GROW!Philanthropy helps make

our best even better!

Campaign Pledgesare significant in size, often span several years, and provide meaningful support to advance the Inspiring Possibilities campaign.

Black Watchis a fundraising event organized by POSTS in the spring.

Annual Givingis foundational to STS, where donors start giving and give at all thresholds every year.


Remember,Goal: $27 millionRaised: $20 millionYour gifts help us achieve our inspiring vision to make our best even better!
